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Preview Information Sciences 2000: Vol 122-130 Table of Contents

INFORMATION SCIENCES AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Volume Contents for 2000 Volume 122, Number 1, 2000 Special Issue: Heuristic Search and Computer Game Playing K. CHEN Heuristic search and computer game playing (Guest Editorial) D.F. BEAL AND M.C. SMITH Temporal difference learning for heuristic search and game playing. . Y. BJORNSSON AND T.A. MARSLAND Risk management in game-tree pruning J.W.H.M. UITERWIJK AND H.J. VAN DEN HERIK The advantage of the initiative T. WOLF Forward pruning and other heuristic search techniques in tsume go . K.-Y. KAo Mean and temperature search for Go endgames Volume 122, Numbers 2—4, 2000 Special Issue: Frontiers in Evolutionary Algorithms P.P. WANG Frontiers in Evolutionary Algorithms (Editorial) D.B. FOGEL AND A. GHOZEIL Schema processing, proportional selection, and the misallocation of trémis im mpumetic Miers. 2. «hwkn We w ee hens D.R. TAuRITz, J.N. KOK AND I.G. SPRINKHUIZEN-KUYPER Adaptive Information Filtering using evolutionary computation. ... P. Bouvry, F. ARBAB AND F. SEREDYNSKI Distributed evolutionary optimization, in Manifold: Rosenbrock’s function case study 242 Volurne Contents for 2000 A.I. GONZALEZ, M. GRANA,F.X. ALBIzZURI, A. DANIJOU A ND F.J. TORR EALDEA A near real-time Evolution-based Adaptation Strategy for dynamnic Color Quantization of image sequences... ..-.. 2... 0.2 eee eee, H. KABRE AND A. SPALANZANI EVERA: an evolutionary programming environment for adaptive SU Srh g hls Oe as FE a Po SJ. Louis AND G. LI Case injected genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems .. . W.-S.E. CHEN, C.-W.R. LENG AND Y.-N. LIEN A novel mobile agent search algorithm... . F. HOFFMANN Soft computing techniques for the design of mobile robot behaviors . Y.S. YEUN, J.C. SUH AND Y.S. YANG Function approximations by superimposing genetic programming trees: with applications to engineering problerns. . . Volume 123, Numbers 1-2, 2000 Special Issue: Methods and Systerns for Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction N. KASABOV AND R. KOZMA Methods and systems for intelligent human-computer interaction (Editorial). . sess D. ALBESANO, R. Sa AND F. eel Hybrid HMM-NN modeling of stationary-transitional units for continuous speech recognition ..... Se ae Sees J.-H. JEONG, H. Kim, D.-S. Kim AND S Y. ase Speaker adaptation based on judge neural networks for real world implementations of Voice-Command systems. .......... K. TANAKA AND H. KOJIMA Between-word distance calculation in a symbolic domain and its applications to speech recognition ........ 0.0. 0.20 P. SALLIS AND D. KASSABOVA Computer-mediated communication: experiments with e-mail NOEED plore Coo NR pane aay ae LPL Ree ENaEes ame K. MiuRA AND T. NAGANO A computational model for the detection of object motion by moving observer using self-motion signals... .......... A.Z. KOUZANI, F. HE AND K. SAMMUT Towards invariant face recognition... . Volume Corttents for 2000 S.-B. CHo Ensemble of structure-adaptive self-organizing maps for high performance classification . . S. Usul, Y. ARAI AND S. NA KAUCHI Neural networks for device-independent digital color imaging..... . N. KasABpov, E. POstTMA AND J. VANDEN HERIK AVIS: a connectionist-based framework for integrated auditory and visual information processing.-........-.. P.P.WANG Soft modeling for a certain Class of intelligent and complex systems . Volume 123, Numbers 3-4, 2000 H. YING AND G. CHEN Anal ytical Theory of Fuzzy Control with Applications (Preface)... . S.-K. HONG AND R. LANGARI An LMI-based H®™ fuzzy control systen design with TS framework S. Kim AND G.J. VACHTS EVANOS Asn intelligent approach to integration and control of textile processes . J. LI, H.0. Wana, D. NIEMANN AND K. TANAKA Dynamic parallel distributed compensation for Takagi-Sugeno ume tyaAmei LLe mPOOsNER ... ws oe ba He eee wc beee S. JAGANNATHAN AND F.L. LEwIs Robust backstepping control of a class of nonlinear systerns using fuzzy logic . . C. Wer AND L.-X. WANG A note on universal approximation by hierarchical fuzzy systems . J. CARVAJAL, G. CHEN AND H. OGMEN Fuzzy PID controller: a. idiot evaluation, and stability analysis . J. Lu, H. Y1ne, Z. Sun, P. WU AND G. ia Real-time ultrasound-guided fuzzy control of tissue coagulation eroomnnts auuremen Wier DORE.5 . 8k ok te te mk ne ee we cae H. YING Theory and application of a novel fuzzy PID controller using a simplified Takagi—Sugeno rule scheme........... Volume 124, Numbers 1-4, 2000 C.-M. HUANG AND P.-C. Liu Robust audio transmission over internet with self-adjusted buffer EO Fe EN AE a LPe an, OrS R HA ed ETRE eee aT ren ea erat 244 Volume Contents for 2000 J.-J. Wu, R.-H. HWANG AND H.-I. Lu Multicast routing with multiple QoS constraints in ATM networks. . I.-S. HWANG AND S.-N. LEE Diagnosing crosstalk faults in a class of dilated blocking optical multistage interconnection networks W.J. FREEMAN A neurobiological interpretation of semiotics: meaning, representation, and information T. YANG Computational verb systems: a new paradigm for artificial intelligence S. TSUMOTO Knowledge discovery in clinical databases and evaluation of discovered knowledge in outpatient clinic S. Tomic, S.V. VRBSKY AND T. CAMP A new measure of temporal consistency for derived objects in real-time database systems W.-Y. Liu AND N. SONG A logical design method for temporal databases based on the stability constraint and the generalization semantics............. B. SADOUN Applied system simulation: a review study P. GHosH, B. CHANDA AND P.cH. MALI Fast algorithm for sequential machine to compute pattern spectrum via city-block distance transform B. BELEGRADEK, K. KALPAKIS AND Y. YESHA Strategies for maximizing seller’s profit under unknown buyer’s valuations B.W. WAH, T. WANG, Y. SHANG AND Z. Wu Improving the performance of weighted Lagrange-multiplier methods for nonlinear constrained optimization D. VENTURA AND T. MARTINEZ Quantum associative memory E. SAVAS A note on sequence of fuzzy numbers M. QUAFAFOU a-RST: a generalization of rough set theory Y.-M. Li AND Z.-K. SHI Weak uninorm aggregation operators Volurne Contents for 2000 Volume 125, Numbers 1-4, 2000 J.T. Tou An intelligent full-text Chinese-English translation system ........ A.G. TODMAN AND E. CLARIDGE Low-level grouping mechanisms for contour completion.......... H.G. Gok AND O. ULusoy Transmission of continuous query results in mobile computing I ore iia a oe ae ae ace kKo s R.I. JOHN, P.R. INNOCENT AND M.R. BARNES Neuro-fuzzy clustering of radiographic tibia image data using Cree 2 WtySP cs ke es D.T. HUYNH AND H.N. NGUYEN A rearrangement algorithm for switching networks composed of Gimital syenmeetrical montwices. . . . . we te eee P.E. LIVADAS AND T. Johnson An optimal ne for the construction of the system dependence graph. . Ge Vas et eRe: Ka ee ee” Y.-J. oe C LW. Shen: Analysis of two-step index structure for complex spatial objects... .. R.KHCHERIF, M.M. GAMMOUDIAND A. JAQUA Using difunctional relations in information organization ......... C.-C. WANG AND C.-F. TSAI Fuzzy data processing using polynomial bidirectional hetero-associative network. ..... E. SAVAS On strongly A-summable sequences of fuzzy numbers....... .. J.F. VER DEGAY-LOPEZ AND S. MORAL Network of probabilities associated with a capacity of order-2..... W. FANG The characterization of a measure of information discrepancy . S.-L. CHEN AND J.-R. Wu SR-convergence theory in fuzzy lattices... ...............-0.. Volume 126, Numbers 1—4, 2000 Th. ROFER AND A. LANKENAU Architecture and sancalen of the Bremen Autonomous Wheelchair . T.W. LIAo, D. a y. Li Extraction of welds from radiographic images using fuzzy classifiers . 246 Volume Contents for 2000 P. KALOCSAI Recognition model with narrow and broad extension fields........ M. FuketAa,S. Les, T. Tsusy1,M. OKADA AND J.-1. AOE A document classification method by using field association words. . D.G. SCHWARTZ Layman’s probability theory: A calculus for reasoning with linguistic IN ot sears be a V.S. VERYKIOS AND A.K. ELMAGARMID Automating the approximate record-matching process . . N. ZHONG, J. DONGAND S. OHSUGA A hybrid approach to rule discovery in databases . . P.P. CHOUDHURY AND A.R. CHOWDHURY Economic return to the previous state for any nearest neighbourhood reversible autonomous finite state machines................... K.-Y. CAI Towards a conceptual framework of software run reliability SI kak ss wre J.T.L. WANGAND K. ZHANG Identifying consensus of trees through alignment. .............. W.-C. FANG AND C.-C. Hsu On the fault-tolerant embedding of complete binary trees in the ancake graph interconnection network ................200 05. M. OussALAH On the qualitative/necessity possibility measure. (I). Investigation in the framework of measurement theory .................... S. ENCHEVA AND G. COHEN On self-dual ternary codes and their coordinate ordering. ..... R. BELOHLAVEK Similarity relations and BK-relational products...... Volume 127, Numbers 1—2, 2000 Special Issue: Intelligent Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis (I). Computational Intelligence for Manufacturing M. ULIERU Intelligent Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis (I). Computational intelligence for manufacturing (Preface) ......... M. ULIERU, D. NorRIE, R. KREMER AND W. SHEN A multi-resolution collaborative architecture for web-centric global ig fog ib deg PA AD&K ME A ES Volume Contents for 2000 247 X. ZHANG, S. BALASUBRAMANIAN, R.W. BRENNAN AND D.H. NorRRIE Design and implementation of a real-time holonic control system for Co Pe ee rare aon eee eere rga cg ie ay Pee R. SAINI, P.K. SAXENA AND P.K. KALRA Internet enabled synergistic intelligent systems and their applications to efficient management of Operational Organizations........... 45 A. UNAL Electronic commerce and multi-enterprise supply/value/business chains 63 N.C. TSOURVELOUDIS, E. DRETOULAKIS AND S. IOANNIDIS Fuzzy work-in-process inventory control of unreliable manufacturing NN hee his ahr ae ee ees PE achive a hes Goat aera ok ieee tae ee Volume 127, Numbers 3—4, 2000 Special Issue: Intelligent Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis (ITI). Soft Computing Approaches to Fault diagnosis M. ULIERU Intelligent Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis (II). Soft computing approaches to fault diagnosis (Preface)... ..........202 002-2. 85 C. RAJAGOPALAN, B. RAJ AND P. KALYANASUDARAM A soft-computing framework for fault diagnosis ............... 87 M. ULIERU AND D. NorRIE Fault recovery in distributed manufacturing systems by emergent holonic re-configuration: A fuzzy multi-agent modeling approach... S. SEMANIAND C. FANTUZZI Fault diagnosis in power plant using neural networks ........ D. ROVERSO Soft computing tools for transient classification. ... . W. JUN AND A.K. AsUNDI A computer vision system for wineglass defect inspection via Gabor-filter-based texture features ........ 0.2... 0.20. eee cease J.J. ALPIGINI The evaluation and visualization of system performance in chaotic dynamical systems.. .. S. IONITA A chaos theory perspective on system’s failure... .............. Volume 128, Numbers 1-2, 2000 S. KAK Active agents, intelligence and quantum computing........ 248 Volume Contents for 2000 A. VAKALI Data block prefetching and caching in a hierarchical storage model . A. DATTA AND S. SOUNDARALAKSHMI An efficient algorithm for computing the maximum empty rectangle Ray SEIN IS ss FG TA CPS Bel ow Ae Ss H.T. NGUYEN Some mathematical structures for computational information. . R. BELOHLA VEK Fuzzy logical bidirectional associative memory E. COSKUN Systems on intuitionistic fuzzy special sets and intuitionistic fuzzy Ie I 5 a os 5 a es a ie ee eS S.-G. LIAND Z.-B. Xu Characterizations of minimal T; L-fuzzy topological spaces... .. J.N. Mor DESON Fuzzy commutative algebra and intersection equations... ........ Volume 128, Numbers 3-4, 2000 Special Issue: Quantum Computing and Neural Information Processing D. VENTURA AND S. KAK Quantum computing and neural information processing... ........ S. KAK I eg oe FA ie Cea Ga a 8 oe, ew M. TEGMARK Why the brain is probably nota quantum computer .... T. HoGG AND D. PORTNOV Quantum optimization....... M. ZAK Quantum decision-maker... . E. ALFINITO AND G. VITIELLO The dissipative quantum model of brain: how does memory localize in correlated neuronal domains ...... 2... .. 2.0. 202 pe eee eee A. NARAYANAN AND T. MENNEER Quantum artificial neural network architectures and components... E.C. BEHRMAN, L.R. NASH, J.E. STECK, V.G. CHANDR ASHEKAR AND S.R. SKINNER Simulations of quantum neural networks ....... A.A. EzHov, A.V. NIFANOVA AND D. VENTURA Quantum associative memory with distributed queries. ....... ‘olume Contents for 2000 Volume 129, Numbers 1-4, 2000 M. Mazo, J.C. GaRciA, FJ. RopriGuezZ, J. Ur ENA, J.L. LAzA Ro AND F. EsPINoSA Integral systern for assisted mobility ... 2... ..... J.-S. LiIn, M. Lruanp N.-F. Hua NG The shortest path cormputation in MOSPF protocol using an annealed Hopfield neural network with a new cooling schedule. ... . H. KiRSCHNER AND R. HILLEBRAND Neural networks for HREM image analysis R.S. SEX TONAND J.N.D. Gupta Comparative evaluation of genetic al gorithm and backpropagation Pam: anaes WIE TRO es es ee ie int M. ZAK Physical model of immune inspired computing ......... H. Leun«G, T.H. Tse, F.T. CHAN AND T.Y. CHEN Test case selection with and without replacement... .....- T.Y. CHEN AND Y.T. Yu The universal safeness of test allocation strategies for partition testing . S. MrzoBucHl, T. Sumitomo, M. FUKETAAND J.-1. AoE An efficient representation for implementing finite state machines based on the double-array.. ... 1.2.0... M.KorAmMA,M.Oono,K.MoritA Anp J.-1. AOE A fast and cormpact technique of implementing transition tables for Goste shale aubemmia. .. ow kw ek cc ce wk eee I. Ray, P. AMMANN AND S. JAJODIA Using semantic correctness in multidatabases to achieve local autonomy, distribute coordination, and maintain global integrity .. . Z. WENG, G. CHEN, L.S. SHIEH AND J. LARSSON Evolutionary programming Kalman filter ..... L. DEyU AND M. YICHEN Invariant characters of information systems under some EES SS SEE, DER GE RI GPU BELEN: EE RSE ah H. THIELE On axiomatic characterisations of crisp approximation operators T.-P. HONG AND T.-T. WANG Fuzzy flexible flow shops at two machine centers for continuous RS gee ne peck eet e ke ee yee ce tl, C.W. Yu On the complexity of the maximum biplanar subgraph problem. ... 250 Volume Contents for 2000 Volume 130, Numbers 1-4, 2000 A. ELNAHAS AND N. ADLY Location management techniques for mobile systems H.K.-C. CHANG, J.-J. HWANG AND H.-H. Liu A novel access control method using Morton number and prime factorization G. COLETTI AND R. SCOZZAFAVA The role of coherence in eliciting and handling imprecise probabilities and its application to medical diagnosis P. RAVEENDRAN, R. PALANIAPPAN AND S. OMATU Fuzzy ARTMAP classification of invariant features derived using angle of rotation from a neural network M. OUSSALAH AND J. DE SCHUTTER Possibilistic Kalman filtering for radar 2D tracking Y.-F. HUANG AND J.-M. CHEN The study of indexing techniques on object oriented databases J.-E. HONG AND D.-H. BAE Software modeling and analysis using a hierarchical object-oriented Petri net K.B. Kim, J.B. PARK, Y.H. CHOI AND G. CHEN Control of chaotic dynamical systems using radial basis function network approximators B.-L. MENG Some results of fuzzy BCK-filters Y. Xu, D. RUAN, E.E. KERRE AND J. Liu a-Resolution principle based on lattice-valued propositional logic

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