In-Fur-Nation Andt hCeo nFurCehnrcoen icle \blumc6Nwnbcr4 AlTlh Nee wlsfG 'ee Ul£,P rinll Janu1a9r9y7, Ch'CaArtn taPrrcestsi,c Mitcihl lBuctstihrCOrea\o t'C eras g ain '"TM" ·owratsusdc ahw hole1so1mJuean cl.ei. t oGfe n#u2s,a2 wse alslSIa O iIn)s'bi yPde a Kuli dFdu.1T !ough #4f9ea tutrhceeos n tianduvienngt uretshk eio tfsNuinncj ara Gellcilnotgsot e h eel ecwtirrfieocC r o nfurEeingcchf tr,oT me enMaugteaN nitnT juar lplreesse,nb tyoe rdi ginal everyIontn heii!ss s oufye o ufi'nladll ootfi mponacnrtea tDoeraCsnl ararndaC ihnrA ilsl an. inforrmeagtaiwrohdnati dton o( gp lwuhsew nh,e arnehd,o w tdoo i il)a tientr hC eo nfuPrrcongccRr eeposrBstu .ft i rAsvta,i lafbrloViems inCooonwm iictssh fi er isstso uTfeo loefs herseo'mcseu rsrtewuneftt f h iynokuw 'alntltko n oawbo utB:e aFtorrimxafe ur,l lco-mcoilbcoyT r a rWaa)y .nT ehseeri es, crebaySt tede Gna�l lfaoeletlihoa,ewd s\ 'Cnotuafrr ecsl uclant Disnleiyv'es- raecmtaoikrtoe hn e ainri mcaltaes/dsO iJlc a rdaybb siutpe rahnetdrhi oen destsruupecrts-ihsfbeuil inetd s DalmariaGnlseC(nls otasanJreder Dfi;ifnn gio dpesn)oed v ehre rssetlufic nAk.l osuont o iwts h sepec i6a4l- pfauglcl -color Thankswgeheiknaegnna ddml ,o rteh 4a5nm ildloiloilnna t rrsa de-pgarpearpnbhoaivcocekft l h Tea nVki xReenmsbi yx boxo fficoev !ehrfia vte -pedrainyodo hwo lds tfhoaer P raeKucilod ardnd.d M iSkae� Pllusoo,fk oSwe re tT rep:artsl.ia ps Novemrbeerl eAasis tsey .p tihceadslae yt loetfah seet hfei croosbooktk C\'Cr basyafs uermMrbaylr,esR dhe ad fox filmc am\e\ iamt ahs smhe·rec hancdaimspiafnirggo n(m,, \heilfrtpoh com m pialniedrl luMstraartgoCarar Jr)CCesktc n). numesrpootuctsl eodat vhaeisfl raoTbmhlD eei sSnteoytr oe , colle1coftyrasobM lmce D on's.a ld An ecwo mbooikc a nthoselrioefgysr oTma pcsCtol')m'ii css calTlaepdeA snttrhyoa lpoppJr•o,pe rnioautgehl.ty h Aem ong Twwoe eekasr WlairneerBr,r o1nheeFwre sa tAunriem atsitooinrn iseaisrdt ceha ed venotftuh sreme asfl ulrW rayl blya s Di\imsaidioe1bn si f dot rhb ei g-wtiittmhhree e loeaSfsp ea cMea rHyi lde(bnriaoenTfcedi tHm i ldebwrhhaoen ldop!us,t ) . Jastarrimn,g Mic:haeolfhJteCo hnilcaBagunolB lusgB,su nnayn,md o raed venotfBu urrerlsih Uteto t Bluer bryCo a rlos anjdu asbotu et\ -oetlh')e·r classiacn iWmaarStnaeeldrd BaBlnraa.aoc nwtkdhh eiartnsead ,\ 'atihlmiaosbn lteh . charyaoccuta etnrh ionf(k.T hAen imaannitdah cTesi ny Toonsese mt obe notambilsyst ihnogu.Ig nht.e)r eas ItniT nhRgeal byMi,od n kaen ye,bw l ack-and-bwyJh oeill e comic lionfSe p aJua tmo aynsfid g urweaossl as\a· afirloamSb tleeu adnlJdco rhK no zloawp sukgin,am coinokdueecsyi des McDonaTlhdse"o su.n cakt uring Quhaehd'a sedC no iutogyhff licDitn Jh jseu, n glheei, n satneadd i nmtoo, ·es Stal,oatnhdie sras\,'f ariWarneolrma Bbrloct MhuesrSpoiscc e. am orper ofiwtaayblolifef e-rbobabnikOdn dgs !t ufffrom Jawma nsw nbeorna ett h boexo fficfeoi rtp sr emwieeerkee Dn.dB,Co. sv,a isoolna.b le thselni tpnopeu dm bweir1t2hhr e e le1ahlseae toSesftTtar re k featthunere ewx ele kend. Newfr oGml adCsotmoinitceshs Pe e nPniyn csheerarico esl,o r 'mini-cosemrii(ce1pa's6g efse)a tnuerDwii nsgstn oeryai neds UpcomifnrgWo amDl its Pniecyti uaslr ie\'se •vaecrtosifioc onln a rses-ipcIr sisn#utIces o .l ltechstets o oriDfeo sn aDludc k JaWya rdc'rs-epopvualnairm a1cdG eseorortifghe eJse u. n gvlee.rh sinuses x tn-edmooerNs eiisg,Jh obonre s. BrenFdraasn(e Ern c/11i0n1Mo1r .sWi .n rerbsotuaartsrnh see ) guwyh soh owual1dc h-out(-oof!oN)row.- o tryhdemo t-n t FrrccoN mi ghtSotwuldco imoeassn efwu llco-comlioscre ries. whO\p\litalhyale pe n amAeped. Couns T.h siOtsf)'f olalnoa wnsc riaeoc:cncaf tn ihnuema noids antdh eciorn tibnautwitinltlgehh o e v erwhfoerlcemosif n g Therane e'uwspc omfiilnmZg.e uasnR do xaanbonueadt, o gh umanriitguyhp1,t 0t odaAyl.sol oofokr t hnee bwl a&c k whbeof riaew niddlsod l pWheik n uo Itst t Satres, w·hci tesecoricsmDoimcainfromFrTyaVkltiSheniogopnpo.s ite Gutlen('h es i tthhdeeon rgo rdlohlep hitna.cD)ko ,m alioonka sta s ocioeftey v olcvaendii nnaefa sr futsuertet ing. Upcomicnogm fircoMsmU P reistssh l eo ng-afwuarirtieeds in-the-aandevieeFnnattnu-ogrsKfsea'o nadbtsyPh a l(ujld dN,e wf roSmh anFdaan tAarstiysst h bel a&c kw hciotmei c illubsyJt ;ralRt\ue·idiAz.. el rsl o trhn ee cwo lloefca tnitohnoN leo.Hg.oy..-r i:Tohnicsso. l leocffat nitoaansn yd adulctl aafsnusdrpy ri yn -buyTp esrS rmiieLt iht,Pt olJJw e r omasntceo freiaetaspu lreetoshm food reama nthropomorphic (wim1ohrt eh a1n00p agoeafs n A)n.d D.o nBnaarp rr esenttasli ennctl,u dingCwurrittirnsMM,ieMkractrR ikin coh,a rd thnee Swt ignr;a pnoh,i-cac\d ,·cASn ttruor1n0cO g,ueK rri nd.T h;llcBhrocckrH ,oaangdla anandnd i;ls itCksae r Stpeae d Alolft hebsel ack-a1nidts-lhweohsbeui ltade\ ·atihliaMsba lceN cil,HSohwaaunnlGc,roaJacKit im,ms ahD aniTeeldl e., month. VollmcrE,tCthiaMnrlcs:g ieHrray,n soRno bertmso.arned. ConFurcI1 w:PcO 1D9o.�S I Januar)'{l6).17,llBu.e1Pn9aa.r Hk1ot e9l9 P7A GIE Garden 9G2r8O'4\2'·C1,9 .CSAi &m1P1ril, CA £/�whcerreaet orK rJeohjseacrpsieh l eahsedifi srf stu ll-Asp iazoiedfsocr i asalt irhiasvnteesfu w r ryboo kso uWti.l liam bla&c wkh ictoemi iscsf ureoS,mt anA·niiPnsrgtes B su.t cKho tz1'·wieknlnklol fv.eon,hr in so \D'rRe.ol ht a.ns o gwi \'en thdeo agn Wda ltthewera lfirnutdsh emscihna· lsoclrs to sfu sT h&eo rJl �nOtv elrhMo eu ntfarionDm o ublBeoodkasy. odda nfdu nsniyt uaastth ibeeogyni sln ia fcotel lege. Abe airMn a ifniena bd uss irneeposarsnts d,u bmiuitnt dse r hiosw ans su'mneda -meo'nt lfoyi hnidm seclalftl Woea dl l Thbel a&c wkh iatdev econmtiuTcre er rTirtifi•)Aio sc t aonndS traeasne etfw i nagnecniiAaunlsd ., Efurrocomope m Tesh e Caccifaetaotarbu ear cekcs- oumspit ccr ailpfl oerdwi hcik,c Uhb m&-oTnh Aep beyP etHeoergpu ,b libsyFh aerdr ar-Strau.s folltohhweus m oraoduvse moufary eosua nngid n quisGiitrioIvuseetexm .st haac te rltaahdiaynms o rteh scaine ntific turtle. inteiranne eswtdl iysco vered haupecm racna.o1.iu.dr e ThFeo uFre rretieasen rescw o mbooikc fr omL itPtalweF roDancingm Otterpub licatliookof noasr , new g uit'deoa nimal Publifsohlilnotgv.h,aie dn vge notfaug rreosou ftp i mcmedicpoweirnse a nqdu aliAtniiesmEn'ae:lr gbiyGe as ry travtllaitsnh gfefiyega nrhe rtvsoc irtlces r el sBou R'aHloornM ana nSdh eFrirrcyd aTnhc:soeeu r.ql ua lities prisnetvsfe errarle t1--osrdhieiesnni Itgnednf so.r camna toifsoo mne60 diffemraemnmta l,b irracdnpi,d1n iseclstep ,i rit be hadf roLimt PtalPweu blisPhriodnugcP.&tO iB.oo nJx,S ,g uiadredesi scussed. DancOitntagel rso puabn leiwsshzesi ne CaliNfJ0o 7n8,3F 0oo.rt hfeerrp rreodtu cchtecsok,ut th eca llTedh Saec rCeidr dcedlieca,'1 tedbo r in1gwion-gl eggers 199F7e rCraelte (nidneffrro oC ma lenPd.eBOro.,7x 1 61b,a icnkht aor maonnbdya lav.niceot uhar n irmealla atnidv es RedwCoodi CtAy9 ,4 07613)6·a,1 n tdhu en icqaune· edt-hwEeooda rMtoht hIenrf'o.r omantt hieaosennO d l hpeurb lications fer'rWeetl csoimgean'ns pd a per-hotlodwoeeCfrll s a rcaabe n h afrdo mD:a ncOitntPge. rBO,o.1 x 2 S2a,d ieville. KY Rodrigu[P.eOBz.o 7x5 N2o.n Ble1r gNeJ0n 7.70 J4. 40370, Nefwr Woamr Gpr apihTsih c1es1 0/SfG ruiitddtoeeh rI e I OrFlrdoJ mWK enn<ecdyd e./[email protected]>: ofE lfqaunee sxtt,e( nhsair\d'eceno cvyecrl)go upeitddoieN c e 2w4 -poangee-d stiogrfesrytJo WmK eMedyca_lJleendn y Rich&aW redn Pdiyn lio'nsg -rcuonmboonikic:s n egr ainesdF, u rF_A NZIiNsEsI ut ehs7r ,pu l Kuesn nceodmyp ilation ane xpansoint ohenea rBlii£ge/ rf qGumehsetrI ulml.u s_tRraautneSdce hxwy_h iicashc tuPaGrl altybe uldto aodffus n throubgyWh eonuPdtiy an niod t hweirftsuh.l lc-ocvoelaronsry wpalytu,ws ho o meg6r0o-v.mni anuudttiaeopeo sfT he byW endy. LouTdoo nasg ,e nufuirnrreyoc k/jazz bfuann(kda/ variety thitracdpeo misoonng)A .l csoo mmirsastlieooostnpf.s r ints. Fofra onfsMcrLtaccdkse¼e sly d'esemrairPe esn,g uinA LBSootOke sn taatcicveeapldtfysiot nrhDg eI RECTAOnRiYs: ts presSewnotorsJfd e aec ,o lleocfst hiosontn o sreiitent s h ed estihgoenwi funrl olhr-a lfa-dpm,aa gkieeit n fonbnuatt i\'e Valdemaruni\·ienrcscMl.iu cdCkeZoe Rnyet ircihbceuoorttel,on rosut ghfahen \\si wlalno tn eF.i ngcerrossi snheo dpe s LarDriyx onT,aanHnyudaf p flm,ua sno yt o ro fa8f.a5ItxDI I RECToOuiRtnYm a onottrhwo,dcpending Merceldae1boosek's F ti reabfa vso enRd u ssioanan m ouoniftn tearnaedds csto ntrTihbaeud tdefrdeo.asr ls l folktales. otfhis: JWKenn2e2dN1yC ,l envdcSAlpta1t 2 ,R.ichVmA2o3n2d2 1. FroSmtM .a niPnr'ecsso smG ersi mKmiyn:og tf h Hee aap . necwo lloe,fc\ t!ioGotonho aesnreGd r ibmymP uliPtrzieFzrre o Dma lB'lii<dsR si [email protected]>: winMniekrPe e teArlissn.oc liuas1d 6e-dp caoglseoe rc tiAoTnT.E NTCIFOVSNID EOT aurp cl antnoi ng taepeve natCtsF SW?e w oullodt\ beo· a eb tlioen clyuoduer Ita'g sood seafsoodrnr aboogkosn.F irusp1i sDragofnoocthaiongnree myx eta hri'gsh ltiagpeIh.not rsdt eporr evtehnet ti)·G rahEadmw airwndh si,tc hlhea r setm aininfigg hdltro andggeo lanansypod ss sipobsltema ils heanpcso unwtheirleed tsoa tvhe1e ni,1rg liafcnradola m ni m·adionfg'aNnantyuc roalllstec'at ipeinsntg hp ea sdtu,p lieqcuaitpim"neigbenl tol n FroHma rPperri Fsrmo.Tm S cRo mTehsDe o oBmr igbaydp ea awtt h coen .l fywoouul lidyk oetu arpe s pulseeldaeu stse MargareatnD doW Pnee irsra \i 'ni,ol dflr aagegeno gni nceeopyrt sh eBmE FOREyoucloema'vCeFntutdhlieelot na.i ls\\ill anadl ocabla nodfd w a·ensb auOl\ea' 1 errc a-sounrtleoy be avaialttah IbeNl FeO RMADTEISOoKNra, s Oka \Bildi ss. discovebort behti hneegxy p'lrboeyoi ultefsdoi rdceeAs l.s o fromT SiRnp aperblaoocfkko D.rr agCoonOnsn lRyu bsytA lsoFrom[)m,idB/iss: ChrCiysm rafui t,u rOiOs\it·nwieh cli a cm hec handircaalg LOOKINoGn FORMIAS SINSGKETCHBOO K t searchietsss o uflo.r An8 1 /xr1 •1d arbkl uskee bootkc v.hi 1abh l ascpki ne disappefarroaeddm e addop ga rattCy o nf1JERaesInttc. e Morbooek st,h tiisfm oekr i dLsoo.kf oMra uhSeD wr agboyn w alsa seesnts itotnit nhcgeo moeftr h beed i nR oom4 82 well-fkannOta\au\stnSyh u osrCa ono pielrl,u sbtyJr edt beitmweee Iln : .SOp.m1.2a:nId0 a.m. Sunday night. A.S miatnhrd e lebayAs leldaP daipenr baAclklssooof. ko rT hIeh eomtfeh boo ek ,I NT iiEM OOD,i wsr iounet nhfi er st ThGer eRaetwda /F1e aisltl,u sbtyCr hartiesd1D sne i livneTkrh.c e o viebsrl abnutkth c eo mearrwsee ll Itt'hfsei prisctboo1 ku rbea soentd hpo ep ulRaerd wsoe/r1iw eosrn . byB riaJna ilBooomkesl. ConfllrtncPtO B Io �1 9�i Januuy(l6),17,ll,19,1997 ButnPau kH oltl PAG2E GardOmr oRC A 928�2.19n BwnaP ut.,CA Thfei prisctit tnuh rbooeek ibsyT e rSrmiieat nhsd h otwwso C onFurEeingPchreto gRreepsosr t RLf oxmeast iTnhgle.a p satgo eft hbooek haas fucloll or SteM\a'nepi ani notafim naglw eo lf-wmiottrwhpfo he maCloen fuEricghntccJ- t'sifutfun'nysn,i y tl't,'f sua snkMd i rth! companari aocncasoon,and s kuTnhkbooe.k i7s0 •%8 ,0 %H e·rmsco riem ponasnttua ffbou otu gru eosutsrsh ,oo wu,r fulTlh.fe o llnoawmiaenna gdd droetfsh osew niewsrr itptreens enatnadt oilofoot nthsrse,e r a swohyonyus s hobeu lad instihbdeae cc okv Dear\B:·l iiPds. sBO,o.7 x 0 014,Ripvaconrf sCiodneFE,ui rg-chWnthcc e trhcerru omfrio ntrghv .ec I)· CA9 251ly3fo.ou ra nyyoonkuen onwo hwa vtehboo iks o rfi rtsti me! sawi beti ntga kfreonm ptahraeCtt Fy Ep lelaeDseta \kindo w atth aed \ 'ercoon@Haeow olu.lcdo mT.\hG' eCu r)estT'sh aYto uStt'-lAln dA F eYwou W on'L muclhit kgoee h liboo sk back. AsWC hashtainldy· o"ntTO htleeai ssts ubeef.ojmruaesi tl ing, FArs1o S9mt9d r6Arv datedwsao lsce <e les o Its'ebemvu. eis .nyok daidcnnllodgeem us>ee:..Bre ii@gnBl" gce" oasoreh' noa f nonusrmedot tuhnhhaLceaehto t a sUf slna imcociamolumniyti PhteomttreShe n.irt s s DecisaiSC o\'enns-,p"da igtwetr yi tbtyMe inkC eu nainsd J anuaanrwdyi n.lo lbet a btljoeo uisanC t o nfur8e.Wn ec c penciblDyla enPdnh ilTlhisiphsso .au plpeadir Gn i aShnontd aw e\r'esoC rrryt)h o'e tahra,.s n iotn igmw eed, ec idteod Anim#a2Tl.h e(nw htehnpe a gaersr Ii'vbele il)n kainndgf itlhglea p\o\noieft ohou wrnS1oC ,o nfur8ic psnl cce ased letttehrleie snatgd'0 o Ift) hlea ndimsasroukfSe h ontdhaea npdr otuwode lcoounmree 4w t Ghu eosHfto nnoorno,et her Pan#d1ope1 n.c iblyMl iecdh LeilgeRh etc.e In\ t\lTayOn i teh ialnl i.otY reo kun ohwe rA:sa niostfth se aniclc about furriyCn o fratnoadonondmDi ustnlhc &aaA tnl owlislleolror ifgyae r psap pnehoaivrcae scl rse,oa hfte orr ComAirct #i1bs1yt Y eBnoodxPi ueb liIs'hmi ntsgiol.n a kto ewdln i onmfei ni-comaiswc rsia,tn eidrl lusoftt rhSoaemt or ChrGirsa Emm·ps iserrei feoCsre nEtmrpaPilr rodeu catsiS oinaismFn. u rry.L\olnseudrc ikoe fMs U Di nstrbooukclteitosn, wealslSc om,&o Jnc eclroedab t\Se'cd oM tatl comsoann adsaa l n odn g-sttiaompntel h esce e naett h Dea llas Brawl KjanAamno rsson. fanzMienejol.i. nR so bJeS,ra tw yDerJr.a, nR e:o binasonnd, BiHloll brfooor ksw hutarbeote ' fasu a nn idn forrnat1iimvee Fu're ld)itaonrdps/u obrl i:Is fyh oenure seadni nkoerrf oarll! illusptlrealatoosomkere u, p- SteR\.'A cdnd le7s9e1e9A. l sjoo intihneogmf c, o urasrec, osfot mhfeei niens t TilOmtoSna nICdTi8yTr4, c 0l9(e38 091.)n .9266 anthropoamnoirwsprthisit,cpe urbsl,ip srhodeurcasen,rd s . jupsltab iing -fnaanmAselt. lh p ilspu lse onffta ym ifluinayr Fro111:Alnjor.\ln1L\Jason<fmaacanen1sads1, le oelnfw1e 1 mw1u 1z1zt1lmo@peee usItnM ra/no.yofo u cGrsu .edsrtesr>: Hootn t hhee eolf#s '4 s h iits sfueea tRuerciWdna gl lweirbel. al v aifloaarub tloeg irona ufprahl nso unawsge eal,asl 1 ToliVi#s5iis soc nhse dfuoaClr Fe rSde leAansiess.ll astt oeo dus rpe cMieaelTt h Geu egsattsh oenrF irniagdft aeyrn oon. appear iDneecS lcuhdiel ler.S eaPnAen tdeerr sSetOnon/lcScaleoge tareti.a n co hfo uGru eosHfto sn lo'rhi al\tl'h eeo iwrn AlsJtOStopnNh.y A ,n tRteimM cist.Bec ihrC oh.rG irsaD neatn. s pecseisaslit oodn i swchuasts Uu1pte oay,n'n dru cm erous Lee NonoCnF.SG ueosfHto nMoerlW .h iBtrei,Ma inl lgeure asntwdsc ll-peopklneo\ ,\mbei olnhl a navdta riSGoIsu s (Syh-c)Cr,hf rBcoirxsd oMz.,e ryV caVnl aScuke, Millsa,ne d\Ze 'ptehhnertrosyu t ghcheoo- nul ti stwiibeln polgs st ietndh e HughGeash.Wa inl sKojna,nA amno rsTsyogngB,cr ri,g imtaticeno n\'aerneBtaeoi. not nhl eoo kofuottrh e{mR!e cently SlciEcdZ.On linnaa,nm do rAeb!o 3u2pt a u ckasd!d geude sJtuslM:ia em maannoJd o 1s1cYh:.i kovboe1thi c, Donm'itis ts! publliocasilhl edl us"tirllaeltta hod'er C sr,eP aitcitnugr e Books -MMM- foCrh ildwroernk'os nhS oapt urday.) Ad\'tlI1ni-sFiunrg-AiNsnbea ftoairdoeins.In: n -Fur-ONuaNrte iHwoot ne l comei tn wsoi z1e/s8:- 'p"abguecs airnsdeif"szo sSer 5 .pe00r issu1e/.4a-nspdi(a z.c41g /etr a blyl3 1/◄-widew)ef·oarrlseSle I ti0tfn.lo OOoerpeudf rr i Crosntf uratethn Beccu ePnaar k issWueae l.os ffofue lrl -ipnacgleuf so$ir5o 0npe.sr00i eilgi,thhn et p arklioontfg K nBocttnF'yas ni nBn u ena Checskh obeu mladdo eut 1Co o nfurScennccdae me.r a-rPeaadCrk.ya lifWoern ikheaaocr.pi nwgo rtdht ahemait n hotemla y ana ntde txPot. BOo.Ix9 5G8a.r dGernOC \A·9 c2.6 I49 25·8h .a vseo oludft oC ro nfur8cb,nu \ct\cca ' nC'be t s ures-o Gelljiunasmg te ntiinIo nn- Furi-seN aastSyie:onu nds yoube'tdtca elrlR !e memrbeoorm,as ro cn tr infonannawdte i'rolenlp,i ri iion nu btrl usercbtsvi eornb osliinmdg,ol uebt,lr eio,pqr lu ea,Td oc! h ecoknr eser\'calalt ions, wimtihn coorr refctosirpeo lnlasin gndrg a mmar. (800-)1 22-4--lUocan-lu◄ m,bcorr(t7h1c1-1 1)19.9 5--llm po11ant: MakSe1 1torc t!adl ulr biunsgi hnoeu(srMss- 9 Fa m• p5m . (Jnfofromtrch niitssssw ueerM ea rMke rlRiodnO o',R.i lepayc.i lfiicm em)a,k SeaI/ tnrmodee ntCioonnf urTeinmiccai!ys Thanakgsa1 io0nu i rn tr'elpiricedlpo dn JcerMd'a ,n ianlclzbe ; y oluarcs h1a nce! thfoel kisRn o wrbraantzdhzf elo elw;kh ssoe inantd s) .C.r.u ellaD,cCVr"'i(ulJc?D0lu/ll am utians) ConFurIt nctP O B1o9x5 8 JanUll')'(l6),17,18.19,199B7u rnP1u l;H otd PAGEl GardtnGrCoAw .9 28◄2•1951 ButnPaa rCk.A, OthAecrc ommodations Lct's0cou,,1 Fotrh ofseao nlrse msesa wnes'h,ra ept proyc potrhw1ae t I yro uc'ormeti Cono gn fuornact niccbg uhdtwg henyto ,t hatvhelr eeeCs :\sl )CfnaScii(\ll'tieCh1s SaisSnc 0 sa.n 00i ghstp!tl)hir etoo mc os(tAsnm?dee ts omneipeo cep lient he foyrot uso t ianry,i agchrtto hssets rfr eeootmu mra hino tebla!r gJafiynoi!un)at reicrsnes ha tredair noogm ,iofry o1eu hm Thaeryic on,r docerlr o seness: ar ooamnd co uludses oemxebodt ireaps l.eag seiu \as"ca ela lt thCeo nfuprhconnncuecm be( yr,o cua en-,m ail ThcColonylnn-(800)98-COvLiOnNYso n@nctWcoem'a.lscylkooso mum) pee r tiqneuesntti ons. TheC o\·WcargMedoo n-c (c7l 1949)5 -0033 andµt SaSl otnhigen formtaoott iiheonrnt efurricsr.e stAedl so TheC rescenMtoc cl (....:...7 81248). ).$83 loofkot rheR oom Shairnoiftnnoh Scg ee nPtosb tu 1bolaertds. in atth coen vention. Callhilcn dim,oicdfcuorlaroosl mr csera\nbe'dsu a rtteio o ns, menbottiChoo nn fuorncdncBtcuh ePcnaa rka Htsoh teyeA'lF v,ue rrG yo'ruiEs a t! madaer ranfgoesrmpec eirnaoo1lbms l ocaketsa h coht el. ThBeu ePnaaHr okt coemleeq su ipwpeidit tohsw d ne luxe Onmcoere H.oatR eelm inPdaeyArit!nt ge ntionc?o fsfheeoaf p a,ns ctyeh aoukas naedS , 0 's-btahBreu!mt c d Goodfo rY oo! thaerrpcel eonortt yph lear1c fo0ec ysdo muurzz olberea ikn theen vioCrroo nnfsu rencc! Iryou'tbero c mgoorien gt ohhfao nul raaist n eca orurIpiml\me'e idntigtoa h nteoe roltryhtm haehi onat rescle veaetrearli es t1ohB cu ePnaaHr okt oeirylf o, cu h aynogpuelr aa nnasdr · e,nj uosutt osKrin doeBl clnF'yasn annG.dood ieC'osfS fheoep goitnbeosg t awyiiutnfshgo t rhf ein risgothr t1c homcna ,k iels oca taedBt ea cahnC dr esPcelnnutus.m, e eraotpuilsna gce s sutropeh o1nheHe o 1aenlld et th ekmn otwoh oylodu orar l sloa rrtfcso uunpad nd do wanl oBnegaB cohu liCn\ ·ard rcserfvoyaro-1 uoi iro1t nr ln lo/t t hbewe hreeyno a ur ritvhaeer! e snl di (swtihsto huu risbel) al Y aialla ble ConfuIrncfnoccr omeral tlseioo,tok aon n ,hyo sttepealrff s on GetTtOiT nhge Hotel witthha t lhoouikynn og euryrye s! ThBeu ePnaarH ko tielsloc aattteh sdeo uetnohdKr n otWtesl cBo:i.mcTeko -ThPee aPrlo ssum! Bc•lFla)nnC,rocsccnnA tY cnuwceo,sBjfteu asBoc1uh l C\-ard. Froemi t1hh4ec0or 52r 2F reew(afyrtsohs meo uottrhh 5o)e r M odelaftleedtr h leoc Larln chtbaa,in·tnych f mei boo rkso ,r 91F ree(wfartyohnsmeo nphr)oc,teed Ko n oBnesrF rayno nnA laDne aFno stSpeerl'lsss ienrgiue s. ECiognhFtu rcncc BeaBcohu lcT\u'mwa erosdnCt. r es-ctehnartti 'gishrp t r opurdelsyte hrneet tosuor rnu o rw cno ntijnubuiaocures headionlrge siftor uh1enah0d riF1nrhgto. mhn eo ryotcuha na nfadnl ouan,g·eat.Cio ol nafbulmercmc benrccIs an!d dition alcsuorti tghhrtto uhKgenh o pu.,·rslk oiatnns gdh opp1ia0fun lgll io n(ren on-adlrcioTnhhkPoeseal ,Pri olc s)us iulml areTahhe.o itrseil tg hhoetnry eor uirg ThhCteo. l Ionnnyo, n acgaeir ne aetvuesurncctah signinstgo·srl") ,ea dings, CoYeWraegdMo ont aenlCd,r esMcoetanertalc l a lc roasnfsdis likn agntii ngBgh est u.trc oeh eioctuk t ! Cresocnte hsneot us,ti hd ec.aojsorutu ms rat Hi ont Wehla.t , stciolnlf uWsheyd.u??jst uehhs eat n dym-daaipnnsdc yl uTdhDeeed on Df e alers itnhiisssucl Asot rh tiistm heDe,co nrDciasslo eolrufd'to s r ConFurcncc AW orOdrT wAob oPuatr k.i.n g. EigJhfty.oc ua'Juvlsceaydno du'orucroun.liipisltteai.sen .g briynosgut ruW IDe 'tlrolyube rst tfo i rnoodmf oyroi uon u r Pariktnih nHego tleoalttt h Beu ePnaaHr okt ipesrl i maArritliAysl tloserp'y e ,r hiantp hDsee onrD ealie1-rsse 1r rcsefrof\"roe ladkc s1 sutaaliylrniyoo n mgas tt h heo tIerlc .a nccldloha a1pispeoonnm,se atttih lmeaem ssit n ute! you·r1c0coCmoinnfgu rlcocnaoelfa rntnodooSm wtlan a }ing O\'Cpmliegahset p,ca orniksoniin nodcrget arhd ejK acnelon'ttTs h Aer tAilskt!sy' BerT)F·ar lmo cs-ntohcte: y-'.ripcfcnna socinot\cr "tcih:se m frfeeou rpt4 oh ours! Oneo tfhm eo posptu r1caarot ruarCncsoy n FuTracbnilccne! s 1hpcr e-coanrvaeaer anc\e ' afirlottacr bh laocrna gfi er st comefi,r sib.asse\\irisstvi,hcdg nea-cmuhornip nsga 9 t: a4m5 -shaTrhpte!a balleoPsnu gb liRsohawer arcs' ssi gned thropurgch,a ·riroaunsg, e,Cmioetnnhft us-r canncdc currtehy'nertaellf yli, l led up! ConFurtncPtO 8B 1o9�� 11: JinUU)"(l6)\.91977. 18.19. ButPnu1k H OlclP AO4E 01rclm Orow. CA 92842,19�8 ButPna1r CkA. Im1,olrtnafonntnf aotDric oanJ ers: Aq uiocvke rovdfia eiswlt yuT ffh:u ndimasoy s atse lty• up anmdee t•andd•atgyhr,ot.e Autrtg ih sAtlslt'eh Lye,o unges. Wer ecomymoebunr diu npmg a teforrit ahDlees on Df e alearntsdh Vei dTehoe awtiealrllbe l u pa nrdu nnAilnsgoo.n throtuhfgerh e eilgehvolant t leo1aress itod fe1tH elo t(efla cTihnugr tsldt1aiiymi sets h Mea ttWionrgk ,st hoho eplapn ists towaBeradcBsho uletvharrotduh)sege,rh v ciocrer aindidon kr ee,tp h sieuiffrl oogkoodi anlsgo ng asLa lpoTesh suirbsldea!y thbea dcookor tf h Dee onDf e alWeer'hsla.l vC eo n.FureNniccg ihttt'i,sfm oetr hr ee touCfrnl uTbekl lop• iineg stoanhff a ntdho e ylopou u Otn.c yeoa ur raiD veea,lD eern'h so tdtaenssceto uinntdh sge a ldaixr'tec}yot'o ,u ! Ma"pi bel alv aitlsoah boylwote ul w 1ateyyo o tuarb Deallee.r s don ohta vteor egitshtemeierrm bersahnirdpc sc ctih\eF-Cir ri \\diastarlytlo ffw itthhMee eTthG eu ereceptisotns/ meeting badpgreitsoso re tutpit nhget iarb- lbeustt h meuys dtos of ooruGO r H 'asnot dh egru esatwssd ,asl t hef iUrfstDe r awing immedoifatsetetertlui ypn !g Hbrkfshoartistorsp whol'idtkl oeearn ab imto raebo udtn ming furrbiaessoe nrd c bodaiJe sF!r indiagyfuh rtrp,yu ppeteer ThAert S how StCP\l'uCn rkeettwutirns ht ihss i ngfienmgm e•sfkautnakl e (amnodr neef wr ieanndadsl l)soo,ofk o trhr ee toutfrnh P ee t Guess what?i tWW1ee ''fvviee l uldpoeo udnhr eu gAeu ct(ijofunosfu rtn )F.r indiagiyht tt'h Isec C er eSoacmi al Con.FurEeingceAh nSt h otwto l vieyewr po iisn t(,i nciltnuhd peedr ioycefo awd misosuiaron nn!Fua}ilSon;l g k at•thsea-lodefoossar hn o swp awceibe l all loownieltfdyh eCroen twehsetyr,oet u h lei stgeetntove orot net hbees nte w issp arceem aiannoidnn olg.,nThy u rsadnaFdyr id111y6 t(shto h\ne\g ai f luhtr rhyea mnefd:i naolwlfi yrC s\tF' ieCltok n cert. an1d7 tOhu)tr.h atntokh sme a nayn ipsrtisn,t •amnadEk ncdriusnp Fg r idaiyas n nidegawhn tPc uer,Np ulrelp ilvee , sculwphtaoor preas n iciiopn.u s1rh1 oiwny1geh alirfsu.y\ o·dei rfercFotum r rytMyouo cuk! regiasntydeo rueb'drr ien gtihona gn g./adni spplleaays/es ell, nottheAa ntS hosewt •upb,tea1 kipillnlag c e sianSiantglu1rb1drwaisdaynan gyos t lhifeeDr r a�ldfnogr knsohttoo p , mornin1g1.ti htsehh otwoo p eeanr Flryi TdhaAeyn S. h oawn dm entoiuofrna moCuoss tSuImGe/ Presanehdno twa•ttioo n alolif tbsu siwnietlsalspk lea ocnte h9 e1f hl oiontrh C,ei tseys siSoant.u nridgtahhyli r negasgl emltoy v ing:o nM unch LigRhotosm . lasaagGtna ar fiS(e alsd e patriacitkteee seetm t)h,f ei arns t Oncaeg atihynie sta hrCe o n.Furacnns cheo\ w\f ielaltt wuora eu ctaincodon m,tet o h faem ouCsa baFrulerDet a n(caela s o voicc•\a\utichtlfehii ornsstp, l taSacaketi wndga y Cs\e'peantriiancigtkt(ee-ei tmfn oa rd ults!). additttoih toern a diStuinodnaayl afternoonf ovro ice auction) thopsieew chei hcahv ael reraedcyee in,o·ubegidhfo d rs Sundmaomy i nigtt 'isfm oer aDnoo>P hoenSryh o(ww here auctWiewo annC.t\ ·ewrhywooa nnaetn ts ho m ·ceh aa1n 0cp er odounfce ecowrm si cTsVs, h oawnsod,t hgeoodri egset to geitno nt lb1ied dinhgei!rn fFounnwn iabelt aliv oani altas btltrehu esttru eff)L .a lSeurn diatt'yis fm oesr o mree bsutot,n ly tlc1oen( .Wh ei g'rh e\c)ommend thati nta hrest oyi oscuta gsne utdpf i otsrhps ele acyaoinnan dug c tainodn ,os tohmeer shoawt ttehMnead t tWionrgk sohnlo 1p1 uar7ts: dp00am yi, f s peceivae-ln t1s0 aben nounSceTeehd Ce!o n.Furence yocua n1) GeneSrtao(lrn eeA anri sAtlslf'eo yir)n foromnpa rtiicoens anadv ailoafsb eiplaitrtiaycit kteee tam nscd,h eocukol u r AnHde rAe 'LooskA tS omOefT hEe, ·Wcen'BtlesBl r ingilnngf onsntaatttifoioi ononn udm t o raebo uotufa rb ulous C\'ents! Yoo._ Morlen fonOnnaS t1i)C("oEin,a ·]e nts Moroeyf o fwa ,·aoCtro intfeusEr icg!nAh csate l wtahy'esIr Ie bep leonfot uypr o purloaurn dS•GJrs oc,bo ivned riivneg-r TsheCe o stSuImGe topliicockmsep uters, animatpiuobnl,i sdhrianwgi,n g, ,1Tiling. persofnuarlrr ioelse,• pglaamyefuirsnr,agy n iumnei,v eYrosuoerp ponutnsoih toyw w hoayffto c ua dnowi tcho stuming desaingmdno ,r Ael!rs eot uarnritenhe geve r•posppeuclifaeorsyr o ouwrfn u rcrrye atniOtolmon e -nttihcoern e aittisoenl f meetiwnhgesyr,oec u as ne oeuka1 nt da tlfoko lwkhlsoi kC\1-icsoemo enSs a tuarftdearnooyan ot u CorSl umSeI wGh,e trhee favofray\o"auOnrritimytapeleA! n adl rsco1 utmhiyinesgia srt wo-phroougstartsrr aomff \\aip tresehn taottfih haoenn d iwork th'et htirraidcon ku 'r wLeHe ae-ltsl pec iparle sentbayto icofos ntsu maenfurdrs rc yo nstfrroumtc htroorusfg uhnoyudto m furwrhihoea sSl t'tuehff e y wraenSanhlaol wy ysooum,e( p wliputhsho otpop onunfiotlilleoaswti)een,dtr hd ea byya extsrpae ecvieanlIt tsa'!lsi l ny ouhra nddayn pocdkye tpo pulvaofrto etr ht ew beos cots tu(maettshp er esentoart ion, progarvaami,al Ctao bRnle eg istration! wandetrhhiean lgAftl esr)t .hp er esenctoasttiufomrneo,rm s arotuhncedo unwuibeyl o lnha nda n3d\- 'atidoli asbtclhuees s matearnimdae l1sh todhsue syte ob riunstg h ecirre ations! Sign•suhpeefo trts l p1ree seponrttaoittfoih nCoe on s tSuImGe wibel alv aialCtao bnlFeu Irnefnocrem Kaeetpyi ooeunyr.e s ope-n sevceorstaulmh eaar\s·ske aed bo uhta \iinndgi vidual hows•etsos oin,o ·nasra isopecoutstfs h eainC.rh eocuktt h e daily asncwdha edtutclhnheee , w sletter! ConF11r8t ncPeO B o�1 958 Janu(alr6y) ,l71,9J987. 19, BuePnaar HkO ltlP AGE5 GardGerno vCtA. 9 2842,1958 ButPnaar lr.,CA -DinncratGarfitld's Signf-ogurap msae nsgad m em ast"eiberlk sle pto urtisgihdte thgea mirnoogm a.n ads chedcaunlbe e f ounnedaC ro n AnotChoenrF utrrcandcci sttuffiinogyn o-uroseSnl aft urIdanyf!o rmBaeto into hnle.o okfoosurpt e ctioaulr nament ThiyseGa arr fi"eiflledla' ltsou otrflse a sa(ganpap roapnrnioautnece imnecnltauss dpe,ic nRigaa gTleo urney! namrei,g hptl?lu)oso,t fo s t hgeoodri etsof i atlt la satneds need(si nclsupecdiidanilge a tvsa)i lable buff-eTth-es tIynCltoeem.res NtTeoitCc okneFtusr tnce aracv aiflraotbmhlG eee neSrtaoalrn eid,n cladu rdiefn okr, on$l1y0 ,per0 pe0r sonE.a ttiinmagesr st ca ggtekore etedhp e A boutti mweeh, e yaorsau y T!h yieaso ru mre mbe"risbel l crodwodw- nso makseu arnecd h ecyko tuirc ket! ableteo-macihaloncdknewsgroMuUpsD,IR, C ,andwha!evcr! Lookf otrhl en teTreNnenRtioo nma ld ownnsedtxooa1tri o r s, -ThCeabaFlu'SrDl!c at n ce Gamirg Byn oawC onFutrreandceti htSeia idgaChyat b arAFe etIw m portPaonlNtio ctfoyesr C onFurencc shofwea tulrievmseu lsayin hcdo d ta ncbiysn kgi mallleaf nudl femdaalnec.e prlscu,os s taunmsdek s-i tyset sh,e ardeu'l-stW eapons oriemnattedeh riea(rlael t e iasonsm te p artosft hseh owso! ), thseh oiwfs o orv eSr'-ssIo. r ry! fPrro1oceemhCd cas b aFrcoirl tenlgierJtC ho nFurcnccE igahltl,r earealli,ostisi rcm ,u lated benevfiatr cihoaursii ntcilestu,hdD eie nWaghl i t/lDeCuyr ewle apomnussbe t pe ace-bownidtrehid b bo1nl.1i insc ludes AnS chool schfoulanandard ns ihrmieapscl au need d ucatiaonnsyao olngf u knn,i (faebo 4v�1e 0 1sawlo)wr,hd i,op ro. t her instiltiutktleWi1 ioeln dWsla iyfes 1.aT tiiccaoknnea tgsabe i ns ucihl wehm iccohu cladud sea maCgoen.f usccruernicel y purchataths Geee dn eSrtaoflroS erJ 0.00. wibell enfo1rhciisn!g -Filking -SomWeo rodnDs res sa nBde ha,ior Confusrtcrnthcebeo- cfiasl k-fcroi.Tne hnPedea lrPylo ssumw e·sa..-ieid bet f obrueit,t1 'istme ao s ikat g aHieynf :o laklsl. \\ialgla isnea tsbe i odnFe r iadnaSdya tunridgfahoyftr a nsso onpefso pflreao lmol vt eherw orflrdmo,am n y owlfailfkes, whwoa n1tg0 e tto geatnshdie anrbog u tth efaivro rCiutrer cioemste.oa C onFurAennwdce re e.a wlalntytom akaeg ood Thtiisom nFe rindayi gihttt'i sfm oeUr 1a en nfuuarflri lyly kr iimcp reosnas msia ononytf h eamws eca nS.i nncoeetv eryone cont\\eitsththwe, i npniecrbk yae dpo p,u·l0Wa1hrea .Yt o?u w hsoh ouwpis gs o itnbeog i notrno o itn tthosae m et hings, dons'iton rpg l aWyh?yj ,ub srti ynoglu yrr ailco-snw ge· 1p1l eatsite)'obe discwrieettthh ilniglksee a sthhocekr- gear, ha..-seo mepeornfeot rhmef moy ro uA!n hde dyoy, opul aa yo kaAytv? e lreyia ntsh tLe o babnymd a iCno m·eAmrieoan, guiotr0a Ur1i enrs trBurmieinantglt o?Wn egc !aa nl wuasyest rtyot hianbokuh to ywo ud'rrees asedn,td r tyom akseu re i1ndsia!gy mh atks,eu trcoeh eocuoktu rt lyioaautrd er esSsedec!o nbed lcya,ra ebofuugtle totvienrg fires..-tFe irCl okn csetna.rD nRgeo binCsyonnt,he inae r"giethtohir cs elpaflb aioytff! oo lairnogdu anmda ges McQuiTlhloiatnnhLe,d,s lFiiesA hn!rd e memabed.Jrn,i sshiootpner lo peirtgt'oysnw, ea t yoo f aOrk.a Tyh?a ynokfu r aolml ifsr weieyt ohmu erm bersAhfittpeh!cre o natnecdso ln cconf,u s. anadln li gShatt uirfdcsai yrt,chc lehe a ainrsdsi t nhgne i ght awaiytn h Pee aProls sum. Tlw-Pricc -ThVei dTehoe atBearcT-ko geAtghaeirn ! RegisttCoro antfiuoErnie gnihcste s olni sdaci anFlgre o.m nowu ntJialn ualr0ly1h 9,9 t5h,r eeA-tdtaeyn ding Oncaeg ain, C,o�ndiFebsuoa r iceonknn cseepo t O.uV ri deome mbershair3psc\ 'abimyla afibolSJlr0 e . 00A.ft etrht ahtr,ee TheartuenrnU,i h nogua rd snf yr oTmh uraftsdearnyoo tno d amye mberswhisilepslal t tlh d eoo fro trhsa em eS 30.0A0n.d Sunadftaye rnwooinfl,eal t muarneay n imfaetaetadun TrdVe saf uylealor If Fn u-r-Npaltouiussor pecn i,aa nln Cuaoln furcncc shoawnsi,om rei gtirnaanlss(l,sa etraiinooodntu shs e rniSsocu!v)Ce,on lilrecB tooikao,ran cl i ln cliutndl pe\rdCio ceyfo ur shofinl mfsu,rco rmym ercainoadtl hsne,ir ft y Fsittnuhdffe membe. r ship! VidGeuoiB dooek asRt e giso1Irrna f1oiromnfa otltilhooenw . sigannhsde, at do wtahrfledi ckering liglnAsn1rd e memiybefor cau,n nmoti gratttohe i so fpUwa1orerat lt d that tfireetm oe .Cj oofnfieeunlr acasnS cucp pomr1eimnbegr! -Gaming Suppormteimnbeggr esatfu lyle ar's stulobn s-cFruirption Na1itohSneo, u ..-enirB ooCkoa,ln lodecn fteri aeeons n h ow Alwaapo ypsu palsatri "mileUo 1ot fsf uwrhreittehhsgee,a r m ed isspplaafoceyrt htea kailnflogt r,ll ieop wr iojcefu Sst1 2,001 iAsl beOdtohS,eu rn s, lTlM�/r1oe/rwTT oe,le f.n nFgreormGs oi tt ?:) OutSepra cGea!m isnpgaw ciebel alv aialtCa obnlfeu rencc do,mso1nta hiferi fsrl,soo trj -ufsotl 1lhosewi gns! ConfurencPeO B Io1 �9 $8 J,nu,ry(l6J,17,ll,19,1B9u9t7hn r,k H otelP AG6E Gar<kGnr ovCeA. 9 2142-19$1 BuePnaar k.CA Planonnib nugy yionumgrc mbcn.haitCpo nFurlc1n1c:cTc?obec omea s ponsojru.cs otn traim biuntiemo uSfmJ .0 00 priacte-st hwei-beld:lSoo Jr5 f.o0Tr0h ursday/SF2r0i.do0av0yae ,nr ad bo \y'oeum rcm diwcahtieoc foh u r SfourSn ad1aaunySrSd,3d1 0a5.y.ff0,0ooSa0 0rrul t nlhd Srda2eya5e,y. fC s0ooS.0rma •teuyrarotnduidasdrn ypecc g ci gudiecams,lattj rihsu.kmtgi s. o est nn ieeftsyuro h na- edlwl" ep 's lptoillorai 1iw myftaoo crunado gn;fa' ltl membershiaptt he d oor us p:po n.itnAogt tendtihneWgmh:.a dtoy ogue ftobe ri ngs poan soBre?s ibediensg S13.00. 1SA0pon ncsnodri:n g-S S7J90..0000. 1 0Sm poennstoibroy nn aedmi ent hSeo uvBeoonkis.rpo h e SupeSrpo nsoWrh:a tbervieynrog tusor ut patlS o 1 00o.r0o 0n lfoyl k(sbe sisdteaasffn g du esatlsl)oi wnte hdGe u est morAet.t entSdoui penSrgpo nsSoSr0:o. mr0 o0r e. Lounags epec,ip alla seceta sidefo lwkcahsnerc rleaa .wxa y fromt hheu bbub coonfT.lh fheoode i gsood antdhc eo mpany Rc&fstcarittnh Cgeo nvention ilsi vAenlsdypo .n sgoesn.tpe cseiaatlia tlnh gFe u lrDe a nce Cabaret (witthhp. e1 rcohafscra e gtuilckaetraft- earl iltf,'o sr ConFuRreegncei sv.tirbela dlti ivoiindn tethdorp eea rPtrse:c harPiltuyss!po,)n .sgo ent;o u-urn engdriantgi tude! rcgimsi:eemrbecdv.r isll ahnast m ebest weeAn- PLr,c -rcgisi:ercd memben.v.liatnshatm beetsw eMe-n.Za nnde Awt -The-SDuooi.reS rpo nsor(sTh!eA nimSaetreidt s!) registFroParrt ei-oRne.g MiesmtbcesJ"Cridsyg ,on nu arm e nct�to1h nea maena dd drients hRsee Bgoo ka,n cdh ecyko uSru peSrpo nsorasrpeo cp lweh roea lwlayn1 t0h eloput th e namsepe llainanddg d rfeocosrrs r ct(tInafen s)s1i.hns io ntcg o nve-natnitdoh nit nhkde eyse rsvoem etshpeicniigna l corrpelcewtar,si ietn te hc eo rirnefcto rnmcatxtoy1i o ounrr e po nsaortnch; o csreya,e zrw,o nderful people nameF!oA)rtT hDeo oRre giscfirloaluat tn i eomwne .m berw iltlcoio nngt Sr1i00b.uo0tmr0eo rteo woaursrdpe cgiueaslt s. fon(np rheasrisdt c.'a sr bohna!no)dv, ye ormu orn (ecya sShu,peS rpo nsgoenat;lt lhsa em en esattau sof tfSh poern sors, cheocmrk o,n oerydo enrlp yl,e aasnmeda) 1rg0ee yto uprl suosm eex tsrnaaf zoodzsyt uiffntsh V eI LPo unge (Guests receiptF oacrno aypn aydlC! lo nn�rtingMgcomtbaoen Srdus pehSripo-pnss,oo nnal;ly l owOetdhn!ee)rpea. rt k isn clude AtT he RDeogoirs tporianttwi hooaynuto,tw u i tsuohp grafdreo nt-arttoh Fweu l srDec a anCtcaseb a(rAegatiI!nh 'a,'Ms! ' ilh froamnt dos ,in gen1x y0to nuarm ieaf s kteoad.n h da nod, ·tehrce h apruirtcyoh fya ostueir c fkoterhtF e L sDh oWwh.a)t , thaep proapmroiuoanfmtt oe n eAytR. e gistyroaubt·ei1y o1on u do$n100'.t00s ihatvateround?i nWgh yma,k ei nstallments! handape adc wkielth coybnoau dryg oeus,ro u,boo·ke.n Tihra rti'gwshe t' lkw eo pa)mcnotfsSS0.00,orfourpa)mcnts yopocukrc plr ogyroavumir.d s ecoh eadnuodlt si:rau tf foSif2 5-.i00s tt couinltlys o auasS upeSrpo ns(olrm!p ortanl Rememsbepecri,ma elm berbsahdiagpreh csa noduedtt fo u rrNioccsKc e:ei pmn i nydo',ur n eoa tc tuaaSl polnys uonrwt eig le t whou'nrde18e y rc aonaf;g cs-obe preptasorh eoIdwDa lt haec tSuSa0lo. m00ro raenno,dt a S upeurn wteig let lhf eu ll Registiyrfoa futu iiros nnq 'utid trea gtghigenr go uynedtS !I 00o.rm00 o rSoe,i. yf o uma'krieni gn stalylommuie gnhtts , Ano1ihmeporrt t.hainWntemg u:sh taa vr eea nla maes socian1OegIdey to nuarm ietn l Siocu vBeoonkis,ray,i yfo tua akw eh ile wiatr he faalfc oeer a acnhed v ebraydh gaen odueWdte .h avtego e yto urpsaeuilpdBf! u wte,p romiwsee'a-lclk nowledge tkon owwh yoo ·ugure satrsbec'f owree'g lh1l·h ec( moy ro uy)o auss oonas y oduo !] thbeaidrg e! ANOTHSE1R)CC iNaolfot reS ponasonrSdsu 1K'.r.s . lm1l0NrototanenR tc gistfroa1r11ScicGoiunae,las ntPdsr e Paid Sa1n)SdouJ) ncsorrSs1 ,Oonn!s�o·r:s We• vhca sed,.. crpeoapll weh hoa \a·cct hr·eqculeysh teeldp frCoomn fu1rg0ee notccuh te rseot, hm eiyg jhotui san n bed Asa na dded obusorpen cugisua.clo s Cf\ osn fuSrpocnnscocpr,as no ft hper ogrIawtmo .ube l vde rhyel ptfouu sil af n y anSdu peSrpo ns(opn.r en-opctao indv.e cnaibnnpi ga-)tsh seS ponsoonSr;u peSrpo nson;1 w0\o \uiclla-dlrma irsonkmg eo r Registlrianateltisloo gne tIhfyeo ru!a'S rpecei aGlu et salolft h eciorn tri(baultrmieaaoddnytes o) w haerldp oiuntg SponsoorarS upeSrpo nspolre,fa osletl hosewi gtnots h es peciwfiecl l-fkunroBswe.ns ioduferos gu ure osfht osn or SponLsoourn( gteat kheeel cv1at0th 8oetn.f hl ooarnfo,dl lo(wR obeJSrt.a wyDerJr.a, nR eo biBnisoHlnol,l brookM,e3l00 thsei gYnosu)br.a dgpeasc.ka enrtdis b,bo, n,besi w lali tiWnhgi tweh)ow me ca na lwuaseyh se flop1r h,fc o lakssk ing foyro! uh eNroect.c niayfio ·nur a Se po nsSourpe,or Gr,ue sta?b oSupto nsoirnschliuTpdh eo:th (jazz./cthnic group, Chectkhl ei asIttn sf ormation! perforamttih finelgco k n ceSnt)ecA, ,d ·dl(eisnetk corn/ anist Shanadnaod t hceorm iFcrse)d,d y A(ncodmebooirkcso n ConFurUcnnitHc etJK''lrss. .. aniMsi:a)j,Mo arnM aso(n3 a-nDiand si:c rcatooTfra livisions). StcPl,u·nek( eftutn ypuppdCccorb)(a,fla atnn i astndW) ook,i c OurS1,onsors (fanartis1). ScYcorfta halen ifsotlihkcesh ra e,a ·ler esaaitddhy e bey 'd Sponsaorr1csh s epe cfiuarlwr hihoee slk pee pC onFur\c\nicclt mloayi bndego u ps omsepe cpirailrn ujtnu sfs ottr h eir goibnygg h ianl gi btit(tloa e1r 0 b1i otcf!x)1fi rnaa nhceilapsl.po ns.os.n.o.i ,y f o ul'idtkc oea r-smoamorefyk o fuurn tdos Thatm'osn feotyrr anspolnodigniag.nnf gdeed. i onugs rpec iaslo moetf h neee dy,w hnyo t tgihCveoe n fuprheonnnccue m ber gueasswt off-setting compalca ilmoleer,n- tm,aairinyls [email protected] . Confu8r ePnOcB to1 x9 $8 J1n111ry(l6),17,18,B1119tP,na11Hr9 ok9t 7tP lA G7E GudGrroo C,A-c9 .2 842,19$8 �n•P ut.CA OurStarr Dealcaengr easlc ceststo h Dee alDeersnst 'a ra9tt:i a00nmg eacmho rninagnd,si gn-ufpsoArtisls r' Allteyap klepace r omptly Weca na lwausymeso rset taffoh elkpee pt hirnugnsn ian9t:g 4 a5me amcohrn iCnogRn.e giswitlrcla ltoai8seto: n0 0 smootahtlC yo nfurWehnac1ci't!ts a kTewe?l vheo urpsmo nF ri7da:y0p,0m o nS atuarndada1t: y 0,p0 m o nS unday (miniomyfuo mtu)ir 0m \et-C hrle e nogtfth cheo ( nt homourgeh ( tomwaakyeforRefgoCiros ntfruaNrtieinnoTecnh)c De. e n iasl waapypsr ecihaetlepodiuw!tni) gRt ehg istArrSatht oiwoo Dfne ,a lwielbelr so penf ro1m0 :a3m0•7 : 0p0m o nF riday, shufflainnpadgpe rwosrokua,nn dld i ghftotirhesn hgo awnsd 1 0:a0m06• : 0p0mo nS atuarnd1da0 y:a,0m 0-5 :0p0mo n danceasna,dlk li nodsfst iuttffa kteposu o lffalco nl itkhei Ssu ndIanyf.o rrmeagtaivroidnei wnaignbn dig d dtiinmfgeo sr oneW?h adtoy oguef toa rlt lh iWse?lf lia rnsdt foar etmhAnoe Ss hto,tw hea, u ctainoodnt shs,eu ric nhf ormawtiibelo ln frspatcet tcor aisanhn c dh e(ainpfof tr meeu)n cfhoitresh epo stoendt hed ooro ft hAne Shoawn,pd u bliisnth hede lenogtfth COhen !P lauc sh afnoceafr r meee mbertstohh iepn ewslwehtepotnsse irbThe l eVi.deo TheaStcehredw uilbele l folloC�oinnfgu rternaccn.s tfceoer rtaa'bislntea u ttff h'e a \'aiisenlp aabrlbooaekt leea tCtso R ne gistTrhaweth ioolne. ConfuGreenneSccrt ao[lrR ee.m etmhbeourgy ho0u.0h at\o's Ch cboocml odseosva m5t : 0p0mo nS unday. buaym cmbcrshdiotp hjiwero srllkh,,ye on'u Ibe I c redifotred youmre mbersWhainpt! )m oroenC oinnFfuor KettnpcAeh tadof'theCame! volunteJeurssietnn agdn ? o tteoR odO 'Rialttc hye ConFuardednrcce hsiess-( moaardi dlra enhsdes s')el ynlod u H owd oy osut oanyt oopft hlea 1est ,cshcahnegdeusl,e ouaVot l unItnc.cfro rmaPtaicorknie galhw taI yyf!o ul'itdko ea dditdieolnesta,in oodnt shn,ee re d-to-kanlo w items voluanttt heCeeo rin t soeril yffo h,uo vsei gunpfe odsr t aCffo nfuEriegnShcitcm? p Jluepsti! uc ptk h lea tesotTf h ies sue annde tecodh eck in,ujptu tosh dtee wshikett ahhde siSgcnra itPnco hsiotnu,ghr a lf.ciailoyfe vneeanwntsdsl etter nicc fbriigel ned"tlehyrsa s.t 1 ys Vo·ulspu snttnaeeiexrirlsns ,f (oirtmA antfdio goren oiqunurge satniSo\nb\sy'a t rcd tIon formation). hwnbeainn g.stj�bu youst r h anldnyf onTnaabtllioceoa,nt ed netxAotrt isAtlsl'e ya,t torhpbie igs ghp tis rtaali rcase. ThrritchWseio nng -FoTlhlaUollw e ralighl? Happy·YNcCllar,C\"tBtroyneoonfepl?ah eeKkccp!i ntoueh ConFuhraeisnto csweo n ff itcriaaa\lg' eenLlca eydr. Ta r ncwli tthhwe o rotAfdn thropomJOorJCoi1nnhF kusr!Ee ingehet ofSoutChaelmi fTohrnicays.'pec "ica lfiozredyi cgnae n" iTnogt ClaatyThc!oh seP uppiiiiies! goodr atfeotsrr at"oae nlfd r oSmFc onisn.c luoduirnsg! ContRakkcF to osRrs o b(ihnti rsua sstsyi as(tt8 a06n02t)4)- 667f9r ooomt Csaildei fo(ornir13a 06.)4 0 -05i2n7sC iadlei fornia. ThcCn:F.:1u1rM riyg ra1ion Lookifnoagrd ,-cAnntadwu ar1yeg0 'e t?tCo o nfuEricgnhcte, too?H owa bouatc arpooolrc araGveattnos ! pe nsdo me 'qutailmi\et\s'yio tmohel o dbr r annefdwr ieCnodnsF!u rcncc uialslsf iusrtir ni1cesir rne isd1ee-dts CohF aSrG.ii nvugesa caolnlt hCeo nfurpchnoacnneegd i uvess ompeer tinent infonanbaowtuhitayo tonn u ee odwr h ayto uo'lJr'ccWrei'nlgl. patshsie n afloot noogt hienyr osau rr(ea opa rt hw)h ol'idtk oe ride share. TbtTimes, ThcAyrtA' nbc'! (Note: Tahretcsc en 1taCi1hmieeavcsttek h ! coe n i tsteol f makseu rCeo!n)f uEricgnohccpet no sff icai5ta: l0pl0moy n Thurtshd1ea6 ytT te atnhsLe o untghemesa ,iS nI G Rooma.n tdh\fi ed eoTh eat�eiberl ope ln - ArSth oawnD den oDfe alueiberl ssl e tutpis ntaftgie lrl1 2,: n0oo0n (.A rtists' All\\eibeyl olpe nf oarn ywohnwoea nttsosi d to wnnos; i gn upr equiTrhoeetd d eaeyt sh,ig nesglts a arttto e:d0 0 ame amcohrn intgh-iasCt.o R ne gisatnrtdahA teri toins ts' Alley. ConFurIc ntPcO B ox1 958 BuePnuak H ott!P AGE I GardmGroCvAt9 ,2 142-1958 811tn1 CPAu t, 57 Fullerton long Beach IO rangeC ounAtryeM ao p ====::i:C:::t=-=9=1==== __,, ConFurDeenteMaeai pl PolFM,mon uo ® Adc:lit•loPno orkll ng Plvw)anaLo'$aw;i at:r>.rrvG cincfaeftl ----+ *F Fr•ei ght Ele\lotor CrescR-leenntu e (P,i L_ Ctn,utm ConFurcnnP8O B ox1 9,a hnuary(l6)1,91977. ll,19, BuePn.aar Hko telP AG9E Oardffl O,owC,A 9l842,19S8 BuePnaar C\A, PleaRseecy cle CONFURENECIEG HT BIANSFIOCR MATION WHEN: SupSepro nsorship: JANUAR(Y1 6),1179,9178 ,19, Am inimcuomn triobfSu1 t0i0o.n00 WHERE: (mabyem adiepn a ymoefn$ 5t 0s. o0r0 BUENPAA RKH OTEL $ utdteesmn edmibnegr ship.) anCdo nvenCteinotne r GUESTOSFH ONOR: S 64/n. i0e0(h uttpo 4 p erro om) RobeJr.St a wyBeirHl,ol l brook 767C5r ecAevnet. DrJ.a nReo binMseolWn.h, i te BuePnaar CkA,9 0602 TRAVEAGLE NT: RESERVATIONS: LadeTrraa vReilcF,ko sosrR obin Cal(l8 0402)2 -4o4r(4 7419 49)5 -1111 (80602)4 -6o6r(7 3916 04)0 -0527 9ama n5dp mM,- F( saiytf 'osCr o nFurence) MEMBERSHIP: FORM OREI NFOW.R,I TOER C ALL: S2 0.f0o03r - daatyt,e n(duin1nt2gi- l1 -96)C onFurence S3 0.a0f0t1 e2r-a 1na dtt hdeo or POB o1x9 58 S1 2.s0u0p porting membershGiapr dG(eranon vyCteAi, 9m 2e8)4 2-1958 (inc4li usdsoeufIse n s- Fura-nNda tioPnh on(e7:15 43)0 -4993 thCeo nFuCroelnlceseco tuivboeoonnk i)r ( ,o Cro nFurence) $15.w0i0cl oln vseurptp otroat titneen Ed-iMnAeI L: (paaittdh c eo n) Geneirnafsloy :l [email protected] Sponsorship: DealReoro'mGs,u esvtisn:s [email protected] Am inicmuomn triobfSu 5 t0i.o00n ArSth oMwe,m berjsahzimpy:n (incaltutdeemnsed mirbnsegh ip) HomPea ehet:t p:// CONFURENCE BULRKA TE. POB OX1 958 U.SP.O STAGE GARDEGNR OVEC,A PAID 92842-1958 GardGerno vCeA, Permit No. 596 FORWARADN DA DDRESCSO RRECTION