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INSTANTON VACUUM BEYOND CHIRAL LIMIT1 M. Musakhanov Department of Physics, Pusan National University, 609-735 Pusan, Republic of Korea & Theoretical Physics Dept, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent 700174, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] 5 0 Abstract 0 2 Inthistalkitisdiscussedthederivationoflow–frequenciespartofquarkdeterminant and partitionfunction. As a first application, quark condensate is calculated beyond n a chiral limit with the account ofO(m), O( 1 ), O( 1 m) andO( 1 mlnm) corrections. J Nc Nc Nc It was demonstrated complete correspondence of the results to chiral perturbation 5 1 theory. 1 v 3 3 Introduction 1 1 0 Instanton vacuum model assume that QCD vacuum is filled not only by perturbative 5 but also very strong non-perturbative fluctuations – instantons. This model provides a 0 / natural mechanism for the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry (SBCS) due to the h p delocalization of single-instanton quark zero modes in the instanton medium. The model - is described by two main parameters – the average instanton size ρ ∼ 0.3fm and average p e inter-instanton distance R ∼ 1fm. These values was found phenomenologically [1] and h theoretically [2] and was confirmed by lattice measurements [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. On the base of : v this model was developed effective action approach [8, 9, 10], providing reliable method i X of the calculations of the observables in hadron physics at least in chiral limit. r a On the other hand, chiral perturbation theory makes a theoretical framework incorpo- rating the constraints on low-energy behavior of various observables based on the general principles of chiral symmetry and quantum field theory [11]. It is natural expect, that instanton vacuum model leads to the results compatible with chiral perturbation theory. One of the most important quantities related with SBCS is the vacuum quark con- densate < q¯q >, playing also important phenomenological role in various applications of QCD sum rule approach. Previous investigations [12] shows that beyond chiral limit and at small current quark mass m ∼ fewMeV these quantity receive large so called chiral log contribution ∼ 1 m ln m with fixed model independent coefficient. On the typical Nc scale 1GeV it become leading correction since | 1 ln m| ≥ 1. It was shown, that this Nc correction is due to pion loop contribution [12, 11]. So, to be consistent we have to calculate simultaneously all of the corrections of order m, 1 , 1 ln m in order to find quark condensate beyond chiral limit. Nc Nc 1 Talk given at the XVII International Baldin Seminar ”Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics”, Sept.27-Oct.2, 2004 (JINR, Dubna, Russia). 1 In our previous papers [13, 14] on the base of low–frequencies part of light quark determinant Det , obtained in [15, 8, 16], was derived effective action. In this framework low was investigated current quark mass m dependence of the quark condensate, but without meson loop contribution [14]. In the present work we refine the derivation of the low–frequencies part of light quark determinant Det . The following averaging of Det over instanton collective coor- low low dinates is done independently over each instanton thanks to small packing parameter π(ρ)4 ∼ 0.1 and also by introducing constituent quarks degree of freedoms ψ. This proce- R dure leads to the light quarks partition function Z[m]. We apply bosonisation procedure to Z[m], which is exact one for our case N = 2 and calculate partition function Z[m] f with account of meson loops. This one provide us the quark condensate with desired O(m), O( 1 ), O( 1 m ln m) corrections. Nc Nc Low–frequencies part of light quark determinant The main assumption of previous works [8, 9, 10] (see also review [16]) was that at very small m the quark propagator in the single instanton field A can be approximated as: i 1 |Φ >< Φ | 0I 0I S (m ∼ 0) ≈ + (1) I i∂ˆ im It gives proper value for the < Φ |S (m ∼ 0)|Φ >= 1 , but in S (m ∼ 0)|Φ >= 0I I 0I im I 0I Φ0I>+ 1|Φ > second extra term has a wrong chiral properties. We may neglect by this | im i∂ˆ 0I one only for the m ∼ 0. At the present case of non-small m we assume: |Φ >< Φ | 1 ˆ 0I 0I ˆ S ≈ S +S i∂ i∂S , S = (2) I 0 0 c 0 0 i∂ˆ+im I where ˆ ˆ ˆ c = − < Φ |i∂S i∂|Φ >= im < Φ |S i∂|Φ > (3) I 0I 0 0I 0I 0 0I The matrix element < Φ |S |Φ >= 1 , more over 0I I 0I im 1 1 S |Φ >= |Φ >, < Φ |S =< Φ | (4) I 0I 0I 0I I 0I im im as it must be. In the field of instanton ensemble, represented by A = A , full quark propagator, I I expanded with respect to a single instanton, and with account Eq. (2) is: P S = S + (S −S )+ (S −S )S 1(S −S ) 0 I 0 I 0 0− J 0 I I=J X X6 + (S −S )S 1(S −S )S 1(S −S )+... I 0 0− J 0 0− K 0 I=J,J=K 6 X6 1 1 1 ˆ ˆ = S + S i∂|Φ > + T +... < Φ |i∂S 0 0 0I 0J 0 C C C I,J (cid:18) (cid:19)IJ X 1 ˆ ˆ = S + S i∂|Φ > < Φ |i∂S (5) 0 0 0I 0J 0 C −T I,J (cid:18) (cid:19)IJ X 2 where ˆ ˆ C = δ c = −δ < Φ |i∂S i∂|Φ >, IJ IJ I IJ 0I 0 0I ˆ ˆ (C −T) = − < Φ |i∂S i∂|Φ > (6) IJ 0I 0 0J We are calculating Det using the formula: low m ˜ ˜ lnDet = Tr idm(S(m)−S (m)) (7) low ′ ′ 0 ′ ZM1 Within zero-mode assumption (Eq. (2)) the trace is restricted to the subspace of instan- tons: 1 Tr(S −S ) = − < Φ |i∂ˆS2i∂ˆ|Φ >< Φ |( )|Φ > (8) 0 0,J 0 0,I 0,I ˆ ˆ 0,J i∂S i∂ I,J 0 X Introducing now the matrix ˆ ˆ B(m) =< Φ |i∂S i∂|Φ > (9) IJ 0,I 0 0,J it is easy to show that m B(m) 1 lnDet = Tr idm(S(m)−S (m)) = (dB(m) ) low ′ ′ 0 ′ ′ II B(m) ZM1 I ZB(M1) ′ X B(m) = Trln = lndetB(m)−lndetB(M ) (10) 1 B(M ) 1 which is desired answer. The determinant detB(m) from Eq. (10) is the extension of the Lee-Bardeen result [15] for the non-small values of current quark mass m. Light quark effective action beyond chiral limit Averaged Det leads to the partition function Z[m], which for N = 2 has the form: low f 2 Z[m] = dλ+dλ DψDψ†exp[ d4x ψf†(i∂ˆ + imf)ψf (11) − Z Z f=1 X K K +λ Y+ +λ Y +N ln +N ln ], + 2 − 2− + λ+ − λ − hereλ aredynamicalcouplings(K isunessentialconstant,whichprovideunder-logarithm ± expression dimensionless) [9, 13, 14]. Values of them are defined by saddle-point calcula- tions. Y are t’Hooft type interaction terms [10]: 2± 1 1 1 Y = d4x[(1− )det iJ (ρ,x)+ det iJ (x)] (12) 2± N2 −1 2N ± 8N µ±ν c Z c c d4k d4l 1±γ J (x) = f g expi(k −l )xq+(k ) 5q (l ) f±g (2π)8 f g f f 2 g g Z d4k d4l 1±γ J (x) = f g expi(k −l )xq+(k ) 5σ q (l ) µ±ν,fg (2π)8 f g f f 2 µν g g Z 3 where q(k) = 2πρF(k)ψ(k). The form-factor F(k) is due to zero-modes and has explicit formF(k) = −d[I (t)K (t)−I (t)K (t)] .Inthefollowing wewill neglect by J (x) dt 0 0 1 1 t=|k|ρ µ±ν,fg 2 interaction term, since it give a O( 1 ) contribution to the quark condensate. Since N2 c q(x) = d4k exp(ikx) q(k), J (x) = q+(x)1 γ5q (x), (2π)4 f±g f ±2 g R iJ+(x) iJ (x) − det +det (13) g g 1 = (−(q+(x)q(x))2 −(q+(x)iγ ~τq(x))2 +(q+(x)~τq(x))2 +(q+(x)iγ q(x))2). 8g2 5 5 Here color factor g2 = (Nc2−1)2Nc. (2Nc 1) In the following we will−take equal number of instantons and antiinstantons N = + N = N/2 and corresponding couplings λ = λ. − ± Now it is naturalto bosonize quark-quark interaction terms (13) by introducing meson fields. For N = 2 case it is exact procedure. We have to take into account the changes f of q and q under the SU(2) chiral transformations: † δq = iγ ~τα~q, δq+ = q+iγ ~τα~ 5 5 to introduce appropriate meson fields, changing under SU(2) chiral transformations as: ~ ~ δσ = 2α~φ, δφ = −2α~σ, δη = −2α~~σ, δ~σ = 2ηα~. Then δq+(σ+iγ ~τφ~)q = 0, δq+(~τ~σ+iγ η)q = 0 means that these combinations of fields 5 5 are chiral invariant 2. So, the interaction term has an exact bosonized representation: iJ+ iJ d4xexp[λ(det +det −)] (14) g g Z λ0.5 1 = DσDφ~DηD~σexp d4x[ q+i(σ +iγ ~τφ~ +i~τ~σ +γ η)q − (σ2 +φ~2 +~σ2 +η2)] 5 5 2g 2 Z Z Then the partition function is K ~ Z[m] = dλDσDφDηD~σexp[N ln −N (15) λ Z −1 d4x(σ2 +φ~2 +~σ2 +η2)+Trln pˆ+im+iλ20g.5(2πρ)2F(σ +iγ5~τφ~ +i~τ~σ +γ5η)F] 2 pˆ+im Z (Tr(...) means here tr d4x < x|(...)|x >, where tr is the trace over Dirac, color, γ,c,f γ,c,f and flavor indexes.) In the following we assume m = m = m. Then common saddle R u d point on λ, σ (= const) (others = 0)is defined by Eqs. ∂V[m,λ,σ] = ∂V[m,λ,σ] = 0, where ∂λ ∂σ the potential K 1 pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p)) V[m,λ,σ] = −N ln +N + Vσ2 −Trln (16) λ 2 pˆ+im 2Certainly, quark-quark interaction term Eq. (13) is non-invariant over U(1) axial transformations, as it must be. 4 and we defined M(λ,σ) = λ0.5(2πρ)2σ. Then the common saddle-point on λ and σ is 2g given by Eqs.: 1 iM(λ,σ)F2(p) 1 N = Tr = Vσ2. (17) 2 pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p)) 2 The solutions of this Eqs. are λ and σ = (2N)1/2 = 21/2R 2. It is clear that M = 0 0 V − 0 M(λ ,σ ) has a meaning of dynamical quark mass, which is defined by this Eqs.. At 0 0 typical values R 1 = 200MeV, ρ 1 = 600MeV we have σ2 = 2(200MeV)4, and in chiral − − 0 limit m = 0 M → M = 358MeV, λ ≈ M2 . It is clear that due to saddle-point 0 00 00 00 equation (17) M (and λ ) become the function of the current mass m. This dependence 0 0 was investigated in [14]. Vacuum with account of quantum corrections The account of the quantum fluctuations around saddle-points σ ,λ will change the 0 0 potential V[m,λ,σ] to V [m,λ,σ] (it is clear that the difference between these two eff potentials is order of 1/N ). Then, the partition function is given by Eq. c Z[m] = dλexp(−V [m,λ,σ]) (18) eff Z There is important difference between this instanton generated partition function Z[m] and traditional NJL-type models – we have to integrate over the coupling λ here. As was mentioned before, this integration on λ by saddle-point method leads to exact answer. This saddle-point is defined by Eq.: dV [m,λ,σ] eff = 0 (19) dλ which leads to the λ as a function of σ, i.e. λ = λ(σ). Then, the vacuum is the minimum of the effective potential V [m,σ], which is given eff by a solution of the equation dV [m,σ,λ(σ)] ∂V [m,σ,λ(σ)] eff eff = = 0. (20) dσ ∂σ where it was used Eq. (19). We denote a fluctuations as a primed fields Φ . The action and corresponding V ′i eff now has a form: S[m,λ,σ,Φ] = S [m,λ,σ]+S [m,λ,σ,Φ], (21) ′ 0 V ′ 1 pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2) K S [m,λ,σ] = V[m,λ,σ] = Vσ2 −Trln −N ln +N 0 2 pˆ+im λ 1 S [m,λ,σ,Φ] = d4x (σ′2 +φ~′2 +~σ′2 +η′2) V ′ 2 Z 1 iM(λ,σ)F2 2 ~ − Tr (σ +iγ ~τφ +i~τ~σ +γ η ) , 2σ2 "pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2) ′ 5 ′ ′ 5 ′ # and V [m,λ,σ] = S [m,λ,σ]+Vmes[m,λ,σ] (22) eff 0 eff 5 Here second term in Eq. (22) is explicitly represented by 1 δ2S [m,λ,σ,Φ] V d4q 1 d4p Vmes[m,λ,σ] = Trln V ′ = ln[1−tr eff 2 δΦ (x)δΦ (y) 2 (2π)4 σ2 (2π)4 ′i ′j i Z Z X M(λ,σ)F2(p) M(λ,σ)F2(p+q) × Γ Γ ], (23) pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p)) ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p+q)) i wherethefactorsΓ = (1,iγ ~τ,i~τ,γ )andthesumoniiscounted allcorresponding meson i 5 5 ~ fluctuations σ ,φ,~σ ,η . tr here means the trace over flavor, color and Dirac indexes. ′ ′ ′ ′ Integrals in Eq. (23) are completely convergent one due to the presence of the form- factors F. Certainly the quantum fluctuations contribution will move the the coupling λ from λ 0 to λ +λ and σ as σ → σ +σ , where λ1 and σ1 are of order 1/N . 0 1 0 0 1 λ0 σ0 c First, consider Eq. (19): dV [m,λ,σ] 1 iM(λ,σ)F2 V d4q eff λ = N − Tr + (24) dλ 2 pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2) 2 (2π)4 i Z X d4p M(λ,σ)F2(p) M(λ,σ)F2(p+q) ×[σ2 −tr Γ Γ ] 1 (2π)4pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p)) ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p+q)) i − Z d4p M(λ,σ)F2(p) M(λ,σ)F2(p+q) ×[−tr Γ Γ (2π)4pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p)) ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p+q)) i Z d4p M(λ,σ)F2(p) 2 M(λ,σ)F2(p+q) +itr Γ Γ ] = 0 (2π)4 pˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p))! ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ,σ)F2(p+q)) i Z From this saddle-point Eq. we get λ = λ(σ). From vacuum Eq. (20) we in similar manner arrive to: ∂V [m,σ,λ(σ)] iM(λ(σ),σ)F2 V d4q σ eff = Vσ2 −Tr + (25) ∂σ pˆ+i(m+M(λ(σ),σ)F2) 2 (2π)4 i Z X d4p M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p) M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p+q) ×[σ2 −tr Γ Γ ] 1 (2π)4pˆ+i(m+M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p)) ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p+q)) i − Z d4p M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p) 2 M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p+q) ×[2itr Γ Γ ] = 0 (2π)4 pˆ+i(m+M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p))! ipˆ+qˆ+i(m+M(λ(σ),σ)F2(p+q)) i Z Since we are believing to 1 expansion, it is natural inside quantum fluctuations contri- Nc bution (under the integrals over q) to take σ = σ , M(λ(σ),σ) = M . 0 0 To simplify the expressions introduce vertices V (q), V (q) and meson propagators 2i 3i Π (q), which are defined as: i d4p M (p) M (p+q) 0 0 V (q) = tr Γ Γ (26) 2i (2π)4pˆ+iµ (p) ipˆ+qˆ+iµ (p+q) i Z 0 0 d4p M (p) 2 M (p+q) 0 0 V (q) = tr Γ Γ (27) 3i Z (2π)4 pˆ+iµ0(p)! ipˆ+qˆ+iµ0(p+q) i 2 Π 1(q) = −V (q). (28) −i R4 2i 6 Here M (p) = M F2(p), µ (p) = m+M (p) and was taken into account that σ2 = 2R 4. 0 0 0 0 0 − From Eqs. (24) and (25) we have M 2 1 M (p) 2 d4q 1 + Tr 0 = (iV3(q)−V (q))Π (q) (29) M0 R4 V pˆ+iµ0(p)!  i Z (2π)4 i 2i i X σ  R4 d4q  1 = − V (q)Π (q) (30) σ 4 (2π)4 2i i 0 i Z X The vertices V (q), V (q) and the meson propagators Π (q) are well defined functions, 2i 3i i providing well convergence of the integrals in Eqs. (29), (30). It is of special attention to the contribution of pion fluctuations φ~ at small ′ pion momentum q. We shall demonstrate that this contribution leads to the famous chiral log term with model independent coefficient in the correspondence with previous calculations in NJL-model [18]. Pion inverse propagator of Π 1(q) at small q ∼ m is: Π 1(q) = f2 (m2 + q2). At −φ~′ π −φ~′ kin π lowest order on m, f ≈ f = 93MeV, m2 ∼ m. kin,m=0 π π The vertices in the right side of Eq. (29) at q = 0 and in chiral limit are: 2 d4p p2M2(p) V (0) = , iV (0)−V (0) = 8N 0 (31) 2φ~′i,m=0 R4 3φ~′i,m=0 2φ~′i,m=0 c (2π)4(p2 +M2(p))2 Z 0 We see that the factor in the left side of Eq. (29) in the chiral limit is equal to: d4p ipˆM (p) 0 tr = −2(iV (0)−V (0)) (32) Z (2π)4(pˆ+iM0(p))2 3φ~′i,m=0 2φ~′i,m=0 ~ Collecting all the factors we get small q ≤ κ contribution of pion fluctuations φ: ′ σ M 3 κ d4q 1 1 1 | = | = − (33) σ φ~′,smallq M φ~′,smallq 2f2 (2π)4m2 +q2 0 0 π Z0 π 3 κ2 1 3 m2 = − q2dq2 = − (κ2 +m2 ln π ) 32π2f2 f2(m2 +q2) 32π2f2 π κ2 +m2 π Z0 π π π π Here we put m = 0 everywhere except m . We see that the coefficient in the front of of π m2 lnm2 is a model independent as it must be. π π Quick estimate, assuming κ = ρ 1, gives − σ M 3 1| ≈ 1| ≈ − (1+m2ρ2lnm2ρ2) ≈ −0.4(1+0.054ln0.054) (34) σ φ~′ M φ~′ 32π2f2ρ2 π π 0 0 π So, we expect that pion loops is provided not only non-analytical 1 mlnm term but also Nc very large contribution to 1 term. Nc This one dictate the strategy of the following calculations of σ and M : 1 1 1. we have to extract analytically 1 mlnm term from pion loops; Nc 2. rest part of σ and M can be calculated numerically and expanded over m, paying 1 1 special attention to the pion loops and keeping 1 and 1 m terms. Nc Nc 7 For actual numerical calculations we are using simplified version of the form-factor F(p) from [17] (with corrected high momentum dependence): L2 1.414 F(p < 2GeV) = , F(p > 2GeV) = (35) L2 +p2 p3 where L ≈ √2 = 848MeV. ρ¯ At N = 3 semi-numerical calculations of M and σ lead to: c 1 1 M 1 = −0.662−4.64m−4.01mlnm (36) M 0 σ 1 = −0.523−4.26m−4.00mlnm (37) σ 0 Here m is given in GeV. Certainly, in (36) the m lnm term is completely correspond to Eq. (33). M1 is −66% in chiral limit and reach its maximum ∼ −20% at m ∼ 0.115GeV. M0 The relative shift of the vacuum σ1 is −52% at the chiral limit and reach its maximum σ0 ∼ −2% at m ∼ 0.125GeV. The main contribution to both quantities M1 and σ1 come from pion loops. Other M0 σ0 mesons give the contribution ∼ 10% to O( 1 ) and O( 1 m) terms. Nc Nc Quark condensate We have to calculate quark condensate beyond chiral limit taking into account O(m), O( 1 ),O( 1 m)andO( 1 mlnm)terms. Quarkcondensateisextractedfromthepartition Nc Nc Nc function: 1 dV [m,λ,σ] 1 ∂(V[m,λ,σ]+Vmes[m,λ ,σ ]) < q¯q > = eff = eff 0 0 2V dm 2V ∂m 1 i i 1 ∂Vmes[m,λ ,σ ] eff 0 0 = − Tr( − )+ (38) 2V pˆ+iµ(p) pˆ+im 2V ∂m here λ = λ + λ , ,σ = σ +σ , M = M +M , µ(p) = m+MF2(p). First term of 0 1 0 1 0 1 Eq. (38) is 1 i i − Tr( − ) (39) 2V pˆ+iµ(p) pˆ+im d4p µ (p) m M M (p)(p2 −µ2(p)) = −4N 0 − + 1 0 0 cZ (2π)4 p2 +µ20(p) p2 +m2 M0 (p2 +µ20(p))2 ! Second term of Eq. (38) – meson loops contribution to the condensate is 1 ∂Vmes[m,λ ,σ ] i d4q d4p M (p) M (p+q) eff 0 0 = tr 0 Γ 0 Γ 2V ∂m 2 i Z (2π)4 Z (2π)4(pˆ+iµ0(p))2 ipˆ+qˆ+iµ0(p+q) i! X 2N d4p M0(p) M0(p+q) −1 × −tr Γ Γ (40) V Z (2π)4pˆ+iµ0(p) ipˆ+qˆ+iµ0(p+q) i! 8 At m = 0 and without meson loops the condensate is d4p M (p) 00 < q¯q > = −4N (41) 00 c (2π)4p2 +M2 (p) Z 00 Here M ≡ M . 00 0,m=0 ~ Let us to consider now the contribution of pion fluctuations φ to the quark condensate ′ at small q. First we consider: 1 ∂Vφ~′,smallq[m,λ ,σ ] d4p M2(p)µ (p) κ d4q eff 0 0 = 12N 0 0 (42) 2V ∂m c (2π)4(p2 +µ2(p))2 (2π)4f2 (m2 +q2) Z 0 Z0 kin π We keep m only in m2. Then at m = 0 µ (p) ⇒ M (p) ⇒ M (p), f ⇒ f and we have π 0 0 00 kin π M d4p M (p)(p2 −M2 (p)) < q¯q > = < q¯q > − 14N 00 00 (43) 00 M c (2π)4 (p2 +M2 (p))2 0 Z 00 d4p M3 (p) κ d4q 1 + 12N 00 c (2π)4(p2 +M2 (p))2 (2π)4f2(m2 +q2) Z 00 Z0 π π 3 κ d4q 1 =< q¯q > 1− (44) 00 2 Z0 (2π)4fπ2(m2π +q2)! Eq. (33) for M1 was applied here. We see that Eq. (44) is in the full correspondence with M0 [11, 12]. Detailed numerical calculations lead to the semi-analytical formula for the quark con- densate including all O(m), O( 1 ) and O( 1 mlnm)-corrections: Nc Nc < q¯q >=< q¯q > (1−18.53m−7.72mlnm) (45) m=0 Here < q¯q > = 0.52 < q¯q > . Certainly, the mlnm term in Eq.(45) is in full m=0 00 correspondence with Eq. (44), as it must be. < q¯q > / < q¯q > is a rising function of m=0 m until m ∼ 0.04GeV and is a falling one in the region m > 0.04GeV. The main contribution to O( 1 ), O( 1 m) and O( 1 mlnm) terms in <q¯q> is due to Nc Nc Nc <q¯q>00 pion loops. Other mesons give the contribution ∼ few% to O( 1 ) and O( 1 m) terms. Nc Nc m − m effects in quark condensate d u Current quark mass become diagonal 2 × 2 matrix with m = m ,m = m , m = 1 u 2 d m 1+τ3 + m 1 τ3 = m + δmτ3. Here m = m1+m2,δm = m − m . Let us introduce 1 2 2 −2 2 2 1 2 external field s . In our particular case it is s = iδm,s = s = 0. Our aim is to find the i 3 2 1 2 asymmetry of the quark condensate <u¯u> <d¯d>, taking into account only O(δm) terms − <u¯u> and neglecting by O( 1 δm), O( 1 δmlnm). It means that we neglect at all by meson Nc Nc loops contribution. Inthepresence oftheexternalfield~sweexpect alsovacuumfield~σ. Effective potential within requested accuracy is V [σ,~σ,m] ≈ S [m,λ,σ,~σ] (46) eff 0 V pˆ+i~τ~s+i(m+M(λ,σ,~σ)F2) K = (σ2 +~σ2)−Trln −N ln +N. 2 pˆ+im+i~τ~s λ 9 λ,σ,~σ are defined by the vacuum equations: ∂V ∂V ∂V eff eff eff = 0, = 0, = 0. (47) ∂λ ∂σ ∂σ i They can be reduced to the following form: 1 F2(p)M (m +M F2(p)) i i i Tr = N (48) 2 p2 +(m +M F2(p))2 i i where M = λ0.5(2πρ)2(σ ± σ ). Solution of these equations leads to λ = λ[m,~s], σ = i 2g 3 σ[m,~s] σ = σ [m,~s]. We have to put them into V and find V = V [m,~s]. Desired i i eff eff eff correlator is ∂V [m,~s] eff | (49) ∂s s3=δ2m,s1,2=0 3 We calculate this correlator within requested accuracy, taking into account only O(δm) terms. So, the difference of the vacuum quark condensates of u and d quarks is ¯ < u¯u > − < dd > (50) 1 −i −i −i −i = Tr( − )−Tr( − ) V " pˆ+i(mu +MuF2) pˆ+imu pˆ+i(md +MdF2) pˆ+imd # ¯ We expect that < dd ><< u¯u > if m > m . d u Typical values of light current quark masses [19] are m = 5.1MeV, m = 9.3MeV on u d the scale 1GeV (which is in fact close to our scale ρ 1 = 0.6GeV) leads to the asymmetry − ¯ < u¯u > − < dd > = 0.026 (51) < u¯u > From this asymmetry and using sum-rules [20] we estimate strange quark condensate at m = 120MeV as: s < s¯s > = 0.43, (52) < u¯u > which is rather small. The reason that the asymmetry (51) is rather large. Conclusion Inthe framework of instanton vacuum model it was calculated simplest possible correlator – quark condensate with complete account of O(m), O( 1 ), O( 1 m) and O( 1 mlnm) Nc Nc Nc terms, demanding the calculation of meson loops contribution. Since initial instanton generated quark-quark interactions are nonlocal and contain corresponding form-factor induced by quark zero-mode, these loops correspond completely convergent integrals. The main loop corrections come from the pions, as it was expected. We found that O( 1 ) corrections are very large ∼ 50%, which request the ∼ 10% changing of the basic Nc parameters – average inter-instanton distance R and average instanton size ρ to restore chiral limit value of the quark condensate < q¯q > and other important quantities as m=0 f and m to their phenomenological values. This work in the progress. π π In general, it was demonstrated, that instanton vacuum model is well working tool also beyond chiral limit and satisfy chiral perturbation theory. 10

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