UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Annexure I BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 Proforma for submission of information by State Private Universities for ascertaining their norms and standards A. Legal Status 1.1 Name and Address of the University NIIT University, Neemrana NH – 8, Delhi – Jaipur Highway, District – Alwar, Rajasthan, India. PIN - 301705 STD code - 01494 Tel. No. 302415, 302412 Fax: 01494 - 302418 1.2 Headquarters of the University Neemrana, Alwar, Rajasthan 1.3 Information about University a. Website b. E-mail [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] c. Phone Nos. Registrar - 01494 – 202415, Deputy Registrar - 01494 – 302412 d. Fax Nos. 01494 - 302418 Information about Authorities of the University a. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Dr. Karan Singh Chancellor Tel. 011 – 26115291, 26111744, 24102137 Fax: 26873171 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Pandey b. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Vice- Tel (o) 01494 - 302461 Chancellor Mob. 9251093099 Fax: 01494 - 302418 Email : [email protected] Prof. Parimal V Mandke c. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Tel (o) 01494 - 302415 Registrar Mob. 9810306914 Fax: 01494 – 302418 Email: [email protected] 1 d. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Finance Naveen Parasar Officer Tel (O) 01494 – 302561 Mob. 8058519903 Fax: 01494 – 302418 Email: [email protected] 1.4 Date of Establishment October 13, 2009 vide Ordinance No. 4 of the Government of Rajasthan Subsequently on April 04, 2010 vide Rajasthan Gazette Notification No. F.(11) Vidhi/2/2010 THE NIIT UNIVERSITY, NEEMRANA (ALWAR) ACT, 2010 (Act No. 5 of 2010) 1.5 Name of the Society/Trust promoting the University NIIT Institute of Information Technology, (Copy of the registered MoA/Trust Deed to be enclosed) New Delhi (Reg. No. S-52976 of 2005) (Copy enclosed at Annexure A) 1.6 Composition of the Society/Trust Details provided in Appendix-I (Details to be provided in Appendix-I) 1.7 Whether the members of the Society/Trust are members in Yes details given in Appendix-II other Societies/Trusts or in the Board of Governors in companies? If yes, please provide details in the following format:- (Details to be provided in Appendix-II) 1.8 Whether the promoting Society/Trust is involved in NO promoting/ running any other University/ Educational Appendix III – Not Applicable Institution? If yes, please give details in the following format:- (Details to be provided in Appendix-III) 1.9 Whether the promoting society/trust is involved in NO promoting/running activities other than educational? If yes, please give details in the following format:- Appendix IV – Not Applicable (Details to be provided in Appendix-IV) 1.10 Act and Notification under which established Rajasthan Gazette Notification No. (copy of the Act & Notification to be enclosed) F.(11) Vidhi/2/2010 Dated April 04, 2010 THE NIIT UNIVERSITY, NEEMRANA (ALWAR) ACT, 2010 (Act No. 5 of 2010) Copy of NIIT University Act provided at Annexure B 1.11 Whether the University has been established by a separate Yes, THE NIIT UNIVERSITY, NEEMRANA State Act? (ALWAR) ACT, 2010 (Act No. 5 of 2010). B. Organization Description 2.1 Whether Unitary in nature (as per the UGC Regulation) Yes, University is functioning from the only Campus at Neemrana as per UGC Regulations and is having its own facilities for teaching, research, examination and 2 extension services. 2.2 Territorial Jurisdiction of the University as per the Act Rajasthan 2.3 Details of the constituent units of the University, if any, as The University does not have any mentioned in the Act constituent Unit and is located in Neemrana, Rajasthan as per the State Government Act. 2.4 Whether any off-campus centre(s) established? If yes, please give No details of the approval granted by the State Government and UGC in the following format:- Appendix V – Not Applicable a. Place of the off-campus ________________ b. Letter No. & date of the approval of State Government _______ c. Letter No. & date of the approval of UGC ___ (Details to be provided in Appendix-V) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) 2.5 Whether any off-shore campus established? If yes, please give No details of the approval granted by the Government of India and the host country in the following format:- Appendix VI – Not Applicable a. Place of the off-shore campus ______ b. Letter No. & date of the approval of Host Country ____________ c. Letter No. & date of the approval of Government of India _______ (Details to be provided in Appendix-VI) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) 2.6 Does the University offer a distance education programme? If yes, No whether the courses run under distance mode are approved by the competent authority? (Please enclose attested copy of the course-wise approval of competent authority) 2.7 Whether the University has established study centre(s)? If yes, No please provide details and whether these study centres are approved by the competent authority of the University and UGC? (Details to be provided in Appendix-VII) Appendix VII – Not Applicable (Please enclose attested copy of the approval from the competent authority) 3 C. Academic Activities Description 3. Academic Programmes 3.1 Details of the programmes permitted to be offered Details provided in Appendix-VIII by Gazette Notification of the State Government and its reference Ref. Rajasthan Gazette Notification No. F.(11) Details provided in Appendix-VIII Vidhi/2/2010 Dated April 04, 2010 3.2 Current number of academic programmes/ Details provided in Appendix-IX courses offered by the University Details provided in Appendix-IX 3.3 Whether approvals of relevant statutory council(s) As a University established under a separate Act such as AICTE, BCI, DEC, DCI, INC, MCI, NCTE, PCI, passed by the State Government of Rajasthan, NU is etc. have been taken to: empowered to start new programme and increase a. Start new courses intake after taking due approval of its statutory b. To increase intake bodies namely the Academic Council and the Board of Management, however University complies with If yes please enclose copy of approval and give AICTE norms. course- wise details in the following format:- Appendix X – Not Applicable (Details to be provided in Appendix-X) 3.4 If the University is running courses under distance No mode, please provide details about the students enrolled in the following format:- Appendix VII – Not Applicable (Details to be provided in Appendix-VII) (Please enclose copy of the course-wise approval of the competent authority) 3.5 Temporal plan of academic work in the University University has following temporal plan: Semester System – B. Tech. , MCA, M. Tech., Ph. D Semester system/ Annual system Trimester or Term System – MBA 3.6 Whether the University is running any course which No is not specified under Section 22 of the UGC Act, Appendix XI – Not Applicable 1956? If yes, please give details in the following format:- a. Name of the course(s) b. Since when started c. Whether the University has applied for permission from UGC? Details to be provided in Appendix XI 4 4. Student Enrolment and Student Support 4.1 Number of students enrolled in the University for the current academic year according to regions and countries (Please give separate information for main campus and off-campus/off- shore campus) Particulars No. of students from No. of students No. of NRI No. of overseas students Grand the same State from other students excluding NRIs Total where the University States is located Foreign Person of Indian Students Origin students UG M 15 181 0 1 0 197 F 9 72 0 0 0 81 T 24 253 0 1 0 278 PG M 13 405 0 0 0 418 F 4 93 0 0 0 97 T 17 498 0 0 0 515 M.Phil. M F NIL T Ph.D. M 0 7 0 0 0 7 F 0 8 0 0 0 8 T 0 15 0 0 0 15 Diploma M F NIL T PG Diploma M F NIL T Certificate M F NIL T Any Other M (Pl. Specify) NIL F T M-Male, F-Female, T-Total 5 4.2 Category-wise No of students Category Female Male Total SC 2 3 5 ST 1 0 1 OBC 11 42 53 PH 0 0 0 General 174 575 749 Total 188 620 808 4.3 Details of the two batches of students admitted Particulars Batch 1 Batch 2 Year of Entry – AY 2009-2010 Year of Entry – AY 2010-2011 UG PG Total UG PG Total No. admitted to the 19 11 30 35 11 46 Programme No. of Drop-outs (a) Within four 0 0 0 0 0 0 month of Joining (b) Afterwards 0 0 0 5 0 5 No. appeared for the NA 11 11 NA 11 11 final year examination No. passed in the final NA 11 11 NA 11 11 exam No. Passed in first NA NA NA NA NA NA class 4.4 Does the University provide bridge/remedial courses to Yes, we have provided in the past the educationally disadvantaged students? If yes, please classes in English, Communication and give details programming. This year we are planning to hold preparatory classes / bridge courses in Programming, Maths, Electrical Science etc. for B. Tech. Yr I students. 4.5 Does the University provide any financial help to the No. However Financial assistance and students from socially disadvantageous group? If yes, scholarships are awarded on the basis please give details of academic merit. For details see Annexure І 4.6 In case the University is running M. Phil/Ph.D. programme, Residential and non-residential Ph.D. whether it is full time or part time and whether these programme are conducted as per the programmes are run as per UGC Regulations, 2009 on M. UGC Regulations, 2009 Phil/ Ph.D. 6 4.7 Whether the University have a website? If yes please give Yes. website address and whether the website is regularly updated? Website is being updated regularly. Print Screen of University website is provided in Annexure C. 4.8 How are the prospective students informed about the Through University Website, criteria for admission, rules & regulations, facilities Advertisements, Career Counseling available, etc? sessions & Workshops, NU’s Toll Free and Helpline No., Also Admission office takes care of all queries of prospective students. Also University provides facility to prospective student for overnight stay at campus to feel the campus life. University also arranges for frequent trip from Delhi to University campus by University provided bus to prospective students and prospective parents for Campus visit. 4.9 Whether any grievance redressal mechanism is available in The University has constituted the University? If yes, please provide details about the Grievance Redressal mechanism as complaints received against malpractices, etc in the under University in the following format:- a. Anti - Ragging Committee Details provided in Appendix-XII b. Anti - Sexual Harassment Committee c. Grievance Redressal Committee Grievance Redressal Box has been placed at the University. So far no compliant has been received. Appendix – XII NIL as on date. 5. Curriculum, Teaching Learning Process/Method, Examination/Evaluation System 5.1 Which University body The Course Architecture and curriculum is designed by Concerned finalized the curriculum? The Area Director & the Faculty members of that Area, which is then composition of the body may presented before and discussed with the Programme Committee be given. (Board of Studies) which is than taken to Academic Council for (Board of Studies, Academic Approval and which is reported to Board of Management of the Council, Board of University. Management) 7 5.2 What are the Revision, changes and updation to the curriculum are initiated and Rules/regulations/procedure suggested by the concerned Course In- charge on Annual Basis. for revision of the curriculum and when was the curriculum Concerned Course In-Charge and / or Faculty members of that Area last updated? including Area Director may present the proposal for changes/ revision in their Area through Sub – Area Academic Monitoring Committee which in turn proposes the changes to the Programme Committee (Board of Studies) which on recommendation of the Programme Committee (Board of Studies) is taken for consideration of the Academic Council. Finally the decision of the Academic Council is ratified by Board of Management. Details provided in Annexure D. 5.3 Whether approval of Yes, approval of University statutory bodies – Academic Council & statutory bodies such as Board of Management has been taken to start various Courses. Board of Studies, Academic Council and Board of Extracts of the Minutes of the Board of Management and Academic Management of the Council Meeting are Attached at Annexure N (e). University has been taken to start various courses? If yes please enclose extracts of the minutes. 5.4 Furnish details of the University has Research Advisory Board, Industry Advisory Board and following aspects of Board of Advisors who advises and suggests various measures to curriculum design: strengthen the best of academic ambience and academic administration, research orientation so that NIIT University can Innovation such as modular develop into hub of innovations. For details about Board of Advisors, curricula Research Advisory Board and Industry advisory Board see Annexure Inter/multidisciplinary O (d-f). approach University follows a modular, credit – based approach to curriculum with course wise promotion. University has adopted interdisciplinary area at M. Tech. level, such as Bio-Informatics, Educational Technology, Geographic Information System, etc. Further, the B. Tech. curriculum is broad-based requiring students to do courses in the areas of Pure & Applied Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. University emphasizes innovative teaching-learning pedagogy and innovative examination system like use of Audio – visual aids during classes and examination depending on the requirements of the course. Innovative Projects are devised and project presentations of students are also webcasted. Interactive method supplemented with discussions is followed for teaching – learning processes. Participation by students is heavily emphasized during the classes. Online discussion forums are also used as teaching tool. Mobile Learning as teaching - learning aid is used in few courses. All classroom has LCD projection facility for usage by Faculty. Classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards. Usage of Mimio Studio Tools is emphasized by the University. Document Camera is used by the Faculty for displaying books, Newspaper article, Reading Material etc during the classes for familiarizing and updating 8 students with day to day events. University provides facility to the Faculty to video/audio record their lectures and to use the same as pod cast/webcast and same is also uploaded on NUcleus (Moodle base Learning Management System Software). All the study material and supplementary reading material is uploaded on NUcleus. In majority of the courses emphasis is given for taking students submission through NUcleus. Case study method is used in Management studies and Humanities. Learning management through Management Games is the regular feature of the management courses. Other than classroom teaching, sessions on Business update is a regular feature for Management programme. MBA students are associated to interact and learn from external mentor who is the CEO of Industry/ Corporates. International Immersion/ National Immersion facility is available to MBA students. Industry Practice is part and parcel of undergraduate programme. Summer Internship and Research Projects are also offered during vacation period. University also has facility for Synchronised Learning system (SLT) and Adobe for organizing Lectures of off campus International Faculty/ Members from Industry/ Corporates / Academia. NIIT University emphasizes on interdisciplinary approach hence as per programme architecture and design, all students of B. Tech. are given six courses in Humanities and Social Sciences along with courses in pure sciences. Management students also have courses in Humanities, Social Sciences as well as in Law. Also NU has provision of open elective in which Student can elect for cross & trans disciplinary courses. University also has Independent Reading Courses. 5.5 Has the University conducted Yes, Academic Audit is conducted on quarterly basis by externally an academic audit? If yes, appointed Auditors from Ghosh Khanna & Co, New Delhi to monitor please give details regarding University Academic Administration Compliances. frequency and its usage. 5.6 Apart from classroom Apart from Classroom instructions students are required to do instruction, what are the Projects / Summer Internship / Industry Practice. Students are also other avenues of learning encouraged to attend Conference and Seminars. They are also provided for the students? encouraged and given financial support to participate in Inter (Example: Projects, University / College Sports & Cultural Fests. MBA students are Internships, Field trainings, provided facility for International / National Immersion programme. seminars, etc) Research Based learning is given heavy impetus in all the courses through project work. Research based Summer projects are in great demand by students at the University. Distinguished Professor Lecture Series, Founding Professor Lecture Series along with talk by eminent Personalities from Academia, Corporate, Industry is the regular feature of the University and is ample resource of knowledge for students. Details of the Distinguished Lecture Series is given in Annexure Q. 9 Trainings sessions like training through Rational Rose is part of B. Tech. Curriculum. Industry Practice is part and parcel of undergraduate programme. UG Students on weekly basis teach Government School students under Community Connect Each One (NU B. Tech. Student) Teach One (Government School Student) programme. University has adopted five Government schools at Neemrana under Community Connect Each One Teach One Programme. Under NIIT University Rural Connect Initiative, University has adopted Soda Village, Tonk to contribute to educative empowerment and technology education at Soda Village through Student & Faculty Led Initiative and also to participate with Panchayat in research based village development Projects. University has also launched Nanhi Chhaan programme in association with Nanhi Chaan Foundation, Gurgaon where in NU Girl students has taken responsibility as elder sister by adopting younger sister (Government School Girl Student) . There are various student led functional committees which give ample opportunity to students to groom leadership skills and personality. The University first national level Techno-Cultural Fest was organized by students on Feb 1-3 2013. 5.7 Please provide details of the University emphasizes application/ practical based Examination examination system system. University has continuous internal evaluation system. (Whether examination based Each Course has different evaluation components like – or practical based) Assignments, test, Quizzes, Project Work, Seminar Presentation, Practical’s, Case Analysis etc in addition to mid and comprehensive written examinations. 5.8 What methods of evaluation Continuous evaluation is done by internal Faculty Members. of answer scripts does the Answer scripts are shown to students after evaluation. University follow? Whether University has option of online system of conducting and doing external experts are invited evaluation through NUcleus (Moodle based Learning Management for evaluation? System) for conducting online quizzes, Assignments, MCQ test and descriptive test in addition to conventional examination system. 5.9 Mention the number of Year wise malpractices cases reported are given below: malpractice cases reported 2009 – 2010 – NIL during the last 3 years and 2010 – 2011 – 01 how they are dealt with. 2011 – 2012 – 11 Details given in Annexure E 5.10 Does the University have a Yes, University follows continuous internal evaluation system. continuous internal evaluation system? 5.12 How are the question papers Question paper is prepared by the concerned Course In-charge set to ensure the depending on evaluation component keeping in view the course achievement of the course curriculum to ensure achievement of the course objectives. objectives? Question paper is subsequently discussed in Sub – Area Academic Monitoring Committee (SAAM) for further improvement, if any. 10