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Information Processing Letters Information Processing Letters 63 (1997) 337-338 Subject Index Volume 63 (1997) Abstract Voronoi diagram 323 Efficient algorithms Algorithms 9, 19, 33, 45,57, 159, 177, 189, 229, 263, 303, 309 Embedding Analysis of algorithms 63, 75, 91, 103, 165, 171, 183, 195, 277 Erlang distribution Anonymous ring 109 Evolutionary tree Approximation 143 Approximation algorithms 237 Fault tolerance Arrangement 215 Finite automata Authenticated encryption 247 Finite-difference Finite model theory Binary tree 303 Formal languages Bin packing Formal program derivation Boolean circuits Function generation Broadcast Calculus of relations Generating function Circuit complexity Graph algorithms ‘ Combinatorial problems 33, 51, 69, 171, 309 Graph drawing Competitive analysis 79, 171, 183 Graph theory Completeness via logical reductions 147 Grid Complexity 23, 137 Computational biology 263 Hamming graphs Computational complexity 45, 69, 119, 143, 147, 153, 195, 229, Hopfield neural network 251, 257, 283, 287 Computational geometry 97, 103, 215, 237 I-serializability Concurrency control 189 Impossibility results Concurrent write PRAM 165 Information rate Constant dilation 123 Interconnection networks Convex distance function 323 CREW PRAM 331 Cryptography 19, 41, 247, 317 k-colorable graphs Cryptology 41 k-shortest paths Databases 189, 221 Least median of squares regression Database transactions 221 Logical characterizations of polynomial space Data structures 9, 75 Lower bound theory Decidability 283 Depth-first search 13 Matrix theory Descriptive complexity 147 Maximum set packing Descriptive complexity theory 251 Message recovery Design of algorithms 91, 167, 237 Multimedia multicast Distributed algorithms 23 Distributed computing 85, 109 Distributed systems 295 Next operator Domination 167 NP-complete Dynamical systems 137 NUMA architectures Dynamic programming 57 Number theory Elsevier Science B.V. 338 Subject Index Volume 63 (1997) On-line algorithms 51, 79, 171 Safety /security in digital systems 317 Optimal 123 Scheduling 51, 119 Orientation 229 Secret sharing 41, 317 Serializability 221 #P 33 Shortest paths 1, 177 PAC-learning 131 Spanning trees 13, 277 Packet radio network 271 Specification languages 243 Page replacement 183 Square 123 Parallel algorithms 165, 331 Stereo matching 57 Parallel processing 85, 119 Straight-line grid drawing 97 Partially ordered sets 9 Stream distribution 309 Performance evaluation 113 String matching 195 Permanent 33 Strip packing 171 Permutation graphs 13 Stutter invariance 243 Polynomial time algorithm 119 Succinct problems 251 Post’s correspondence problem 283 Precedence constraints 119 Temporal logic 243 Predicate detection 295 Theory of computation 131, 153, 283 Program specification 159 Threshold circuits 287 Propositional logic 251 Throughput monotonicity 113 PSPACE 143 Transitive closure 159 Public key cryptography 247 Trapezoid graphs 13 Queuing networks 113 Unidirectional 109 Randomization 51 Voronoi diagram Randomized algorithms 79, 215 Random number generation 69 Working set algorithm Real-time databases 189 Worst case analysis Routing algorithm 205 Worst-case bounds Information Processing Letters Information Processing Letters 63 (1997) 339-341 Author Index Volume 63 (1 997) Afek, Y., M. Cohen and E. Haalman, The bit Cohen, M., see Afek, Y. 63 (1997) 109 complexity of the predecessor problem 63 (1997) 109 Crochemore, M. and T. Lecroq, Tight bounds Amoura, A.K., A note on scheduling multipro- on the complexity of the Apostolico—Gian- cessor tasks with precedence constraints on carlo algorithm 63 (1997) 195 parallel processors 63 (1997) 119 Csirik, J. and G.J. Woeginger, Shelf algo- Arratia-Quesada, A.A. and I.A. Stewart, rithms for on-line strip packing 63 (1997) 171 Generalized Hex and logical characteriza- tions of polynomial space 63 (1997) 147 De Berg, M., O. Devillers, K. Dobrindt and O. Schwarzkopf, Computing a single cell Bax, E. and J. Franklin, A permanent formula in the overlay of two simple polygons 63 (1997) 215 with many zero-valued terms 63 (1997) 33 Deco, G., see Schittenkopf, C. 63 (1997) 137 Bird, R.S. and J.N. Ravelo, On computing De Santis, A., see Blundo, C. 63 (1997) 317 representatives 63(1997) 1 Devillers, O., see de Berg, M. 63 (1997) 215 Blondel, V.D. and J.N. Tsitsiklis, When is a Dobrindt, K., see de Berg, M. 63 (1997) 215 pair of matrices mortal? 63 (1997) 283 Blundo, C. and A. De Santis, Lower bounds Ebert, J. and G. Vossen, I-serializability: Gen- for robust secret sharing schemes 63 (19973)1 7 eralized correctness for transaction-based Boppana, R.B., The average sensitivity of environments 63 (1997) 221 bounded-depth circuits 63 (1997) 257 Borchert, B. and R. Silvestri, A characteriza- tion of the leaf language classes 63 (1997) 153 Feijs, L.M.G. and R.C. van Ommering, Ab- Brauer, W., see Schittenkopf, C. 63 (1997) 137 stract derivation of transitive closure algo- rithms 63 (1997) 159 Bshouty, N.H., Y. Mansour, B. Schieber and Flocchini, P., B. Mans and N. Santoro, On the P. Tiwari, A tight bound for approximating the square root 63 (1997) 211 impact of sense of direction on message complexity 63 (1997) 23 Busch, C. and M. Mavronicolas, Impossibility Frandsen, G.S. and S. Skyum, Dynamic main- results for weak threshold networks 63 (1997) 85 tenance of majority information in constant time per update 63 (1997) 75 Calamoneri, T. and A. Sterbini, 3D straight- Franklin, J., see Bax, E. 63 (1997) 33 line grid drawing of 4-colorable graphs 63 (1997) 97 Chang, C.-C. and S.-J. Hwang, A simple ap- proach for generating RSA keys 63 (1997) 19 Gaines, J.G., Partitions with minimum entropy Chang, C.-C., see Lee, W.-B. 63 (1997) 247 of regions in R? 63 (1997) 69 Chang, R.-S. and S.-J. Leu, The minimum Garg, V.K. and J.R. Mitchell, Detecting con- labeling spanning trees 63 (1997) 277 junctions of global predicates 63 (19972)9 5 Chang, R.-S., see Wei, L.-C. 63 (1997) 271 Geist, R., Performance bounds for modeling Chen, H.-C. and Y.-L. Wang, A linear time NUMA architectures 63 (1997) 113 algorithm for finding depth-first spanning Goldmann, M., On the power of a threshold trees on trapezoid graphs 63 (1997) 13 gate at the top 63 (19972)8 7 Cho, Y., see Park, K. 63 (1997) 183 Goldreich, O. and D. Ron, On universal learn- Chrobak, M., L.L. Larmore, C. Lund and N. ing algorithms 63 (1997) 131 Reingold, A better lower bound on the competitive ratio of the randomized 2-server Haalman, E., see Afek, Y. 63 (1997) 109 problem 63 (1997) 79 Hakimi, S.L., E.F. Schmeichel and N.E. Chung, K.-L., A fast algorithm for stereo Young, Orienting graphs to optimize reach- matching 63 (1997) 57 ability 63 (1997) 229 Elsevier Science B.V. 340 Author Index Volume 63 Hassin, R. and S. Rubinstein, An approxima- Mastrobuoni, V., see Nardelli, E. 63 (1997) 9 tion algorithm for maximum packing of 3- Mavronicolas, M., see Busch, C. 63 (1997) 85 edge paths 63 (1997) 63 Min, S.L., see Park, K. 63 (1997) 183 Ho, J.-M. and M.-T. Ko, Bounded fan-out Mitchell, J.R., see Garg, V.K. 63 (19972)9 5 m-center problem 63 (1997) 103 Huang, S.-H.S., H. Liu and R.M. Verma, On Nardelli, E., V. Mastrobuoni and A. San- embedding rectangular meshes into rectan- tomo, On building the transitive reduction gular meshes of smaller aspect ratio 63 (1997) 123 of a two-dimensional poset 63(1997) 9 Hwang, S.-J., see Chang, C.-C. 63 (1997) 19 Olson, C.F., An approximation algorithm for Imrich, W. and S. Klavzar, Recognizing Ham- least median of squares regression 63 (1997) 237 ming graphs in linear time and space 63 (1997) 91 Ivkovi¢é, Z. and E.L. Lloyd, Partially dynamic Pagli, L., see Luccio, F. 63 (1997) 331 bin packing can be solved within | + € in Papaefthymiou, M.C., see Lalgudi, K.N. 63 (1997) 177 (amortized) polylogarithmic time 63 (1997) 45 Park, K., S.L. Min and Y. Cho, The working set algorithm has competitive ratio less than Jonsson, P., A nonapproximability result for two 63 (1997) 183 finite function generation 63 (1997) 143 Peled, D. and T. Wilke, Stutter-invariant tem- poral properties are expressible without the Kim, C., see Kim, S.-H. 63 (1997) 309 next-time operator 63 (1997) 243 Kim, S.-H., K. Lim and C. Kim, Efficient Stream distribution algorithm for heteroge- Ran, S., see Konana, P. 63 (1997) 189 neous multimedia multicast with link capac- Ravelo, J.N., see Bird, R.S. 63 (1997) 1 ity constraint 63 (1997) 309 Reingold, N., see Chrobak, M. 63 (1997) 79 Kim, S.K., Logarithmic width, linear area up- Ron, D., see Goldreich, O. 63 (1997) 131 ward drawing of AVL trees 63 (1997) 303 Rubinstein, S., see Hassin, R. 63 (1997) 63 Klavzar, S., see Imrich, W. 63 (1997) 91 Ko, M.-T., see Ho, J.-M. 63 (1997) 103 Santomo, A., see Nardelli, E. 63(1997) 9 Konana, P., J. Lee and S. Ram, Updating Santoro, N., see Flocchini, P. 63 (1997) 23 timestamp interval for dynamic adjustment Schieber, B., see Bshouty, N.H. 63 (1997) 211 of serialization order in Optimistic Concur- Schittenkopf, C., G. Deco and W. Brauer, rency Control-Time Interval (OCCTI) pro- Finite automata-models for the investigation tocol 63 (1997) 189 of dynamical systems 63 (1997) 137 Kratsch, D. and L. Stewart, Total domination Schmeichel, E.F., see Hakimi, S.L. 63 (1997) 229 and transformation 63 (1997) 167 Schwarzkopf, O., see de Berg, M. 63 (1997) 215 Kuéera, L., Computing OR on a randomized Sgall, J., A lower bound for randomized on-line fixed adversary CRCW PRAM 63 (1997) 165 multiprocessor scheduling 63 (1997) 51 Silvestri, R., see Borchert, B. 63 (19971)5 3 Lalgudi, K.N. and M.C. Papaefthymiou, Skyum, S., see Frandsen, G.S. 63 (1997) 75 Computing strictly-second shortest paths 63 (1997) 177 Sterbini, A., see Calamoneri, T. 63 (1997) 97 Larmore, L.L., see Chrobak, M. 63 (1997) 79 Stewart, I.A., see Arratia-Quesada, A.A. 63 (19971)4 7 Lé, N.-M., On non-smooth convex distance Stewart, L., see Kratsch, D. 63 (19971)6 7 functions 63 (1997) 323 Lecroq, T., see Crochemore, M. 63 (1997) 195 Tang, C.Y., see Wu, B.Y. 63 (1997) 263 Lee, J., see Konana, P. 63 (1997) 189 Tiwari, P., see Bshouty, N.H. 63 (1997) 211 Lee, W.-B. and C.-C. Chang, Authenticated Tsitsiklis, J.N., see Blondel, V.D. 63 (1997) 283 encryption schemes with linkage between message blocks 63 (1997) 247 van Dijk, M., More information theoretical in- Leu, S.-J., see Chang, R.-S. 63 (1997) 277 equalities to be used in secret sharing? 63 (1997) 41 Lim, K., see Kim, S.-H. 63 (1997) 309 van Ommering, R.C., see Feijs, L.M.G. 63 (1997) 159 Liu, H., see Huang, S.-H.S. 63 (1997) 123 Veith, H., Languages represented by Boolean Lloyd, E.L., see Ivkovié, Z. 63 (1997) 45 formulas 63 (1997) 251 Luccio, F. and L. Pagli, An insight on PRAM Verma, R.M., see Huang, S.-H.S. 63 (1997) 123 computational bounds 63 (1997) 331 Vossen, G., see Ebert, J. 63 (1997) 221 Lund, C., see Chrobak, M. 63 (1997) 79 Wang, S.-J., Distributed routing in a fault- Mans, B., see Flocchini, P. 63 (1997) 23 tolerant multistage interconnection network 63 (1997) 205 Mansour, Y., see Bshouty, N.H. 63 (1997) 211 Wang, Y.-L., see Chen, H.-C. 63 (1997) 13 Author Index Volume 63 Wei, L.-C. and R.-S. Chang, Broadcast Wu, B.Y. and C.Y. Tang, An O(n) algorithm scheduling in packet radio networks by for finding an optimal position with relative Hopfield neural networks 63 (1997) 271 distances in an evolutionary tree 63 (1997) 263 Wilke, T., see Peled, D. 63 (1997) 243 Woeginger, G.J., see Csirik, J. 63 (1997) 171 Young, N.E., see Hakimiy, S.L. 63 (1997) 229

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