Insulin Resistance Insulin Resistance Insulin Action and Its Disturbances in Disease Editors Sudhesh Kumar Unit for Diabetes and Metabolism, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Stephen O’Rahilly Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Addenbrookes Hospital, Hill Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK Copyright2005 JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester, WestSussexPO198SQ,England Telephone(+44)1243779777 Email(forordersandcustomerserviceenquiries):[email protected] AllRightsReserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemor transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanningor otherwise,exceptunderthetermsoftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orundertheterms ofalicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd,90TottenhamCourtRoad,LondonW1T 4LP,UK,withoutthepermissioninwritingofthePublisher.RequeststothePublishershouldbe addressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate, Chichester,WestSussexPO198SQ,England,[email protected],orfaxedto(+44) 1243770620. 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Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-470-85008-6 1.Insulinresistance.I.Kumar,Sudhesh.II.O’Rahilly,S.(Stephen) RC662.4.I5562004 616.4(cid:1)6207–dc22 2004016888 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN0-470-85008-6 Typesetin10.5/13ptTimesbyLaserwordsPrivateLimited,Chennai,India PrintedandboundinGermany Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaperresponsiblymanufacturedfromsustainableforestry inwhichatleasttwotreesareplantedforeachoneusedforpaperproduction. Contents Preface xi List of Contributors xiii 1 The Insulin Receptor and Downstream Signalling 1 Ken Siddle 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Insulin receptor structureand function 2 1.3 Insulin receptor substrates 15 1.4 Downstream signalling pathways 23 1.5 The basis of insulin’ssignallingspecificity 37 1.6 Conclusion 38 References 39 2 Insulin-mediated Regulation of Glucose Metabolism 63 Daniel Konrad, Assaf Rudich and Amira Klip 2.1 Introduction 63 2.2 Insulin as a master regulator of whole body glucose disposal 63 2.3 Insulin-mediated regulation of glucosemetabolic pathways 67 2.4 Glucose uptake into skeletal muscle – the rate-limiting step in glucose metabolism 69 Acknowledgements 78 References 78 3 Insulin Action on Lipid Metabolism 87 Keith N. Frayn and Fredrik Karpe 3.1 Introduction: does insulin affect lipid metabolism? 87 3.2 Molecular mechanisms by which insulinregulates lipid metabolism 88 3.3 Insulin and lipolysis 89 3.4 Insulin, lipoproteinlipase and cellular fatty acid uptake 94 3.5 Co-ordinated regulation of fatty acid synthesisand ketogenesis 96 3.6 Insulin and cholesterol synthesis 97 3.7 Insulin effects on lipoproteinmetabolism 98 Acknowledgement 99 References 99 vi CONTENTS 4 The Effect of Insulin on Protein Metabolism 105 Laura J. S. Greenlund and K. Sreekumaran Nair 4.1 Introduction 105 4.2 Molecular mechanisms of insulin’s effect on protein turnover 107 4.3 Measurement of protein metabolism (synthesisand breakdown or turnover) in human subjects 111 4.4 Whole body and regional protein turnover 114 Acknowledgements 125 References 125 5 Genetically Modified Mouse Models of Insulin Resistance 133 Gema Medina-Gomez, Christopher Lelliott and Antonio J. Vidal-Puig 5.1 Introduction 133 5.2 Genetic modification as a tool to dissect the mechanisms leading to insulin resistance 134 5.3 Candidate genes involved in the mechanisms of insulinresistance 134 5.4 Insulin signallingnetwork 136 5.5 Factors leading to insulin resistance 137 5.6 Defining the function of the insulincascade molecules through global knockouts 137 5.7 Doubleheterozygous mice as models of polygenicforms of diabetes 139 5.8 Defining tissueand/or organ relevance for themaintenance of insulin sensitivity 140 5.9 Genetically modified mice to study modulators of insulinsensitivity 142 5.10 Lipodystrophyversus obesity, the insulinresistance paradox 143 5.11 Excess of nutrients as a cause of insulinresistance 147 5.12 PPARs, key mediators of nutritional-regulatedgene expression and insulin sensitivity 148 References 148 6 Insulin Resistance in Glucose Disposal and Production in Man with Specific Reference to Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes 155 Henning Beck-Nielsen, Frank Alford and Ole Hother-Nielsen 6.1 Introduction 155 6.2 Measurement of insulin resistance 157 6.3 Insulin-resistantstates 162 6.4 Conclusion and perspectives 171 References 172 7 Central Regulation of Peripheral Glucose Metabolism 179 Stanley M. Hileman and Christian Bjørbæk 7.1 Introduction 179 7.2 Counter-regulation of hypoglycaemia – role of the CNS 180 7.3 Brain regions involved in counter-regulation 182 7.4 Glucosensingneurons 184 CONTENTS vii 7.5 Central control of peripheral organs involved in glucoregulation 187 7.6 Additional afferent signalsto the CNS regulating peripheral glucose metabolism 189 7.7 Conclusions and future perspectives 194 Acknowledgements 196 References 196 8 Relationship between Fat Distribution and Insulin Resistance 207 Philip G. McTernan, Aresh Anwar and Sudhesh Kumar 8.1 Introduction 207 8.2 Fat and its distribution 207 8.3 Basis for variation in adiposetissuemass 209 8.4 Change in adipocytephenotypewith obesity 210 8.5 Obesity and its association with insulinresistance 210 8.6 Subcutaneous and visceral adiposetissue 211 8.7 The pathogenic significanceof abdominal adipose tissue 211 8.8 Potential mechanisms linking central obesity to themetabolic syndrome 212 8.9 Randle hypothesis/glucose–fattyacid hypothesis 212 8.10 Alternatives to the Randle hypothesis 213 8.11 Ectopic fat storage: fat content in obesity 214 8.12 Adipose tissueas an endocrine organ 214 8.13 Plasminogen activator–inhibitor1 215 8.14 Renin angiotensinsystem in adiposetissue 216 8.15 Visceral obesity and steroid hormone metabolism 217 8.16 Glucocorticoid metabolism and obesity 217 8.17 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(11β-HSD) 218 8.18 Isoenzymes of 11β-HSD 218 8.19 11β-HSD and obesity 219 8.20 Sex steroid metabolism and obesity: oestrogen biosynthesis 220 8.21 Aromatase 220 8.22 Sex steroids and body fat 222 8.23 Summary 224 Acknowledgement 224 References 224 9 PPARγ and Glucose Homeostasis 237 Robert K. Semple and Stephen O’Rahilly 9.1 Evidence from cell and rodent models 238 9.2 Insights from human studies 251 References 256 10 Adipokines and Insulin Resistance 269 Daniel K. Clarke and Vidya Mohamed-Ali 10.1 Obesity and insulin resistance 270 10.2 Adipokines implicated in insulin resistance 272 10.3 Conclusions 280 References 280 viii CONTENTS 11 Dietary Factors and Insulin Resistance 297 Jeremy Krebs and Susan Jebb 11.1 Introduction 297 11.2 The importance of body fatness 298 11.3 Specific dietary factors 302 11.4 Summary 310 References 311 12 Physical Activity and Insulin Resistance 317 Nicholas J. Wareham, Søren Brage, Paul W. Franks and Rebecca A. Abbott 12.1 Introduction 317 12.2 Evidence from observationalstudies of the association between physical activity and insulinresistance 318 12.3 Summary of findings from observationalstudies in adults 318 12.4 Summary of findings from observationalstudies in children and adolescents 340 12.5 Mechanisms underlyingthe association between physical activity and insulin resistance 351 12.6 Trials of the effect of physical activity on insulin sensitivityin adults 353 12.7 Trials of the effect of physical activity on insulin sensitivityin children and adolescents 374 12.8 Evidence of heterogeneity of the effect of physical inactivity on insulin resistance in sub-groupsof the population 375 12.9 Conclusions 385 References 386 13 Genetics of the Metabolic Syndrome 401 George Argyropoulos, Steven Smith and Claude Bouchard 13.1 Historical perspective 401 13.2 Pathophysiology 404 13.3 Genetic epidemiology 407 13.4 Monogenicdisorders 411 13.5 Candidate genes 414 13.6 Genomic scans 426 13.7 Conclusions 427 References 427 14 Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidaemia 451 Benoˆıt Lamarche and Jean-Franc¸ois Mauger 14.1 Introduction 451 14.2 Historical notes 451 14.3 Obesity versus the insulinresistance syndrome 453 14.4 Hypertriglyceridaemia 453 14.5 Reduced HDL cholesterol concentrations 455 14.6 Small, dense LDL particles 457 14.7 LDL cholesterol levels versus LDL particle number 459 CONTENTS ix 14.8 Insulin resistance, dyslipidaemiaand the risk of cardiovascular disease 460 14.9 Conclusions 461 References 461 15 Insulin Resistance, Hypertension and Endothelial Dysfunction 467 Stephen J. Cleland and John M. C. Connell 15.1 Introduction 467 15.2 Hyperinsulinaemia, insulinresistance and hypertension 467 15.3 Possible mechanisms linking insulinwith blood pressure 468 15.4 Atherosclerosis and insulin resistance 469 15.5 Vascularendothelialdysfunctionandmechanismsofatherothromboticdisease 469 15.6 Direct vascular action of insulin 471 15.7 What causes abnormal insulinsignallingin metabolic and vascular tissues? 474 15.8 Summary and conclusions(Figure 15.8) 477 References 478 16 Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 485 Neus Potau 16.1 Introduction 485 16.2 Definition of polycysticovary syndrome (PCOS) and diagnosticcriteria 486 16.3 Hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinism 489 16.4 Assessment of insulinresistance in PCOS 491 16.5 Gene studies on PCOS 492 16.6 Premature pubarche, hyperinsulinismand PCOS 495 16.7 Treatment approach with antiandrogens 497 16.8 Treatment approach with insulinsensitizers (metformin) 498 16.9 Treatment approach with insulinsensitizers (thiazolidinediones) 501 16.10 Conclusion 502 References 502 17 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance (SSIRs) 511 David Savage and Stephen O’Rahilly 17.1 Introduction 511 17.2 General biochemical and clinical features of severe insulinresistance 512 17.3 Classification of specific syndromes of insulin resistance 514 17.4 Primary disorders of insulinaction 515 17.5 Lipodystrophicsyndromes and a lipocentricapproach to diabetes 518 17.6 Complex genetic syndromes associated with severe insulin resistance 525 17.7 Therapeutic options in the syndromes of severe insulinresistance 526 References 527 18 Therapeutic Strategies for Insulin Resistance 535 Harpal S. Randeva, Margaret Clarke and Sudhesh Kumar 18.1 Introduction 535 18.2 Obesity and insulin resistance 535 18.3 Management of obesity 537