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Index to Volume 39 SUBJECT INDEX Capitation Arrangements GoLD, MARSHA R.; LAKE, TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN Access to Care CLAIR, MICHAEL. Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; BRENNAN, NIALL; YEMANE, ALSHADYE. Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999. 39: 34-44 Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access (Spring). and Use? 39: 221-242 (Fall). Case-Mix Payment Systems Adverse Selection GrABOWSKI, David C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix HARRIS, KATHERINE M.; STURM, ROLAND. Adverse Selection Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 and Generosity of Alcohol Treatment Benefits. 39: 413-428 278 (Fall). (Winter). LONG, STEPHEN H.; MARQuIS, M. SUSAN. Participation in a Pub- Center for Studying Health System Change lic Insurance Program: Subsidies, Crowd-Out, and Adverse Selection. 39: 243-257 (Fall). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. A Need for New Ideas. 39: 199-200 (Fall). Advertising Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Systems (CMS) Town, ROBERT J.; CURRIM, IMRAN. Hospital Advertising in Cal- ifornia, 1991-1997. 39: 298-313 (Fall) SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Health Is a Budget Priority Its Funding Needs to be Restored. 39: 3-4 (Spring) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Community Accountability SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Health Is a Budget Priority Its Funding Needs to be Restored. 39: 3—4 (Spring) METCALFE, Marcia. Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health Care. 39: 96-100 (Summer) Alcohol Treatment Community Focus HARRIS, KATHERINE M.; STURM, ROLAND. Adverse Selection and Generosity of Alcohol Treatment Benefits. 39: 413-428 WARDEN, GAIL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s (Winter). Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 (Fall). Ambulatory Care Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act DeLia, DEREK; CANTOR, JOEL C.; Duck, ELAINE. Productivity (COBRA) (1985) vs. Training in Primary Care: Analysis of Hospitals and Health Centers in New York City. 39: 314-326 (Fall) SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- American Association of Health Plans (AAHP) pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). THE HARVARD MANAGED CARE INDUSTRY CENTER GROUP. Man- Corporate Boards aged Care: An Industry Snapshot. 39: 207-220 (Fall). BERMAN, HowarD J. Doing “Good” vs. Doing “Well”: The Behavioral Health Care Organizations Role of Nonprofits in Society. 39: 5-11 (Spring). HARRIS, KATHERINE M.; STURM, ROLAND. Adverse Selection Corporate Citizens and Generosity of Alcohol Treatment Benefits. 39: 413-428 (Winter). LONGEST, BEAUFORT B., JR Nonprofit Health Systems: A Promising New Class of Corporate Citizen. 39: 334-340 California (Winter) MAULDON, JANE; NAYERI, KAMRAN; DOBKIN, CARLOS. Welfare Crowd-Out Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance in California, 1993-1997. 39: 372-387 (Winter). LONG, STEPHEN H.; MARQuis, M. SUSAN. Participation in a Pub- TOWN, ROBERT J.; CURRIM, IMRAN. Hospital Advertising in Cal- lic Insurance Program: Subsidies, Crowd-Out, and Adverse ifornia, 1991-1997, 39: 298-313 (Fall). Selection. 39: 243-257 (Fall). Inquiry 39: 437-444 (Winter 2002/2003). © 2002 Excellus Health Plan 0046-9580/02/3904—-0437$1.25 Inquiry/Volume 39, Winter 2002/2003 Delegation of Care Management Gatekeeping GoLp, MARSHA R.; LAKE, TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN KEMPER, PETER; TU, HA T.; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D.; SCHAEFER, CLAIR, MICHAEL. Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade- Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999. 39: 34-44 Offs Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 (Spring). (Summer). Diversity Generalized Linear Model (GLM) WarbEN, Gall L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s Bao, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference? 39: (Fall). 168-183 (Summer). Economic Issues Graduate Medical Education (GME) SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Opportunities for Designing Health In- surance Demonstrations. 39: 331-333 (Winter). DeLiA, DEREK; CANTOR, JoEL C.; DUCK, ELAINE. Productivity YounG, Gary J.; BurGess, JAMES F, Jr.; DESAI, KAMAL R.; vs. Training in Primary Care: Analysis of Hospitals and VALLEY, DANIELLE. The Financial Experience of Hospitals Health Centers in New York City. 39: 314-326 (Fall). with HMO Contracts: Evidence from Florida. 39: 67-75 (Spring). Health Care Costs ZWANZIGER, JACK; MUKAMEL, DANA B.; INDRIDASON, INDRIDI. SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- Use of Resident-Origin Data to Define Nursing Home Mar- ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- ket Boundaries. 39: 56—66 (Spring). pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). Elderly Health Care Delivery Lo Sasso, ANTHONY T.; JOHNSON, RICHARD W. Does Informal Care from Adult Children Reduce Nursing Home Admis- GOLD, MARSHA R.; LAKE, TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN sions for the Elderly? 39: 279-297 (Fall). CLAIR, MICHAEL. Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999. 39: 34-44 Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance (Spring). MetTcaLre, Marcia. Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health HADLEY, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Smail Firms” Demand Care. 39: 96-100 (Summer). for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39: 118-137 (Summer). Health Care Expenditures SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- SWARTZ, KATHERINE. A Need for New Ideas. 39: 199-200 pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). (Fall). ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; COHEN, JoEL W. A Guide to Comparing Federal Budget Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the 1987 SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Health Is a Budget Priority Its Funding NMES. 39: 76-86 (Spring). Needs to be Restored. 39: 3—4 (Spring) Health Care Management Fee-for-Service (FFS) WARDEN, Gail L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s ZASLAVSKY, ALAN M.; BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKES. Using Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medicare (Fall). Managed Care Plans. 39: 138-151 (Summer). Health Insurance Financial Incentives KEMPER, PETER; Tu, HA T.; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D.; SCHAEFER, HADLEY, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade- for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39: 118-137 (Summer). Offs Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 (Summer). KEMPER, PETER; TU, HA T.; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D.; SCHAEFER, ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade- Financial Risk Sharing Offs Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 (Summer). GoLpD, MARSHA R.; LAKE, TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- CLAIR, MICHAEL. Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999. 39: 34-44 pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). (Spring). SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Opportunities for Designing Health In- surance Demonstrations. 39: 331-333 (Winter). For-Profit Organizations UnrRIG, JENNIFER D.; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Testing the Effect BERMAN, Howarb J. Doing “Good” vs. Doing ‘*Well’’: The of Quality Reports on Health Plan Choices of Medicare Ben- Role of Nonprofits in Society. 39: 5-11 (Spring). eficiaries. 39: 355-371 (Winter). 438 Index to Volume 39 Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) (See also Hospital Utilization Managed Care) GREEN, LINDA V. How Many Hospital Beds? 39: 400-412 GLAVIN, MITCHELL P. V.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, (Winter) STANLEY S.; ALTMAN, STUART H. An Examination of Factors in the Withdrawal of, Managed Care Plans from the Medi- Inclusiveness care +Choice Program. 39: 341-354 (Winter). WARDEN, GaiL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s GoLD, MARSHA R.; LAKE, TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 CLAIR, MICHAEL. Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in (Fall). Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999, 39: 34-44 (Spring). Intensive Care Units (ICUs) METCALFE, MARCIA. Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health Green, LINDA V. How Many Hospital Beds? 39: 400-412 Care. 39: 96 100 (Summer). (Winter). UnrRIG, JENNIFER D.; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Testing the Effect of Quality Reports on Health Plan Choices of Medicare Ben- Managed Care (See also Health Maintenance eficiaries. 39: 355 371 (Winter). Organizations) YOUNG, GARY J.; BuRGeEss, JAMES F, JR.; DESAI, KAMAL R.: VALLEY, DANIELLE. The Financial Experience of Hospitals GLAVIN, MITCHELL P. V.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.: WALLACK, with HMO Contracts: Evidence from Florida. 39: 67-75 STANLEY S.; ALTMAN, STUART H. An Examination of Factors (Spring) in the Withdrawal of Managed Care Plans from the Medi- care+Choice Program. 39: 341-354 (Winter). HADLEY, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39 SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- 118-137 (Summer). ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- THE HARVARD MANAGED CARE INDUSTRY CENTER Group. Man- pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). aged Care: An Industry Snapshot. 39: 207-220 (Fall) KEMPER, PETER; TU, HA T.; RESCHOVSKY JAMES D.; SCHAEFER, Health Status ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade- Offs Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 GARRETT, BOWEN; HOLAHAN, JOHN. Do Welfare Caseload De- (Summer). clines Make the Medicaid Risk Pool Sicker? 39: 12-33 ZASLAVSKY, ALAN M.; BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKES. Using (Spring). Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medicare Managed Care Plans. 39: 138-151 (Summer) Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN: BRENNAN, NIALI YEMANE, ALSHADYE Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access ZWANZIGER, JACK; MUKAMEL, DANA B.; INDRIDASON, INDRIDI and Use? 39: 221-242 (Fall) Use of Resident-Origin Data to Define Nursing Home Mar- ZWANZIGER, JACK. Physician Fees and Managed Care Plans. 39: ket Boundaries. 39: 56-66 (Spring). 184-193 (Summer). Hospital Advertising Medicaid Town, RoBert J.; CURRIM, IMRAN. Hospital Advertising in Cal- GARRETT, BOWEN: HOLAHAN, JOHN. Do Welfare Caseload De- ifornia, 1991-1997, 39: 298-313 (Fall). clines Make the Medicaid Risk Pool Sicker? 39: 12-33 (Spring). GraBowskI, Davib C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix Hospital Competition Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 Girt, THOMAS I ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is 278 (Fall). Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact SWARTZ. KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring). ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer). Hospital Efficiency Medicaid Managed Care DeLiA, DEREK; CANTOR, JOEL C.; DUCK, ELAINE. Productivity HADLEY, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand vs. Training in Primary Care: Analysis of Hospitals and for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39: Health Centers in New York City. 39: 314-326 (Fall). 118-137 (Summer). McKay, Niccié L.; Deity, MARY E.; DORNER, FRED H Own- ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; BRENNAN, NIALL: YEMANE, ALSHADYI ership and Changes in Hospital Inefficiency, 1986-1991. 39: Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access 388-399 (Winter). and Use? 39: 221-242 (Fall). Hospital Ownership Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance McKay, Nicci L.; Deity, MARY E.; DoRNER, FRED H. Own- MAULDON, JANE; NAYERI, KAMRAN; DOBKIN, CARLOS. Welfare ership and Changes in Hospital Inefficiency, 1986-1991. 39: Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance 388-399 (Winter). in California, 1993-1997. 39: 372-387 (Winter). Inquiry/Volume 39, Winter 2002/2003 Medical Arms Race Hypothesis Nursing Home Care Girt, THOMAS I ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is Grasowskl, David C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring). 278 (Fall). Lo Sasso, ANTHONY T.; JOHNSON, RICHARD W. Does Informal Care from Adult Children Reduce Nursing Home Admis- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) sions for the Elderly? 39: 279-297 (Fall). ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; COHEN, JoEL W. A Guide to Comparing ZWANZIGER, JACK; MUKAMEL, DANA B.; INDRIDASON, INDRIDI. Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the 1987 Use of Resident-Origin Data to Define Nursing Home Mar- NMES. 39: 76-86 (Spring) ket Boundaries. 39: 56-66 (Spring). Obstetrics Units Medicare GREEN, LINDA V. How Many Hospital Beds? 39: 400-412 Girt, THOMAS L.; ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is (Winter). Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Approach McKay, NIccit L.; Deity, MARY E.; DORNER, FRED H. Own ership and Changes in Hospital Inefficiency, 1986-1991. 39: Bao, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference? 39: 388-399 (Winter) UHRIG, JENNIFER D SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Testing the Effect 168-183 (Summer). of Quality Reports on Health Plan Choices of Medicare Ben Outpatient Mental Health Services eficiaries. 39: 355 371 (Winter) BAO, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health Medicare+Choice Program Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference. 39: i68—183 (Summer) GLAVIN, MITCHELI P. V.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, STANLEY S.: ALTMAN, STUART H. An Examination of Factors Physician Supply in the Withdrawal of Managed Care Plans from the Medi ZWANZIGER, JACK. Physician Fees and Managed Care Plans. 39: care +Choice Program. 39: 341 354 (Winter). 184-193 (Summer). ZASLAVSKY, ALAN M.; BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKES. Using Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medicare Physician Fees Managed Care Pians. 39: 138-151 (Summer). ZWANZIGER, JACK. Physician Fees and Managed Care Plans. 39: 184-193 (Summer). Medicare Managed Care ZASLAVSKY. ALAN M.; BUNTIN, MELINDA J BEEUWKES. Using Preferred Provider Legislation Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medicare Girt, THOMAS L.; ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is Managed Care Plans. 39: 138-151 (Summer) Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring). Moral Hazard Primary Care HARRIS, KATHERINE M STURM, ROLAND. Adverse Selection and Generosity of Alcohol Treatment Benefits. 39: 413-428 DELIA, DEREK: CANTOR JOE! C.; Duck, ELAINE. Productivity (Winter) vs. Training in Primary Care: Analysis of Hospitals and Health Centers in New York City. 39: 314-326 (Fall) THE HARVARD MANAGED CARE INDUSTRY CENTER Group. Man National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES) aged Care: An Industry Snapshot. 39 207-220 (Fall) ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H.; COHEN, JoEL W. A Guide to Comparing Primary Care Case Management Plans (PCCM) Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the 1987 NMES. 39: 76-86 (Spring) ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN: BRENNAN, NIALL: YEMANE, ALSHADYE. Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access Nonprofit Health Care and Use? 39: 221-242 (Fall) LONGEST, BEAUFORT B., JR. Nonprofit Health Systems: A Prospective Payment System Promising New Class of Corporate Citizen. 39: 334-340 Girr, THOMAS L.; ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is (Winter) Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact METCALFE, MARCIA Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring) Care. 39: 96 100 (Summer) Public Insurance Programs Nonprofit Organizations LONG, STEPHEN H.; MARQuitIs, M. SUSAN. Participation in a Pub- BERMAN, Howarpd J. Doing “Good” vs. Doing ‘Well’: The lic Insurance Program: Subsidies, Crowd-Out, and Adverse Role of Nonprofits in Society. 39: 5-11 (Spring). Selection. 39: 243-257 (Fall). 440 Index to Volume 39 Public Service TennCare WaRDEN, GAIL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s HILL, STEVEN C.; THORNTON, CRAIG; TRENHOLM, CHRISTOPHER; Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 WOOLDRIDGE, JUDITH Risk Selection Among SSI Enrollees (Fall) in TennCare. 39: 152 167 (Summer) Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) Quality Assurance MAULDON, JANE; NAYERI, KAMRAN; DOBKIN, CARLOS Welfare GraBowskI, David C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical A Assistance in California, 1993-1997. 39: 372-387 (Winter) 278 (Fall) THE HARVARD MANAGED CARE INDUSTRY CENTER GRouP. Man- Uninsured aged Care: An Industry Snapshot. 39: 207-220 (Fall). BAO, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health Quality of Care Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference? 39: 168-183 (Summer). WARDEN, Gail L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s HADLEY, JACK: RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39 (Fall). 118-137 (Summer). SWARTZ, KATHERINE Opportunities for Designing Health In Quality Reports surance Demonstrations. 39: 331-333 (Winter). UnriG, JENNIFER D.; SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Testing the Effect University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System of Quality Reports on Health Plan Choices of Medicare Ben- (UPMCHS) eficiaries. 39: 355-37 1 (Winter). LONGEST, BEAUFORT B., JR Nonprofit Health Systems: A Promising New Class of Corporate Citizen. 39: 334-340 Reimbursement (Winter) GrABOWSKI, DAvib C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 Utilization 278 (Fall) Bowen; HOLAHAN JOHN Do Welfare Caseload De- clines Make the Medicaid Risk Pool Sicker? 39: 12-33 Risk Selection (Spring) GREEN, LINDA V How Many Hospital Beds? 39 400-412 HILL, STEVEN ( THORNTON, CRAIG; TRENHOLM, CHRISTOPHER; WOOLDRIDGE, JubITH. Risk Selection Among SSI Enrollees (Winter) TennCare. 39: 152 167 (Summer) KEMPER, PETER; TU, HA T.: RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D.: SCHAEFER, ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade AVSKY, ALAN M.; BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKEsS. Using Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medicare Otts Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 Managed Care Plans. 39: 138-151 (Summer) (Summer) Values Small Business WARDEN. GAIL | Building Upon Our Values Health Care’s HADLEY, JACK: RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201 206 for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39 (Fall) 118—137 (Summer) Voluntarism Study of Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest WARDEN, GAIL I Building Upon Our Values Health Care’s Old (AHEAD) Promises to Its Patients and Communities 39: 201-206 Lo Sasso, ANTHONY T.; JOHNSON, RICHARD W. Does Informal (Fall) Care from Adult Children Reduce Nursing Home Admis Welfare sions for the Elderly? 39: 279-297 (Fall) GARRETT, BOWEN; HOLAHAN, JOHN. Do Welfare Caseload De- Subsidies clines Make the Medicaid Risk Pool Sicker? 39 12-33 (Spring) LONG, STEPHEN H.; MARQuiIs, M. SUSAN. Participation in a Pub MAULDON, JANE: NAYERI, KAMRAN: DOBKIN, CARLOS Welfare lic Insurance Program: Subsidies, Crowd-Out, and Adverse Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance Selection. 39: 243-257 (Fall) in California, 1993 1997. 39: 372-387 (Winter) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Willingness to Change HApDLEY, JACK; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ Demand WARDEN, GAIL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care's for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance. 39: Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 118-137 (Summer) (Fall) Inquiry/Volume 39, Winter 2002/2003 Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model (ZINB) JOHNSON, RICHARD W. see Lo Sasso, ANTHONY T. KEMPER, PETER; TU, HA T.; RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D.; SCHAEFER, Bao, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health ELIZABETH. Insurance Product Design and Its Effects: Trade- Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference? 39: Offs Along the Managed Care Continuum. 39: 101-117 168-183 (Summer) (Summer) LAKE, TIMOTHY see GOLD, MARSHA R. AUTHOR INDEX LONG, STEPHEN H. and MARQuis, M. SUSAN. Participation in a ALTMAN, STUART H. see GLAVIN, MITCHELL P. V. Public Insurance Program: Subsidies, Crowd-Out, and Ad- verse Selection. 39: 243--257 (Fall). ARNOULD, RICHARD see GIFT, THOMAS L Bao, YUHUA. Predicting the Use of Outpatient Mental Health LONGEST, BEAUFORT B., JR Nonprofit Health Systems: A Services: Do Modeling Approaches Make a Difference? 39: Promising New Class of Corporate Citizen. 39: 334-340 168-183 (Summer) (Winter) 3ERMAN, HowarD J. Doing “Good” vs. Doing ‘*Well”: The Lo Sasso, ANTHONY T. and JOHNSON, RICHARD W. Does Infor- Role of Nonprofits in Society. 39: 5-11 (Spring). mal Care from Adult Children Reduce Nursing Home Ad- BRENNAN, NIALL see ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN missions for the Elderly? 39: 279-297 (Fall). BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKES see ZASLAVSKY, ALAN M Marquis, M. SUSAN see LONG, STEPHEN H. BurGess, JAMES FE, JR. see YOUNG, GARY J. MAULDON, JANE; NAYERI, KAMRAN; DOBKIN, CARLOS. Welfare “ANTOR, JOEL C. see DELIA, DEREK Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance COHEN, JOEL W. see ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H. in California, 1993-1997, 39: 372-387 (Winter) CurrIM, IMRAN see TOWN, ROBERT J McKay, Niccie L.; Deity, MARY E.; DORNER, FRED H. Own- DeEBRocK, LARRY see Girt, THOMAS | ership and Changes in Hospital Inefficiency, 1986-1991. 39: Deity, MARY E. see McKay, Nicci | 388-399 (Winter). DeLia, DEREK; CANTOR, JoEL C.; Duck, ELAINE. Productivity Mercacre, MArcIA. Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health vs. Training in Primary Care: Analysis of Hospitals and Care 39: 96-100 (Summer). Health Centers in New York City. 39: 314-326 (Fall) MUKAMEL, DANA B. see ZWANZIGER, JACK. DESAI, KAMAL R. see YOUN Gary J. NAYERI, KAMRAN see MAULDON, JANE. DosBKIN, CARL( 9S see MAULDON, JANI RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. see HADLEY, JACK or KEMPER, PETER DorRNER, FRED H. see McKay, NICCIE L. SCHAEFER, ELIZABETH see KEMPER, PETER Duck, ELAINE see DELIA, DEREK. SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY see UHRIG, JENNIFER D. GARRETT, BOWEN and HOLAHAN, JOHN Do Welfare Caseload SINCLAIR, MICHAEL see GOLD, MARSHA R. Declines Make the Medicaid Risk Pool Sicker? 39: 12-33 STURM, ROLAND see HARRIS, KATHERINE M (Spring) SWARTZ, KATHERINE. A Need for New Ideas. 39: 199-200 Girt, THOMAS I ARNOULD, RICHARD; DEBROCK, LARRY. Is (Fall) Healthy Competition Healthy? New Evidence of the Impact SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insur- of Hospital Competition. 39: 45-55 (Spring). ance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Inde- GLAVIN, MITCHELI P. V.; TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P.; WALLACK, pendent of One Another. 39: 93-95 (Summer) STANLEY S.; ALTMAN, STUART H. An Examination of Factors SWARTZ, KATHERINE. Health Is a Budget Priority Its Funding in the Withdrawal of Managed Care Plans from the Medi Needs to be Restored. 39: 3—4 (Spring). care+Choice Program. 39: 341-354 (Winter). SWARTZ, KATHERINE Opportunities for Designing Health In GOLD, MARSHA R.: LAKI TIMOTHY; HURLEY, ROBERT; SIN surance Demonstrations. 39: 331-333 (Winter). CLAIR, MICHAEI Financial Risk Sharing with Providers in THORNTON, CRAIG see HILL, STEVEN C Health Maintenance Organizations, 1999 39: 34-44 TOMPKINS, CHRISTOPHER P. see GLAVIN, MITCHELL P. V (Spring) Town, RoBerT J. and CURRIM, IMRAN. Hospital Advertising in GraABowskl, DAvip C. The Economic Implications of Case-Mix California, 1991-1997, 39: 298-313 (Fall) Medicaid Reimbursement for Nursing Home Care. 39: 258 TRENHOLM, CHRISTOPHER see HILL, STEVEN C. 278 (Fall) GREEN, LINDA V. How Many Hospital Beds? 39: 400-412 fu, HA T. see KEMPER, PETER. UHRIG, JENNIFER D. and SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Testing the (Winter) Effect of Quality Reports on Health Plan Choices of Medi- HADLEY, JACK and RESCHOVSKY, JAMES D. Small Firms’ De care Beneficiaries. 39: 355-371 (Winter). mand for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance 39: 118-137 (Summer) VALLEY, DANIELLE see YOUNG, GARY J. HARRIS, KATHERINE M. and STURM, ROLAND. Adverse Selection WALLACK, STANLEY S. see GLAVIN, MITCHELL P. V. and Generosity of Alcohol Treatment Benefits. 39: 413-428 WARDEN, GAIL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s (Winter) Promises to [ts Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 THE HARVARD MANAGED CARE INDUSTRY CENTER GRoupP. Man- (Fall). aged Care: An Industry Snapshot. 39: 207-220 (Fall). WOOLDRIDGE, JUDITH see HILL, STEVEN C. HILL, STEVEN C.; THORNTON, CRAIG; TRENHOLM, CHRISTOPHER: YEMANE, ALSHADYE see ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN. WOOLDRIDGE, JUDITH. Risk Selection Among SSI Enrollees YOuNG, GARY J.; BURGESS, JAMES FE, Jr.; DESAI, KAMAL R.: in TennCare. 39: 152-167 (Summer). VALLEY, DANIELLE. The Financial Experience of Hospitals HOLAHAN, JOHN see GARRETT, BOWEN. with HMO Contracts: Evidence from Florida. 39: 67—75 HURLEY, ROBERT see GOLD, MARSHA R. (Spring). INDRIDASON, INDRIDI see ZWANZIGER, JACK. ZASLAVSKY, ALAN M. and BUNTIN, MELINDA J. BEEUWKES. Us- 442 Index to Volume ing Survey Measures to Assess Risk Selection Among Medi- ALONG THE MANAGED CARE CONTINUUM. Peter Kemper, care Managed Care Plans. 39: 138-151 (Summer). T. Tu, James D. Reschovsky, and Elizabeth Schaefer ZUCKERMAN, STEPHEN; BRENNAN, NIALL; YEMANE, ALSHADYE. 101-117 (Summer). Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access Is HEALTHY COMPETITION HEALTHY? NEW EVIDENCE OF THE and Use? 39: 221-242 (Fall) PACT OF HospiTAL COMPETITION. Thomas | Gift, Richard ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H. and COHEN, JoEL W. A Guide to Com- nould, and Larry DeBrock. 39: 45-55 (Spring) paring Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the MANAGED CARE: AN INDUSTRY SNAPSHOT The Harvard Man 1987 NMES. 39: 76-86 (Spring). aged Care Industry Center Group. 39: 207-220 (Fall ZWANZIGER, JACK; MUKAMEL, DANA B.; INDRIDASON, INDRIDI \ NEED FOR NEw IDEAS. Katherine Swartz. 39: 199-200 (Fall) Use of Resident-Origin Data to Define Nursing Home Mar- NONPROFIT HEALTH SYSTEMS: A PROMISING NEW CLASS OF Cor ket Boundaries. 39: 56—66 (Spring). PORATE CITIZEN. Beaufort B. Longest, Jr. 39: 334-340 (Win- ZWANZIGER, JACK. Physician Fees and Managed Care Plans. 39: ter) 184-193 (Summer) OPPORTUNITIES FOR DESIGNING HEALTH INSURANCE DEMONSTRA TIONS. Katherine Swartz. 39: 331-333 (Winter) TITLE INDEX OWNERSHIP AND CHANGES IN HOSPITAL INEFFICIENCY, 1986 1991. Niccie L. McKay, Mary E. Deily, and Fred H. Dorner. ADVANCING THE ROLE OF NonpROFIT HEALTH CARE. Marcia 39: 388-399 (Winter). Metcalfe. 39: 96 100 (Summer). PARTICIPATION IN A PUBLIC INSURANCE PROGRAM: SUBSIDIES, ADVERSI SELECTION AND GENEROSITY OF ALCOHOL TREATMENT CROWD-OUT, AND ADVERSE SELECTION. Stephen H. Long and BENEFITS. Katherine M. Harris and Roland Sturm. 39: 413 M. Susan Marquis. 39: 243-257 (Fall) 428 (Winter) PHYSICIAN FEES AND MANAGED CARE PLANS. Jack Zwanziget BUILDING UPON OuR VALUES: HEALTH CARE’S PROMISES TO ITS PATIENTS AND COMMUNITIES. Gail L. Warden. 39: 201 206 39: 184 193 (Summer). (Fall). PREDICTING THE USE OF OUTPATIENT MENTAL H ALTH SERVICES Do MODELING APPROACHES MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Yuhua Does INFORMAL CARE FROM ADULT CHILDREN REDUCE NURSING HOME ADMISSIONS FOR THE ELDERLY? Anthony T. Lo Sasso Bao. 39: 168 183 (Summer) PRODUCTIVITY VS. TRAINING IN PRIMARY CARE: ANALYSIS Of and Richard W. Johnson 39: 279 297 (Fall). HosPITALS AND HEALTH CENTERS IN NEW YorkK City. Derek DoING ““Goob” vs. DOING **“WELL”: THE ROLE OF NONPROFITS IN Society. Howard J. Berman. 39: 5-11 (Spring). DeLia, Joel C. Cantor, and Elaine Duck. 39: 314—326 (Fall) RISK SELECTION AMONG SSI ENROLLEES IN TENNCARE. Steven Do WELFARE CASELOAD DECLINES MAKE THI MEDICAID RISK C. Hill, Craig Thornton, Christopher Trenholm, and Judith PooL SICKER? Bowen Garrett and John Holahan. 39: 12-33 (Spring). Wooldridge. 39 152 167 (Summer). SMALI FIRMS DEMAND FOR HEALTH INSURANCE: THE DECISION THE ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF CASE-MIX MEDICAID REIM TO OFFER INSURANCE. Jack Hadley and James D. Reschov- BURSEMENT FOR NURSING HOME Care. David C. Grabowski sky. 39: 118 137 (Summer) 39: 258-278 (Fall) TESTING THE EFFECT OF QUALITY REPORTSO N HEALTH PLAN EFFECTS OF RISING COSTS ON HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE: CuHoices OF MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES. Jennifer D. Uhrig and PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CHOICES ARE NOT INDEPENDENT OF ONE Pamela Farley Short. 39: 355-37 1 (Winter) ANOTHER. Katherine Swartz. 39: 93-95 (Summer). USE OF RESIDENT-ORIGIN DATA TO DEFINE NURSING HOME MAR AN EXAMINATIONO F FACTORS IN THE WITHDRAWAL OF MANAGED KET BOUNDARIES. Jack Zwanziger, Dana B. Mukamel, and Cari PLANS FROM THI MEDICARE +CHOICE PROGRAM. Mitch- Indridi Indridason. 39: 56-66 (Spring) ell P. V. Glavin, Christopher P. Tompkins, Stanley S. Wal- lack, and Stuart H. Altman. 39: 341 354 (Winter). USING SURVEY MEASURES TO ASSESS RISK SELECTION AMONG THE FINANCIAI EXPERIENCE OF HOSPITALS WITH HMO Con MEDICARE MANAGED CARE PLANS Alan M. Zaslavsky and TRACTS: EVIDENCE FROM FLORIDA Gary J Young, James F Melinda J Beeuwkes Buntin. 39: 138-151 (Summer) Burgess, Jr., Kamal R. Desai., and Danielle Valley 39: 67 WELFARI LEAVERS’ USE OF MEDICAID TRANSITIONAI MEDICAL 75 (Spring) ASSISTANCE IN CALIFORNIA, 1993 1997. Jane Mauldon, Kam- ran Nayeri, and Carlos Dobkin. 39: 372-387 (Winter). FINANCIAL RISK SHARING WITH PROVIDERS IN HEALTH MAINTE NANCE ORGANIZATIONS, 1999. Marsha R. Gold, Timothy Lake, Robert Hurley, and Michael Sinclair. 39: 34-44 DATA REPORT INDEX (Spring) ZUVEKAS, SAMUEL H. and COHEN, JoEL W. A Guide to Com- A GUIDE TO COMPARING HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES IN THI paring Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the 1996 MEPS To THE 1987 NMES. Samuel H. Zuvekas and 1987 NMES. 39: 76-86 (Spring). Joel W. Cohen. 39: 76-86 (Spring). Has MEDICAID MANAGED CARE AFFECTED BENEFICIARY ACCESS McCNERNEY FORUM INDEX \ND Use? Stephen Zuckerman, Niall Brennan, and Alshadye Yemane. 39: 221-242 (Fall). BERMAN, HowarbD J. Doing “Good” vs. Doing “Well”: The HEALTH IS A BUDGET PRIORITY Its FUNDING NEEDS TO BE RE Role of Nonprofits in Society. 39: 5-11 (Spring). STORED. Katherine Swartz. 39: 3-4 (Spring). LONGEST, BEAUFORT B., Jk. Nonprofit Health Systems: A HOsPITAI ADVERTISING IN CALIFORNIA, 1991-1997. Robert J. Promising New Class of Corporate Citizen. 39: 334-340 Town and Imran Currim. 39: 298-313 (Fall). (Winter). How Many Hospital Beps? Linda V. Green. 39: 400-412 METCALFE, Marcia. Advancing the Role of Nonprofit Health (Winter) Care. 39: 96-100 (Summer). INSURANCI PRODUCT DESIGN AND ITS EFFECTS: TRADE-OFFS WarDEN, GAIL L. Building Upon Our Values: Health Care’s 443 Inquiry/Volume 39, Winter 2002/2003 Promises to Its Patients and Communities. 39: 201-206 HIMMELSTEIN, DAVID; WOOLHANDLER, STEFFIE; HELLANDER, (Fall). IDA. Bleeding the Patient: The Consequences of Corporate Health Care. (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press). Re- RESEARCH NOTES AND DATA TRENDS INDEX viewed by Julie Sakowski. 39: 87-88 (Spring). YounG, Gary J.; BurGess, JAMES E Jr.; DESAI, KAMAL R.: KLEINKE, J. D. Oxymorons: The Myth of a U.S. Health Care VALLEY, DANIELLE. The Financial Experience of Hospitals System. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers). Reviewed with HMO Contracts: Evidence from Florida. 39: 67-75 by Bradford Kirkman-Liff. 39: 429-430 (Winter). (Spring) Morreim, E. HAAvi. Holding Health Care Accountable: Law ZWANZIGER, JACK. Physician Fees and Managed Care Plans. 39: and the New Medical Marketplace. (New York: Oxford Uni- 184-193 (Summer) versity Press). Reviewed by Heidi Boerstler. 39: 88 (Spring). RossiTER, Louts E Understanding Medicare Managed Care: Book REVIEW INDEX Meeting Economic, Strategic, and Policy Challenges. (Chi- AARON, HENRY J. The Future of Academic Medical Centers cago: Health Administration Press). Reviewed by Robert S. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press). Reviewed Woodward. 39:194—195 (Summer). by Edward N. Brandt, Jr. 39: 327-328 (Fall) WEIL, PETER A.; BoGuE, RICHARD J.; MorTON, READ L. BILLI, JOHN E.; AGRAWAL, GAIL B. The Challenge of Regulat- Achieving Success Through Community Leadership. (Chi- ing Managed Care. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan cago: Health Administration Press). Reviewed by Robert J. Press). Reviewed by Oren Renick. 39: 327 (Fall) Langlais. 39: 195 (Summer).

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