INQUIRY An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy Editor WAYNE MARTIN Past Editors ARNE NAESS ALASTAIR HANNAY Index Vol. 46, 2003 ROUTLEDGE INQUIRY ; An Interdiscipiinary Journal of Philosophy EDITOR Wayne Martin FOUNDED BY Arne Naess EDITOR EMERITUS Alastair Hannay EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Ryan Hickerson EDITORIAL BOARD Paul M. Churchland, University of California, San Diego; Stephen R. L. Clark, University of Liverpool; G. A. Cohen, All Souls College, Oxford; Hubert L. Dreyfus, University of California, Berkeley; Jon Elster, Columbia University; Dagfinn Follesdal, Stanford University and University of Oslo; Helge Hgibraaten, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Anthony O’ Hear, University of Bradford; Charles Taylor, McGill University MANUSCRIPTS FOR CONSIDERATION. For addresses and instructions for authors, see the inside back cover. 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Periodicals postage paid at Camplain, NY by US Mail Agent IMS of New York, 100 Walnut Street, Champlain, NY US Postmaster: Please send address changes to sINQ, PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY 12919, USA PAGE BROS Typeset and printed in Great Britain by 3E BR Page Bros, Norwich CONTENTS Editorial ALLISON, HENRY E.: Reply to the Comments of Longuenesse and acidic isin doesnot italiaennddectenhalc yion AMERIKS, KARL: On Being Neither Post- Nor Anti-Kantian: A Reply to Breazeale and Larmore Concerning The Fate of Autonomy BAZ, AVNER: On When Words are Called for: Cavell, McDowell, and the Wording of the World BREAZEALE, DANIEL: Two Cheers for Post-Kantianism: A response to Karl Ameriks CARMAN, TAYLOR: First Persons: On Richard Moran’s Authority and Estrangement CROSS, ANDREW: Faith and the Suspension of the Ethical in Fear and Trembling DE MUIJNCK, WIM: Wide Physical Realization DOPPELT, GERALD: The Theory of Justice from a Hermeneutic Perspective FORSTER, ECKART: Reply to Freidman and Guyer FORSTER, MICHAEL N.: Gods, Animals, and Artists: Some Problem Cases in Herder’s Philosophy of Language..................::c.c:ccceeeeee FRIEDMAN, MICHAEL: Eckart Forster and Kant’s Opus postumum GINSBORG, HANNAH: Aesthetic Judging and the Intentionality of Pleasure GUYER, PAUL: Beauty, Systematicity and the Highest Good: Eckart Forster's Kant’s Final Synthesis LARMORE, CHARLES: Back to Kant? No Way LIVINGSTON, PAUL: Thinking and Being: Heidegger and Wittgenstein on Machination and Lived-Experience LONGUENESSE, BEATRICE: Kant’s Theory of Judgment, and Judgments of Taste. On Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste. MANNING, RICHARD N.: Interpretation, Reasons, and Facts NAGASAWA, YUJIN: Thomas vs. Thomas: A New Approach to Nagel’s Bat Argument REHG, WILLIAM: Grasping the Force of the Better Argument: McMahon versus Discourse Ethics REIFF, MARK R: The Politics of Masochism SCHATZKI, THEODORE R.: Living Out of the Past: Dilthey and Heidegger on Life and History SCHINDLER, D.C.: The Community of the One and the Many: Heraclitus on Reason TUCKER, AVIEZER: The Epistemic Significance of Consensus ....... Special Issue mS CN UN TRING NMG a sickc accnsccdadccdnnccsabacccuccccedcccsaasseaescess 143-292 Books Received 135, 293, 409, 523 ergdN Phg, tire aa