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Index to Volume 42 SUBJECT INDEX Cardiovascular Disease MILLer, G. Eowarb; MOELLER, JOHN F.; STAFFORD, RANDALL Access to Care S. New Cardiovascular Drugs: Patterns of Use and Asso- CoLLins, SARA R.; DAvis, KAREN; Ho, Atice. A Shared Re- ciation with Non-Drug Health Expenditures. 42: 397-412 sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health (Winter). Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). FoRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, Carve-Outs James J.; BurGess, JAMES F., JR. Does Improving Geo- ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NorQuist, GRAYSON graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve- Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 Outs on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: (Spring). 86-97 (Spring). LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: Children Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Cooper, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELI VisTNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 (Fall). (Summer). SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, Juiz L. How Much Can Re- SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JuLie L. How Much Can ally be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Really be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16—28 (Spring). of Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). Children with Disabilities ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARREL! Accrediting Commission on Education for Health J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time Services Administration (ACEHSA) for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 DALSTON, JEPTHA W.; PRyBIL, LAWRENCE D.; BERMAN, (Summer). Howarp; Lioyb, JOHN S. Transforming the Accreditation of Health Care Management Education. 42: 320-33 Chronic Iilness (Winter). GiBSON, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, DeAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Ex- penditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). Management Education (CAHME) Age DALSTON, JEPTHA W.; PRyBIL, LAWRENCE D.; BERMAN, Howarp; LLoyp, JOHN S. Transforming the Accreditation ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. of Health Care Management Education. 42: 320-33 Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal (Winter). Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). tyr Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ForTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, Swartz, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your James J.; BurGess, JAMEs F., Jk. Does Improving Geo- Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated Re- graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact search. 42: 107-109 (Summer). Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 (Spring). American Enterprise Institute Competition SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. Caste, NicHoLAs G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in 42: 118-128 (Summer). Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Inquiry 42: 427-437 (Winter 2005/2006). © 2005 Excellus Health Plan, Inc. 0046-9580/06/4204—0427 www. inquiryjournal.org Inquiry/Volume 42, Winter 2005/2006 ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOoNEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). (Summer). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- VAN HOUTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DOMINO, MARISA ELENA. tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Spending in New Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 (Spring). Conservatives SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- Disenrollment ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. Marauis, M. SUSAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; ESCARCE, 42: 118-128 (Summer). José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THomas A. Is the Individ- ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of Copayments Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381—396 (Winter). Gipson, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, DEAN G. A Copayment Increase fo: Prescription Drugs: Elderly The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- Expenditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). Costs KoMISAR, HARRIET L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KASPER, JUDITH D. Un- FoRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- JAMES J.; BuRGESs, JAMES F., JR. Does Improving Geo- Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact SING, MERRILE; STEVENS, BETH. The Value of Experience: Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 Differences in Knowledge Among Medicare Beneficia- (Spring). ries. 42: 266-280 (Fall). SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JULIE L. How Much Can Re- ally Be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Emergency Care Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). Wuire, CHaPiNn. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELL Cross-State Variation J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; CooPER, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 VistNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on (Summer). Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 (Fall). Employees Dialogue GiBson, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, DEAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: ACKERMAN, KEN; KIBLER, WILLIAM E., JR.; STEELE, GLENN D., The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Ex- JR.; WAN Horn, R. LAWRENCE; SWARTZ, KATHERINE; Mc- penditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). PHERSON, BRUCE. Executive Compensation in Nonprofit Health Care Organizations. 42: 110-117 (Summer). BARTLETT, MARK; DeLucia, MICHAEL; GOHEEN, CHARLES; Employers O’BRIEN, JOHN; WEDIG, GERALD; McPHERSON, Bruce. If BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; CooPER, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; Nonprofit Doesn’t Mean “No Profit,” How Much Is VistNEs, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Enough in Health Care? 42: 211-217 (Fall). Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 (Fall). Difference-in-Trends Models CoL.ins, SARA R.; Davis, KAREN; Ho, ALice. A Shared Re- Hupson, JULIE L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, Jessica S. sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). 42: 232-254 (Fail). Employer-Sponsored Insurance Disabled BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; CoopER, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The VisTNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries (Fall). in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). CoL.ins, SARA R.; Davis, KAREN; Ho, Auice. A Shared Re- ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELL sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). 428 Index to Volume 42 Executive Compensation Guaranteed Renewals ACKERMAN, KEN; KIBLER, WILLIAM E., JR.; STEELE, GLENN D., Marauis, M. SUSAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; EsCARCE, JR.; VAN Horn, R. LAWRENCE; SWARTZ, KATHERINE; Mc- José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THomAs A. Is the Individ- PHERSON, BRucE. Executive Compensation in Nonprofit ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of Health Care Organizations. 42: 110-117 (Summer). Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381-396 (Winter). Facility-Based Care Health Benefits VAN HOUTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DOMINO, MARISA ELENA. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled 42: 3-5 (Spring). Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 (Spring). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DIDEM M. Hospital Finan- Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). Family Care Health Care Delivery KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current 42: 317-319 (Winter). Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). Health Care Expenditures Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Gipson, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. DeAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (rall). Expenditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). MILLER, G. E>warb; MOELLER, JOHN F.; STAFFORD, RANDALL Fee-for-Service (FFS) System S. New Cardiovascular Drugs: Patterns of Use and Asso- ciation with Non-Drug Health Expenditures. 42:397-412 ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARREL (Winter). J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 42: 3-5 (Spring). (Summer). Health Care Management Education Florida’s Program in Medical Sciences (PIMS) DALSTON. JEPTHA W.; PryBiL, LAWRENCE D.; BERMAN, FouRNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and Howarb; LLoyp, JOHN S. Transforming the Accreditation Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s of Health Care Management Education. 42: 320-334 Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160-170 (Summer). (Winter). Funding for Research Health Insurance SWARTZ, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NorMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- Research. 42: 107—109 (Summer). age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). Future Health Care Use ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; CoopEeR, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The VistNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 (Fall). Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Liu, Su. Health Insurance Reform in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). and HMO Penetration in the Small Group Market. 42: 367-380 (Winter). Geographic Access CoL.ins, SARA R.; Davis, KAREN; Ho, A.ice. A Shared Re- ForRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health James J.; BurGess, JAMEs F., Jk. Does Improving Geo- Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). ! graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact Hupson, Juuie L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, Jessica S. Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. (Spring). 42: 232-254 (Fall). Inquiry/Volume 42, Winter 2005/2006 Margulis, M. SusAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; ESCARCE, Hospital Finances José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THoMas A. Is the Individ- ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DipEM M. Hospital Finan- ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381-396 (Winter). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- 42: 118-128 (Summer). tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). 42: 317-319 (Winter). Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) (HIPAA) SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: 208-210 (Fall). Marauis, M. SusAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; ESCARCE, SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THomas A. Is the Individ- 42: 317-319 (Winter). ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381—396 (Winter). Individual Market Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Marquis, M. SUSAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; ESCARCE, José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THomas A. Is the Individ- BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Liu, Su. Health Insurance Reform ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of and HMO Penetration in the Small Group Market. 42: Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381—396 (Winter). 367-380 (Winter). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition Liberals Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Spending in New ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). 42: 118-128 (Summer). Health Policy Long-Term Care Co tins, Sara R.; Davis, KAREN; Ho, Aice. A Shared Re- CastLe, NicHoLas G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). 42: 118-128 (Summer). Komisar, Harriet L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KASPER, JUDITH D. Un- SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- 208-210 (Fall). Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. WHITE, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for 42: 317-319 (Winter). Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Low-Income Families SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. 42: 3-5 (Spring). ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELI J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time Heritage Foundation for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 (Summer). SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JuLig L. How Much Can ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. 42: 118-128 (Summer). Really be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). Hospital Care LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The Managed Behavioral Health Care Carve-Outs Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NorQUIST, GRAYSON Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; M!TCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELL (Spring). J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time for SSI-Eligibie Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 Managed Care (Summer). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. 42: 317-319 (Winter). Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Fed- 430 Index to Volume 42 eral Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 Medicare (Fall). KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, Harriet L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- SING, MERRILE; STEVENS, BETH. The Value of Experience: Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Differences in Knowledge Among Medicare Beneficia- Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). ries. 42: 266-280 (Fall). Komisar, HARRIET L.; FEDER, JUDITH; Kasper, JuprrH D. Un- ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- SING, MERRILE; STEVENS, BETH. The Value of Experience: tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). Differences in Knowledge Among Medicare Beneficia- ries. 42: 266-280 (Fall). McNerney, Walter J. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. 42: 317-319 (Winter). BERMAN, HowArbD; ENSIGN, JIM; GRAY, BRAD; GRIFFITH, JOHN; White, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for Jones, Juby; Kinser, Tom; KLEIN, Davin; Lewin, Larry; Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality Loess, STEVE; SCHLICHTING, NANCY; SHORTELL, STEVE; of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). SIEVERTS, STEVE; SIGMOND, Bos; STEWART, DAVE; VoyvopicH, Marc; WARDEN, GAIL. Remembrances: Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibles Walter J. McNerney, 1925-2005. 42: 201-207 (Fall). KomIsAR, HARRIET L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KAsPeR, JupiTH D. Un- Medicaid met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NoRMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- Medicare Modernization Act (2003) State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. Hupson, JULIE L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, JESSICA S. 42: 3-5 (Spring). The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. 42: 232-254 (Fall). Mental Health KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). 42: 317-319 (Winter). KomMIsAR, HARRIET L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KASPER, JUDITH D. Un- ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NoRQuist, GRAYSON met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The (Spring). Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries Natural Risk Pools in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). COLLINS, SARA R.; DAvis, KAREN; Ho, A.ice. A Shared Re- SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health 208-210 (Fall). Insurance to Employees. 42: 6—15 (Spring). VAN HouTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DOMINO, MARISA ELENA. Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled New York State Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 (Spring). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). Medical Education ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s York? 42: 183—192 (Summer). Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160-170 (Summer). Nonprofit Health Care Organizations Medical Expenditure Panel Survey ACKERMAN, KEN; KIBLER, WILLIAM E., JR.; STEELE, GLENN D., BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Cooper, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; JR.; VAN Horn, R. LAWRENCE; SWARTZ, KATHERINE; VISTNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 McPHERSON, Bruce. Executive Compensation in Non- profit Health Care Organizations. 42: 110-117 (Summer). (Fall). BarTLeTT, MARK; DeLucia, MICHAEL; GOHEEN, CHARLES; Hupson, Juice L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, Jessica S. The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. O’BrIEN, JOHN; WebIG, GERALD; McPHERSON, BRUCE. If Nonprofit Doesn’t Mean “No Profit,” How Much Is 42: 232-254 (Fall). Enough in Health Care? 42: 211-217 (Fall). Medically Underserved Areas Nursing Homes FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s CastTLe, NICHOLAS G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160—170 (Summer). Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Inquiry/Volume 42, Winter 2005/2006 KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- MILLER, G. EDWARD; MOELLER, JOHN F.; STAFFORD, RANDALL Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current S. New Cardiovascular Drugs: Patterns of Use and Asso- Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). ciation with Non-Drug Health Expenditures. 42: 397-412 Wuirte, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for (Winter). Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). Price Competition ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- Ownership tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New Caste, NicHoLas G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281—292 (Fall). Primary Care Physicians Patient Cost Sharing FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and GiBsON, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s DEAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160-170 (Summer). The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Expenditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). Programs for Special Populations Co..ins, SARA R.; DAvis, KAREN; Ho, ALice. A Shared Re- Patient Safety Outcomes sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DIDEM M. Hospital Finan- Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DIDEM M. Hospital Finan- ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). FoRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACTIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, Patients’ Patterns JAMES J.; BuRGEssS, JAMEs F., Jk. Does Improving Geograph- FoRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, ic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact Patients’ JAMEs J.; BuRGEssS, JAMES F., JR. Does Improving Geograph- Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 (Spring). ic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact Patients’ SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JULIE L. How Much Can Re- Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 (Spring). ally be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) 42: 3-5 (Spring). VAN HouTVEN, CouRTNEY HAROLD; DoMINO, MARISA ELENA. ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NORMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- (Spring). State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NorQuIST, GRAYSON S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve- Physician Specialty Choice Outs on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 (Spring). FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160—170 (Summer). Preferred Provider Organizations Prospective Payment System (PPS) ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CuRTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. White, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System Psychotropic Medications (PRAMS) ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NoRQUIST, GRAYSON ApAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NoRMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- (Spring). State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). Public Health Prescription Drugs SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JULIE L. How Much Can Re- Gipson, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, ally be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of DEAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: Expenditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). 208-210 (Fall). 432 Index to Volume 42 SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. VAN HOouTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DoMINO, MARISA ELENA. 42: 317-319 (Winter). Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 (Spring). ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOOoNEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition Quality of Care Lowered Hospital Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DipEM M. Hospital Finan- ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). Selection Effects SWARTZ, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your VAN HouTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DOMINO, MARISA ELENA. Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled Adults: Research. 42: 107-109 (Summer). Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 (Spring). Wuire, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality Skilled Nursing Facilities of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). CasTLe, NicHoLas G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Research KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, Harriet L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NoRMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- Wuite, Cuapin. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). Small Group Market BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Cooper, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; VisTNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Liu, Su. Health Insurance Reform and HMO Penetration in the Small Group Market. 42: Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 367-380 (Winter). (Fall). CasTLe, NicHoLas G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Specialty Care ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, Dipem M. Hospital Finan- ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARREL! ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time ForTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 James J.; BurGess, JAMES F., Jk. Does Improving Geo- (Summer). graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 Spillover Effects (Spring). FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NORQUIST, GRAYSON and Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Flori- S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs da’s Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160-170 (Sum- on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 mer). (Spring). GIBSON, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, DEAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: Staffing The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Ex- White, CHAPIN. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for penditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality Hupson, JULIE L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, Jessica S. of Care. 42: 351-366 (Winter). The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. 42: 232-254 (Fall). ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELL State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal (Summer). Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JuLIE L. How Much Can Re- BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Cooper, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; ally be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of VistNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 (Spring). Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 SiNG, MERRILE; STEVENS, BETH. The Value of Experience: (Fail). Differences in Knowledge Among Medicare Beneficia- Hupson, Juuie L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, JESSICA S. ries. 42: 266-280 (Fall). The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your 42: 232-254 (Fall). Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JuLIE L. How Much Can Research. 42: 107-109 (Summer) Really be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. of Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16-28 42: 317-319 (Winter). (Spring). Inquiry/Volume 42, Winter 2005/2006 SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- 208-210 (Fall). tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). Substance Abuse Welfare Reform ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; NoRQUIST, GRAYSON S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NoRMA I.: MANNING, WILLARD on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- (Spring). age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). Switching Plans AUTHOR INDEX ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal ACKERMAN, KEN; KIBLER, WILLIAM E., JR.; STEELE, GLENN D., Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). Jr.; VAN Horn, R. LAWRENCE; SWARTZ, KATHERINE; McPuHERSON, Bruce. Executive Compensation in Non- profit Health Care Organizations. 42: 110-117 (Summer). Unmet Needs ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NorRMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD KoMIsAR, HARRIET L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KASPER, JUDITH D. Un- G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The ALECXIH, LISA see KEMPER, PETER. Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: ATHERLY, ADAM; FLORENCE, CURTIS; THORPE, KENNETH E. Findings for a Sampie of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries Health Plan Switching Among Members of the Federal in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winter). Employees Health Benefits Program. 42: 255-265 (Fall). BANTHIN, JEssICA S. see Hupson, JULIE L. Utilization BARTLETT, MARK; DeLuciA, MICHAEL; GOHEEN, CHARLES; O’BrIEN, JOHN; WEDIG, GERALD; MCPHERSON, BRUCE. If FoRTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, Nonprofit Doesn’t Mean “No Profit,” How Much Is JAMES J.; BuRGEss, JAMES F., JR. Does Improving Geo- Enough in Health Care? 42: 211-217 (Fall). graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact BERMAN, Howarb; ENSIGN, JIM; GRAY, BRAD; GRIFFITH, JOHN; Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 Jones, JUDY; KINSER, Tom; KLEIN, DAvip; LEwin, LARRY; (Spring). Loess, STEVE; SCHLICHTING, NANCY; SHORTELL, STEVE; SIE- VERTS, STEVE; SIGMOND, BoB; STEWART, DAVE; VOoyvo VA Primary Care Services DICH, Marc; WARDEN, GAIL. Remembrances: Walter J. ForTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, McNerney, 1925-2005. 42: 201-207 (Fall). JAMES J.; BURGESS, JAMES F., JR. Does Improving Geo- BERMAN, HowarD see DALSTON, JEPTHA W. graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact BERNARD, DIDEM M. see ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E. Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; CoopeR, PHILIP; SIMON, KOSALI; (Spring). VISTNES, Jessica. The Effect of SCHIP Expansions on Health Insurance Decisions by Employers. 42: 218-231 (Fall). BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS; Liu, Su. Health Insurance Reform Vulnerable Populations and Access and HMO Penetration in the Small Group Market. Apams, E. KATHLEEN; GAVIN, NoRMA I.; MANNING, WILLARD 42: 367-380 (Winter). G.; HANDLER, ARDEN. Welfare Reform, Insurance Cover- BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES see Marquis, M. SUSAN. age Pre-Pregnancy, and Timely Enrollment: An Eight- BurGEss, JAMES F., JR. see FORTNEY, JOHN C. State Study. 42: 129-144 (Summer). CastLe, NicHoLas G. Nursing Home Closures, Changes in FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and Ownership, and Competition. 42: 281-292 (Fall). Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s CoLuins, SARA R.; DAvis, KAREN; Ho, Atice. A Shared Re- Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160-170 (Summer). sponsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health KoMISAR, Harriet L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KAsPER, JupiTH D. Un- Insurance to Employees. 42: 6-15 (Spring). met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- Cooper, PHILIP see BUCHMUELLER. THOMAS. Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). DALSTON, JEPTHA W.; PRyBIL, LAWRENCE D.; BERMAN, Ho- ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELL WARD; LLoybD, JOHN S. Transforming the Accreditation J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time of Health Care Management Education. 42: 320-334 for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 (Winter). (Summer). DAViS, KAREN see COLLINS, SARA R. SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- DeLucta, MICHAEL see BARTLETT, MARK. ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. Domino, MARISA ELENA see VAN HOUTVEN, COURTNEY 42: 118-128 (Summer). HAROLD, SWARTZ, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your ENCINOSA, WILLIAM E.; BERNARD, DiDEM M. Hospital Finan- Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated Re- ces and Patient Safety Outcomes. 42: 60-72 (Spring). search. 42: 107-109 (Summer). ENSIGN, JIM see BERMAN, Howarb. 434 Index to Volume 42 Escarce, José J. see MARQUIS, M. SUSAN. MITCHELL, JEAN M. see ROBERTO, PAMELA N. FEDER, JUDITH see KOMISAR, HARRIET L. MOELLER, JOHN F. see MILLER, G. EDwaArp. FLORENCE, CURTIS see ATHERLY, ADAM. Mooney, CATHLEEN see ZWANZIGER, JACK. FORTNEY, JOHN C.; MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L.; WARREN, Mooney, CATHLEEN see ZWANZIGER, JACK. JAMes J.; BuRGEss, JAMEs F., Jk. Does Improving Geo- Norguist, GRAYSON S. see ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H. graphic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact O'BRIEN, JOHN see BARTLETT, MARK. Patients’ Patterns of Utilization and Costs? 42: 29-42 PRYBIL, LAWRENCE D. see DALSTON, JEPTHA W. (Spring). ROBERTO, PAMELA N.; MITCHELL, JEAN M.; GASKIN, DARRELI FOURNIER, GARY M.; HENDERSON, CHERYL. Incentives and J. Plan Choice and Changes in Access to Care Over Time Physician Specialty Choice: A Case Study of Florida’s for SSI-Eligible Children with Disabilities. 42: 145-159 Program in Medical Sciences. 42: 160—170 (Summer). (Summer). GASKIN, DARRELL J. see ROBERTO, PAMELA N. Rupp, AGNES E. see ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H. GAvIN, NorMA L. see ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN. SCHLICHTING, NANCY see BERMAN, Howarb. Gipson, TERESA B.; McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G.; SMITH, SEIDMAN, LAURENCE. Responsible Health Insurance Revis- DEAN G. A Copayment Increase for Prescription Drugs: ited: Pouring Liberal Wine Into a Conservative Bottle. The Long-Term and Short-Term Effects on Use and Ex- 42: 118-128 (Summer). penditures. 42: 293-310 (Fall). SELDEN, THOMAS M.; Hupson, JuLIE L. How Much Can Re- GOHEEN, CHARLES see BARTLETT, MARK. ally be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Gray, BRAD see BERMAN, Howarb. Public Health Insurance for Children. 42: 16—28 (Spring). GRIFFITH, JOHN see BERMAN, HOWARD. SELDEN, THOMAS M. see Hupson, JULIE L. HANDLER, ARDEN see ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN. SHORTELL, STEVE see BERMAN, Howarb. HENDERSON, CHERYL see FOURNIER, GARY M. SIEVERTS, STEVE see BERMAN, Howarb. Ho, ALICE see COLLINS, SARA R. SIGMOND, Bos see BERMAN, HOWARD. Hupson, JULIE L. see SELDEN, THOMAS M. SIMON, KOSALI see BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS. Hupson, JULIE L.; SELDEN, THOMAS M.; BANTHIN, Jessica S. SING, MERRILE; STEVENS, BETH. The Value of Experience: The Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children. Differences in Knowledge Among Medicare Beneficia- 42: 232-254 (Fall). ries. 42: 266-280 (Fall). Jones, JuDY see BERMAN, Howarb. SMITH, DEAN G. see GIBSON, TERESA B. KAPUR, KANIKA see MARQuIS, M. SUSAN. STAFFORD, RANDALL S. see MILLER, G. EDWARD. KASPER, JUDITH D. see KomisAR, HARRIET L. STEELE, GLENN D., JR. see ACKERMAN, KEN. KEMPER, PETER; KOMISAR, HARRIET L.; ALECXIH, Lisa. Long- STEVENS, BETH see SING, MERRILE. Term Care Over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current STEWART, DAVE see BERMAN, HOWARD. Retirees Expect? 42: 335-350 (Winter). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. healthresearchfunding.org — Add Your KIBLER, WILLIAM E., JR. see ACKERMAN, KEN. Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated Re- KINSER, TOM see BERMAN, Howarb. search. 42: 107-109 (Summer). KLEIN, DAvID see BERMAN, HOWARD. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Informed Consumer — Caveat Emptor. Komisar, Harriet L.; FEDER, JUDITH; KASPER, JupiTH D. Un- 42: 3-5 (Spring). met Long-Term Care Needs: An Analysis of Medicare- SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Provide Medicaid to Evacuees. 42: Medicaid Dual Eligibles. 42: 171-182 (Summer). 208-210 (Fall). KomisaAR, Harriet L. see KEMPER, PETER. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Wish List for Research Papers in 2006. LEWIN, LARRY see BERMAN, HOWARD. 42: 317-319 (Winter). Liu, Su see BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS C. SWARTZ, KATHERINE see ACKERMAN, KEN LLoyb, JOHN S. see DALSTON, JEPTHA W. THORPE, KENNETH E. see ATHERLY, ADAM. Loess, STEVE see BERMAN, HOWARD. VAN Horn, R. LAWRENCE see ACKERMAN, KEN. LONG, SHARON K.; KING, JENNIFER; COUGHLIN, TERESA A. The VAN HOouTVEN, COURTNEY HAROLD; DOMINO, MARISA ELENA. Implications of Unmet Need for Future Health Care Use: Home and Community-Based Waivers for Disabled Findings for a Sample of Disabled Medicaid Beneficiaries Adults: Program versus Selection Effects. 42: 43-59 in New York. 42: 413-420 (Winier). (Spring). Louis, THOMAS A. see MArQuis, M. SUSAN. VISTNES, JESSICA see BUCHMUELLER, THOMAS. MACIEJEWSKI, MATTHEW L. see FORTNEY, JOHN C. VoyvopbicH, MARC see BERMAN, HowarD. MANNING, WILLARD G. see ADAMS, E. KATHLEEN. WARDEN, GAIL see BERMAN, Howarb. Marauis, M. SusAN; BUNTIN, MELINDA BEEUWKES; ESCARCE, WARREN, JAMES J. see FORTNEY, JOHN C. José J.; KAPUR, KANIKA; Louis, THomas A. Is the Individ- WebiIG, GERALD see BARTLETT, MARK. ual Market More than a Bridge Market? An Analysis of Wuire, Cuapin. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System for Disenrollment Decisions. 42: 381-396 (Winter). Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects on Staffing and Quality McLAUGHLIN, CATHERINE G. see GIBSON, TERESA B. of Care, 42: 351-366 (Winter). McPHERSON, BRUCE see ACKERMAN, KEN. ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; Rupp, AGNES E.; Norquist, GRAYSON McPHERSON, BRUCE see BARTLETT, MARK. S. Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs MILLER, G. EDWARD; MOELLER, JOHN F.; STAFFORD, RANDALL on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs. 42: 86-97 S. New Cardiovascular Drugs: Patterns of Use and Asso- (Spring). ciation with Non-Drug Health Expenditures. 42: 397-412 ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Competition (Winter). Lowered Hospitai Prices? 42: 73-85 (Spring). Inquiry/Volume 42, Winter 2005/2006 ZWANZIGER, JACK; MOONEY, CATHLEEN. Has Price Competi- INCENTIVES AND PHYSICIAN SPECIALTY CHOICE: A CASE STUDY tion Changed Hospital Revenues and Expenses in New OF FLORIDA’S PROGRAM IN MEDICAL SCIENCES. Gary M. York? 42: 183-192 (Summer). Fournier and Chery! Henderson. 42: 160—170 (Summer). INFORMED CONSUMER — CAVEAT Emptor. Katherine Swartz. 42: 3-5 (Spring). TITLE INDEX Is THE INDIVIDUAL MARKET More THAN A BRIDGE MARKET? A COPAYMENT INCREASE FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: THE LONG- AN ANALYSIS OF DISENROLLMENT DECISIONS. M. Susan TERM AND SHORT-TERM EFFECTSO N USE AND EXPENDITURES. Marquis, Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin, José J. Escarce, Teresa B. Gibson, Catherine G. McLaughlin, and Dean G. Kanika Kapur, and Thomas A. Louis. 42: 381-396 Smith. 42: 293-310 (Fall). (Winter). A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY: U.S. EMPLOYERS AND THE PROVI LONG-TERM CARE OVER AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE: WHAT CAN SION OF HEALTH INSURANCE TO EMPLOYEES. Sara R. Collins, Karen Davis, and Alice Ho. 42: 6-15 (Spring). CuRRENT RETIREES Expect? Peter Kemper, Harriet L. Does IMPROVING GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS TO VA PRIMARY CARE Komisar, and Lisa Alecxih. 42: 335—350 (Winter). SERVICES IMPACT PATIENTS’ PATTERNS OF UTILIZATION AND MEDICARE’S PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM FOR SKILLED Costs? John C. Fortney, Matthew L. Maciejewski, James NursING FAcILITIES: EFFECTS ON STAFFING AND QUALITY Jj. Warren, and James F. Burgess, Jr. 42: 29-42 (Spring). OF Care. Chapin White. 42: 351-366 (Winter). THE EFFect oF SCHIP ExPANSIONSO N HEALTH INSURANCE DE- New CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS: PATTERNSO F USE AND ASSOCI- CISIONS BY Employers. Thomas Buchmueller, Philip ATION WITH NON-DruG HEALTH EXPENDITURES. G. Edward Cooper, Kosali Simon, and Jessica Vistnes. 42: 218-231 Miller, John F. Moeller, and Randall S. Stafford. 42: (Fall). EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION IN NONPROFIT HEALTH CARE OR- 397-412 (Winter). GANIZATIONS. Ken Ackerman, William E. Kibler, Jr., NuRSING HOME CLOSURES, CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP, AND CoM- Glenn D. Steele, Jr., R. Lawrence Van Horn, Katherine PETITION. Nicholas G. Castle. 42: 281—292 (Fall). Swartz, and Bruce McPherson. 42: 110-117 (Summer). PLAN CHOICE AND CHANGES IN ACCESST O CARE OVER TIME FOR Has ComPeTITION LOWERED HospitTaAL Prices? Jack Zwan- SSI-ELIGIBLE CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. Pamela N. ziger and Cathleen Mooney. 42: 73-85 (Spring). Roberto, Jean M. Mitchell, and Darrell J. Gaskin. 42: Has PricE COMPETITION CHANGED HospiTAL REVENUES AND 145-159 (Summer). EXPENSES IN NEw YorK? Jack Zwanziger and Cathleen PROVIDE MEDICAID TO EVACUEES. Katherine Swartz. 42: Mooney. 42: 183—192 (Summer). 208-210. (Fall). HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM AND HMO PENETRATION IN 7HE REMEMBRANCES: WALTER J. MCNERNEY, 1925-2005. Howard SMALL Group Market. Thomas C. Buchmueller and Su Berman, Jim Ensign, Brad Gray, John Griffith, Judy Liu. 42: 367-380 (Winter). HEALTH PLAN SWITCHING AMONG MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL Jones, Tom Kinser, David Klein, Larry Lewin, Steve EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS PROGRAM. Adam Atherly, Loebs, Nancy Schlichting, Steve Shortell, Steve Sieverts, Curtis Florence, and Kenneth E. Thorpe. 42: 255-265 Bob Sigmond, Dave Stewart, Mare Voyvodich, and Gail (Fall). Warden. 42: 201-207 (Fall). HEALTHRESEARCHFUNDING.ORG — ADD YOUR VOICE TO IN- RESPONSIBLE HEALTH INSURANCE REVISITED: POURING LIBERAL CREASE FUNDING FOR INVESTIGATOR-INITIATED RESEARCH. WINE INTO A CONSERVATIVE BOTTLE. Laurence Seidman. Katherine Swartz. 42: 107-109 (Summer). HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED WA!VERS FOR DISABLED 42: 118-128 (Summer). ADULTS: PROGRAM VERSUS SELECTION EFFECTS. Courtney SPILLOVER EFFECTS OF BENEFIT EXPANSIONS AND CARVE-OUTS Harold Van Houtven and Marisa Elena Domino. 42: ON PsycHotropic MEDICATION USE AND Costs. Samuel H. 43-59 (Spring). Zuvekas, Agnes E. Rupp, and Grayson S. Norquist. 42: HosPITAL FINANCES AND PATIENT SAFETY OUTCOMES. William 86-97 (Spring). E. Encinosa and Didem M. Bernard. 42: 60-72 (Spring). TRANSFORMING THE ACCREDITATION OF HEALTH CARE MANAGE- How Much CAN REALLY BE SAVED BY ROLLING BACK SCHIP? MENT EpucaTION. Jeptha W. Dalston, Lawrence D. Prybil, THE Net Cost oF PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE FOR CHILDREN. Howard Berman, and John S. Lloyd. 42: 320-334 Thomas M. Selden and Julie L. Hudson. 42: 16-28 (Winter). (Spring). UNMET LONG-TERM CarE NEEDS: AN ANALYSISO F MEDICARE- IF Nonprofit DoEsN’T MEAN “No Prorit,” How Mucu Is Mepicaip Dua ELiciBLes. Harriet L. Komisar, Judith ENOUGH IN HEALTH CARE? Mark Bartlett, Michael DeLu- Feder, and Judith D. Kasper. 42: 171-182 (Summer). cia, Charles Goheen, John O’Brien, Gerald Wedig and THE VALUE OF EXPERIENCE: DIFFERENCES IN KNOWLEDGE Bruce McPherson. 42: 211-217 (Fall). AMONG MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES. Merrile Sing and Beth THE IMPACTO F SCHIP ON INSURANCE COVERAGEO F CHILDREN. Stevens. 42: 266—280 (Fall). Julie L. Hudson, Thomas M. Selden, and Jessica S. Ban- WELFARE REFORM, INSURANCE COVERAGE PRE-PREGNANCY, thin. 42: 232-254 (Fall). AND TIMELY ENROLLMENT: AN EIGHT-STATE Stupy. E. THE IMPLICATIONSO F UNMET NEED FOR FUTURE HEALTH CARE Kathleen Adams, Norma I. Gavin, Willard G. Manning, Use: FINDINGS FOR A SAMPLE OF DISABLED MEDICAID BENE- and Arden Handler. 42: 129-144 (Summer). FICIARIES IN NEw York. Sharon K. Long, Jennifer King, WIsH LIisT FOR RESEARCH PAPERS IN 2006. Katherine Swartz. and Teresa A. Coughlin. 42: 413-420 (Winter). 42: 317-319 (Winter). 436

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