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Preview Inhibition of Polyamine Metabolism. Biological Significance and Basis for new Therapies

INHIBITION OF POLYAMINE METABOLISM Biological Significance and Basis for New Therapies Edited by Peter P. McCann Merrell Dow Research Institute Cincinnati, Ohio Anthony E. Pegg Department of Physiology and Cancer Research Center Pennsylvania State University Medical School Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Hershey, Pennsylvania Albert Sjoerdsma Merrell Dow Research Institute Cincinnati, Ohio mi ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1987 BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Inhibition of polyamine metabolism. Includes index. 1. Polyamines—Synthesis—Inhibitors—Physiological effect. 2. Polyamines—Synthesis—Inhibitors—Therapeutic use. 3. Polyamines—Metabolism —Regulation. I. McCann, Peter P. II. Pegg, Anthony E. III. Sjoerdsma, Albert, Date . [DNLM: 1. Polyamines-metabolism. QU 60 155] QP801.P638I55 1987 574.2Ί92 86-32147 ISBN 0-12-481835-8 (alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 87 88 89 90 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface Research into the biochemistry and cellular physiology of polyamines has been a steadily growing field over the last twenty years. Progress during this period and overviews of the area have been presented in a number of books and a much larger number of review articles. Although the function of polyamines is still not well understood at the molecular level, there is a great deal of information which attests to the importance of polyamines in cellular function. More recently, there has been a grow ing awareness that the polyamine biosynthetic pathway provides a useful target for the design of inhibitors which have value as pharmacological agents. The availability of such inhibitors has led to a rapid increase in knowledge of the importance of polyamines in a wide variety of living organisms, and there is now convincing evidence of clinical utility of these inhibitors in certain situations. In view of the ubiquitous distribution of polyamines and their key role in a variety of cellular processes, it seems likely that further uses for these inhibitors as chemotherapeutic agents and in the treatment of plant and animal pathology may be ex pected. The large increase in information on the inhibition of polyamine metab olism has led to a need for a detailed summary of knowledge in this area. The purpose of the present volume is to provide an overview of the field concerning polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors at the present time. Chap ters are included which describe the compounds which are currently in use; the rationale for the design of such inhibitors; their synthesis and action; their biological effects on mammalian cells and tissues, plants, and microorganisms including protozoal parasites; and a review of the present clinical experience with these inhibitors. These chapters also demonstrate clearly the major beneficial effect which the wide availability of these inhibitors has had on the field of polyamine research in general. It is hoped that the presentation of this material in a single volume will stimu late further research on both the basic and applied aspects of polyamines. The editors are most grateful to the authors of the individual chapters for xi xii Preface the care with which their topic has been covered, the comprehensive nature of their contributions within the space available, and submitting the material in a timely manner. Peter P. McCann Anthony E. Pegg Albert Sjoerdsma Introduction: Polyamine Metabolism All cells contain significant amounts of the polyamines, putrescine (a diamine), spermidine, and spermine. Although the physiological function of these amines is still not well understood at the molecular level, many studies summarized in the following chapters have shown that their con centration is highly regulated and that normal cellular growth and differ entiation require polyamines. Many bacteria and protozoa contain putres cine and spermidine as their only polyamines while mammalian cells, yeast, other fungi, and other protozoa synthesize all three polyamines. This introduction outlines the general metabolic reactions responsible for the maintenance of polyamine content. The general pathway for polyamine biosynthesis is shown in Fig. 1. Detailed description of the metabolic reactions responsible for polyamine synthesis are given in the various subsequent chapters. Many microor ganisms and higher plants are able to produce putrescine from agmatine produced by decarboxylation of arginine, but all mammalian cells, lower eukaryotes including fungi, and most probably protozoa lack arginine decarboxylase. In these species, therefore, the only route to putrescine is via the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase. In contrast, plants and many bacteria are able to synthesize putrescine by at least two routes, either directly from ornithine, through the activity of ornithine decarboxylase, or indirectly, via arginine and arginine decarboxylase and one or two intermediates, i.e., agmatine and in some instances N-carbamoyl putres cine. In mammalian cells, ornithine, the substrate for ornithine decarboxy lase, is available from the plasma and can also be formed within the cell from arginine by the action of arginase. It is possible that arginase, which is much more widely distributed than other enzymes of the urea cycle, is present in extrahepatic tissues to ensure the availability of ornithine for polyamine production. Arginase can, therefore, be thought of as an initial step in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway. Both ornithine decarboxylase and arginine decarboxylase are pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes. Ornithine decarboxylase is present in xiii xiv Introduction: Polyamine Metabolism very small amounts in quiescent cells, and its activity can be increased many fold within a few hours of exposure to trophic stimuli. Such stimuli include hormones, drugs, tissue regeneration, and growth factors. Even after such stimulation, ornithine decarboxylase is only a very small frac tion of the total cellular protein. There is evidence for a macromolecular inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase that may regulate the activity of the enzyme under some circumstances. To convert putrescine into spermidine, an aminopropyl group must be added. This aminopropyl moiety is derived from methionine, which is first converted into 5-adenosylmethionine and is then decarboxylated. The resulting decarboxy-5-adenosylmethionine is used as an aminopropyl donor in a manner analogous to the use of 5-adenosylmethionine itself as a methyl donor. Once it has been decarboxylated, 5-adenosylmethionine is committed to polyamine synthesis because the decarboxylated form is virtually inactive as a methyltransferase substrate. Therefore, the produc tion of decarboxy-5-adenosylmethionine is kept low and constitutes the rate-limiting factor in spermidine formation. Mammalian 5-adeno- sylmethionine decarboxylase is activated by putrescine and repressed by spermidine, linking the supply of decarboxy-5-adenosylmethionine to the need for spermidine and the availability of the other substrate (putrescine) for spermidine synthesis (Fig. 1). 5-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (which has an enzyme-bound pyruvate as a cofactor) resembles ornithine decarboxylase in that it is also present in mammalian tissues in very small amounts and that its activity is regulated by many hormones and other growth-promoting stimuli. Nonmammalian 5-adenosylmethionine decarboxylases also have a co- valently attached pyruvate group but differ in other ways. 5-Adeno sylmethionine decarboxylase from bacteria and plants are activated by Mg2"1", unlike 5-adenosylmethionine decarboxylases from yeast and other fungi which resemble the mammalian enzyme in being strongly activated by putrescine. Protozoal 5-adenosylmethionine decarboxylases on the other hand appear to be both Mg2+ insensitive and relatively putrescine insensitive. The transfer of the aminopropyl group from decarboxy-5-adeno- sylmethionine to putrescine is catalyzed by spermidine synthase. Another aminopropyl group is needed to convert spermidine into spermine, and this also comes from decarboxy-5-adenosylmethionine in a reaction cata lyzed by a second aminopropyltransferase termed spermine synthase. Despite the similarity between these reactions, spermidine synthase and spermine synthase are discrete enzymes each specific for its own particu lar substrate. The aminopropyltransferases are present in many cells in amounts much greater than the decarboxylases and are thought to be Introduction: Polyamine Metabolism xv ARGINASE S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE ORNITHINE ARGININE I tI t ORNITHINE ARGININE S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE DECARBOXYlASE DECARBOXYlASE DECARBOXYLASE AGMATINASE PUTRESCINE ~ or- AGMATINE AGMATINE DEIMINASE H2N~NH2 DECARBOXY S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE \60LYAMINE \XIDASE AMINOPROPYL SSPYENRTMHIADSINEE N'-ACETYLSPERMIDINE TRANSFER POLYAMINE ) ACETYlASE METHYL SPERMIDINE THIOADENOSINE H2N~N~NH2 H \POLYAMINE OXIDASE SPERMINE N'-ACETYLSPERMINE SYNTHASE POLYAMINE ACETYLASE ) SPERMINE H2N~N~~~NH2 H Fig. 1. Schematic overview of polyamine metabolism. regulated by the availability of their substrates, particularly the amino propyl donor, decarboxy-S-adenosylmethionine. The other product of aminopropyltransferase reactions is 5'-methyl thioadenosine. Although this nucleoside is produced in stoichiometric amounts with the polyamines, its concentration in the cell is very low due to rapiddegradationby aphosphorylaseproducingadenineand5'-methyl thioribose-l-phosphate. The adenine is then converted to 5'-AMP by action ofadenine phosphoribosyltransferase and the 5'-methylthioribose l-phosphate is converted back to methionine in a reaction that conserves the rnethylthiogroup and all but the C-l ofthe carbon atoms ofthis sugar. Therefore, all of the S-adenosylmethionine molecule not used for poly amine production is effectively salvaged. 5'-Methylthioadenosine phos phorylase is a widely distributed enzyme that is present in all normal tissues examined in amounts sufficient to maintain 5'-methylthioadeno- xvi Introduction: Polyamine Metabolism sine at very low levels. Certain mammalian tumor cell lines including some derived from humans have lost this enzyme, and these appear to excrete 5-methylthioadenosine to reduce the intracellular content of this nucleoside. It cannot be ruled out that 5'-methylthioadenosine (which has a number of effects on cellular physiology when applied exogenously) rather than the polyamines is the critical product of the pathway in Fig. 1, but the rapid degradation of more than 99% of this product argues against this possibility. The aminopropyltransferase reactions which form spermidine and sper mine are effectively irreversible but these polyamines can be converted back into putrescine by the combined actions of two enzymes, spermi- dine/spermine-A^-acetytransferase (polyamine acetylase) and polyamine oxidase (FAD dependent) (Fig. 1). Polyamine acetylase catalyzes the conversion of spermine into A^-acetylspermine which is then degraded by polyamine oxidase to form spermidine and 3-acetamidopropanal. Simi larly, spermidine is a substrate for polyamine acetylase which forms Nl- acetylspermidine and this is split by polyamine oxidase to form putrescine and 3-acetamidopropanal. The acetylase/oxidase system and either of the aminopropyltransferases can therefore be regarded as forming a cycle which leads to the production of 5'-methylthioadenosine from decarboxy- 5-adenosylmethionine. The importance of these cycles and the extent to which they occur in unstimulated cells are unknown at present. The regulation of the polyamine biosynthesis and interconversion path way shown in Fig. 1 is accomplished by changes in the activity of three of these enzymes: ornithine decarboxylase, 5-adenosylmethionine decar boxylase, and polyamine acetylase. The other enzymes (spermidine syn thase, spermine synthase, and polyamine oxidase) appear to be regulated via the availability of their limiting substrates which are the decarboxyl ated and the acetylated polyamine derivatives. Polyamine concentration may also be affected by degradation of putrescine by diamine and mo noamine oxidase. Ornithine decarboxylase, 5-adenosylmethionine decar boxylase, and polyamine acetylase can undergo large changes in their activity which appear to be brought about by alterations in the amount of enzyme protein present. All three of these enzymes have an extremely short half-life, which enables a new level of enzyme protein to be reached very rapidly after the application of an appropriate stimulus. Peter P. McCann Anthony E. Pegg Albert Sjoerdsma 1 Inhibition of Basic Amino Acid Decarboxylases Involved in Polyamine Biosynthesis PHILIPPE BEY,* CHARLES DANZIN,t AND MICHEL JUNGt Merrell Dow Research Institute *2110 East Galbraith Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 fMerrell Dow Research Institute Strasbourg Centre 16 rue a" Ankara y F 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France I. INTRODUCTION After ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was established to be one of the rate-limiting enzymes in the biosynthesis of polyamines in eucaryotes, and Russell and Synder (1968) had reported an extraordinary stimulation and decay of ODC activity in regenerating rat liver and in other situations of active cellular and tissue growth, the design and synthesis of specific inhibitors of ODC became a logical approach to unravel the physiological role of polyamines and to control rapid cell proliferation. The first publi­ cation dealing with inhibitors of ODC appeared in 1972 (Skinner and Johansson). This chapter is intended to discuss the extensive work since that date aimed at the inactivation of ODC, focusing on the mechanistic considerations which eventually led to the design and synthesis of potent ODC inhibitors acting directly at the enzyme active site. Extension of this work to the inhibition of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and lysine decar­ boxylase (LDC), two other α-amino acid decarboxylases involved in the ι INHIBITION OF POLYAMINE METABOLISM Copyright © 1987 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 Philippe Bey et al. biosynthesis of polyamines in plants and bacteria (for a recent review, see Tabor and Tabor, 1984), will also be briefly reported. Comprehensive reviews on ODC and its inhibition have appeared regularly in the litera­ ture (Williams-Ashman et al., 1976; Stevens and Stevens, 1980; Pegg and Williams-Ashman, 1981; Pegg and McCann, 1982; Pegg, 1986). Not cov­ ered in this chapter are agents which control in vivo ODC activity at the transcriptional, posttranscriptional, or posttranslational level. It is now firmly established that in vivo the polyamines can control ODC activity. The search for unnatural polyamine analogs capable of decreasing ODC activity in vivo, but devoid of the physiological properties of the natural polyamines, has been and continues to be a line of active research in many laboratories. II. PROPERTIES OF ODC The first ODC activity was detected in an extract of Escherichia coli (Gale, 1946). Later it was recognized that E. coli strains can contain two distinct enzymes capable of catalyzing the decarboxylation of ornithine; these were classified as the biodegradative and the biosynthetic enzymes (for a review see Morris and Fillingham, 1974). The biodegradative ODC is active only at low pH and appears to be involved in the regulation of the pH of the medium, whereas the biosynthetic ODC is responsible for the synthesis of putrescine and, ultimately, spermidine. In contrast to the biodegradative enzyme, which is found only in about 1 out of 10 E. coli strains, the presence of the biosynthetic ODC has been confirmed practi­ cally in all strains of E. coli and also in other unicellular organisms, including the lower ones such as Physamm polycephalum (Mitchell and Carter, 1977) and Euglena gracilia (Lafarge-Frayssinet et al., 1978). The biodegradative ODC has been purified to homogeneity (Applebaum et al., 1977) and the biosynthetic enzyme has been obtained with a purity of about 85% as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Apple­ baum et al., 1977). Both enzymes are dimers of 80,000 to 82,000 molecular weight and exhibit similar kinetic properties. The biosynthetic ODC has a K for ornithine of 9.6 mM and a specific activity of 6000 μ,πιοί m of C0 liberated per milligram of protein per hour, compared with 3.6 mM 2 and 7800 μ,πιοί of C0 per milligram of protein per hour for biodegradative 2 ODC. The two enzymes, however, differ markedly in their pH profile and in their activation patterns by nucleotides. The optimal pH of biodegrada­ tive ODC is 6.9, whereas it is 8.1 for the biosynthetic enzyme. Both enzymes are activated by GTP, but CTP, UTP, and GMP have opposite effects on the activity of the two enzymes. The K and V are strongly m max influenced by the presence of nucleotides.

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