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Information Processing Letters 46 (1993) 313-314 26 July 1993 Elsevier Author Index Volume 46 (|1 993) (The issue number is given in front of the page numbers.) Andersson, A. and S. Nilsson, Improved be- Draghicescu, 1L.A., see Clarke, E.M. (6) 301-308 haviour of tries by adaptive branching (6) 295-300 Drozdowski, M., see Bianco, L. (3) 109-113 Du, M.W., see Chang, S.C. (5) 231-237 Bianco, L., J. Blazewicz, P. Dell’Olmo and M. Drozdowski, Preemptive scheduling of multi- Fang, M., see Ho-Stuart, C. (2) 55- 61 processor tasks on the dedicated processor Fischer, T., A.V. Goldberg, D.J. Haglin and S. system subject to minimal lateness (3) 109-113 Plotkin, Approximating matchings in parallel (3) 115-118 Bijlsma, A., Calculating with procedure calls (5) 211-217 Fischetti, V.A., G.M. Landau, J.P. Schmidt and Blazewicz, J., see Bianco, L. (3) 109-113 P.H. Sellers, Identifying periodic occur- Bolognesi, T., Deriving graphical representa- rences of a template with applications to tions of process networks from algebraic ex- protein structure (3) 157 pressions (6) 289-294 Gasieniec, L., see Crochemore, M. (4) 159-162 Cha, S., LS. Chung and Y.R. Kwon, Complexity Gavalda, R.., A positive relativization of polyno- measures for concurrent programs based on mial time versus polylog space (3) 119-123 information-theoretic metrics Goldberg, A.V., see Fischer, T. (3) 115-118 Chakraborty, U.K. and D.G. Dastidar, Using reliability analysis to estimate the number of Haglin, D.J., see Fischer, T. (3) 115-118 generations to convergence in genetic algo- Halldérsson, M.M., Approximating the mini- rithms (4) 199-209 mum maximal independence number (4) 169-172 Chang, S.-J., see Yu, M.-S. (@) 7-11 Hartmann, C.R.P., see Vaidyanathan, R. (1) 31- 36 Chang, S.C. and M.W. Du, Diamond deque: A Ho-Stuart, C., H.S.M. Zedan and M. Fang, Con- simple data structure for priority deques (5) 231-237 gruent weak bisimulation with dense real- Chedid, F.B. and R.B. Chedid, A new variation time (2) 55- 61 on hypercubes with smaller diameter (6) 275-280 Hoffgen, K.-U., Computational limitations on Chedid, R.B., see Chedid, F.B. (6) 275-280 training sigmoid neural networks (6) 269-274 Chen, G.-H. and Y.-C. Hung, On the quickest Hoory, S. and A. Wigderson, Universal traversal path problem (3) 125-128 sequences for expander graphs (2) 67- 69 Chen, G.-H., see Liu, L.-T. (3) 129-133 Hu, Q., see Shen, X. (2) 101 Chen, R.-J., see Wu, J.-S. @) 1- 6 Hung, Y.-C., see Chen, G.-H. (3) 125-128 Chung, LS., see Cha, S. (1) 43- 50 Clarke, E.M., LA. Draghicescu and R.P. Kur- Kim, M.H., J.H. Lee and Y.J. Lee, Analysis of shan, A unified approach for showing lan- fuzzy operators for high quality information guage inclusion and equivalence between retrieval (5) 251-256 various types of w-automata (6) 301-308 Kobayashi, K., £°-complete properties of pro- Crochemore, M., L. Gasieniec and W. Rytter, grams and Martin-Lof randomness (1) 37- 42 Two-dimensional pattern matching by sam- Krishnaprasad, T., Locality in inheritance net- pling (4) 159-162 works (6) 263-268 Kuncheva, L., Genetic algorithm for feature se- Dastidar, D.G., see Chakraborty, U.K. (4) 199--209 lection for parallel classifiers (4) 163-168 Davis, R. and A. Prieditis, The expected length Kurshan, R.P., see Clarke, E.M. (6) 301-308 of a shortest path (3) 135-141 Kwon, Y.R., see Cha, S. (1) 43- 50 Dell’Olmo, P., see Bianco, L. (3) 109-113 Demetrovics, J. and V.D. Thi, Some problems Lai, T.-H. and S.-S. Wei, The Edge Hamiltonian concerning keys for relation schemes and Path Problem is NP-complete for bipartite relations in the relational datamodel (4) 179-184 graphs Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Volume 46, Number 6 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 26 July 1993 Landau, G.M., see Fischetti, V.A. (3) 157 Sellers, P.H., see Fischetti, V.A. (3) 157 Latifi, S., On the fault-diameter of the star Sheinwald, D., see Makedon, F. (2) 103-107 graph (3) 143-150 Shen, X. and Q. Hu, A note on minimal visibility Lee, J.H., see Kim, M.H. (5) 251-256 graphs (2) 101 Lee, Y.J., see Kim, M.H. (S) 251-256 Snyder, W.. On the complexity of recursive path Lin, K.-J., see Liu, L.-T. (3) 129-133 orderings (5) 257-262 Lins, R.D., Generational cyclic reference count- Stamoulis, G.D. and J.N. Tsitsiklis, An efficient ing (1) 19- 20 algorithm for multiple simultaneous broad- Liu, L.-T., G.-H. Chen and K.-J. Lin, An algo- casts in the hypercube (5) 219-224 rithm for coalescing operations with prece- Szpankowski, W., see Prodinger, H. (6) 309-311 dence constraints in real-time systems (3) 129-133 Longpré, L. and S. Mocas, Symmetry of infor- Thangavel, P. and V.P. Muthuswamy, Parallel mation and one-way functions (2) 95-100 algorithms for addition and multiplication on processor arrays with reconfigurable bus Makedon, F., D. Sheinwald and Y. Wolfsthal, A systems (2) 89- 94 simple linear-time algorithm for the recogni- Thi, V.D., see Demetrovics, J. (4) 179-184 tion of bandwidth-2 biconnected graphs (2) 103-107 Tsay, J.-J., An efficient implementation of pri- Mazurkiewicz, A., Distributed disassembly of ority queues using fixed-sized systolic copro- mosaics (4) 173-178 cessors (4) 193-198 Megson, G.M., Systolic partitioning algorithms (1) 13- 18 Tseng, L.Y., see Yu, M.-S. (i) 7-11 Middendorf, M., Minimum Broadcast Time is Tsitsiklis, J.N., see Stamoulis, G.D. (5) 219-224 NP-complete for 3-regular planar graphs and deadline 2 (6) 281-287 Vaidyanathan, R., C.R.P. Hartmann and P.K. Mocas, S., see Longpré, L. (2) 95-100 Varshney, Running ASCEND, DESCEND Moffat, A. and J. Zobel, Supporting random and PIPELINE algorithms in parallel using access in files of variable length records (2) 71- 77 small processors Miller, H. and F. Nicolai, Polynomial time algo- van Kreveld, M., The power of parallel projec- rithms for Hamiltonian problems on bipar- tion (4) 185-191 tite distance-hereditary graphs (5) 225-230 Varshney, P.K., see Vaidyanathan, R. (1) 31- 36 Muthuswamy, V.P., see Thangavel, P. (2) 89- 94 Wegener, I., Optimal lower bounds on the depth Nicolai, F., see Muller, H. (5) 225-230 of polynomial-size threshold circuits for some Nilsson, S., see Andersson, A. (6) 295-300 arithmetic functions (2) 85- 87 Wei, S.-S., see Lai, T.-H. (1) 21 Oh, S.B., An analytical evidence for Kalé’s Wigderson, A., see Hoory, S. (2) 67- 69 heuristic for the N queens problem Wise, D.S., Stop-and-copy and one-bit reference Ohtsuka, H., A proof of the substitution lemma counting (5) 243-249 in de Bruijn’s notation Wolfsthal, Y., see Makedon, F. (2) 103-107 Wu, J.-S. and R.-J. Chen, The towers of Hanoi Plotkin, S., see Fischer, T. (3) 115-118 problem with cyclic parallel moves (1) Prieditis, A., see Davis, R. (3) 135-141 Prodinger, H. and W. Szpankowski, A note on Yang, Y.X., New binary sequences with perfect binomial recurrences arising in the analysis staircase profile of linear complexity of algorithms (Letter to the editor) (6) 309-311 Yu, M.-S., L.Y. Tseng and S.-J. Chang, Sequen- tial and parallel algorithms for the maxi- Rytter, W., see Crochemore, M. (4) 159-162 mum-weight independent set problem on permutation graphs Sato, T., Decidability for some problems of lin- ear cellular automata over finite commuta- Zedan, H.S.M., see Ho-Stuart, C. tive rings (3) 151-155 Zelikovsky, A.Z., A faster approximation algo- Schmidt, J.P., see Fischetti, V.A. (3) 157 rithm for the Steiner tree problem in graphs Schoning, U., On random reductions from sparse Zobel, J., see Moffat, A. sets to tally sets (5) 239-241

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