RSC Energy and Environment Series Edited by Robert Steinberger-Wilckens and Werner Lehnert Innovations in Fuel Cell Technologies I n n o v a t i o n s i n F u e l C e l l T e c h n o l o g i e s S t e in b e r g e & r- L W eh ilc nert kens Innovations in Fuel Cell Technologies RSC Energy and Environment Series Editor-in-Chief: Professor Laurence Peter, University of Bath, UK Series Editors: Professor Heinz Frei, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Professor Ferdi Schu¨th, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany ProfessorTimS.Zhao,TheHongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology, Hong Kong Titles in the Series: 1: Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Liquid Fuels and Chemicals 2: Innovations in Fuel Cell Technologies How to obtain future titles on publication: A standing order plan is available for this series. A standing order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately on publication. For further information please contact: BookSalesDepartment,RoyalSocietyofChemistry,ThomasGrahamHouse, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK Telephone:+44(0)1223420066,Fax:+44(0)1223420247,Email:[email protected] Visit our website at Innovations in Fuel Cell Technologies Edited by Robert Steinberger-Wilckens and Werner Lehnert Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, Ju¨lich, Germany RSCEnergyandEnvironmentSeriesNo.2 ISBN:978-1-84973-033-4 ISSN:2044-0774 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary rRoyalSocietyofChemistry2010 Allrightsreserved Apartfromfairdealingforthepurposesofresearchfornon-commercialpurposesorfor privatestudy,criticismorreview,aspermittedundertheCopyright,DesignsandPatents Act1988andtheCopyrightandRelatedRightsRegulations2003,thispublicationmaynot bereproduced,storedortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withouttheprior permissioninwritingofTheRoyalSocietyofChemistryorthecopyrightowner,orinthe caseofreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissuedbytheCopyright LicensingAgencyintheUK,orinaccordancewiththetermsofthelicencesissuedbythe appropriateReproductionRightsOrganizationoutsidetheUK. Enquiriesconcerning reproductionoutsidethetermsstatedhereshouldbesenttoTheRoyalSocietyof Chemistryattheaddressprintedonthispage. TheRSCisnotresponsibleforindividualopinionsexpressedinthiswork. PublishedbyTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry, ThomasGrahamHouse,SciencePark,MiltonRoad, CambridgeCB40WF,UK RegisteredCharityNumber207890 Preface Fuel cells have evolved from an exotic technology only feasible under the constraints of space flight into a product addressing the ‘everyman’ con- sumer, although, at first, in niche markets only. The considerable level of technological readiness that has been reached today finally gives rise to hopes that fuel cells will eventually make it to larger markets within the dec- ade leading up to the year 2020. Their high potential for emission-free energy supply, high electrical efficiency, modularity, low maintenance requirements and almost noiseless operation have encouraged researchers and developers worldwide to stubbornly and gradually improve performance, robustness and cost effectiveness, inching their way towards eventually technically realising the potential dormant in the concept. Many companies have been seen to invest in fuel cell technology, lose a lot of money and leave again, whereas the number of firms with commercially successful operations is small but – in more recent times – constantly growing. Different fuel cell types are being discussed for different applications: sta- tionary,mobileandportable.Therequirementsonthefuelcellsystemsdifferin each application not only from the point of view of lifetime but also with respect to dynamic or stationary application and to power range. In the mil- liwattrangetheefficiencyisoftennotthemaindriverforfuelcelldevelopment whereasinthekilowattrangeandinthefutureinthemegawattpowerrangethe use of fuel cells is mainly driven by the high efficiency of the evolving fuel cell technology. Thealkalinefuelcell(AFC) proveditsreliabilityindemanding applications like space flight. Cost issues and the requirement for pure gases at both elec- trodespreventabroadapplicationoutsidesomenichemarkets.Consequently, despite the proven technological readiness, most activities in the field of R&D were stopped, especially after Nafion was shown to be a good electrolyte for low temperature fuel cells. Now, worldwide R&D activities on Nafion-based fuel cells have shown a sharp rise in research activities and also in industry. Several automotive companieswhohavethevisionofbringingfuel celldriven RSCEnergyandEnvironmentSeriesNo.2 InnovationsinFuelCellTechnologies EditedbyRobertSteinberger-WilckensandWernerLehnert rRoyalSocietyofChemistry2010 PublishedbytheRoyalSocietyofChemistry, v vi Preface cars into the market focus on these polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEFCs). The effort of the industry to develop a reliable and competitive product led to advanced fuel cell systems which were proven to fulfil the requirements of cars in daily use. The necessary hydrogen infrastructure and costissuesarethemainreasonsthatthemarketentryisfurtherdelayed.Inthe slipstream of the automotive industry the development of PEFCs for other applications, especially for stationary power generation has increased. Based on natural gas, several companies started a development of PEFC combined heatandpowersystems.Thereformingofthenaturalgas,thetreatmentofthe reformate gas in order to remove the resulting CO from the fuel gas and the water management lead to complex system architectures and it seems to be difficult to reach the desired cost goals. Afew years agohigh-temperature polymer electrolytefuel cells(HT-PEFC) cameintothefocusofthefuelcellcommunity.Thisfuelcelltypeisbasedona phosphoric acid-doped polybenzimidazol-type electrolyte. The advantage of theoperatingtemperatureofabout1601CisthehighCO toleranceofabout1 to2%.Furthermore,thedifficultwatermanagementisnotamajor issue asin classical PEFCs. This opened up the option to simplify the complex system when using natural gas as fuel. In addition, reformate gas from middle dis- tillates like diesel or jet fuel can be used without the necessity of employing a selectiveoxidationormethanationstepaftertheshiftreactors.Atthemoment HT-PEFC auxiliary power unit (APU) systems are within the focus of devel- opers. One drawback is the missing cold start capability of a HT-PEFC, the stack has tobe heated to atleast 1201Cbefore current can bedelivered bythe system. Compared to classical PEFCs the development of HT-PEFCs is at an early stage but many improvements have been made in the last few years. The latest research activities focus on the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) which is a major reason for the low power density. While lifetime is high at steady state operation, dynamic operation and thermal cycling leads to increased degradation. Thesearealsomajorissuesforphosphoricacidfuelcells(PAFCs)whichuse thesameelectrolyteasHT-PEFCs.Industrialcompanieshaveinvestedagreat dealoftimeandmoneyinordertodevelopstationaryPAFCsystems.Despite thehighcostsofsuchsystemsitcanbesaidthatthePAFCisaproductwhich has proven its functionality especially in the 200 kW range for stationary applications. Until the 1980s there were many publications concerning phos- phoric acid fuel cells but in the last few years research and development has been performed mainly within industry and few results have been published. Due to the high interest in HT-PEFCs, research activities worldwide on fuel cells with phosphoric acid as electrolyte are growing again. Inthefieldofhigh-temperaturefuelcellsthetechnologyofmoltencarbonate fuelcells(MCFCs)liesinthehandsoffewindustrialcompanies.Systemsof250 kW capacity for stationary applications are state of the art. Much experience has been gained during the last few years in field tests. These fuel cell stacks have been operated for some tens of thousands of hours without failure in various system environments. The future transition to an automated assembly Preface vii may lead to decreasing costs. As a result, the MCFC may also become attractive outside the niche markets where they are located today. The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) also has a long tradition. The main advantage of the SOFC over other fuel cells is the ability of internally reformingmethane,themainconstituentofnaturalgaswhichresultsinavery highelectricefficiencywhenoperatedwithnaturalgas.Furthermore,theSOFC providesahighoff-gastemperaturewhichcanbeusedforalargerangeofheat applications.AnSOFCcanalsobecoupledwithsteamandgasturbineswhich further increases the overall efficiency of the system. Intensive industrial and institutional research and development resulted in long-term stable materials and highly efficient systems. Operating times of 40000h were demonstrated under steady-state conditions. As with the MCFC, thermal cycles will induce stress and microcracking in the ceramic materials. Therefore applications are preferred wherethermalcycling can beavoided orkepttoa minimum. This is typical for stationary applications in the high-power range. In the low power range of about 1kW SOFCs will be used as residential combined heat and power systems. In this application the main goal of the system is heating. The electricity is more or less a by-product. Nevertheless, the high electrical effi- ciencyofupto60%offersahighpotentialinde-central electricity generation. Major issues for further development are redox stability of the anode and the ability to withstand hundreds of thermal cycles. Furthermore, the sealing between the cells inside a stack has to be improved. Lastbutnotleastthedirectmethanolfuelcellhastobementioned.Thislow- temperature fuel cell can be operated with a mixture of methanol and water. The advantages are (1) the simple system layout, and (2) methanol can be converted in the fuel cell directly without a preceding reforming step. The disadvantages of the DMFC are the low efficiency and the limited lifetime of typically a few thousand hours. Typical applications are in the 100W region, e.g. in recreational applications. Fuel cell systems in this power range can be purchased from the company Smart Fuel Cells. Instead of using a battery whichhastoberechargedafterawhile,theDMFCofferstheabilitytooperate as long as methanol is present or can be refilled. Therefore continuous opera- tion of electric devices is possible even when no electricity for recharging of a battery is available. Another typical application can be found in the kilowatt power range. In pallet trucks a DMFC can replace the battery pack. The advantageisthecontinuousoperationwithonlyshortrefuellingbreaks.Atthe moment the research effort is focusing on new membrane materials and long- term stable catalysts. Seeing this overview, it can well be stated that fuel cells areevolvingto bea well developed technology with far-reaching R&D expertise. When and how the‘real’marketswith‘real’,‘typical’customerscanbeenterednowremainsto beseen.Thiswillnotonlybeaquestionofattractivenessofthetechnologyand the products that are made thereof, but also of a variety of societal and eco- nomical conditions, regulations, political decisions on emission control etc. Generally, in technology development three phases can be discerned, and fuel cellsarenoexceptiontothisrule:first,thetechnologyisbroughtfromscientific viii Preface principle to laboratory demonstration, then first demonstration and niche market items arebroughttothe public, and,finally,thetechnologyachievesa break-through and wins a reasonable share in markets or at least firmly establishesitselfinnicheareas.Thethirdphasewouldespeciallybedominated byconsiderationsthathavenothingmuchtodowiththetechnologyassuch– althoughcustomerswouldstilltendtodiscusssuchtopicsastheprosandcons of diesel versus petrol vehicles – but rather with aspects like usefulness, dur- ability, cost, added value etc. According to our assessment, fuel cells stand at thebeginningofphase2.Thisisagoodpointintimetoleavethemajorpartof further developments to the engineers and company laboratories and scienti- fically venture out to new shores! In the volume you are just holding we therefore have attempted to look beyond our own noses and try to identify new fields of high potential and interest to the fuel cell community. This includes many fields where success is still fragile or technical solutions are at a laboratory level, and in some cases alsotheoreticalconceptsthatsoundworthwhilebutstilllackpracticalproof.In allchaptersofthisbook,though,wehavetriedtoencourageauthorstoextend today’s knowledge to new concepts and ideas. Innovations in Fuel Cell Tech- nologies does not address a single fuel cell technology – many topics covered here are relevant to several types of fuel cells – but tries to direct the reader’s attentiontothedevelopmentsoftomorrowandthetechnologyofthedayafter tomorrow. The chapters may serve as an early warning to technology devel- opers of the rewarding prospects on the horizon as well as orientation to stu- dents and young researchers in guiding their studies. The first group oftwochapters describesthe prospects ofminiaturising fuel cells. Thistopic hastwo intriguingaspects:first,that ofextreme simplification and (possibly) low cost; and second, that of integration into everyday life and equipment. Miniature fuel cells can be part of food wrappings, can act as environmental and medical sensors, be used as implants etc. In all these ways theywouldbecomeanintegralpartofourliveswithoutourevennoticingthat we are using ‘fuel cell technology’. The second set of two chapters looks at high-temperature polymer mem- branefuelcellsandtheirapplicationason-boardelectricitysupply,eveninvery large vehicles, such as aircraft. Although well in development, this membrane typehasitsintrinsicproblemsandscalinguptolargeunitsisahugechallenge. The following group of two chapters covers non-standard fuels like pure carbon,andthehandlingoffuelimpurities.Forverydifferentreasons,theuse ofcarbonoffersahighpotentialforapplications,althoughlargetechnological challengesstillexist.Thisfuelisnotconventionallyconsideredfordirectusein fuel cells, but ridding oneself of excessive fuel processing would bring a high potentialforsimplificationofsystemsandsubsequentcostreduction.Thesame goes for a higher tolerance of fuel electrodes towards impurities. Admittedly, these chapters predominately address SOFC technology, with some relevance for high temperature fuel cells in general. The twin set on degradation modelling and accelerated testing looks into a verycriticalareaoffuelcellresearch.Althoughvehicleapplicationscallforno Preface ix more than 5000 to 10000h of operational lifetime, stationary applications for electricity production require up to 10 years of total component life. It is obviously impossible to test components for this length of time and there is a dire need for acceleration in testing lifetime limiting effects. The main pre- requisiteinaccelerated lifetime testing,though,istheprofoundunderstanding of degradation issues. Finally,welookintotheprospectsofreversingthefuelcellreactionstowards producing instead of consuming hydrogen. This possibility has been under discussionforsomeyearsandthefirsttechnicalunitsthatcanactually reverse their principle of operation seem to be under development. In line with the concept of this book, though, we look a little further at the concept of co- producinghydrogeninhigh-temperaturefuelcells,atconstructingclosedloops ofelectrochemicalconversionofchemicalstoenergyandvice-versa,andatthe useoftheSOFCprincipleto–inreverse–producehydrogenatextremelyhigh efficiencies. The concluding chapter then inspects the pitfalls in bringing a technology from demonstration to technical maturity, including the issues of incumbent and concurrent technologies and introduction of products to consumer mar- kets, an issue scientists and laboratory engineers may find strange and irrele- vanttotheirwork.Nevertheless,theseaspectsshouldbeconsideredatanearly stage in development and a careful assessment of efficiency, added value and usefulness aspects may have cut many technology developments short, long before they failed in the markets. We do hope that readers will find this volume useful or at least interesting reading. We are fully aware that developments are not static and that many topics covered herewill find their technical solution and marketentry. Weare convinced that the potential in fuel cell technologies is tremendous and that their commercial success is necessary in tailoring the worldwide energy supply systems towards efficiencies and emission levels that allow a long-term stable and sustainable development for the world economy and environment. Thereforewecanatthispointonlyhopethatourbookwillbeoutdatedsoon! In which case we will gladly offer an update ... Robert Steinberger-Wilckens and Werner Lehnert Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, Germany