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Preview Information Sciences 1998: Vol 104-112 Table of Contents

INFORMATION SCIENCES AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Volume Contents for 1998 Volumes 104, Numbers 1-2, 1998 T.Y. LIN From rough sets of soft computing: Introduction A. CZYZEWSKI Speaker-independent recognition of isolated words using rough sets B. KOSTEK Computer-based recognition of musical phrases using the rough-set approach H. Morapi, J.W. GRZYMALA-BUSSE AND J.A. ROBERTS Entropy of English text: Experiments with humans and a machine learning system based on rough sets T. Murat, H. KANEMITSU AND M. SHIMBO Fuzzy sets and binary-proximity-based rough sets Y.Y. YAO AND P.J. LINGRAS Interpretations of belief functions in the theory of rough sets... . F.P. SKANTZE AND A.M. ANNASWAMY Mode-based neural algorithms for parameter estimation A. SKOWRON AND L. POLKOWSKI Rough mereological foundatins for design, analysis, synthesis, and control in distributed systems Volumes 104, Numbers 3-4, 1998 A. THOMASIAN A multithreshold scheduling policy for readers and writers K. TSUDA An efficient module generator to be capable of constructing circuit models 0020-0255/98/$ — see front matter © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. PII: S0020-0255(98)10078-6 C.-S. CHANG AND A.L.P. CHEN Efficient refinenment of uncertain data by fuzzy integrity constraints J.D. YANG AND D.G. LEE Incorporating concept-based match into fuzzy production rules . . G. DE COOMAN Confidence relations and ordinal information M. Lopez-DiAz AND M.A. GIL Approximating integrably bounded fuzzy random variable sin terms of the “Generalized” Hausdorff metric S. BANDYOPADHYAY, S.K. PAL AND U. MAULIK Incorporating chromosome differentiation in genetic algorithms M.-K. SHAN AND S.-Y. LEE Placement of partitioned signature file and its ATI in yb 5 es a oa goa ea eety ens Seen T. Arita, M. SHISHIBORI AND J.-I. AOE An efficient algorithm for full text retrieval for multiple keywords Volumes 105, Numbers 1-4, 1998 Letter from the Editor S.M. CHUNG Parallel relational operations using clustered surrogate files on shared-nothing multiprocessors M.L. HINES Conceptual object-oriented database: A theoretical model J. HAN, L. Liu AND T. Lu Evaluation of declarative n-queens recursion: A deductive database approach M.M. MAYORAL Renyi’s entropy as an index of diversity in simple-stage cluster sampling M.C. PARDO Goodness-of-fit tests for stationary distributions of Markov chains based on Rao’s divergence L.P. GEWALI AND S. NTAFOS Watchman routes in the presence of a pair of convex polygons . . W.A. PoRTER AND A.-L.H. ABOU-ALI Vector quantization for multiple classes S.K. PAL, J. BASAK AND R.K. DE Fuzzy feature evaluation index and connectionist realization .... K.-M. CHAO On computing all suboptimal alignments S. De, S.K. PAL AND A. GHOSH Genotypic and phenotypic assortative mating in genetic algorithm M.E. HOFFMAN AND E.K. WONG A ridge-following algerithm for finding the skeleton of a fuzzy image A. BIESZCZAD AND B. PAGUREK Neurosolver: neuromorphic general problem solver C.-M. CHUNG, L.R. Cuow, T. SHin, Y.H. WANG, W.-C. LIN and J.-F. CHEN Tool integration in a knowledge abstraction environment M. Russo, N.A. SANTAGATI AND E. Lo PINTO Medicinal chemistry and fuzzy logic Volumes 106, Numbers 1-2, 1998 A. GISOLFI, W. PEDRYCZ AND S. SESSA Guest editorial B. De BAETs, G. de COOMAN AND E. KERRE The construction of possibility measures from samples of 7 -semi-partitions L. Di Lascio, A. GISOLFI AND V. LOIA Uncertainty processing in user-modeling activity G. GERLA AND L. SCARPATI Extension principles for fuzzy set theory K. HIROTA AND W. PEDRYCZ Implicitly-supervised learning and its application to fuzzy pattern classifiers A. KANDEL AND Y.-Q. ZHANG Intrinsic mechanisms and application principles of general fuzzy logic through Yin—Yang analysis E. PLAZA, F. Esteva, P. GarciA, L. Gopo AND R. Lopez de MANTARAS A logical approach to case-based reasoning using fuzzy similarity relations A.F. RocHA, M.P. REBELLO AND K. MIURA Toward a theory of molecular computing K. UEHARA AND K. HIROTA Parallel and multistage fuzzy inference based on families of «-level sets Volume 106, Numbers 3-4, 1998 H.R. ARABNIA AND K. LI Guest editorial D. ANDRE AND J.R. KOZA A parallel implementation of genetic programming that achieves super-linear performance B.R. CARTER, D.W. WATSON, R.F. FREUND, E. KEITH, F. MIRABILE AND H.J. SIEGEL Generational scheduling for dynamic task management in heterogeneous computing systems Y. PAN AND K. LI Linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system — Concepts and applications R.J. SHAW AND R.A. OLSSON Addressing the shortcomings of traditional formal reasoning methods for concurrent programs: New tools and techniques for source code correctness T.M. WARSCHKO, J.M. BLUM AND W.F. TICHY The ParaStation project: Using workstations as building blocks for parallel computing E.H. DDHOLLANDER, F. ZHANG AND Q. WANG The Fortran parallel transformer and its programming environment Volume 107, Numbers 1-4, 1998 C.-T. Ho AND M.-Y. KAo Efficient submesh permutations in wormhole-routed meshes T.K. SHIH An operational semantic approach to continuation style interpreter of logic programs T.K. SHIH On computing temporal/spatial relations T.K. SHIH Multimedia abstract machine T.K. SHIH Participator dependent multimedia presentation J. LEE AND J.-Y. Kuo Fuzzy decision making through trade-off analysis between criteria A. ROSENFELD AND C.-Y. SHER Detecting image primitives using feature pyramids Z. BONIKOWSKI AND E. BRYNIARSKI AND U. WyYBRANIEC-SKARDOWSKA Extensions and intentions in the rough set theory C.-C. CHAN A rough set approach to attribute generalization in data mining M. DELGADO, F. HERRERA, E. HERRERA-VIEDMA AND L. MARTINEZ Combining numerical and linguistic information in group decision making M.S. OBAIDAT, H. KHALID AND B. SADOUN Ultrasonic transducer characterization by neural networks X. JIA, K. MAKKI AND N. Pisstnou Group channel routing for conferencing systems in wide area networks B. SADOUN A new simulation methodology to estimate energy losses on urban sites due to wind infiltration and ventilation R. ALHAJJ AND F. POLAT Proper handling of query results towards maximizing reusability in object-oriented databases A. LoTFI AND M. HOWARTH Industrial application of fuzzy systems: Adaptive fuzzy control of solder paste stencil printing G. FRANCIS Neural network dynamics of cortical inhibition: Metacontrast masking Volume 108, Numbers 1-4, 1998 I. AHo, E. MAKINEN AND T. SystTA Remarks on the thickness of a graph A.Y. Wu AND A. ROSENFELD Geodesic visibility in graphs H. Mocuizuk1, M. Koyama, M. SHISHIBORI AND J. AOE A substring search algorithm in extendible hashing F.F. Liu AND D.H. Moore An implementation of Kripke—Kleene semantics A. WEINBERGER Embedding lattices of fuzzy subalgebras into lattices of crisp subalgebras R.R. YAGER Structures for prioritized fusion of fuzzy information H. YING General Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with simplified linear rule consequent are universal controllers, models and filters M. Ma, I.B. TURKSEN AND A. KANDEL Fuzzy partition and fuzzy rule base W. CONGXIN AND S. SHIJI Existence theorem to the Cauchy problem of fuzzy differential equations under compactness-type conditions J.L. CASTRO AND J.M. ZURITA A heuristic in rules based systems for searching of inconsistencies S.-H. CHEN Operations of fuzzy numbers with step form membership function using function principle H.-S. Stu, Y.-H. CHIN AND W.-P. YANG Reaching strong consensus in the presence of mixed failure types . H. IBA Evolutionary learning of communicating agents A. YAzici, R. GEORGE AND D. Aksoy Design and implementation issues in the fuzzy object-oriented data model K.M. SHAABAN AND R.J. SCHALKOFF Synthesis of cascade recurrent neural networks using feed forward generalization properties H.D. CHENG AND M. MiyoJimM Automatic pavement distress detection system Volume 109, Numbers 1-4, 1998 W.K. Lai AND C.C. HWANG Ticket circulation protocol: A simple access protocol for dual bus architecture Y.Y. YAO Constructive and algebraic methods of the theory of rough sets . . Z. CHEN AND Q. ZHU Query construction for user-guided knowledge discovery in databases Z. PAWLAK An inquiry into anatomy of conflicts H. BELAiD AJROUD anv A. JAOUA Abstraction of objects by conceptual clustering R. KORNER AND W. NATHER Linear regression with random fuzzy variables: extended classical estimates, best linear estimates, least squares estimates . . S. TsUTSUI AND A. GHOSH Search space division in GAs using phenotypic properties T. SUDKAMP AND R.J. HAMMELL II Scalability in fuzzy rule-based learning M. MAppour], S. ELLOUMI ano A. JAQUA An incremental learning system for imprecise and uncertain knowledge discovery S. BANDYOPADHYAY, S.K. PAL AND C.A. MuRTHY Simulated annealing based pattern classification T. BEAUBOUEF, F.E. PETRY AND G. ARORA Information-theoretic measures of uncertainty for rough sets and rough relational databases G. CHEN, Q. XiE AND L.S. SHIEH Fuzzy Kalman filtering J.-Y. JENG, Y.-B. LIN AND W. CHEN Dynamic resource assignment strategies for PCS data services .. . Y.Y. YAO A comparative study of fuzzy sets and rough sets J.-D. YANG, M.-N. BAE, J.-W. CHANG, W. CHOI AND J.-K. LEE A navigational data model for object modeling technique development environment M. FUKETA AND J. AOE A fast algorithm of retrieving common sentences K.-L. TAN AND B.C. Oo! Batch scheduling for demand-driven servers in wireless environments Volumes 110, Numbers 1-2, 1998 A note from Editor-in-Chief T. FURUHASHI Special issue: Modeling with Soft-Computing T. OHTANI, H. ICHIHASHI, T. MIYOSHI AND K. NAGASAKA Orthogonal and successive projection methods for the learning of neurofuzzy GMDH E. Kim, H. Lez, M. PARK AND M. PARK A simply identified Sugeno-type fuzzy model via double clustering S. MATSUSHITA, T. FURUHASHI, H. TSuTSUI AND Y. UCHIKAWA Efficient search for fuzzy models using genetic algorithm H. Kikucui, A. OTAKE AND S. NAKANISHI Functional completeness of hierarchical fuzzy modeling N.K. KASABOV, R. KOZMA AND M.J. WATTS Phoneme-based speech recognition via fuzzy neural networks modeling and learning T. OHTANI, H. ICHIHASHI AND T. MIYOSHI Neurofuzzy cognitive maps with adaptive B-splines Y. YOSHIDA A time-average fuzzy reward criterion in fuzzy decision processes . M.F. KAWAGUCHI AND M. MIYAKOSHI Composite fuzzy relational equations with non-commutative conjunctions Volume 110, Numbers 3-4, 1998 A. ROSENFELD Fuzzy geometry: An updated overview R. MIL! AND J. RAYMOND Towards a formal framework for software reuse D. RUAN AND A.J. VAN DER WAL Controlling the power output of a nuclear reactor with fuzzy logic C.-C. WANG AND H.-S. Don The majority theorem of centralized multiple BAMs networks .. . A.K. SRIVASTAVA AND A.S. KHASTGIR On fuzzy sobriety P. LINGRAS Comparison of neofuzzy and rough neural networks K. BOUKERROU AND L. KuRz Suppression of “salt and pepper” noise based on Youden designs. W.K. Lai, C.-C. HWANG AND W.J. Hs1ao A proportional feedback scheme for ATM networks C. JOSLYN AND L. ROCHA Towards a formal taxonomy of hybrid uncertainty representations G. CANALS, C. GODART, P. MOLLI AND M. MUNIER A criterion to enforce correctness of indirectly cooperating applications T. OKAZAKI, L. ZHANG, K. INougE, A. Iro AND Y. WANG A note on two-dimensional probabilistic finite automata Volume 111, Numbers 1-4, 1998 J. BASAK, R.D. DE AND S.K. PAL Fuzzy feature evaluation index and connectionist realization-II. Theoretical analysis O. ULusoy Analysis of concurrency control protocols for real-time database systems M. ELLouMI Comparison of strings belonging to the same family A. JAGOTA AND J. MANDZIUK Experimental study of Perceptron-type local learning rule for Hopfield associative memory R. SUN AND T. PETERSON Some experiments with a hybrid model for learning sequential decision making H.-C. Wu The improper fuzzy Riemann integral and its numerical integration K. ANDO, T. KINOSHITA, M. SHISHIBORI AND J.-I. AOE An improvement of the Aho—Corasick machine P.S. MAH AND S.M. CHUNG Schema integration and transaction management for multidatabases H.D. CHENG, J.R. CHEN, R.I. FREIMANIS AND X.H. JIANG A novel fuzzy logic approach to microcalcification detection F. BERITELLI, S. CASALE AND M. Russo A fuzzy system for tone detection applications P. SADAYAPPAN, F. ERCAL AND J. RAMANUJAM Partitioning graphs on message-passing machines by pairwise mincut Y.Y. YAO Relational interpretations of neighborhood operators and rough set approximation operators A.A. BELAL AND A. ELMASRY Reaching the bound in the (2,n) merging problem Z. SURAJ Reconstruction of cooperative information systems under cost constraints: A rough set approach S.C. KAK On generalization by neural networks I.C. Bruce, L.S. IRLICHT AND G.M. CLARK A mathematical analysis of spatiotemporal summation of auditory nerve firings C.-C. CHANG AND R.-J. HWANG Sharing secret images using shadow codebooks H.C. TSENG AND J.G. Liu Information storage in Hopfield model with reduced complexity. . Volume 112, Numbers 1-4, 1998 H. LIANG AND G. DAI Improvement of cascade correlation learning algorithm with an evolutionary initialization S.E. CHoprow, M. D. Hirscu, I. RHEE AND S. YAN CHEUNG Design and implementation of a multicast audio conferencing tool for a collaborative computing framework B. Liu Minimax chance constrained programming models for fuzzy decision systems M. KRYSZKIEWICZ Rough set approach to incomplete information systems

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