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Innervation of the Cerebral Superficial Arteries and the Parenchymal Small Vessels in Elaphe quadrivirgata(Endocrinology) PDF

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Preview Innervation of the Cerebral Superficial Arteries and the Parenchymal Small Vessels in Elaphe quadrivirgata(Endocrinology)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8: 751-758 (1991) g 199] ZoologicalSocietyofJapai Innervation of the Cerebral Superficial Arteries and the Parenchymal Small Vessels in Elaphe quadrivirgata Masahiko Kuroda, Takasuke Tagawa, Yumiko Enomoto and Chiho Hirota Department ofAnatomy, School ofMedicine, Fukuoka University, Fitkuoka 814-01, Japan — ABSTRACT The innervation ofthe eerebral arteries in the striped snake. Elapha quadrivirgata, was studied b) catecholamine fluorescence, acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-activation staining, and immuno- histochemistr\. Aminergie nerve fibers (Amn) showed dense meshworks of fine fibers not only in the eerebral carotid and basilar arteries but also in the cerebral parenchymal small vessels. Cholinergic nerve fibers (Chn) were distributed more densely than Amn in the eerebral carotid and basilararteries, but were sparse in thecerebralparenchymalsmallvessels. Thevasoactiveintestinalpolypeptide (VIP)-, substance P(SP)-.neurokininA(NKA)-andcalcitoningene-relatedpeptide (CGRP)-like immunoreac- tive (LI) nerve fibers were very densely distributed in the cerebral carotid and basilar arteries, and moderately distributed in the cerebral parenchymal small vessels. Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-LI nerve fibers were not detected in the superficial cerebral arteries, but they were distributed in the cerebral parenchymalsmallvessels. NodifferencesofthedistributionsofAmn. Chn andpeptide-LI nerve fibers were observed in the normal halfsideorin the undeveloped halfofthecerebralcarotid arteries. When examined by double staining. SP-. NKA- and CGRP-LI nerve fibers showed almost identical distribution patterns. Three different patterns existed concerning the relationship between Chn and YIP-LI nerve fibers: 1) Chn and VIP-LI nerve fibers coexisting, 2) Chn living alone, and 3) VIP-LI nerve fibers livine alone. studies were performed only for the superficial INTRODUCTION cerebral arteries in mammals and the examination It has been thought that the cerebral blood of superficial cerebral arteries or parenchymal vessels consist of the cerebral carotid and basilar small vessels in submammalian animal species has systems which are controlled by aminergie nerve rarely been performed. fibers (Amn) and cholinergic nerve fibers (Chn) Using immunohistochemical techniques, distri- whose neurotransmitters are noradrenaline and butional patterns and the connection ofAmn. Chn acetylcholine, respectively, with these neurotrans- and peptide-LI nerve fibers, including substance P mitters playing a main role in vasomotor modula- (SP)-, neurokinin A (NKA)-, calcitonin gene- tion [1-9]. related peptide (CGRP)-, vasoactive intestinal Recently, immunohistochemical developments polypeptide (VIP)- and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-LI have enabled the discovery of a number of pep- nerve fibers were examined in the superficial cere- tide-like immunoreactive (LI) nerve fibers in the bral arteries and parenchymal small vessels oi walls of cerebral blood vessels and. as a result, it Elaphe quadrivirgata, which have a specific vascu- appears that vasomotor modulation involves a lar system consistingof an undeveloped hall side ol complicated neuro-control mechanism [10-20]. the cerebral carotid artery. However, Since these findings have all been re- ported separately, a connection among the various MATERIALS \M) METHODS nerves has not been elucidated. Moreover, these \ group ol 30 striped snakes. /;. quadrivirgata, Accepted April 1. 1991 were used in this study. To detect Amn and Chn. Received September 3, 1990 the catecholamine fluorescence technique by 752 M. Kuroda, T. Tagawa, Y. Enomoto and C. Hirota Falck-Hillarp [21] and the acetylcholinesterase que and in frozen slices using an AChE-activation (AChE)-activation staining technique by staining technique, respectively. Karnovsky-Roots [22] were used. The detection of After fixation by perfusion with cold Zamboni's these nerveshas been already reported in detail by solution, the whole-mount preparation of the su- Tagawa et al. [23]. perficial cerebral arteries, was re-fixed with the In the immunohistochemical studies, each pep- same solution at4°Cfor48hr, andreactedfor 1 hr M tide-LI nerve fiber was detected using the perox- with 0.1 phosphate buffer saline (PBS) contain- idase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique [24] or the ing 1% H2 2 to abolish the non-specific perox- avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) techni- idase reaction. ThePAPtechniquewasperformed M que [25], in the superficial cerebral arteries or the while washing with 0.1 PBS containing 0.3% parenchymal small vessels, respectively. Triton-X (PBST). After treatment with anti-SP, After fixation by perfusion with cold Zamboni's anti-NKA, anti-CGRP, anti-VIP and anti-NPY solution [26], the cerebral parenchym was post- antibodies (at 4°C for 2hr each) followed by fixed in block form at 4°C for 24hr with the same washing with PBST, the slices were reacted with M solution. The block was incubated in 0.1 phos- goatanti-rabbitIgG (CappelPA, 1 :200) at4°Cfor phate buffer (PB) containing 10% and 20% su- 24hr and again washed with PBST. They were crose at 4°Cfor48 hreach andmounted in gelatin. thenreactedwith anti-rabbitPAP(Zymed, 1 :200) After re-fixation with Zamboni's solution at 4°C at 4°C for 2hr and stained with a solution of M for 24hr and incubating in 0.1 PB containing 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB, Sigma). Lastly, the 10% and 20% sucrose at 4°C for 48 hr each, the slices were dehydrated, mounted and observed block was frozen with dry-ice isopentane and 15- under a microscope. 20jum slices were reacted with the ABC reagent Thecoexistence ofan autonomicneurotransmit- (Vector Inc., ABC KIT). The slices were treated ter and a peptide, or a peptide and a peptide was with the first antibody (anti-SP, anti-NKA, anti- examined using the double staining technique. In CGRP, anti-VIP and anti-NPY antibody) and the the double staining of VIP-LI nerve fibers and biotin conjugated second antibody at room Chn, VIP-LI nerve fibers were stainedbythe PAP temperature for 30min each and the ABC reagent techniqueusing4-chloro-l-naphtholandnext, Chn at room temperature for 60min. They were then was identified with the AChE-activation staining stained with peroxidase-substrate solution for 8 technique. Double staining with SP-NKA or SP- min, counter-stained with methyl-green. Then the CGRP was examined using a fluorescein labeled parenchymal small vessels were observed under antibody technique [27]. The slices were treated the microscope. Amn and Chn in the cerebral with anti-rabbit NKA or anti-rabbit CGRP anti- parenchym were observed in paraffin embedded body at 4°C for 48hr, followed by washing, and slices using a catecholamine fluorescence techni- reacted with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate Table 1. Details of antibodies used First antibody Antibody code Host Dilution Sourse Reference SP FP03 Rabbit 1:5000 Dr. H. Kamiya Takano et al. Fukuoka Univ. [33] NKA FK03 Rabbit 1 :5000 Dr. H. Kamiya Takano et al. Fukuoka Univ. [33] CGRP R.842701 Rabbit 1 :1200 MMiallambo, Sweden U[3d4]dman et al. VIP R.785202 Rabbit 1 :1200 Milab Matsuyama et al. Malmo, Sweden [13] NPY R.840403 Rabbit 1 :1200 Milab Itakura et al. Malmo, Sweden [29] Mo-SP B7A35 Rat 1:500 sera-lab Cuello et al. England [35] a Cerebral Vascular Innervation in Snake 753 (TRITC)-labeled anti-rabbit [gG (SEIKAGAKU RESULTS KOGYO Co.. 1 :200) at 38°C for 1 hr. Then, the) were reacted with anti-rat monoclonal SP antibody A schematic illustration of the angio- at 4 C tor 48 hr. washed and again reacted with architecture of the cerebral arteries in E. fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled anti-rat quadrivirgata is shown in Figure 1 and the distribu- IgG (ICN. 1 :200) at 38°C for 2 hr. The sliceswere tional densities ofAmn, Chn and pcptidc-LI nerve washed, mounted with glycerin-PBS (1:1) and libers in the superficial cerebral arteries and the observed under a fluorescence microscope. parenchymal small vessels is shown in Tabic 2. The names of the companies at which the first Both the cerebral carotid and basilar arteries were antibodies were prepared, and their dilution rates found to be well innervated by Amn. Amn in the are shown in Table 1. In order to examine the cerebral carotid and basilar arteries showed a specificities of the antibodies, absorption tests dense distribution consisting of meshworks of fine were performed. fibers (Figs. 2, 3). These fine Amn were also evident in the cerebral parenchymal small vessels as well as in the superficial cerebral arteries (Fig. 4). In addition, the cerebral carotid and basilar 1 arteries were well innervated by Chn with a very dense distribution of meshworks (Figs. 5, 6), although the distribution wassparse in the cerebral parenchymal small vessels (Fig. 7). The distribution of VIP-LI nerve fibers was markedly dense, covering the cerebral carotid and basilararteriesand the cerebral parenchymal small vessels (Figs. 8-10). Although both SP- and NKA-LI nerve fibers were distributed rather de- nsely in both the cerebral carotid and basilar arteries (Figs. 11, 12, 14, 15), their distributions in the cerebral parenchymal small vessels were far more dense as compared with the cerebral carotid and basilar arteries (Figs. 13, 16). CGRP-LI nerve fibers revealed a very dense distribution over the cerebral carotid arteries (Fig. 18), but their dis- tributions in the basilar arteries and the paren- chymal small vessels were only moderately dense (Figs. 17, 19). Although NPY-LI nerve fibers could not be observed in eitherthe cerebral carotid or basilar system, they were found with NPY- positive nerve cells in the cerebral parenchyma. No differences were found among the distribution- al densities of Amn. Chn or pcptidc-LI nerve Elaphe quadriviryata atra fibers in the cerebral carotid arteries in the normal Fig. 1. Diagram of the arterial supply to the ventral half side or in the undeveloped half. surface of the brain in the Elaphe quadrivirgata. A similar distributional pattern was shown me.a. ethmoidal artery: a.r.a. anterior cerebral among SP- and NKA-I.I or SP- and CGRP-LI artery: c.e.a. cerebro-cthmoidal artery: m.c.a. mid- nerve fibers when examined by double Staining dblrealcecraerbortaildaratretreyr:y:r.ar..pa.nteproisotreriroarmusr.amcu.sC.:a.p.cerr.ea.- (1 igS. 20. 21). However. VIP-I.I nerve fibers and posterior cerebral artery; b.a. basilar artery: v. ( hn were found in three patterns: 1 ) VIP I I n vertebra] aretr\ fibers and Chn existing together, 2) VIP-I.I fibers . 754 M. Kuroda, T. Tagawa, Y. Enomoto and C. Hirota Fig. 2. Aminergic innervation ofthe cerebral artery. Arrow indicates Amn. X100. Fig. 3. Amn (arrow) ofthe cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebralcarotid artery; b. posteriorramus; c. anterior ramus X100. Fig. 4. Amn (arrow) which distributed in the small vessel ofcerebral parenchym. X250. Fig. 5. Chn (arrow) ofthe basilar artery. XlOO. Fig. 6. Chn (arrow) ofthe cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebral carotid artery; b. posteriorramus; c. anterior ramus X100. Fig. 7. Chn (arrow) in the cerebral parenchymal small vessel. XlOO. Fig. 8. VIP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) ofthe basilar artery. X100. Fig. 9. VIP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebral carotid artery; b. posterior ramus; c. anterior ramus XlOO. Fig. 10. VIP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) which distributed in the cerebral parenchym. X160. Table2. Density of Amn, Chn and peptide-like immunoreactive (LI) fibers of cerebral arteries and intracerebral parenchymal small vessels in Elaphe quadrivirgata SP-LI NKA-LI CGRP-LI VIP-LI NPY-LI Amn Chn fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber cerebral carotid arteries 4f tt # 4f # Iff - - basilar arteries # 1 H- 4f 4f ttr intracerebral parenchymal M- ± ttf ttf -H- +ft +f small vessels The relative number of nerves was graded arbitrarily; — no nerve was observed ±. few nerves + moderate number of nerves 4f rich supply of nerves -H+ very rich supply of nerves Cerebral Vaseular Innervation in Snake 755 14 IS >s 16 I / @ a .-A \ \ B Fig. 11. SP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the basilar artery. X100. Fig. 12. SP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebral carotid artery; b. posterior ramus; c. anterior ramus X100. Fig. 13. SP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) which distributed in the cerebral parenchym. x 160. Fig. 14. NKA-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the basilar artery. X100. Fig. 15. NKA-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebral carotid artery; b. posterior ramus; r. anterior ramus X100. Fig. 16. NKA-LI nerve fiber (arrow) which distributed in the cerebral parenchym. x 160. Fig. 17. CGRP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the basilar artery, x100. Fig. 18. CGRP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) of the cerebral carotid artery and its branch, a. cerebral carotid artery; b. posterior ramus; c. anterior ramus x 100. Fig 19. CGRP-LI nerve fiber (arrow) which distributed in the cerebral parenchym x 100 } !'. 20. SP-LI (A) and NKA-LI (B) nerve fibers of the posterior cerebral artery. K KM). 1 i'. 21. CGRP-LI (C) and SP-LI (D) nerve fibers of the posterior cerebral artery. - 100. Fir, 22 Chn and VIP-LI nerve fiber ofthe posterior cerebral artery. Large arrow indicates YIP I I nerve fiber and small arrow Chn. x100. observed alone and 3) Chn observed alone (Fig. DISCUSSION Nearly comparable amounts of Ami) and ( hn in the superficial cerebral arteries were reported in 756 M. Kuroda, T. Tagawa, Y. Enomoto and C. Hirota rats [8] and larger amounts of Amn as compared longation of superficial and deep vessels was not with Chn were reported in domestic fowls [23] and elucidated. Nevertheless, it seems that the exist- tortoises [6], while, in bullfrog [7] or lamprey [28], ence of NPY-positive nerve cells and NPY-LI Amn or serotonergic nerves alone were found. nerve fibers in the cerebral parenchyma suggests The distributional densities of both Amn and Chn an objective for the study ofthe origin ofpeptide- were higher in the cerebral carotid system than in LI nerve fibers in the future. the basilar system in rats [8], domestic fowls [23] In mammalians the coexistence of Amn, Chn and tortoises [6], whereas, in bullfrogs [7], Amn and peptide-LI nerve fibres or that of differing alone was found, with larger amounts in the cere- peptidergic nerve fibers was reported. In the bral carotid system than in the basilar system. cerebral arteriesofE. quadrivirgata, themodeand However, in E. quadrivirgata, the distributional the density of distribution were mutually equal density of Amn was nearly equal in both the between SP- and NKA-LI nerve fibers and be- cerebral carotid and basilar systems and a dense tween SP- and CGRP-LI nerve fibers and accor- meshworks offine Amn was found in all the areas dingly, the coexistence ofSP, NKA and CGRP in of the cerebral carotid and basilar systems. Chn the same fiber was suggested. The coexistence of was nearly equally and densely distributed in both SPandCGRPinthecerebralarteriesortrigeminal arterial systems. Chn density was higherthan that ganglion was reported by Hanko etal. [18] in cats of Amn in both systems. These findings suggest and Matsuyama etal. [17] in rats and guinea pigs. that Amn and Chn possessed different densities at AlthoughLundbergetal. [31] reportedthecoexist- each site depending upon the species. ence of VIP-LI nerve fibers and Chn in cat sub- Amongthe peptide-LI nerve fibers, SP-, NKA-, maxillary glands and Kobayashi et al. [11] as well CGRP- and VIP-LI nerve fibers were each found as Hara et al. [20] reported this in rat cerebral to possess a similar density between the cerebral arteries, the distributional mode of VIP-LI nerve carotid and basilar systems. The distributions of fibersandChninthesuperficialcerebralarteriesof CGRP- and VIP-LI nerve fibers were more dense E. quadrivirgata was mutually different in spite of compared with those of SP- and NKA-LI nerve theirsimilar distributional density. Three patterns fibers in both the system. These findings are not were observed: 1) the coexistenceofVIP-LInerve coincidental with the results previously presented fibersandChn, 2)VIP-LInervefibersaloneand3) [11, 17, 29, 30], in which the distributions of Chn alone. This is coincidental with a connection peptide-LI nerve fiberswere higherinthe cerebral between VIP-LI nerve fibers and Chn in the cere- carotid system than in the basilar system. Howev- bral arteries of hamsters [unpublished] and er, according to a study in our laboratory on Leiothrix lutea [unpublished] examined in our hamsters, a difference in the distributions of SP- laboratory. and CGRP-LI nerve fibers was not observed be- Amn [2, 3] and NPY [14, 32] have a vasocon- tween these two arterial systems, although VIP-LI strictive action and Chn [4, 9] and VIP [10, 14] nerve fibers alone possessedahigherdensityin the have a vasodilative action. Although the direct cerebral carotid system. These findings suggest action of SP, NKA and CGRP for the vascular that and the distributional mode and density of smooth muscle is vasoconstrictive, it is said to be peptide-LI nerve fibers in the cerebral arteries vasodilative when vascular endothelia exist differ considerably with each order or species. together. Eitherway, elucidationoftheoriginand The distribution in the cerebral parenchymal the fibrous prolongation as well as the function of smallvesselsofeach kindofnervevariedconsider- each kind of nerve was not possible because an ably from those in the cerebral carotid and basilar anesthetic technique for E. quadrivirgata has not systems; the SP-, NKA- and VIP-LI nerve fibers been established and their survival after biopsy is were distributed very densely while the Chn alone impossible. In the future, an anesthetic technique were very sparse. Survival ofthe reptiles was rare should be developed and various morphologic, and like in the case of birds after anesthesia for pharmacologic and physiologic studies of these experimental purposes, the origin and fibrous pro- remaining questions should be undertaken. Cerebral Vascular Innervation in Snake 757 tribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- REFERENCES containing nerves on the wall of cerebral arteries: An immunohistochemical study using whole- 1 Nelson, E. and Rennels. M. (1970) Innervation of mounts. Neuroscience, 10: 89-96. intracranial arteries. Brain. 93:C475-490. 14 Edvinsson, L. (1985) Functional roleofperivascular 2 Edvinsson. L.. Nielsen. K. Owman. C. and peptidesin thecontrolofcerebralcirculation. TINS. West. K. A. (1973) Evidence of vasoconstrictor 8: 126-131. sympathetic nerves in brain vesselsofmice. Neurol- 15 Dalsgaard, C.-J., Haegerstrand, A., Theodorsson- ogy.. 23: 73-77. Norheim, E.. Brodin, E. and Hokfelt. T. (1985) 3 Owman. C, Edvinsson. 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