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Geophysical Monograph Series Including IUGG Volumes Maurice Ewing Volumes Mineral Physics Volumes Geophysical Monograph Series 104 Geospace Mass and Energy Flow: Results From the 121 The History and Dynamics of Global Plate Motions International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program James Mark A. Richards, Richard G. Gordon, and Rob D. van L Horwitz, Dennis L. Gallagher, and William K. der Hi 1st (Eds.) Peterson (Eds.) 122 Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock Boris 105 New Perspectives on the Earth's Magnetotail Faybishenko, Paul A. Witherspoon, and Sally M. A. Nishida, D. N. Baker, and S. W. H. Cowley (Eds.) Benson (Eds.) 106 Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges 123 Atmospheric Science Across the Stratopause David E. W. Roger Buck, Paul T. Delaney, Jeffrey A. Karson, Siskind, Stephen D. Eckerman, and Michael E. and Yves Lagabrielle (Eds.) Summers (Eds.) 107 Rivers Over Rock: Fluvial Processes in Bedrock 124 Natural Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Distribution, and Channels Keith J. Tinkler and Ellen E. Wohl (Eds.) Detection Charles K. Pauli and Willam P. Dillon (Eds.) 108 Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the 125 Space Weather Paul Song, Howard J. Singer, and Vadose Zone Dennis L. Corwin, Keith Loague, and George L. Siscoe (Eds.) Timothy R. Ellsworth (Eds.) 126 The Oceans and Rapid Climate Change: Past, Present, 109 Sun-Earth Plasma Interactions L. Burch, R. L. and Future Dan Seidov, Bernd J. Haupt, and Mark Carovillano, and S. K. Antiochos (Eds.) Maslin (Eds.) 110 The Controlled Flood in Grand Canyon Robert H. 127 Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces M. A. Donelan, Webb, John C. Schmidt, G. Richard Marzolf, and W. M. Drennan, E. S. Saltzman, and R. Wanninkhof Richard A. Valdez (Eds.) (Eds.) 111 Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas 128 Hawaiian Volcanoes: Deep Underwater Michael R. Brown, Richard C. Canfield, and Alexei A. Perspectives Eiichi Takahashi, Peter W. Lipman, Pevtsov (Eds.) Michael O. Garcia, Jiro Naka, and Shigeo Aramaki 112 Mechanisms of Global Climate Change at Millennial (Eds.) Time Scales Peter U. Clark, Robert S. Webb, and Lloyd 129 Environmental Mechanics: Water, Mass and Energy D. Keigwin (Eds.) Transfer in the Biosphere Peter A.C. Raats, David 113 Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust Smiles, and Arthur W. Warrick (Eds.) William C. Haneberg, Peter S. Mozley, J. Casey 130 Atmospheres in the Solar System: Comparative Moore, and Laurel B. Goodwin (Eds.) Aeronomy Michael Mendillo, Andrew Nagy, and J. H. 114 Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles Waite (Eds.) Prasad Kasibhatla, Martin Heimann, Peter Rayner, 131 The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary Research Natalie Mahowald, Ronald G. Prinn, and Dana E. Jonathan A. Holmes and Allan R. Chivas (Eds.) Hartley (Eds.) 132 Mountain Building in the Uralides Pangea to the 115 Atlantic Rifts and Continental Margins Webster Present Dennis Brown, Christopher Juhlin, and Victor Mohriak and Manik Taiwani (Eds.) Puchkov (Eds.) 116 Remote Sensing of Active Volcanism Peter J. Mouginis- 133 Earth's Low-Latitude Boundary Layer Patrick T. Mark, Joy A. Crisp, and Jonathan H. Fink (Eds.) Newell and Terry Onsage (Eds.) 117 Earth's Deep Interior: Mineral Physics and 134 The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Tomography From the Atomic to the Global Scale Significance and Environmental Impact James W. Shun-ichiro Karato, Alessandro Forte, Robert Hurrell, Yochanan Kushnir, Geir Ottersen, and Liebermann, Guy Masters, and Lars Stixrude (Eds.) Martin Visbeck (Eds.) 118 Magnetospheric Current Systems Shin-ichi Ohtani, 135 Prediction in Geomorphology Peter R. Wilcock and Ryoichi Fujii, Michael Hesse, and Robert L. Lysak Richard M. Iverson (Eds.) (Eds.) 136 The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province: Insights from 119 Radio Astronomy at Long Wavelengths Robert G. Fragments of Pangea W. E. Hames, J. G. McHone, Stone, Kurt W. Weiler, Melvyn L. Goldstein, and Jean- P. R. Renne, and C. Ruppel (Eds.) Louis Bougeret (Eds.) 137 Earth's Climate and Orbital Eccentricity: The Marine 120 GeoComplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes John Isotope Stage II Question Andre W. Droxler, Richard B. Rundle, Donald L. Turcotte, and William Klein Z. Poore, and Lloyd H. Burckle (Eds.) (Eds.) Geophysical Monograph 138 Inside the Subduction Factory John Eiler Editor 88 American Geophysical Union Washington, DC Published under the aegis of the AGU Books Board Jean-Louis Bougeret, Chair; Gray E. Bebout, Carl T. Friedrichs, James L. Horwitz, Lisa A. Levin, W. Berry Lyons, Kenneth R. Minschwaner, Darrell Strobel, and William R. Young, members. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Inside the subduction factory / John Eiler, editor, p. cm. - (Geophysical monograph ; 138) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-87590-997-3 1. Subduction zones. I. Eiler, John, 1967 - II. Series. QE511.46.S82 2003 551.1'36^dc22 ISSN 0065-8448 ISBN 0-87590-997-3 Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20009 Cover: Low-oblique aerial photograph of erupting Fukutoku-oka-no-ba and extinct Minami Iwo Jima volcanoes in the central Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc (24°16'N, 141°29'E). The picture was taken from a airplane of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of Japan on the morning of Jan. 21, 1986, looking south. Courtesy of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of Japan. Figures, tables, and short excerpts may be reprinted in scientific books and journals if the source is properly cited. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the American Geophysical Union for libraries and other users reg­ istered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $1.50 per copy plus $0.35 per page is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. 0065-8448/03/$01.50+0.35. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for creating new collec­ tive works or for resale. The reproduction of multiple copies and the use of full articles or the use of extracts, including figures and tables, for commercial purposes requires permission from the American Geophysical Union. Printed in the United States of America. CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction: Inside the Subduction Factory John M. Eiler 1 Section I: The Subducted Slab Thermal Structure and Metamorphic Evolution of Subducting Slabs Simon M. Peacock 7 Tracers of the Slab Tim Elliott 23 Basic Principles of Electromagnetic and Seismological Investigation of Shallow Subduction Zone Structure George Helffrich 47 Section II: The Mantle Wedge Seismological Constraints on Structure and Flow Patterns Within the Mantle Wedge Douglas A. Wiens and Gideon P. Smith 59 Rheology of the Upper Mantle and the Mantle Wedge: A View From the Experimentalists Greg Hirth and David Kohlstedf 83 Experimental Constraints on Melt Generation in the Mantle Wedge Glen A. Gaetani and Timothy L Grove 107 Mapping Water Content in Upper Mantle Shun-ichiro Karato 135 Section III: Focus Regions Volcanism and Geochemistry in Central America: Progress and Problems M. J. Carr, M. D. Feigenson, L C. Patino, and J. A. Walker 153 An Overview of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factory Robert J. Stern, Matthew J. Fouch, and Simon L Klemperer 175 Along-strike Variation in Lavas of the Aleutian Island Arc: Genesis of High Mg# Andesite and Implications for Continental Crust Peter B. Kelemen, Gene M. Yogodzinski, and David W. Scholl 223 CONTENTS Section IV: Synthesis Some Constraints on Arc Magma Genesis Yoshiyuki Tatsumi 277 Thermal Structure due to Solid-State Flow in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Arcs Peter B. Kelemen, Jennifer L. Rilling, E. M. Parmentier, Luc Mehl, and Bradley R. Hacker 293 PREFACE Subduction zones helped nucleate and grow the conti­ ings; geochemical data have proliferated and their general nents, they fertilize and lubricate the earth's interior, they features abstracted in ways analogous to our long-standing, are the site of most subaerial volcanism and many major relatively deep understanding of volcanism at mid-ocean earthquakes, and they yield a large fraction of the earth's ridges. The emerging picture is different from what we held precious metals. They are obvious targets for study— just a few years ago. The present volume articulates this almost anything you learn is likely to impact important new picture and points the way toward the next set of chal­ problems—yet arriving at a general understanding is noto­ lenges faced by scientists interested in subduction zones. riously difficult: Each subduction zone is distinct, differing It is common for volumes of this type to divide them­ in some important aspect from other subduction zones; fun­ selves into two types of papers: those that broadly summa­ damental aspects of their mechanics and igneous processes rize a field, much as a text book or review paper might, and differ from those in other, relatively well-understood parts those that present recent scientific results, much as an arti­ of the earth; and there are few direct samples of some of cle contributed to a journal. We have done something dif­ their most important metamorphic and metasomatic ferent. The papers in this volume can be sub-divided by the processes. As a result, even first-order features of subduc­ region or discipline they consider (more on this below) and tion zones have generated conflict and apparent paradox. A contain pedagogical "coverage" of the background to their central question about convergent margins, for instance— subjects. At the same time, contributing authors advance how vigorous magmatism can occur where plates sink and new ideas that consider recent discoveries or advances in the mantle cools—has a host of mutually inconsistent observational or experimental method while focusing on answers: Early suggestions that magmatism resulted from fundamental questions in subduction zone research: How melting subducted crust have been emphatically disproved does the earth's mantle move near subducting plates; what and recently just as emphatically revived; the idea that does this movement mean for the thermal evolution of sub­ melting is fluxed by fluid released from subducted crust is ducting slabs; what, in turn, does this thermal evolution widely held but cannot explain the temperatures and imply about the metamorphism of, and phases escaping volatile contents of many arc magmas; generations of kine­ from, the slab; and what, in detail, are the consequences matic and dynamic models have told us the mantle sinks at (rheological, magmatic, and chemical) of delivering those convergent margins, yet strong evidence suggests that melt­ escaping phases to the overlying mantle? ing there is often driven by upwelling. In contrast, our We have organized the volume so that the papers will build understanding of why volcanoes appear at ocean ridges and upon one another in a logical way. At the same time, the "hotspots"—although still presenting their own chest­ authors have not slavishly conformed to such a structure, and nuts—are fundamentally solved problems. you will find several major themes developed in detail Over the last several years, the "subduction problem" has throughout the book. The introduction briefly summarizes the changed in response to advances in several sub-disciplines last century of scientific thought about what we now recog­ that collectively redefine, and are likely soon to solve, nize as subduction zones, providing a context for readers with some of our most deeply entrenched debates. Data on the little background in the field. Section I initiates the discussion mineral physics and melting properties of hydrous silicate with a set of three papers on the subducted slab: Chapter 1 rocks have improved to the point that one can use them as discusses the thermal structure of slabs, in particular their detailed constraints on models of convection and magma­ upper surface; Chapter 2 analyzes the geochemistry of slabs, tism; geophysical data have directly imaged details of sub­ in particular the compositions of fluids and melts that might duction zones that were previously inferred; numerical be released from them due to heating; and Chapter 3 reviews models are beginning to capture key, in some cases count­ geophysical methods for interrogating shallow subduction- er-intuitive, kinematic behaviors and their dynamical forc­ zone structure, including the electromagnetic methods. vii In section II, we focus on the mantle wedge—that part of convergent margins advances—and a radical suggestion, the mantle between the down-going slab and the over-rid­ backed by evidence from igneous and metamorphic petrol­ ing plate. The dynamics and melting behavior of the man­ ogy and thermal models, that subducted slabs are often, if tle wedge is arguably the centerpiece of current debates not always, heated above their melting points. This is an about subduction zones, so this section contains the largest idea that was deeply held thirty years ago, discarded almost number and most mechanistically detailed papers in the entirely for most of the last twenty years, and is apparently volume. We start, in Chapter 4, with geophysical con­ ready to be revived for a new and more sophisticated look. straints on the structure and kinematics of the mantle This volume derives from a conference, "The Subduction wedge, followed by a discussion of experimental and Factory," held in Eugene, Oregon in late summer of 2000. observational constraints on the rheology of upper mantle The conference was an inspiration to many of those who rocks in Chapter 5—a specialized problem but one that attended because it brought together key players in the underlies some of the most important issues facing subduc­ study of subduction zones at a special time of discovery tion zone research. Then, in Chapter 6, we discuss experi­ and conceptual advances in their respective fields. A major­ mental constraints on the way in which the mantle wedge ity of speakers and a few particularly active attendees were melts in response to the introduction of slab-derived asked to contribute chapters to this volume, reporting on hydrous phases and end this section with Chapter 7—a par­ the key results they presented, summarizing the contextual ticularly forward-looking proposition for a means of geo- background of their relevant sub-disciplines and, perhaps physically mapping hydrogen concentration (arguably the most importantly, reflecting on relationships between their controlling parameter for rheology and melting properties) advances and what they learned from others at the meeting. in the upper mantle, including the mantle wedge. In the two years that have passed since this meeting, the Section III brings together a set of papers on another side ideas it generated have retained much of their immediacy of subduction zone research: the need to come to grips with and matured as authors reflected on one another's work. historical and geographic idiosyncrasies of individual sub­ We thank, first and foremost, the authors who con­ duction zones. These papers explore the geology, geo­ tributed to this volume, both for the thought and work they physics, and geochemistry of three subduction zones that put into their own contributions and for their patience with are the focus of much recent research, including two that the collective effort. We are also grateful to the many are 'focus areas' identified by the Margins program of the reviewers who helped improve these chapters—particular­ National Science Foundation. These are the Central ly those asked to deal with the longer and more technically American arc, the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction zone sys­ detailed contributions and those who had to work under a tem in the western Pacific, and the Aleutian island arc— demanding deadline. Similarly, we thank Allan Graubard, Chapters 8, 9, and 10, respectively. It is important to note our acquisitions editor, Bethany Matsko, our production that these papers develop arguments that are certain to editor, and the rest of the AGU book production staff, who prompt future research on subduction zones generally and provided much needed guidance and repeatedly demon­ are not simply reviews of prior work. strated the patience of saints. Finally, we thank the organ­ The book concludes with two papers in section IV that izers of the "Subduction Factory" conference and the advance focused arguments with broad implications for the administrators and staff in NSF's Margins program that behavior of subduction zones, based on syntheses of much supported both that meeting and this volume. of the material discussed in more detail throughout the rest of the volume. These include a proposal for the processes that control the location of subduction zone volcanoes—a John M. Eiler problem worth re-visiting whenever our understanding of California Institute of Technology viii Introduction John M. Eiler Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Geological models of subduction zones impact thinking about many of the central problems in the structure, dynamics, chemistry, and history of the solid earth. Should those models change, the effects will reach across the earth sciences. We are cur­ rently in the midst of such a change, brought on by several causes. First, the earth sci­ ence community recently began an organized, multi-disciplinary study of subduction zones by way of the National Science Foundation's "Margins initiative." This has improved the quality of our descriptions of key focus areas and should continue to do so for the next several years. Less purposefully but of equal importance, several of the debates in subduction zone research have evolved in recent years, making us revisit both recent and old observations in a new light. This book consists of descrip­ tions of these advances, written by the some of the leading participants. I describe the origin and organization of the book in the preface; here I review the context of pre­ vious thought regarding convergent margins, with particular focus on the link between tectonics and magmatism, and point out questions raised in the following chapters. ANCIENT HISTORY logically active belts surrounding the Pacific ocean basin. These belts were collectively referred to as the "the andesite For much of geology's modern era, models of subduction line" and interpreted as evidence for a specialized kind of zones have been inseparable from "the andesite problem"; magmatism that occurs only at the boundary between conti­ that is, the question of the origin of andesitic rocks that are nental land masses and ocean basins (Marshall, 1911). The abundant in many magmatic arcs. This specialized petro- earliest widely remembered explanation of andesite genesis logic problem is disproportionately important both because was Bowen's hypothesis that they, like many other silicic andesite makes up a large fraction of subduction zone prod­ magmas, are liquids residual to crystallization-differentia­ ucts, and because andesites compositionally resemble aver­ tion of basalt (Bowen, 1928). By this interpretation, age continental crust (e.g., Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). andesites are ultimately products of basaltic magmatism Moreover, the literature on the "andesite problem" has been and, to project his ideas into the plate tectonic world-view, a clearing-house for ideas about the geology of convergent therefore are close relatives of volcanic rocks from mid- margins generally. ocean-ridges and intraplate volcanic centers. More detailed It was recognized near the beginning of the 20th century and geological interpretations of andesites and associated that andesitic rocks are highly concentrated into young, geo- rocks at this time called on geosynclinal theory and seem peculiar and non-physical when looked at with the benefit of hindsight. Figure la is the author's attempt to synthesize several of these ideas. A noteworthy weakness of such mod­ Inside the Subduction Factory els is that they offered no clear explanation of why andesites Geophysical Monograph 138 are common in Pacific-rim magmatic arcs while rare else­ Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union 10.1029/138GM01 where. 1 2 INTRODUCTION PRE-PLATE-TECTONIC HUNCHES became a centerpiece of modern thinking about arc magma­ tism. However, the idea that andesites are primary partial Several discoveries over the course of the 1950s and melts of hydrous mantle, while containing elements of the 1960s pointed out the special character of andesites from modern understanding of subduction zones, conflicted with magmatic arcs and the link between tectonics, deep seis- evidence that andesites are complexly evolved rocks that micity, and magmatism. First, it was recognized that seis- interact extensively with the crust through which they erupt micity associated with volcanic arcs is organized into (see Turner and Verhoogen, 1960, and Ringwood, 1975, for Benioff zones, suggesting that oceanic crust founders into contemporary summaries of these criticisms). Hence the the mantle at what we now recognize as convergent mar­ "andesite problem": the secondary origin suggested by gins {Benioff, 1954). Moreover, experimental and applied Bowen is unable to explain why andesites are common in petrology provided controversial but growing evidence magmatic arcs and rare elsewhere (and gets details of the that mafic magmas are derived from partial melting of petrology and chemistry wrong); a primary origin explains peridotite, that peridotite is the major constituent of the the association of andesites with Benioff zones, but gets the upper mantle, that water lowers the melting points of sili­ chemistry and petrology substantially wrong. cates, and that crystallization-differentiation of anhydrous basalt, as envisioned by Bowen's earliest work, produces THE LAST BIG THING typical andesites only under special circumstances (see Ringwood, 1975, for a review of these early experiments). Responses to this dilemma played out during the formu­ The unique compositional character (i.e., high silica con­ lation of plate tectonic theory, and therefore both built on tent and proportion of andesite) of lavas from magmatic the preceding arguments and integrated them with new arcs and similarities between andesite and the continents insights about earth's plates. The following geophysical, as a whole were recognized (Polvedaart, 1955). Finally, geochemical, and experimental observations were particu­ there were growing suspicions that partial melting of peri- larly important: Magmatic arcs were shown to be clearly dotites to low degrees and in the presence of water pro­ associated with convergent margins and subduction of duces unusually siliceous melts. Polvedaart (1955) made ocean lithosphere; active convergent-margin volcanism was among the earliest such suggestion, although he did so found to consistently occur ca. 80 to 150 km above the top based on the outlandish contemporary belief that the prim­ of the down-going slab, suggesting control by a single pres­ itive crusts of the moon and mars consist almost entirely sure and/or temperature-dependent reaction in the slab; par­ of rhyolite pumice. O'Hara (1965) made a similar but tial melting of high-pressure mafic rocks (e.g., eclogites) more well-founded suggestion based on the phase equilib­ were shown to have compositions broadly similar to those ria of idealized systems. of convergent-margin andesites; and the new tools of iso­ The relationships among these discoveries and their over­ tope and trace-element geochemistry demonstrated that all significance were not widely recognized until the plate convergent-margin magmas sample the top of the subduct­ tectonic revolution was underway (for instance, a standard ing plate (see Gill, 1981, for review of these developments). petrologic text of this era, Turner and Verhoogen, 1960, These new constraints (and a variety of abstruse petrolog­ does not link Benioff zones and andesitic volcanism). ic arguments) were used to suggest that magmatism at con­ However, speculative inklings appeared surprisingly early. vergent margins is ultimately driven by melting of basalt in For example, Polvedaart (1955) suggested that andesites the down-going plate. Simple versions of this hypothesis are partial melts of rocks in the hanging walls of Benioff- equated andesites with slab melts (Hamilton, 1969; Oxburgh zone faults (i.e., the mantle wedge), formed in the presence and Turcotte, 1970); more sophisticated versions called of water released from foundered (i.e., subducted) ocean upon reaction between slab-derived melts and the overlying crust, and silicic compared to basalts because of the effect mantle wedge, upwelling and decompression melting of that of water on the melting behavior of peridotite. A charitable hybrid mantle to produce basaltic and andesitic melts, and interpretation of his hypothesis is illustrated in Figure lb; complex processes of differentiation, mixing and crustal similar models with sounder petrologic basis and more contamination prior to eruption (Figure lc; Ringwood, explicit ties to the concept of subduction would crop up as 1975). These suggestions obviously require that the top of plate tectonic theory took form (McBirney, 1969; Wyllie, subducted lithosphere melts, placing lower limits on its con­ 1971). Perhaps the greatest long-term impact of this hypoth­ ductive and frictional heating (e.g., Oxburgh and Turcotte, esis was to inspire experimental studies of peridotite-water 1970), and makes predictions about the compositions of systems (e.g., Kushiro et al, 1968), which eventually residues of melting in deeply subducted slabs, which stir

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