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Preview Infrastructure Risk Management Processes - Natural, Accidental, and Deliberate Hazards

INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENPTR OCESSES NATURALA, CCIDENTAL, DELIBERATHEA ZARDS AND EDITED BY Craig Taylor, Ph.D. Erik VanMarcke, Ph.D. ASCE Council on Disaster Risk Management Monograph No. 1 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers Cataloging-in-PublicationD ata on file with the Library of Congress. American Society of Civil Engineers 180 1 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, Virginia, 201 9 1-4400 www.pubs.asce.org Any statements expressed in these materials are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ASCE, which takes no responsibility for any statement made herein. No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product, process, or service constitutes or implies an endorsement, recommendation, or warranty thereof by ASCE. The materials are for general information only and do not represent a standard of ASCE, nor are they intended as a reference in purchase specifications, contracts, regulations, statutes, or any other legal document. ASCE makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or utility of any information, apparatus, product, or process discussed in this publication, and assumes no liability therefore. This information should not be used without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitability for any general or specific application. Anyone utilizing this information assumes all liability arising from such use, including but not limited to infringement of any patent or patents. ASCE and American Society of Civil Engineers-Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Photocopies: Authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under circumstances not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASCE to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $25.00 per article is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 0 1923. The identification for this book is 0-7844-081 5-7/06/ $25.00. Requests for special permission or bulk copying should be addressed to Permissions & Copyright Dept., ASCE. Copyright 0 2006 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. All Rights Reserved. ISBN 0-7844-08 15-7 Manufactured in the United States of America. Contents ................................................................................... Introduction and Executive Summary 1 Hazard Issues .................. PSHA Uncertainty Analysis: Applications to the CEUS and the Pacific NW 15 Stephen Harmsen Systems Evaluation Issues The Regional Economic Cost of a Tsunami Wave Generated by a Submarine ................................................................................. Landslide off Palos Verdes, California 67 Jose Borrero, Sungbin Cho, James E. Moore 11, and Costas Synolakis ........... The Emerging Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Emergency Management 95 Beverley J. Adams and Charles K. Huyck ............... Context and Resiliency: Influences on Electric Utility Lifeline Performance. 118 Dorothy Reed, Jane Preuss, and Jaewook Park Risk Criteria Issues ............................................................... Criteria for Acceptable Risk in the Netherlands 145 J. K. Vrijling, P. H. A. J. M. van Gelder, and S. J. Ouwerkerk Systems Management Issues ................................................................... Landslide Risk Assessment and Remediation 161 Mihail Popescu and Manoochehr Zoghi A Preliminary Study of Geologic Hazards for the Columbia River Transportation Corridor. ...............................................................................................................................194 Yumei Wang and Amar Chaker .............. Multihazard Mitigation Los Angeles Water System: A Historical Perspective 224 Le Val Lund and Craig Davis Appendices ............................................... Appendix A: Short Biographies of Contributing Authors 283 Appendix B: Rosters of the Two Participating Committees and Reviewers ............................................................................................................ of Submitted Papers 290 ..................................................................................................................................... Index 293 V INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This introduction and executive summary cover The origins of this monograph as a sequel to a previous monograph generated by 0 the joint efforts of the members of two committees of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and other volunteers (section 1. O), A broad overview of infrastructure risk management procedures and processes, along with a clarification as to why processes and procedures are emphasized in this document (section 2.0), Brief synopses of the papers included in this monograph (section 3.0), and 0 A list of significant related publications (section 4.0) 0 1. O The Monograph as a Sequel For six years, two committees of ASCE have jointly worked on two monographs whose papers have undergone rigorous peer review. The committees involved are the Seismic Risk Committee of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (TCLEE) and the Risk and Vulnerability Committee of the Council on Disaster Risk Management (CDRM). Through these efforts, along with those of other volunteer contributors, the committees produced in March 2002 a monograph entitled Acceptable Risk Processes: Lifelines and Natural Hazards (edited by Craig Taylor and Erik VanMarcke). This previous monograph contained mainly technical papers that evaluated procedures used in these “acceptable risk processes”. Considering all the advances in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis over more than three decades, David Perkins elaborated a number of remaining issues having the effect that uncertainties may be significantly higher than the well-developed models indicate. Armen Der Kiureghian presented a paper explaining how to apply Bayesian methods to obtain seismic fragility models for electric power components. Stuart Werner and Craig Taylor presented issues arising when constructing seismic vulnerability models for transportation system components. Adam Rose deals with the complex issue of validating models to estimate higher-order economic losses. A persistent problem is how to develop prescriptive criteria that provide guidance and goals for acceptable risk procedures. In the previous monograph, Keith Porter reviewed and evaluated life-safety criteria that are available, and Daniel Alesch, Robert Nagy, and Craig Taylor addressed available financial criteria. Inasmuch as technical procedures do not comprise the full scope of acceptable risk processes, three additional papers covered communication, administration and regulation 1 2 INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES issues. From an owner’s and then an engineer’s perspective, Dick Wittkop and Bo Jensen addressed challenges in communicating risk results. Frank Lobedan, Thomas LaBasco, and Kenny Ogunfunmi discussed the administration of the major wharf embankment and strengthening program at the Port of Oakland. And Martin Eskijian, Ronald Heffkon, and Thomas Dahlgren discussed the regulatory process for designing and implementing the engineering standards for marine oil terminals in the State of California. On February 9,2002, the two AXE committees, along with other guests, met in Long Beach, California to discuss the status of the monograph project. Considering many previously proposed papers that had not been completed for the monograph about to be published and mindll that the events of September 11 ,2001 had created wide interest in infrastructure risks, the joint committees decided to produce a sequel monograph. In addition, before the meeting, Jim Beavers, then Chair of TCLEE, had suggested that the topic of acceptable risk be a workshop topic for August 10,2003, as part of the 6* U. S. Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Workshop and Conference (TCLEE2003). At this workshop, held in Los Angeles on August 10,2003, all presenters either had contributed to the first monograph or were developing papers for this second. With Erik VanMarcke and Craig Taylor as moderators, the following presentations were given: Richard Wittkop, on risk communication David Perkins, on earthquake hazard mapping procedures and their uncertainties Beverley Adams, on emerging post-disaster reconnaissance technologies Keith Porter, on criteria for assessing life-safety risks Stuart Werner, on vulnerability modeling for critical components James Moore 11, on transportation-system risks from tsunamis Le Val Lund, on risk-reduction efforts at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADW) water system, and Jane Preuss, on land use planning and electric power distribution risks from natural hazards In addition, contributors to the first monograph and authors of the present monograph were asked to make presentations for two sessions, held on October 2 1,2004, at the Baltimore ASCE Civil Engineering Conference & Exposition. These sessions covered risk management and acceptable risk for natural, accidental, and malicious threats. Moderated by Erik VanMarcke and Craig Taylor, these sessions featured presentations by: Jose Borrero, on costs of a tsunamis generated by a submarine landslide off Palos Verdes, California Yumei Wang and Amar Chaker, on geologic hazards affecting the Columbia River Transportation Corridor INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES 3 Mihail Popescu, on landslide risk assessment and treatment 0 LeVal Lund, on the history of multi-hazard mitigation of the LADWP water 0 system Adam Rose, on regional economic impacts of the 2001 electric power blackouts in Los Angeles, and Ruben Jongejan, on criteria for risk mitigation in the Netherlands. 2.0 Infrastructure Risk Management Procedures and Processes Figure 1 provides a simplified outline of acceptable risk procedures for threats to infrastructure systems. According to this outline, an initial inquiry is raised pertaining to the system. This inquiry may arise from within the organization running the system or from the outside-such as by the press, professionals, regulators, or the general public. Technical procedures consist in defining the system of interest to respond to the inquiry, identifying significant hazards, assessing the vulnerability of system components to these hazards, and assessing system performance under conditions of hazard-induced damage. Formal technical procedures have been shown to be critical in decision-making for many large infrastructure systems and/or key components of these systems (see Taylor et al., 1998). These often permit the evaluation of a range of risk-reduction alternatives and lead to affordable yet effective solutions to infrastructure system weaknesses. As a result, special emphasis has been placed on technical issues in both monographs. At the same time, infrastructure risk management does not consist merely of making technical evaluations, as complex as these may be. In the first place, as researchers recognize (and may or may not explicitly state), in risk modeling there are always caveats, assumptions, and other contextual issues confining or conditioning the results provided. It is difficult to quantify, for instance, all “costs” of disasters. (See the H. John Heinz 111 Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment, 2000) It is likewise extremely challenging if not impossible to account for all uncertainties within complex evaluations. In the second place, there are many occasions in which formal technical evaluations are either cost-prohibitive or else unnecessary. For instance, in local flood protection programs, experience with solutions to reduce flood risks to transportation systems has in some cases led to affordable solutions that do not require extensive detailed evaluations (written communications, Rebecca Quinn and Elliott Mittler, 9/04). In the third place, the many dimensions of infrastructure risk-informed decision-making include political, social, ethical, administrative, environmental, security, and a host of other considerations that are typically not incorporated into formal technical evaluations. In a series of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute lectures, W. Petak (ATC-58 presentation, 2/24/03) has maintained that seismic risk results and their uses are 4 INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Identify Significant 4 Hazards Assess Vulnerability of System cmponentstotiatards 4 AbsesssystemPerfoImance Under Conditions of Hazard YES YES &=LT Accept Performance Level Figure 1. Decision Process for Ensuring that System Performance Goals are Met (LA, 2004) INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES 5 dependent on a variety of contexts. One cannot comprehensively explicate all contextual factors bearing on infrastructure risk management decisions. These multiple dimensions are pertinent to resolving, in Figure 1, the performance or assessment metrics to be used and the corresponding target or threshold performance levels. In the fourth place, because there may be so many stakeholders in infrastructure risk management projects and programs, their evaluation cannot always be assumed to achieve some pre-determined level of optimality, decided solely by technical requirements. As shown in some of the papers in this monograph, the previous monograph and many case studies of infrastructure risk management programs, these programs do not usually go as planned. New information, concessions to various stakeholders, citizen rejection of proposed bonds for public works, changing directions as a result of emerging priorities such as those arising from new regulations, loss of institutional memory, changing organizational cultures, and many other factors make infrastructure risk management programs-even successful ones-dynamic. (See, for instance, James March, 1988) 3.0 Synopses of Papers in this Monograph The first monograph covered many broad topics pertaining to acceptable risk processes for lifelines and natural hazards. However, in the early stages of development of this sequel monograph, it became clear that many important topics were in fact not treated. The first monograph’s coverage focused on earthquake risks, a field that has shown quantitative sophistication for almost forty years. In spite of remaining uncertainties in estimating earthquake risks, especially to (spatially distributed) infiastructure systems, the degree of quantitative sophistication for these risks is not matched by a number of other natural hazards risks. (See American Lifelines Alliance, 2002, section 3.0). Also, accidental and malicious threats were at best an afierthought (to members of the joint ASCE committees) until September 200 1. In the previous monograph, the broad topics addressed were “Technical Issues,” “Risk Criteria Issues,” and “Communication, Administration and Regulation Issues.” In this monograph, the broad topics covered are “Hazard Issues,” “Systems Evaluation Issues,” “Risk Criteria Issues,” and “Systems Management Issues.” Hazard Issues. Under the broad topic “Hazard Issues,” only one paper is included. In the paper “PSHA Uncertainty Analysis: Applications to the CEUS and the PaciJicW ’’ Steven Harmsen extends a topic discussed by David Perkins in the previous monograph and in the 2003 Workshop: the magnitudes of the uncertainties in probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PHSA’s). PHSA-based estimates are used in major seismic codes and have a significant bearing on many professional, governmental, engineering, and financial activities. Most 6 INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES importantly, PHSA-based estimates are used in risk studies, but often without sufficient regard to (or accounting for) the uncertainty in these estimates. This paper illustrates the quantitative sophistication in developing inputs for estimates of earthquake hazard and risk and resulting uncertainties, and presages further quantitative developments in seismic risk evaluations of infi.astructure systems. Over time, the number of parties developing, reviewing, or using PHSA’s and their input models has grown considerably. The USGS has produced PHSA’s for over thirty years. This continuous activity has produced considerable valuable verification and validation efforts but no monopoly. Competing input models exist that express diverse opinions and results on earthquake sources, both fault-specific and random, and on how strong ground motions attenuate through rock to various sites. For purposes of evaluating and expressing uncertainties resulting from diverse input source and attenuation models and assumptions, Harmsen, following USGS (Frankel et al., 2002), has developed a logic-tree formulation that represents the broadest features of the input alternatives at every phase. Instead of accumulating exceedance probabilities at a fixed ground motion level, however, he computes ground motions at a fixed exceedance probability level. Harmsen uses the input models and weights as found in the USGS 2002 national hazard mapping work. To supplement this USGS 2002 input information, he adds a preliminary representation of uncertainties in rates of occurrence from known faulting systems and an estimated range of uncertainty for areal source rate and b-values. Results of these logic-tree models are expressed, for instance, in terms of probability density functions of strong ground motion values for a specific return period. These probability density hctions clearly display symmetries and asymmetries, single and multiple modes, and sometimes very large ranges of uncertainty. In the main, greater uncertainties exist for sites in the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) than in the Pacific Northwest. Alternative assumptions on major faulting sources and on attenuation models are major contributors to uncertainties. These findings can thus be used not only to guide future research but also to express more fully the range of uncertainties in earthquake hazard and risk evaluation as a result of its quantitative sophistication. Systems Evaluation Issues. In the paper “The Regional Economic Cost of a Tsunami Wave Generated by a Submarine Landslide oflPalos Verdes, California, Jose Borrero, Sungbin Cho, James ” E. Moore I! and Costas Synoloakis discuss two topics not covered in the previous monograph: tsunamis and transportation systems analysis. According to the authors, this is the first attempt to model the prospective costs resulting from tsunamis. The paper covers a multi-disciplinary project employing expertise in tsunamis generation and run-up analysis, transportation system analysis, and higher-order economic analysis. INFRASTRUCTURE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES 7 The complex model consists of four main elements: a detailed assessment of the hazards caused by a submarine landslide that induces a tsunami; an account of the vulnerability of structures, especially transportation structures, in response to these hazards; a transportation network model that estimates travel-time losses and incorporates developing new ideas on how post-disaster traffic demands may be reduced by increased congestion and delays; and a regional input-output model used iteratively in conjunction with the transportation model in order to assess indirect and induced losses. Loss estimates for this hypothetical scenario range from $7B to $40B,w ith a range largely dependent on the how well two major ports respond to the tsunami. Estimating probabilities of this or other tsunamis still poses, however, major research challenges. The previous monograph primarily focused on the prevention of infrastructure risks fiom natural hazards. Even with sound preventive measures, though, there remain residual risks, sometimes extremely large and grave. In the paper “The Emerging Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Emergency Management, Beverley J. Adams and Charles K. ” Huyck cover how remote sensing can assist not only in pre-disaster planning but in post- disaster planning as well. This emerging technology has potential applications not only for assessing landslide, earthquake, hurricane, volcano, wildfire, and other natural hazard risks, but also in coping with such anthropogenic risks as illustrated by the Columbia Space Shuttle explosion, the World Trade Center attacks, oil spills, and the movement of pollution and particulate debris. Adams and Huyck first indicate that pre-disaster remote-sensing data are required in order to have baseline data both for loss estimation methods and for post-disaster applications. For use in response and recovery efforts, remote-sensing technology has the potential to assist in prioritizing and optimizing efforts, as well as in providing initial idormation that bears on the need for aid from outside the affected region. Future directions of this emerging technology include improving delivery time, training of responders and installation of this technology into emergency response networks, and more frequent baseline coverage for many regions. Natural hazards evaluations of electric power system performance have often focused on the vulnerability of the transmission system. In the United States, this system is roughly divided into three major regions in which a single incident at one point in the system can cause outages elsewhere. Additionally, the impacts of California earthquakes on bulk substations has stood out. The focus thus has been on earthquake engineering rather than land-use management. (See MA, 2004; Taylor et al., 1998) In the paper “Contexta nd Resiliency: Influences on Electric Utiliw Lifeline Performance, Doruthy Reed Jane Prezass, and Jaewouk Park focus instead on the ” electric power distribution system impacts of four major Pacific Northwest storms surd also the 2001 Nisqually earthquake. This focus provides initial data for estimating outage times and also for assessing local vegetation management policies and practices.

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