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Information Processing Letters ELSEVIER Information Processing Letters 72 (1999) 219-220 www.elsevier.com/locate/ip] Subject Index Volume 72 (1999) 1-Hamiltonian 55 Facility location Failure detection Fault-tolerant Acyclic orientations 71 Finite fields Aggregate query 205 Formal languages Algorithms 37, 47, 71, 119, 143, 149 Function classes Analysis of algorithms a1, 105 Fuzzy data Approximate matching 65 Fuzzy relational databases Approximation algorithms 161, 183 Asynchronous distributed systems 91 Galton—Watson process Graph algorithms Cayley graph 131 Graph embedding Combinatorics 47 Graph isomorphism Compilers 189 Graphs Complexity analysis Grid layout Computational complexity 3, 113, Computational complexity over the reals Hamiltonian Computational geometry 143, Hamiltonian cycle Concurrency Hamiltonian-connected Connected components Honeycomb torus Connectivity Constraints Incomplete hypercube Cryptography Hy Fe Information retrieval Curves Integer greatest common divisor (GCD) Cycle Interconnection networks 99, 109, 137, 213 Cyclic-cube Linear complexity Data redundancy LR parsing Data structures Data warehouse Materialized view Databases Minimum spanning trees Depth first search Modular multiplication Design of algorithms Multigrid network Diameter 55. Multihead finite automaton Directed graphs Distributed systems Nondeterministic Turing machine Dominance reporting Nonpreemptive scheduling Number theory Embedding Enumeration One-way nonerasing stack automata Error recovery Online algorithms Estimation Optimization Exhaustive search Output-sensitive Elsevier Science B.V. Subject Index Volume 72 (1999) Pairwise independence 31 Safety/security in digital systems 169 Parallel task systems 183 Sampling 31 Parsing 37 Satisfiability threshold 119 Penetration measures Self-modifying finite automata 19 Powersets Semantic inclusion degree 25 Probabilistic Turing machine Semantic space 25 Probability Singly connected 105 Process algebra Space complexity 113 Process crash Spanning trees 47 Pseudo-random generation Sparseness 83 Pseudorandom number generation Stochastic context-free grammars 37 Quadratic functions Text searching 65 Query processing Theory of computation 19, 155 Query reformulation Token rings 55 Trivalent Cayley graph 109 Random 2-SAT Randomized algorithms Unambiguous computation 197 Randomized rounding Reachability Unreliable failure detector 91 Reduction protocol Regularity Vertex ordering 149 Robotics RSA cryptosystem Well quasi-orderings 155 Rule probability Wrap-around butterfly graph 131 Information Processing Letters ELSEVIER Information Processing Letters 72 (1999) 221-222 www.elsevier.com/locate/ipl Author Index Volume 72 (1999) Aardal, K., F.A. Chudak and D.B. Shmoys, Hwang, S.-C. and G.-H. Chen, A note on A 3-approximation algorithm for the k-level cyclic-cubes 72 (1999) 131 uncapacitated facility location problem 72 (1999) 161 Inoue, K., see Wang, Y. 72 (1999) 19 Baeza- Yates, R., see Navarro, G. 72 (1999) 65 Ito, A., see Wang, Y. 72 (1999) 19 Barbosa, V.C. and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Generat- ing all the acyclic orientations of an undi- Janéar, P., A note on well quasi-orderings for rected graph 72 (1999) 71 powersets 72 (1999) 155 Blundo, C., A. De Santis and A. Giorgio Gag- Jiang, X. and H. Bunke, Optimal vertex order- gia, Probability of shares in secret sharing ing of graphs 72 (1999) 149 schemes 72 (1999) 169 Bunke, H., see Jiang, X. 72 (1999) 149 Khuller, S., An O(|V |") algorithm for single connectedness 72 (1999) 105 Calamoneri, T. and A. Massini, An optimal Kosub, S., A note on unambiguous function layout of multigrid networks 72 (1999) 137 classes 72 (1999) 197 Chang, C.-C., see Chen, C.-Y. 72 (1999) 77 Krishnamurti, R. and D.R. Gaur, An ap- Chang, C.-H., see Tsai, C.-H. 72 (1999) 109 proximation algorithm for nonpreemptive Chang, J.-Y. and S.-G. Lee, Extended condi- scheduling on hypercube parallel task sys- tions for answering an aggregate query us- tems 72 (1999) ing materialized views 72 (1999) 205 Kuéera, A., Regularity of normed PA processes 72 (1999) Chen, C.-Y. and C.-C. Chang, A fast modular multiplication algorithm for calculating the Lagogiannis, G., C. Makris and A. Tsaka- product AB modulo N 72 (1999) lidis, A new algorithm for rectangle enclo- Chen, G.-H., see Hwang, S.-C. 72 (1999) sure reporting 72 (1999) Choe, K.-M., see Lee, G.-O. 72 (1999) Lavault, C. and S.M. Sedjelmaci, Worst-case Chudak, F.A., see Aardal, K. 72 (1999) analysis of Weber’s GCD algorithm 72 (1999) Lee, G.-O. and K.-M. Choe, An LR parser Deo, N., see Nievergelt, J. 72 (1999) with pre-determined reduction goals 72 (1999) De Santis, A., see Blundo, C. 72 (1999) Lee, R.C.T., see Huang, C.-H. 72 (1999) Lee, S.-G., see Chang, J.-Y. 72 (1999) Gaur, D.R., see Krishnamurti, R. 72 (1999) Liu, X., see Megson, G.M. 72 (1999) Giorgio Gaggia, A., see Blundo, C. 72 (1999) Ma, W.Y., see Ma, Z.M. 72 (1999) Hsiao, J.-Y., see Huang, C.-H. 72 (1999) Ma, Z.M., W.J. Zhang and W.Y. Ma, Assess- Hsu, L.-H., see Hung, C.-N. 72 (1999) ment of data redundancy in fuzzy relational Hsu, L.-H., see Tsai, C.-H. 72 (1999) databases based on semantic inclusion de- Huang, C.-H., J.-Y. Hsiao and R.C.T. Lee, gree 72 (1999) An optimal embedding of cycles into incom- Macarie, I.I. and J.I. Seiferas, Amplifica- plete hypercubes 72 (1999) tion of slight probabilistic advantage at ab- Hung, C.-N., L.-H. Hsu and T.-Y. Sung, solutely no cost in space 72 (1999) 113 Christmas tree: A versatile 1-fault-tolerant Makris, C., see Lagogiannis, G. 72 (1999) 177 | design for token rings 72 (1999) 55 Marzetta, A., see Nievergelt, J. 72 (1999) 47 Hung, C.-N., see Tsai, C.-H. 72 (1999) 109 Massini, A., see Calamoneri, T. 72 (1999) 137 Elsevier Science B.V. 222 Author Index Volume 72 (1999) Matamala, M. and K. Meer, On the compu- Raynal, M. and F. Tronel, Restricted failure tational structure of the connected compo- detectors: Definition and reduction proto- nents of a hard problem 72 (1999) cols 72 (1999) Meer, K., see Matamala, M. 72 (1999) Megson, G.M., X. Yang and X. Liu, Honey- Sedjelmaci, S.M., see Lavault, C. 72 (1999) comb tori are Hamiltonian 72 (1999) Seiferas, J.I., see Macarie, I.I. 72 (1999) Montoya Vitini, F., J. Muiioz Masqué and Shmoys, D.B., see Aardal, K. 72 (1999) A. Peinado Dominguez, Linear complexity Sridharan, K., Computing two penetration of the x2mod p orbits 72 (1999) measures for curved 2D objects 72 (1999) Mount, J.A., Estimating the range of a function Stockman, G.C., see Ra, D.-Y. 72 (1999) in an online setting 72 (1999) Sung, T.-Y., see Hung, C.-N. 72 (1999) Mujioz Masqué, J., see Montoya Vitini, F. 72 (1999) Szwarcfiter, J.L., see Barbosa, V.C. 72 (1999) Navarro, G. and R. Baeza- Yates, Very fast and Tronel, F., see Raynal, M. 72 (1999) simple approximate string matching 72 (1999) Tsai, C.-H., C.-N. Hung, L.-H. Hsu and Nievergelt, J., N.D eo and A. Marzetta, Mem- C.-H. Chang, The correct diameter of triva- ory-efficient enumeration of constrained lent Cayley graphs 72 (1999) spanning trees 72 (1999) Tsakalidis, A., see Lagogiannis, G. 72 (1999) Okazaki, T., see Wang, Y. 72 (1999) Verhoeven, Y., Random 2-SAT and unsatisfia- bility 72 (1999) Peinado Dominguez, A., see Montoya Vi- Wang, Y., K. Inoue, A. Ito and T. Okazaki, tini, F. 72 (1999) A note on self-modifying finite automata 72 (1999) Ra, D.-Y. and G.C. Stockman, A new one pass Yang, X., see Megson, G.M. 72 (1999) algorithm for estimating stochastic context- free grammars 72 (1999) Zhang, W.J., see Ma, Z.M. 72 (1999)

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