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Innovation Nation: Science and Technology in 21st Century Japan PDF

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Innovation Nation AlsobyKenCoatesandCarinHolroyd: JAPANANDTHEINTERNETREVOLUTION AlsobyKenCoates: AGLOBALHISTORYOFINDIGENOUSPEOPLES StruggleandSurvival Innovation Nation Science and Technology in 21st Century Japan Carin Holroyd SeniorResearchAnalyst,AsiaPacificFoundationofCanadaand SeniorFellow,CentreforInternationalGovernanceInnovation and Ken Coates ProfessorofHistory,UniversityofWaterloo,Canada palgrave macmillan ©CarinHolroydandKenCoates2007 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2007 978-1-349-54158-4 Allrightsreserved.Noreproduction,copyortransmissionofthis publicationmaybemadewithoutwrittenpermission. Noparagraphofthispublicationmaybereproduced,copiedortransmitted savewithwrittenpermissionorinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthe Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,orunderthetermsofanylicence permittinglimitedcopyingissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgency, 90TottenhamCourtRoad,LondonW1T4LP. Anypersonwhodoesanyunauthorizedactinrelationtothispublication maybeliabletocriminalprosecutionandcivilclaimsfordamages. Theauthorshaveassertedtheirrightstobeidentified astheauthorsofthisworkinaccordancewiththeCopyright, DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Firstpublished2007by PALGRAVEMACMILLAN Houndmills,Basingstoke,HampshireRG216XSand 175FifthAvenue,NewYork,N.Y.10010 Companiesandrepresentativesthroughouttheworld PALGRAVEMACMILLANistheglobalacademicimprintofthePalgrave MacmillandivisionofSt.Martin’sPress,LLCandofPalgraveMacmillanLtd. Macmillan(cid:2)isaregisteredtrademarkintheUnitedStates,UnitedKingdom andothercountries.PalgraveisaregisteredtrademarkintheEuropean Unionandothercountries. ISBN 978-1-349-54158-4 ISBN 978-0-230-59945-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230599451 Thisbookisprintedonpapersuitableforrecyclingandmadefromfully managedandsustainedforestsources.Logging,pulpingandmanufacturing processesareexpectedtoconformtotheenvironmentalregulationsofthe countryoforigin. AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 Contents ListofTablesandFigures vi Acknowledgements vii Introduction: Science, Technology and Culture in 21st CenturyJapan 1 1 National Innovation: Mobilizing Nations for the 21st CenturyEconomy 10 2 Japan’sInnovationStrategies 30 3 TheKeitaiRevolution:TheMobileInternetinJapan 61 4 TheCommerceofAgeing 85 5 RoboticsinJapan 105 6 TheFrontiersofJapaneseScienceandCommerce 126 7 Conclusion:UnderstandingJapan’sInnovationStrategies 155 Notes 170 Index 191 v List of Tables and Figures Tables 2.1 Government science and technology funding allocationstopriorityareas 40 2.2 National investment in research and development, 1995–2002 58 4.1 Japanesehouseholdswithelderlypeople(aged65and older),1975–2001 91 6.1 Japanesesynchrotrons 127 6.2 MajorclusteringinitiativesinJapan 135 Figures 2.1 JapanScienceandTechnologyAgency 55 2.2 Japan’sscienceandtechnologyadministrativestructure 57 2.3 Shareofcountriesintotaltriadicpatentfamilies,2003 59 6.1 METIClusterPlan2003 136 6.2 2004 Nanotech-related patents filed in Japan, US, EC, WObysub-categoryofnanotech 145 6.3 Breakdownofnanotechcompaniesbycategory 146 6.4 Initialpublicofferings,Japanesebiotechnologyfirms 152 vi Acknowledgements Works of scholarship draw on the support, encouragement and insightsofmanydifferentpeople.Friendsandprofessionalcolleagues in Canada and Japan have repeatedly provided assistance to us and havemadethisbookpossiblethroughtheirtimelyadviceandinterest intheproject.Wecontinuetobenefitfromtheprofessionalismand supportofthestaffattheCanadianEmbassyinTokyo.Inparticular, we thank Ms Noriko Abe, former Trade Commissioner (Science) and Dr Elizabeth Theriault, Counsellor, Science and Technology 2003– 2006foralloftheirhelp.Abe-sanworkedtirelesslytosetupappoint- ments, make suggestions of people and organizations to meet and offeradviceandassistance.DrTheriault’ssupport,insightandassist- ance during visits to Tokyo were invaluable. In addition, we are extremely grateful for her careful reading of the manuscript and her excellentadvice. Our grateful appreciation goes to the following individuals: at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr Shohei Ishimaru, Deputy Director, Business Environment Promotion Division, Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group and Ms Keiko Murata, Deputy Director, Canada Desk, America-Oceania Division, Dr Taizo Yakushiji, Expert Member, Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr Masahiro Katsuno, Manager, International Program and Conference Section and Dr Kazuyuki Motohashi, Fellow, YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory, Professor Ken Sakamura, Director, and Dr Chiaki Ishikawa, Senior Researcher, Hajimi Hikino,Director of Science Division, Tokyo Shimbun, Yukitaka Kitamura, Director of Science Division, Yomiuri Shimbun, ShiroSegawa,DirectorofScienceDivision,MainichiShumbun,Kenji Makino,JapaneseAssociationofScienceandTechnologyJournalists, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Techno- logy, Dr Takashi Shimizu, Deputy Director, International Affairs, Tsukuba Centre for Institutes, Yukio Nakamura, Director-General, MrTakahashi,TsukubaCityAssociation,MrKojima,TsukubaCentre for Institutes, Mr Kazuo Ishioka, Director, Tsukuba Office, National vii viii Acknowledgements Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology, Dr Akihiro Sawa, Director and Dr Akira Goto, RIETI Fellow. We both enjoyed discussions with Jeff Alexander, now of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, whose passion for Japan studies and dissertation work on corporate innovation in the country ensured lively and informative debates. We are grateful for all of their assistance, but, of course, we are responsibleforanyerrorsoromissionsinthechaptersthatfollow. Carin Holroyd joined the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada in 2004 as their Japan specialist and has benefited enormously from the professional, financial and intellectual support provided by her friends and colleagues at the Vancouver-based think-tank. APF co-CEOs, Paul Evens and Yuen Pau Woo, supported Carin’s research tripstoJapan,providedavarietyofpublicationforumsforherwriting on Japanese innovation and otherwise enabled the completion of this project. Carin joined the Centre for International Governance InnovationinWaterloo,Ontario,asaSeniorResearchFellowin2006 (while retaining her association with the APF). She has benefited greatly from the rich intellectual and professional life of an organiz- ationdevotedtoimprovingunderstandingofglobalissuesandfrom thesupportprovidedbyExecutiveDirectorJohnEnglishandDaniel Schwanen, Chief Operating Officer and Director of Research. Ken Coates’sworkonthisprojectcommencedwhilehewasDean,College of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan, and he remains foreverindebtedtothefacultyandstaffofthisimpressiveinstitution fortheirintellectualandpersonalsupport.Theprojectwascompleted after Ken became Dean of Arts at the University of Waterloo, which is known internationally for its commitment to scientific and tech- nologicalinnovation. Our personal debts are many, and it is likely that we will fail to acknowledge several people who assisted with this project. If so, we hope that they will forgive us the oversight. At Waterloo, we thank Brenda Smith and Sherilee Diebold-Cooze in the Dean’s office for their patient and timely help. We benefited enormously from the academicadviceandcontributionsofourfriendsattheJapanstudies Association of Canada, where we presented several draft chapters of this project. Their comments, and those of professional colleagues attheCanadianAsianStudiesAssociationandtheJapaneseBusiness StudiesAssociation,strengthenedmanyaspectsofthisbook.Weowe Acknowledgements ix aparticulardebttoDrPaulParker,FacultyofEnvironmentalStudies, UniversityofWaterloo,whosharedhisworkonphotovoltaicenergy with us and who helped ease our transition to a new community. Our work on national innovation was helped enormously by advice receivedfromDr.CamiRyan,currentlyaPostDoctoralFellowinthe FacultyofCommunicationandCultureattheUniversityofCalgary, formerlyagraduatestudentsofDr.GrantIsaac,CollegeofCommerce attheUniversityofSaskatchewan. Ourfamiliescontinuetoprovideuswithinspirationandreasonsto continuetowrite.LesandBethHolroydhavehadchallengingyears onthehomefront,buttheirinterestinCarin’sworkandprofessional advancementhasneverwavered.Wedrawheavilyfromtheirendless wellofencouragementandinterest.Inourhouse,MarlonandHana are now old enough to question why their parents spend so much timereadingandatthecomputer;wejusthopethattheyappreciate ourpassionforJapanandforunderstandingthesocialdimensionsof scientific and technological change. Our family continues to grow, with grandson William joining Josh and Laura in 2005 and with SpencerarrivinginJulyof2007.NikkimarriedBradleyinJune2007, a most welcome addition to the extended family. The continued personal, academic and professional progress of all of the children, including Mark and Wendy, remains a source of great joy as does support from Ken’s mother, Margaret and our siblings Colin, Janice andLisa. For reasons known only too well to her, we dedicate this book to BethHolroyd,whosestrengthandcommitmenttofamilysustainus andremindusdailyofthevalueofalifewelllived. CarinHolroydandKenCoates Waterloo,Ontario

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