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“ W HAT'S HAPPENING HERE IN WATERLOO IS TRULY SPECIAL, FROM THEORY TO EXPERIMENT AND BEYOND ” . PROFESSOR STEPHEN HAWKING THANK YOU THE INSTITUTE FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING (IQC) THANKS MIKE AND OPHELIA LAZARIDIS, THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FOR THEIR VISIONARY SUPPORT. THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR GENEROUS AND CONTINUED SUPPORT OF IQC: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | American Physical Society Outreach | Army Research Office | Austrian Academy of Sciences | Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) | Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) | Canada Research Chairs (CRC) | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) | Canadian Space Agency | Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship | COM DEV | Communications Security Establishment | Connect Canada | C2C Link Corporation | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) | Doug Fregin | Department of Canadian Heritage | European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) | Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) | Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) | Government of Canada | Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) | Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) | Lockheed Martin | Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis | Mitacs | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) | Office of Naval Research | Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics | Province of Ontario | Public Services and Procurement Canada | Quantum Valley Investments | Sandia National Laboratories | Technion Cooperation Program | The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Foundation SPECIAL THANKS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, IQC’S HOME, FOR SUPPORTING AND CELEBRATING RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE. Contents 08 THE DRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION Ultra-powerful computers, unbreakable cryptography, quantum devices, new materials and nanotechnologies of unprecedented efficiencies are some of the discoveries being pioneered at IQC. 14 A MAGNET FOR THE WORLD’S BEST Attracting the leading minds in quantum information science and technology research to build a hub of quantum expertise. 24 WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH From theory to experiment, the breadth and quality of IQC’s research infrastructure allows quantum information science and technology advancement at the highest international level. 32 THE PATH TO QUANTUM VALLEY: 15 YEARS OF INNOVATION AND DISCOVERY Theoretical concepts and transformational technologies are moving from the lab to the marketplace, poised to make real societal impacts. 38 LEADING THE NEXT QUANTUM REVOLUTION Graduate students are an integral part of our scientific community. 48 IQC TO THE WORLD Great research must be shared with the people who support it, who are fascinated by it, and who ultimately will benefit from it. 56 THE YEAR IN REVIEW: LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD Together, we are leading the next quantum revolution. INSTITUTE FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Published by IQC Phone: 1-519-888-4021 Communications and Fax: 1-519-888-7610 Strategic Initiatives Email: [email protected] Our vision HARNESSING QUANTUM MECHANICS WILL LEAD TO TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND BECOME A NEW ENGINE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY. Core Our mission Research Areas TO DEVELOP AND ADVANCE QUANTUM INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AT THE QUANTUM HIGHEST INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING LEVEL THROUGH THE Using atoms, molecules COLLABORATION and particles of light A DRIVE to create new bits of OF COMPUTER computer information SCIENTISTS, ENGINEERS, — qubits, which can FOR MATHEMATICIANS AND be 0 and 1 at the same PHYSICAL SCIENTISTS. time — for computing. Excellence QUANTUM COMMUNICATION Developing ultra- secure communication INNOVATION channels, low-noise & transmission protocols and satellite-based global networks by harnessing the power of the quantum world. Our strategic objectives: To establish Waterloo as a QUANTUM world-class centre for research SENSING in quantum technologies and Using the laws of quantum mechanics their applications. to develop new sensors with exponential precision, To become a magnet for highly sensitivity, selectivity qualified personnel in the field and efficiencies. of quantum information. T o be a prime source of insight, QUANTUM analysis and commentary on MATERIALS quantum information. Engineering materials that exhibit quantum properties for robust quantum information processors and other devices. 8 A drive for excellence and innovation Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 9 MAKING RESEARCH excellence IQC ADVANCES THE MOST INNOVATIVE AN IMPACT RESEARCH IN QUANTUM INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 298 1,506 QUANTUM ecosystem researchers including publications 7 research chairs since 2002 THE WATERLOO REGION PROVIDES AN 200+ IDEAL ENVIRONMENT FOR ACADEMIC AND QUANTUM INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS. FUNDAMENTAL active awards and grants, including 41 NSERC-funded QUANTUM DISCOVERIES ARE ALREADY INFORMATION grants and 6 CFI funded grants MOVING FROM THE LAB TO THE MARKET. SCIENCE Scientific growth and Intellectual 329 60+ 7 powerhouse training in 2017 hub of activity research collaborations spanning HOSTED 367 196 patents & licenses spinoff 34 countries and 180+ institutions in 2017 by IQC researchers companies 4 TAKING SCIENCE OUT OF THE LAB INSPIRES THE 132 30,357 NEXT GENERATION OF SCIENTIFIC LEADERS. students educators 250+ conferences engaged in given the tools Public education and lectures and to integrate researchers within 1 km of publications cumulative citations engagement 2017 highlights 4 hands-on quantum into Waterloo working to advance the science, technology in 2017 learning the classroom and commercial impact of quantum technologies 161,193 workshops 42 Alumni 68% 35+ P O T E N T I A L I M P A C T A R E A S : E N V I R O N M E N T , P R I VA C Y, M E D I C I N E , guests through QUANTUM: The Exhibition T R A N S P O R T A T I O N , T E C H N O L O G Y, and QUANTUM: The Pop-up Exhibition at seminars in academia industry D I G I T A L C O M M U N I C A T I O N 13 locations in 14 months partnerships 21% 24 4,826 in industry colloquia participants in outreach programs SPONSORED promoting quantum information science 15 and technology in 2017 1,301,458 workshops and conferences around the minutes of quantum talks watched on world YouTube in 200 countries 10 A drive for excellence and innovation Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 11 AFTER A CENTURY STUCK IN TEXTBOOKS, I also want to note the important STRENGTHENING IQC effort led by Professor Thomas Jennewein in partnership with the MIND BENDING QUANTUM A GLOBAL Canadian Space Agency that is developing technology to enable the EFFECTS ARE ABOUT TO POWER transfer of QKD encrypted data over QUANTUM long distances via satellites and thereby helping to solve a material limitation with MAINSTREAM INNOVATION. INDUSTRY QKD efforts around the world. No discussion on IQC would be THE ECONOMIST (MARCH, 2017) complete without an update on its general–purpose quantum computer efforts. Researchers at IQC are focused Message from the on the engineering of how to connect Message from the Chair of the Board a large number of qubits like many Chair of the Executive other groups around the world. That Committee Momentum toward the development of a new large scale global said, what really sets IQC apart from industry based on transformative quantum technologies continues other work around the world is IQC’s to grow and researchers at IQC continue to play a leadership role extensive efforts to develop a quantum The quest for the first system that has less inherent noise. IQC in advancing our fundamental knowledge of quantum information quantum computer is a researchers know that you can’t build science and in developing new quantum technologies. a useful quantum computer without daunting aspiration. tackling this fundamentally difficult Yet it’s an endeavour that IQC recruits the very best researchers to Waterloo with a particular focus on issue and believe that their efforts to I have no doubt will be the strongest younger talent. I want to welcome Christine Muschik and William develop solutions in this regard upfront accomplished at IQC. Slofstra – new recruits to IQC in the past year. With 29 research faculty, IQC will have critical long–term benefits has been noted as the largest centre of its kind in the world. in their effort to develop a general– As I look toward to the future, purpose quantum computer. I’m reminded of the incredible I also want to recognize the important advances to our knowledge of growth and success that has quantum information by IQC researchers over the past year. Highlights In the past year, IQC Founding Director already taken place here. It was include the following: Raymond Laflamme stepped down from passion, a bold vision, and the • Collaboration by KEVIN RESCH’s group with Perimeter Institute researchers this role after 15 years. His leadership tremendous support of Mike led by ROBERT SPEKKENS to explore a new approach for learning about and his many contributions as Founding Lazaridis that set the stage for nature including testing quantum theory; Director helped establish IQC as one IQC to emerge as a world leader of a handful of quantum centres in in quantum information. • Work by RAYMOND LAFLAMME, JONATHAN BAUGH and BEI ZENG the world. I want to personally thank toward improved quantum control by bootstrapping a 12 qubit Raymond for his leadership, his hard Combined with Raymond quantum processor; work and his invaluable contribution. Laflamme’s leadership, IQC has become known as one of the most • Physics World recognized the work from THOMAS JENNEWEIN and I am pleased that Raymond will continue advanced research facilities in the KEVIN RESCH’s groups reporting the observation of three–photon to play a critical role at IQC as the holder world — an epicentre of the next interference as a 2017 physics breakthrough; of the Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis John information revolution. As IQC von Neumann Chair. Raymond is a celebrates its 15th anniversary, • THOMAS JENNEWEIN’s group also reported a successful airborne QKD test, world leading expert in quantum error we also say goodbye to Raymond, a key step towards satellite deployment; correction and his work in this regard will marking another pivotal point in be a critical part of IQC’s effort toward time in IQC’s history. • MICHAEL REIMER reported in Nature on a new bright source of entangled a quantum computer with less inherent photons based on nanowires; and noise. I am thrilled that Raymond has At IQC, the biggest ideas are chosen to continue to play such an about what happens on the • DMITRY PUSHIN and DAVID CORY’s group demonstrated new control important role at IQC and am very smallest of scales. As the University methods to prepare orbital angular momentum states of both pleased to have helped the University of of Waterloo pursues the goal neutrons and photons. Waterloo to make this happen. of becoming one of the most innovative universities in the world, I am also excited by IQC’s critical contribution to the growing number of IQC builds on top of the entrepreneurial we also welcome a new Vice- new quantum technology start–ups in the Quantum Valley. For example, culture that has led to the global President, University Research, a quantum ESR technology start–up founded by an IQC researcher has recognition and success of the University Charmaine Dean. Together, as developed technology that is literally 100,000 times more powerful and more of Waterloo. This unprecedented we work towards achieving this sensitive than existing classical technologies. A quantum-safe encryption multidisciplinary 15 year university-wide substantial goal, there is no start–up in the Quantum Valley involving IQC researchers has developed a effort to harness the power of quantum question that quantum research “quantum-safe” technology platform that will enable customers to protect information science and quantum and will play a significant role by their sensitive records from quantum computer attack with a software nano materials technology will provide strengthening a global quantum update. This start–up is also enabling Canada to play a leading role in the the University of Waterloo a unique industry with deep societal impact. development of new global standards for quantum safe technologies. and globally competitive advantage for decades to come. In last year’s report remarks, I noted the award to IQC of $76 million as part of George Dixon the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. Matching funds from the University CHAIR, of Waterloo and industry partners including Quantum Valley Investments has Mike Lazaridis, O.C., O.Ont., FRS, FRSC IQC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE resulted in IQC’s $140 million Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) CHAIR, Vice-President Academic & Provost, effort led by Professor David Cory. TQT will help IQC to continue to play a IQC BOARD OF DIRECTORS University of Waterloo global leadership role in the development of a general–purpose quantum computer, quantum sensor technology, new quantum materials and quantum encryption technology. 12 A drive for excellence and innovation Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 13 ATTRACTING WORLD-CLASS RESEARCHERS K. Rajibul Islam A K. RAJIBUL ISLAM joined IQC and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo from the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA). As a postdoctoral researcher at CUA, Islam studied entanglement in ultra-cold neutral bosonic atoms in optical potentials. He attended Quantum Innovators in 2015, and now leads the Laboratory for Quantum Information with Trapped Ions (QITI) at IQC. His research interests include quantum computation, experimental quantum many-body physics and the use of holography and high-resolution Magnet microscopy to manipulate many-body systems. FOR THE WORLD'S Crystal Senko While completing her postdoctoral research at the b e s t MIT-Harvard CUA, CRYSTAL SENKO focused on the development of a photonic crystal waveguide for information transfer between atoms. During her fellowship in 2015, she attended Quantum Innovators and is now a member of IQC and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo. Senko explores how single atoms encoded with multiple levels of information, called qudits, can improve the efficiency of encoding information in quantum systems. Her work with trapped ions looks at the possibilities of building quantum systems, including spin chains with complicated behaviour that has yet to be demonstrated in a lab. ATTRACTING THE LEADING MINDS IN QUANTUM INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TO BUILD A HUB OF QUANTUM EXPERTISE. Jon Yard From the Station Q team at Microsoft Research, JON YARD joined IQC as an Associate Professor in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization in the Faculty of Mathematics and as an Associate Faculty member with the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI). Yard tackles complex mathematical problems in the areas of quantum information, quantum computing, algebraic number theory, quantum field theory and computational complexity theory. His research aims to understand the capabilities and limitations of devices for computing and distributing information. 14 A magnet for the world's best Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 15 FACULTY 2002 2004 2005 2006 Raymond Laflamme Hamed Majedi Michele Mosca Ashwin Nayak Andris Ambainis Richard Cleve Gregor Weihs Joseph Emerson Debbie Leung Norbert Lütkenhaus Physics and 2001-2014, Combinatorics Combinatorics 2004-2009, Cheriton School of 2005-2010, Applied Combinatorics Physics and Astronomy now at the and Optimization and Optimization now at the University Computer Science now at the Mathematics and Optimization Astronomy University of Waterloo of Latvia University of Innsbruck 2007 2008 2009 2010 Frank K. John Watrous Kevin Resch Andrew Childs Jonathan Baugh Ben Reichardt Thomas Adrian Lupaşcu David Cory Dmitry Pushin Wilhelm-Mauch Cheriton School of Physics and 2007-2016, Chemistry 2008-2011, Jennewein Physics and Chemistry Physics and Astronomy 2006-2013, Computer Science Astronomy now at the now at the Physics and Astronomy Research Assistant now at the Universität University of Maryland University of Astronomy Professor 2010-2017, des Saarlandes Southern California now Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy 2011 2012 2014 2015 Robert Koenig Guo-Xing Miao Matteo Mariantoni Christopher Wilson Michal Bajcsy Raffi Budakian Kyung Soo Choi Michael Reimer Vern Paulsen 2010-2015, Electrical and Physics and Electrical and Electrical and Physics and Physics and Electrical and Pure Mathematics now at Technische Computer Engineering Astronomy Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Astronomy Astronomy Computer Engineering Universität München 2016 2017 Nanoscale Magnetic Quantum Materials and Quantum Sensing Resonance Imaging Lab Devices Lab in Physics Raffi Budakian Wei Tsen Dmitry Pushin Quantum Error Control Quantum Optics and Quantum and Error Correction Quantum Information Lab Software Group Raymond Laflamme Kevin Resch Michele Mosca William Slofstra Wei Tsen Na Young Kim Jon Yard K. Rajibul Islam Crystal Senko Christine Muschik Pure Mathematics Chemistry Electrical and Combinatorics and Physics and Physics and Physics and Optical Quantum Quantum Optics Theory Superconducting Research Assistant Computer Engineering Optimization Astronomy Astronomy Astronomy Communication Christine Muschik Quantum Professor 2015-2017, now Assistant Professor, Theory Group Devices Group Pure Mathematics Norbert Lütkenhaus Quantum Photonic Adrian Lupaşcu IQC Research Groups Devices Lab Quantum Innovation Michael Reimer Trapped Ion Research at IQC is fundamentally Our researchers are appointed to both IQC and one of seven departments Coherent Laboratory of Ultracold (QuIN) Lab Quantum Control interdisciplinary, spanning theory and across three faculties at the University of Waterloo: Quantum Photonics Lab Spintronics Group Quantum Matter and Light Na Young Kim Crystal Senko experiment, to pursue every avenue Thomas Jennewein Jonathan Baugh Kyung Soo Choi of quantum information science. FACULTY OF FACULTY OF FACULTY OF Quantum Information Quantum Processors Lab IQC fosters collaboration across MATHEMATICS SCIENCE ENGINEERING Engineered Quantum Laboratory for Quantum and Computation David Cory Systems Lab Information with Theory Group disciplines and across borders. Applied Electrical and Chemistry Christopher Wilson Trapped Ions Richard Cleve Quantum-safe Mathematics Computer K. Rajibul Islam Joseph Emerson Cryptography Group Combinatorics Physics and Engineering Functional Quantum Raymond Laflamme Michele Mosca and Optimization Astronomy Materials Mathematics of Debbie Leung Guo-Xing Miao Quantum Information Michele Mosca Computer William Slofstra Ashwin Nayak Science Laboratory for Digital Vern Paulsen Quantum Matter Nano-Photonics and John Watrous Pure Matteo Mariantoni Quantum Optics Lab Jon Yard Mathematics Michal Bajcsy 16 A magnet for the world's best Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 17 Agreements & Exchanges NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE IQC has signed nine official agreements to facilitate The University of Waterloo supports exchange opportunities collaborative research projects, joint research and the for IQC students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers that pursuit of common scientific interests: promote the advancement of education and research in quantum information processing through a student exchange QUEBEC agreement with the following institutions: • Institut national de la recherche scientifique AUSTRIA • I nstitut Transdisciplinaire d’Information Quantique • Universität Innsbruck CHINA FRANCE • Tsinghua University • U niversity of Science and Technology of China • École normale supérieure de Lyon • U niversité Paris Diderot INDIA GERMANY • Raman Research Institute • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Powered ISRAEL LATVIA • Technion — Israel Institute of Technology • University of Latvia KOREA THE NETHERLANDS • Korea Institute of Science and Technology • Delft University of Technology THE NETHERLANDS BY SINGAPORE • Delft University of Technology • National University of Singapore SINGAPORE • Centre for Quantum Technologies people I N 2 0 1 7 , I Q C R E S E A R C H E R S : PARTICIPATED IN 329 research collaborations 70%+ spanning 34 countries and 180+ institutions. WELCOMED 159 scientific visitors from 129 leading of co-authored papers are with A COLLABORATIVE COLLABORATION institutions to exchange ideas and research in quantum information. international collaborators IS A CATALYST FOR APPROACH WITH DISCOVERY. IQC RESEARCHERS WORK GLOBAL REACH CLOSELY WITH PEERS FROM AROUND Computing Theoretical researcher As an IQC affiliate and solve the grand problems THE GLOBE. IQC’S quantum ROGER MELKO studies the Associate Professor in the of physics — especially if INTERNATIONAL University of Waterloo’s implemented on a quantum big questions of quantum NETWORK CONTINUES condensed matter Department of Physics and computer. In August 2016, condensed-matter physics Astronomy, Melko supervises Melko organized a conference TO EXPAND, MAKING AFFILIATE PROFILE using computational postdoctoral fellow HILARY at the Perimeter Institute CONNECTIONS AND methods such as Monte CARTERET and collaborates for Theoretical Physics PARTNERSHIPS THAT Carlo simulations. He won with other IQC researchers, that aimed to explore the including postdoctoral fellow potential of machine learning LAY THE GROUNDWORK the Canadian Association CHRIS HERDMAN and fellow in quantum research. FOR EXCITING FUTURE of Physicists (CAP) affiliate PIERRE-NICHOLAS ROY. DEVELOPMENTS. Herzberg Medal in 2016 “For now, machine minds can for his outstanding early- After an artificial intelligence be great at chess and even career achievements in program created by Google Go, but these are just the defeated world champion beginnings of a much larger condensed matter physics, Lee Sedol in Go, a game revolution. What we’re seeing and currently holds a magnitudes more complex now shows that machine Canada Research Chair in than chess, Melko began to learning has the power to Computational Quantum think about how machine advance science, technology, Many-Body Physics. learning and artificial and society in profound intelligence could help ways,” said Melko. 18 A magnet for the world's best Annual Report 2017 | uwaterloo.ca/iqc 19

in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) provide opportunities for enriching the academic and community experience. GRADUATE STUDENTS 2017. Sascha Agne. Arash Ahmadi. Shahab Akmal. Rubayet Al Maruf. Thomas Alexander. Matthew Alexander. Omar Alshehri. Julia Amoros. Matthew Amy.
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