OF BATTLE, BOOTY, AND (CITIZEN) WOMEN: A "New" Inscription from Archaic Axos, Crete Author(s): Paula J. Perlman Source: Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. 79, No. 1 (January-March 2010), pp. 79-112 Published by: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40835455 . Accessed: 18/03/2014 10:12 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions „..„..a„ (»..) OF BATTLE, BOOTY, AND P"g"79"" (CITIZEN) WOMEN A "New" Inscription from Archaic Axos, Crete ABSTRACT The authorp roposesa join betweent wop reviouslyun associatedin scribed blocksf romA xos,C rete.T hese Archaici nscription(IsC II v 5 andI C II v 6) aren owl ost,b utp ublishedd escriptionasn dd rawingosf t heb locksa, longw ith thet extt hatr esultsf romt hisv irtuajlo in, stronglsyu pportt heira ssociation. The new,c ompositet extp reserveps arto fa law or interstataeg reemenatn d appearst o concernr itualsa ttendantto w ar;i ti s examinedh erei nt heb roader contexot fC retand edicatoryha bitsa nd societyd uringt heL ate IronA ge and theA rchaicp eriod. INTRODUCTION AncienAt xosw asl ocatedin n orth-centCrrale tein t hef oothilolsf P siloritis (Mt. Ida), roughlmy idwaybe tweenth em odernci tieso fH erakleionan d RethymnonE.x1c avationosn thea cropolios ft hep olis-towlna tei n the 19thc enturrye vealedth er emainosf a largep ublicb uildingd atingt o the Archaicp eriodA. numbeorf b locksb elievedto havec omef romth ew alls oft hisb uildingb eari nscriptionins t hee pichoriacl phabeot fA xos.T his articlfe ocuseosn twoo ft hesei nscriptionIns,s criptioncrees tica(IeC ) II v 5 andI C II v 6. Althoughau topsyis notp ossiblea,s thec urrenlto cationo f theb locksi s unknownt,h ep ublishedde scriptionans dd rawingosf t hem, as wella s thet extt hatr esultfsr omth eirp roposedas sociationsu, ggestth at IC II v 5 andI C II v 6 belongt ogethepre, rhapes ven" joininga"l ongt he righte dgeo fI C II v 6 and thel efte dgeo fI C II v 5. The newt extt hat resultfsr omth is" join"s eemst o concernri tualast tendantto w arp, ossibly 1. See Perlman2 004b,p p. 1153- AnnualM eetingo ft heA merican GagarinD, avid Hill, Charalambos 1154,n o. 950. PhilologicaAl ssociation(S an Fran- KritzasM, ark Southerna,n d thet wo Earlyv ersionos ft hisp aperw ere cisco,J anuar2y- 5, 2004). I wouldl ike anonymouHs esperiar efereefso rt heir presenteadt thei nternationcaol nfer- to thankt hem emberos fb otha udi- insightfucol mmentsa,n d to BethC hi- ence" O M')À,otiót(Xa(irocçót t|va pxotió- encesf ort heirr emarkasn d Constanze chesterf orp reparinFgi gures1 and 2. xT|xaa >ça f|(xepa("P anormoC, rete, Wittf ord eliverintgh ep aperf orm e in All translationasr em yo wn. October2 4-30, 2003) and at the1 35th San FranciscoI. am gratefutlo Michael © The American School of Classical Studies at Athens This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 8o PAULA J. PERLMAN includinsga crificaen dt het ithinogf b ootyO. fp articulainr teresist a refer- encet op áaxai( "citizewn omen"i)n t hisc ontexta ,r eferentche atm ays hed lighto nt hec ultso fg oddesseast s everaCl retansa nctuarieins,c ludinogn ea t Axosi tselfw,i thv otivaes semblagceos nsistinogfa rmsa,r moran, dt erracotta figurinoefs n akeda ndc lothedf emalesI .b eginw itha briefh istoroyf t he discoverayn ds ubsequenfta teo ft heA rchaice pichoriicn scriptionfrs om Axosb eforteu rnintgo a closes tudyo ft he1 9th-a nde arly-20th-century drawingosn whicht hen ewc omposittee xti s based.I concludew itha n exploratioonft heb roadehr istoriciaml plicationofst hec omposittee xtf or LateA rchaicA xosa ndC rete. DISCOVERY AND LOSS OF THE EPICHORIC INSCRIPTIONS OF AXOS Moderns tudyo ft heA rchaice pichoriicn scriptionofs A xosb eganw ith thep ublicatioinn 1865o fC olonelT . A. B. Spratst Travelasn dR esearches in CreteI.n hisa ccounto ft her emainosf a ncienAt xos,S prattd escribed a slabo fm arblbe earinga "verycu riouisn scriptioinn characterpsa rtially reverseadn do fv erye arlyd ate/'S2p rattd iscoveretdh isi nscribebdl ocka t a sprinng eart hem odernvi llageo fA xos.3A lthouglho calw omenh adu sed it as a surfacfeo rs crubbintgh eirc lothest,h usw earingaw aym ucho ft he originaslu rfaceS,p rattm anagedto transcribpea rtso ft het ext. In thef allo f1 879,t heF renchep igrapheBre rnarHd aussoullievri sited Axosa nd transcribeadn additionafl ivee pichoriicn scription(Tsa ble 1, nos.5 -8, 10A).T hesew erep ublishedin 1885.4A t aboutt hes amet ime (1884-1887)t, heI taliana rchaeologiasnt de pigrapheFre dericoH albherr includedA xosi n hisi tinerarwyh enh e exploredC reteo n behalfo f the Ministerdoe ll'IstruzionPue bblica.A5 lthoughh ew asu nablet ol ocatet he inscribe"dm arblsel ab"t hatS pratth ad transcribeHda, lbherrd iscovered fourp reviousulyn knowAnr chaiicn scriptio(nTsa ble1 ,n os.1 -3,1 0B) and reexaminetdh eo nest hatH aussoulliehra da lreadyst udied. In thef inadl ecadeso ft he1 9thc enturyDo, menicoC omparetptiu b- lishedt he1 1 Archaicin scriptionofsA xost hatw eret henk nowni,n cor- poratinHg albherrn'so tesa ndd rawingasn da ddings omec ommentaroyf hiso wn( Table1 , nos.1 -10B).6E ighto ft hese1 1 texts(n os.1 -8) were inscribeodn blockso fl ocall imestoneC.o mparettcio ncludedth ats even 2. Spratt1 865,p p. 77-78 (with Descrittiondee ll'isolda i Creta.S ee Teza pp. 131-162; Comparett1i8 93, quoteo n p. 78), 424-425,p l. 11:5.I t is 1883; Comparett1i 884. Barozzid id pp. 381-418. Halbherrs notesa ppear veryu nlikelyth att heb lockw as marble. noti ndicatew herea t Axosh e saw the in identicafl orma s thec riticaalp pa- All otheri nscribedb locksf romA xos inscribedb lock. ratusi n bothp ublicationsC.o mpa- areo ft hel ocall imestoneF. ort he 4. Haussoullier1 885. Haussoullier rettri evisedh is ownc ommentaroyf inscriptiotno whichS prattr eferss,e e briefldye scribeda sixthi nscription 1888 in thel aterp ublicationT.h e Table 1, no. 9. (Table 1, no. 4), butd id noti ncludea fourn ewi nscriptionins cludedn o. 10B 3. Sprattw as not,a s it turnso ut, drawingo r a transcriptioonfi t. in Table 1, inscribedon theb acko f thef irstto haves tudiedt hisi nscrip- 5. Fora n accounto ft hep ioneering theb lockb earingo ne oft hei nscrip- tion.T he VenetianF rancescoB arozzi researchof H albherra nd otherI talian tionsf irspt ublishedb yH aussoullier (1537-1604) includeda transcription scholarsa t Axos,s ee Aversa2 006. (no. 10A). oft het exti n his 1577 manuscript, 6. Comparettain d Halbherr1 888, This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions a "new" inscription from archaic axos 8i TABLE 1. CONCORDANCE OF THE ARCHAIC INSCRIPTIONS FROM AXOS Haussoullier Comparetatni d Comparetti Bile1 988, Koerner Inscription ICIIv 1885 Halbherr1 888 1893 SGDI pp. 28-69 1993 Nomima 11 1,2 183 5125a no. 101 1.28 2 2 3a + b 184 5125b no. 102 1.28 3 3 4 185 5125c no. 103 4 4 (no drawing) 5 186 5125d no. 104 5 5 3 6 187 5126a,b 6 6 17 188 5126a,b 7 7 2 8 189 5126c 8 8 5 9 190 9 9 10 191 5128 nos. 106,107 10A 10A 4 lia 192a 5126d,5 129a,b 10B 10B lib 192b lla-f lla-f 12A,B 12a + a',b + b' no. 108 13a-d 13a-d 14a-h 14a-h 15 15 16 no. 27 no. 105 1.29 17 no. 45 2.18 of them( nos. 1-7) camef romt hew allso f theA rchaicb uildingw hose remainws erev isibleo n thea ncienta cropolis.D7u ringt hef allo f 1899, Halbherran dG aetanod e Sanctise xcavatetdh eA rchaicb uildingon the acropolisw, hicht heyi dentifieads a templea,n d a templein thes addle belowa ndt o thee asto ft hea cropolissi te.8T heire xcavationysi eldeda n additionasli xf ragmenotfsi nscribebdl ocksf romth ea cropolissi tea nd1 6 fromth ev icinitoyf t het emplein t hes addleT. he 22 inscriptiofnrso mth e excavationosf 1 899,t ogethewri tho nea dditionaflr agmenofta ne arlyt ext inscribeodn a blockr eusedin a villaghe ouset hatd e Sanctihs adt ranscribed in 1899,w eref irsptu blisheidn 1939i n thes econdv olumeo fM argherita Guarduccsi I nscriptiocnreest icaeS.i9n cet hent,h et extosf t won ewe pichoric inscriptionfrs omA xosh aveb eenp ublished.10 7. Comparett1i8 93,p . 383.T he (de Sanctis).G uarduccia ppearst o have Inscriptionecsr eticaea s Guarducci's. case fora ssociatintgh esei nscribed studiedn os. 12 and 13 aftert heyh ad 10.J effer1y9 49,p p. 34-36, no. 8 blocksw itht heA rchaics tructuroen beent ransferrteod t hem useumin (= Table 1, no. 16); SEG XXIII 565A thea cropoliiss notc onclusives;e e Perl- HerakleionA. lthought hef acsimile and B (= Table 1, no. 17). Jeffernyo ted man2 004a,p p. 191-192. drawingosf t her emaininAg rchaic thatt hel ocal familyf romw homt he 8. Halbherr1 899; Savignon1i 900, inscriptionosf A xos thats hep resents GreekA rchaeologicaSle rvicea cquired pp. 311-312; Levi 1930-1931,p p. 44- in IC II v aren oti denticatl o thed raw- thet woj oiningf ragmentosf n o. 16 48, figs3. , 4; Aversaa nd Monaco 2006. ingsi n thee arlierp ublicationosf H aus- indicatedt hatt hef ragmenthsa d come The acropolibs uildingi,f i tw as indeed soullierH, albherra,n d Comparettti,o fromt hea cropolisS. he suggestedth at a templem, ayh aveb elongedt o Apollo theb esto fm yk nowledgGe uarducci thei nscriptiocna meo riginallfyr om and theo ne belowi t to a goddess;s ee did noth erselfex aminet hes tonesI. thet emplei n thes addle.T he details Perlman2 000,p p..7 3-74; 2004a, suspectt hatt hesed rawingds epend oft hed iscoveryof n o. 17 aren ot pp. 188-191;a nd below,p p. 104-105. upont heu npublishend otesa nd draw- publishedY. annisT zifopoulos(p ers. 9. Table 1: no. 11 (sixf ragments ingso fH albherra nd de Sanctiso, r comm.)r eporttsh er ecentd iscoveryat fromt hea cropolis)n; os. 12-14 (16 upont heirp ersonacl ommunication. Axos ofa t leasto ne additionael picho- fragmenftsr omt hes addle);n o. 15 Even so,I shallr eferto thed rawingisn rici nscription. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 82 PAULA J. PERLMAN The 20thc enturwy as notk indt o theA rchaicin scriptionofs A xos. Of thoses tudiedb ys cholarisn thep recedincge nturyin,c ludintgh eo nes discoverebdy H albherran dd e Sanctisd uringt heire xcavationins 1899, I havea scertainetdh ec urrenlto cationos fo nlyt wo.1A1 mongt heu nlo- cated,1e2a rlyin scriptiofnrs omA xosa reI C II v 5 andI C II v 6 (Table1 , nos.5 and6 ), thef ocuso ft hisa rticle. THE "NEW" INSCRIPTION: IC II v S + IC II v 6 In thef alol f1 879,H aussoulliedri scovereICdH v 5,r eusedin a housei nt he modernv illagea,n dI CH v 6, on thea cropoliosf A xos.1T3h e blocksw ere examinebdy H aussoulliearn d Halbherra,n dp ublishedb yH aussoullier, Halbherra,n dC omparettini thef inatl wod ecadeso ft he1 9thc entury.14 AnneJ effereyxa mineIdC II v 5 (hereafteArx, os5 ) inJ une1 947 andi s likelyt o havee xaminedIC II v 6 (hereafteArx, os 6) thena s well;s he notedt hatt heb lockb earingA xos5 was located" in thei nners tableo f theh ouseT ioáicriç,a"n dw as" nearliyll egible."T1h5 e drawingosf A xos5 ofH albher(rF ig.1 :2b,3 b),G uarducc(iF ig. 1:4b),a ndJ effer(Fyi g.1 :5b) depicta roughlrye ctangulbarlo ckb, rokenac rosst het op,w ithp reserved edgesa t thel eftr, ighta,n db ottomB. ecauseo ft hel aterr euseo fA xos5 , we cannotc oncludet hatt hesee dgesw ereo riginala,l thougha,s I argue belowI, thinkt hatt heyw ereA. xos6 , too,i s inscribeodn a blockt hati s roughlyre ctangulaerx,c eptf ora notcht hate xtendlse ftf romt hel ower righcto rnesrl ightlmy oret hanh alfwaaylo ngt heb ottomed geo ft heb lock (Fig. l:2a-5a). Therei s no reasont o suspectt hatt heb lockw as reçutf or reusef ollowinigts i nscribing. The textso fb othA xos5 andA xos6 begina t ther ighta ndp roceed in continuoubso ustrophedofno rs evenl ines.T he factt hatA xos6 , the onlyo neo ft hea cropolitse xtws itha preserveudp pere dge,b eginsw itha liner unninfgr omr ightto l eftis significanats ,I discussf urthebre lowA. n eighthli neo ft exti s inscribeodn the" tab"a t theb ottomle fto fA xos6 , buti ti s notp ossiblet o determinites d irection. 11.T able 1, no. 1 (on thea cropolis, difficultiny p rovingth atu nlocated neart her emainos ft heA rchaicb uild- inscriptionasr ea ctuallylo st. ing)a nd no. 12A,B (Herakleion 13. Haussoullier1 885,p p. 1-2. Museum9 8). Jeffer(LyS AG,p . 316, 14. IC II v 5 (Table 1, no. 5): Haus- nos.2 1, 22) indicatedt hatn os.2 -8, 11, soullier1 885,p . 2, no. 3; Comparetti 13,a nd 14 werea lso in theH erakleion and Halbherr1 888,p p. 145-146,n o. 6; Museum,b utI was nota ble to find Comparett1i 893,p p. 401-402,n o. 187. themt herei n 2007 or 2009. It appears IC II v 6 (Table 1, no. 6): Haussoul- thatJ effereyx aminedm anyp, erhapsa ll, lier1 885,p . 2, no. 1; Comparettain d oft heA rchaici nscriptionfsr omA xos Halbherr1 888,p p. 147-148,n o. 7; in 1947. Ford igitizedim ageso fh er Comparett1i 893,p p. 403-404,n o. 188. notesa nd drawingosf t heset extss,e e 15. Poinikasta"sn: otesd, wgsa nd PoinikastaNs.o . 16 is also in theH era- transliteratioonfs3 16.22 (IC 2.5.4, kleionM useum( inv.n o.2 79), noti n IC 2.5.5,I C 2.5.6,I C 2.5.7)." See theR ethymnoMn useuma s Jeffery http://poinikastas.csad.ox.ac.uk, (LSAG,p . 316, no.2 3) stated. accessedu nderL SAG referencneu mber 12.T zifopoulo(s2 006) notest he 316.22. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions a "new" inscription from archaic axos 83 Halbherra nd Guarduccir ecordedt hes ize oft hel etterisn bothA xos 5 andA xos 6 as 0.07-0.08 m.16Thes caled rawingos fG uarducci1s7u ggestt hat thes pacingo ft hel ettersa nd the spacingb etweenl inesa rev erys imilaro n the two blocks,a s are the shapeso f the lettersF. or example,t he crossbars ofa ll alphast hata ren oth orizontasl loped ownf romle ftt o rightr, egardless of the directiono f thel ine.F urthermorteh, e samev ariationsin thef orms of individuall ettersa ppeari n both Axos 5 and Axos 6 (e.g., alpha witha horizontaol r an oblique crossbare,p silonw ithh orizontaol r oblique arms, tau withe ithera shorto r a long horizontals troke).18 In lighto ft he similaritieisn thes ize and shape oft hel ettersC, ompa- rett'is suggestiont hatt het wob locksm ightb elongt o thes ame inscription is not surprising.1If9 a nya ttemptw as everm ade to determinew hethera physicajlo in of the two blocksw as possible,t herei s no mentiono f it in the publicationr ecord.2B0 ut when the lefte dge of the scale drawingo f Axos 5 is placed nextt o the righte dge of the drawingo f Axos 6, so that thel owerl eftc ornero fA xos 5 alignsw itht hel owerr ightc ornero fA xos 6, the similaritieisn the layouto f the texta crosst he two blocksa re striking (Fig. 2). Not onlyd oes the texta lignp erfectlyac rosst he two blocks,b ut the lettersa ppeart o be slightlyla rgera nd morew idelys paced in the first threel ineso n bothb lockst hant heya re in the fourl inest hatf ollowF. ur- thermoret,h e lettersi n line 7 on Axos 5 and the pi at the righti n line 7 on Axos 6 appeart o resto n thel owere dges of theb locks,w hilet hel ower portionso f the six letterst o the lefto f the pi (on Axos 6) are lost as the notchi n Axos 6 rises slightlyf romr ightt o left.T his suggestst hatt he lowere dge ofA xos 5 serveda s a horizontagl uidef orl ine 7 acrosst hej oin. The orientationo fl ine 7 was maintainedo n Axos 6, event hought hej oin betweenA xos 6 and the block immediatelyb eneathi t forcedt he mason to inscribet he lowert ipso f the letterso n the blockb elow. An observationo f a differenkti nda lso recommendass sociatingt hese twoi nscribedb locks.T he termn óXe[ioqo ccurso nce in Axos 5, line2 , and 16. Halbherrin Comparettain d scalef ort hesed rawinghs as beenr e- legalc ode ofc a. 525-500 b.c. It is not Halbherr1 888,p p. 146-148,a nd Com- storedh eret o approximatel1y:1 5 clearw hetheJr effermye antt het erm parett1i 893,p p. 401-404; Guarducci (Fig. 1:2a,2 b,3 a, 3b). "code"i n thes enseo fa n organized in IC II, p. 54. 18.T he sameo bservationcso ncern- collectiono fl aws,o r to indicatela ws 17. Halbherr(C omparettain d Halb- ingt hes ize and shapeo ft hel etterasr e inscribedto getheorn thew allso ft he herr1 888,p p. 129-130;C omparetti trueo fa n additionasl ixo ft heA rchaic sameb uildingb yt hes amem asonT. he 1893,p . 383) claimedt hath isd raw- inscriptionfsr omt hea cropolis(T able 1, evidenceis nots ufficientot supportt he ingsw eret o scale( 1:10). At thes cale nos. 1-4, 7, and 11). It is possiblet hat firsotf t het woa lternatives. of 1:10,t hed rawingssh ouldm easure thes amem asoni nscribedal l oft hese 19. Comparettain d Halbherr1 888, as follows(a s theyd o in Guarducci, inscriptionasl,t houghIk onomaki p. 147; Comparett1i 893,p . 403. IC II, and in Fig. 2, below):A xos5 : (2005) discernssu fficienvta riationin 20. It is importantto keepi n mind H. 0.063,W . 0.073 m; Axos6 : theirle tterf ormts o attributteh emt o thec onsiderablsei ze (and so weight)o f H. 0.076 (at left)W, . 0.094 m. How- differenmt asonsw orkingd uringt he theb locks( form easurementsse,e everH, albherr'ds rawingws eren ot periodc a. 550-475 b.c.J effer{yLS AG, p. 87), as wella s thef actt hatt heyw ere reproduceadt 1:10 in eitherp ublica- p. 316, nos.2 1-23) attributetdh eA r- notf oundt ogethera;s noteda bove, tion( 1888, 1893). See Comparetti chaici nscriptionfsr omA xost o one of Axos 6 was discovereodn thea cropolis, and Halbherr1 888:A xos5 : H. 0.059, threele gal" codes"T: able 1, nos. 12-14, whereasA xos5 was reused( as building W. 0.072 m;A xos6 : H. 0.055 (at belongedt o a legalc ode oft hee arly material?i)n a housei n them odern left)W, . 0.076 m; Comparett1i8 93: 6thc enturyb. c.; nos. 1-8 and 11 be- villagew, herei tw as studiedin situb y Axos5 : H. 0.064,W . 0.077 m;A xos 6: longedt o a secondc ode ofc a. 525- HaussoullierH, albherra,n dJ effery. H. 0.060 (at left)W, . 0.082 m.T he 500 b.c.; and no. 16 belongedt o a third This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 84 PAULA J. PERLMAN Figure 1. Drawingso fA xos 6 (left column)a nd Axos 5 (rightc olumn). la, lb (nott o scale):H aussoullier1 885,p . 2, topl eft( Axos6 ) and bottom(A xos5 ); 2a, 2b (scalec a. 1:15): afterC omparettain d Halbherr1 888,p p. 147-148 (Axos6 ), pp. 145-146 (Axos5 ); 3a, 3b (scalec a. 1:15): afterC omparett1i8 93,p p.4 03-404 (Axos6 ), pp. 401-402 (Axos5 ) This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions a "new" inscription from archaic axos 85 Figure 1 (continued). Drawings of Axos 6 (leftc olumn)a nd Axos 5 (right column). Scale 1:15. 4a, 4b: after Guarducciin IC II, p. 54,b ottom(A xos6 ) andt op( Axos5 ), witht exto fG uarducci below;5 a, 5b: afterP oinikastacso, urtesy L. H. JefferAyr chiveo ft heC entref or theS tudyo fA ncientD ocumentsO, xford University This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 86 PAULA J. PERLMAN Figure2 . Axos 6 + Axos 5. Scale 1:10.A fterG uarducciin /CII, p. 54 oncei n Axos6 , line3 . The termi s attestedin justo ne othere pichoric Cretani nscriptionan, early-5th-centularwy fromG ortyne xempting froms eizurec ertaink indso fp ropertiyn,c ludinegq uipmenuts edi n war (/CIV 75B,l ines1 -3).A secondle xicafl eaturoef t hei nscribewda llb locks fromA xosu nderscortehs es ignificanocfet hiso bservatioOnf. t he1 3 texts thatp reservme oret hana fewl etter(sT able1 , nos.1 -7, 9-lla, 16),f ive (nos.1 -4,1 6) includev arioufs ormsb,o thn ominaaln dv erbalo,f t her oot *werg/T.2h1e coincidencteh atA xos5 andA xos6 do notp reserv*ew erg/ termbs utd os harea termt hati s otherwiseex tremerlyar ei n theA rchaic Cretanle xiconis striking. Witht woe xception(As xos6 andT able 1, no. 12B),t hef irslti neo f allm ultilineep ichoritce xtfs romA xost hata rei nscribeodn blocksw itha preserveudp pere dgeb egina tt hel eft.2A2g ainw itht woe xception(Ts able1 , nos.1 2A and1 4g),t hes amei s trueo ft extso fo nlyo nel ine.2T3h eseo b- servationssu ggestth ati nscriptionfrs omA xosu suallyb egana t thel eft. Our originatle xtt, heni,s likelyt o haves tartewd itha liner unninfgr om thel eftt o ther ighto n a blockh igheru p thew all.T he distancbe etween thet opo ft hel etterisn line1 ofA xos6 andt heu ppere dgeo fthatb lock appearst o be aboutt hes amea s thei nterlineasrp acee lsewherien Axos 5 andA xos6 . The finalli nei nscribeodn theb locksi mmediatelayb ove Axos5 andA xos6 mayt, henh, aver estedd irectloyn thel owere dgeo f thoseb locks,a s does line 7 on Axos 5. The textm usth avec ontinued ontoa block( or blocks)t o thel efto fA xos 6. On theo therh and,a s I argueb elow,it is likelyt hatt het exti s completeat ther ightI.t is not possiblet o determinief line 8, on the" tab"a t theb ottomo f Axos 6, is thef inalli neo ft het ext. 21. Table 1, no. 1, lines6 -7: fep- line7 : [- fe]pyaaxa. 23. Table 1, nos.8 , lib, 14f,1 5. yaKaáaxai; no. 2, line9 : to fépyov; 22. Table 1, nos. 1, 4, 7, 9, 10B, 13a, No. 14c preserveosn e lineo ft extt hat no. 3, line4 : pepyaÇe- [ ]; no.4 , 13b.I t is notp ossiblet o determinteh e beginsa t ther ightb, uti t is notp ossible line5 : xof £py-o [ ]; no. 16,l ines3 -4: directionof n o. 10A,l ine 1, or no. 14a, to determinief t heu ppere dgeo ft he xovf [epya]oxávli,n e5 : pepyaaxáç, linei. blocki s preserved. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions a "new" inscription from archaic axos 87 Text and Translation Axos6 Fig.l :la-5a H. 0.76 (at left)W, . 0.94,T h. 0.36 m L.H. 0.07-0.08m Limestonbel ockr, oughlrye ctanguleaxrc eptf ora notcht hate xtends leftf romth el owerr ighcto rnesrl ightlmy oret hanh alfwaaylo ngt hel ower edgeo ft heb lockF. oundb yH aussoullieirn 1 879o nt hea cropoliosf a ncient Axos.D imensionfs romG uarduccIiC, II, p. 54. Axos5 Fig. l:lb-5b P.H. 0.63,W . 0.73,T h. ca. 0.23 m L.H. 0.07-0.08m Roughlyr ectangulalirm estonbe lock.L eft,r ighta,n d lowere dges preserveFdo. undb yH aussoullieirn 1879r eusedin a housei nt hem odern villageo fA xos.D imensionfs romG uarduccIiC, H, p. 54. The underlineldet terasr ei nscribeodn Axos5 . ca. 500 b.c. boustrophedon - [---- i [èv] piSoci,m ill FloxeiÔavoi [- ] <~ [- ]e0evT i|ievI to noXe'i'o'. I là ápxf)U £VT ÔK 0Xé,[iI0 [ ] [- x]6 5' âta> Ô£K(xtFoí ev r' ÀoyKÍ- 5 ov ove alé. I to jjièvô ékoctov[- ] [- ]ev tocG iva. I ai 8' a' aaTal vr ' a- foiTOA nEi.inEiriAI ò kócuo[ç - - -] ¿.AT^-'-i [ ] [ on] Mt. Ida, andt o Poseidon[ ] [ ] fromth ew ars hallb e [ ]. The thingfs romth ew arh ere[ ] [ ] fromth eo therd ekatoan w ieno r a spear 5 theo nesw hoa t thet imeT. he dekato[n ] [ ] thes acredt hingsB. uti ft hec itizenw omena,f ter itw as seized,[ ], thek osmo[ s ] Epigraphical Commentary The majoritoyf t hed ifficurleta dingosc curin A xos5 . Haussoulliesr d raw- ingo fthatb lock( Fig. 1:1b),w hichi s thee arliesdt ocumentatioonft he inscriptiorne,p resentths el eftr, ighta,n dl owere dgesa sj aggedr, athetrh an thes traighetd gesd epicteidn t hel aterd rawingosf H albher(rF ig.1 :2b,3 b), Guarducc(iF ig.1 :4b),a ndJ effer(Fyi g.1 :5b),a ndh e recordcso nsiderably fewerle ttertsh ant heyd o.I t is likelyth ata t thet imeH aussoullieerx am- inedt heb locks, omem ateria(sl tuccom, ortaro,r p erhapps aint)a ssociated withi tsr euseo bscuredp ortionosf thet extp, articularalyt t hee dgeso f theb lockH. albherrm usth avec leanedt hes toneb eforde rawinigt .E ven so,t hel etterasl ongt hel efta ndr ighetd geso fA xos5 appeart o haveb een difficutlot r ead( Fig. l:lb-5b). This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:44 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions