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Instituting Environmental Protection: From Red to Green in Poland PDF

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INSTITUTINGENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Instituting Environmental Protection From Red to Green in Poland Daniel H. Cole Professor. Indiana UniversitySchoolofLawatIndianapolis USA FirstpublishedinGreatBritain1998by MACMILLANPRESSLTD Houndmills,Basingstoke,HampshireR021 6XSandLondon Companiesandrepresentativesthroughouttheworld AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN 978-1-349-26117-8 ISBN 978-1-349-26115-4(eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-26115-4 FirstpublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica1998by ST.MARTIN'SPRESS,INC., ScholarlyandReferenceDivision, 175FifthAvenue,NewYork,N.Y.10010 ISBN978-0-312-17721-8 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Cole,DanielH. InstitutingenvironmentalprotectioninPoland:fromredtogreen inPoland/DanielH.Cole. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-312-17721-8 (cloth) I.Environmentallaw-Poland. 2.Environmentalpolicy-Poland. r,Title. KKP3127.C65 1997 344.438'046-DC21 97-22904 CIP ©DanielH.Cole 1998 Softcoverreprintofthehardcover 1stedition 1998 Allrightsreserved.Noreproduction,copyortransmissionofthispublicationmaybemade withoutwrittenpermission. No paragraph ofthis publication may be reproduced,copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisionsof the Copyright, Designs and PatentsAct 1988,orunder thetermsofanylicence permitting limitedcopying issuedby theCopyrightLicensingAgency,90TottenhamCourtRoad,LondonWIP9HE. Anypersonwhodoesanyunauthorisedact inrelationtothispublication maybeliableto criminalprosecutionandcivilclaimsfordamages. Theauthorhasasserted his righttobeidentifiedas theauthorofthisworkinaccordance withtheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustainedforestsources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 For myfamily and in memory ofmy grandfather, Harry D. Pierce Contents ListofTables. Figures andBoxes x Acknowledgements xii Introduction 1 AFailed Promise: Socialist EnvironmentalProtection 1 Subject andObject 3 Marxist Ideology andtheSocialist System 4 Socialist LegalAnalysis 6 The Parameters 7 ARoadmap totheAnalysis 8 1 Poland'sEcologicalCrisis 11 1.1 Pollution andCommunism inPoland 11 1.2 Poland'sGeography, ClimateandResourceBase 12 1.3 Ecological DangerZones 13 1.4 Sources ofPollution inPoland 14 1.5 TheEnvironmental Consequences 16 2 AHistoryofEnvironmentalLawin Poland 24 2.1 Pre-Socialism 24 2.2 1945-60 28 2.3 The 1960s 34 2.4 The 1970s 38 2.5 The 1980Environmental Protectionand DevelopmentAct 43 2.6 TheAdministrationofEnvironmental Protectionin Poland: 1980-8 54 2.7 Conclusion 60 3 The 'Enforceability' ofPoland'sEnvironmentalLaws 62 3.1 LawEnforcementandEnforceability 62 3.2 Legal Ambiguities 63 3.3 LaxEnvironmental StandardsinPolishLaw 67 3.4 WeakPenalties 74 3.5 Limited Citizens' Participation Rights 75 3.6 Exceptions thatSwallowed theRules 79 3.7 Conclusion 84 vii viii Contents 4 EnforcementProblemsI: PartyPolitics 87 4.1 The Under-enforcementofEnvironmentalLaw in People'sPoland 87 4.2 AbsolutePower, Environmental Corruption 88 4.3 IndustrialInterestsversus EnvironmentalProtection inthe Party/State'sAdministrativeHierarchy 98 4.4 EnvironmentalLawEnforcementand theJudicial System 99 4.5 EnvironmentalInformation,State Secrets and Censorship 106 4.6 Summaryand Conclusion 111 5 EnforcementProblemsII: SocialistEconomics 112 5.1 Introduction toPoland's SocialistEconomic System 112 5.2 Economic Stagnationand theUnder-enforcementof Environmental Law inPeople'sPoland 126 5.3 The ExtensiveNature ofEconomic Productionunder Socialism 131 5.4 SystemicImpedimentstoResourceConservation 140 5.5 SocialistProperty Relations, RegulatoryConflicts of Interestand SoftBudgetConstraints 146 5.6 Conclusion 153 6 TheIdeologicalDimension: Marxismand the Environment 155 6.1 Introduction 156 6.2 Marx, Engels andLenin ontheRelationship between Humansand Nature 156 6.3 PropertyRelations inNatural Resources andthe Means ofProduction 159 6.4 Marx'sLabourTheory ofValue 164 6.5 Marxist-LeninistTheoriesofLaw andtheState 167 6.6 Conclusion: From Marxism toEco-socialism 179 7 EnvironmentalProtectionin Transition 182 7.1 Introduction 182 7.2 Poland's Political-EconomicTransformation 183 7.3 SystemicTransformation,Economic Recessionand EnvironmentalProtection inPost-CommunistPoland 190 7.4 EnvironmentalPolicies, Systemic Reforms and PollutionReductions 194 Contents ix 7.5 TheFragmentation andMaturationofPoland'sIndependent Environmental Movement 214 7.6 TheFutureofEnvironmentalProtectioninPoland 220 8 InstitutionalImplications 224 8.1 Introduction 224 8.2 Extrapolating from thePolishCase 225 8.3 TheAmbiguousGoalof 'Effective' Environmental Protection 225 8.4 PropertyRights andRegulatoryConflictsofInterest 227 8.5 Valuing Scarcity 238 8.6 TheRuleof(Environmental)Law 240 8.7 IsTherea 'CapitalistImperative' forEnvironmental Protection? 248 Notes 250 Bibliography 268 I StatutesandRegulations 268 II PolishGovernment andCommunistPartyPublications 277 III BooksandArticles 277 IV Newspapers andPopularMagazines 315 Subject Index 324 AuthorIndex 339 List of Tables, Figures and Boxes Table 1.1 Percentageshare ofenvironmentalcosts bysector 22 Table3.1 Comparisonofselectedambientairquality standardsinPeople'sPolandand the United States in 1980 69 Table5.1 Average and annual rates ofGNP growth in People'sPoland, 1965-88 127 Table5.2 Rates ofeconomicgrowth, environmental investments andsulphurdioxideairpollution emissionsinPeople'sPoland, 1976-88 128 Table5.3 Averagepercentageofgross national product investedinenvironmentalprotectioninPolandand otherselectedcountries, 1971-85 130 Figure5.1 Environmentalstress atdifferentlevels ofeconomic development 133 Table5.4 Natural resources investedper unit ofnational productinsocialistEuropeand theEuropean Communityinthe 1980s 136 Table5.5 Shareoffactor productivityin thegrowth ofoutput: internationalcomparison 138 Table5.6 Percentagelosses of natural resourcesinthe extractionprocessinthe USSR 139 Table5.7 The pollution intensityofGDPinsocialistEuropean countriesand theEC inthe 1980s 139 Table7.1 PercentagechangeinGDP, industrialproduction and airpollutionemissionsinPoland, 1990-5 192 Table7.2 Generalstructureofexpenses forenvironmental protection inninesectorsofthePolisheconomy, 1990and 1991 197 Table7.3 Percentagecost increasesfor environmental protectioninnine Polishindustriesfrom 1990 (mean values) tothe firstterm of1991 198 Table7.4 Pollution intensityofelectricitygenerationinPoland, 1989-91 199 Table7.5 Changesinemissionsfees forselectedair pollutants 200 x ListofTables, Figures andBoxes xi Table7.6 Environmentalfines, 1990-3 201 Table7.7 Economic growthand environmental investmentsin Poland, 1976-93 208 Box 7.1 TheStory ofPoland'sZarnowiecNuclear PowerPlant 218

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