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Index to Volume 46 Supyect INDEX Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System KELLY, INAS RASHAD: MARKowiTz, SARA. Incentives in Access to Care Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 (Winter). ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie; DeLeiRE, THOMAS: ROYALTY, ANNE BEESON. Access to Health Insurance at Small Breast Cancer Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing BIAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JOSEPH: MELLO, MICHELLE M. Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, MArcIA M. Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It 447 (Winter). Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: 46-57 (Spring). California Accountability ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER, Gray, Braprorp H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK. The Ac- BRYAN, J.; HEARLD, Larry R. How Do System- countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). Cancer Administrative Costs BIAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JOSEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie; DELEIRE. THOMAS; ROYALTY, Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The ANNE BeEeEson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing 447 (Winter). Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). TUNCELI, KAAN; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; MorAn, JOHN R.: TuNnceti, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health Affordability Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older Workers. 46: 17-32 (Spring). Guiep, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). Capitation Payment Incentives Ambulatory Care Rosinson, JAMES C.: SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.:; RITTEN DeEcKER, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, Rosin R.; CasaLino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- (Fall). cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) Caregiver Stress Monuelt, ALAN C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter of Our Discontent. 46: 3-6 (Spring). SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON K. Does High Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: 140-161 (Summer). Balanced Budget Act (1997) Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.: WARD, Marcia M. Charity Care Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: Gray, BRADFORD H.: SCHLESSINGER, MARK. The Ac- 46-57 (Spring). cduntability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- Balanced Budget Refinement Act (1999) (BBRA) ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. COBRA Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: Monuelt, ALAN C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter 46-57 (Spring). of Our Discontent. 46: 3—6 (Spring). Inquiry 46: 453-464 (Winter 2009/2010). © 2009 Excellus Health Plan, Inc. 0046-9580/09/4604-0453 www. inquiryjournal.org Inquiry! Volume 46, Winter 2009/2010 Commonwealth Connector Authority Elderly (See also Long-term Care: Medicare) Guizp, SHerry. Mandates and the Affordability of KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, RoBert. Effect of Prescrip- Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). Community-Based Organization TUNCELI, KAAN; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; Moran, JOHN R.; Tuncett, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER, Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older Bryan, J.: HeARLD, Larry R. How Do System- Workers. 46: 17-32 (Spring). Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) BiAN, JOHN; Lipscoms, JOSEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. Community Benefits Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Gray. BrapForp H.: SCHLESINGER, MARK. The Ac- Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from 447 (Winter). Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). , Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance (See also Health Damore, JosepH; ROYER, THOMAS; STRAUSS, THOMAS; Insurance) VOLKMAR, KeitH: MCPHERSON, Bruce. Health Care ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie; DELEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, Reform through Community Benefit Leadership. 46: ANNE BEESON. Access to Health Insurance at Small 364-371 (Winter). Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Competition BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C.; MONHEIT, ALAN C. Employ- CAREY, KATHLEEN: BurGeEss, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, er-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Health Insurance Reform. 46: 187-202 (Summer). Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). Monueit, ALAN C. Demise of the Public Option: Employment Transitions Down for the Count, But Not Out? 46: 359-363 TUNCELI, KAAN; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; Moran, JOHN (Winter). R.; TuNcELI, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older Cost Containment Workers. 46: 17-32 (Spring). Monuelt, ALAN C. Reality Bites Health Reform. 46: Ethnic Disparities 117-121 (Summer). GRAY, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK; SIEGFRIED, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) SHANNON MITCHELL; Horowitz, Emiry. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. Hospitals. 40: 322-338 (Fa!!). Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: Federal-State Programs 46-57 (Spring). ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, TimotHy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Diagnostic Imaging Services Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- Carey, KATHLEEN; BurGeEss, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, ter). Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). Financial Health ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER; HOFMANN, PAUL; Discipline-based Services LERNER, WAYNE; SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). Liu, CHuAN-FeN; SHarp, NANcy D.; SALES, ANNE E.; Lowy, ELuiotr; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.: NEEDLE MAN, JAcK; Li,Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse Florida Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.: YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER; 351 (Fall). BRYAN, J.; HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured (ERIU) Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). McLAuGHLIN, CATHERINE; LEvy, HELEN: QUINN, BRIAN. For-Profit Hospitals Aspects of Health Reform: Contributions from the Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, PAUL: Introduction. 46: 182-186 (Summer). LERNER, WAYNE: Seitz. KEVIN; MCPHERSON, 454 Index to Volume 46 Bruce. Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN (Spring). House, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, Rosin R.: CAsALino, LAwReNCE P. Quality-Based Fringe Benefits Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer) ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie; DELEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, ZuveKAS, SAMUEL H.; Otin, Gary L. Accuracy of ANNE Beeson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Medicare Expenditures in the Medical Expenditure Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring). Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Health Care Quality Health and Retirement Study ANDERSON, RON: CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, PAUL: TUNCELI, KAAN; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; Moran, JOHN LERNER, WAYNE; SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. R.; TuNcett, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN Workers. 46: 17~—32 (Spring). HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA; GILLIES, ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, RosBin R.; CAsatino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Timotrny. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Op- Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- tions for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Winter). cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). RyANn, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.: TOMPKINS, Health Care Delivery CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.: WEINER, ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality BryAn, J.; HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). Health Care Reform BAICKER, KATHERINE? Dow, WILLIAM H. Risk Selection Health Care Finance and Risk Adjustment: Improving Insurance in the Individual and Small Group Markets. 46: 215-228 ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie: DELEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, ANNE BEESON. Access to Health Insurance at Small (Summer). Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C.; MONHEIT, ALAN C. Employ- Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). er-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, PAUL: Health Insurance Reform. 46: 187-202 (Summer). LERNER, WAYNE: SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Damore, JosEPH; Royer, THOMAS; STRAUSS, THOMAS; Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). VOLKMAR, KeiTH; McPHERSON, Bruce. Health Care BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C.; MONHEIT, ALAN C. Employ- Reform through Community Benefit Leadership. 46: er-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of 364-371 (Winter). Health Insurance Reform. 46: 187-202 (Summer). McLAuGHLIn, CATHERINE; LEvy, HELEN: QUINN, BRIAN Aspects of Health Reform: Contributions from the Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, NANncy D.:; SALEs, ANNE E.; Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. Lowy, ELLioTr; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLI MAN, JAcK; Li, YU-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse Introduction. 46: 182-186 (Summer). Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 Monuelr, ALAN C. Demise of the Public Option: Down for the Count, But Not Out? 46: 359-363 (Winter). 351 (Fall). Monuelt, ALAN C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter COUGHLIN, TERESA A.; LONG, SHARON K. Health Care of Our Discontent. 46: 3—6 (Spring). Spending and Service Use among High-Cost Medicaid Monuelt, ALAN C. Reality Bites Health Reform. 46: Beneficiaries, 2002-2004. 46: 405-417 (Winter). GuieD, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of 117-121 (Summer). Monueit, ALAN C. Speaking Truth to Power. 46: 247 Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). 252 (Fall). GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA; GRABOWSKI, Davin C.:; LANGA, KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Effect of Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal Health Care Services Care. 46: 58-71 (Spring). CAREY, KATHLEEN: BuRGESS, JAMES F., JR.: YOUNG, Hapbiey, JACK: RESCHOvsKY, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE: Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). COUGHLIN, TERESA A.: LONG, SHARON K. Health Care Ketry, INAS RASHAD: MArRKowiTz, SARA. Incentives in Spending and Service Use among High-Cost Medicaid Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 (Winter). Beneficiaries, 2002—2004. 46: 405-417 (Winter). McLAuGHLIN, CATHERINE: LEVY, HELEN; QUINN, BRIAN. Hapb.ey, JACK; RESCHOvSKy, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE: Aspects of Health Reform: Contributions from the ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). Introduction. 46: 182-186 (Summer). Liu, CHUAN-FEN:; SHARP, NANcy D.: SALES, ANNE E.2 Monue!r, ALAN C. Reality Bites Health Reform. 46: Lowy, ELtiotr: MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLI 117-121 (Summer). MAN, JAcK; Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse 455 Inquiry! Volume 46, Winter 2009/2010 Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 Health Insurance Mandates 351 (Fall). Guiep, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of Monuelt, ALAN C. Speaking Truth to Power. 46: 247 Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). 252 (Fall). Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) Health Insurance (See also Employer-Sponsored Heaith Insurance) Gray, BRADFoRD H.; SCHLESINGER, Mark. The Ac- countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from ABRAHAM, JEAN Martie; DeLeiRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- ANNE Berson. Access to Health Insurance at Small ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). High-Volume Hospitals BAICKER, KATHERINE: Dow, WILLIAM H. Risk Selection and Risk Adjustment: Improving Insurance in the Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK; SIEGFRIED, Individual and Small Group Markets. 46: 215-228 SHANNON MITCHELL: Horowitz, Emity. Racial and (Summer). Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume BiAN, JOHN: LipscomsB, JosEPH: MELLO, MICHELLE M. Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Home Health Care 447 (Winter). GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA; GRABOWSKI, Davin C.; LANGA, BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C.; MONHEIT, ALAN C. Empioy- KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Effect of Medi- er-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of care Home Health Care Payment on Informal Care. 46: Health Insurance Reform. 46: 187-202 (Summer). 58-71 (Spring). Decker, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON K. Does High Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: (Fall). 140-161 (Summer). Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Beneficial Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: Hospital(s) 229-240 (Summer). GuiieD, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER, Bryan, J.: HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Gray, BRADFORD H.: SCHLESINGER, MARK: SIEGFRIED, Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). SHANNON MiTcHELL; Horowitz, Emity. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER; HOFMANN, PAUL; Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). LERNER, WAYNE: SEITZ, KEVIN: MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). KELLY, INAS RASHAD; MARKOwiITz, SARA. Incentives in Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 (Winter). CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurGess, JAMES F., Jr.; YOUNG, Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Monuelt, ALAN C. Demise of the Public Option: Down Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). for the Count, But Not Out? 46: 359-363 (Winter). Monuelt, ALAN C. Reality Bites Health Reform. 46: Frick, Kevin D.: CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Beneficial Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: 117-121 (Summer). 229-240 (Summer). Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK: SIEGFRIED, HOUSE, DIANE R.: FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA; GILLIES, SHANNON MITCHELL; Horowitz, EmiLy. Racial and Rosin R.; CasaLino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, MArcIA M. STEVENSON, Davip G.; FRANK, RicHARD G.; Tau, Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It JOcELYN. Private Long-Term Care Insurance and Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: State Tax Incentives. 46: 305-321 (Fall). 46-57 (Spring). TUNCELI, KAAN: SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY: Moran, JOHN Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, NANcy D.; SALes, ANNE E.; R.; TuNceLl, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health Lowy, ELuiotr; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLEMAN, Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older Jack; Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse Staffing Workers. 46: 17~32 (Spring). and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339-351 (Fall). ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.: TOMPKINS, Timotuy. Medicare Savings: Programs: Analyzing CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality ter). Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Health Insurance Exchanges Informal Care Monue!tT, ALAN C. Demise of the Public Option: Down GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA: Grasowskli, Davin C.: LANGA, for the Count, But Not Out? 46: 359-363 (Winter). KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Eifect of 456 Index to Volume 46 Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal Long-Term Care Insurance Care. 46: 58-71 (Spring). STEVENSON, Davip G.; FRANK, RicHARD G.: Tau, SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON K. Does High Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: JOcELYN. Private Long-Term Care Insurance and 140-161 (Summer). State Tax Incentives. 46: 305—321 (Fall). Inpatient Care Low-Income Care BIAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JOSEPH: MELLO, MICHELLE M. ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, PAUL: Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The LERNER, WAYNE: SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). Guiep, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of 447 (Winter). Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, NANcy D.; SALES, ANNE E.: Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). Lowy, E_tiorr; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLI ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAoPING: WAIDMANN, MAN, JACK; Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse Timotuy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- 351 (Fall). ter). Institute of Medicine (IOM) Mandated Benefit Laws ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER; HOFMANN, PAUL; BIAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JosEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. LERNER, WAYNE; SEITZ, Kevin: MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK; SIEGFRIED, 447 (Winter). SHANNON MuiTCHELL: Horowitz, Emity. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume Maryland Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, Mark. The Ac- Integrated Health Care Systems countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.:. WEINER, ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). BRYAN, J.: HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Massachusetts Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). Guiep, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of Interdiscipiinary Care Teams Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, Nancy D.: SALES, ANNE E.; Medicaid Lowy, ELtiotr: MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLE MAN, JACK; Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER, Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 BryAN, J.; HEARLD, Larry R. How Do System- 351 (Fall). Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). lowa CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurGeEss, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: COUGHLIN, TERESA A.; LONG, SHARON K. Health Care 46-57 (Spring). Spending and Service Use among High-Cost Medicaid Beneficiaries, 2002-2004. 46: 405-417 (Winter). DECKER, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician Job-related Health Insurance Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 TUNCELI, KAAN; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; MorAN, JOHN (Fall). R.; TuNcett, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health Monueit, ALAN C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older of Our Discontent. 46: 3-6 (Spring). Workers. 46: 17-32 (Spring). Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.: RITTEN HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, Long-Term Care (LTC) Rosin R.; CAsALino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA; GRABOwsKI, Davin C.; LANGA, Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Effect of cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal STEVENSON. Davip G.: FRANK, RICHARD G.; TAu, Care. 46: 58-71 (Spring). JocELYN. Private Long-Term Care Insurance and SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON K. Does High State Tax Incentives. 46: 305-321 (Fall). ’ Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN: SHANG, BAoPING; WAIDMANN, 140-161 (Summer). TIMOTHY. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing 457 nquiry/ Volume 46, Winter 2009/2010 Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans (MA-PDs) ter). KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, Rosert. Effect of Prescrip- tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). ABRAHAM, JEAN MARIE; DELEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, ANNE Beeson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Medicare Current Beneficiazy Survey (MCBS) Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing ZuvEKAS, SAMUEL H.; OLin, Gary L. Accuracy of Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Medicare Expenditures in the Medical Expenditure ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; OLIN, GARY L. Accuracy of Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring). Medicare Expenditures in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring). Medicare Fee-for-Service Medical Groups BIAN, JOHN; Lipscoms, JosEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.:; RITTEN Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA; GILLIES, 447 (Winter). Rosin R.; Casatino, LAwRENCE P. Quality-Based Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Medicare Fee Schedule (MFS) cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Hap.ey, Jack; RescHovsky, JAMES: CorEY, CATHERINE; ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Medicare of Physician Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). BIAN, JoHN; Lipscoms, JosEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 2008 447 (Winter). CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Timotuy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- DECKER, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees ter). and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291—304 (Fall). GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA: GRABOWSKI, David C.; LANGA, Medicare Part D KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Effect of CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurGeEss, JAMES F., JR.: YOUNG, Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Care. 46: 58-71 (Spring). Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, Ropert. Effect of Prescrip- KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, Roser. Effect of Prescrip- tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Timotuy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- 46-57 (Spring). ter). Monueit, ALAN C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter of Our Discontent. 46: 3-6 (Spring). Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (2001) (Med- Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN PAC) HousE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA; GILLIES, Rosin R.; CAsALiINno, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Converting te Critical Access Status: How Does It cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; TOMPKINS, 46-57 (Spring). CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality Medicare Physician Fees Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Hapb_ey, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE: STEVENSON, David G.; FRANK, RICHARD G.; Tau, ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume JocELyN. Private Long-Term Care Insurance and of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). State Tax Incentives. 46: 305-321 (Fall). ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modern- Timotuy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Op- ization Act (2003) (MMA) tions for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Winter). ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; OLin, Gary L. Accuracy of CAREY, KATHLEEN; BuRGESS, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, Medicare Expenditures in the Medical Expenditure Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring). Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). 458 Index to Volume 46 Hapbtey, Jack; RescHovsky, JAMES; CoREY, CATHERINE; Nonprofit Hospitals ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Gray. BRADFORD H.: SCHLESINGER, MARK. The Ac- of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, Roper. Effect of Prescrip- Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). Damore, JOSEPH: Royer, THOMAS: STRAUSS, THOMAS; Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, Marcia M. VOLKMAR, KEITH; McPHERSON, Bruce. Health Care Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Reform through Community Benefit Leadership. 46: Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: 364-371 (Winter). 46-57 (Spring). Nonprofit Nursing Homes Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) DaAMorE, JOSEPH; ROYER, THOMAS; STRAUSS, THOMAS; ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, VOLKMAR, KEITH: McPHERSON, Bruce. Health Care TimotHy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Reform through Community Benefit Leadership. 46: Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- 364-371 (Winter). ter). Nonprofit Organizations Minority Patients Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK. The Ac- Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK: SIEGFRIED, countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from SHANNON MITCHELL; Horowitz, EMILY. Racial and Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume ments. 46: 122—139 (Summer). Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). Not-for-Profit Health Care Misinformation ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, PAUL: Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Beneficial LERNER, WAYNE; SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). 229-240 (Summer). Nursing Care Moral Hazard Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, NANCY D.; SALES, ANNE E.; Lowy, Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW. MicHAEL E. Beneficial Evtiotr; MAcIEsEwsk!, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLEMAN, JACK; Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse Staffing and 229-240 (Summer). Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339-351 (Fall). KeLLy, INAS RAsHAD; Markowitz, SARA. Incentives in Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 Nursing Home Placement (Winter). SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON K. Does High Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: Mortality 140-161 (Summer). Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGeEss, JAMES F., JR.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- Obesity ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Ketty, INAS RASHAD: MARKowiTz, SARA. Incentives in Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 (Winter). National Health Expenditure Accounts Outpatient Surgery ZuvVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Ouin, GAry L. Accuracy of Medicare Expenditures in the. Medical Expenditure BIAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JosEPH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring). Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 447 (Winter). ° National Long Term Care Survey CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.: YOUNG, Gary J. SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LoNG, SHARON K. Does High Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Competition. 46: Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: 162-171 (Summer). 140-161 (Summer). Patient Satisfaction New York City Rospinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.:; RITTEN Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK: SIEGFRIED, HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA; GILLIES, SHANNON MITCHELL; Horowitz, EMILY. Racial and Rosin R.: Casatino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Ethnic Disparities in the--Use of High-Volume Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). 459 Pay-for-Performance Incentives ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING: WAIDMANN, Timotuy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Op- Hap ey, JAcK: ResCHOvsKy, JAMES: COREY, CATHERINE; tions for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391—404 (Winter). ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). Prospective Payment System (PPS) Rosinson, JAMES C.: SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.: RITTEN HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES. Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, MArciA M. Rosin R.: CasALino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: cians. 46: 172~181 (Summer). 46-57 (Spring). Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- Public Option ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Monuelt, ALAN C. Demise of the Public Option: Down for the Count, But Not Out? 46: 359-363 (Winter). Penn State Cancer Survivor Study Qualified Individual (QI) Program TUNCELI, KAAN: SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; Moran, JOHN R.; Tuncett, OzGur. Cancer Survivorship, Health ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING: WAIDMANN, Insurance, and Employment Transitions among Older TimotHy Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Workers. 46: 17—32 (Spring). Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- ter). Physician-Owned Single Speciality Hospitals (SSHs) Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program CarEY, KATHLEEN: BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAOPING; WAIDMANN, Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). TimotHy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- Physicians ter). Decker, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 Racial Disparities (Fall). Gray. BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK; SIEGFRIED, Hapb_ey, Jack; ReEscHOvsky, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE; SHANNON MITCHELL: Horowitz, EMiLy. Racial and ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, RAND Health Insurance Experiment Rosin R.; CasaLino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW. MicHaAeL E. Beneficial cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: 229-240 (Summer). Physicians’ Incentive Programs Research Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurRGEss, JAMES F., JR.: YOUNG, Rosin R.; Casatino, LAWRENCE P. Quality-Based Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, NANCy D.; SALES, ANNE E.: Lowy, ELtiotr; MACcIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.: NEEDLE Premier Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration MAN, JACK; Li, Yu-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse (PHQID) Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 351 (Fall). Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.: TOMPKINS. McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE: LEvy, HELEN: QUINN, BRIAN. CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK. STANLEY S. The Relation- Aspects of Health Reform: Contributions from the ship between Medicare's Process of Care Quality Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). Introduction. 46: 182-186 (Summer). Rosinson, JAMES C.; SHORTELL, STEPHEN M.; RITTEN- Prescription Drugs HOUSE, DIANE R.; FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA: GILLIES, Carey, KATHLEEN: BurGess, JAMes F., Jr.: YOUNG, Rosin R.; Casatino, LAwRENCE P. Quality-Based Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Payment for Medical Groups and Individual Physi- Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). : cians. 46: 172-181 (Summer). KHAN, NASREEN: KAESTNER, Rosert. Effect of Prescrip- SPILLMAN, BRENDA C.; LONG, SHARON, K. Does High tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- Caregiver Stress Predict Nursing Home Entry? 46: tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). 140-161 (Summer). 460 Index to Volume 46 ZuvVEKAS. SAMUEL H.; OLIN, Gary L. Accuracy of Surgery Medicare Expenditures in the Medical Expenditure BiAN, JOHN; LipscomB, JosEPpH; MELLO, MICHELLE M. Panel Survey. 46: 92-108 (Spring) Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 Risk 447 (Winter). BAICKER, KATHERINE: Dow, WILLIAM H. Risk Selection CAREY, KATHLEEN: BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, and Risk Adjustment: Improving Insurance in the Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Individual and Small Group Markets. 46: 215-228 Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). (Summer). Ket_y, INAS RaAsHAD; Markowitz, SARA. Incentives Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Cancer in Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 Registries (Winter). BIAN, JOHN; LipscomsB, JosEPH: MELLO, MICHELLE M. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Rural Access to Care Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 447 (Winter). Li, PENGXIANG; SCHNEIDER, JOHN E.; WARD, MArRcIA M. Converting to Critical Access Status: How Does It System-Affiliated Hospitals Affect Rural Hospitals’ Financial Performance? 46: 46-57 (Spring). ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER, BRYAN, J.; HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- Site of Care Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). DecKER, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 Texas (Fall). ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.; WEINER. Small Business Establishments BRYAN, J.; HEARLD, Larry R. How Do System- Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community ABRAHAM, JEAN Marie: DELEIRE, THOMAS: ROYALTY, Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). ANNI Beeson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing Theory of Second Best Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Frick, Kevin D.: CHERNEW, MicuHaet E. Beneficial Specialty Hospitals Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: 229-240 (Summer). CAREY, KATHLEEN; BurRGESS, JAMES F., JR.; YOUNG, Gary J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) Competition. 46: 162-171 (Summer). Monueit, ALAN C. Speaking Truth to Power. 46: 247 Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) 252 (Fall). Program Uncompensated Care ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; SHANG, BAoPING; WAIDMANN, TimotHy. Medicare Savings Programs: Analyzing ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, Gary J.; WEINER, Options for Expanding Eligibility. 46: 391-404 (Win- BRYAN, J.. HEARLD, LARRY R. How Do System- ter). Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). Spillover Effects Uniform Fee Changes BIAN, JOHN: LipscomMB, JOSEPH; MELLO,~MICHELLE M. Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The HaApbLey, JACK: RESCHOvSKy, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE: Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume 447 (Winter). of Physician Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Unihsured MonueEitT, ALAN. C. Health Reform Thaw in the Winter ANDERSON, RON: CUNNINGHAM, PETER: HOFMANN, of Our Discontent. 46: 3-6 (Spring). PauL: LERNER, WAYNE: SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, Bruce. Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 (Spring). State Tax Incentives McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE; LEVY, HELEN: QUINN, BRIAN. STEVENSON, Davip G.: FRANK. RICHARD G.: TAu, Aspects of Health Reform: Contributions from the JocELYN. Private Long-Term Care insurance and Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. State Tax Incentives. 46: 305—321 (Fail). Introduction. 46: 182-186 (Summer). 461 Inquiry/ Volume 46, Winter 2009/2010 Utilization BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C.; Monueit, ALAN C. Employ- er-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Beneficial Health Insurance Reform. 46: 187-202 (Summer). Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: BurGess, JAMES F., JR. see RYAN, ANDREW M. 229-240 (Summer). BurGess, JAMES F., JR. see CAREY, KATHLEEN. CAREY, KATHLEEN: BurGEss, JAMES F. JR.: YOUNG, GARY Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) J. Single Specialty Hospitals and Service Competition. Ryan, ANDREW M.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR.; TOMPKINS, 46: 162-171 (Summer). CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S. The Relation- CASALINO, LAWRENCE P. see ROBINSON, JAMES C. ship between Medicare’s Process of Care Quality CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. see GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA. Measures and Mortality. 46: 274-290 (Fall). CHERNEW, MICHAEL E see Frick, Kevin D. Corey, CATHERINE see HADLEY, JACK. Value of Care COUGHLIN, TERESA A.; LONG, SHARON K. Health Care Spending and Service Use among High-Cost Medicaid BAICKER, KATHERINE; Dow, WILLIAM H. Risk Selection Beneficiaries, 2002-2004. 46: 405-417 (Winter). and Risk Adjustment: Improving Insurance in the CUNNINGHAM, PETER see ANDERSON, RON. Individual and Small Group Markets. 46: 215-228 Damore, JOSEPH; ROYER, THOMAS; STRAUSS, THOMAS; (Summer). VOLKMAR, KEITH; McPHERSON, Bruce. Health Care Reform through Community Benefit Leadership. 46: Veterans Affairs, Department of (VA) 364-371 (Winter). ‘Liu, CHUAN-FEN; SHARP, Nancy D.; SALES, ANNE E.; DeckER, SANDRA L. Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees and Patterns of Ambulatory Care. 46: 291-304 Lowy, E.tuiorr; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; NEEDLE MAN, JAcK; Li, YU-FANG. Line Authority for Nurse (Fall). Staffing and Costs for Acute Inpatient Care. 46: 339 DeELEIRE, THOMAS see ABRAHAM, JEAN MARIE. 351 (Fall). Dow, WILLIAM H. see BAICKER, KATHERINE. FERNANDES-TAYLOR, SARA see ROBINSON, JAMES C. Volume-Sensitive Services FRANK, RICHARD G. see STEVENSON, DAvip G. Frick, Kevin D.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Beneficial Gray. BRADFORD H.:; SCHLESINGER, MARK: SiEGFRIED, Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Second Best. 46: SHANNON MITCHELL; Horowitz, Emity. Racial and 229-240 (Summer). Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume GILLiEs, Rosin R. see Rosinson, JAMES C. Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). Guiep, SHERRY. Mandates and the Affordability of Health Care. 46: 203-214 (Summer). Workers’ Compensation GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA; GRABOWSKI, Davip C.; LANGA, KENNETH M.; CHERNEW, MICHAEL E. Effect of ABRAHAM, JEAN MArie; DeLEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal ANNE Beeson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Care. 46: 58-71 (Spring). Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing Grasowsk!I, Davip C. see GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA. Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK: SIEGFRIED, SHANNON MITCHELL: Horowitz, EmiLy. Racial and AUTHOR INDEX Ethnic Disparities in the Use of High-Volume ABRAHAM, JEAN MARIE; DELEIRE, THOMAS; ROYALTY, Hospitals. 46: 322-338 (Fall). ANNE Beeson. Access to Health Insurance at Small Gray, BRADFORD H.; SCHLESINGER, MARK. The Ac- Establishments: What Can We Learn from Analyzing countability of Nonprofit Hospitals: Lessons from Other Fringe Benefits? 46: 253-273 (Fall). Maryland’s Community Benefit Reporting Require- ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A.; YOUNG, GARY J.: WEINER, ments. 46: 122-139 (Summer). BryAN, J.; HEARLD, Larry R. How Do System- Hapb_ey, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES; COREY, CATHERINE; Affiliated Hospitals Fare in Providing Community ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. Medicare Fees and the Volume Benefit? 46: 72-91 (Spring). of Physicians’ Services. 46: 372-390 (Winter). ANDERSON, RON; CUNNINGHAM, PETER; HOFMANN, HEARLD, LARRY R. see ALEXANDER, JEFFREY A. PauL; LERNER, WAYNE; SEITZ, KEVIN; MCPHERSON, HOFMANN, PAUL see ANDERSON, RON. Bruce. Protecting the Hospital Safety Net. 46: 7-16 Horow!tz, EMILy see GRAY, BRADFORD H. (Spring). KAESTNER, ROBERT see KHAN, NASREEN. BAICKER, KATHERINE; Dow, WILLIAM H. Risk Selection KELLY, INAS RASHAD: Markowitz, SARA. Incentives.in and Risk Adjustment: Improving Insurance in the Obesity and Health Insurance. 46: 418-432 (Winter). Individual and Small Group Markets. 46: 215—228 KHAN, NASREEN; KAESTNER, Rosert. Effect of Prescrip- (Summer). tion Drug Coverage on the Elderly’s Use of Prescrip- BiAN, JoHN; Lipscoms, JosEPH: MELLO, MICHELLE M. tion Drugs. 46: 33-45 (Spring). Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The LANGA, KENNETH M. see GOLBERSTEIN, EZRA. Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery. 46: 433 LERNER, WAYNE see ANDERSON, RON. 447 (Winter). Levy, HELEN see MCLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE. 462

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