CHAPTER 29 INSERTIONAL ACHILLES RUPTURE AND CALCANEAL AVULSION FRACTURES A. Louis Jimenez, DPM Jocelyn M. Kelly, DPM INTRODUCTION easily weaken the Achilles tendon insertion resulting in rupture. There has been a historical correlation of Overuse tendon injuries may account for up to 50% of all fluroquinolone antibiotic use with an increased risk of sports injuries, with Achilles tendonopathy being a major Achillestendonrupturesthathasrecentlybeenprovento factor in this number. The term tendonopathy is the have a similar magnitude to that associated with oral preferred term as a generic descriptor of the clinical corticosteroidsornon-fluroquinoloneantibiotics.3 conditions(bothpainandpathologicchanges)inandaround Elderlypatientsandthosewithsignificantosteopenia tendons arising from overuse. The histologic description are prone to insertional Achilles ruptures. Osteopenia of tendonosis (a degenerative pathologic condition with a createsthincortices,whichmaynotbeabletoresistsevere lack of inflammatory change) and tendonitis (implying tension placed on them at tendon attachments and an inflammatory process) should only be used after therefore, a segment of bone may be pulled off by the histopathologicconfirmation.1Tendonosismayexhibitfiber tendon during sudden tendonous contractures. Avulsion disorientation, scattered vascular ingrowth, and either fractures of the posterior superior calcaneus often occur hypo- or hypercellularity, which may not always be fromaforceddorsiflexioninjuryagainstanintactgastroc- accompanied by pain. When symptoms do develop, the solealcomplexfollowingalow-energyfallorstumble. degenerated tendon may have undergone microtrauma or Calcaneal fractures represent approximately 2% of all progressivefailureleadingtopartialtears,inflammation,and fractures, of which 25-40% are classified as extra-articular.4 subsequent symptoms of concomitant acute tendonitis or Therareavulsionoftheposteriorsuperiortuberosityusually paratendonitis.2 doesnotinvolvethesubtalarjoint.Historically,thisfracture Tendonopathy is a pathological state or process that isclassifiedinto2typesdistinguishedbytheinvolvementof can predispose a tendon to rupture. Insertional Achilles theAchillestendon,leadingtoabeakfractureoranavulsion ruptures can occur as a result of acute trauma, chronic fracture. However, Perotheroe questioned this distinction, trauma,retrocalcanealexostoses/enthesopathies,multiple suggesting that the 2 fractures are of the same entity and steroid injections, a post-surgical complication from variations are only due to the insertion of the Achilles retrocalcaneal exostectomy, antibiotic therapy, or tendon.Itshouldalsobenotedthatthebeakfracturemaybe osteopeniaofthecalcaneus. aresultofadirectblunttraumatotheposteriorcalcaneus. AlthoughmostAchillestendonrupturesoccurinthe Thisavulsiontypefracturehasalsobeendocumentedin watershed zone following an intense sudden contracture non-traumatic cases. The literature reports a pathological ofthegastroc-soleuscomplex,occasionallythetendonwill avulsion fracture of the calcaneus secondary to Paget’s ruptureatitsinsertion.Chronicmicrotraumacreatestears sarcoma. This patient presented with a 1-year history of in the tendon at or near the insertion, which may create pain to the heel with increased swelling over a period of 2 poorattachmentandmay,withthecorrectmechanismof months. Radiographs demonstrated an avulsion fracture of injury, result in complete loss of its attachment. Various the superior calcaneus with typical Paget features. Needle exostoses and enthesopathies may weaken the tendon by biopsyrevealedafibroushistocytoma,whichlaterleadtoa encompassingandthinningtheAchillestendoninsertion. below the knee amputation 3 weeks later.5 The calcaneal It is not unusual for a patient who has had a long term insufficiencyavulsionfracturehasbeendescribedinagroup retrocalcaneal exostosis to notice a sudden weakness in of diabetic neuropathic patients. This fracture has been his/hergaitpatternasaresultofthetendoninsertionloss. considered similar to the site of a fatigue fracture without Thisprovidesagoodargumentfortakingthesepatientsto history of trauma or overuse activity. Of interest, there is a surgery earlier. Chronic steroid injections, especially the slight variation in the traditional fracture pattern. acetateornon-solublesteroids,arecollagenolyticandcan Radiographically,thefracturelineisparalleltotheapophyseal 152 CHAPTER 29 growth plate, usually only encompassing the superior calcaneusandextendshorizontallyjustdistaltotheAchilles insertion(Figure1).6 Lossofthegastroc-soleuscomplexresultsinacalcaneus gait.Thesepatientsmustrelyonthedeepposteriormuscle grouprecruitmenttoassistduringthemidstanceandtoe-off phasesofgait.Overtime,theipsilateralhamstringscontract resulting in knee symptoms. The contralateral limb gets more compensatory stress resulting in symptomatology of that limb and proximal to the knee. The symptoms can affectthefoot,ankle,leg,andback.Chronicityofacalcaneus gaitresultsingastrosoleusatrophy,flexorsubstitution,and significanthammertoedeformity. CLINICAL EXAMINATION Clinical examination of the extremity with an insertional Achillestendonrupturerevealsedemaabouttheankleand Figure1.Nondisplacedinsufficiencyfracturein lower leg. The patient will usually present with weakness aninsulin-dependentdiabetesmellituspatient. ofthatextremityandreducedabilitytostandandpropel. One will see that there is a dell at the previous insertion siteoftheAchillestendonandecchymosismaybepresent peripherally about the ankle depending on the length of time after the injury. Thompson’s sign is positive indicating loss of the gastroc-soleus complex, which is a squeeze test of the gastrosoleus muscle belly that will fail to produce plantarflexion of the foot. However, patients areabletorecruittheotherdeepposteriorcompartment musclesanditmayappearasthoughtheyhaveafunctional Achillestendon. Duetothelimitedsofttissuecoverageattheposterior calcaneus, an avulsion fracture may produce an open lesion at the site of the bony fragment. This wound may appearimmediatelyatthetimeofinjuryoratalaterdate Figure2.Achillestendonhascreatedlargecalcaneal withdelayedtreatment.Withdecreasedvascularitytothis avulsionfracture. area, a necrotic ulceration may develop which can negativelyaffectsurgicalcorrection. statusismaintainedfor8to12weeks,initiallyinagravity Roentgenographically,Kager’sTriangleisobliterated equinus cast with slow transition to neutral positioning. and the insertional Achilles rupture may reveal a small or Physical therapy is paramount to restore plantarflexory large segment of bone pulled away from the posterior strength and range of motion. Patients who are not superior calcaneus (Figure 2). MRI will reveal loss of surgical candidates can do well with an AFO with a continuity between the end of the tendon and the “dorsiflexion stop,” which will create a retrograde force posteriorsuperiorcalcaneus. onthekneeandestablishstability. Surgical intervention is usually the treatment of choice TREATMENT and revolves around reattachment of the Achilles tendon and/or fixation of the calcaneus. Methods and techniques InitialtreatmentforinsertionalAchillesrupturesrevolves forprimaryrepairofthetendonincludedirectreinsertionof around reducing edema and offloading the extremity. the Achilles tendon to the calcaneus using various bone Non-operative treatment is used for patients with non- anchoringtechniquese.g.,Mitek,Opus,Parafix,andArthrex, displacedorminimallydisplacedfracturesandincomplete etc.Thechoiceofboneanchormayvarydependingonthe ruptures of the Achilles tendon. A nonweight bearing qualityofbonestock,theconditionoftherupturedtendon, CHAPTER 29 153 In chronic cases, myotendinous contracture has occurred resulting in a very atrophic muscle belly and shortening of the myotendinous unit. Various intra- tendinous lengthening and augmentation techniques are available for use (V-Y, tongue-in-grove, tendon flaps, muscle tendon transfers, etc.). The most common tendon transfersincludeFHL,PB,andPT.Whenosseousavulsion fracturesarepresent,screws,wires,etc.,willneedtobeused forstabilizationofbonetobone. POSTOPERATIVE CARE Following primary tendon repair patients are casted non- weightbearingforaminimumof4weeks.Thisisthetime Figure3.Techniquedemonstratinglateralparatendinousapproachto necessary for collagen fibers to become longitudinally stabilize avulsion fracture to main body of calcaneus. Adapted from reference4. oriented.Forthecalcanealavulsionfracture,thenonweight bearing status is maintained for 6-8 weeks or until thedesiredsuturematerial,orthesurgeon’spreference.Ifa radiographic consolidation is verified. We generally bone fragment is present, then reattachment may also be recommendearlyrehabilitationoftheseconditionsassuming accomplished with a lateral paratendinous approach and that the attachment of the tendon to bone is solid. We tensionbandwiring(Figure3).Thistechnique,firstdescribed routinelysendthepatienttothephysicaltherapistfor6-12 byBrunnerandWeber,wasmodifiedbyCoughlintoinclude weeksinordertoregainsufficientstrengthontheoperated alagscrewfixationofthebonefragmentswitha6.5-8.0mm extremityforthepatienttofunctionindependently.Usually cannulated screw. The tension band (18 or 20 gauge) was the physical therapist will consider it successful when the used to neutralize to the distraction forces of the Achilles patientcanraisetheheeloffthegroundwithonefoot.For tendononthesuperiorfragment.4Alargercalcanealfragment avulsion fractures where the patient has severe osteopenia, mayrequire2cannulatedlagscrewsinaparallelfashionfor appropriate time is allowed for osseous bridging to occur adequatefixation. beforesignificantstressesareplacedonthebonyfracture. 154 CHAPTER 29 CASE PRESENTATIONS painoftheleftankleandfoot.Figures4-10takethereader Case #1 throughthesurgicalrepairusingOpusMagnumanchorsfor RS is a 62-year-old woman that missed the last step as she stabilization of tendon to bone. The patient was taken wasdescendingstairs.Uponstanding,theleftlegfeltweak throughstandardpostoperativecareandreleasedfromour andshelaterpresentedtoourofficewithedema,LOM,and officetobeseenasneededafter11months. Figure 4A. Significant edema noted about the ankle S/P Achilles Figure4B.Notetheindexfingerindentifyingdellwherethe insertionalrupture. tendonhaspulledawayfrombone. Figure5.MRIidentifyinglossofinsertionalpoint ofAchillestendonfromposteriorcalcaneus. CHAPTER 29 155 Figure6A.Achillesinsertionlostandnotesmallcorticalsegmentsof Figure6B. boneattachedtotheAchillesrupturesite. Figure7A.Opus-magnuminstrumentationshowinganchorsbeingin- Figure7B. sertedintobodyofcalcaneus. Figure8.SuturesfromeachtackhavebeenattachedtotheAchillestendon Figure9.Sutureshavestabilizedthetendontotheosseoussegment. distallypriortostabilization. 156 CHAPTER 29 Figure10A.Opusmagnumanchorsnotedwithin Figure10B. bodyofthecalcaneus. Case #2 A Bunnell suture for the proximal tendon was used, RC is a 65-year-old man who was descending stairs at Krakowsuturetechniqueforthedistalremnantoftendo- home, slipped and proceeded to “tumble” 5 more steps. achilles,Mitekanchorsandbelow-kneecastingwerethen Pain and swelling was instantaneous and referred for our used. The patient had excellent postoperative recovery services.HewasplacedinaJonessplintandscheduledfor followingstandardcareandwaslastseeninourofficefully surgery.Figures11-20takethereaderthroughhisrepair. recoveredafter6months. Figure11A.Notedorsiflexionoftherightfootcomparedwiththeintact Figure11B. contralateralfootdemonstratingappropriateplantarflexion. CHAPTER 29 157 Figure12A.Intra-operativeviewidentifieslossofinsertionpointofthe Figure12B. Achillestobone.Notethesignificanthematomaattheinsertionpointof wheretheAchilleswaslostfromcalcaneus. Figure13A.Retrocalcanealexostosisidentifyingbonysubstanceinretro- Figure13B. calcanealarea. Figure14A.Intra-operativeviewoflargeretrocalcanealexostosisthat Figure14B. thinnedtheinsertionofthetendoAchillesandtendononceithasbeen stabilizedwith2.0Ethibondsuture. 158 CHAPTER 29 Figure15A.KrakowsutureplacedwithinremnantsoftendoAchillesat Figure15B. distal inferior calcaneus and Bunnell suture placed within the distal tendoAchilles. Figure16A.PosteriorsuperiorcalcaneusbeingremodeledandMitek Figure16B. suturesbeingplacedwithinbodyofthecalcaneus. Figure 17B. Note plantarflexion equal to that of contralateral view followingrepair. Figure 17A. Excellent repair noted of Achilles tendontobodyofthecalcaneus. CHAPTER 29 159 Figure18A.Woundclosedinlayers. Figure18B. Figure 19A. Preoperative and postoperative radiograph identifying Figure19B. absenceafterresectionoflargeexostosisposteriorcalcaneusandevidence ofMiteksuturesstabilizingtheconstruct. Figure 20. Chronic tendo Achilles repair has been undertaken and neededlengthoftheproximaltendonwasaccomplishedusingaV-Y plasty. 160 CHAPTER 29 Case #3 Once the hematoma and fibrous tissue was excised, the RB is a 51-year-old man with a past medical history superiorcalcaneuswascurettedtobleedingcancellousbone significant for chronic renal insufficiency with dialysis (Figure 25). Under fluoroscopic guidance, two 5-mm treatments, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, peripheral Parafix bone anchors were inserted posteriorly into the neuropathy, and mid-foot Charcot breakdown with calcaneus from superior to inferior. With the foot in ulceration of the right foot. He presented to the VA plantarflexion,theconnectedsuturewasusedtoreattachthe Podiatry clinic for regular wound care when he related Achillestendontothecalcaneus(Figures26-30). havingdifficultywalkingbecausehisrightfoot“feltfloppy.” After adequate closure, the patient was placed in a Clinical examination revealed a palpable bony mass just below-knee fiberglass cast with nonweight bearing for 6 proximaltothecalcaneuswithaskindell,increasedwidthof weeks. He was transferred to a weight-bearing the distal Achilles tendon and a positive Thompson’s test plantarflexed CAM boot and started on physical therapy. (Figure 21). Radiographic evaluation showed a superior Plantarflexion of the CAM walker was gradually reduced calcaneal avulsion fracture and the magnetic resonance from 20 degrees to neutral over the course of 2 months. image confirmed a 2.5 cm retraction of the Achilles At the 6-month follow up, the patient was walking tendonwithsignificantedemaaboutthesuperiorcalcaneus uneventfully in a custom shoe to accommodate the (Figures22-23). previous midfoot breakdown. He also has full plantar- Given this patient’s significant co-morbidities, surgical flexion strength of the gastroc-soleus complex and no intervention was carefully planned. The surgical dissection residual ulcerations. Radiographic evaluation showed revealedaninsertionalruptureoftheAchillestendonwith recalcification of the superior calcaneus to the distal fragmentedbonethroughoutthedistalaspect(Figure24). Achillestendon(Figure31). Figure21A.Moderateedemaabouttheposteriorankleandcalcaneus Figure21B. andslightdorsiflexedpositionoffoottolegfollowingrupture. Figure 22. Note wafer of bone distracted proximally from superior posterior calcaneus. Significant midfoot collapse is noted as result of Charcotjoints. Figure21C.UlceratmidfootfromCharcotjoints.