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Index to Volume 31 SuBJECT INDEX the Provision of Employee Assistance Programs. 31:102- 114 (Spring). Accetso Csar e Lee, Davip W.; Gittis, Kurt D. Physician Responses to EmployePrirvat-e BHeaalths Inesudran ce Medicare Payment Reform: An Update on Access to Care. 31:346-353 (Fall). FARNHAM, Paut G.; Gorsky, Rosin D. Costs to Business for an HIV-Infected Worker. 31:76—88 (Spring). FLYNN, Patrice. COBRA Qualifying Events and Elections, Adverse Selection 1987-1991. 31:215-220 (Summer). Browne, Mark J.; DoeRPINGHAUS, HELEN. Asymmetric HOLAHAN, JoHN; WINTERBOTTOM, COLIN; ZEDLEWSKI, Information and the Demand for Medigap Insurance. 31: SHeILa. The Distributional Effects of Employer and Indi- 445-450 (Winter). vidual Health Insurance Mandates. 31:368-384 (Winter). SECCOMBE, KAREN; CLARKE, Lesitie L.; Cowarp, Ray- AIDS MOND T. Discrepancies in Employer-Sponsored Health In- surance Among Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites: The Effects FARNHAM, Paut G.; Gorsky, Rosin D. Costs to Business for of Sociodemographic and Employment Factors. 31:221-229 an HIV-Infected Worker. 31:76-—88 (Spring). (Summer). Suea, Dennis G.; Stewart, R. Patrick. Ability to Pay for Ambulatory Care Retiree Health Benefits. 31:206-214 (Summer). WuHo ey, Douo.as R.; CHRISTIANSON, Jon B. Product Dif- MACNEE, CAROL L.; PENCHANSKY, Roy. Targeting Ambula- ferentiation Among Health Maintenance Organizations: tory Care Cases for Risk Management and Quality Man- Causes and Consequences of Offering Open-Ended Prod- agement. 31:66-75 (Spring). ucts. 31:25-39 (Spring). ZARKIN, GARY A.; GARFINKEL, STEVEN A. The Relationship Birth Defects Between Employer Health Insurance Characteristics and the Provision of Employee Assistance Programs. 31:102- WaAITZMAN, NorRMAN J.; ROMANO, Patrick S.; SCHEFFLER, 114 (Spring). RicHARD M. Estimates of the Economic Costs of Birth Defects. 31:188-205 (Summer). HeaCarle tEconhomi cs Complications Screening Program BisHop, CHRISTINE; Dor, Avi. Medicare Costs in Urban and lezzoni, Lisa I.; DaLey, JENNIFER; HEEREN, TIMOTHY: Rural Nursing Homes: Are Differential Payments Re- Fo.ey, SUSAN M.; HuGues, Joun S.; FisHer, Evviott S.; quired? 31:153—162 (Summer). Duncan, CHARLES C.; COFFMAN, GERALD A. Using Ad- Brapsury, Ropert C.; Goiec, Josern H.; STEEN, Paut M. ministrative Data to Screen Hospitals for High Complica- Relating Hospital Health Outcomes and Resource Expen- tion Rates. 31:40-55 (Spring). ditures. 31:56-—65 (Spring). FARNHAM, Paut G.; Gorsky, Rosin D. Costs to Business for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation an HIV-Infected Worker. 31:76—88 (Spring). Act (COBRA) Coverage HOLAHAN, JOHN; WINTERBOTTOM, COLIN; ZEDLEWSKI, Suei.a. The Distributional Effects of Employer and Indi- FLYNN, Patrice. COBRA Qualifying Events and Elections, vidual Health Insurance Mandates. 31:368-384 (Winter). 1987-1991. 31:215-220 (Summer). Kein, Davip H. Who Should Live and Who Should Die? 31:239 (Fall). Drug UtilRievizew a(DtUR)i Porognra ms SHort, PAMELA FARLEY; Kemper, PeTer. Nursing Home Financing Reform: How Would It Affect Expenditures for ZIMMERMAN, DavID R.; COLLINS, THEODORE M.; LipowskI, EARLENE E.; SAINFORT, Francois. Evaluation of a DUR Nursing Home Care? 3i:141-152 (Summer). Intervention: A Case Study of Histamine Antagonists. 31: WAITZMAN, NorMAN J.; ROMANO, Patrick S.; SCHEFFLER, 89-101 (Spring). RicHARD M. Estimates of the Economic Costs of Birth Defects. 31:188-205 (Summer). ZIMMERMAN, Davip R.; COLLINS, THEODORE M.; LipowskI, Employee Assistance Programs EarLene E.; SAInrort, Francois. Evaluation of a DUR ZARKIN, GARY A.; GARFINKEL, STEVEN A. The Relationship Intervention: A Case Study of Histamine Antagonists. 31: Between Employer Health Insurance Characteristics and 89-101 (Spring). Inquiry 31: 461-467 (Winter 1994/95). © 1994 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of the Rochester Area. 0046-9580/94/3 104—0461$1.25 | Inquiry/Volume 31, Winter 1‘ ont THOMAS, KATHLEEN. Are Subsidies Enough to Encourage the Uninsured to Purchase Health Insurance? An Analysis of BARRAND, NANCY L.; SCHROEDER, STEVEN A. Lessons from Underlying Behavior. 31:415—424 (Winter). the States. 31:10-13 (Spring). Butcer, RoGer J. Institutional Obstacles to Educational Reform. 31:303-309 (Fall). Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Conopes, DONALD R. The Slippery Slope of Health Care GuMBINER, ROBERT. Perspectives of an HMO Leader. 31: Reform. 31:4-9 (Spring). 330-333 (Fall). Down, BRYAN; FELDMAN, ROGER. Premium Elasticities of WuHo ey, DouGtas R.; CHRISTIANSON, Jon B. Product Dif- Health Plan Choice. 31:438-444 (Winter). ferentiation Among Health Maintenance Organizations: ENTHOVEN, ALAIN. Why Not the Clinton Health Plan? 31: Causes and Consequences of Offering Open-Ended Prod- 129-135 (Summer). ucts. 31:25-39 (Spring). HaDLey. Jack. Future Issues in Health Care Reform. 31:363- 364 (Winter). Haptey, Jack. Some Modest Compromises. 31:122-123 Health Status Measures (Summer). SHort, PAMELA FARLEY; Lair, TAMRA J. Health Insurance HabD.ey, Jack. Workforce Policies: Physicians and Nurses in and Health Status: Implications for Financing Health Care Health Care Reform. 31:342-345 (Fall). Reform. 31:425—437 (Winter). KEIN, Davip H. Deal Making 101. 31:3 (Spring). Kzein, Davin H. Natural Experiments. 31:121 (Summer). LaMM, RICHARD D. The Ghost of Health Care Future. 31: Health Workforce Policy 365-367 (Winter). AIKEN, Linpa H.; SALMON, Marta E. Health Care Work- Marquis, M. Susan; LonG, STEPHEN H. The Uninsured force Priorities: What Nursing Should Do Now. 31:318-329 Access Gap: Narrowing the Estimates. 31:405—414 (Win- (Fall). ter). BuLGerR, Rocer J. Institutional Obstacles to Educational MECHANIC, Davip. Managed Care: Rhetoric and Realities. Reform. 31:303-309 (Fall). 31:124-128 (Summer). De Tornyay, RHEBA. Creating the Teachers of Tomorrow's SAFRIET, BARBARA J. Impediments to Progress in Health Care Professionals. 31:283-288 (Fall). Workforce Policy: License and Practice Laws. 31:310-317 EISENBERG, JOHN M. If Trickle-Down Physician Workforce (Fall). Policy Failed, Is the Choice Now Between the Market and SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY; KeEMPER, PETER. Nursing Home Government Regulation? 31:241-249 (Fall). Financing Reform: How Would It Affect Expenditures for GRANDIN, JupiTH. Coordinating Efforts to Remove Barriers Nursing Home Care? 31:141-152 (Summer). to Workforce Balance. 31:338-341 (Fall). SHort, PAMELA FarLey; Lair, TAMRa J. Health Insurance GuMBINER, RosBerT. Perspectives of an HMO Leader. 31: and Health Status: Implications for Financing Health Care 330-333 (Fall). Reform. 31:425—437 (Winter). Hap ey, Jack. Workforce Policies: Physicians and Nurses STARR, PAUL. Why the Clinton Plan Is Not the Enthoven Plan. in Health Care Reform. 31:342-345 (Fall). 31:136-140 (Summer). KOHLER, Peter O. Specialists/Primary Care Professionals: THOMAS, KATHLEEN. Are Subsidies Enough to Encourage the Striking a Balance. 31:289-295 (Fall). Uninsured to Purchase Health Insurance? An Analysis of Larson, ELAINE. Workforce Conference: Introductory Re- Underlying Behavior. 31:415—424 (Winter). marks. 31:264-265 (Fall). WENNBERG, JOHN E. Health Care Reform and Professional- LeRoy, LAurREN B. Meeting the Challenge: A Health Work- ism. 31:296-302 (Fall). force Prepared for the Future. 31:334-337 (Fall). Moore, Gorpon T. Will the Power of the Marketplace Pro- Health Delivery System duce the Workforce We Need? 31:276-282 (Fall). REINHARDT, Uwe E. Planning the Nation’s Health Work- De TornyAy, RHEBA. Creating the Teachers of Tomorrow’s force: Let the Market In. 31:250-263 (Fall). Professionals. 31:283—288 (Fall). SAFRIET, BARBARA J. Impediments to Progress in Health Care Workforce Policy: License and Practice Laws. 31:310-317 Health Insurance (See also Employer-Based Private (Fall). Health Insurance; Uninsured Care) SCHROEDER, STEVEN A. Managing the U.S. Health Care Workforce: Creating Policy Amidst Uncertainty. 31:266- Browne, MARK J.; DoeRPINGHAUS, HELEN. Asymmetric 275 (Fall). Information and the Demand for Medigap Insurance. 31: WENNBERG, JOHN E. Health Care Reform and Professional- 445-450 (Winter). ism. 31:296-302 (Fall). Down, BRYAN; FELDMAN, ROGER. Premium Elasticities of Health Plan Choice. 31:438-444 (Winter). Histamine Antagonists FLYNN, Patrice. COBRA Qualifying Events and Elections, 1987-1991. 31:215-220 (Summer). ZIMMERMAN, Davi R.; COLLINS, THEODORE M.; LipowskI1, SHorT, PAMELA FarLey; Lair, Tamra J. Health Insurance EARLENE E.; SAINFORT, FRANCOIS. Evaluation of a DUR and Health Status: Implications for Financing Health Care Intervention: A Case Study of Histamine Antagonists. 31: Reform. 31:425—437 (Winter). 89-101 (Spring). 462 Index to Volume 31 Hospitals—ComplicatRiaotne s SHort, PAMELA FARLEY; Kemper, Perer. Nursing Home Financing Reform: How Would It Affect Expenditures for Iezzoni, Lisa I.; DALEY, JENNIFER: HEEREN, TIMOTHY; Nursing Home Care? 31:141-152 (Summer). Fo.ey, Susan M.; HuGues, Joun S.; Fisher, Evtiott S.; Duncan, CHARLES C.; COFFMAN, GERALD A. Using Ad- ministrative Data to Screen Hospitals for High Complica- Outcomes Research tion Rates. 31:40-55 (Spring). Brapsury, Rosert C.; Goiec, Josepu H.; Steen, Paut M. Hospitais—Readmissions Relating Hospital Health Outcomes and Resource: Expen- ditures. 31:56-65 (Spring). WEISSMAN, Joe S.; STERN, Roper7 S.; Epstein, ARNOLD Counopes, DonaLp R. The Slippery Slope of Health Care M. The Impact of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Other Reform. 31:4-9 (Spring). Social Factors on Readmission: A Prospective Study in GUADAGNOLI, Epwarp; McNeiL, BarBara J. Outcomes Four Massachusetts Hospitals. 31:163-172 (Summer). Research: Hope for the Future or the Latest Rage? 31:14-24 Infant Mortality (Spring). WuHo ey, DouGias R.; CHRISTIANSON, Jon B. Product Dif- WAITZMAN, NorMAN J.; ROMANO, Patrick S.; SCHEFFLER, ferentiation Among Health Maintenance Organizations: RICHARD M. Estimates of the Economic Costs of Birth Causes and Consequences of Offering Open-Ended Prod- Defects. 31:188-205 (Summer). ucts. 31:25-39 (Spring). Managed Care Peer Review Organizati(oPRnOss ) Hiccins, WAYNE. Supplementing Managed Competition. 31: lezzoni, Lisa 1.; DaLey, JENNIFER; HEEREN, TIMOTHY; 385-393 (Winter). Fo.Ley, SUSAN M.; HuGues, Joun S.; Fisher, Evviorrt S.; KOHLER, Peter O. Specialists/Primary Care Professionals: Duncan, CHARLES C.; COFFMAN, GERALD A. Using Ad- Striking a Balance. 31:289-295 (Fall). ministrative Data to Screen Hospitals for High Complica- MECHANIC, Davip. Managed Care: Rhetoric and Realities. tion Rates. 31:40-—55 (Spring). 31:124-128 (Summer). WENNBERG, JOHN E. Health Care Reform and Professional- ism. 31:296-302 (Fall). Physician Income Targets Medicaid Rizzo, Joun A.; BLUMENTHAL, Davin. Physician Income Targets: New Evidence on an Old Controversy. 31:394—404 Apams, E. KATHLEEN. Effect of Increased Medicaid Fees (Winter). on Physician Participation and Enrollee Service Utilization in Tennessee, 1985-1988. 31:173-187 (Summer). Physician Utilization Medicare Apams, E. KATHLEEN. Effect of Increased Medicaid Fees on BisHop, CHRISTINE; Dor, Avi. Medicare Costs in Urban and Physician Participation and Enrollee Service Utilization in Rural Nursing Homes: Are Differential Payments Re- Tennessee, 1985-1988. 31:173-187 (Summer). quired? 31:153-162 (Summer). Lee, Davip W.; Gittis, Kurt D. Physician Responses to Medicare Payment Reform: An Update on Access to Care. Prescription Drugs 31:346-353 (Fall). ZIMMERMAN, Davin R.; COLLINS, THEODORE M.; LipowskI, Earcene E.; SaAinrort, Francois. Evaluation of a DUR Medigap Insurance Intervention: A Case Study of Histamine Antagonists. 31: 89-101 (Spring). Browne, Mark J.; DoeRPINGHAUS, HELEN. Asymmetric Information and the Demand for Medigap Insurance. 31: 445-450 (Winter). Primary Care Nursing Kou.er, Peter O. Specialists/Primary Care Professionals: Striking a Balance. 31:289-295 (Fall). AIKEN, LINDA H.; SALMON, Marta E. Health Care Work- force Priorities: What Nursing Should Do Now. 31:318-329 (Fall). Quality Management MACNEE, CAROL L.; PENCHANSKY, Roy. Targeting Ambula- Nursing Homes tory Care Cases for Risk Management and Quality Man- BisHop, CHRISTINE; Dor, Avi. Medicare Costs in Urban and agement. 31:66-75 (Spring). Rural Nursing Homes: Are Differential Payments Re- Kein, Davip H. The Power of ‘Report Cards."’ 31:361-362 quired? 31:153-162 (Summer). (Winter). 463 Inquiry/Volume 31, Winter 1994/95 Risk Management AIKEN, Linpa H.; SALMON, Maria E. Health Care Work- force Priorities: What Nursing Should Do Now. 31:318-329 MAcNneEE, CAROL L.; PENCHANSKY, Roy. Targeting Ambula- (Fall). tory Care Cases for Risk Management and Quality Man- BARRAND, Nancy L.; SCHROEDER, STEVEN A. Lessons from agement. 31:66-75 (Spring). the States. 31:10-13 (Spring). BisHop, CHRISTINE; Dor, Avi. Medicare Costs in Urban and Retiree Health Benefits Rural Nursing Homes: Are Differential Payments Re- SHea, Dennis G.; Stewart, R. Patrick. Ability to Pay for quired? 31:153-162 (Summer). Retiree Health Benefits. 31:206-214 (Summer). BLUMENTHAL, Davip see Rizzo, JoHN A. Brapsury, Rosert C.; Gocec, Joserps H.; STEEN, Pau M. Relating Hospital Health Outcomes and Resource Expen- Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) ditures. 31:56—65 (Spring). BisHop, CHRISTINE; Dor, Avi. Medicare Costs in Urban and Browne, Mark J.; DoeRPINGHAUS, HELEN. Asymmetric Rural Nursing Homes: Are Differential Payments Re- Information and the Demand for Medigap Insurance. 31: quired? 31:153—162 (Summer). 445—450 (Winter). Buicer, Rocer J. Institutional Obstacles to Educational Reform. 31:303—309 (Fall). Sociodemographic Factors CHRISTIANSON, Jon B. see WHOLEY, DouGLas R. SECCOMBE, KAREN; CLARKE, Lesiie L.; Cowarp, Ray- CLarRKE, Lesie L. see SECCOMBE, KAREN. MOND T. Discrepancies in Employer-Sponsored Health In- CorrMan, GERALD A. see Ilezzoni, Lisa I. surance Among Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites: The Effects Conopes, Donacp R. The Slippery Slope of Health Care of Sociodemographic and Employment Factors. 31:221-229 Reform. 31:4-9 (Spring). (Summer). CoLuins, THEODORE M. see ZIMMERMAN, Davin R. Cowarb, RAYMOND T. see SECCOMBE, KAREN. DALeyY, JENNIFER see [Ezzon1, Lisa I. Socioeconomic Status De Tornyay, RHeEBA. Creating the Teachers of Tomorrow's WEISSMAN, Joet S.; STERN, Ropert S.; Epstein, ARNOLD Professionals. 31:283—288 (Fall). M. The Impact of Patient Socioeconomic Staatndu Osthe r DOERPINGHAUS, HELEN see BROWNE, MARK J. Social Factors on Readmission: A Prospective Study in Dor, Avi see BisHop, CHRISTINE. Four Massachusetts Hospitals. 31:163-172 (Summer). Down, Bryan; FELDMAN, ROGER. Premium Elasticities of Health Plan Choice. 31:438-—444 (Winter). Specialists Duncan, CHARLES C. see lezzon1, Lisa I. EIseNBERG, JOHN M. If Trickle-Down Physician Workforce KOHLER, Peter O. Specialists/Primary Care Professionals: Policy Failed, Is the Choice Now Between the Market and Striking a Balance. 31:289-295 (Fall). Government Regulation? 31:241-249 (Fall). ENTHOVEN, ALAIN. Why Not the Clinton Health Plan? 31: Substance Abuse 129-135 (Summer). EpsTEIN, ARNOLD M. see WEISSMAN, Joe S. ZaRKIN, GARY A.; GARFINKEL, STEVEN A. The Relationship FARNHAM, Paut G.; Gorsky, Rosin D. Costs to Business for Between Employer Health Insurance Characteristics and an HIV-Infected Worker. 31:76—88 (Spring). the Provision of Employee Assistance Programs. 31:102- FELDMAN, ROGER see Down, BRYAN. 114 (Spring). FisHer, Evviotrt S. see lezzoni, Lisa I. FLYNN, Patrice. COBRA Qualifying Events and Elections, Uninsured Care 1987-1991. 31:215-220 (Summer). Fo.ey, Susan M. see Jezzont, Lisa I. Marquis, M. Susan; LonG, STEPHEN H. The Uninsured GARFINKEL, STEVEN A. see ZARKIN, Gary A. Access Gap: Narrowing the Estimates. 31:405-414 (Win- Gituis, Kurt D. see Lee, Davip W. ter). Go.ec, Joseru H. see Brapsury, Rosert C. SuHort, PAMELA Farcey; Lair, Tamra J. Health Insurance Gorsky, Rosin D. see FARNHAM, Paut G. and Health Status: Implications for Financing Health Care Granp1n, JupitH. Coordinating Efforts to Remove Barriers Reform. 31:425—437 (Winter). to Workforce Balance. 31:338-341 (Fall). THOMAS, KATHLEEN. Are Subsidies Enough to Encourage the GUADAGNOLI, Epwarp; MCNEIL, BarBara J. Outcomes Uninsured to Purchase Health Insurance? An Analysis of Research: Hope for the Future or the Latest Rage? 31:14-24 Underlying Behavior. 31:415—424 (Winter). (Spring). GuMBINER, RoBert. Perspectives of an HMO Leader. 31: 330-333 (Fall). Hab ey, Jack. Future Issues in Health Care Reform. 31:363- AUTHOR INDEX 364 (Winter). Hap.tey, Jacx. Some Modest Compromises. 31:122-123 Apams, E. KATHLEEN. Effect of Increased Medicaid Fees on (Summer). Physician Participation and Enrollee Service Utilization in Hap ey, Jack. Workforce Policies: Physicians and Nurses in Tennessee, 1985-1988. 31:173—187 (Summer). Health Care Reform. 31:342-345 (Fall). 464 Index to Volume 31 HEEREN, Timotny see Iezzont1, Lisa I. SeccomBe, Karen; Clarke, Lesuie L.; Cowarp, Ray- Hicoins, Wayne. Supplementing Managed Competition. 31: MOND T. Discrepancies in Employer-Sponsored Health In- 385-393 (Winter). surance Among Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites: The Effects HOLAHAN, JoHN; WINTERBOTTOM, COLIN; ZEDLEWSKI, of Sociodemographic and Employment Factors. 31:221-229 Suei.a. The Distributional Effects of Employer and Indi- (Summer). vidual Health Insurance Mandates. 31:368—384 (Winter). Suea, Dennis G.; Stewart, R. Patrick. Ability to Pay for Hucues, Joun S. see lezzoni, Lisa I. Retiree Health Benefits. 31:206-214 (Summer). Iezzoni, Lisa 1.; DALEY, JENNIFER; HEEREN, TIMOTHY; SHort, PAMELA FarLey; Kemper, Peter. Nursing Home Fo.ey, SUSAN M.; HuGues, Joun S.; FisHer, Evviotr S.; Financing Reform: How Would It Affect Expenditures for Duncan, CHARLES C.; CoFFMAN, GERALD A. Using Ad- Nursing Home Care? 31:141-152 (Summer). ministrative Data to Screen Hospitals for High Complica- Suort, PAMELA Farvey; Lair, Tamra J. Health Insurance tion Rates. 31:40—55 (Spring). and Health Status: Implications for Financing Health Care Kemper, Peter see SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. Reform. 31:425—437 (Winter). Kein, Davip H. Deal Making 101. 31:3 (Spring). Starr, PauL. Why the Clinton Plan is Not the Entheven Plan. Kein, Davip H. Natural Experiments. 31:121 (Summer). 31:136-140 (Summer). Kein, Davin H. The Power of “Report Cards."’ 31:361-362 STeen, Paut M. see Brapsury, Rosert C. (Winter). Stern, Ropert S. see WeIssMAN, Joex S. Kein, Davip H. Who Should Live and Who Should Die? Srewart, R. Patrick see SHea, Dennis G. 31:239 (Fall). THOMAS, KATHLEEN. Are Subsidies Enough to Encourage the KOHLER, Peter O. Specialists/Primary Care Professionals: Uninsured to Purchase Health Insurance? An Analysis of Striking a Balance. 31:289-295 (Fall). Underlying Behavior. 31:415—424 (Winter). Lair, TAMRA J. see SHORT, PAMELA FARLEY. WAITZMAN, NoRMAN J.; ROMANO, Patrick S.; SCHEFFLER, Lamm, RicHarD D. The Ghost of Health Care Future. 31: RicHARD M. Estimates of the Economic Costs of Birth 365-367 (Winter). Defects. 31:188-205 (Summer). WeIssMAN, Joex S.; Stern, Ropert S.; Epstein, ARNOLD LarsON, ELAINE. Workforce Conference Introductory Re- M. Impact of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Other marks. 31:264-265 (Fall). Social Factors on Readmission: A Prospective Study in Lee, Davip W.; Giuis, Kurt D. Physician Responses to Four Massachusetts Hospitals. 31: 163-172 (Summer). Medicare Payment Reform: An Update on Access to Care. WENNBERG, JOHN E. Health Care Reform and Professional- 31:346-353 (Fail). ism. 31:296-302 (Fall). LeRoy, Lauren B. Meeting the Challenge: A Health Work- WuHo Ley, Douo.as R.; CHRISTIANSON, Jon B. Product Dif- force Prepared for the Future. 31:334-337 (Fall). ferentiation Among Health Maintenance Organizations: Lipowski, EARLENE E. see ZIMMERMAN, Davin R. Causes and Consequences of Offering Open-Ended Prod- Lona, STEPHEN H. see Marquis, M. SuSAN. ucts. 31:25~39 (Spring). Macnee, Carov L.; PENCHANSKY, Roy. Targeting Ambula- WINTERBOTTOM, COLIN see HOLAHAN, JOHN. tory Care Cases for Risk Management and Quality Man- Zarkin, Gary A.; GARFINKEL, STEVEN A. Relationship Be- agement. 31:66-75 (Spring). tween Employer Health Insurance Characteristics and the Marguis, M. Susan; LonG, STEPHEN H. The Uninsured Provision of Employee Assistance Programs. 31:102-114 Access Gap: Narrowing the Estimates. 31:405—414 (Win- (Spring). ter). ZeEDLEWSKI, SHEILA see HOLAHAN, JOHN. MCNEIL, BARBARA J. see GUADAGNOLI, EDWARD. ZIMMERMAN, Davin R.; CoLLins, THEODORE M.; Lipowsk!, MEcHANIC, Davip. Managed Care: Rhetoric and Realities. Earcene E.; Sainrort, Francois. Evaluation of a DUR 31:124-128 (Summer). Intervention: A Case Study of Histamine Antagonists. 31: Moore, Gorpon T. Will the Power of the Marketplace Pro- 89-101 (Spring). duce the Workforce We Need? 31:276-282 (Fall). PENCHANSKY, Roy see MACNEE, CAROL L. REINHARDT, Uwe E. Planning the Nation’s Health Work- force: Let the Market In. 31:250-263 (Fall). TITLE INDEX Rizzo, Joun A.; BLUMENTHAL, Davin. Physician Income Targets: New Evidence on an Old Controversy. 31:394-—404 (Winter). ABILITY TO Pay For Retiree HEALTH Benerits. Dennis G. ROMANO, Patrick S. see WAITZMAN, NoRMAN J. Shea; R. Patrick Stewart. 31:206-214 (Summer). SaFRIET, BARBARA J. Impedimteo Pnrotgrses s in Health Care Are Suspsipies ENOUGH TO ENCOURAGE THE UNINSURED TO Workforce Policy: License and Practice Laws. 31:310-317 PuRCHASE HEALTH INSURANCE? AN ANALYSIS OF UNDER- (Fall). LYING Benavior. Kathleen Thomas. 31:415—424 (Winter). SAINFORT, FRANCOIS see ZIMMERMAN, DAvIp R. ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION AND THE DEMAND FOR MEDIGAP SALMON, Marta E. see AIKEN, LinDaA H. INSURANCE. MarkJ .B rowne; Helen Doerpinghaus. 31:445- SCHEFFLER, RICHARD M. see WAITZMAN, NorMAN J. 450 (Winter). ScHROEDER, STEVEN A. see BARRAND, NANcyY L. COBRA QUALIFYING EVENTS AND ELECTIONS, 1987-1991. ScHROEDER, STEVEN A. Managing the U.S. Health Care Patrice Flynn. 31:215-220 (Summer). Workforce: Creating Policy Amidst Uncertainty. 31:266- CoorDINATING Errorts TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO WorRK- 275 (Fall). FoRCE BALANCE. Judith Grandin. 31:338-—341 (Fall). 465 Inquiry/Volume 31, Winter 1994/95 Costs To BUSINESS FOR AN HIV-INFECTED WorkER. Paul G. NATURAL EXPERIMENTS. David H. Klein. 31:121 (Summer). Farnham; Robin D. Gorsky. 31:76-88 (Spring). NursiInG Home FINANCING REFORM: How Woub p It ArF- CREATING THE TEACHERS OF TOMORROW'S PROFESSIONALS. FECT EXPENDITURES FOR NuRSING HoME Care? Pamela Rheba de Tornyay. 31:283-288 (Fall). Farley Short; Peter Kemper. 31:141-152 (Summer). DEAL MAKING 101. David H. Klein. 31:3 (Spring). OuTcoMEs RESEARCH: Hope FOR THE FUTURE OR THE LaT- DISCREPANCIES IN EMPLOYER-SPONSORED HEALTH INSUR- EsT RAGE? Edward Guadagneli; Barbara J. McNeil. 31: ANCE AMONG HIsPANICS, BLACKS, AND WHITES: THE EF- 14-24 (Spring). FECTS OF SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC AND EMPLOYMENT FAc- PERSPECTIVES OF AN HMO Leaper. Robert Gumbiner. 31: Tors. Karen Seccombe; Leslie L. Clarke; Raymond T. 330-333 (Fall). Coward. 31:221-229 (Summer). PHYSICIAN INCOME TARGETS: NEW EVIDENCE ON AN OLD DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS OF EMPLOYER AND INDIVIDUAL Controversy. John A. Rizzo; David Blumenthal. 31:394- HEALTH INSURANCE MANDATES. John Holahan; Colin 404 (Winter). Winterbottom; Sheila Zedlewski. 31:368-384 (Winter). PHYSICIAN RESPONSES TO MEDICARE PAYMENT REFORM: EFFECT OF INCREASED MEDICAID FEES ON PHYSICIAN ParR- AN UppDaTE ON Access To Care. David W. Lee; Kurt D. TICIPATION AND ENROLLEE SERVICE UTILIZATION IN TEN- Gillis. 31:346-353 (Fall). NESSEE, 1985-1988. E. Kathleen Adams. 31:173-187 (Sum- PLANNING THE NATION’S HEALTH WorKFORCE: LET THE mer). Market IN. Uwe E. Reinhardt. 31:250-263 (Fall). EsTIMATES OF THE Economic Costs OF BirTH DEFECTS. Power OF “‘Report Carps.”’ David H. Klein. 31:361-362 Norman J. Waitzman; Patrick S. Romano; Richard M. (Winter). Scheffler. 31:188-205 (Summer). PREMIUM ELAasTiciTies OF HEALTH PLAN CHoice. Bryan EVALUATION OF A DUR INTERVENTION: A Case STUDY OF Dowd; Roger Feldman. 31:438-—444 (Winter). HISTAMINE ANTAGONISTS. David R. Zimmerman; The- Propuct DIFFERENTIATION AMONG HEALTH MAINTENANCE odore M. Collins; Earlene E. Lipowski; Francois Sainfort. ORGANIZATIONS: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF OFFER- 31:89-101 (Spring). ING OPEN-ENDED Propucts. Douglas R. Wholey; Jon B. Future Issues iN HEALTH CARE REFORM. Jack Hadley. Christianson. 31:25-39 (Spring). 31:363-364 (Winter). RELATING HospiraL HEALTH OUTCOMES AND RESOURCE Guost OF HEALTH Care Future. Richard D. Lamm. 31: EXPENDITURES. Robert C. Bradbury; Joseph H. Golec; 365—367 (Winter). Paul M. Steen. 31:56—65 (Spring). HEALTH CARE REFORM AND PROFESSIONALISM. John E. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYER HEALTH INSURANCE Wennberg. 31:296-302 (Fall). CHARACTERISTICS AND THE PROVISION OF EMPLOYEE As- HEALTH CARE WORKFORCE PRIORITIES: WHAT NURSING SISTANCE PROGRAMS. Gary A. Zarkin; Steven A. Garfinkel. SHOULD Do Now. Linda H. Aiken; Marla E. Salmon. 31:102-114 (Spring). 31:318-329 (Fall). Suiprpery SLope OF HEALTH Care REFORM. Donald R. Co- HEALTH INSURANCE AND HEALTH STATUS: IMPLICATIONS hodes. 31:4-9 (Spring). FOR FINANCING HEALTH Care REFORM. Pamela Farley Some Mopest Compromises. Jack Hadley. 31:122-123 Short; Tamra J. Lair. 31:425—437 (Winter). (Summer). IF TRICKLE-DOWN PHYSICIAN WoRKFORCE Po.icy FAILED, SPECIALISTS/PRIMARY CARE PROFESSIONALS: STRIKING A Is THE CHOICE Now BETWEEN THE MARKET AND Gov- BALANCE. Peter O. Kohler. 31:289-295 (Fall). ERNMENT REGULATION? John M. Eisenberg. 31:241-249 SUPPLEMENTING MANAGED ComPETITION. Wayne Higgins. (Fall). 31:385-393 (Winter). IMPACT OF PATIENT SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND OTHER TARGETING AMBULATORY CARE CASES FOR RISK MANAGE- SociAL FACTORS ON READMISSION: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY MENT AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Carol L. Macnee; Roy IN Four MAssacuusetts Hospitcas . Joel S. Weissman; Penchansky. 31:66-75 (Spring). Robert S. Stern; Arnold M. Epstein. 31:163-172 (Summer). UNninsurRED Access Gap: NARROWING THE ESTIMATES. IMPEDIMENTS TO PROGRESS IN HEALTH CARE WORKFORCE M. Susan Marquis; Stephen H. Long. 31:405—414 (Winter). Po.icy: LICENSE AND Practice Laws. Barbara J. Safriet. UsinG ADMINISTRATIVE Data TO SCREEN HOSPITALS FOR 31:310-317 (Fall). HiGH COMPLICATION Rates. Lisa I. lezzoni; Jennifer INSTITUTIONAL OBSTACLES TO EDUCATIONAL REFORM. Daley; Timothy Heeren; Susan M. Foley; John S. Hughes; Roger J. Bulger. 31:303-309 (Fall). Elliott S. Fisher; Charles C. Duncan; Gerald A. Coffman. LESSONS FROM THE STATES. Nancy L. Barrand; Steven A. 31:40-55 (Spring). Schroeder. 31:10-13 (Spring). Wuo SHOULD Live AND Wuo SHOULD Die? David H. Klein. MANAGED CARE: RHETORIC AND REALITIES. David Me- 31:239 (Fall). chanic. 31:124-128 (Summer). Wuy Nort THe CLINTON HEALTH PLAN? Alain Enthoven. MANAGING THE U.S. HEALTH CARE WORKFORCE: CREATING 31:129-135 (Summer). Po.icy AMIDST UNCERTAINTY. Steven A. Schroeder. 31: Way THE CLINTON PLAN Is Not THE ENTHOVEN PLAN. Paul 266-275 (Fall). Starr. 31:136-140 (Summer). MEDICARE Costs IN URBAN AND RURAL NursinG Homes: WILL THE POWER OF THE MARKETPLACE PRODUCE THE WoRK- Are DIFFERENTIAL PAYMENTS REQUIRED? Christine Bish- FoRCE We Neep? Gordon T. Moore. 31:276-282 (Fall). op; Avi Dor. 31:153-162 (Spring). WorkForce CONFERENCE: INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Elaine MEETING THE CHALLENGE: A HEALTH WORKFORCE PRE- Larson. 31:264-265 (Fall). PARED FOR THE Future. Lauren B. LeRoy. 31:334-337 WoRKFORCE POLicies: PHYSICIANS AND NuRSES IN HEALTH (Fall). Care Rerorom. Jack Hadley. 31:342-345 (Fall). 466 Index to Volume 31 RESEARCH NOTES AND DATA TRENDS INDEX Study of Four Metropolitan Areas. (Boulder, CO: West- view Press). Reviewed by Joyce E. Beaulieu. 31:115-116 Browne, Mark J.; DoeRPINGHAUS, HELEN. Asymmetric (Spring). Information and the Demand for Medigap Insurance. 31: Graic, Laurene A. Health of Nations: An International 445-450 (Winter). Perspective on U.S. Health Care Reform. (Washington, Down, Bryan; FELDMAN, RoGeR. Premium Elasticities of DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc.). Reviewed by Lois Health Plan Choice. 31:438—444 (Winter). Friss. 31:232-233 (Summer). FLYNN, Patrice. COBRA Qualifying Events and Elections, GrirFitH, JoHN R. The Moral Challenges of Health Care 1987-1991. 31:215-220 (Summer). Management. (Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Lee, Davip W.; Gittis, Kurt D. Physician Responses to Press). Reviewed by Marc D. Hiller. 31:230-231 (Summer). Medicare Payment Reform: An Update on Access to Care. Hews, Rosert B. Health Policy Reform. (Washington, DC: 31:346-353 (Fall). The AEI Press). Reviewed by William G. Johnson. 31:451 SECCOMBE, KAREN; CLARKE, Lesiie L.; Cowarp, Ray- (Winter). MOND T. Discrepancies in Employer-Sponsored Health In- HESHMAT, SHAHRAM. Framework for Market-Based Hospital surance Among Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites: The Effects Pricing Decisions. (Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press). of Sociodemographic and Employment Factors. 31:221-229 Reviewed by Mahmud Hassan. 31:233-234 (Summer). (Summer). Moon, MARILYN. Medicare Now and in the Future. (Wash- ington, DC: The Urban Institute Press). Reviewed by Karen S. Harlow. 31:452—453 (Winter). MUELLER, KeITH J. Health Care Policy in the United States. Book REVIEW INDEX (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press). Reviewed by Fred W. Becker. 31:355-356 (Fall). ARNOULD, RICHARD J.; RicH, ROBERT F.; WHITE, WILLIAM Patrick, DONALD L.; Erickson, PENNIFER. Health Status D. Competitive Approaches to Health Care Reform. (Wash- and Health Policy: Quality of Life in Health Care Evalua- ington, DC: The Urban Institute Press). Reviewed by tion and Resource Allocation. (New York, NY: Oxford Michael D. Rosko. 31:453—454 (Winter). University Press). Reviewed by Robin D. Gorsky. 31:231- CHARNS, MARTIN P.; Tewxssury, Laura J. Smitu. Col- 232 (Summer). laborative Management in Health Care: Implementing the Paucy, MARK V.; DANZON, PATRICIA; FELDSTEIN, PAUL J.; Integrative Organization. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Horr, Joun. Responsible National Health Insurance. Inc., Publishers). Reviewed by David J. Fine. 31:116 (Washington, DC: The AEI Press). Reviewed by Jack (Spring). Reamy. 31:354 (Fall). FIELD, MARILYN J.; SHAPIRO, HAROLD T. Employment and PHiLipson, Tomas J.; Posner, RicHarp A. Private Choices Health Benefits. (Washington, DC: National Academy and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Press). Reviewed by James B. Lewis. 31:354-355 (Fall). Perspective. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press). Futon, JANE. Canada’s Health System: Bordering on the Reviewed by Paul G. Farnham. 31:452 (Winter). Possible. (Washington, DC: Faulkner & Gray Healthcare SCHECHTER, MALviNn. Beyond Medicare: Achieving Long- Information Center). Reviewed by Harold R. Hunter. 31: Term Care Security. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., 115 (Spring). Publishers). Reviewed by Donna Lind Infeld. 31:231 (Sum- Gaucuer, Eten J.; Correy, RicHarp J. Total Quality in mer). Healthcare: From Theory to Practice. (San Francisco, CA: Weicer, Paut C.; Hiatt, Howarp H.; NewuHouse, Joseru Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers). Reviewed by Martin D. P.; JOHNSON, WILLIAM G.; BRENNAN, TROYEN A.; LEAPE, Merry. 31:356 (Fall). Lucian L. A Measure of, Malpractice: Medical Injury, GinzBerG, Ev!; BerRLiner, Howarp S.; Ostrow, MIRIAM Malpractice Litigation, and Patient Compensation. (Cam- (with Brown, E. RicHarp; Loe, Harpy D., Jr.; and bridge, MA: Harvard University Press). Reviewed by Wil- SaLmMon, J. WARREN). Changing U.S. Health Care: A liam F. Julavits. 31:117 (Spring).

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