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Integrability of exit times and ballisti ity for random walks in Diri hlet environment 1 Laurent Tournier We prove an equivalent ondition of integrability for Green fun tions and the exit time of random walks in randomDiri hlet environmenton (cid:28)nite digraphs, and apply this result to improvethe ballisti ity riterion given byEnriquez and Sabot in [EnSa06℄. 8 0 0 1 Introdu tion 2 n a Sin e their introdu tion in the 70's, models of random walks in random environment have mostly been J studied in the one dimensional ase. Using spe i(cid:28) features of this setting, like the reversibility of the 8 Markov hain, Solomon [So75℄ set a (cid:28)rst milestone by proving simple expli it ne essary and su(cid:30) ient 1 onditions for transien e, andalaw of large numbers. In ontrast, the multidimensional situation isstill ] poorlyunderstood. A(cid:28)rstgeneraltransien e riterionwasprovided byKalikow[Ka81℄,whi hSznitman R and Zerner [SzZe99℄ later proved to imply ballisti ity as well. Under an additional uniform ellipti ity P . hypothesis, Sznitman ([Sz01℄, [Sz04℄) ould weaken this ballisti ity riterion, butnot mu h progress was h made sin e then about the deli ate question of sharpening transien e or ballisti ity riterions. t a m Another approa h onsists in deriving expli it onditions in more spe i(cid:28) random environments. [ Amongthem,Diri hletenvironments, (cid:28)rststudiedbyEnriquezandSabotin[EnSa06℄,appearasanatu- ral hoi ebe auseoftheir onne tionwithorientededgelinearlyreinfor edrandomwalks( f.[EnSa02℄). 1 v Another interest in this ase omes from the existen e of algebrai relations involving Green fun tions. 5 These allowed Enriquez and Sabot to show that Kalikow's riterion is satis(cid:28)ed under some simple 7 8 ondition, thus proving ballisti behaviour, and to give estimates of the limiting velo ity. 2 De(cid:28)ning Kalikow's riterion raises the problem of integrability of Green fun tions on (cid:28)nite subsets. . 1 While this property is very easily veri(cid:28)ed for a uniformly ellipti environment, it is no longer the ase 0 8 in the Diri hlet situation. In [EnSa06℄, the ondition on the environment allowed for a qui k proof, and 0 the general ase remained unanswered. : v The main aim of this arti le is to state and prove a simple ne essary and su(cid:30) ient ondition of i X integrability of these Green fun tions in Diri hlet environment on general dire ted graphs. Integrability r onditionsforexittimesaretheneasilydedu ed. The"su(cid:30) ien y"partoftheproofisthemoredeli ate. a It pro edes by indu tion on thesize of thegraph by going through an interesting quotienting pro edure. This sharpening of the integrability riterion, along with an additional tri k, allows us to prove a re(cid:28)ned version of Enriquez and Sabot's ballisti ity riterion. The ondition of non integrability may also prove useful in further analysis of random walks in Diri hlet environment. Indeed, (cid:28)nite subsets with non integrable exit times play the role of "strong traps" for the walk. As a simple example, one an prove that the existen e of su h a subset implies a null limiting velo ity. Next se tion introdu es the notations, states the results and various orollaries. Se tion 3 ontains the proofs of the main result and orollary. Finally, se tion 4 proves the generalization of Enriquez and Sabot's riterion. 1 Université de Lyon ; université Lyon 1 ; Institut Camille Jordan CNRS UMR 5208 ; 43, boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex. E-mail : tourniermath.univ-lyon1.fr - 1 - 2 De(cid:28)nitions and statement of the results 2.1 Diri hlet distribution I Let us (cid:28)rst re all a few useful properties of the usual Diri hlet distribution. Let be a (cid:28)nite set. The I Prob(I) set of probability distributions on is denoted by : Prob(I) = (p ) ∈ RI p = 1 . i i∈I + i∈I i (cid:8) (cid:12) P (cid:9) (αi)i∈I (cid:12) (αi)i∈I Given a family of positive real numbers, the Diri hlet distributionof parameter is the D((α ) ) Prob(I) I i i∈I probability distribution on (the set of probability distributions on ) of density : Γ( α ) (x ) 7→ i∈I i xαi−1 ∗ i i∈I Γ(α ) i ( ) iP∈I i i∈I Y Q dx i I Prob(I) with respe t to the Lebesgue measure i6=i0 i (where 0 is any element of ) on the simplex . (p ,p ) D(α,β) p 1 2 1 Noti e that if is a random vaQriable sampled a ording to distribution , then is a (α,β) (p ,...,p ) 1 n Beta variable of paramDet(eαr,...,α. A)n easy omi =pu1ta,t.i.o.n,nshows that if pis a randαiom v.ariable sampled a ording to 1 n then, for , the expe ted value of i is 1≤j≤nαj P The following two important properties are simple onsequen es of the representation of a Diri h- let random variable as a renormalized ve tor of independent gamma random variables ( f. for in- (p ) D((α ) ) i i∈I i i∈I stan e [Wi63℄). Let be a random variable distributed a ording to . Then : I ,...,I I p (Asso iativity) Let 1 n be a partition of . The random variable i∈Ik i k∈{1,...,n} on Prob({1,...,n}) follows the Diri hlet distribution D(( i∈Ik αi)1≤k≤n). (cid:16)P (cid:17) P J I pi Prob(J) (Restri tion) Let be a nonempty subset of . The random variable j∈Jpj i∈J on D((α ) ) (cid:16)Pp (cid:17) follows the Diri hlet distribution i i∈J and is independent of j∈J j (whi h follows a Beta B( α , α ) distribution j∈J j j∈/J j due to the asso iativity propertyP). P P 2.2 De(cid:28)nition of the model G = (V,E,head,tail) In order todeal with multiple edges, we de(cid:28)ne a dire ted graphasaquadruplet V E G where and are twohesaedts:weh7→osee elemteanitls:aer7→e reespe tivEely Valled the veert∈i Ees and edges of , endowed with two maps and from to . An edge is thought of as an e e x oriented link from (tail) to (head), and the usual de(cid:28)nitions apply. Thus, a vertex is onne ted y G x y e ,...,e 1 n to a vertex in if there is an oriented path from to , i.e. a sequen e of edges with e = e k = 1,...,n−1 e = x e = y G = (V,E) k k+1 1 n for , and . For brevity, we usually only write , the e e e tail and head of an edge being always denoted by and . G = (V ∪{∂},E) ∂ In the following, we will usually deal with graphs possessing a emetery vertex . In this ase, we always suppose that : ∂ E (i) is a dead end: no edge in exits this vertex, and random walks remain stu k at this point on e they have rea hed it ; ∂ (ii) every vertex is onne ted to . - 2 - G = (V ∪ {∂},E) x ∈ V P x Let be su h a graph. For all , let designate the set of probability x distributions on the set of edges originating at : {e∈E|e=x} P = (p ) ∈ R p = 1 . x e e∈E,e=x + e∈E,e=x e n (cid:12) o (cid:12) P Then the set of environments is Ω = x∈V Px ⊂ RE. W(cid:12)e will denote by ω = (ωe)e∈E the anoni al Ω random variable on . Q α~ =(α ) G e e∈E Given a family of positive weights indexed by the set of edges of , one an then de(cid:28)ne α~ Ω = P Diri hlet distribution on environments of parameter : this distribution on x∈V x is the P x∈ V x produ t measure of Diri hlet distributions on ea h of the , : Q P= P(α~) = D((α ) ). e e∈E, e=x x∈V O Note that this distribution does not satisfy the usual uniform ellipti ity ondition: there is no positive P ω e onstant bounding -almost surely the transition probabilities from above. Zd In the ase of , we always onsider translation invariant distributions of environments, hen e the 2d (α ) V = e e∈V parameters are identi al at ea h vertex and we only need to be given a -uplet where e ∈ Zd |e| = 1 . (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) ω ∈ Ω x ∈ V Px,ω For an(cid:12)y environment , and , we denote by the law of the Markov hain starting at x ω (X ) V n n≥0 with transition probabilities given by , and by the anoni al pro ess on . The annealed x∈ V G law starting at is then the following averaged distribution on random walks on : P (·) = P (·)P(dω) = E[P (·)]. x x,ω x,ω Z The asso iativity property of the Diri hlet distribution allows to redu e graphs with multiple edges G′ = (V,E′) G between two verti es to simple-edged ones. Consider indeed the graph dedu ed from by α e′ repla ing multiple (oriented) edges by single ones bearing weights equal to the sum of the weights G P ω of the edges they repla e. On , the quen hed laws x0,ω depend only on the sums e=x,e=y e for x,y ∈ V P and, thanks to asso iativity, the joint law under of these sums is the Diri hPlet distribution G′ G G′ relative to the graph . Hen e the annealed laws on and are the same and, for the problems G′ G we are on erned with, we may use instead of . We may therefore assume that, unless otherwise (x,y) expli itly stated, all graphs to be onsidered do not have multiple edges. We then denote by the x y ω(x,y) ω (x,y) edge from to , and we usually write instead of . T = inf {n ≥1| (X ,X ) ∈/ A} A ⊂ E T = A n−1 n U We will need the following stopping times: for , inf {n≥ 0| X ∈/ U} U ⊂ V x H = inf {n ≥ 0| X = x} H = n x n x for and, for every vertex , and inf {n≥ 1| X = x} n . f N (X ) y y n n≥0 Iftherandomvariable denotesthenumberofvisitsof atsite ,thentheGreen fun tion Gω ω of the random walk in the environment is given by: x,y ∈ V Gω(x,y) = E [N ] = P (X = y). x,ω y x,ω n for all , n≥0 X Gω(x,y) P x,y ∈ V Due to the assumptions (i) and (ii), is -almost surely (cid:28)nite for all . The question P α~ we are on erned with is the integrability of these fun tions under , a ording to the value of . - 3 - 2.3 Integrability onditions α e e The main quantity involved in our onditions is the sum of the oe(cid:30) ients over the edges exiting A E some set. Let us give a few last notations about sets of edges. For every subset of , de(cid:28)ne: A = {e| e ∈ A} ⊂ V, A = {e| e ∈ A} ⊂ V, A = {e| e ∈ A}∪ {e| e∈ A} ⊂ V, ∂ A = {e ∈ E\A| e∈ A} ⊂ E, E A and the sum of the oe(cid:30) ients of the edges "exiting ": β = α . A e e∈X∂EA A x,y ∈ A x y A is said to be strongly onne ted if, for all , is onne ted to in , i.e. there is an x y A (oriented) path from to through edges in . Our main result is the following: G= (V ∪{∂},E) α~ = (α ) e e∈E Theorem 1. (cid:21) Let be a (cid:28)nite dire ted graph and a family of positive real P α~ o ∈ V s > 0 numbers. We denote by the Diri hlet distribution with parameter . Let . For every , the following statements are equivalent: E[Gω(o,o)s]< ∞ (i) ; A E o ∈ A β > s A (ii) for every strongly onne ted subset of su h that , . (x,y) ∈ E (y,x) ∈ E Undire ted graphs are dire ted graphs where edges ome in pair: if , then as V S ⊂ V well. In this ase, the previous result translates into a statement on subsets of . For any , we β S S denote by the sum of the oe(cid:30) ients of the edges "exiting ": β = α . S e e∈S, e∈/S X A E S = A β ≤ β A S A For any strongly onne ted subset of , if , we have and equality holds if ontains E A every edge in linking verti es of and if the graph ontains no loop (i.e. no edge exiting from and heading to the same vertex). This remark yields: G = (V ∪{∂},E) (α ) e e∈E Theorem 2. (cid:21) Let be a (cid:28)nite undire ted graph without loop and a family of P o ∈ V positive real numbers. We denote by the orresponding Diri hlet distribution. Let . For every s > 0 , the following statements are equivalent: E[Gω(o,o)s]< ∞ (i) ; S V {o} ( S β > s S (ii) for all onne ted subsets of su h that , . Zd A In parti ular, we get the ase of i.i.d. environments in . Noti ing that the non-empty subsets Zd β A of edges of with smallest "exit sum" are the sets ontaining one single edge, the result may be restated like this: α~ = (α ) P e e∈V Theorem 3. (cid:21) Let be a family of positive real numbers. We denote by the translation Zd α~ U Zd invariant Diri hlet distribution on environments on dedu ed from . Let be a (cid:28)nite subset of . Σ = α s > 0 Set e∈V e. Then for every , the following assertions are equivalent: P - 4 - x∈ U E[Gω(x,x)s]< ∞ (i) for all , ; e∈ V x ∈U x+e∈ U 2Σ > α +α +s e −e (ii) every edge su h that there is with satis(cid:28)es: . Assumingthehypothesisoftheorem1relativelytoallverti esinsteadofonlyoneprovidesinformation about exit times: G = (V ∪{∂},E) (α ) e e∈E Corollary 4. (cid:21) Let be a (cid:28)nite dire ted strongly onne ted graph and a s > 0 family of positive real numbers. For every , the following properties are equivalent: x E[E [T ]s]< ∞ x,ω V (i) for every vertex , ; x E[Gω(x,x)s] < ∞ (ii) for every vertex , ; A E β > s A (iii) every non-empty strongly onne ted subset of satis(cid:28)es ; x E[E [T ]s]< ∞ x,ω V (iv) there is a vertex su h that . And in the undire ted ase: G= (V ∪{∂},E) (α ) e e∈E Corollary 5. (cid:21) Let a (cid:28)nite onne ted undire ted graph without loop, and a s > 0 family of positive real numbers. For every , the following properties are equivalent: x E[E [T ]s]< ∞ x,ω V (i) for every vertex , ; x E[Gω(x,x)s] < ∞ (ii) for every vertex , ; S V ≥ 2 β > s S (iii) every onne ted subset of of ardinality satis(cid:28)es ; x E[E [T ]s]< ∞ x,ω V (iv) there is a vertex su h that . Ballisti ity riterion Zd d≥ 1 We now onsider the ase of random walks in i.i.d. Diri hlet environment on , . (e ,...,e ) Zd V = e∈ Zd |e| = 1 (α ) 1 d e e∈V Let denote the anoni al basis of , and . Let be positive α α α α i= 1,...,d numbers. We will write either i or ei, and −i or −ei, (cid:8) (cid:12). (cid:9) (cid:12) Enriquez and Sabot proved ballisti behaviour of the random walk in Diri hlet environment as soon max |α −α | > 1 l∞ l1 1≤i≤d i −i as . Our improvement repla es -norm by -norm: d X n |α − α | > 1 v 6= 0 P → v, i −i 0 n Theorem 6. (cid:21) If , then there exists su h that, -a.s., n and the i=1 P following bound holds: Σ 1 v− d ≤ , m Σ−1 Σ−1 (cid:12) (cid:12)1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Σ = α d = d α(cid:12)i−α−ie (cid:12) |X| = where e∈V e, m i=1 (cid:12) Σ i is the(cid:12) drift in the averaged environment, and 1 d |X ·e | X ∈ Rd i=1 i Pfor any . P P - 5 - 3 Proof of the main result Let us (cid:28)rst give a few words on the proof of theorem 1. Proving this integrability ondition amounts P(Gω(o,o) > t) to bound the tail probability from below and above. In order to get the lower bound, we exhibit an event onsisting of environments preventing the walk fromexitingeasilyfromagivensubset;thisfor esthemeanexittimeofthissubsettobelarge. However, o getting a large number of returns to the starting vertex requires an additional tri k: one needs to o ontrol from below the probability of some paths leading ba k to . The key fa t here is the basi remark that at, at ea h vertex, there is at least one exiting edge whose transition probability is greater than the inverse number of neighbours of that vertex. By restri ting the probability spa e to an event where, at ea h vertex, this (random) edge is (cid:28)xed, we thus ompensate for the non uniform ellipti ity P of and get the required bound. The upper bound is more elaborate. First, using a method based on the above mentioned key fa t, C(ω) o ∈ C(ω) o ∂ C(ω) we de(cid:28)ne a random subset of edges su h that , either or belongs to , and the C(ω) c random walk an easily onne t points through : there is a positive onstant (depending only G x∈ C(ω) y ∈ C(ω) on ) su h that, for all distin t points and , we have P (H < H ∧T )> c. x,ω y x C(ω) (1) ∂ ∈ C(ω) Gω(o,o) = 1/P (eH < H ) ≤ 1/c o,ω ∂ o Note that if , then and the desired tail probability is o∈ C(ω) C(ω) trivial. Suppose now to the ontrary that . Bound (1) shows that a visit to any point of o Gω(oe,o) is likely to be followed up with a visit to . Hen e is on the order of the average total time C(ω) H C(ω) ∂ spent in before . This total time de omposes into the sum of the time spent in between C(ω) ex ursions out of . On the other hand, bound (1) shows as well that the average exit time out of C(ω) C(ω) 1/Σ Σ = ω (from any vertex of ) is on the order of where e∈∂EC(ω) e. It should then be Gω(o,o) Gω(o,o)/Σ no surprise that an be bounded from above by P(up to a onstant fa tor), where G G e C(ω) we introdu ed the quotient graph of obtained by ontra ting the edges of to a new vertex o ω G e e , and is a suitable environment on . This inequality almost redu es the problem to a smaller e ω graph. Using properties of Diri hlet distributions, we are able to repla e by a Diri hlet environment e e e (lemma 8) and (cid:28)nally to arry out the indu tion argument. Note that the proof below is written in Po,ω(H∂ < Ho) 1/Gω(o,o) e terms of the probability , whi h is just . e First impli ation (lower bound) A E o ∈ A β ≤ 1 A We suppose there exists a strongly onne ted subset of su h that and . We shall E[Gω(o,o)] = ∞ Gω prove the stronger statement that A where A is the Green fun tion of the random walk ω A in the environment killed when exiting . ε > 0 E = {∀e ∈∂ A, ω ≤ ε} E Let . De(cid:28)ne the event ε E e∈∂EA, e=x e . On ε, one has: P 1 E [T ] ≥ . o,ω A ε n ∈ N∗ Indeed, by Markov property, for all , P (T > n)= E [T >n−1,P (T > 1)] ≥ P (T >n−1)minP (T > 1) o,ω A o,ω A Xn−1,ω A o,ω A x,ω A x∈A - 6 - E x∈ A= A P (T > 1) ≥ 1−ε ε x,ω A and, on , for all , , hen e: P (T > n)≥ P (T > n−1)(1−ε) ≥ ··· ≥ P (T > 0)(1−ε)n = (1−ε)n. o,ω A o,ω A o,ω A Therefore, ∞ ∞ E [T ]= E[E [T ]] = P(E [T ]≥ t)dt ≥ P(E )dt. o A o,ω A o,ω A 1/t Z0 Z0 P(E ) ∼ CεβA C ∗ ε ε→0 Finally, we have where is a positive onstant (as an be seen from de(cid:28)nition ( ) β ≤ 1 E [T ] = ∞ T = N N of Diri hlet distribution), and A , so that o A . As A x∈A A,x, where A,x is the x T x ∈ A ∞ = E [N ] = E[Gω(o,x)] number of visits at before A, there exists a vertex su h thatP o A,x A . Gω(o,x) ≤Gω(x,x) E[Gω(x,x)] = ∞ The inequality A A then yields A . Gω(o,o) In order toget the result on A , we have to re(cid:28)ne thisproof by onsidering anevent where there x o is a path from to whose transition probability is uniformly bounded from below. P ω G~(ω) Toe -almost every environment6= ∂, one an asso iate the subsetωo(fe)edges e ∈onG~ta(ωin)ing only one edge exiting from every vertex , namely the one maximizing . Then, if : 1 ω ≥ , e n e n x∈ V κ x where Gis the numberxof neighbours of y . In parti ular, thereπis a pG~o(sωit)ive onPstan(tπ) ≥depκending x,ω only on su h that, if is onne ted to through a (simple) path in then . A E T o The stronglyF onne ted s{uG~b(sωet) =oTf} posωses∈seFs at least one spannAing tree oriented towoardsG~.(ωL)et us denote by the event (for , every vertex of is then onne ted to in ). P(E ∩F)≥ P(E ∩{∀e∈ T,ω > 1/2}) ∼ CεβA C ε ε e ε→0 One still has , where is a positive onstant. Then, β ≤ 1 A like previously, be ause : ∞ ∞ E[E [T ],F] = P(E [T ] ≥ t,F)dt ≥ P(E ∩F)dt = +∞, o,ω A o,ω A 1/t Z0 Z0 x ∈ A E[Gω(o,x),F] = ∞ E[Gω(x,x),F] = ∞ and subsequently there exists su h that A , hen e A . Now, l κ > 0 ω ∈ F P (X = o) ≥ κ x,ω l there is an integer and a real number su h that, if , , whi h implies, on F , thanks to Markov property: 1 1 Gω(x,x) ≤ Gω(x,o) ≤ Gω(o,o). A κ A κ A Gω(x,x) = P (X = x,H > k) ≤ 1P (X = o,H > k+l) ≤ 1Gω(x,o) (indeed, A k≥0 x,ω k ∂ k≥0 κ x,ω k+l ∂ κ A ) Therefore we get: P 1 P 1 E[Gω(x,x),F] ≤ E[Gω(o,o),F] ≤ E[Gω(o,o)], A κ A κ A E[Gω(o,o)] = ∞ and (cid:28)nally A . Converse impli ation (upper bound) The proof of the other impli ation pro edes by indu tion on the number of edges of the graph, through quotienting by an appropriate subset of edges. A G = (V,E,head,tail) Definition. (cid:21) If isa strongly onne ted subset of edges of a graph , the quotient G A a G G A graph of obtained by ontra ting to is the graph dedu ed from by deleting the edges of , e e - 7 - A a E \A repla ing all the verti es of by one new vertex , and modifying the endpoints of the edges of G E \A a ordingly. Thus the set of edges of is naturally in bije tion with and an be thought of as a E e subset of . e G = (V,E,h]ead,tail) V = (V \A)∪{a} a E = E \A In other words, where ( being a new vertex), π V V π = id π(x) = a x∈ A h]ead = π◦head |V\A and, if denotes the proje tion from to (i.e. and if ), tail = π◦tail e E =e Ee\A g e e e e and on . Noti e thaet this quotient may well introedu e multiple edges. C(ω) A Legt us (cid:28)rst des ribe ethe onstru tion of the subset about to play the role oG~f (ω)in the de(cid:28)nition. This subset of "easily visited edges" extends the idea underlying the de(cid:28)nition of in the previous proof. e = (x ,y ),...,e = (x ,y ) 1 1 1 n n n We de(cid:28)ne indu tively a (cid:28)nite sequen e of edges in the following way: y = o e ,...,e e E 0 1 k−1 k letting , if have been de(cid:28)ned, then is the edge in whi h maximizes the exit C = {e ,...,e } y k 1 k−1 k−1 distribution out of starting at : e 7→ P ((X ,X )= e), yk−1,ω TCk−1 TCk n ≥ 1 y ∈ {o,∂} e n k and is the least index su h that . In words, the edge is, among the edges exiting the C (ω) k set of already visited edges, the one maximizing the probability for a random walk starting at y C (ω) e o ∂ k−1 k k to exit through it; and the onstru tion ends as soon as an edge heads at or . Noti e C = ∅ T = 1 y ∈/ {x ,...,x } e 1 C1 k−1 1 k−1 k eth7→atω , hen e , anyd moree generally if G~(ω) ,ythen maximizes in fa t e k−1 k k−1 among the edges exiting : is the edge of originating at . The assumption that ∂ C (ω) k ≤ n k ea h vertex is onne ted to guarantees the existen e of an exit edge out of for , and the G n (cid:28)niteness of ensures that exists: the pro edure ends. We set: C(ω) = C = {e ,...,e }. n+1 1 n C(ω) Note that the maximizing edges, and thus , are well de(cid:28)ned up to a zero Lebesgue measure set. ω 7→ C(ω) C = C ∪C o ∂ The support of the distribution of writes as a disjoint union depending on o ∂ C(ω) C ∈ C E {C(ω)= C} C whether or belongs to . For any , we let be the event . On su h an event, we an get uniform lower bounds on some probabilities, as if a uniform ellipti ity property held: c > 0 C ∈ C x ∈ C \{o} Proposition 7. (cid:21) There exists a onstant su h that, for all , for all , for all ω ∈ E C , P (H < H ∧T )≥ c. o,ω x o C ω ∈ EC k = 1,...,n e ek E ∂ECk Proof. Let . For , due to the hoi e of as a maximizer over (or ), we have: 1 P ((X ,X )= e ) ≥ κ = . yk−1,ω TCk−1 TCk k |E| y 6=o k < n k k = n y =∂ k n As as soon as , we dedu e, for su h , and for if : P (H < H ∧T )≥ P (X = y )≥ κ. yk−1,ω yk o C yk−1,ω TCk k x∈ Cf= {y ,...,y } x6= o 1 n Then, by Markov property, for any , if , P (H < H ∧T ) ≥ κn ≥ c = κ|E|. o,ω x o C (cid:3) f n ≥ 1 Let us now prove the upper bound itself. We prove the following property by indu tion on : - 8 - n G = (V ∪{∂},E) n Indu tion hypothesis (at rank ) - For every dire ted graph possessing at most ∂ (α ) e e∈E edges (and su h that every vertex is onne ted to ), for every parameter family and every vertex o ∈ V C,r > 0 ε > 0 , there exist real numbers su h that, for small , P(P (H < H )≤ ε) ≤ Cεβ(−lnε)r, o,ω ∂ o β = min {βA| A e E o∈ A} where is a strongly onne ted subset of and . |E| = 1 o ∂ o ∂ P (H < o,ω ∂ Initialization: if (and is onne ted to ), the only edge links to , so that H ) = 1 β o , and the property is true (with any positive ). n ≥ 1 n G = (V ∪{∂},E) eLet . We suppose the indu tion hypothesis to be true at rank . Let be a n+1 ∂ o ∈ V (α ) e e∈E graph with edges (su h that every vertex is onne ted to ), let , and be positive G ω 7→ C(ω) real numbers. We apply to the onstru tion of des ribed before and use the notations thereof. C(⊂ P(E)) Be ause of the (cid:28)niteness of , it will be su(cid:30) ient to prove the upper bound separately on E C ∈ C C ea h of the events . Let . C ∈ C ∂ ∈ C c > 0 E P (H < H ) ≥ c ∂ C o,ω ∂ o If , then , and the propositionabove provides su h that, on , ε > 0 hen e, for small , P(P (H < H )≤ ε, E ) = 0. e o,ω ∂ o C C ∈ C C e E o Thereforewemayassume . Then isastrongly onne tedsubsetof (duetothe onstru tion C C method, for every pair of verti es of , the (cid:28)rst en ountered one an be onne ted in to the se ond o c > 0 one; and is en ountered both (cid:28)rst and last), and proposition 7 provides a onstant su h that x ∈C \{o} ω ∈ E C for any and , P (H < H ∧H )≥ c. o,ω x ∂ o G = (V =(V\C)∪{∂,oe},E=E\C,h]ead,tail) We onsiderthequotientgraph obtainedby ontra ting C o E E Ω G to a new vertex . Be ause is a subset of , we may endow the set of environments on with the Diri hlet distribution of parameeter (eαe)e∈E, again deenoteed by P. We mgay as well introdu e another e e P ω e e distribeu∈tiEon, naem∈/el∂y tChe law untdaeilr(e)o6=f tohe queotieωnt=enωvironmentω de(cid:28)ned thefollowing way: for every E e e edge , if (i.e. if ), then , where is the anoni al random variable on Ω e ∈∂EC e , and if , then: ω e g e ωe= e, e Σ e Σ = ω G G where e∈∂EC e. Inthefollowing, weshalelsometimeswriteanexponent or ontheprobability P x,ω to indiP ate whi h graph we onsider. e C G G n The edges in do not appear in anymore. In parti ular, has stri tly less than edges. In order o ∂ to apply indu tion with respe t to the point , it su(cid:30) es to he k that ea h vertex is onne ted to , e G e whi h resultseasily from the similar property for . As the indu tion hypothesis applies to graphs with β βe simple edges, we denote by the exponent " " in the indu tion hypothesis orresponding now to the G o graph on e its multiple edges have been simpli(cid:28)ed (see page 3) and to . Then, using the indu tion e ε > 0 hypothesis, we have, for small : e e P(PG (H < H )≤ ε) ≤ Cεβ(−lnε)r, o,ω ∂ o (2) e e e e C,r > 0 e G where , and the left-hand side may equivalently refer to the graph or to its simple-edged version, as explained earlier. e - 9 - G G ω We need to ome ba k from to . First it will be easier to do so with the environment . Noti e o ∂ o C that, from , one way for the walk to rea h without oming ba k to onsists in exiting without o e ∂ C P(G) eEC oming ba k to and then rea hing without oming ba k to . Thus we have, -a.s. on : P (H < H ) ≥ P (H < H ∧T ,H < H +H ◦Θ ) o,ω ∂ o o,ω x o C ∂ x C Hx x∈C e X e e e = P (H < H ∧T )P (H < H ) o,ω x o C x,ω ∂ C x∈C X e e ≥ c P (H < H ) x,ω ∂ C x∈C X e = cΣ·P (H < H ) o,ω ∂ o ee e e where the last equality omes from the de(cid:28)nition of the quotient : both quantities orrespond to the G G x ∈ C P x,ω same set of paths viewed in and in , and, for all , -almost every path belonging to the {H < H } C Σ ∂ C event ontains exa tly one edge exiting from so that the renormalization by appears ω e exa tly on e when onsidering . e c′ > 0 Thus, for some , we havee: P(PG (H < H ) ≤ ε, E )≤ P(Σ·PG (H < H ) ≤ c′ε, E ). o,ω ∂ o C o,ω ∂ o C e ee e e e ω Remarkthat doesnotfollowaDiri hletdistributionbe auseoftherenormalization. We anhowever redu e to the Diri hlet situation and thus pro ede to indu tion. This is the aim of the following lemma, e inspired by the restri tion property of se tion 2.1. For readibility and tra tability reasons, we only state and prove it in the ase of two Diri hlet random variables, though the generalization is fairly straightforward: (p ,...,p ) (p′,...,p′ ) P Lemma 8. (cid:21) Let 1 k+1 and 1 l+1 be random variables following, under the probability , α~ α~′ Σ = p +...+p +p′ +...+p′ Diri hlet laws of respe tive parameters and . We set 1 k 1 l. Then there C > 0 f : Rk+l+1 → R exists su h that, for every positive measurable fun tion , p p p′ p′ E f Σ, 1,..., k, 1,..., l ≤ C ·E f(Σ,p ,...,p ,p′ ,...,p′ ) , Σ Σ Σ Σ 1 k 1 l (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) h i P (p ,...,p ,p′ ,...,p′ ) e e e e e e 1 k 1 l wetheerre(α, u1,n.d.e.r,tαhke,pαr′1o,b.a.b.i,liαty′l), ,Σ is bounded and satis(cid:28)eisssPa(mΣpl<edεfr)o≤maCD′εiαri1 +h·l·e·+tαdki+stαr′1ib+u··t·+ioαn′loffopraervaemry- ε > 0 e e e e e , and these two variables are independent. e e e β = α β′ = α′ (·) (·) Proof. We set k+1 and l+1. Writing the index i instead of 1≤i≤k and the same way j l with and , the left-hand side of the statement equals: x y i j f x + y , , φ((x ) ,(y ) ) dx dy , { xi≤1,  i j x + y x + y  i i j j i j Z Piyj ≤1} Xi Xj i i j j!i i i j j!j Yi Yj Pj  P P P P  c φ((x ) ,(y ) ) = c xαi−1 (1 − x )β yα′j−1 (1 − y )β′ where for some positive 0, i i j j 0(cid:18) i i (cid:19) i i j j ! j j . We Q x 7→ uP= xQ+ y Px 7→ x = xi su essively pro ede to the following hanges of variable : 1 i i j j, then i i u P P e - 10 -

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