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Particularly intended as abook for FamilyReference on Subjects connectedwith DomesticEconomy,and containing-theLargest ana mum Valuable Collection of Useful Information thathas ever yetbeen published. INQUIRERS ARE REFERRED TO THE INDEI NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY DICK <fe FITZGERALD, 18 ASS STREET. EnteredaccordingtoActofCongress,intheyear1S58,by GARRETT,DICK AND FITZGERALD, IntheClerk'sOfficeoftheDistrictCourtoftheSouthernDistrictofNewYork. ) PHKFAOH. TnEtitleof thisworkwill, in asliehtdegree,indicate its purpose; still,in presentingittothepublic, wewouldoffera few remarksasto ourplan. Inaccordancewith ourdesign,we haveplaced before our readersapopular and entertaining accountof thousandsofobjectswhich are familiar to them inevery-daylife, butof which, from their very familiarity, they have never inquired. How aretheymade1 Whoinventedthem1 Orwhat matters of interestarethereconnected with them1 Wearefullyimpressed with the beliet that there are manypersons, and eveneducated ones,who,although theywillnottakethetrouble to searchfor and collect the information necessarytoform aproper estimateof thevalue andimportanceofourmore familiar things,would, if it were brought before themwithouttrouble, feel gratified and surprised at thefundof knowledge and amusementthey offer. Thiswehavedone. If therebeanyamongourreaders,who, having turned over the pagesof "Inquire Within," have hastilypronounced them to be confused and ill arranged,letthematonce referto The Index,orforever hold their peace. The Indexis,tothevastcongregation of usefulhintsandreceiptsthatfill theboundaryof thisvolume,liketheDirectorytothe great aggregationof housesandpeopleinNew York Noone,beingastranger to NewYork,would run about askingfor"Mr. Smith." But, remembering the Christian name, and the professionof the individualwanted, would turn totheDirectory, and tracehimout. Likeahouse,every paragraph in"Inquire Within,'' has its number,— and theIndexis the Directorywhichwill explainwhatFacts, Hints,and Instructionsinhabitthatnumber. For, if it be not a misnomer,we are prompted to saythat"Inquirb Within" is peopled with thousands of ladies and gentlemen, who have approvedoftheplan ofthe work,and contributed something to its store of usefulinformation. There theyare,waiting to bequestioned,and readyto reply. Onlyashorttime ago,the facts and information, nowassumingthe conventional forms of printing-types,were active thoughts in the minds of manypeople. Theirfingers traced those thoughts upon the page,for the benefitof whomsoevermightneedinformation. We must not separate the thoughtfromthemindwhich gave it birth; we must not look upon these writingsasweshouldupon thetraces left bythe snail upon the geen leaf, havingneitherformnormeaning. Behindeachpage someonelivestoanswer for the correctness of the information imparted, just as certainly as where in the window of a dwelling,you see apaper directing you to"Inquirb Within" someoneisthere toansweryou. PREFACE. ADoctorlivesat906; aGardenerat1021; a Schoolmasterat132? aDancingMasterat1678; anArtist at 1851; aNaturalist at 1925 a Modeller at 1931; a Cook at 1972; a Philanthropist at 2006; a Lawyer at 2047; a Surgeon at 2186; a Chess Player at 2354; a Chemistat2387; aBrewer at2559; andsoon. Well! theretheylive—alwaysathome—knock at their doors—Inquib. Within—nofeestopay! ! Wehavetakensomuchcare in selecting our information,and have beei aidedbysomany kindfriendsintheproductionof ourvolume,thatwecanno turn toanypagewithoutatoncebeingreminded of the Generous Frieni who abidesthere. "Inquirb Within" isdecidedlythemostwonderful anduseful book tha hasbeenissuedformanyyears. It should bein thehandsof everyfamilyin thecountry,asit gives a vast amountof information on everysubject con nectedwith domestic life,not heretofore in print in anyother work. Asa book of reference it is invaluable,—it refers to and explains everything, whether youwish to modelaflowerinwaxtoornamentavase bythe artof Sotichomanie; toserveupa relish for breakfast or for supper; to supplya eliciousentreeforthe dinnertable; to plan a dinnerfor a large partyor a smallone; tocurea head-ache; to get married; to establish acquaintances accordingtotherulesofetiquette; toplayatcards,chesso'r othergames; to enjoyanhourat curious puzzles and arithmeticalquestions; totie anykind of aknot; todoupaneatparcel; torelieve the invalid; towriteand speak correctly; toacquaintyourselfwiththetechnicaltermsin literature,lawand medicine; whetheryouwanttodance; tocommenceand end a courtship,or whatever you maywish to do,make,or to enjoy,provided yourdesire has relationtothenecessitiesofdomestic life—all you have todo is to procure acopyof Inquire Within,and it will give all the information vot/ want to know. INDEX. kSO—ALA ALC—ANO AHT—APR A Paragraphj Paragra/i Alcohol,Usesof 2060,Antacid Usesof 278 Paragraph Ale, Adulterated 2420 Antalkalies,Uses of ... 277 Ab.iut,orWith 1569 Ale, Amber, Brewing.. 2561 Anthelmlntics.Efrectsof277 AccidentsinCarriages.. 8617 Ale,Brewing 2560 Anti-Dlarrhoeal Powder1009 Accidents,Treatment of.2288 Alkalies,Poisoningby. 2278 AntidotestoPoisons 2261 Accidents,Cautions on. 2006 All-Fours,Rulesof .. 9118 Anti - Hooping-Cough Accounts,PayRegularly 787 All-Fours,Termsusedin2116 Powder 1011 Acetate of Ammonia, Allspice,Tinctureof ....2681 Antimony,Poisoningby 2209 Uses of 2752 Almonds,Blanched 2791 Antimonial Powder, Acetate of Lead, with AlmondPaste 2792 Uses of 8754 OpiumLotion 978 Almond Icing forWed Antimony,Usesof. 2758 AcetateofPotassa 2747 dingCakes 2931 Anti-Spasmodics 2697 AcetateofZinc,Eye-wash 912 Almonds,Pounding— 2792 Anti-Spasmodic Electu Acid,Tartaric,Usesof.. 2772 AlmondConfection — 918 ary 927 Acid, Corns Cured by AlmondCustards 2523 Anti-SpasmodicMixture 998 Acetic 178 AlmondCnstarts, Good 8731 Anti-SpasmodicPowder 1018 Acid,CarbonicGas .... 293S Almond Flavor 240 Ants,ToDestroy 2048 Add,Carbonic,a Poison 2941 AlmondPudding 252 Aperient Medicines ... 151 Acid,Carbonic, Howto AlmondSpongeCake .. 2525 Aperient Pills 158 Tell 2942 Aloes, Bestwayto take 2683 Aphides,To Kill 2084 Acid,Uses ofCltrio .. 2771 Aloes,Effectsof 2788 Apoplexy,Treatment... 1214 Acids, To Bemove the AlumConfection 919 Apoplexy, Another Stainsof 8275 AlumEye-wash 908 Treatment 2258 Acids,Poisoningby ... 2273 AlumGargle •■• 958 Apostrophe, The 1657 AcidulatedGargle 954 Alum Poultice Apparel, Changesof— 879 Acted Charades Ex Alum, To Discover in Apparatus, Simple Sur plained 2440 Bread 2899 gical 2228 AddressorDirect? 1575 Alum Whey 2586 Appetite, HowLost.... 2538 AdhesivePlaster 2196 AmericanBushel 8199 AppleBread 187 Adjective,The 2974 American Economy .... 580 AppleCakeforChildren 218 Adjectives,TheUseof.. 1411 American History in Apple Dumplings 2508 Adulterations, Practical Brief 843 AppleFritters 2518 Hintsupon 2429 AmericanToothPowder 178 Apple Marmalade 894 Adulterations, Plan for Ammoniated Embroca ApplePoultice 8316 Escapingthem 2887 tion,Strong 936 ApplePuddings 2458 Adverb,The 2980 Ammonia,Poisoning by2278 ApplePudding.Boston.. 2526 AdvicotoYoungLadles 796 Ammonia,Usesof 2698 Apple Pie 2511 AdvicetoYoungMen.. 8826 Ammoniacum,Usesof.. 2767 Apples,Dried 2509 Advice to a Husband.. 2927 Amusement. Parlor ... 8238 ApplosinSyrup 858 /Ether,Usesof 2692 Anaerams,Specimensof2486 ApplosinSyrup 2454 JEthereal, Tincture of An.i"*-stic Feet 2991 Applos,Keeping 2433 Pern 1015 Anc'.ovies 892 Apples,ServedwithCus Affectation Condemned 1779 Anc'iovySauce 386 tard 2527 Affectation ofLearning 878 Anchovy and Lobster Apples and Bice for Agent ofthe Landlord, Butter 2795 Children 217 Lawsrespecting 2845 AnchovyButter 8798 AppleSauce 2155 AgoorBack? 14110 AnchovySandwiches .. 2794 Apples should not be Agreatlarge House,<fcc 1879 AnchovyToast 8796 Cored 782 Ague and Fever, Cure Anglo-JapaneseWork.. 2587 AppleTsrt,Warmed... 850 for. 8234 AngosturaBark,Usesof2714 AppleWater 2514 AgueMedicine 8285 AngryWords, Effectof. 792 Apricots,Dry 2798 Ague, Treatmentof— 1245 Ankle-Joints, Affections Apricots, Jelly 2799 Air, Vitiated 2943 ofthe 937 ApricotsStewedId Syr Aitch-bone, Economyof 288 Annato,Adulterated ... 2894 up 2797 Alabaster,Cleaning .... 2619 AnodyneandDiscutlent Apricot Jam 8*AJ AlabasterStaining 859 Embrocation 985 April,Things In Stsason 81 Notb.—ForInquiriesnotInthisIndexseeAdditionalIndex,page27. 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