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Inspection of the specimen identified as Cosmopterix flavofasciata by Fletcher (1933) (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae) PDF

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Preview Inspection of the specimen identified as Cosmopterix flavofasciata by Fletcher (1933) (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utEva LepidopteraScience62(3)1:05-106,October2011 Inspectio nof the specimen identifi eads Cosmqpteri xj7avojirs bcyi Falteatcher(1933)(Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae) Hi roshi Ku RoKo" 4-3-1-901Habu-cho,Kishiwada,Osaka,596-0825Japan Abstrac tFjetcher' sspecimen, which is very importan tas the evidential specimen for the hostplan tof Cosmopterix atten"atella (=C flbuvqfu sinc hii asplubdl)icatio (nI93 3h)a,s not bcen locat eord subjected te modern examjnation, A specimen that is probably the same species as in his descripti ohnas now been found among the material preserv eidn the Natural History Museum, London (BMNH) .After carefu1 exalnination of the external charaeters i tis concluded that Fletcher: sspecimen is a differ esnpetcies from attem{atella, Key words Cosmopterigidae ,Cosmopterix,h opsltan td,weru rsot"ndus, Fletche rs'pescimen, Pusa, Fletche r(1921 n)oted that he collected Cosmopterix mimetis Meyrick (a juni osyrnonyrn of C. atten"atella Walker)atPusa,Indiaf,rom25Septembe-r8December 1916byrearingthelarvaemininginmothagrass(C}ipertts rotundus), Subsequent hley ( 1933) recorded Cosmoplerix jlavoj?isciataWbllaston(ajuniorsynonymofC,attenuatetla Walker) from leaves Cypertts reared of rot"ndus and provide fdigur eofs the adult, larv aand pupa .AIthough thisrecordwascitedIaterinthebiologyofCcfussicervicella (a elosely allied species to atten"atetla) by Chretie n(1 917) in pait ,it is importan tas the only knowledg eof the host plan otf C attenuatella up to the presen tCHodge s19,62: 25; Hodges ,1978 i27; Koster and Sinev ,2003: 116), General ltyhe identifica to'if oCnosmopteri xspecies by external characters alon eis fraugh wtith diencul tiyt i:s yery like ltyo be inaccura etxecept in special cases. In spite of this a,pparently nobody has ex arnined the genitalia of Fletcher 'sspecimens. Through the courtesy of Mr K, Tuck of the BMNH, I had the opportunity to examine the specirnen that appear tso be the one treated by Fletcher. It is clearly differe nftrom C. attenuatetla. Closmopteri sxp. (no Ctosmopterix attenuatella Walker) Cosmqpter itnximetis: Fletcher ,i920: 120, Cosinoptertxfavqfascia tFat:ctche 1r9,33 :1-2, pl ,1. 8, Wing length 3,5 mrn. Antenna stout, black ,with interrupt ewdhite ]ine sfrom base to 1/3 ,apica] 1 black ,l white, 3 black O,.5 white, O.5 blaek,O, w5hite, Head and thorax with thre ewhite lines, Forewing les snan"ow than in attenuateUa, WIL=O.16rkrk; fuscous ;subcostal lin efrom base to 2/3 of basa lhal farea, Fig ,1. Cosmopterix sp., r (th sepecimen treated by Fletche ras C. median and subdorsal line dsistin cabtou,t 114 lengt ohf attenuatetla,) Fig .2. Labels attached to the specimen. *e-mail:[email protected] s #WL=widthlle"gth of forewit]g NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 106 H.KUROKO basa lhal farea, subdorsal  Iln enearly under  median  line; Acknow且edgnlents ababennxlatttaeeenrrncdiod ktoi d−rnoc go2o皿ts1 ;ta3eappitl0coaafls[lliltbyinmca e  efsebd xaahetisaleyacnlond ifi bnaanoε gdbmprldoei ,saq  acuytnaeuetedelar rlliio ouoomrt ewpr lwtyatrar(il)djln配sigoecem d,cs  p wwtpoiit totihshhso;o  −t亡daomenrem zadlsoniimgananenalllt,,al I.fKhowoir i ssetsstht heeet (erolNm eeoexdaptrn he oseafsdr v tmilychaei n  c sCvodoarnelsdu niatb虻ahlleee  t Rshp)a resn cBpkieimsce otinmdoe Minrv.e K rasn. Tid Nut acyttko u(MBrrMa MlJNi), HsfCb).r lin ediv食ded int otwo, basa lpart short and  weak  api¢al , part rather broad;apical ciliablackish without  apical spot. Referellces “ Specimen examined .1♂, Mining Motha 「○,p“erus Fletcher, T. B.1920, Life−historie sof Indian Insects, rotundus ]leave,s24. x.1918, Pusa Boyd Coll∴ Brit.    Microlopidopt, eVrIa. Cosmopterygidae, Oecopholldae, fMulsγa〔伽.19(;3i4a−t3 aW8”.., “teAsbtde Tom,Be.nE” missing ”.」て osmo ρter)’x       PMehmys・oDpetl,i・lA9i, d「Xiayee. lIonrdiyac, Etni.td, oaSmetole. nSoemv’.i6da (a1en−d9 )O:r1n−2e1o7dj.dae. Fletche,r T, B.1933. Life−historj eosf India nMierolepidoptera    (second  series). Jmpen CouncilAgric、 Res、∫〔・i, Monogr .4: Discus韮son    1−85,77pls. This specimen  bearin Fgletch’es ridentifica ltaiboen lis cl.early i.dent.cajl with his drawing(1933, pL 1)in the stout 摘 要 antenna  and  the character of the terminal lin eof the f()rewing . Furthermo riet diffe rfsrom C、 atten”atelta as Fletche(r1933)によりCosmopteri fXlavofBasc(ホiaソtカa follows.1)The character  of the a皿tenna is mentioned ザリバ )と9して扱われた標本の検証 (鱗翅 ,カザリバ above , butin attenu αtella it is slender  and  with the apical ガ科)〔黒  浩) i or 2 segments  blac,k30r 2 segments  white ,5segments Eeteher(1933)によりC・・mo ρerixflavcftTscia t(a= Cl attenuateUa) blac,k l white ,1black2 )The forewing is broade trhan として扱われた標本はイン ドにおい てスゲ科のハ マ スゲよ that of attenuatella , WIL = O.16(in attenuatella  more り得られたもので,以来この記録が本種の食草として引用 slender , WL = 0,11).3)The temninal lin eis divide dinto されて きていた.ところが今回見つ かっ たFietcheにrよる two, the basa lpar tweak  and the apical par trather broad, 同定ラベ ルのつ い た標本は明らかに 1933年出版の彼の成 without  an apical spot (in attenuateUa  one termina lline 虫図とは一致するが,前翅形,触角や斑紋の特徴からホソ and  an apical spot are presen)t.Although the specimen  is カザリバ とは別種と.考えられた (腹部は紛失していて交尾 missing  it sabdomerl , thi sspecimen  is clearly a male  by 器を調べ ることはで きず、種名の決定には至らなかっ た it sstrong frcnulu.m が).したがっ て本種の食草の原典とされるFletche〔1r933) Aspte ctimheen pr ecosneclnut stiivemley i.t  iBus tn oit t ips ocslesairb tl hetaot  tlhde espnetciie fstyh iiss .の界引中用に広は不く分適布切すになる本る種.わのが信国頼にでもきるご食く草普が通末に生だ息もっして,世判 nwoitll t breu e iatdteenn昆taitef liilaen, dtahnd ef iUttiu sar nbe亘yc impol飢eceudl atrha t atnhael sypseidsme. nltis 明ころしてにい答なえいはとひいそうんこでといはる不の思か議もな知これとなでいあ.る.意外なと strange tha tthere is no genuin ienformati oonn the bielogy (Rcceived June l3,2{}】1. Accepted August 8,2011) of atten”atelta even  though i tis a coimnon  and widespread species in the world . The hostpl皿at of attenuatella  might be unusua ], 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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