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Installation art and the museum : presentation and conservation of changing artworks PDF

226 Pages·2013·3.81 MB·English
by  Saaze
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Installation Art omslag.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 21-02-13 / 16:31 | Pag. 1 Installation Art and the Museum will This book is a significant and V i V become essential reading for scholars innovative contribution to the ia Installation Art and professionals who work in the art literature. At present there is a lack n V world, along with anyone with serious of such a publication addressing in an a n interest in contemporary art and its accessible manner the emergence of S a display. contemporary artists’ installations a z It is an engaging account of what within a museum context and the e and the Museum goes on behind museum doors as practice of those responsible for I staff struggles to maintain a sense the display and conservation. This n s of authenticity with variable art. publication provides a valuable read t a Van Saaze reveals the tensions between for both those new to the subject and l l Presentation and Conservation of Changing Artworks artists, curators, and conservators the more experienced reader. It is an a t who re-create and alter these works important and timely piece of research i o for public display. Video requires which I believe will be both influential n reformatting and new exhibition and widely read. A ViVian Van Saaze equipment as technologies go r – Pip Laurenson, Head of Collection Care t obsolescent. Installation works change a Research, Tate, London when re-designed for new gallery n d spaces. Artists challenge the notion Vivian van Saaze is postdoctoral t of single authorship by transferring h researcher at the Faculty of Arts decision-making to museum staff e and Social Sciences of Maastricht M or by distributing their role through University. collaborative practice. The art u s examined in this book is inherently e www.aup.nl u unstable, and its care provides a m rich context for understanding what AmsterdAm University Press happens when agreed-upon social practice in museums is disrupted by external change. Interdisciplinary scholarship at its best. – Glenn Wharton, Time-Based Media amSterdam UniVerSity PreSS Conservator at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and Research Scholar in Museum Studies, New York University Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 1 InstallatIon art and the MuseuM Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 2 Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 3 Installation Art and the Museum Presentation and Conservation of Changing Artworks VIVIan Van saaze Amsterdam University Press Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 4 This book is published in print and online through the online OAPEN library (www.oapen.org) OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collabora- tive initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publi- cation model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe. Cover illustration: ensemble autour de MUR (1998) by Joëlle Tuerlinckx. Collection Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Ghent, Bel- gium. Installation view 2003 at S.M.A.K. Photo by Dirk Pauwels. Courtesy photographer and S.M.A.K. © Joëlle Tuerlinckx Cover design and lay-out: Sander Pinkse Boekproductie, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 8964 459 6 e-ISBN 978 90 4851 751 0 (pdf) e-ISBN 978 90 4851 752 7 (ePub) NUR 751 © V. van Saaze / Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2013 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the author of the book. Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 5 For Kaat Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 6 Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 7 Contents Acknowledgments 9 Introduction: Challenges of Installation Art 11 On Changes and Challenges 13 Installation Art and the Museum 17 Decisions and Discussions 21 Doing Artworks 27 Outline of the Book 32 1 Key Concepts and Developments in Conservation Theory and Practice 35 1.1 Introduction 36 1.2 The Emergence of Conservation as a Profession 37 1.3 Authenticity and Artist’s Intent: Key Concepts and Stumbling Blocks 48 1.4 Conclusion 57 2 From Singularity to Multiplicity: Authenticity in Practice 61 2.1 Introduction 63 2.2 More than One One Candle? 73 2.3 Authenticity as a Matter of Perspective 74 2.4 From Perspectives to Practices 80 2.5 One Candle as Singular 83 2.6 Disruptions and Dispersion 88 2.7 External Multiple One Candles 95 2.8 One Candle: More than One, Less than Many 103 3 From Intention to Interaction: Artist’s Intention Reconsidered 109 3.1 Introduction 111 3.2 Problems of Reinstallation: Artist’s Intent in Practice 115 3.3 By Means of Measuring: A Stretch Museum Scale 1:1 122 Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 8 3.4 Never Stop Starting: ensemble autour de MUR 131 3.5 Conclusion: Multiple Practices 139 4 From Object to Collective, from Artists to Actants: Ownership Reframed 143 4.1 Introduction 144 4.2 The Emergence of No Ghost Just a Shell 151 4.3 Searching for New Concepts 156 4.4 Acquiring No Ghost Just a Shell: From Artists to Museum 159 4.5 A New Artwork: Travelling Pod 161 4.6 The Museum System 165 4.7 ‘What Exactly Have We Acquired?’ 168 4.8 Another No Ghost Just a Shell 172 4.9 By Way of Conclusion 178 Conclusion: Challenges and Potentialities of Installation Art 181 On Challenges and Potentialities 182 Foregrounding Practices 183 New Vistas 185 List of Illustrations 189 References 193 Interviews 213 Index 217 Installation art def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-04-13 / 11:54 | Pag. 9 Acknowledgments For giving me the opportunity to write this book, I thank the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASOS) at Maastricht University and the Neth- erlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) (now part of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE)). Many colleagues at FASOS and RCE contributed to this research. I warmly thank you all for the many insights and constructive feedback. I am especially grateful to Renée van de Vall, Rob Zwijnenberg, and IJsbrand Hummelen, who have been inval- uable during the process of research and writing. I thank you for your trust, encouragements and sharp minds. Special thanks also to Tatja Scholte, Pip Laurenson, Glenn Wharton and Sherri Irvin for comment- ing on earlier versions of the manuscript. I am indebted to Maaike Groot and Chantal Nicolaes for their guidance and support throughout the pro- duction phase of this book. Furthermore, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those involved in the Inside Installations research project for allowing me to integrate into their work and who took time out of their busy schedules to give interviews. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the museum staff of MMK in Frankfurt am Main, Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, S.M.A.K. in Ghent and Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. It was a great pleasure to be part of your worlds and I shall be looking forward to fol- low future developments in the field. I am grateful to be able to continue this line of research and thank my colleagues of the research project New Strategies in the Conservation of Contemporary Art — Renée van de Vall, Deborah Cherry, Tatja Scholte, IJsbrand Hummelen, Hanna Hölling, Sanneke Stigter, Angela Matyssek, Annet Dekker, Panda de Haan and Paolo Martore — for the many fruitful conversations far beyond the edges of this book. This book started out as a PhD project and parts of the case study research have been published in: J. Noordegraaf, C. Saba, B. Le Maître & V. Hediger 9

Installation art has become mainstream in artistic practices. However, acquiring and displaying such artworks means that curators and conservators are challenged to deal with obsolete technologies, ephemeral materials, and other issues concerning care and management of these artworks. By analyzing t
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