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Innovation in product design: from CAD to virtual prototyping PDF

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Innovation in Product Design Monica Bordegoni Caterina Rizzi • Editors Innovation in Product Design From CAD to Virtual Prototyping 123 Monica Bordegoni Caterina Rizzi Dipartimentodi Meccanica Dipartimentodi IngegneriaIndustriale Politecnico diMilano Università diBergamo Via G.LaMasa, 1 Viale G.Marconi n.5 20156Milan 24044Dalmine, BG Italy Italy e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] ISBN 978-0-85729-774-7 e-ISBN978-0-85729-775-4 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-775-4 SpringerLondonDordrechtHeidelbergNewYork BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary (cid:2)Springer-VerlagLondonLimited2011 Apart from anyfair dealing for the purposes of researchor privatestudy, or criticismor review,as permittedundertheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,thispublicationmayonlybereproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers,orinthecaseofreprographicreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicensesissued bytheCopyrightLicensingAgency.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethosetermsshouldbe senttothepublishers. Theuseofregisterednames,trademarks,etc.,inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceof aspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantlawsandregulationsandtherefore freeforgeneraluse. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the informationcontainedinthisbookandcannotacceptanylegalresponsibilityorliabilityforanyerrors oromissionsthatmaybemade. Coverdesign:eStudioCalamarS.L. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) To Umberto Preface The advent of computers has changed the practice of engineering forever. No product is designed today without the use of computer-aided design (CAD) technology. This practice, introduced about 40 years ago, has resulted in more reliableproductsthatarelessexpensivetoproduceandthataremoreattractiveto potentialcustomers.Ithasalsochangedthetechnicaleducationandthepracticeof numerous professionals. The idea for this book was born with the aim of giving an overview of the research fields and achievements on methods and tools for product design and innovation. Theintroductionofcomputersinengineeringisdatedbacktothe1960s,when computer-based graphic systems were developed with the aim of supporting engineering design, and improving the productivity of engineers. The importance and benefits were strongly recognized by large manufacturing companies, espe- cially those in the automotive and aerospace industries. In 1963 Ivan Sutherland developed his thesis entitled ‘‘Sketchpad: a Man- Machine Graphical Communication System’’, which can be considered to be the ancestor of modern CAD tools, as well as a major breakthrough in the develop- ment of computer graphics in general. In 1969 he also built the first Heads-up displayattheUniversityofUtah.Hehadthecapabilityofenvisagingtheimpactof thistechnologyondesignandengineering,andhecanbeconsideredtheprecursor of current Virtual Reality technologies. Since then, the technology has quickly evolveddevelopingverysophisticatedandperformingvisualizationandrendering systems, as well as human computer interaction systems. Since the early 1960s, computer graphics (CG) was attracting many people from the research field. At the beginning, CG and CAD were in some sense overlapping.Infact,CADwasthemarketingapplicationofCGtechnologies,and inmanycasesitbecamethesynonymof2-Dor3-Dgeometricmodeling.Several theoretical studies were carried out not only by academic scientists, but also by industrialists.Justtomentionfewofthem,S.Coonsin1967introducedamethod to describe free-form doubly curved surfaced of a very general kind. Automotive companies like Renault investigated on the mathematical definition of complex vii viii Preface surfaces.Inparticular,in1968Bezierdevelopedaspecifickindofcurvesusedfor describing exterior car panels. In 1974 Requicha and Voelcher proposed a high- level description of products based on the constructive solid geometry—CSG approach.Sincethen,andformorethan30years,theevolutionoftoolsforproduct design has focused on the development of geometric modeling capabilities with the aim of reproducing complex shapes. In the 1980s the research interest focused more and more on tools for sup- porting the product development activities, which were not solely addressing the product geometry. These tools aimed at not just documenting the result of the productdesign,butaimedatcapturinghowtoreachtheresult.Theirdevelopment wasbasedontheconsiderationthatthedesignprocessincludesknowledge.Infact, knowledge is into the methodologies used, and into the decisions taken by the productengineersduringthedesign.Therefore,followingthisnewtrend,thetools moved from being geometry-based to be parametric-based and feature-based. Features are intended as high-level entities that give a meaning to a set of geo- metric elements (e.g. faces, patches, ribs, pockets), which can be therefore manipulated directly without requiring a great skill and deep knowledge of the underlying mathematical models. The feature concept has been successfully adopted in mechanical engineering, as well-documented by Shah and Mäntylä in 1995. In the domain of aesthetic shapes, characterized by the great level of freedom that the designer has when defining product shapes, the so-called free- form features have been defined and widely studied. Free-form features are also intendedtoconveytheemotionstheusershavewhenlookingandtouchingshapes. Geometricmodelingstartedbeinghandledbykernelswhowereseparatedfrom the CAD tools. Besides, the CAD vendors were not anymore the drivers of technologiesdevelopment,butothersectorsweretakingtheirplace,suchasgame and movie, and the military sectors. Starting from the late 1980s, new technologies were introduced that were capableofelaboratingcomplexproblemsandwhosecostdecreasedmoreandmore. Specifically, Personal Computers and workstations were introduced as a new and emergingmarket sector, and Microsoft andthe NT operating system took hold. In the context of product development, industry realized that managing the productgeometryisonlyapartofthedesignproblem.Infact,themanagementof theproductinformationandoftheproductdevelopmentprocessiscrucialaswell. Therefore, the attention was focused on engineering knowledge management, on modeling and simulation of processes, as well as on business process re-engineering (BPR). Industryunderstoodtheimportanceofmanagingknowledgeabouttheproducts. Engineering knowledge management has been introduced to bring knowledge about the product characteristics (materials, assembling, manufacturing, etc.) into the design process. Applications based on knowledge management allow us to design and configure a product, on the basis of a set of rules, which have been previouslyformalizedandimplementedintotheapplication.Productconfigurators have been proposed with the aim to allow us to engineer a product by satisfying customer’s requirements and standards of a specific domain, even if the product Preface ix hasneverbeendevelopedinthepast.Theadventofknowledge-basedengineering (KBE) applications profitably helped in simplifying and automating, even if not fully, the configuration process, both from a commercial and technical point of view.Productandprocessknowledgeisstructured,soastobringanoptimization of company’s design processes, to maximize the reuse and sharing of company knowledge, and to integrate systems and documents within a unique application for products automatic configuration. Thankstothecontinuousincreaseofcomputationalpowerandperformancesof computers, analysis and simulation practices started to be introduced into the product development process, as well as the use of the digital mock-up (DMU). The introduction of effective tools for computer-aided engineering (CAE) has affectedtheproductdesignpractice.Inparticular,thesimulationisusedinproduct design with a double function. Early in the initial design phases, it supports decision-making; whereas later it helps in validating the design with respect to specifications. Currently, the validation function is widely practiced in industry and this is where most investment is made. The DMU was a full representation of a machine or of a system including all geometrical details. It was a sort of static representation used to check the colli- sions among the parts. Subsequently, the DMU has evolved into what we call today virtual prototyping, where the product geometry is enriched with product properties.Virtualprototypesareusedtofaithfullyrepresentthe‘‘product-to-be’’, so as to be able to simulate its features, performances, functionality and usage before the real product is actually built. Virtual prototyping is more and more becomingadiffusedpracticeinproductdevelopmentofvariousindustrialsectors. Severalresearchworkshaveshownthatvirtualprototypescanbeeffectivelyused tovalidatethedesignsolutions,alreadyintheearlyphaseofproductdesign,when the engineering of the product is also in the early phase or even not started. This practice can also be used for checking the correspondence of the concept design withtheuser’sneeds,andalsoforcheckingtheusers’acceptanceofnewproducts through tests performed directly with end users. For many years, researchers have worked on visualization issues, and the resultingtoolsareverygoodintermsofrenderingthevisualeffectsoftheproducts they can provide. Shades, reflections and textures contribute in enriching the productappearance.Physicalprototypeshavetraditionallybeenacommonwayof representingaproductdesign:physicalmodelsareproduced,ofteninarealscale, toevaluateaproductbyexploringitvisuallyandhaptically.Inthelastdecade,the interactionwith virtualobjects has been extendedwith the possibility oftouching the object surface and of physically handling its parts, which is practically implementedthroughhapticdevices.Today,thankstothecurrentadvancesofthe technology,theimplementationofvirtualprototypingapplicationscanbebasedon virtual reality technologies, where products and environments are fully virtual, or on augmented or mixed reality technologies, where the product and the environ- ment consist of a mix of virtual and real components. Startingfromthe1990stheattentionofindustryhasmovedtoamorestrategic vision and to the idea that it is not important specifying what has to be x Preface manufactured and produced, but the product life cycle is also important from the marketing point of view. The new technologies are applied to increasingly com- plex projects. This means managing massive amounts of design data. PLM— product lifecycle management tools have been introduced with the aim of increasing the industrial productivity. PLM manages all the phases of product design, from conception, to manufacturing, service and disposal, and integrates people, data, processes and business systems. PLMsystemsareextendingtheirdomainofapplicationupwardthepreliminary phases of design and by embedding more abstract representations of the product, but still they are far from systematizing inventive design phases and the link betweenthedevelopmentofaconceptualsolutionandthedefinitionoftheproduct geometry. Recently, computer-aided innovation (CAI) systems have started addressing these lacks, but the domain borders of this emerging technology are still fuzzy and in any case CAI systems suffer of limited interoperability with downstream computer-aided tools. Virtualizationandknowledgemanagementhavebeenrecognizedastwomega- trends for the period to come. This book presents a variety of research topics related to product development and innovation from experts in many different fields. Chapter 1 includes an overview of the history of tools for product design that evolved in the current tools for the whole product life cycle management. Chapter 2 deals with new and more effective methods for conceptual and embodiment design of products, which are based on the automation of embodi- ment designtasks.Chapter3aimsathighlighting theroleofknowledgeasakey enabler for effective engineering activities in the light of emerging enterprise collaborationmodels.Anoverviewandresearchissuesonmethodologiesandtools for knowledge management of products are presented and discussed in Chaps. 4 and5.Inparticular,Chap.4introducesprinciplesandtoolsfordesignautomation in mechanical engineering and methodologies for real industrial applications, whileChap.5discussesabout productknowledgeoftheindustrialdesigndomain thatisformalizedintoform-features.Chapter6describessomeaspectsofhowthe evolution ofcomputer-aided engineeringhas affected the product design practice. The subject is treated from an industrial point of view, where some examples typicaloftheaeronauticalfieldaregiven.Chapter7dealswithmethods,toolsand issues related to the practice of Virtual Prototyping used in the product develop- ment process. Chapter 8 presents the state-of-the-art in the domain of digital humanmodelsusedforproductvalidationandassessments.Finally,Chap.9deals with the generation of the physical models of products, and discusses about how the physical prototyping process influences the product design. Wehopethereaderwillenjoyandlearnaboutthehistory,theevolutionandthe future perspective of research in the domain of methods and tools for product design and innovation. Milan, February 2011 Monica Bordegoni Bergamo, February 2011 Caterina Rizzi Acknowledgment All the authors of this book are grateful to Umberto Cugini, for his guidance teachings,forhiscontinuousinspiringideasandvisionaboutthefutureofmethods and tools for product development, with which he has directed our research and careers. xi

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