Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1084 Edited by G. Goos, J. Hartmanis and J. van Leeuwen Advisory Board: W. Brauer D. Gries J. Stoer William .H Cunningham .S Thomas McCormick Maurice Queyranne ).sdE( regetnI gnimmargorP dna lairotanibmoC noitazimitpO 5th International IPCO Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada June 3-5, 1996 Proceedings r e g ~ n i r p S Series Editors Gerhard Goos, Karlsruhe University, Germany Juris Hartmanis, Cornell University, ,YN USA Jan van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Volume Editors William H. Cunningham University of Waterloo, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl, Canada S.Thomas McCormick Maurice Queyranne University of British Columbia Faculty of Commerce and BusinessAdministration Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T lZ2 Canada Cataloging-in-Publication data applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Integer programming and combinatorial optimization : proceedings / 5th International IPCO Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 1996. William H. Cunningham ... (ed.). - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona ; Budapest ; Hong Kong ; London ; Milan ; Paris ; Santa Clara ; Singapore ; Tokyo (cid:12)9 Springer, 1996 (Lecture notes in computer science ; Vol. )4801 ISBN 3-540-61310-2 NE: Cunningham, William H. Hrsg.; International IPCO Conference <5, 1996, Vancouver, British Columbia>; GT CR Subject Classification (1991): G.!.6, G.2.1-2, E2.2 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90Cxx, 65Kxx, 05-06, 90-06 ISBN 3-540-61310-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer -Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. (cid:14)9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996 Printed in Germany Typesetting: Camera-ready by author SPIN 10513071 06/3142 - 5 4 3 2 1 0 Printed on acid-free paper Preface This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at IPCO V, the Fifth Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference, Vancouver, June 3-5, 1996. The IPCO series of conferences highlights recent developments in theory, computation, and applications of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. These conferences are sponsored by the Mathematical Programming Society, and are held in the years in which no International Symposium on Mathemat- ical Programming takes place. Earlier IPCO conferences were held in Waterloo (Ontario) in May 1990; Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) in May 1992; Erice (Sicily) in April 1993; and Copenhagen (Denmark) in May 1995. See the article ;'History and Scope of IPCO", by Karen Aardal, Ravi Kannan, and William R. Pulley- blank, published in 1994 in OPTIMA 43 (the newsletter of The Mathematical Programming Society) for further details. The proceedings of the first three IPCO conferences were published by or- ganizing institutions. Since then they have been published by Springer in the series, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The proceedings of IPCO IV, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, edited by Egon Balas and Jens Clausen, were published in 1995 as Volume 920 of this series. The 36 papers presented at IPCO V were selected from a total of 99 extended abstracts. The overall quality of these submissions was extremely high. As a result, many excellent papers could not be chosen. The papers included in this volume in most cases represent expanded versions of the submitted abstracts, within a stated 15-page limit. They have not been refereed. We expect more detailed versions of most of these works to appear eventually in scientific journals. The Program Committee thanks all the authors of submitted abstracts and papers for their support of the IPCO conferences. March 1996 William It. Cunningham S. Thomas McCormick Maurice Queyranne IPCO V Program Committee William J. Cook, Rice University G&ard Cornu~jols, Carnegie Mellon University William H. Cunningham, University of Waterloo (chair) Jan Karel Lenstra, Eindhoven University of Technology Lgszld Lovgsz, Yale University Thomas L. Magnanti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Maurice Queyranne, University of British Columbia Giovanni Rinaldi, Istituto de Ana!isi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, Rome Table of Contents Session 1: Integer Programming Theory Colourful Linear Programming ............................................. 1 L Bdrdny and S. Onn Test Sets and Inequalities for Integer Programs ............................ 16 R.R. Thomas and R. Weismantel An Optimal, Stable Continued Fraction Algorithm for Arbitrary Dimension ................................................... 31 C. Rb'ssner and C.P. Schnorr Session 2: Integer Programming Models Algorithms and Extended Formulations for One and Two Facility Network Design ........................................................... 44 S. Chopra, L Gilboa and S.T. Sastry Integer Multicommodity Flow Problems ................................... 58 .C Barnhart, C.A. Itane and P.H. Vance A Heuristic Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem ....................... 72 A. Caprara, M. Fischetti and P. Toth Session 3: Network Flow Algorithms An ~-Relaxation Method for Generalized Separable Convex Cost Network Flow Problems ................................................... 85 P, Tseng and D.P. Bertsekas Finding Real-Valued Single-Source Shortest Paths in o(n 3) Expected Time ................................................... 94 S.G. Kolliopoulos and .C Stezn A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning qYees .......................................................... 105 S.P. Fekete, S. Khuller, M. Klemmstein, B. Raghavachari and N. Young IIIV Session 4: Approximation Algorithms Approximating k-Set Cover and Complementary Graph Coloring ......... 811 M.M. Itallddrsson On Minimum 3-Cuts and Approximating k-Cuts Using Cut Trees ......... 231 S. Kapoor PrimM-Dual Approximation Algorithms for Feedback Problems in Planar Graphs ........................................................ 741 M.X. Goemans and D.P. Williamson Session 5: Semi-Definite Methods Cone-LP's and Semidefinite Programs: Geometry and a Simplex-Type Method ............................................. 261 .G Pataki Quadratic Knapsack Relaxations Using Cutting Planes and Semidefinite Programming ........................................... 571 .C Hehnberg, F. Rendl and R. Weismantel A Semidefinite Bound for Mixing Rates of Markov Chains ................ 091 N. Kahale Session 6: Matrix Models The Quadratic Assignment Problem with a Monotone Anti-Monge and a Symmetric Toeplitz Matrix: Easy and Hard Cases .................. 204 R.E. Burkard, E. ~ela, .G Rote and G.J. Woeginger On Optimizing Multiplications of Sparse Matrices ........................ 219 E. Cohen Continuous Relaxations for Constrained Maximum-Entropy Sampling ..... 234 K.M. Anstreicher, M. ~apmaF .Y eeL and .Y Williams XI Session 7: Set Systems and Submodularity A Submodular Optimization Problem with Side Constraints .............. 249 D. Itartvigsen Convexity and Steinitz's Exchange Property .............................. 260 K. Murota On Ideal Clutters, Metrics and Multiflows ................................ 275 B. Novick and A. "6beS Session 8: Scheduling I A Supermodular Relaxation for Scheduling with Release Dates ............ 288 M.X. Goemans Scheduling to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time: Performance Guarantees of LP-Based Heuristics and Lower Bounds ....... 301 A.S. Schulz Implementation of a Linear Time Algorithm for Certain Generalized Traveling Salesman Problems ........................ 316 N. Simonelti and E. Balas Session 9: Probabilistic Methods On Dependent Randomized Rounding Algorithms ........................ 330 D. Bertsirnas, C-P. oeT and R. Vohra Coloring Bipartite Hypergraphs .......................................... 345 H. Chen and A. Frieze Improved Randomized Approximation Algorithms for Lot-Sizing Problems .................................................. 359 C-P. oeT and D. Bertsimas Session 10: Scheduling II Minimizing Total Completion Time in a Two-Machine Flowshop: Analysis of Special Cases ................................................. 374 J.A. Hoogeveen and T. Kawaguchi A New Approach to Computing Optimal Schedules for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem ..................................... 389 P. Martin and D.B. Shmoys Optimal On-Line Algorithms for Single-Machine Scheduling .............. 404 J.A. Hoogeveen and A.P.A. Vestjens Session 11: Polyhedral Methods The Strongest Facets of the Aeyclic Subgraph Polytope Are Unknown .... 415 M.X. Goernans and L.A. Hall Transitive Packing ....................................................... 430 R. Miiller and A.S. Schulz A Polyhedral Approach to the Feedback Vertex Set Problem .............. 445 M. Funke and .G Reinelt Session 12: The Travelling Salesman Problem Separating over Classes of TSP Inequalities Defined by 0 Node-Lifting in Polynomial Time ...................................................... 460 R. Carr Separating Maximally Violated Comb Inequalities in Planar Graphs ...... 475 L. Fleischer and E. Tardos The Travelling Salesman and the PQ-Tree ................................ 490 R.E. Burkard, V.G. De~neko dna G.J. Woeginger Author Index .......................................................... 505 Colourful Linear Programming Imre B~r~ny 1 * and Shmuel Onn 2 ** I Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box 127, Budapest, 1364 Hungary bsranyQmath-inst.hu 2 Department of Operations l~esearch, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 32000 Haifa, Israel [email protected] echulon.ac.il Abstract. We consider the following Colourf~l generalisation of Lin- ear Programming: given sets of points SI,'",St C ~d, referred to as colours, and a point b E R a, decide whether there is a colourful T : {sx, .... st) such that b ~ cony(T), and if there is, find one. Linear Programming is obtained by taking h = d + 1 and 1$ = ... = Sa+l. If k = d + 1 and b E N~+t 1 conv(Si) then a solution always exists, but finding it is still hard. We describe an iterative approximation algorithm for this problem, that finds a colourful T whose convex hull contains a point e-close to ,b and analyse its Real Arithmetic and Taring complexi- ties. We then consider a class of linear algebraic relatives of this problem, and give a computational complexity classification for the related deci- sion and counting problems that arise. In particular, Colourful Linear Programming is strongly Aft-complete. We also introduce and discuss the complexity of a hierarchy of (~1, ~2)-Matroid-Basis-Nonbasis prob- lems, and give an application of Coloufful Linear Programming to the algorithmic problem of Tverberg's theorem in combinatorial geometry. 1 Introduction The so-called Cara~h~odory's Theorem allows to pose the problem of Linear Programming as follows. Linear Programming Problem. Given a finite set S C ~d and a point b E ~d Decide whether there is s subset T _C S of size at most d-~ 1 such that b E cony(T), and if there is, Find one. Carath~odory's Theorem admits a colourf~l generalization, due to the first au- thor 3. To state it, we use the following terminology: given a family of sets St--., Sk C R d, referred to as colours, a colourful set is a set T = ~sx,..., sk~ where si G Si for all i. * Partially supported by Hungarian National Sdence Foundation no. 4296 and 016937. ~* Partially supported by the Alexander yon Humboldt Stiftung, the Fund for the Promotion of Research at the Technlon, and Technlon VPR Fund no. 191-198. Theorem 1. Coloufful Carath~odory's Theorem. If each of d -F 1" given colours So,...,Sd C aR in d-space contains the point b in its convez hull, then b E cony(T) for some eolourful set T = {so,..., sd). A proof will be given in the next section. The following algorithmic problem suggested by Theorem 1 is a natural gen- eralization of Linear Programming. Colourful Linear Programming Problem. Given colours $1,..-, kS C ~d and a point b E ~a Decide whether there is a colourful T = {sl,..., sk} such that b G cony(T), and if there is, Find one. The specialization of this problem to Linear Programming is obtained by taking S = $1 = ... = Sd+l. In this article we study the complexity of this problem and its relatives in linear algebra, matroids, and combinatorial geometry. We provide a rather efficient approximation algorithm for the problem, and give a computational complexity classification for a hierarchy of related decision and counting prob- lems in linear algebra. In particular, Colourful Linear Programming is strongly Aft-complete. We also introduce and discuss the complexity of a hierarchy of (wl, w2)-Matroid-Basis-Nonbasis problems, and give an application of Colour- ful Linear Programming to the algorithmic problem of Tverberg's theorem in combinatorial geometry. The article is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3 we study an approx- imation algorithm for Colourful Linear Programming. We concentrate on the case k = d§ and b= 0 E If~al+l i=l conv(Si) where a solution is guaranteed to exist, but needs to be found. Given an e ~ ,0 the algorithm finds a colourful T which is e-close to 0, that is, whose convex hull contains a point which is e-close to 0. Interestingly, our algorithm specializes, in the case 1$ = .... Sd+l, to an algorithm of yon Neumann for Linear Programming. Assuming that each ~S contains at most n points, that the points are normalized, and that a ball B(0, p) is contained in n I 1=~a+l conv(S~), we obtain the following results on the Real arith- metic and Turing complexities of the algorithm, respectively (see Section 3 for the precise statements): Theorem 4: There is a positive constant c such that the number of real - arithmetic operations taken by the algorithm to find a colourful T which is ~-close to 0 is O k--~-log . 5: There is a positive constant c such that the running time of - Theorem the algorithm to find a colourful T which is e-close to 0, when applied to rational data of bit size L, is O \ ~p In Sections 4 and 5 we give a computational complexity classification of a hierar- chy of related problems. Colourful Linear Programming is equivalent to deciding if $1,..., kS admit a colourful T which is positively dependent. Replacing "pos- itively" by "linearly" and "dependent" by "independent", we get four decision