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Preview Inhibitory Effect of TIMP Influences the Morphology of Varicose Veins

EurJVascEndovascSurg(2010)40,754e765 Inhibitory Effect of TIMP Influences the Morphology of Varicose Veins B. Aravinda,b, B. Saunders a,b, T. Navina,b, A. Sandison c, C. Monaco a,b, E.M. Paleolog a,b, A.H. Davies a,* aDepartment of Surgery andCancer,Facultyof Medicine,Imperial College, London, UK bKennedyInstituteof Rheumatology,Facultyof Medicine,Imperial College, London, UK cDepartment of Histopathology,Charing CrossHospital, London, UK Submitted24October 2009; accepted25 April 2010 Available online 3July2010 KEYWORDS Abstract Objectives:Imbalanceofmatrixmetalloproteinaseenzymes(MMP)andtheirinhib- Varicoseveins; itors (TIMPs) may contribute to the development of varicose veins. We hypothesised that, TIMP; histologicalchangesinvaricoseveinwallcorrelatewithalterationsinexpressionofMMP/TIMP. Matrix turnover; Methods:Varicoseveins(nZ26)werecomparedwithgreatsaphenousvein(GSV)segments Morphology (nZ11)fromarterialbypass,andwitharmandneckveinsfromfistulaandcarotidoperations (nZ13).Varicoseveinwallthicknesswasmeasured,enablingcategorisationasatrophicand hypertrophic.MMP-2,MT1-MMP,TIMP-2,andTIMP-3expressionwerequantitativelyanalysed byimmunohistochemistry. Results:TherewassignificantlyhigherexpressionofTIMP-2(immunopositivearea4.34%versus 0.26%),linkedwith connective tissueaccumulationin thetunicamediaofvaricoseveinsas comparedwitharmandneckveincontrols.TIMP-2andTIMP-3expressionwashigherinhyper- trophicthanatrophicsegments(3.2%versus0.99%forTIMP-2,1.7%versus0.08%forTIMP-3). Similarly, TIMP-2 and TIMP-3 had elevated expression in the thicker proximal varicose vein segmentscomparedtodistal(4.3%versus1.3%forTIMP-2and0.94%versus0.41%forTIMP-3). Conclusions:This study linkedmorphological changes in varicoseveinwalls with MMP/TIMP balance.AhigherTIMPexpressionfavoursdepositionofconnectivetissueandthusthickervein wall,reducingmatrixturnoverbysuppressionofproteaseactivity. ª2010EuropeanSocietyforVascularSurgery.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. * Correspondingauthorat:DepartmentofVascularSurgery,CharingCrossHospital,FulhamPalaceRoad,LondonW68RF,UK.Tel.:þ44 02087461234;fax:þ4402087467362. E-mailaddress:[email protected](A.H.Davies). 1078-5884/$36ª2010EuropeanSocietyforVascularSurgery.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.ejvs.2010.04.028 TIMPRegulateMatrix Turnoverin VaricoseVeins 755 Introduction Materials and Methods Primary dilatation of the vein wall,1 causing weakness and Tissue acquisition and processing resultant separation of valve cusps leading to reflux, has gained wide acceptance as a cause of varicose vein. The AllpatientswereassessedandinvestigatedinCharingCross primary basis for this theory, are the abnormalities found Hospital, London. Ethical approval was obtained from the onthestructuralmatrixcomponentsoftheveinwall,such Riverside Research Ethics Committee (RREC3092), London. ascollagenandelastin.2e4Remodellingoftissueisanormal The data collected from recruited subjects were anony- dynamic process and abnormalities of the extracellular mised and protected according to the Human Tissue Bill matrix, as above, suggest a defect in this process. It is (2004). already known that remodelling is a fine balance between A total of 26 patients with varicose veins underwent proteases and its inhibitors, the most prominent of which duplex ultrasound assessment to confirm the diagnosis of are matrix metalloproteinase enzymes (MMP) and tissue varicose veins, prior to “High tie and stripping of the GSV inhibitors of MMP (TIMP).5 An increase in the protease with multiple avulsions”. Informed consent and clinical activitywillpromotematrixdegradation,whileanincrease details were obtained, including history of deep vein in its inhibitors would have the reverse effect. The resul- thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, tantchangeinmatrixcomponentswillalsobereflectedin connective tissue disorders and cancers. Drug history was morphology as it changes the basic structural elements. obtained, to include statins, doxycycline and steroids. Thus,theobservedmorphologyofvaricoseveinwallatany Patients with a history of DVT were excluded from the timeofitsdevelopmentwillbetheresultofsuchamatrix study, considering the risk of cellular infiltration on the imbalance,andmaybereflectedinthe expressionof MMP vein wall from inflammation.13 CEAP (Clinical, Etiologic, andTIMPandviceversa.Thelatterassertioncanbeproved Anatomic, and Pathophysiology) classification system was only by comparing the changes in proteases with that of used to standardize the assessment of severity of morphology.Inthecurrentstudy,thealterationofMMPand disease.14 TIMP are correlated to morphological feature of thickness Vein wall changes along the length of the varicose vein of veinwall. were compared by harvesting 2e3 cm long vein segments, In this study, it was hypothesised that the observed inpairs,onefromsapheno-femoraljunction andthe other alteration in varicose vein morphology was the result of from the thigh end of the stripped varicose vein segment, imbalanceinMMP/TIMPexpression.OftheseveralMMPand designated proximal and distal, respectively. To compare TIMP, we analysed MMP-2, an important gelatinase with varicose veins, GSVs from primary arterial bypass opera- unique ability to degrade collagen and elastin6 and MT1- tions were collected from the distal end of the harvested MMP, which interacts with TIMP-2 in activation of MMP-2. length of vein (n Z 11). Neck veins from carotid endar- TIMP-2 was analysed for the same reason. TIMP-3 was terectomy(commonfacialveinligatedandexcisedforsafe analysed considering its ability to inhibit all MMP and its accesstobifurcationofcarotidartery)andarmveinsfrom uniqueanti-apoptotic activity. segments left after fistula formation for haemodialysis SeveralMMPsandTIMPshavebeenanalysedinpublished (nZ13), served asadditional controls. literature on varicose veins, with most considering GSV from bypass patients as control. However, these vein segments showed intimal and smooth muscle cell (SMC) Special staining of vein segments hypertrophy, increase in intervening connective tissue, fragmentation of elastic tissue and changes of phlebo- Vein segments preserved in 4% formalin were used for sclerosis from old age.7e12 Hence, in this study, arm and histological analysis and comparison with special stains neck veins were considered as an alternative control for namely,haematoxylinandeosin(H&E),Masson’sTrichrome varicose veins,inaddition to GSV frombypassgrafts. andElastic VanGieson(EVG). Table 1 Demographic features of venous tissue: The average age of the arm and neck vein group was closer to those of varicoseveinsthanGSVfrombypass.Morepatientsofthelattergroupshadco-morbiditiesthanthatofvaricoseveins. Parametersmeasured Varicoseveins GSVfrombypass Armandneckveins Numberofpatients 26 11 13 Age(range)* 51(29e81) 76(62e88) 63(22e82) Smokers 9 8 4 Coronaryarterydisease 0 3 3 Diabetes 0 3 2 Peripheralvascular disease 0 5 8 Hypertension 0 5 3 Statin 0 2 3 Aspirin 0 8 4 *P<0.01. VaricoseveinversusGSVfrombypass,by1-wayANOVAwithBonferroni’sMultipleComparisonTest. 756 B. Aravind etal. Figure1 Varicoseveinhistology:comparisonwithGSVandbasilicveins.(aed)RepresentativeEVG-stained(a,c)andTrichrome stained(b,d)varicoseveinsections,showingconnective tissueinfiltration (I)intunicamedia(a,b).Smoothmusclecellhyper- trophyisseenaswell-definedinnercircular(SMC)andouterlongitudinalbundles(d),withinternalelasticlamina(IEL)inappo- sition to endothelium lining the lumen(c, d). (e,f) Bypass GSV, showinga well-defined circular smooth muscle cell (SMC) layer stainedredwithTrichrome(f)withscatteredstainingintunicaintima.EVGstaining(e)demonstratesdisruptedexternalelastic lamina (EEL) stained black. The well-defined internal elastic lamina (IEL) highlights the intimal hyperplasia (distance between luminal endothelium and IEL). (g,h) Basilic (arm) vein, withTrichrome stained slide (h), it was possible to clearly differentiate between connective tissue and smooth musclecell (SMC) layer.EVG-stained section (g) shows well-demarcated external elastic lamina(EEL)andinternalelasticlamina(IEL).(Forinterpretationofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderis referredtothewebversionofthisarticle). TIMPRegulateMatrix Turnoverin VaricoseVeins 757 serum (Serotec, Oxford, UK). Tissue sections were incu- Table 2 Vein wall thicknesses: Measured as distance bated with mouse monoclonal anti-human antibody recog- between intimal lining and external elastic lamina, this nising MMP-2, TIMP-2, MT1-MMP and TIMP-3 (Chemicon, compared paired segments of proximal and distal varicose Chandlers Ford, Hampshire, UK). Biotinylated horse anti- veins. mouse antibody (Chemicon, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire, Veintype Rangeof Median(mm) UK) followed by streptavidin biotin with HRP (horseradish thickness(mm) peroxidase) was used, and sections were developed with Varicoseveins 271e1841 755 DAB (3,30-di aminobenzidine) and counterstained with Proximalvaricosevein 406e1841 767* haematoxylin. Distalvaricosevein 271e1588 574 Colourimageswerecaptured(at4(cid:2)magnificationusing GSVfrombypass 274e1114 848** a JVC KY-F55BE) using a video camera (Victor Company of Armandneckveins 115e758 308 Japan, Tokyo, Japan) connected to the microscope and projected to a computer screen (GATEWAY 2000, North *PZ0.07,versusdistalvaricoseveinsegments. **P<0.001versusvaricoseveinsandP<0.01versusarmand Sioux City, USA). The immunopositive areas were sampled for red, blue, green, hue, saturation and intensity using neckveins. AnalySIS software (Soft Imaging Software GmbH, Munster; Germany). Minimum and maximum values were further assignedby the softwarefor each ofthe characteristics of H&E stained slides were used for screening of sections, the identified positive pixels. For uniformity, these and for cross-referencing with immunostained slides. EVG measurementswererepeatedin10projectionseachonfive specialstainshowedthesmoothmusclecelllayerasredand different tissue immunostained sections. Bland Altman elastinasblack,helpingdelineationofelasticlaminaonthe analysis was performed for inter-observer variability (bias vein wall aiding measurement of vein wall thickness. Mas- (cid:3)13.3SD 8.9, r2 Z0.02, PZNS). son’sTrichromestainedconnectivetissuegreen,whilethe For quantitative analysis of immunostained sections, smooth muscle cell layer was stained red/purple, and was the software binarises the immunopositive areas to grey usedinthevisualassessmentofchangesinarchitecture. scale, accounts for erosion and dilatation of pixels and Staining techniques used in this study were used and provides the area of immunopositivity in the defined area standardised in Charing Cross Hospital, Pathology Depart- of interest as a percentage. The mean of all such reading ment, London. Tissue collected in formalin were set in paraffin blocks and cut into 4 mm sections. Routine H&E on a given section of vein was considered as % immunopositivity. staining was performed and Masson’s Trichrome with ChromazoneRed(SurgipathEuropeLimited)andTrichrome mixture(2partsof1%ChromazoneRedin1%aceticacid,4 Statistical analysis parts 1% phosphomolybdic acid and 6 parts 1% Light Green in1%aceticacid).EVGstainingwasperformedwithMillers Data were analysed using the Graph Pad Prism software elasticstainfollowedbyVanGiesonstain[saturatedpicric package (Graph Pad Software, CA, USA). For 2 groups of acidand1% acidfuchsin (SurgipathEurope Limited)]. data, Wilcoxon rank test was used to compare non-para- metrically distributed paired data, and paired-test for Vein wall thickness normally distributed paired data. ManneWhitney test was usedforcomparisonofnormallydistributedunpaireddata. For3ormoregroupsofdata,one-wayanalysisofvariance Thickness of the vein wall was considered as the index of (ANOVA)withBonferronipost-testformultiplecomparisons morphology as it was easily measured, and reproducible (seeFig.2aeb).Itwasmeasuredasthedistancebetween was used to compare different groups of normally distrib- uted data. For non-parametrically distributed data, Krus- endothelium and external elastic lamina using AnalySIS kaleWallis ANOVA with Dunn’s post-test for multiple software (Soft Imaging Software GmbH, Munster; comparisons was used. Correlations were assessed using Germany).Theadventitiawasexcludedtoreducepotential Spearman’s co-efficient for non-parametrically distributed inconsistency resulting from dissection close to the vein data. Bland Altman analysis was performed to analyse wall at surgery. Intimal thickness was measured using the inter-observer variation. same principle, as the distance between endothelium and internal elastic lamina. To further correlate the extremes ofthicknessesofvaricoseveinwall,theyweresub-divided Results into atrophic, which was inside the 25th quartiles and hypertrophic, which was beyond the 75th quartile. Bland Patient demographics Altman analysiswasperformed for inter-observer variance (bias19.9SD 15.2 mm, r2 Z0.14, PZNS). Patientswithvaricoseveinsweresignificantlyyoungerthan thosewhocontributedGSVfrombypassoperations(Table1), ImmunohistochemistryforMMPandTIMPandimage butsimilartothatofarmandneckveingroup.Therewasno analysis significantgenderdifference(byc2test)betweenthegroups (varicosevein11male,15female;GSVfrombypass7male4 Immunohistochemical staining was performed for MMP-2, female;armandneckvein10male,3female). MT1-MMP, TIMP-2, and TIMP-3 on paraffin sections. Non- Venoustissueharvestedfromnon-varicosecontrolgroups specific antibody sites were blocked with normal horse wasvariablyexposedtodiabetes,statins,andaspirinunlike 758 B. Aravind etal. Figure2 Measurementofveinwallthickness.Definitionsofveinwallthicknessandmeasurements.(a)Theouterboundaryfor measurement of vein wall thickness was defined as external elastic lamina, which limits the tunica media. (b) The distance betweentheintimalendotheliumandtheexternalelasticlamina,whichspansthetunicaintimaandtunicamedia,wasmeasured astheveinwallthickness.Anaverageof6measurementspersectionwereobtained,andameanwascalculated.(c)Thickness (mm)ofproximalanddistalvaricoseveins(nZ26pairedsegments),comparedtobypassGSV(nZ11),andtoarmandneckveins (nZ13).Veinsweresub-dividedfurtherintoatrophic(thickness<507mmbasedon25thpercentileofvaricoseveinwallthickness) andhypertrophic(>1022mmbasedon75thpercentileofvaricoseveinwallthickness).Shadedareashowsregionbetween25thand 75th percentiles. (dee) The variation in relative thickness in a representative pair of proximal (d) and distal (e) segments of varicosevein,showninsectionsatsamemagnification,stainedwithhaematoxylin/eosin. TIMPRegulateMatrix Turnoverin VaricoseVeins 759 Figure3 MMP-2expressioninvaricoseveins.Leftpanel:Proximalvaricoseveinsegments(a)werestainedforMMP-2,andcompared withGSVsegmentsfromarterialbypassoperations(b)andwitharmveins(c).Rightpanel:CorrespondingTrichromestainedslidesare shownfordefiningsmoothmuscle(red/purple)andconnectivetissue(green).(d)PercentageimmunopositivityofMMP-2expressionin proximalanddistalvaricoseveinsegments(nZ19),comparedwithGSVfrombypass(nZ10),andneckandarmveins(nZ13).Data wereanalysedby1-wayANOVA(KruskaleWallis)withDunn’spost-hoctestformultiplecomparisons.Barsindicatemedianvalues.(For interpretationofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle). 760 B. Aravind etal. Figure 4 MT1-MMPexpressioninvaricoseveins.Leftpanel:Proximalvaricoseveinsegments(a)werestainedforMT1-MMP,and comparedwitharterialbypassGSVsegments(b)andwitharmveins(c).Rightpanel:CorrespondingTrichromestainedslidesareshown fordefiningsmoothmuscle(red/purple)andconnectivetissue(green).(d)PercentageimmunopositivityofMT1-MMPexpressionin proximalanddistalvaricoseveinsegments(nZ20),comparedwithGSVfrombypass(nZ10),andneckandarmveins(nZ13).Data wereanalysedby1-wayANOVA(KruskaleWallis)withDunn’spost-hoctestformultiplecomparisons.Barsindicatemedianvalues.(For interpretationofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle). TIMPRegulateMatrix Turnoverin VaricoseVeins 761 Figure 5 TIMP-2 expression in varicose veins. Left panel: Proximal varicose vein segments (a) were stained for TIMP-2, and comparedwitharterialbypassGSVsegments(b)andwitharmveins(c).Rightpanel:CorrespondingTrichromestainedslidesare shownfordefiningsmoothmuscle(red/purple)andconnectivetissue(green).(d)PercentageimmunopositivityofTIMP-2expression inproximalanddistalvaricoseveinsegments(nZ19),comparedwithGSVfrombypass(nZ10),andneckandarmveins(nZ13). Data were analysed by 1-way ANOVA (KruskaleWallis) with Dunn’s post-hoc test for multiple comparisons. Bars indicate median values.(Forinterpretationofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle). 762 B. Aravind etal. thoseinvaricosegroup(Table1).Whenvaricoseveinswere TIMP-3 in the smooth muscle of the tunica media of vein classifiedforclinicalseverity(CofCEAPscoringdevisedby wall. MMP-2, MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 were, however, not PorterandMoneta),82%belongedtoC2(simplevaricosevein identifiable in the intervening connective tissue of tunica only), with the remainder classified as C4 (skin pigmenta- mediaortheendotheliumoftheveinwall(Figs.3e5aec). tion)andC6(venousulcer). Vein segments also showed TIMP-2 immunopositivity on endothelium lining the blood vessels in tunica adventitia, Histology of varicose versus non-varicose veins butnotthoseliningthelumenofthevein.TIMP-3,inaddi- tiontoitspresenceinsmoothmuscle,wasidentifiedonthe Themostconspicuousandconsistentchangeswerenotedin elastictissueoftheveinwall.Thiswasconfirmedbycross- tunicamedia of varicose veins.Histology sections of all 26 referencingwithEVG-stainedcorrespondingsectionswhere patients showed loss of architecture of this layer due to theelastictissuewasstainedasblack(Fig.6aec).Therewas infiltration of connective tissue (green in Trichrome). nodifferenceintheimmunohistochemicalstainingpattern Tunica intima showed hypertrophy due to similar infiltra- between the proximal or distal varicose veins or between tionofconnectivetissueinnearlyhalfofthesections(12of differenttypesofnon-varicoseveinsections. 26). In all the sections, there was extensive disruption of Quantitative analysis showed a significantly higher external elastic lamina, the outer limiting layer between expressionofMT1-MMPandTIMP-2invaricoseveinsthanarm tunica media and adventitia. The internal elastic lamina, andneckveincontrols(Figs.4e6dand;Table3).Asimilar however, wasrelatively well-preserved (Fig. 1aed). trend was observed for MMP-2, but was not statistically Theabovechangesinthevaricoseveinscontrastedwith significant. TIMP-2 expression was significantly higher in those observed in GSV from bypass surgery, which showed varicoseveinscomparedtoneckandarmveins.Expression predominant smooth muscle hypertrophy of tunica media ofTIMP-3wascomparablebetweenallthreegroups. (Fig.1eef).Thearmandneckveins,however,showedno The expression of the analysed MMP and TIMP were such changes of tunica intima or tunica media with well- similar in proximal and distal varicose vein segments preservedelasticlaminaandgeneralarchitectureinallthe although there was a trend of higher expression of TIMP-2 sections(Fig. 1gehfor armandneck veins). (4.3% versus 1.3%) and TIMP-3 (0.94% versus 0.41%) in proximal segments. Measurement of vein wall thickness Comparison of expression between hypertrophic and atrophic varicose vein segments GSV from bypass was thicker than both varicose and arm and neck vein segments (Table 2, Fig. 2c and e). Compar- Expression of the protease MT1-MMP was higher in the isonmadebetweenpairedproximalanddistalvaricosevein thinner, atrophic segments compared to the hypertrophic segments showed that the distal segments were thinner than proximal segments (Fig. 2 cee and Table 2). Further, varicoseveinsegments.However,inhypertrophicsegments, theexpressionofproteaseinhibitorsTIMP-2andTIMP-3was there were more atrophic segments (42%, thickness <507 mm based on 25th percentile of mean varicose vein higherthanatrophicvaricoseveinsegments(Table4). wall thickness) among these distal varicose vein segments thanintheirproximalcounterparts(Fig.2c).Theproximal Discussion segments, on the other hand, showed predominantly hypertrophic changes (27%, thickness >1022 mm based on The key histologicalfindinginthisstudy was infiltrationof 75thpercentile). connective tissue in the tunica media of varicose veins. There was no histological difference in the constitution Most of the change was noted in tunica media, especially of tunica media between distal and proximal or atrophic thesmoothmuscles,whichalsolocalisedtheanalysedMMP and hypertrophic varicose vein segments. There was infil- and TIMP, emphasising their importance in the matrix tration of connective tissue in all these sections. The turnover. Moreover, the split measurement suggested that relative thickness of the tunica media is proportionately the thickness of tunica media determine the overall lowerindistal andatrophic. morphology of the veinwall. Intimalthicknesswasmeasuredtofindthecontribution Quantitative analysis in previous studies have showed of tunica intima and media separately to the observed elevatedamountofcollagenwhileelastinwasdegradedand thickness of the vein wall, and was expressed as reduced on varicose vein wall.15e17 The accumulation of a percentage of total vein wall thickness. Tunica intima connective tissue on varicose vein wall in our study could accounted for 5.6% of the total thickness of the proximal account for this elevated amount of collagen. TIMP-2 veinwalls,whileitwas7.6%fordistalsegments.Similarly, expression of varicose veins was found to be significantly 4.3% of the wall thickness of GSV from bypass was its higher than in arm and neck veins, with both TIMP-2 and intima, while arm and neck vein, had no significant TIMP-3expressionbeinghigherthaninGSVharvestedfrom measurablecontribution from theintima. bypass.Theelevatedinhibitorwillfavourtheaccumulation of matrix components, like collagen, by suppressing the MMP and TIMP expression in varicose and non- proteases. On the other hand, MT1-MMP, a protease, was varicose veins significantlyelevatedinthevaricoseveinsegmentsaswell. However,itispossiblethatMT1-MMP,beingaweakcollage- Immunohistochemical staining of the vein wall showed nase, with known ability to degrade collagen, fibronectin, predominant localisation of MMP-2, MT1-MMP, TIMP-2, and laminin,fibrinandaggrecans,doesnothaveadominantrole Figure 6 TIMP-3 expression in varicose veins. Left panel: Proximal varicose vein segments (a) were stained for TIMP-3, and comparedwitharterialbypassGSVsegments(b)andwitharmveins(c).Rightpanel:CorrespondingEVG-stainedslidesareshown, to demonstrate expression of TIMP-3 predominantly in elastic tissue of internal and external elastic lamina. (d)Percentage immunopositivity of TIMP-3 expression in proximal and distal varicose vein segments (n Z 20), compared with GSV from bypass (n Z 9), and neck and arm veins (n Z 12). Data were analysed by 1-way ANOVA (KruskaleWallis) with Dunn’s post-hoc test for multiplecomparisons.Barsindicatemedian.

Inhibitory Effect of TIMP Influences the Morphology of Varicose Veins. B. Aravind 19 Zucker S, Pei D, Cao J, Lopez-Otin C. Membrane type-matrix.
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