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Input Synthesis for Sampled Data Systems by Program Logic TakumiAkazaki IchiroHasuo DepartmentofComputerScience TheUniversityofTokyo,Japan [email protected] [email protected] KoheiSuenaga GraduateSchoolofInformatics KyotoUniversity,Japan [email protected] Inspiredbyaconcreteindustryproblemweconsidertheinputsynthesisproblemforhybridsystems: given a hybrid system that is subject to input from outside (also called disturbance or noise), find an input sequence that steers the system to the desired postcondition. In this paper we focus on sampleddatasystems—systemsinwhichadigitalcontrollerinterruptsaphysicalplantinaperiodic manner, a class commonly known in control theory—and furthermore assume that a controller is given in the form of an imperative program. We develop a structural approach to input synthesis thatfeaturesforwardandbackwardreasoninginprogramlogicforthepurposeofreducingasearch space. Althoughtheexampleswecoverarelimitedbothinsizeandinstructure,experimentswitha prototypeimplementationsuggestpotentialofourprogramlogicbasedapproach. 1 Introduction Cyber-physical systems (CPS)—integration of digital control with physical environments—are gaining yet more and more importance, with cars, airplanes and all others controlled by computers. Hybrid systems capture one of the crucial aspects of CPS, by focusing on the combination of continuous flow dynamicsanddiscretejumpdynamics. Qualityassuranceofhybridsystemsisthereforeabigconcernin industryaswellasinacademia. In this paper we study the input synthesis problem of hybrid systems: given a hybrid system that is subject to input from outside (also commonly called disturbance or noise), we aim to find an input sequence that steers the system to the desired postcondition. Our interest in input synthesis stems from the following concrete problem; it was provided by our research partner in car manufacturing industry asaprototypeoftheproblemstheyoftenencounterintheirdesignprocess. Example1.1. InthesystembelowinFig.1,thecontrollerinterruptstheplant(acar)onceeverysecond andmanagesthevelocityvofthecar. Thecontrollerchoosesonemodem andtheplantoperatesinthat i modeforonesecond,afterwhichthevalueofvisfedbacktothecontrollerviathesensor. Theproblem is to come up with an initial state of the whole system together with an input sequence i ···i , such 0 999 that: • (precondition)theinitialstatesatisfiescnt=0andx∈[−0.1,0.1];and • (postcondition)after1000seconds,thesystemsatisfiescnt=100. The input synthesis problem can arise in many different contexts in quality assurance of hybrid systems. Oneexampleistesting: thedesiredpostconditionisthetriggerforsomecountermeasure(e.g. a fuse) against certain extremity (the countermeasure is outside the model); and we seek for input (i.e. M.Bujorianu(Ed.)andR.Wisniewski(Ed.):4thWorkshopon (cid:13)c T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga HybridAutonomousSystems2014(HAS2014). Thisworkislicensedunderthe EPTCS174,2015,pp.22–39,doi:10.4204/EPTCS.174.3 CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense. T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga 23 ifxs Controller thencnt:=cnt+1 xs(Boolean) (cid:47)(cid:47) elsecnt:=0; switch cnt<25: xa:=m1 Sensor 25≤cnt<50: xa:=m2 i∈R (cid:47)(cid:47) 50≤cnt: xa:=m3 xa xs: (cid:107)v−i(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:107)≤0.25? m1: v˙=0.02(−v+19) (cid:111)(cid:111) v m2: v˙=0.02(−v+5) m3: v˙=0.02(−v+4) Plant Figure1: Ahybridsystem atestcase)thatdrivesthesystemtoactivatingthecountermeasure. Theinputsequencethusdiscovered in the model can be fed to the physical realization of the system to see if the countermeasure works properly. Thispapercontributesanalgorithmforsolvingtheinputsynthesisproblem. Itsnoveltyistheuseof program logic: we make the most of the structures expressed in the digital controller given in the form ofaprogram. Infact,alikelyhumaneffortfortheprobleminExample1.1is: (∗) “for the system to have cnt=100 at time k=1000, the Boolean value x must be true s fromk=900throughk=999,and...”; thisisnothingbutreasoninginprogramlogicandisincludedinourproposedalgorithm. More specifically, we restrict our attention to a class of hybrid systems commonly called sampled datasystems. Onesuchsystemconsistsofaphysicalplant,adigitalcontrollerthatperiodicallyinterrupts theplant(forsimplicityweassumeafixedinterval),andasensorthatfeedsthestateoftheplantbackto the controller. This structural assumption—restrictive yet realistic—allows us to think of the behaviors ofsuchsystemsquitemuchasthesemanticsofprograms,andenablesforwardandbackwardreasoning in program logic. In our algorithm for solving the input synthesis problem, reasoning in program logic (liketheabove(∗))contributestothereductionofthesearchspace. Indeedourprototypeimplementation successfullysolvestheprobleminExample1.1. Related Work The closest to the current work is one by Zutshi, Sankaranarayanan and Tiwari [17], where they verify safety properties of sampled data systems. Their model is more expressive, in that a plant can autonomously change its modes without interruption by a controller. While their goal is reachability analysis and is different from the current paper’s, their relational abstraction technique can beusefulinouralgorithm,too,inparticularfortheforwardapproximationphase. SMT-solver based approaches [6,8] to hybrid system analysis are related, too, especially in their emphasesondiscretejumpdynamicsratherthancontinuousflow. Theireffectivityintheinputsynthesis problem is not yet clear, though: the only available implementation (that of dReal [8]) returned ‘unsat’ toExample1.1. Moregenerally,animportantfeatureofourmodelingisthatadigitalcontrollerisgivenintheform of a program, unlike an automaton used in a majority of existing work (including [8,17]). The contrast is comparable to the difference between the theorem proving (or type-based) approach and software model checking in program verification. While there have been results [11,12] that suggest these two approaches are equivalent on a fundamental level, differences do remain especially in applications. In our proposed algorithm it is an advantage that we can exploit rich structural information that is explicit inaprogramininferringimpossibility(false)morequickly. 24 InputSynthesisforSampledDataSystemsbyProgramLogic The backward search phase of our algorithm resembles a membership question addressed in the seminal work by Alur et al. [2]. Since our plant (flow) dynamics is not necessarily linear, it is not easy to see how the results in [2] can be used in our problem. They could nevertheless be applied to meta-propertiesoftheproblemsuchascomplexity. Fainekos and his colleagues have developed several techniques for analyzing robustness of hybrid systems. AmongthemisatoolcalledS-Taliro[3]: itsearchesforatrajectorybyoptimizationthatrelies on the continuous nature of the system dynamics. It is possible to encode the input synthesis problem into an input to S-Taliro. However our leading example (Example 1.1), of a jump-heavy nature, seems tofalloutofthetool’sfocus(ittimedoutwithasmallerproblemof15,not1000,timeunits). Several techniques for testing hybrid systems have been proposed [1,4,5,7,10]. Although they synthesizetestcasesandthereforeseemsimilartowhatwedohere,theirgoalistomeetcertaincoverage criteria(suchasstardiscrepancyin[5])andnottocomeupwithinputthatsteersthesystemtoaspecific desiredpostcondition. The current work is on logical analysis of hybrid systems; and in that respect it is close to Platzer’s recent series of work (see e.g. [13]) where dynamic logic is extended in a systematic way so that it encompassescontinuousdynamicstoo. Alsorelatedisthework[14,15]bysomeoftheauthorswhere: flow is turned into jump with the help of nonstandard analysis; and (discrete) program logic is applied asitistohybridsystems. Future Work In this paper we applied program logic to the specific problem of input synthesis. We believethetechniquehaveagreaterpotentialandplantolookatotherapplications. The current implementation can only handle continuous plants of dimension 1. Its extension to larger dimensions seems feasible. Specifically, the forward approximation phase of our algorithm will beunproblematic,whileinthebackwardsearchphasewewillhavetogiveupcompleteness. Currently our modeling of a sampled data system has a fixed clock cycle. It does not seem hard to accommodatevariableintervals;suchextensionaswellasitsuseisatopicofourfuturework. Ourmodelingbenefitsalotfromtheassumptionthatthecontrollercommunicateswiththeplantand thesensorusingfinitedatatypes. Somehybridsystemsdocallforrelaxationofthisassumptionintheir modeling; it is our future work to see how the current input synthesis algorithm carries over to such relaxation. Organization of the Paper In §2 we introduce our modeling of sampled data systems and formalize the input synthesis problem. In §3 we describe our algorithm, explaining its three phases one by one. In§4ourimplementationisdescribed,togetherwiththeexperimentalresults. Theproofsaredeferredto theappendix. Acknowledgments Wearegratefultothereviewersofanearlierversionfortheirusefulcommentsand suggestions. T.A.and I.H.are supportedby Grants-in-Aid forYoung Scientists(A) No.24680001, and by Aihara Innovative Mathematical Modeling Project, FIRST Program, JSPS/CSTP; K.S. is supported byGrants-in-AidforYoungScientists(B)No. 70633692andTheHakubiProjectofKyotoUniversity. Notations R is the set of real numbers; B={tt,ff} is the set of Boolean values. We let f[x (cid:55)→y ] 0 0 denotefunctionupdate: itcarriesx toy andactsas f ontheotherinput. 0 0 T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga 25 2 Modeling Sampled Data Systems 2.1 Overview Sampled data systems are a class of hybrid systems commonly known in control theory. In those systems a physical plant is interrupted by a digital controller in a periodic manner. In the current paper where our interests are in input synthesis, it is convenient to explicitly separate the third component called a sensor. The three components are then organizedinaloop,asshownontherightin(1). In the execution of sampled data systems thus modeled, we refer to the three stages in which the sensor, the controller, and the plant operates, respectively, asthesense, think, andact stages. Notethatthe (1) sensoralsotakesinputfromoutsidethesystem. Forsimplificationwefurtherassumethefollowing. 1. A(digital)controlleriswritteninanimperativeprogramminglanguage. 2. Intheexecutionofasampleddatasystem,thesense-think-actloopisexecutedatfixedintervals— onceeveryonesecond. 1 3. Thesenseandcontrolstagestakenotimefortheirexecution. 4. The controller governs the plant by picking a mode, from a finite set {m ,...,m }. In particular, 1 M thecontrollercannotfeedtheplantwithacontinuousvaluer. 5. Intheactstagetheplantoperatesaccordingto(theODEassociatedwith)themodem pickedby i thecontroller. Theactstagelastsforonesecond(afactthatfollowsfrom2.and3). 6. ThedatasentfromthesensortothecontrollerisfinitelymanyBooleanvalues. While there are many actual systems that fall out of the realm of this modeling, it does cover fairly many—amongwhicharefixedintervaldigitalcontrollers,aclassofhybridsystemsubiquitousinindus- try. Sampled data systems, especially under the above assumptions, come to exhibit pleasant structural properties: its behaviors are much like those of programs and we can apply forward and backward rea- soning in program logic. Assumptions 2. and 3. are common (see e.g. [17]). For example, Assumption 3. is reasonable considering the speed of digital circuits and typical sensing intervals (∆≈1ms). As- sumptions4.and6.—thatthecontrollercommunicatesviafinitedatatypes—areessentialinreducingthe inputsynthesisproblemtoasearchproblem. 2.2 TheLanguageIMP Ctrl WestartwithdefininganimperativeprogramminglanguageIMP thatisusedtodescribethe(digital) Ctrl controller of a sampled data system. It is a standard one and is much like IMP in [16], but lacks the whileconstruct. Itisindeedunrealistictohavewhileloopsinreal-timeapplicationslikecyber-physical systems. Moreover,withoutwhileloopswecansuccinctlyexpressweakestpreconditionsandstrongest preconditions—thelatterarefullyexploitedinouralgorithmforinputsynthesis. 1Theclockcyclecanbeanarbitrarynumber∆;inthispaperweassume∆=1forsimplicity. 26 InputSynthesisforSampledDataSystemsbyProgramLogic InIMP thesetVar=Var ∪Var ∪Var ofvariables Ctrl t s a is divided into three classes: the think, sense and act vari- ables. The distinction is for the purpose of communicating withtheothertwocomponents(plantandsensor)ofasystem. As we will see, a think variable x ∈Var stores a real num- t t ber(whichwillbeafloating-pointnumberinanactualimple- mentation); a sense variable x ∈Var represents a Boolean s s value sent from the sensor; and the (only) act variable x in Var ={x } tells the plant which mode m a a a i theplantshouldtakeinthecominginterval. Definition 2.1 (the language IMP ). Let Modes={m ,...,m } be a fixed finite set of modes; Var Ctrl 1 M t beacountablesetofthinkvariables;Var beafinitesetofsensevariables;andVar ={x }. Thesyntax s a a ofIMP isasfollows. Ctrl AExp(cid:51) a ::= r|x |a aopa arithmeticexpr. t 1 2 BExp(cid:51) b ::= true|false|x |a ropa |¬b|b ∨b |b ∧b Booleanexpr. s 1 2 1 2 1 2 Cmd(cid:51) c ::= skip|x :=a|x :=m |c ;c |ifbthenc elsec commands t a i 1 2 1 2 Herer∈R,m ∈Modes,x ∈Var ,x ∈Var ,aop∈{+,−,×}androp∈{=,<,≤,>,≥}. i t t s s ThesemanticsofIMP isasusual,likein[16]. SeeDef.A.1fordetails. Ctrl 2.3 AssertionsforIMP Ctrl We now introduce an assertion language for IMP . Its formulas are used to express pre- and post- Ctrl conditions in the input synthesis problem, as well as in program logic. The semantics of the first-order languageAssn isasusual. SeeDef.A.2. Ctrl Definition2.2(theassertionlanguageAssn ). WefixasetVar(cid:48) of“logical”variablessuchthatVar∩ Ctrl Var(cid:48)(cid:54)=0/. TheassertionlanguageAssn isdefinedasfollows. Ctrl AExp(cid:51) a ::= r|x |v(cid:48)|a aopa arithmeticexpressions t 1 2 MExp(cid:51) m ::= m |x modeexpressions i a Fml(cid:51) Φ ::= true|false|x |a ropa |m=m|¬Φ| formulas s 1 2 Φ ∨Φ |Φ ∧Φ |∀v(cid:48)∈R.Φ|∃v(cid:48)∈R.Φ 1 2 1 2 Here r ∈ R, m ∈ Modes, x ∈ Var , x ∈ Var , and v(cid:48) ∈ Var(cid:48). Intuitively, σ ∈ Σ is a valuation that i t t s s depends on the state of a sampled data system; and γ ∈RVar(cid:48) is another valuation of (logical) variables inAssn . Ctrl 2.4 CalculiforWeakestPreconditionsandStrongestPostconditions We introduce program logic for IMP in the form of a weakest precondition calculus (see e.g. [16]) Ctrl and a strongest postcondition calculus (see e.g. [9]). The calculi will be exploited for the search space reductionininputsynthesis. Definition 2.3 (weakest precondition w c,Φ ; strongest postcondition s c,Φ ). Given c ∈ Cmd of (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) IMP andΦ∈FmlofAssn ,wedefineaformulaw c,Φ ∈Fmlinductivelyonc. Ctrl Ctrl (cid:74) (cid:75) w skip,Φ ≡ Φ , w c ;c ,Φ ≡ w c ,w c ,Φ , 1 2 1 2 w x(cid:74) :=a,Φ(cid:75) ≡ Φ[a/x ] , w x (cid:74):=m,Φ(cid:75) ≡ Φ(cid:74)[m/x(cid:74)] , (cid:75)(cid:75) (2) t t a i i a w(cid:74)ifbthen(cid:75)c elsec ,Φ ≡ (b∧(cid:74)w c ,Φ )∨(cid:75)(¬b∧w c ,Φ ) ; 1 2 1 2 (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga 27 Aformulas c,Φ ∈Fmlisdefinedasfollows,similarlybyinduction. (cid:74) (cid:75) s skip,Φ ≡ Φ , s c ;c ,Φ ≡ s c ,s c ,Φ , 1 2 2 1 s x(cid:74) :=a,Φ(cid:75) ≡ ∃v(cid:48)∈R.(Φ(cid:74)[v(cid:48)/x ]∧(cid:75)x =a(cid:74)[v(cid:48)/x(cid:74)]) , (cid:75)(cid:75) t t t t (3) s x(cid:74) :=m,Φ(cid:75) ≡ (Φ[m /x ]∨···∨Φ[m /x ])∧x =m , a i 1 a M a a i s ifbthenc(cid:74)elsec ,Φ(cid:75) ≡ s c ,b∧Φ ∨s c ,¬b∧Φ . 1 2 1 2 (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) Inourimplementation,Assn isrestrictedtoitspropositionalfragmentfortractability. Thequan- Ctrl tifier in (3) is thus immediately eliminated using the quantifier elimination mechanism in Mathematica. Thethirdlinein(3)isessentiallythesameasthesecond;therewecandispensewithaquantifier∃since Modes={m ,...,m }isafiniteset. 1 M Proposition2.4. Foranyσ ∈Σandγ ∈RVar(cid:48), 1. (weakestprecondition)σ,γ |=w c,Φ ifandonlyif c (σ),γ |=Φ; (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) 2. (strongestpostcondition)σ,γ |=Φifandonlyif c (σ),γ |=s c,Φ . (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) 2.5 ModelingSampledDataSystems,Formally Wepresenttheformaldefinitionofourmodelingofsampleddatasystems,undertheassumptionsin§2.1. Definition 2.5 (sampled data system). Let n be a natural number, and I ⊆Rn be a fixed set called the inputdomain. Ann-dimensionalsampleddatasystemisatripleS =(c,p,s)where: • c∈CmdisacommandofIMP (§2.2),calledacontroller; Ctrl (cid:0) (cid:1) • p= x˙= p (t,x) is a family of (explicit, n-dimensional) ODEs indexed by Modes= mi mi∈Modes {m ,...,m },calledaplant;and 1 M • s:Rn×I→BVars isafunction,calledasensor. Astateofasampleddatasystemisapair(σ,x)ofσ ∈Σandx∈Rn. Inastate(σ,x),thecomponentσ iscalledacontrollerstate(C-state),andxaplantstate(P-state). Thedimensionnreferstothatofthe(continuous)plant,meaningthatxandx˙intheplant p=(x˙= p (t,x)) arevectorsinRn. mi mi∈Modes Example 2.6 (count and brake). In Fig. 2 is a simplification of Example 1.1; this will be our running example. Thevaluevisintendedtobethevelocityofacar. ifxs Controller thencnt:=cnt+1 xs(Boolean) (cid:47)(cid:47) elsecnt:=0; ifcnt<2 thenx :=Acl a elsex :=Brk Sensor a x i∈[−0.2,0.2] (cid:47)(cid:47) a x : v+i≥1? s (cid:79)(cid:79) Acl: v˙=(2−v)log2 (cid:111)(cid:111) v Brk: v˙=−0.5 Plant Figure2: Asampleddatasystem(runningexample) The example follows a pattern of fixed interval controllers commonly used in industry. Namely, a countercntisusedtotellifextremity(v+i≥1)hascontinuedforacertaincriticalnumberofintervals (2 here). If cnt reaches the critical number a countermeasure is taken: the plant is set to the braking 28 InputSynthesisforSampledDataSystemsbyProgramLogic mode (Brk) and the velocity v decreases. Otherwise the plant operates in the acceleration mode (Acl), whichisafirst-orderlagsystemwherethevelocityvapproachestowards2. Thesystemtakesinputi—whosedomainisassumedtobe[−0.2,0.2]—thatmodelsdisturbancefrom outside. For example, the road can be slippery, which can make the actual velocity v different from the valuethatisusedbythecontroller. 2.6 SemanticsofSampledDataSystems We formally define the semantics of a sampled data system. Our current concern is not so much on the solution of ODEs as on the interaction between a controller and a plant. Therefore we adopt the followingblack-boxviewofaplant. Definition 2.7 (execPlant(p,x)). In what follows we assume that all the ODEs used for a plant have unique solutions. That is, for any n-dimensional ODE x˙ = p(t,x) and an initial value x ∈ Rn, we 0 assume that there exists a unique function F :[0,1]→Rn such that: F(0)=x ; and for any t ∈[0,1], 0 F˙(t)= p(t,F(t)). ByexecPlant(p,x )wedenotethestateoftheplantx˙=p(t,x)attimet=1,assumingthattheinitial 0 state(attimet =0)isx . Thatis,execPlant(p,x )=F(1)whereF isthefunctionintheabove. 0 0 In our implementation we actually use the result of numerical calculations (by MATLAB) as the valueexecPlant(p,x),ignoringnumericalerrors. Definition2.8(semanticsofasampleddatasystems). LetS =(c,p,s)beasampleddatasystem. The one-steptransitionisaternaryrelation→amongtwostates(σ,x),(σ(cid:48),x(cid:48))andinputi∈I;thisisdenoted by(σ,x)→−i (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48)). Itisdefinedasfollows. We have (σ,x)→−i (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48)) if (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48))=(actS ◦thinkS ◦senseS)(σ,x,i), where the three functions aredefinedby: (cid:0) (cid:1) senseS : Σ×X×I−→Σ×X , (σ,x,i)(cid:55)−→ σ[xs(cid:55)→s(x,i)(xs)],x ; (cid:0) (cid:1) thinkS : Σ×X −→Σ×X , (σ,x)(cid:55)−→ c (σ),x ; (4) actS : Σ×X −→Σ×X , (σ,x)(cid:55)−→(cid:0)(cid:74)σ,(cid:75)execPlant(pσ(xa),x)(cid:1) . Here c is as in Def. A.1. It is clear that, given a state (σ,x) and i ∈ I, the post-state (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48)) such that (σ(cid:74),(cid:75)x)→−i (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48)) is uniquely determined. A succession (σ ,x )−→i0 (σ ,x )−→i1 ···−iT−−→1 (σ ,x ) of 0 0 1 1 T T one-steptransitioniscalledarunofthesystemS. Aspecificationofastateofasampleddatasystemisgivenbyapairofanassertionformula(onthe controller)andasubsetofRn (ontheplant). Definition2.9(CP-condition). LetS =(c,p,s)beann-dimensionalsampleddatasystem. Acontroller- plant condition (CP-condition) for S is a pair (Φ,X) of an assertion Φ ∈ Fml called the controller condition and a condition X ⊆ Rn called the plant condition. The projection to each component is denotedbyπ andπ respectively. C P Given a state (σ,x)∈Σ×Rn of S and a CP-condition (Φ,X), we write (σ,x)|=(Φ,X) if σ |=Φ andx∈X. (Φ,X)issatisfiableifthereisastatethatsatisfiesit. 2.7 TheInputSynthesisProblemforSampledDataSystems Definition2.10(inputsynthesisproblem). Theinputsynthesisproblemis: T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga 29 given: • S =(c,p,s),ann-dimensionalsampleddatasystem; • (Φ ,X )and(Φ ,X ),apre-andapost-CP-condition;and init init final final • T ∈N,thenumberofsteps, return: • aninitialstate(σ ,x )∈Σ×Rn suchthat(σ ,x)|=(Φ ,X );and 0 0 0 init init i • an input sequence i ,...,i ∈ I such that, for the corresponding run (σ ,x ) −→0 0 T−1 0 0 (σ ,x )−→i1 ···−iT−−→1 (σ ,x )ofS,wehave(σ ,x )|=(Φ ,X ). 1 1 T T T T final final Example2.11. LetS bethesampleddatasysteminExample2.6. Consider apre-CP-condition (cnt=0, [0,1]) andapost-CP-condition (true, [1.5,2]) and T =4 as the number of steps. In the input synthesis problem, we seek for an initial state (σ ,x ) 0 0 andaninputsequencei ,i ,i ,i ∈[−0.2,0.2]suchthat 0 1 2 3 (σ ,x )|=(cnt=0, [0,1]) , (σ ,x )−→i0 (σ ,x )−→i1 ···−→i3 (σ ,x )and(σ ,x )|=(true, [1.5,2]) . 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 An Algorithm for Input Synthesis for Sampled Data Systems In this section we present our algorithm. We identify the core of the input synthesis problem to be the discovery of suitable input and output of the controller at each step. More specifically, we seek for a successfulpath −−−−→ (σ ,m) := (cid:10)(σ(T−1),m(T−1)),(σ(T−2),m(T−2)),...,(σ(0),m(0))(cid:11) (5) s s s s where σ(k) :Var →B is a valuation of sense variables—which shall be henceforth called sensor out- s s put—and m(k) ∈Modes is a mode.2 Together with an initial state (σ ,x ), the sensor output σ(k) de- 0 0 s termines the behavior of the controller, and the mode m(k) determines that of the plant, at each step k. Thereforeapathlikein(5)determinesthebehaviorofthewholesampleddatasystemfromstep0through stepT;a“successful”pathisthenonethatsteersthegivenpreconditiontothegivenpostcondition. Towardsthediscoveryofasuccessfulpath,ourapproachistoexploittheprogramlogicin§2.4—i.e. to make most of the structure of the controller as a program. In our modeling of sampled data systems (§2)wehavemadeassumptionssothattheprogram-logicapproachispossible. Concretely,ouralgorithmconsistsofthefollowingthreephases. 1. (Forward approximation) We overapproximate the set of CP-states that the system can reach, startingfromthepre-CP-condition(Φ ,X )andgoingforwardstepbystep. Thisfirstphaseis init init seenasapreparationforthesecond(main)phase. 2. (Backward search) A successful path (5) will be a path in a so-called backward search tree. Its branching degree is 2|Vars|×|Modes|; its nodes are labeled with CP-conditions; and its root is labeledwiththepost-CP-condition(Φ ,X ). Wesearchforasuccessfulpathinthetree,ina final final depth-firstmanner. 3. (Synthesis of actual input) We choose an initial state (σ,x) and go on to synthesize an input −−−−→ sequencei ,...,i ,usingthesuccessfulpath(σ ,m)discoveredinthepreviousphase. Thiscan 0 T−1 s bedoneinastraightforwardlinearmanner. The second phase (backward search) is where an actual (depth-first) search is done. Program logic is usedtheretoprunebranchesandreducethesearchspace. 2Notethattimeisreversedin(5).Thisispurelyforthepurposeofpresentation. 30 InputSynthesisforSampledDataSystemsbyProgramLogic 3.1 ForwardApproximation In this phase of the algorithm, we overapproximate the behavior of the given sampled data system and (cid:0) (cid:1) obtainasequence k-FA(Φ ,X ) ofCP-conditions. Theseareobtainediterativelyasfollows. init init 0≤k≤T Notation 3.1 (s−1). Let S =(c,p,s) be an n-dimensional sampled data system; I be its input domain; andσs∈BVars besensoroutput. Weabusenotationanddenotebys−1(σs)thesetofplantstatesthatcan be“steered”toσ . Precisely,s−1(σ ) := {x∈Rn|∃i∈I.s(x,i)=σ } . s s s Forexample, letσ suchthatσ (x )=ttinthesettingofExample2.6. Wehaves−1(σ )={x∈X | s s s s ∃i∈[−0.2,0.2].x+i≥1}=[0.8,∞). Definition3.2(1-FA,k-FA). LetS =(c,p,s)beasampleddatasystem. Letusfirstdefinethefunctions 1-FApre ,1-FApre and1-FApre asfollows. Theirtypesshouldbeobvious. sense think act 1-FApre (σ )(Φ,X) := (cid:0)s x :=σ (x ),Φ ,X∩s−1(σ )(cid:1) sense s s s s s 1-FApre (Φ,X) := (cid:0)s(cid:74)c,Φ ,X(cid:1) , (cid:75) (6) think 1-FApre(m)(Φ,X) := (cid:0)Φ(cid:74)∧x(cid:75)=m,execPlant(p ,X)(cid:1) . act a m Here s c,Φ in the second line is the strongest postcondition (Def. 2.3); execPlant(p ,X) in the third m line is(cid:74)the d(cid:75)irect image of X ⊆Rn by the function in Def. 2.7; and s x :=σ (x ),Φ in the first line is s s s (cid:74) (cid:75) definedasfollows,similarlytoDef.2.3. (cid:40) (Φ[true/x ]∨Φ[false/x ])∧x ifσ (x )=true s s s s s s x :=σ (x ),Φ :≡ s s s (cid:74) (cid:75) (Φ[true/xs]∨Φ[false/xs])∧¬xs ifσs(xs)=false Thesethreefunctionsarecomposedtoyield: 1-FApre(σ ,m)(Φ,X) := 1-FApre(m)(cid:0)1-FApre (cid:0)1-FApre (σ )(Φ,X)(cid:1)(cid:1) ; s act think sense s this is understood as the strongest postcondition after the one-step execution of S, assuming that the sensoroutputσ andthemodemhavebeenchosen. s Finally, the one-step forward approximation function is defined as the following disjunction/union overdifferentσ andm: s (cid:18) (cid:19) 1-FA(Φ,X):= (cid:87)(σs,m)∈MπC(cid:0)1-FApre(σs,m)(Φ,X)(cid:1),(cid:83)(σs,m)∈MπP(cid:0)1-FApre(σs,m)(Φ,X)(cid:1) , where M :={(σ,m)∈BVar×Modes|1-FApre(σ ,m)(Φ,X)issatisfiable.} s s (7) Theprojectionsπ andπ ,aswellassatisfiabilityofCP-conditions,arefromDef.2.9. C P Wewritek-FA(Φ,X)for(1-FA)k(Φ,X). Thesequence(cid:0)k-FA(Φ ,X )(cid:1) ofCP-conditionsis init init 0≤k≤T calledtheforwardapproximationsequenceforS. As an example we present forward approximation for Example 2.11. The first one-step approxima- T.Akazaki,I.Hasuo&K.Suenaga 31 tion(fromk=0to1)isshownbelow,stagebystage. sense (cid:43)(cid:51) think (cid:43)(cid:51) act (cid:43)(cid:51) unify (cid:43)(cid:51) k=0 k=1 cnt=1 Acl (cid:51)(cid:51) ∧xa=Acl∧xs cnt=1 [1.4,1.5] xs(cid:55)→tt (cid:54)(cid:54) cnt[0=.80,1∧]xs (cid:47)(cid:47) ∧xa[=0.8A,c1l]∧xs Brk (cid:44)(cid:44) [0f.a3l,0s.e5] ((cid:38)(cid:38)cnt=0∨cnt=1) (8) cnt=0 [0,1] (cid:50)(cid:50) ∧xa=Acl cnt=0 [1,1.5] xs(cid:55)→ff (cid:38)(cid:38) cnt=0 Acl(cid:51)(cid:51) ∧xa=[1A,1c.l5]∧¬xs cnt=[0,01∧]¬xs (cid:47)(cid:47) ∧xa=Acl∧¬xs (cid:44)(cid:44) [0,1] false Brk [−0.5,0.5] ObservethatwehavefourCP-conditionsinthefourthcolumn fromtheleft. Eachofthemcorresponds toachoiceof(σ ,m). TwoamongthefourCP-conditionsareunsatisfiableandhencediscarded(i.e.they s arenotinM);theremainingtwoareunifiedandyield1-FA(cnt=0,[0,1])intherightmostcolumn. 3 By continuing further we obtain the forward approximation sequence shown on the below in (9), presentedpictorially. Forthecompletenessofouralgorithmweneed to prove that our forward approximation is indeed anover-approximation. Proposition 3.3. Let i ,...,i ∈I be any input 0 k−1 sequence;(σ,x)−→i0 ···−i−k−→1 (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48))bearunofS; and (σ,x)|=(Φ,X). Then (σ(cid:48),x(cid:48))|=k-FA(Φ,X). (cid:50) 3.2 BackwardSearch Inthisphaseofthealgorithmwesearchforasuc- −−−−→ cessfulpath(σ ,m)ofsensoroutputandmodes— s i.e.onethatsteersaninitialstatetoadesiredpost- (9) condition. Thesearchisconductedinabackwarddepth-firstmannerinatreecalledthebackwardsearch tree. Fortheinputsynthesisproblem,itisnotnecessarytoconstructthewholebackwardsearchtree: find- ing a leaf whose CP-condition is compatible with the precondition suffices. We will use program logic (§2.4)—and the forward approximation sequence obtained in the previous phase—in pruning branches andreducingthesearchspace. Definition 3.4 (backward search tree). Given an input synthesis problem, its backward search tree is a tree with branching degree 2|Vars|×|Modes| and with height T +1. The nodes of the tree are defined inductivelyasfollows. • Therootofthetreeislabeledwiththepostcondition(Φ ,X ). final final 3 Ourapproximationcanbefiner: in(8),intheunificationstage,thecorrelationbetweenaC-conditionandaP-condition isforgottenbyseparatelytakingthedisjunctionofC-conditionsandtheunionofP-conditions(see(7)). Finerapproximation, however,makestheapproximantsgrowmuchbiggerandslowsdownthebackwardsearchphaseofthealgorithm.

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