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Instabilities and waves in thin films of living fluids Sumithra Sankararaman∗ and Sriram Ramaswamy†‡ Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India Weformulatethethin-filmhydrodynamicsofasuspensionofpolarself-drivenparticlesandshow thatitispronetoseveralinstabilitiesthroughtheinterplayofactivity,polarityandtheexistenceofa freesurface. Ourapproachextends,toself-propellingsystems,theworkofBenAmarandCummings [PhysFluids13(2001)1160]onthin-filmnematics. Basedonourestimatestheinstabilitiesshouldbe seeninbacterialsuspensionsandthelamellipodium,andarepotentiallyrelevanttothemorphology of biofilms. We suggest several experimental tests of our theory. 9 Activehydrodynamics,thecollectivebehaviourofself- v of the active particles, the mean film thickness h , 0 0 0 0 driven, orientable particles in a fluid medium, is a topic the viscosity µ, an orientation mobility Γ, the coupling 2 of intense current research [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In this C, present in equilibrium systems as well, of particle ori- Letter we study the dynamics of a film of fluid, thin in entation to free-surface tilt, and the typical active con- n a the z direction and spread on a solid surface in the xy tractile or tensile stress σ0 ≡ Wc0. W is the strength J plane which is also the easy plane for the orientational of the force-dipole associated with each active particle, 6 orderparameterpofthepolaractiveparticlessuspended and c the mean concentration of active particles. (iii) 0 2 in the fluid. For an active system, this polarity implies Low motility, i.e., small v , promotes the instability and 0 a current v cp with respect to the fluid, where v is a high motility suppresses it, a point we will return to at ] 0 0 t characteristic drift velocity and c the concentration of the end of this paper. The instability manifests itself in f o active particles. While our formulation is general, we moving (convective) and static (absolute) form. We also s study mainly the properties of perturbations about an offerasimplephysicalpicture(Fig. 1)ofthemechanism . t ordered, uniform reference state (cid:104)p(cid:105)=xˆ. underlying this unique instability. (iv) We find several a m other possiblemodes of free-surface instability, which we HIGH LOW discuss towards the end of the paper. - d Before presenting our model in detail, a few words are n inorderaboutthesystemstowhichitmightapply. Bac- o terial colonies on a surface frequently take the form of c organised, rigid biofilms [9], e.g., those of Pseudomonas [ aeruginosa [10]. An understanding of the formation of 4 LOW HIGH these structures should begin with the thin-film hydro- v dynamicsofactivefluids. Thelamellipodiumofcrawling 8 1 FIG. 1: Top view of film with contractile polar filaments cells is propelled by the ATP-driven force of a continu- (solidarrows)withapreferenceforpointingdownhill. Active 9 ally polymerizing and depolymerizing, contractile actin stresses cause fluid flow (dashed arrows) towards the open 4 network just below the cell membrane [11] and is thus a endofasplayperturbation,leadingtogradientsintheheight . 9 of the fluid film. Modes propagating forward experience a moving, thin, active fluid film. 0 height gradient that further torques (dash-dotted arrow) the We therefore consider a fluid film containing active 8 filaments in the direction in which they were already per- particles with concentration field c, and orientation de- 0 turbed. scribed by a vector field p = (p ,p ). Since we are : ⊥ z v interested here in perturbations about a macroscopically Xi Our main results are as follows: (i) Active, ordered ordered state, we set |p|=1. We construct equations of thin films, although dominated by viscosity, not inertia, motionforc(r ,t),p(r ,t),andtheheightfieldh(r ,t), r ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ a show a wavelike response to external disturbances, as a i.e., the film thickness, as functions of in-plane position result of the coupled dynamics of free-surface undula- r andtimet. Ourtreatmentgeneralizes[12]tothecase ⊥ tions the active stress field, and the concentration. (ii) of active systems. In large regimes of parameter space this coupling pro- The kinematic boundary condition [13] h˙ = u −u · z ⊥ duces a novel instability whose growth rate, to leading ∇ h connects h to the hydrodynamic velocity field u = ⊥ order in small wavevector k = (kx,ky), varies as kykx1/2 (u⊥,uz) evaluated at the free surface. Incompressibility for kx (cid:28) ξky2 and as ky2 for kx (cid:29) ξky2. The crossover ∇·u = 0 leads to the simplification length ξ = Γ|Cσ |h2/v2µ depends on the drift velocity 0 0 0 (cid:90) h ∂ h+∇ · u dz =0. (1) t ⊥ ⊥ 0 †alsoatJNCASR,Bangalore560064India We eliminate u⊥ in favour of p, c and h through the 2 Stokes equation in the lubrication approximation [13] opposite happens. The behaviour of the active tension u =0, |∇ u|(cid:28)|∂ u|: term is consistent with the idea that contractile stresses z ⊥ z pull in along the long axis of the particles, giving addi- µ∂z2u⊥−∇⊥P −zˆ∂zP −∇·σa =0 (2) tional elastic resistance to stretching along that axis. The dynamics of the polar orientation field p dif- where µ and P are the viscosity and pressure field of the fers from that of the conventional nematic director. fluid, and σa(r) = Wc(r)p(r)p(r) is the intrinsic stress First, symmetry cannot rule out a coupling of the form field [3, 14] of the active particles. We discuss the role of −C(cid:82) d2xp ·∇ h which couples p to tilts of the free gravitylaterinthepaper. W <0andW >0correspond ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ surface [17]. For C > 0 a tilt of the free surface tries to respectively to contractile and tensile activity. make p point uphill. Theactive-particlecurrentisalongp,andtheparticles ⊥ We can think of two possible microscopic origins for cannotleavethefilm. Thusp (z =0)=0, andp·Nˆ =0 at z = h, where Nˆ = (−∇zh,1)/(cid:112)1+(∇ h)2 is the such a term. Consider an imposed thickness variation ⊥ ⊥ tilt ∇ h of the free surface. One end of each polar par- outward normal to the free surface. So p (cid:39) p ·∇ h ⊥ z ⊥ ⊥ ticle is in general expected to be fatter than the other, at the free surface, interpolating linearly, through di- and the particles will be best accommodated with the rector elasticity [15], to p = 0 at the substrate, i.e., z fatendorientedtowardsthedirectionofincreasingh. In p = (z/h)p · ∇ h. Therefore in a z-averaged de- z ⊥ ⊥ addition, the spatial variation in the separation between scription p = (1/2)∂ h and ∂ p (cid:39) h−1∂ h. Con- z x z z x the free surface and the fixed substrate should give rise sider small deviations [16] about a state aligned along toanelectricfieldintheplane. Polarparticlesingeneral xˆ: p = xˆ + θyˆ, θ (cid:28) 1. From the foregoing discus- ⊥ haveanelectricdipolemoment,andwillthusbeoriented sion, the active force density has components ∇ σa = i ix by this field. Secondly, consider the spontaneous-splay σ0(∂yθ+∂xc/c0+h−1∂xh), ∇iσiay =σ0∂xθ and ∇iσiaz = term [18] H ≡ −(cid:82) d3xC˜∇·p in the effective Hamil- σ ∂2h/2 to linear order. We now eliminate the pressure sp 0 x tonian for p, where C˜ is a phenomenological parameter P in favour of h, p and c, through the z-component of which can depend on the local concentration, say C˜ = (2) and stress continuity at the free surface z = h, lead- C˜(c )+C˜(cid:48)(c )δc+...≡C+C(cid:48)δc. Throughthe“equilib- ingtoP(x,y,z,t)=P −γ∇2h+σ (h−z)∂2h/2, where 0 0 0 ⊥ 0 x rium” part of the dynamics of our system, the C and C(cid:48) P is a reference pressure and γ the surface tension of 0 termswillcontribute−ΓδH/δp=ΓCδ(z)∇ h−ΓC(cid:48)∇δc the fluid [13]. Since we are interested in the dynamics at ⊥ to the equation of motion for p, Γ being a kinetic coeffi- large scales in the xy plane, we treat the active stresses cient. On dimensional and symmetry grounds we expect in a z−averaged approximation, allowing us to borrow the methods of [13] for spreading under gravity, whose l force density is z−independent. l’ l Using this in (2) and integrating twice over z with ∂ u (h)=0 and u (0)=0 we get R z ⊥ ⊥ hz−z2/2(cid:18) 1 (cid:19) u (z)= γ∇ ∇2h− σ h∂2∇ h−f , FIG. 2: An object with head and tail of sizes (cid:96) and (cid:96)(cid:48) re- ⊥ µ ⊥ ⊥ 2 0 x ⊥ ⊥ spectively, and length (cid:96), produces a spontaneous curvature (3) 1/R(cid:39)((cid:96)−(cid:96)(cid:48))/(cid:96)2. to linear order in perturbations of h, where f = ⊥ σ [(∂ θ+∂ c/c +h−1∂ h)xˆ+∂ θyˆ]. Using (3) in (1), 0 y x 0 x x C ∼F/R,whereF isatypicalforcescaleandR,thera- linearizing h=h +δh, c=c +δc, the in-plane fourier- 0 0 dius of curvature associated with the particle shape (see components δh (t), δc (t), θ (t) obey k k k Fig. 2).,istheparticlethicknessdividedbythefractional length difference between the two edges of the particle. σ h2 δc ∂ δh = − 0 0[2h k k θ +h k2 k Combining the above with the results of [3], the dy- t k 3µ 0 x y k 0 x c 0 namics of the the angle field θ becomes 1 γh3 + (1− 2h20k2)kx2δhk]− 3µ0k4δhk. (4) ∂tθ =−a1v0∂xθ−ζ∂yδc+δ(z)ΓC∂yh+(λAyx−Ωyx)+D∇2θ. (5) The four effects of activity on the right-hand side of The first term on the right-hand side of (5) is advec- (4) are, from left to right within the square bracket, tion of θ with a speed proportional to v [19]. The rest, 0 (i) curvature-induced flow; (ii) anisotropic osmotic flow; from left to right, are coupling to concentration gradi- and, in parentheses, (iii) splay-induced flow from tilting ents, with ζ =ΓC(cid:48), coupling to the free surface through the free surface and (iv) an active anisotropic contribu- the coefficient C, flow-orientation coupling as in nemat- tion to the effective tension. The final term on the right ics [15], and gradient elasticity of p. The first three of(4)isordinarysurfacetension. Forcontractile(σ <0) termsarepolar,andthefirstisaconsequenceofactivity. 0 stresses, term (iii) destabilises, and the active tension in A = 1(∇ u +∇ u ) and Ω = 1(∇ u −∇ u ). For ij 2 i j j i ij 2 i j j i (iv)stabilises,thesurface;fortensile(σ >0)stressesthe stable flow-alignment [15] |λ|>1. 0 3 Eliminating u in favour of θ and h through (3), and ω = a v k +iΓC 2σ0h20[k2−O( v0 )D k2](10) averagingoverz, (5)becomes, toleadingordersink and 2 1 0 x v 3µa y ΓC ± 0 1 linear order in the fields, Wenowincludetheconcentrationvia(7),butcontinue ∂tθ = +iΓh0Ckyδhk−(cid:0)D+kx2+D−ky2+ia1v0kx(cid:1)θ itnhethpeurseilmyprelilfayxinatgiolnimalitfoΓrmC/(v90),(cid:29)wit1h.cOoenffiecmienotdemroedtiafiiends − (iζky−Φkxky)δc, (6) at O(ζ). The propagating mode in (10) becomes a pair with speeds of order v ±O(ζ), with relaxation rates ∼ where D = D − (λ ± 1)h2σ /4µ, and Φ = (λ − 0 ± 0 0 ±(h2σ CΓ/µv )[1+O(ζ)]k2. Theresultsfrom(8)tothis 1)h2σ /4c µ. 0 0 0 0 0 0 pointestablishthemainclaimsatthestartofthispaper. The active contribution to particle currents with re- Inparticular, itisreadilyseenthat(9), (10)crossoverto spect to the fluid is v cp where v is a drift velocity. 0 0 (8) for k (cid:28)ξk2 with ξ =Γ|Cσ |h2/v2µ. Thus in the lab frame of reference the continuity equa- x y 0 0 0 Somegeneralfeaturesareworthnoting: (a)Regardless tionfortheconcentration,apartfromdiffusion,issimply of the sign of σ C, there is always an instability; (b) in- ∂ δc=−∇·[(u+v p)c]. Linearizingaroundc andusing 0 t 0 0 creasingv weakenstheinstability,presumablybecausea (5) and overall incompressibility, 0 collection of filaments drifting along x samples alternat- ∂ δc=−ic v k θ−iv k δc+O(k2δc ,k2δh ). (7) ing height gradients along y whose effect cancels; (c) for t 0 0 y 0 x x k x k σ C >0 the instability moves with a speed ∼v ±O(ζ), 0 0 TheO(k2)termsin(7)comefromincludingfluctuations combiningtheeffectsofthedriftspeedv andthe“pres- 0 inp aswellbyexplicitlyincludingdiffusionofparticles. sure” due to ζ, while for σ C < 0 there is an instabil- x 0 Theinstabilitywearechieflyconcernedwithhere,aris- ity in mode ω , predominantly the height field h, that 1 ingfromthecombinationofactivityandthetiltcoupling grows without travelling, the remnant of the instability C,isbestseenintheextremecaseofimmotile but active discussed for v =0. 0 polar particles, i.e. v =0 but σ (cid:54)=0. To leading order Itiscrucialtonoteherethatactivity andpolarity con- 0 0 ink theconcentrationplaysnorole, andthedynamicsis spiretoproducetheinstability,atleadingorderingradi- determined by (4) and (5), yielding an unstable mode in ents, even at zero motility. Motility, also a consequence the system which grows at a rate k1/2k . In detail, for of active polarity, is encoded in the active stress only at x y time-dependence exp(−iωt), to leading order in k, the next-to-leading order [14]. The stabilising effect of in- mode frequency creasing v0 at constant σ0 is thus not paradoxical. For ΓC/v (cid:28)1 all instabilities involving the interplay 1+isgn(k Cσ ) Γh2 0 ω =± √ x 0 ( 0)1/2|Cσ k |1/2|k | (8) of activity with the spontaneous-splay coupling C disap- 2 3µ 0 x y pear. Theremaininginstabilitiesinvolveneitherpolarity nor a drift velocity. The most interesting of these, men- has a real and an imaginary part; the mode displaying tioned briefly below (4), arises as follows: Consider a an instability travels in the +x direction (−x direction) flat free surface with contractile filaments aligned along if σ C >0 (σ C <0). 0 0 xˆ, and impose a small tilt δh ∝ x. The filaments at Thisinstabilitycanbeunderstoodfromasimplephys- the free surface are then tilted relative to those at the ical picture, involving the interplay of active stresses σ 0 substrate. The resulting splay in the xz plane implies andspontaneoussplayC. Tofixideas,considerasinFig. thatactivestresseswillpumpfluidtowardstheopenend 1 a long-wavelength splay perturbation on a set of con- of this splayed configuration, thus increasing the tilt. In tractile filaments σ < 0 aligned with polarisation along 0 addition,theinstabilitiesofabulkactiveorderedsuspen- +xˆ, with a preference for pointing downhill (C < 0), in sion as originally discussed in [3, 5] can arise, modified an initially flat film. The active stresses then generate here by confinement to a thin film, and the anisotropic a flow in the film that increases the height of the free active tension [mentioned after (4)], if large enough, will surface ahead of the outward-splayed filaments, and de- destabilize tensile active films at order k4. creasestheheightaheadoftheinward-splayedfilaments. We now compare the relaxation rates in (8) with the Themodepropagatingalong+xˆ willthencausethefila- stabilizingcontributionsρgh3k2/µduetogravity,ρbeing mentstosampleaheightgradientthattiltsthefilaments 0 themass-densityofthefilmandgtheaccelerationdueto in the centre of the field further to the right. The same gravity, γh3k4/µ due to surface tension, and Kk2/µ due argument,mutatis mutandis,goesthroughforthetensile 0 toorientationalrelaxation, whereK isaFrankconstant. and/or C >0 cases. 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