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MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24 http://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/mnsc/ ISSN0025-1909(print),ISSN1526-5501(online) Informed Options Trading Prior to Takeover Announcements: Q:1,2 Insider Trading? Q:3 PatrickAugustin,aMenachemBrenner,bMartiG.Subrahmanyamb aDesautelsFacultyofManagement,McGillUniversity,Montreal,QuebecH3A1G5,Canada;bLeonardN.SternSchoolofBusiness, NewYorkUniversity,NewYork,NewYork10012 Contact:[email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9138-4860(PA);[email protected](MB); [email protected](MGS) Received:December3,2015 Abstract. Wequantifythepervasivenessofinformedtradingactivityintargetcompanies’ Revised:August26,2016;December15,2017 equityoptionsbeforetheannouncementsof1,859U.S.takeoversbetween1996and2012. Accepted:April8,2018 About25%ofalltakeovershavepositiveabnormalvolumes,whicharegreaterforshort- PublishedOnlineinArticlesinAdvance: dated, out-of-the-money calls, consistent with bullish directional trading before the an- ∎∎∎∎,2018 nouncement.Overhalfofthisabnormalactivityisunlikelyduetospeculation,newsand rumors,tradingbycorporateinsiders,leakageinthestockmarket,dealpredictability,or https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3122 beneficial ownership filings by activist investors. We also examine the characteristics of Copyright:©2018INFORMS optiontradeslitigatedbytheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)forallegedillegal insidertrading.Althoughthecharacteristicsofsuchtradescloselyresemblethepatternsof abnormaloptionvolumeintheU.S.takeoversample,wefindthattheSEClitigatesonly about8% ofall deals in it. History:AcceptedbyLaurenCohen,finance. Q:4 Funding:ThisprojectwassupportedbytheSocialSciences&HumanitiesResearchCouncilofCanada [SSHRC430-2014-00747]andtheChicagoMercantileExchange.P.Augustinacknowledgesfinancial supportfromtheInstituteofFinancialMathematicsofMontreal. SupplementalMaterial:Theonlineappendixisavailableathttps://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3122. Keywords: civillitigations (cid:129)derivatives (cid:129)insidertrading (cid:129)mergersandacquisitions Q:5 Q:6 1. Introduction plausibly explain the abnormal trading volumes in Q:7 How pervasive is informed options trading around options based on correct anticipation of upcoming takeover announcements? Cao et al. (2005), for ex- takeoveractivity.Itisthedeal-by-dealexaminationof ample, suggest that abnormal trading in equity op- the preannouncement activity that allows us to ex- tionspriortotakeoverannouncementsisinformed,as amine the overlaps in explanations across deals and directional trading activity positively foreshadows to identify the deals with abnormal options activity futurepricemovements.1Thisfindingraisesquestions that are unlikely to be anticipated. Third, we also about the nature of the run-up in option volumes verifywhethertherun-upmaybetheresultofillegal before takeover announcements and the distribution insider trades reported by the Securities and Ex- ofinformedtradingacrossdeals.Istherun-updriven change Commission (SEC), and we compare the byafewdealswithsignificantvolumes,ordoalldeals characteristics of all option trades litigated for alleged contribute to the options activity that is abnormal on illegalinsidertradingwiththoseofthepreannouncement average?Whatinformationdrivestheindividualrun- options activity. This comparison strengthens our as- ups in option volumes, and can they be explained by sessment of the nature and sources of the preannounce- publicly available sources of information besides il- ment run-up in option volumes. legal insider trading? In this paper, we characterize Wedocumentthatabout25%(467)ofalldealsinour the pervasiveness of informed options trading around sample have abnormalvolumes of equityoptions over takeover announcements and study the sources of the 30-day period preceding the takeovers, which are the preannouncement run-up in option volumes. statisticallysignificantatthe5%level.Theproportionof We first quantify the pervasiveness of informed caseswithabnormalvolumesisrelativelyhigherforcall tradingintheequityoptionsoftargetcompaniesahead options than for put options. Stratifying the results by of 1,859 U.S. takeover transactions between January “moneyness,” we find that there is significantlyhigher 1996 and December 2012. To better understand the abnormal trading volume in out-of-the-money (OTM) sources of informed trading, in the second step, we calloptionscomparedwithat-the-money(ATM)andin- examine a large number of channels that could the-money (ITM) calls.2 1 Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements 2 ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS An examination of the characteristics of cumulative whereas about 44% of all deals exhibit excess implied abnormalvolumeshowsthatinformedtradingismore volatility. Although 19% of the takeover transactions pervasive for larger deals, those for which informed exhibitstatisticallysignificantabnormalstockvolume— investors may potentially have less uncertainty about a frequency somewhat lower than in the options thefinaltakeoverprice,andincaseswheretargetfirms market—the economic magnitude is substantially receive cash offers. We study the trading volume, smaller.Thus,quantifyinghowmanydealsaresubject implied volatility, and bid-ask spreads of equity op- to informed trading may also be informative about Q:8 tions, and we consider a number of robustness tests, whether informed trading is more prevalent in the which support the evidence of informed investors options or in the stock market. tradingdirectionallyin anticipation ofa price jump in Next,weshowthatitisdifficulttopredicttakeover the target company’s stock. It is the deal-by-deal ex- announcements based on publicly available informa- amination of the preannouncement activity that helps tion. Thus, the documented abnormal option trading usappreciatethepervasivenessofinformedtradingin volume is unlikely due to traders’ ability to time the takeover transactions. market. However, we observe that most of the in- We next explore whether the takeover announce- formed activity arises in the 5–10 days before the in- ments could have been anticipated based on public formationgetspubliclyreleased.Finally,wescreenthe sourcesofinformation.Wefirstshowthattherun-upin Schedule13Dbeneficialownershipreports,whichneedQ:9 optionsvolumeisunlikelyduetospeculativetrading tobefiledbyregisteredactiveinvestmentadvisorsno activity in response to observable stock trading ac- laterthan10daysfollowingtheacquisitionofbeneficial tivity or industry and firm characteristics. We com- ownership of more than 5% of any class of publicly pare the options activity in the takeover sample to traded securities. The trading we identify by suppos- severalcontrolsamplesthatarematchedeitheronthe edly informed activist investors is unlikely to fully stock market activity or on industry and firm char- explain the abnormal options activity, as only 17 of acteristics.Informedtradingactivityinoptionsahead these deals have a filing in the 30-day period prior to of takeover announcements is absent from these con- the takeover announcement date. trol groups. Of the 467 deals in our sample with significant cu- Inaddition,weexaminehowmuchoftheinformed mulative abnormal options volume, 13% (236) are optionsactivitycanbeexplainedbynewsandrumors. unlikely to be associated with publicly available To identify rumors and news about upcoming take- sources of information. In the subsample of 236 deals, overs, we use RavenPack News Analytics, a database we exclude those deals that exhibit statistically sig- that is constructed from textual information in major nificant stock volume or returns, which appear to lag newspaper outlets, public relations feeds, and more the option market in the takeover preannouncement than19,000othertraditionalandsocialmediawebsites. period.Anadditionalchannelthatmaydrivetherun- Weassociatenewswith170takeovertransactionsand up in options volume could be illegal insider trading. with only 9% (40/467) of the deals that exhibit in- Therefore, we filter through more than 8,000 public formed options activity. We find no statistically sig- SEClitigationrecordsdatedbetween1990and2013to nificantdifferenceintheaveragecumulativeabnormal identify whether the takeover transactions in our options trading volumes between the sample of 170 sample were subject to a litigation for alleged insider takeovers with news and the sample of 1,689 without trading.WefindthattheSEClitigatedabout8%ofthe news. We further check whether the option trades takeovers in our sample for insider trading in options originate from corporate insider accounts. Corporate orstocksandonly9%(43/467)ofthetransactionsthat officers, directors, or large block-holders are legally we associate with informed trading. Moreover, only required to disclose security transactions in their 10%(24/236)ofthedealsthatwefailtoassociatewith company’s options. An analysis of the derivative public sources of information are involved in a litiga- transactionsandholdingsinformationintheThomson tion. Thus, the number of civil lawsuits for insider Reutersinsiderfilingsrevealsthatnotasingleoptions trading appears modest in comparison with the per- transaction was executed by registered insiders in the vasiveinformedtradingactivityreflectedin25%ofthe 30-day period before the announcement. takeover transactions. We also consider the possibility that astute option Using the SEC’s litigation records, we hand-collect traders trade on information leakage in the stock information on the size, timing, and type of illegal market. However, our analysis suggests that option trades;wesupplementwithinformationinthecriminal volumeleadsstockvolume,andthatpaststockvolume recordsfromtheU.S.DepartmentofJustice(DoJ).TheQ:10 and return performance is not significantly related to characteristics of the illegal option trades—that is, future abnormal options activity. In addition, we find short-dated OTM call options on target companies that only 7% of the deals in our sample exhibit ab- that are initiated, on average, 21 days before the normal stock returns in the preannouncement period, announcement—closely resemble the characteristics Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS 3 and timing of the abnormal options activity in a rep- abnormaloptionsvolumeisgreaterforcallthanforput resentative sample of takeover transactions. This options.Usingsignedvolume,Caoetal.(2005)support resemblance,coupledwiththeabsenceofpublicinforma- the presence of informed activity because prior to tion sources that could have led to the anticipation of takeover announcements, the option volume order the takeover transaction, calls for further regulatory imbalancecontainsinformationregardingsubsequent examination of the informed options activity. stock price movements, greater call volume balances DeMarzoetal.(1998)suggestthatitmaybeoptimal are associated with greater announcement returns, to prosecute insiders only after large price moves or andtheoptionsmarketdisplacesthestockmarketfor afterlargevolumetransactions.WefindthattheSECis information-based trading (see also Arnold et al. likely to examine large target firms that experience 2006). Acharya and Johnson (2010) show that a large substantial abnormal returns after the takeover an- number of equity participants in leveraged buyout nouncement and in which the acquirers are head- syndicates is associated with greater levels of suspi- quarteredoutsidetheUnitedStates.Wefind,however, cious stock and options activity. Clements and Singh no evidence that the probability of litigation is posi- (2011) argue that preannouncement options volume tively related to the preannouncement abnormal op- reflects both informed and “contraire” trading, and tions volume. Shafer (2012) documents a positive correlation be- Weextendtheliteraturealongthreekeydimensions. tween the preannouncement option-to-stock volume Q:11 First, in this paper, we quantify the prevalence of in- ratio and the probability of being a takeover target formed trading and document that the informed op- that becomes weaker after Regulation Fair Disclosure tionsactivityisdrivenby25%ofalldeals,incontrastto in 2000. priorresearch.Second,wedivergefrompreviouswork Many studies have corroborated the evidence of and examine the sources of informed trading in the abnormal preannouncement option activity in target options market and show that for at least 13% of all companies in the United States and United Kingdom deals, it is difficult to associate the abnormal options (Spyrouetal.2011).Theliteratureemphasizesdifferent activity with public sources of information. Third, aspects of the preannouncement activity, including a unique feature of our research is that we study the abnormal changes in the implied volatility (IV) skew,Q:12 characteristics of SEC-litigated cases related to insider IV spread, and the option-to-stock volume ratio trading in options prior to takeover announcements. (Klapper 2013); a positive correlation between pre- This allows us to compare the nature of abnormal announcement run-up and abnormal options volume options activity to illegal option trades and examine (Wang 2013); an increasing importance of options’ how the SEC’s litigation record relates to abnormal leading role for price discovery (Liu et al. 2015); or options trading around takeover announcements. a greater propensity of informed trading to occur in moreliquidandhigherleverageoptions(Podolskietal. 2. Literature Review 2013). Chan et al. (2015) show that the one-day pre- The run-up in the stock prices of target companies event implied volatility spread (the implied volatility before merger andacquisition (M&A)announcements skew), a proxy for informed option trading, is posi- is well documented (Mandelker 1974, Dodd 1980, tively(negatively)associatedwithacquirercumulative Asquith 1983, Jensen and Ruback 1983, Dennis and abnormal returns. Ordu and Schweizer (2015) associ- McConnell 1986, Schwert 1996). A long-standing de- ate greater abnormal volumes with greater chief ex-Q:13 bate relates to whether this run-up is due to public ecutive officer wealth-to-performance sensitivity for information such as, for example, media speculation stock-financedtakeovers, suggesting that informedman- (JarrellandPoulsen1989),orwhetheritistheresultof agers hedge anticipated negative acquirer announce- privateinformationleakageandillegalinsidertrading ment returns. Focusing also on acquirers, Huang and (KeownandPinkerton1981,Meulbroek1992,Sanders Tung (2016) find a positive relation between an- and Zdanowicz 1992). nouncement returns and preannouncement option- Abnormal options volume and price activity ahead to-stock volume ratios,which are positively related to ofM&Aannouncementshavebeenthesubjectofmany idiosyncratic stock volatility. Chesney et al. (2015) papers, particularly in recent years. Jayaraman et al. propose a method for detecting abnormal options ac- (1991) are the first to document a preannouncement tivity and relate six unusual transactions to M&A increase in the option-implied volatilities of target announcements. Kedia and Zhou (2014) conclude in companiesthatprecedeanincreaseinstockreturns,as favor of preannouncement informed trading in target confirmedbyLevyandYoder(1993).Jayaramanetal. bonds. Poteshman (2006) concludes that informed in- (2001) document that the abnormal options volume is vestors traded put options ahead of the 9/11 terrorist accompanied by abnormal open interest that is con- attacks. centrated in short-term OTM options, that it leads In Table 1, we show the differences between this abnormal stock volume, and that the increase in studyandpriorwork.ApartfromSpyrouetal.(2011), Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements 4 ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS Table1.InformedTradingAheadofTakeoverAnnouncements ’AuthorsandyearPapersfocusDatacharacteristicsSourcesofinformedtradingontargets fi...SECCountryStocksOptionsQuanticationTargetAcquirerNo.ofWithTimeRumors/SpeculationRegisteredStockPredictability/ActivistM&Alitigationtargetcharacteristicsoptionsperiodnewsinsidersmarketanticipationinvestorsadvisors...dealsleakage+3–33272719751984Jayaramanetal.UnitedStates(1991)3333–LevyandYoderUnitedStates212119821985(1993)+∗3333–3Jayaramanetal.UnitedStates333319861996(2001)333–Caoetal.(2005)UnitedStates.787819861994333–Arnoldetal.(2006)UnitedStates4014519942000333–AcharyaandJohnsonUnitedStates2128420002006(2010)33333–Spyrouetal.(2011)UnitedKingdom3,8751,81219872006333–3ClementsandSinghUnitedStates3935920012006(2011)333–3Shafer(2012)UnitedStates8248241996201033–3Klapper(2013)UnitedStates2,3902,39019962012333–33Wang(2013)UnitedStates3,1243,1241996200833–3Podolskietal.(2013)UnitedStates81581519962008∗∗–335,98619962008OrduandSchweizerUnitedStates5,986(2015)333–3Liuetal.(2015)UnitedStates3,7111,57619962011333–Chanetal.(2015)UnitedStates2,3722,37219962010333–HuangandTungUnitedStates29129119962013(2016)333–3Lowryetal.(2017)UnitedStates703703200020113333–33333333Presentstudy(2018)UnitedStates1,8591,85919962012 ’“”Notes.Inthistable,wesummarizetheliteraturestudyinginformedoptionsactivityinthepreannouncementperiodofmergersandtakeovers,focusingontargetoptions.Wedescribeeachpapersgeographicalfocus(Country);whetheritexamineseitherfifi“fi”+)indicatesthattheauthorsdonotprovidestatisticalsignicancestockoroptionsactivity,orboth;whetheritexaminesbothtargetandacquireroptions;andwhetheritquantiesthepervasivenessofinformedoptionstrading(Quantication).Aplussign(“”’forcaseswithincreasedoptionsactivity.Forthedatacharacteristics,wereportthenumberoftargetdeals(wheretheasterisk*referstoacquirerdeals),thesubsampleofdealswithoptiondataavailability,andthestudystimeperiod.Weindicatethesourcesofinformedtradingactivitystudiedforabnormalactivityintargetoptions:rumors/news,speculation,optionstradingbyregisteredinsiders,stockmarketleakage,mergerpredictability,tradingbyactivistinvestors,andtradingbyconnectedM&Aadvisorydesks.WealsoindicatewhetherthestudyexaminestheoccurrenceofillegalinsidertradinglitigationsinitiatedbytheSECandwhetherthestudydescribesthenatureandcharacteristicsofoptiontradesprosecutedbytheSEC. 5 4 Q: Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS 5 who examine UK data, most studies are not informa- takeover of Carnation by Nestlé. Both studies find tiveaboutthedistributionofinformedoptionstrading. positivepriceimpactsandeitherapositiveornoeffecton Forasmallsamplethatisnotrepresentativeofoption bid-ask spreads or depth. Fishe and Robe (2004) find trading over the last two decades, Jayaraman et al. that trading by brokers, who illegally had advance (1991, 2001) identify positive changes in implied vol- access to news information on 116 stocks, negatively atilities,withoutmentioningstatisticalsignificance.By impactedmarketdepth.Guercioetal.(2017)arguethat contrast, we examine deals, case by case, and em- illegal insider trading has decreased in response to phasize how and where insiders trade in the options moreaggressiveregulatoryenforcement.Ahern(2017) market:theyengageindirectionalstrategiesfortargets, describes insider trading networks from civil and which are reflected in more pronounced abnormal criminalprosecutionsinitiatedbytheSECandtheDoJ, activity in OTM calls and cash-financed takeovers. In and Kacperczyk and Pagnotta(2016) show that market addition, we consider synthetic option strategies that priceandliquiditysignalsareimpactedbyillegaltrading lead to long bullish or short bearish exposures for using SEC litigation information. Heitzman and Klasa targets,andwereviewearlierevidence,asthefindings (2016) document that investors trade quickly in stocks appear to be inconsistent across studies.3 upon new information from nonpublic merger negoti- Importantly, there is only scarce information on the ations. Bhattacharya (2014) provides a comprehensive sources of informed options trading for target firms. literature review of insider trading. For a discussion Klapper (2013) and Wang (2013) examine media spec- on the legal aspects of insider trading, see, for ex- ulation and rumors, but their results are inconsistent ample, Arshadi (1998) and Crimmins (2013). witheachother.4Liuetal.(2015)providesomeevidence Our focus differs from the literature examining in- against the leakage hypothesis but do not explain formed stock trading by corporate insiders. For ex- whetherabnormaloptionsactivityforagivendealmight ample,Cohenetal.(2012)showthatonlyopportunistic be the result of abnormal stock activity. Lowry et al. transactions, as opposed to routine transactions, have (2016) indicate that trading desks connected to M&A predictivecontentforstockprices.AgrawalandNasser advisorydeskstakeabnormalcalloptionpositionsinthe (2012)discusswidespread“passive”insidertradingon target companies from seven quarters to one quarter targets, whereby registered insiders increase their net before the announcement. Ordu and Schweizer (2015) exposurethroughreducedstockselling.Ourfocusison examinethesourcesofinformedtrading(managers)but option trading, not stock trading. focusontheoptionsoftheacquirers.Ourfocushereison Our work broadly relates to the literature on when documentingtheabnormaloptionsactivityforthetarget andhowinformedagentschoosetotradeintheoptions firmsandidentifyingthespecifictypesofoptionstraded market in the presence of asymmetric information before the announcement. (Easleyetal.1998),differencesinopinion(CaoandOu- Some authors examine the illegal insider trading in- Yang2009),short-saleconstraints(JohnsonandSo2012), vestigated by the SEC (Jayaraman et al. 2001, Podolski or margin requirements and wealth constraints (John etal.2013)orstudythepredictabilityofSEClitigations et al. 2003) and on the predictability of option-implied (Wang2013).Usingaproprietarysampleofillegaltrades measures for stock returns (Easley et al. 1998, Pan and litigated by the SEC, Meulbroek (1992) and Meulbroek Poteshman 2006, Cremers and Weinbaum, 2010, Xing and Hart (1997) document that insider trades have an etal.2010,Jinetal.2012,JohnsonandSo2012,Hu2014, immediate effect on stock prices, that half of the pre- Tse-Chun and Xiaolong 2015). Several other papers are announcement run-up occurs on insider trading days, peripherallyrelatedtothispaper.Rolletal.(2010)study and that the announcement returns are a third larger therelationbetweentheoption-to-stocktradingvolumeQ:14 wheninsidertradingisdetected.Frinoetal.(2013)study and postearnings announcement returns. Subramanian hand-collectedSEClitigationsandfindthatillegalstock (2004)andBesteretal.(2011)developtheoreticaloption trades are positively associated with subsequent price pricingmodelsforthetargetinthecaseofstock-for-stock changes but negatively associated with the size of the and cash mergers, respectively. penaltiesandthestock’sliquidity.However,wefindno information in the literature on the characteristics and 3. Data Selection and Takeover patterns of option trades litigated for illegal insider trading,noronhowprosecutionrelatestothedegreeof Deal Characteristics abnormal options activity. In this paper, we relate our The data for our study come from three primary results to the literature associated with illegal insider sources: the Thomson Reuters Securities Data Com- trading in stocks. panyPlatinum(SDC)database,theCenterforResearch Cornell and Sirri (1992) and Chakravarty and in Securities Prices (CRSP) database, and the Option- McConnell (1997, 1999) conduct clinical studies of Metrics database. We start our sample selection with illegal stock trades ahead of the 1982 takeover of the full domestic M&A data set for U.S. target firms Campbell Taggart by Anheuser-Busch and the 1984 from SDC Platinum for the time period from JanuaryQ:15 Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements 6 ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS 1996,thestartingdateforavailableoptioninformation price and volume information on the target prior to, in OptionMetrics, through December 2012. Our final and including, the announcement date, which results sampleconsistsof1,859takeovertransactionsforwhich inthefinalfullsampleof1,859takeoverannouncements. we were able to identify matching stock and option All matches between SDC and CRSP–OptionMetrics informationforthetarget.Thesedealswereundertaken are manually checked for consistency based on the by 1,279 unique acquirers on 1,669 unique targets.5 company name. Starting from an initial sample of 185,419 trans- Panel A in Table 2 reports the basic deal character- actions, we restrict the study to deals aimed at af- istics for the full sample. Pure cash offers make up fectingachangeofcontrol,wheretheacquirerowned the largest fraction of the sample (48.6%), followed less than 50% of the target’s stock before the trans- by hybrid financing offers (22.3%) and share offers actionandwasseekingtoownmorethan50%afterit. (21.7%).Only82.9%ofalltransactionsarecompleted, Hence, our sample includes only M&As of majority andmergerstendtobemostlywithinthesameindustry, interest, excluding all deals that were acquisitions of with53.4%ofalldealsbeingundertakenwithacompany remainingorpartialinterest(minoritystakepurchases), in the same industry based on the two-digit Standard acquisitions of assets, recapitalizations, or buybacks/ IndustrialClassification(SIC)code.Wefindthat90.2%of repurchases/self-tender and exchange offers. In addi- alldealsareconsideredtobefriendlyandonly3.4%are tion,weexcludedealswithpendingorunknownstatus hostile,whereas11.6%ofalltransactionsarechallenged. (i.e., we only include completed, tentative, or with- For only 6.5% of the sample do the contracts contain drawndeals).Theserestrictionsreducethesamplesize a collar structure, 76.5% of all deals involve a termi- to 34,350 deals. Next, we require information on the nationfee,andinonly3.5%ofthetransactionsdoesthe dealvalueandeliminatedealswithatransactionvalue bidder already have a toehold in the target company. belowUSD1million,whichreducesthesamplefurther Panel B shows that the average deal size is USD 3.8 to 19,064 transactions. Finally, we match the infor- billion,withcash-onlydealsbeing,onaverage,smaller mation from SDC with price and volume information (USD2.2billion)thanstock-onlytransactions(USD5.4 in both the CRSP and OptionMetrics databases. We billion). The average one-day offer premium, defined requireaminimumof90daysofvalidstockandoption as the excess of the offer price relative to the target’s Table2. DescriptiveOverview ofTakeover Sample Offerstructure Cashonly Hybrid Other Shares Unknown Total PanelA:Dealinformation Q:54 Description No. %oftot. No. %oftot. No. %oftot. No. %oftot. No. %oftot. No. %oftot. No.ofdeals 903 48.6 415 22.3 80 4.3 403 21.7 58 3.1 1,859 100.0 Completeddeals 746 40.1 357 19.2 67 3.6 339 18.2 33 1.8 1,542 82.9 Friendlydeals 805 43.3 379 20.4 69 3.7 382 20.5 42 2.3 1,677 90.2 Hostiledeals 35 1.9 14 0.8 3 0.2 7 0.4 4 0.2 63 3.4 Same-industrydeals 379 42.0 280 67.5 39 48.8 268 66.5 27 46.6 993 53.4 Challengeddeals 111 6.0 55 3.0 7 0.4 32 1.7 11 0.6 216 11.6 Competingbidder 83 4.5 32 1.7 3 0.2 20 1.1 4 0.2 142 7.6 Collardeal 4 0.2 54 2.9 3 0.2 52 2.8 7 0.4 120 6.5 Terminationfee 698 37.5 352 18.9 51 2.7 292 15.7 29 1.6 1,422 76.5 Bidderhasatoehold 42 2.3 11 0.6 2 0.1 7 0.4 3 0.2 65 3.5 PanelB:Dealfinancials Description Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD DVal(USDmil) 2,242.0 4,147.2 5,880.9 10,071.5 5,074.2 10,387.7 5,429.8 15,158.5 1,635.7 2,503.7 3,848.4 9,401.3 P1d(%) 33.6 31.7 28.5 27.5 25.1 40.5 28.3 39.5 33.3 29.6 31.0 33.1 P1w(%) 36.6 31.0 32.4 29.1 29.5 42.5 33.6 61.5 33.4 29.8 34.7 39.8 P4w(%) 41.1 35.6 35.0 32.4 31.2 46.1 36.7 45.3 38.0 33.6 38.3 37.7 Q:46 Notes. InpanelA,wedescribethedealcharacteristicsofthe1,859takeoversbetweenJanuary1996throughDecember31,2012.Wereportthe numberofdeals(“No.”)andthecorrespondingsampleproportions(“%oftot.”).Inaddition,wereporthowmanyofthedealsareclassifiedas completed;friendly;hostile;involvingatargetandacquirerinthesameindustry;challenged;orhavingacompetingbidder,acollarstructure, aterminationfee,orabidderwithatoeholdinthetargetcompany.Allcharacteristicsarereportedfortheoverallsample(column“Total”),as well as for different offer structures: cash-financed (“Cash only”), stock-financed (“Shares”), a combination of cash and stock financing (“Hybrid”),otherfinancingstructures(“Other”),andunknown(“Unknown”).InpanelB,weillustratethefinancialstatisticsofthedeals.We reportthetransactionvalue(“DVal”)inUSDmillionandtheofferpremium,definedastheratiooftheofferpricetothetarget’sclosingstock price.ThetermsP1d,P1w,andP4wrefertothepremiumoneday,oneweek,andfourweeks,respectively,priortotheannouncementdate,in percentageterms. Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS 7 closing stock price one day before the announcement options and (b) ITM put options to ATM and OTM put date, is 31%. options, written on the target firms, are higher prior to takeover announcements. 4. Informed Options Activity Prior To test H1 and H2, we examine the deal-by-deal to Takeovers trading volume in equity options written on target The first objective of our empirical analysis is to firms during the 30 days preceding takeover an- nouncements.Inanutshell,wefindthatapproximately quantify the prevalence of informed trading using 25% of all deals in our sample exhibit statistically options volume. Investors with private information significantabnormaloptionsactivity(atthe5%level)in abouttheanticipatedannouncementreturntradeoff theoptions’marketleverage(Black1975)againstthe thepreannouncement period.IntheUnitedKingdom, Spyrou et al. (2011) also document abnormal pre- greater stock market liquidity and perhaps a lower announcement options volume for 25% of the deals. probability of detection. In the presence of asym- ThemagnitudeofabnormalvolumeisgreaterforOTM metric information (Easley et al. 1998), wealth con- calloptionsthanforATMandITMcallsinoursample, straints(Johnetal.2003),short-saleconstraints(Johnson confirming the results of Cao et al. (2005). Our results andSo2012),ordisagreement(CaoandOu-Yang2009), suggest that the odds of abnormal volumes being some informed investors will migrate toward the greater in a sample with randomized announcement option market. A necessary condition for informed dates are at most one in a million. preannouncementactivityis,therefore,thedetectionof Q:16 abnormal options volume, as stated in Hypothesis 1. Hypothesis1(H1). Thereisevidenceofpositiveabnormal 4.1. Identifying Abnormal Trading Volumes tradingvolumeintheequityoptionsoftargetfirmspriorto We test H1 by applying event study methodology to takeover announcements. trading volumes. To compute the abnormal trading volume,weuse,asaconservativebenchmark,amarket Investors with inside information would pursue model for volume (MMV model), which accounts for directional trading strategies on the target firm’s themarketvolumeinoptions(mediantradingvolume stock, as it almost always goes up after a takeover an- across all options in the OptionMetrics database), the nouncement(Andradeetal.2001).Thus,inthepresence ChicagoBoardofOptionsExchangeVolatilityIndex,as of superior information, a trading strategy involving wellasthecontemporaneousreturnoftheunderlying the purchase of OTM call options should generate stockandthemarket,proxiedbythereturnontheS&P asignificantlyhigherabnormalreturn,asaconsequence 500Index.Inaddition,wecontrolforlaggedvaluesof ofthehigherleverage(“morebangforthebuck”).Hence, the dependent and all independent variables. The es- we expect a larger increase in abnormal trading vol- timation window starts 90 days before the announce- ume for OTM calls relative to ATM and ITM calls. mentdateandfinishes30daysbeforetheannouncement Moreover, an informed investor, taking advantage of date. As we are interested in the abnormal trading hisprivilegedknowledgeofthefuturedirectionofthe volume in anticipation of the event, we use a 30-day target’s stock price, may also increase the trading event window before the announcement date. To ac- volume through the sale of ITM puts, as these will count for the possibility of clustered event dates, we become less valuable with the increase in the target’s correct standard errors in aggregate tests for cross- stock price upon announcement. An alternative, and sectional dependence. more cash-intensive, strategy would be to mimic the In panel A of Table 3, we show that the average strategy of buying OTM calls by buying ITM puts cumulativeabnormaltradingvolumefortargetfirmsis coupled with the underlying stock, financed by bor- positiveandstatisticallysignificant.Themagnitudeof rowing.Thus,anabnormallyhighvolumeinITMputs the average cumulative abnormal volume over the 30 may result from either mimicking the purchase of preeventdaysisestimatedtobe8,946contractsforcall OTM calls or taking a synthetic long position in the options. For put options on the target, the average stock (buying a call and selling a put with the same cumulativeabnormalvolumeisalsopositive,butover strikeprice).Aninformedtradermaypossiblyengage the 30 preevent days, it is much smaller, at 1,559 con- in more complicated trading strategies to hide his tracts, and not statistically significant. The evolution intentions.Irrespectiveofwhichstrategyisemployed, of the average abnormal and cumulative abnormal weshouldobserveabnormaltradingvolumeinOTM tradingvolumeforthetargetsisillustratedinFigure1. call and/or ITM put options if investors with precise It is apparent that the average cumulative abnormal information exploit option leverage. This leads to trading volume in put options is quantitatively less a sharper prediction in Hypothesis 2. important than that in call options, which primarily Hypothesis 2 (H2). The ratios of the abnormal trading drives the results for the overall sample. The daily volumes in (a) OTM call options to ATM and ITM call average abnormal volume for call options is positive Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements 8 ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS Q:47 Table3. Positive Abnormal Options TradingVolume on TargetCompanies PanelA:Magnitudeandfrequencyofcumulativeabnormalvolumedeals Alloptions:Target OTMoptions:Target Parameter All Calls Puts All Calls Puts Sign.t-stat5%(no.) 446 467 304 423 408 451 Sign.t-stat5%(freq.) 0.24 0.25 0.16 0.23 0.22 0.24 E[CAV] 10,385 8,946 1,559 5,071 3,380 1,417 t ¯ 3.76 5.77 1.04 5.44 5.46 3.34 CAV ATMoptions:Target ITMoptions:Target All Calls Puts All Calls Puts Sign.t-stat5%(no.) 341 343 362 393 482 396 Sign.t-stat5%(freq.) 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.26 0.21 E[CAV] 1,652 1,156 457 2,526 1,540 984 t ¯ 2.84 2.65 1.98 4.71 6.40 2.42 CAV PanelB:Differencesincumulativeabnormalvolumeacrossmoneyness Alloptions:Target Calloptions:Target Diff SE p-value Diff SE p-value OTM–ATM 3,419 722 0.00 2,224 531 0.00 OTM–ITM 2,544 669 0.00 1,840 561 0.00 ATM–ITM −874 632 0.17 −384 444 0.39 Putoptions:Target Diff SE p-value OTM–ATM 960 450 0.03 — — — OTM–ITM 433 367 0.24 — — — ATM–ITM −527 429 0.22 — — — Notes. PanelAreportsthenumberandfrequencyofdealswithstatisticallysignificantpositivecumulativeabnormalvolumeatthe5%significance levelforthetargetcompanies,aswellastheaveragecumulativeabnormalvolume(E[CAV])andcorrespondingt-statistic(t ¯ ),computedusing CAV heteroscedasticity-robuststandarderrors.Allresultsarereportedseparatelyforcalloptions,forputoptions,andfortheaggregateoptionvolume. Resultsstratifiedbymoneynessarebasedonlyonthoseoptionsexpiringaftertheannouncementdate.Theestimationwindowstarts90daysbefore theannouncementdateandrunsuntil30daysbeforetheannouncementdate.Theeventwindowstretchesfrom30daysbeforeuntilonedaybefore theannouncementdate.InpanelB,wereporttheresultsoft-testsforthedifferencesintheaveragecumulativeabnormalvolumesacrossmoneyness categories:OTM,ITM,andATM.Wereportthedifferenceinaveragecumulativeabnormalvolume(“Diff”),thestandarderror,andthep-value. andincreasestoapproximately1,500contractstheday (puts).Thesevaluescorrespondto408(343,482)deals, beforetheannouncement.Individually,thenumberof or22%(18%,26%)ofthesample,forOTM(ATM,ITM) deals with positive abnormal trading volumes, at the calls, and 451 (362, 396) deals, or 24% (19%, 21%), for 5% significance level, ranges from 467 for calls to 304 OTM (ATM, ITM) puts, respectively. forputs,correspondingtoapproximately25%and16% In panel B of Table 3, we report results from paired oftheentiresample,respectively.6Thus,approximately t-testsforthedifferencesinthemeansofthecumulative 25% of the deals exhibit statistically significant cumu- average abnormal volumes across different categories. lative abnormal options trading volume.7 ConsistentwithH2,theseresultsemphasizethatthereis We further stratify our sample by moneyness and higher abnormal trading volume for OTM call options conduct an event study for each category, using only thanforATMorITMcalls.Thedifferencesinthemeans optionsexpiringaftertheannouncementdate.Wefind forOTMcallsrelativetoATMandITMcallsare2,224and that there is significantly higher abnormal trading 1,840, respectively, which are positive and statistically volume for the targets in OTM call options compared differentfromzero.Ontheotherhand,thedifferencein withATMandITMcalls,intermsofbothvolumelevels the means between ATM and ITM calls is slightly neg- and frequencies. Table 3 shows that the average cu- ative(−384)butnotstatisticallydifferentfromzero.The mulativeabnormalvolumeis3,380(1,417)contractsfor average cumulative abnormal volume for ITM put op- OTMcalls(puts)and1,540(984)contractsfortheITM tionsishigherthanforATMputoptions,whichprovides calls (puts), whereas it is 1,156 (457) for ATM calls some evidence that informed traders may not only Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS 9 Q:43 Figure1. (Coloronline)AbnormalTradingVolumesBefore 4.2. Characteristics of Abnormal Volume Announcement Dates Wenextexaminewhethercertaintargetcompaniesare more likely than others to exhibit unusual trading volumes. We investigate several takeover deal char- acteristics that may imply a higher likelihood of in- formed trading, as they are associated with greater announcement returns. Hence, we regress the cumu- lative abnormal log trading volume in call and put optionsoverthe30preannouncementdaysonasetof categoricalvariablesreflecting dealcharacteristics and marketactivityvariables.Wefirsttestthefollowing model: CABVOL(cid:3)β +β SIZE+β CASH+β TOE 0 1 2 3 +β PRIVATE+β COLLAR+β TERM 4 5 6 +β FRIENDLY+β US+γ +ε, 7 8 t (1) where CABVOL denotes the cumulative abnormal tradingvolumeincallorputoptions,whichwescaleforQ:17 eachtargetbytheaveragepredictedvolumeintheevent window.9Allspecificationscontainyearfixedeffectsγ, t andstandarderrorsareclusteredbyannouncementday. Our strongest prior is that cumulative abnormal volumeshouldbehigherforcash-financeddeals,given that they are known to have higher abnormal an- nouncementreturns(Andradeetal.2001)andaremore likelytobecompleted(Fishman1989).Thus,weexpect thataninformedtraderwillbenefitmorefromtrading ifheanticipatesahigherabnormalreturnandismore certainthathewillearnit.Wetestforthisbyincluding a dummy variable, CASH, that takes the value 1 for cash-financed deals. In addition, traders with private information may prefer opening positions for larger Notes. In(a),wedepicttheaverageabnormaltradingvolumeforallequity companies,whosestocks(and,therefore,theiroptions) options(solidline),calloptions(dashedline)andputoptions(dottedline), tend to be more liquid, and hence less likely to reveal respectively,forthetargetcompanies,overthe30-daypreannouncement period.Volumeisdefinedasthenumberofoptioncontracts.In(b),we unusual, informed trading. Thus, we expect cumula- depicttheaveragecumulativeabnormaltradingvolumeforalloptions tive abnormal volume to be higher for larger deals, (solidline),calloptions(dashedline),andputoptions(dottedline)overthe measured by SIZE, a dummy variable that takes the sameeventperiod.Statisticsarecomputedforasampleof1,859target value1ifthedealisabovethemediantransactionvalue companiesoverthetimeperiodJanuary1996throughDecember31,2012. and 0 otherwise. According to Acharya and Johnson (2010), firm size may also proxy for the number of in- engageinOTMcalltransactionsbutalsosellITMputs.8 siderstothedealand,thus,theprobabilityofinformation The weaker evidence that informed traders may also leakage. A bidder who has a toehold in the company engage in writing ITM put options may be due to the (TOE) may also belikely to gather and tradeonprivate riskynessofwritingnaked(especiallyITM)puts,asthe information about a future takeover. Alternatively, failure of deal negotiations could lead to a sharp stock a toehold investor with privileged information may re- price drop. Selling naked puts also requires large frain from trading as he would be among the first sus- margins,whichmayimposebindingcapitalconstraints pects in any investigation. A foothold may also be on traders. interpreted as publicly observable information (Jarrell We verify our results using alternative tests and and Poulsen 1989). We also control for other deal char- robustnesschecks.Theresultsagreewiththeprevious acteristics, such as whether the target is taken private findings, yielding either similar or stronger results, posttakeover (PRIVATE), whether the deal has a collar both qualitatively and quantitatively. We discuss the structure (COLLAR), whether it involves a termination detailsofthese additionaltests in theonlineappendix feeuponthefailureofdealnegotiations(TERM),whether Section A-II. thedealattitudeisconsideredtobefriendly(FRIENDLY), Augustin,Brenner,andSubrahmanyam:OptionsTradingBeforeTakeoverAnnouncements 10 ManagementScience,ArticlesinAdvance,pp.1–24,©2018INFORMS Table4. Characteristics of Cumulative Abnormal CallVolume Variable CABVOLC CABVOLC CABVOLC I (CABVOLC) I (CABVOLC) SIZE 3.32** 2.44* 3.31** 0.23** 0.21* (1.34) (1.29) (1.33) (1.26) (1.24) CASH 6.37*** 5.49*** 5.15*** 0.42*** 0.43*** (1.53) (1.54) (1.59) (1.52) (1.53) TOE −5.58* -3.38 −4.82* -0.33 -0.27 (2.94) (2.71) (2.92) (0.72) (0.76) PRIVATE 0.12 0.06 0.88 -0.09 −0.13 (1.97) (1.91) (2.00) (0.91) (0.88) COLLAR 7.23** 6.47** 6.52** 0.41* 0.43** (2.94) (2.85) (2.95) (1.50) (1.54) TERM 5.65*** 4.57** 4.93*** 0.20 0.21 (1.83) (1.80) (1.83) (1.22) (1.23) FRIENDLY 3.04 1.91 2.85 0.14 0.06 (2.36) (2.30) (2.37) (1.15) (1.06) US −2.45 −1.71 −2.54 -0.35** −0.31** (1.91) (1.88) (1.92) (0.70) (0.74) TRUNUP 24.30*** 1.01*** (2.88) (2.75) TANNRET 0.57 0.74 (4.56) (2.10) TTPRET1 −7.84* −1.15** (4.08) (0.32) ARUNUP −4.52 4.21 -0.97** (4.27) (4.36) (0.38) MKTVOL −3.85** -1.91 −0.06 (1.95) (2.02) (0.94) TOT_PREMIUM 4.24** (1.75) Constant −1.37 15.25* 5.68 −0.82** −0.62 (2.79) (8.66) (9.01) (0.44) (0.54) Observations 1,859 1,859 1,859 1,859 1,859 adj.R2/ps.R2 0.056 0.123 0.060 0.035 0.054 YEARFE YES YES YES YES YES Notes. Incolumns(1)and(2),wereportgeneralizedleastsquaresregressionresultsfromtheprojectionofcumulativeabnormalcalloptionlog- volume(CABVOLC,standardizedbytheaveragepredictedvolumeduringtheeventwindow)onasetoftakeovercharacteristicsandmarket activitymeasures.Columns(3)and(4)reportlogitcoefficients(oddsratiosinparentheses)fromlogisticregressionresultswherethedependent variabletakesthevalue1ifthecumulativeabnormalcalloptionstradingvolumeduringthe30preannouncementdaysisstatisticallysignificant atthe5%leveland0otherwise.ThevariableSIZEquantifiesthetakeoverdealvalue.ThevariableCASHisacategoricalvaluetakingthevalue1if thedealisacash-financedtakeoverand0otherwise,TOEhasthevalue1ifabidderalreadyhasatoeholdinthetargetcompany,PRIVATEequals 1iftheacquirerprivatizesthetargetpostacquisition,COLLARtakesthevalue1fortransactionswithacollarstructure,TERMequals1fordeals thathaveaterminationfeethatappliesifthetakeovernegotiationsfail,FRIENDLYhasthevalue1ifthedealattitudeisconsideredtobefriendly, andUSequals1ifthebidderisaU.S.-basedcompanyand0otherwise.WedenotebyTRUNUPthepreannouncementcumulativeabnormal stock return for the target and TANNRET the target’s announcement abnormal return; TTPRET1 refers to the target’s postannouncement cumulativeabnormalreturn,andARUNUPistheabnormalstockreturnfortheacquirerbeforetheannouncementday.MKTVOListhemarket volumeonthedaybeforetheannouncement.Eachregressioncontainsyearfixedeffects(“YEARFE”),andstandarderrorsareclusteredby Q:48 announcementday.Wereportthenumberofobservations(“Observations”)andtheadjustedR2. ***,**,and*denotestatisticalsignificanceatthe1%,5%,and10%levels,respectively. and whether the bidder is a U.S.-headquartered com- probability of information leakage (Acharya and pany (US). Johnson 2010). Our results are similar if we proxy The results for the benchmark regressions of cu- firm size using company sales. We also examined the mulativeabnormalvolumeinthetargetcalloptionsare number of target and acquirer advisors as a proxy for reportedincolumn(1)ofTable4.Wefindthatfirmsize informationleakage,buttheresultsarenotstatistically is a significant positive predictor of abnormal options significant, similar to the findings of Heitzman and volume.Thisevidenceisconsistentwiththeviewthat Klasa (2016). This may be due to insufficient variation informed trading in target call options is greater for in the number of advisors for publicly traded firms larger,moreliquidcompanies,forwhichitiseasierto (91.2%ofthesamplehasfewerthanfiveadvisors,and hide informed trading, and when there is a greater the median is two), whereas Acharya and Johnson

We investigate informed trading activity in equity options prior to the announcement of involving options trading ahead of M&A announcements shows that the
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