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1 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYINCLINICALANDDIAGNOSTICANALYSIS Infrared Spectroscopy in The infrared spectrum of a mixture serves as the basis to quantitate its constituents, and a number of common Clinical and Diagnostic clinicalchemistrytestshaveproventobefeasibleusingthis approach. This article reviews the infrared spectroscopy- Analysis based analytical methods that have been developed for considerationasclinicalassays,includingserumanalysis, urine analysis, amniotic fluid assays for the estimation of R.AnthonyShawandHenryH.Mantsch fetallungmaturity,andothers.Becauseofthewidespread InstituteforBiodiagnostics,NationalResearch interest in the potential for in vivo measurement of CouncilofCanada,Winnipeg,Canada bloodglucoseusingnear-infraredspectroscopy,aseparate section is devoted to the analysis of glucose in whole blood. 1 Introduction 1 A related technique uses the infrared spectrum of biomedical specimens directly as a diagnostic tool. For 2 Infrared Spectroscopy of Biological example, the spectra of serum and of synovial fluid have Fluids 2 proventobeusefulinthediagnosisofmetabolicdisorders 2.1 Mid-infrared Attenuated Total and arthritis, respectively, without explicitly recovering Reflectance Spectroscopy 3 their chemical composition from the spectra. Rather, 2.2 Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of Dried characteristic spectral features and patterns have been Films 3 identifiedasthebasistodistinguishspectracorresponding 2.3 Near-infrared Spectroscopy 4 to healthy patients from those corresponding to diseased 3 Calibration Methods 4 patients.Theseapplicationsarereviewedhere. 3.1 Multiple-wavelength Linear Issuessuchaseaseofuse,speed,reliability,samplesize, Regression 5 and calibration stability all play important roles in gov- 3.2 Principal Component Regression erningthepracticalacceptabilityofinfraredspectroscopy- and Partial Least Squares 6 based analytical methods. To provide a framework to 3.3 Spectral Preprocessing 6 illustratetheseissues,descriptionsareincludedforthevar- 4 Serum Analysis 6 iousproceduresthathavebeenexploredtowedsuccessfully 4.1 Infrared Spectroscopy of Serum 6 infraredspectroscopytoclinicalchemistry. 4.2 Serum Analysis using Near-infrared Spectroscopy 7 4.3 Serum Analysis using Mid-infrared 1 INTRODUCTION Spectroscopy 10 5 Serum and Blood Glucose 14 Infrared (IR) spectroscopy has emerged in recent years 6 Fetal Lung Maturity Determined by astheanalyticalmethodofchoiceinanenormousvariety Infrared Spectroscopy 14 of applications. What brought about this revolution? 7 Other Fluids 15 The clearest advantage is that no specific reagents are 7.1 Urine Analysis 15 required.Automated,repetitiveanalysescanthereforebe 7.2 Saliva 16 carriedoutatverylowcost.Theappealofthesefactorshas 8 Disease Diagnosis Based on Infrared spurredthedevelopmentofanewgenerationofanalytical Spectral Pattern Recognition 17 IR spectrometers that combine high acquisition speed 8.1 Arthritis Diagnosis from Infrared with superb spectral sensitivity. Powerful chemometric Spectroscopy of Synovial Fluid 17 algorithms and software packages have emerged in 8.2 Disease Pattern Recognition in Mid- parallel with the new hardware, and new applications infrared Spectra of Serum 18 emergecontinually. Rather than relying upon reagents to promote color 9 Summary 18 reactions,IR-basedanalysisisfoundeduponthespectrum Acknowledgments 18 of IR colors characteristic of the analyte itself. If Abbreviations and Acronyms 18 a particular component provides an IR absorption spectrum, and its concentration is high enough that the Related Articles 18 spectrum contributes meaningfully to the IR absorption References 19 profile, then it may, in principle, be quantified by using IR spectroscopy. Although the requirement that the EncyclopediaofAnalyticalChemistry EditedbyRobertA.Meyers.(cid:211) JohnWiley&SonsLtd,Chichester.ISBN0471976709 2 BIOMEDICALSPECTROSCOPY componentexhibitsanIRabsorptionspectrumrulesout units,generallyinnanometers.TheNIRspanstherange thequantitationofsimpleions,anumberofverycommon 780–2500nm,encompassingweaktransitionsthatcorre- clinical analytical tests may, in principle, be carried out spond to combinations and overtones of the vibrational usingIRspectroscopy. modes observed in the MIR. Because NIR absorptions This articlebegins bycomparing andcontrasting mid- are generally broad and therefore strongly overlapping, infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy it is difficult or impossible to arrive at specific assign- in the context of analytical applications. The second ments for individual absorptions in the NIR. Partly for section describes the general approach to generating that reason, these transitions were long ignored by the an IR-based quantitation method. Although Beer’s law spectroscopiccommunities(indeedbyallcommunities!), generally holds true for common analytes in biological although their potential for use in analytical work was fluids, it is very unusual to find a single absorption noted as early as the mid-1950s..1/ By the end of the that can be used as the basis to quantify any single followingdecade,thetechniquehadcaughttheattention component in real-life samples. Analytical methods that of the agricultural community as a possible means to are based upon IR spectroscopy must nearly always determine protein, oil, and moisture content of agricul- be calibrated by reference to accepted clinical analyses, tural commodities. In this application and many others usingmultiple-wavelengthlinearregressionorotherfull- developedsince,theinherentlyweakabsorptionsproved spectrummethods. advantageous,permittingtheconvenienceoflongeropti- The function of the clinical chemistry laboratory is to calpathlengthsthanarefeasibleinMIRwork,andhence perform quantitative and qualitative analyses on body relativelyeasysamplehandling.Sincetheseminalworkof fluidssuchasserum,blood,urine,andspinalfluid,aswell Norris,.2/ Williams,.3/ and others, NIR spectroscopy has as other materials such as tissue, calculi, and feces. The largely matured, and now finds acceptance in an enor- main body of this article describes IR-based methods to mous variety of analytical applications. The majority of carry out some of the most common clinical analytical NIR spectrometers manufactured today are customized tests,specificallythoseinvolvingserum,wholeblood,and foranalyticalapplications,includingappropriatesoftware urine. Fluids that are less commonly assayed (e.g. saliva andsimplifieduserinterfacesforroutineoperation. and amniotic fluid) are also discussed separately. NIR In considering the use of IR spectroscopy for clinical spectroscopy has achieved some notoriety in the clinical analyses, we are confronted with the fact that the most chemistryarenabecauseoftheearlypromisethatitmight abundantspeciesfoundinallbiologicalfluidsiswater,and serve as the basis for a noninvasive blood glucose test. theIRspectrareflectthisfact.Toillustratethedominance Some relevant in vitro studies are surveyed briefly here. of water in the IR spectra, Figures1 and 2 depict the The article closes with a discussion of novel approaches absorptionprofilesfornativeserumintheMIRandNIR toderivediagnosisdirectly,withoutexplicitquantitative spectral regions. Although some of the stronger solute analysis,fromthespectraofbiologicalfluids. absorptionsdoemergeintheMIRspectra,waterclearly dominates the overall appearance. The NIR spectra are 2 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYOF 1.6 BIOLOGICALFLUIDS 1.2 · 0.5 The IR spectral region ranges from the red end of e Serum c the visible spectrum at 780nm (12820cm(cid:0)1) to the n a Water onset of the microwave region at a wavelength of 1mm b 0.8 r (10cm(cid:0)1). Traditionally, this range isfurther subdivided o s into the near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR), and b A 0.4 far-infrared (FIR). The MIR region covers the range · 5 400–4000cm(cid:0)1, and is the region most familiar to the organicchemistasprovidinga‘‘fingerprint’’characteristic 0.0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 ofmolecularspecies.Itisthisregionthatincludestherich spectrum of absorptions corresponding to fundamental Wavenumber (cm- 1) vibrationsofthespeciesbeingprobed. Figure1 MIR absorption spectra of serum and of water, Although MIR absorption positions are almost uni- collectedwithanopticalpathlengthof6m m.Thelowertraceisa versally reported in units of wavenumbers (cm(cid:0)1; the differencespectrum,withthespectrumofwatersubtractedfrom inverse of the wavelength in centimeters), it remains that of serum. Note the tenfold difference in the absorbance the norm for NIR spectra to be reported in wavelength scales. 3 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYINCLINICALANDDIAGNOSTICANALYSIS 2.1 Mid-infraredAttenuatedTotalReflectance Spectroscopy 2.0 · 0.5 Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy pro- e 1.5 Serum videsanalternativemeanstomeasureabsorptionspectra c n by using the experimental arrangement illustrated in a Water b 1.0 Figure3.Theclearestadvantageofthismethodisthatit r o provides a means to measure MIR spectra for strongly s Ab 0.5 absorbing aqueous solutions, without the inconvenience · 35 and imprecision involved in working at very short path lengths that are required for transmission spectroscopy. 0.0 Rather than transmitting IR radiation through the spec- 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 imen, the liquid sample is placed in contact with the Wavelength (nm) ATR optical element..4;5/ The refractive index of the element (typically zinc selenide) is high enough that Figure2 NIR absorption spectra of serum and of water, the IR beam propagating through it undergoes several collected with an optical path length of 0.5mm. The lower internal reflections as it travels through the crystal. A trace is a difference spectrum, with the spectrum of water backgroundspectrumisfirstmeasuredwithnosamplein subtracted from that of serum. Note the 70-fold difference in thecell.Thesampleisthenplacedincontactwiththecrys- theabsorbancescales. tal. The internally reflected beam effectively penetrates the sample to depths of 0.5–2m m and hence is attenu- apparentlydevoidofanyabsorptionsotherthanthoseof atedatwavelengthscorrespondingtosampleabsorptions. water. Ratioing the resulting single-beam spectrum against the MIR and NIR spectroscopies in fact offer quite backgroundspectrumresultsinaspectrumthatisnearly different, complementary, approaches to analysis. The identical to the absorption spectrum, differing only by richness of the MIR spectrum makes it instinctively virtue of the wavelength dependence of the penetration appealing as the method of choice for analytical work, depth. howeverNIRhaspracticalbenefitssuchasconveniencein samplehandlingandthefactthatthesamplecellsdonot 2.2 Mid-infraredSpectroscopyofDriedFilms requirespecializedmaterials.WhereasMIRspectroscopy This approach finesses the difficulties associated with of aqueous specimens typically requires optical path strong water absorptions by simply eliminating water lengthsoftheorderofmicrons,NIRtransmissionspectra fromthespecimen.Typically5–50m Lofliquidisspread are generally collected using path lengths of 0.5mm or on a suitable substrate and allowed to dry, and a greater. The question of whether to use NIR or MIR transmissionspectrumisacquiredfortheresultingfilm.In spectroscopy for analytical purposes then translates to additiontoeliminatingthespectralinterferenceofwater, the question of whether the additional effort generally requiredtoacquireMIRspectraiscompensatedbyother possible benefits such as greater analytical accuracy or 0.8 smallersamplevolume. Dried serum film e 0.6 c n Sample a b 0.4 r o s b A 0.2 -N C S IR in IR out 0.0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 Wavenumber (cm- 1) Optical element Figure4 Absorption(transmission)spectrumforaserumfilm dried onto a barium fluoride window. The specimen was Figure3 Apparatus to measure the ATR spectrum for a first diluted twofold in aqueous 4gL(cid:0)1 potassium thiocyanate liquid specimen. The ATR spectrum is derived by ratioing (KSCN) solution. The absorption of SCN(cid:0) at 2060cm(cid:0)1 was thesingle-beamspectrummeasuredwiththespecimeninplace usedforsubsequentnormalizationofthespectraaspartofthe againstasingle-beamspectrumforthecleanopticalelement. developmentofquantitationmodels(seeShawetal..23/). 4 BIOMEDICALSPECTROSCOPY this approach can provide inherently better spectral 3 CALIBRATIONMETHODS resolution by virtue of eliminating the water/solute interactions. A representative spectrum of a dry serum Inthevastmajorityofcases,IR-basedanalyticalmethods filmisillustratedinFigure4. are developed via calibration to accepted reference analyses.Theterm‘‘calibration’’thereforedescribesthe derivationofamodelwithwhichtorecoverquantitative 2.3 Near-infraredSpectroscopy analyticalinformationfromtheIRspectra.Althoughthis step is obviously a trivial one for very simple one- or Although the NIR is defined as encompassing the two-componentsystems,morecomplexmixturesrequire 780–2500nm spectral range, it is convenient to sub- amoresophisticatedapproach. divide further this span into natural subregions. The The general procedure is the same regardless of the 2000–2500nm range includes the most intense absorp- detailsoftheprocess.Thefirststageistoaccumulateboth tions and thus is the region most commonly exploited IR spectra and reference assays for a set of appropriate for analytical purposes. Absorptions in this region clinicalspecimens.Ideally,thissetofcalibrationsamples correspond to ‘‘combination bands’’, combining X(cid:0)H should span the range of concentrations expected both (where XDC, N, O) stretches with other fundamen- fortheanalyteofinterestandforanyinterferingspecies tal vibrations, whereas practically all of the higher (i.e. any IR absorber other than the target compound). energy transitions correspond to vibrational first (1400– Separatecalibrationmodelsarethendevelopedforeach 1800nm), second (950–1250nm), and third overtones of the target analytes. Finally, each of the calibration (Table1). models is validated by comparing IR-predicted levels to The diversity of transitions in the NIR region has the reference levels determined for an independent set interestingpracticalconsequences.Foraqueoussolutions, oftestspecimens.Anoutlineofthemodeldevelopment the 2000–2500nm region is best explored by using processispresentedinTable2. a transmission cell with an optical path length of Thissectionintroducesthreeofthemorecommontech- 0.5–2.5mm. The optimal path length to observe the niques: multiple-wavelength linear regression (MLR), first overtone transitions is longer–of the order of 5–10mm–whereasobservationofthesecondovertones Table2 DevelopmentofanIR-basedclinicalanalytical requires a path length of several centimeters. Where method sample volume is a consideration, a relatively short Preparation path length is a necessity and the combination region (cid:15) Collectclinicalspecimens is therefore preferred. Another outgrowth of this trend (cid:15) Carryoutreferenceanalysesforspeciesofinterest is that tissue is relatively transparent at shorter NIR (cid:15) MeasurecorrespondingIRspectra wavelengths. A key consideration in the search for in (cid:15) Designatetwo-thirdsofthetotalnumberofspectraasthe vivo analytical methods (e.g.blood glucose) is therefore calibrationsetandtheremainingone-thirdofspectraasthe validationset toarrangetheexperimentsuchthattheeffectiveoptical (cid:15) Preprocessspectra pathlengthisoptimizedfortheappropriateanalyteNIR Calibration absorption features. A proposed in vivo method based (cid:15) Choosemodelingmethod(e.g.MLR,PLS,PCR) uponthecombinationbandswillrequireashorteffective (cid:15) Generatemodelsrangingincomplexityfromaveryfew path length, whereas a method that monitors second variables(wavelengthtermsforMLR;factorsforPLS, overtoneabsorptionswouldrequireamuchlongerone. PCR)tomanyvariables (cid:15) Predictconcentrationsusingallmodelsandcompareto referenceanalyses (cid:15) Identifyoutliersandcorrectorremoveasappropriate Table1 NIRvibrationaltransitions (cid:15) Recalibratemodelswithoutliersremoved (cid:15) Evaluatestandarderrorsofcalibrationandcross-validation NIRspectral Natureofvibrational foreachmodelandplotasafunctionofthenumberof range(nm) transitions variablesinthemodel 2200–2450 C(cid:0)Hstretchcombinations Validation 2000–2200 N(cid:0)H,O(cid:0)Hstretchcombinations (cid:15) Predictconcentrationsusingallmodelsandcompareto 1650–1800 C(cid:0)Hstretch,1stovertones referenceanalyses 1400–1500 N(cid:0)H,O(cid:0)Hstretch,1stovertones (cid:15) Evaluatestandarderrorofpredictionforeachmodeland 1100–1225 C(cid:0)Hstretch,2ndovertones plotasafunctionofthenumberofvariablesinthemodel 950–1100 N(cid:0)H,O(cid:0)Hstretch,2ndovertones 850–950 C(cid:0)Hstretch,3rdovertones Where IR methods are sought for more than one species, the 775–850 N(cid:0)Hstretch,3rdovertones calibration/validationprocedureiscarriedoutindependentlyforeach analyte. 5 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYINCLINICALANDDIAGNOSTICANALYSIS principal component regression(PCR), and partial least the NIR region of 2050–2500nm, together with the squares(PLS). spectra of five aqueous urea solutions spanning the concentration range 30–230mmolL(cid:0)1. In this instance the spectral features due to urea clearly dominate 3.1 Multiple-wavelengthLinearRegression the urine spectra, and it is not surprising that a This approach is simply an extension of Beer’s law single-wavelengthBeer’slawrelationshipprovidedquite to include multiple wavelengths. The need for several good accuracy in extracting the urea concentrations. wavelengths is dictated by the inherent richness of the In particular, the intensity of the feature at 2152nm IR spectra–it is generally difficult or impossible to find proved sufficient to recover urea concentrations with asingleabsorptioncorrespondingtoaparticularanalyte a standard error of 20mmolL(cid:0)1 over the physiological that is not overlapped bythe absorptions of atleast one concentrationrangeof100–500mmolL(cid:0)1.Theaccuracy other constituent. The Beer’s law relationship shown in wasimproved,however,byincludingadditionaltermsas Equation(1): showninEquation(4): (cid:20) (cid:21) ADecL .1/ A.2152nm/ C.urea/D(cid:0)10C68 C1:3 A.1194nm/ isthereforereplacedbythemoregeneralformshownin Equation(2): (cid:2)105A.1724nm/ .4/ X AD ecL .2/ There are two new wavelengths in this model. The first, i i at 1194nm, corresponds to a weak water absorption. where A is the absorbance, ei is the molar absorptivity The most common rationale for including such a term of the ith constituent, ci is the concentration of the as a divisor of the primary wavelength is to correct for ith constituent, and L is the optical path length. The fluctuationsintheeffectiveopticalpathlength,generally expression relating the concentration to IR absorption causedbylightscatteringduetoparticulatematterinthe intensitiesthentakestheformofEquation(3): sample.Thesecondnewterm,at1724nm,correspondsto aweakproteinabsorption.Thisterm,particularlyinthose c DK CK A.l /CK A.l /C(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)CK A.l / .3/ i 0i 1i 1 2i 2 Ni N sampleswithunusuallyhighproteinlevels,mayserveto correctforthecontributionofproteinabsorptionstothe where K are the calibration coefficients for the ith Ni intensityat2152nm. constituent, and l are the corresponding analytical N Foranalytesthatdonotyieldprominentabsorptionsin wavelengths. thespectraofthetargetspecimens,thesimplesingle-term This approach is most readily applied when the Beer’slaw relationship fails completely. One solution in spectra show dominant absorptions corresponding to this caseis again to assumeasolution of the typerepre- the analyte of interest. This proved to be the case in the NIR analysis of urine urea..6/ Figure5 compares sented by Equation(3),whereupon the task becomes to determinehowmanyandwhichwavelengths/frequencies the spectra of five representative urine specimens in should be included in the analysis. One approach is to regressthesetofspectralintensities,foreachwavelength, against the analyte concentrations for the calibration Urea specimens.The single wavelength that provides the best correlation with concentration is then taken as the ‘‘pri- mary’’ wavelength, and further regressions are carried out holding the primary wavelength fixed to determine Urine additional terms to complement the single-term model. Thesameprocessmaybeusedtodeterminedivisorterms (seethefirsttermofEquation4). ThestepwiseregressionapproachtodeterminingMLR terms is not guaranteed to find the optimal set of wavelengths, particularly for complex specimens where 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 many terms may be required. The general problem is Wavelength (nm) illustratedbythefactthatinasetofcalibrationspectra, each comprising 2000 absorbance values, there are Figure5 NIR spectra (second derivatives, inverted) for a 2:5(cid:2)1026 possible eight-term wavelength combinations. representative set of nine urine specimens (lower traces) and forfiveaqueousureasamplesrangingfrom30to230mmolL(cid:0)1 Brute-force evaluation of all possible eight-term MLR (uppertraces). models is clearly out of the question, and there is an 6 BIOMEDICALSPECTROSCOPY ongoing search for more efficient methods..7/ Recent 3.3 SpectralPreprocessing developments include genetic algorithms to identify the It is almost always necessary, or at least desirable, to optimal spectral regions. For example, an algorithm preprocesstheabsorptionspectrainsomefashion;theaim originally developed to identify diagnostic patterns in istoenhancethespectralfeaturesthatcarryinformation magneticresonancespectra.8/hasbeenmodifiedrecently regarding the analyte of interest, and effectively to toseekoutoptimalspectralsubregionsforMLR. suppress or eliminate superfluous features. The simplest form of ‘‘preprocessing’’ is the selection of appropriate wavelengthsinMLRmodeldevelopment;theanalogyin 3.2 PrincipalComponentRegressionandPartialLeast PLSandPCRistheselectionofalimitedspectralregion Squares (orregions). Thefeaturecommontobothoftheseapproachesisthat The most common procedures are mean centering, each spectrum is reduced to a sum of pseudospectra, or variance scaling, and derivation. Mean centering simply ‘‘loadingvectors’’.Eachspectrumisnewlyrepresentedby subtractstheaverageofthecalibrationspectrafromeach auniquesetof‘‘scores’’–thesetofcoefficientsrequired of the individual spectra. Variance scaling involves first to reconstruct the original spectrum from the set of evaluating the standard deviation among spectrafor the loading vectors. Typically, each of the spectra can be intensityateachwavelength.Allspectraarethendivided reconstructedtowithinthenoiselimitsbyacombination bythepseudospectrumofstandarddeviations,andhence of typically 5–15 loading vectors, as compared to the scaled so that the variance is unity at all wavelengths. hundredsorthousandsofintensityvaluesintheoriginal This operation effectively enhances the prominence of spectra.Thescoresthenprovidethebasisforquantitation. features due to species of relatively low concentration, The essential relationship in both the PCR and PLS whilesuppressingtheintensitiesofstrong(andvariable) modelstakestheformofEquation(5): absorptions.Theprocedureisthereforemostappropriate for the analysis of minor components. Derivation is ADTBCE .5/ commonly used to eliminate random fluctuations in the A baseline (first derivative) and slope (second derivative) With m spectra in the calibration set, each having n oftheabsorptionspectra.Anotherbenefitistheeffective absorbancevalues,Aisthem(cid:2)nmatrixofthecalibration narrowing of spectral features, which may enhance spectra. The spectra are reconstructed as a product of specificityintheanalyticalmethod.Notethatthefeatures B (h(cid:2)n), the new basis set of loading vectors, and T inthesecond-derivativespectrumareinvertedrelativeto (m(cid:2)h),thescores.Toreiterate,thekeytotheprocessis the absorption spectra. Although the second-derivative thateachspectrumisreducedfromavectoroflengthn(a spectra plotted in Figure5 have been inverted to yield rowinA)toanewvectoroflengthh(thecorresponding peaks rather than valleys at positions corresponding rowinT),wherehistypicallybetween5and15. to absorption peaks, this convention is not followed The column matrix of concentrations c is also related universally. totheloadingvectorsT,accordingtoEquation(6): cDTvCec .6/ 4 SERUMANALYSIS Here,visthematrixofcoefficientsthatrelatesthescores These analyses play a critical role in diagnosing and totheconcentrations. monitoring a wide variety of disorders (see Table3), The reader is referred to several works in the andatypicalcentralhospitallaboratorytypicallycarries literature.9–14/ for fuller explanations of PLS and PCR out many thousands of such tests every month. In order methods.Forthesakeofthepresentdiscussion,wenote for a new testing procedure to be accepted clinically it thefollowingfeaturescommontothetwomethods: mustmeetwell-definedaccuracyandprecisionstandards. Although practical considerations such as the degree of (cid:15) The main challenge in developing a method is to automation also play a role in the acceptability of novel decide how many (and, in the case of PCR, which) methods,theseissueslieoutsidethescopeofthisarticle. loadingvectorstoinclude. In this section we present the current state of the art in (cid:15) The overall performance of either method may be theIR-basedanalysisofserum. improvedbyeliminatingsuperfluousspectralregions fromA. 4.1 InfraredSpectroscopyofSerum (cid:15) The modeling of the spectra provides a means to detect outliers (those spectra with extraordinarily Among the most common clinical serum tests are those largespectralresidualsE ). for the most abundant organic species. For at least A 7 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYINCLINICALANDDIAGNOSTICANALYSIS Table3 SelectedserumanalytesthatmaybedeterminedusingIRspectroscopy Analyte Referenceintervalsa Associatedconditionsa Totalprotein 60–83gL(cid:0)1(adult) " Hypovolemicstates # Nutritionaldeficiency Liverdisease Renaldisease Fever Inflammation Albuminb 32–48gL(cid:0)1(adult) " Dehydration # Pregnancy Urea 7–18mgdL(cid:0)1(adult) " Impairedkidneyfunction (2.5–6.4mmolL(cid:0)1) Congestiveheartfailure Stress # Severeliverdamage Lowproteindiet Nephroticsyndrome Glucose 65–105mgdL(cid:0)1 " Diabetesmellitus (3.6–5.8mmolL(cid:0)1) Acutepancreatitis Stress/shock # Pancreaticdisorders Hepaticdisease Extrapancreatictumors Cholesterol 150–235mgdL(cid:0)1(male)c " Idiopathichypercholesterolemia (3.9–6.1mmolL(cid:0)1) Biliaryobstruction Pregnancy 141–219mgdL(cid:0)1(female)c Hypothyroidism (3.6–5.7mmolL(cid:0)1) # Severeliverdamage Malnutrition Hyperthyroidism Triglycerides 48–189mgdL(cid:0)1(male)d " Liverdiseases (0.5–2.1mmolL(cid:0)1) Familialhyperlipidemia Alcoholism 40–117mgdL(cid:0)1(female)d Gout (0.45–1.3mmolL(cid:0)1) # Malnutrition a FromWallach.15/andTietz:.16/"indicatesconditionsassociatedwithlevelsabovethereferencerange; #indicatesconditionsassociatedwithlevelsbelowthereferencerange. bSerumalbuminlevelsgenerallyparalleltototalproteinlevels. c Desirablerange(5thpercentileto75thpercentile)for40-year-oldindividuals.Formen,theupperlimit ofthedesirablerangerisesbyapproximately1mgdL(cid:0)1foreveryyearafter40;forwomen,theincrease is(cid:24)3mgdL(cid:0)1foreveryyearafter40. dDesirablerange(referenceintervalissomewhatwider). six of these, the MIR spectra are distinctive enough 4.2 SerumAnalysisusingNear-infraredSpectroscopy and the concentrations are high enough that they may Two major systematic investigations have been carried be determined from the MIR spectra of serum. These out. The first of these, reported in a pair of publi- include glucose, total protein, albumin, triglycerides, cations by Hall and Pollard,.17;18/ was based upon a urea, and cholesterol. The basis for detecting and rapid-scanning NIRspectrometer. Theauthors reported discriminating among the six analytes is illustrated by analytical methods for urea, triglycerides, total protein, the spectra of the pure compounds shown in Figure6. andalbumin. TheNIRspectraalsopermitquantitationofthesamesix Because the absorptions of protein overwhelm those species. of other dissolved species, it proved possible to use a Fourcomprehensivefeasibilitystudieshavebeenpub- simple MLR model to quantitate serum total protein. lished, all of which differ in significant ways. Two The absorption spectra of albumin further proved to were based upon MIR spectroscopy, and two on NIR be clearly distinguishable from those of the remaining spectroscopy. One MIR investigation used ATR spec- proteins (primarily globulins; see Figure7), so that a troscopy, and another used dried serum films; the two secondtwo-termMLRmodelwassufficienttodetermine NIR studies differed in more subtle, yet substantial, albuminlevels.Baseduponthesecondderivativesofthe details. absorption spectra, the two models were as shown in 8 BIOMEDICALSPECTROSCOPY Equations(7)and(8): C D15(cid:0)4419A.2178nm/C3655A.2206nm/ albumin .7/ Tripalmitin C D65(cid:0)7821A.2064nm/(cid:0)2373A.1440nm/ totalprotein .8/ e The protein levels predicted by the NIR model are c n Albumin comparedtothereferenceanalyticalresultsinFigure8. a b The models for urea and triglyceride quantitation, r o s also based upon the second-derivative spectra, required Ab Glucose eight and eleven PLS factors, respectively. The spectral regions employed as the basis for these models dif- fered slightly: optimal for urea quantitation (Figure8) was a combination of the ranges 1324–1800 and Cholesterol 2304–2370nm, whereas triglyceride levels were opti- mally predicted by combining the ranges 1635–1800 Urea 30 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Wavenumber (cm- 1) Figure6 MIR absorption spectra for selected serum con- 20 a stituents. The spectra for urea, glucose, and albumin were e acquiredforaqueoussolutionsusinganopticalpathlengthof ur 6m m (the spectrum of water has been subtracted). Those for R cholesterol and tripalmitin (tripalmitidoylglycerol) were mea- NI 10 suredforsolutionsincarbontetrachlorideusinganopticalpath lengthof0.5mm. Albumin 0 10 20 30 Globulins R) Reference urea (mmolL- 1) / 1 ( 90 g o l of 80 n ve ei ati rot 70 v p eri Urea al D ot 60 d t n R 2 NI 50 2030 2080 2130 2180 2230 2280 2330 2380 Wavelength (nm) 40 50 60 70 80 90 Reference total protein (gL- 1) Figure7 NIRreflectancespectra(secondderivatives)foralbu- min,globulins,andurea.Totalserumproteinmaybequantified Figure8 NIR-predictedserumureaandserumproteinlevels by the intensity of the serum absorption at 2064nm, corre- compared to reference analytical results (see also ‘‘NIRA’’ sponding to minima (absorption maxima) in the albumin and in Table4). The line of identity is included. (Adapted by globulin second-derivative spectra. (Adapted by permission permission of Elsevier Science from J.W.Hall, A.Pollard, of Elsevier Science from J.W.Hall, A.Pollard, ‘Near-infrared ‘Near-infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Serum Total Spectroscopic Determination of Serum Total Proteins, Albu- Proteins,Albumin,Globulins,andUrea’,ClinicalBiochemistry, min, Globulins, and Urea’, Clinical Biochemistry, 483–490, 483–490,Vol.26, (cid:211) 1993 by the Canadian Society of Clinical Vol.26,(cid:211) 1993bytheCanadianSocietyofClinicalChemists.) Chemists.) 9 INFRAREDSPECTROSCOPYINCLINICALANDDIAGNOSTICANALYSIS and 2035–2375nm. The 1850–2025nm range, spanning Figure9demonstratestheaccuracyofthesecondNIR a very intense water absorption, was explicitly excluded study in assays for triglycerides, urea, and cholesterol. from both models. This provides an example of how Although the analytical methods for total protein and PLS modeling benefits from the exclusion of spectral albuminalsoprovedsuccessful,theattempttoquantitate segments that carry no relevant analytical informa- serum lactate proved to be fruitless. The poor results tion. These NIR analytical methods for serum total for lactate are largely due to the relatively low serum protein, albumin, urea, and triglycerides are summa- concentration. Another contributing factor may be that rized as part of the synopsis of methods presented in the NIR spectrum is not rich enough to differentiate Table4. lactatefromotherdissolvedspecies(theonlyNIRbands AmorerecentNIRinvestigationwasidenticalinspirit arise from the methyl group). The analytical methods totheinauguralstudiesbutincorporatedonesubstantial for the other six analytes are summarized in Table4. change in the experimental protocol..19/ Although the As indicated in Table4, all methods were based upon early work was carried out using an optical path length PLSmodelsandallmadeuseofthesame2062–2353nm of 0.5mm, the more recent work used a path length of spectralregion. 2.5mm. It is quite counter-intuitive to expect improved The NIR quantitation of glucose is of extraordinary accuracy at this relatively long path length, because the interest. This interest stems from the early promise region richest in solute absorptions (2050–2450nm) is of NIR spectroscopy as a means of monitoring blood borderedbytwostrongwaterabsorptions(seeFigure2). glucoselevels noninvasively. Indeed,one oftheprimary The accessible range within this window is substantially aims of the in vitro study.19/ was to delineate better the reducedastheopticalpathlengthisincreased,byvirtue ability of NIR spectroscopy to quantitate serum glucose of the further encroachment of the shoulders of the two under ideal experimental conditions. The success of this water absorptions. It emerged, however, that this effect endeavorissummarizedinFigure10,whichsuperimposes wasmorethancompensatedforbytheenhancedsignal- aClarkeerrorgrid.20/ onthescatterplotcomparingNIR to-noise for solute absorptions in the spectral window to reference glucose levels. The error grid serves as a thatremainedaccessible. template indicating regions corresponding to acceptable Table4 SerumanalysesusingMIRandNIRspectroscopy Analyte Methoda PLSspectralregion(s) No.ofPLS SEP factors (mmolL(cid:0)1)b Glucose ATR 950–1200cm(cid:0)1 9 0.58 FilmMIR 925–1250cm(cid:0)1 10 0.41 NIRB 2062–2353nm 13 1.3 Triglycerides ATR 1100–1500,1700–1800cm(cid:0)1 13 0.11 FilmMIR 900–1500,1700–1800,2800–3000cm(cid:0)1 7 0.23 NIRA 1635–1800,2035–2375nm 8 0.19 NIRB 2062–2353nm 13 0.11 Totalprotein ATR 1350–1700cm(cid:0)1 3 1.4 FilmMIR 900–1800cm(cid:0)1 13 2.8 NIRA 2064,1440nm(MLRmodel) (2)c 1.7 NIRB 2062–2353nm 10 2.3 Albumin FilmMIR 1100–1800cm(cid:0)1 12 2.2 NIRA 2178,2206nm(MLRmodel) (2)c 1.1 NIRB 2062–2353nm 7 2.0 Cholesterol ATR 2800–3000cm(cid:0)1 8 0.22 FilmMIR 1100–1300,1700–1800,2800–3000cm(cid:0)1 11 0.28 NIRB 2062–2353nm 13 0.32 Urea ATR 1130–1800cm(cid:0)1 20 0.48 FilmMIR 1400–1800cm(cid:0)1 13 1.1 NIRA 1324–1800,2304–2370nm 11 0.8 NIRB 2062–2353nm 12 0.46 a ‘‘ATR’’DMIR ATR spectroscopy of native serum;.21/ ‘‘Film MIR’’DMIR spectroscopy of dried serum films;.23/ ‘‘NIRA’’DNIRspectroscopyofnativeserumat0.5-mmpathlength;.17;18/‘‘NIRB’’DNIRspectroscopyofnativeserumat 2.5-mmpathlength..19/ bStandard error of prediction (SEP) for independent test sets except for ‘‘ATR’’ study, where the standard error of cross-validationforthecalibrationsetisgiven. c TwowavelengthtermswererequiredforthealbuminandtotalproteinMLRcalibrationmodels. 10 BIOMEDICALSPECTROSCOPY 900 350 s e ol d 600 r eri ste 250 c e gly hol ri c t R 300 R I NI 150 N 0 300 600 900 50 150 250 350 Reference triglycerides Reference cholesterol (mgdL- 1) (mgdL- 1) 160 50 40 120 e ea at 30 ur 80 act R l NI IR 20 N 40 10 0 40 80 120 160 0 10 20 30 40 50 Reference urea Reference lactate (mgdL- 1) (mgdL- 1) Figure9 ComparisonofNIR-predictedserumanalytelevelstoreferenceanalyticalresults(seealso‘‘NIRB’’inTable4).Open circlescorrespondtothecalibration(training)set,solidcirclestothevalidation(test)setandthesolidlineisthelineofidentity. (AdaptedfromK.H.Hazen,M.A.Arnold,G.W.Small,‘MeasurementofGlucoseandOtherAnalytesinUndilutedHumanSerum withNear-infraredTransmissionSpectroscopy’,AnalyticaChimicaActa,255–267,Vol.371,(cid:211) 1998,withpermissionfromElsevier Science.) analytical errors (A, B) and regions corresponding to these made use of ATR spectroscopy of the liquid, and errors that would lead to dangerous or fatal clinical the second was based upon transmittance spectroscopy decisions (C, D, E). As the authors point out, this ofdriedserumfilms. analyticalmethodisnotaccurateenoughtomeetclinical demandsbutitisaccurateenoughtosuggestthatfurther 4.3.1 AttenuatedTotalReflectanceSpectroscopyof investigationiswarranted. NativeSerum Inthisworktheinvestigatorssoughttoquantifyglucose, 4.3 SerumAnalysisusingMid-infraredSpectroscopy total protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, and uric Thetwocomprehensivefeasibilitystudieshavefollowed acid on the basis of the MIR ATR spectra collected twodifferentpathstoavoidtheproblemsassociatedwith using a CIRCLE ATR cell (Spectra-Tech Inc., Shelton, transmission spectroscopy of the native serum. One of CT, USA)..21/ It had been concluded on the basis of

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