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Information & Management 42 (2005) 1150-1154 www.elsevier.com/locate/dsw Author index to Volume 42 Abdullah, I., see Zain, M. 42 (2005) 829 Akgiin, A.E., J. Byrne, H. Keskin, G.S. Lynn and S.Z. Imamoglu, Knowledge networks in new product development projects: A transactive memory perspective 42 (2005) 1105 Akmanligil, M. and P.C. Palvia, Strategies for global information systems development 42 (2004) 45 Albrecht, C.C., D.L. Dean and J.V. Hansen, Marketplace and technology standards for B2B e-commerce: progress, challenges, and the state of the art 42 (2005) 865 Alvarez, M., see Rincon, G. 42 (2005) 1051 Arppe, A., see Magnusson, C. 42 (2005) 561 Back, B., see Magnusson, C. 42 (2005) 561 Bahli, B., see Saadé, R. 42 (2005) 317 Barthélemy, J. and D. Geyer, An empirical investigation of IT outsourcing versus quasi-outsourcing in France and Germany 42 (2005) 533 Baruch, Y., Bullying on the net: adverse behavior on e-mail and its impact 42 (2005) 361 Burn, J.M., see Love, P.E.D. 42 (2005) 947 Byrne, J., see Akgiin, A.E. 42 (2005) 1105 Cai, S., see Yang, Z. 42 (2005) 575 Chang, M.K., W. Cheung and V.S. Lai, Literature derived reference models for the adoption of online shopping 42 (2005) 543 Chang, S.-C., see Su, Y.-H. 42 (2005) 329 Chang, S.-C., see Yu, H.-C. 42 (2005) 517 Chen, K. and D.C. Yen, Improving the quality of online presence through interactivity 42 (2004) 217 Chen, Y.-C., see Shang, R.-A. 42 (2005) 401 Chen, Z., see Lee, M.K.O. 42 (2005) 1095 Cheung, C.M.K., see Lee, M.K.O. 42 (2005) 1095 Cheung, W., see Chang, M.K. 42 (2005) 543 Chiu, C.-M., Applying means-end chain theory to eliciting system requirements and understanding users perceptual orientations 42 (2005) 455 Choi, M., see Yu, J. 42 (2005) 965 Cronan, T.P., see Leonard, L.N.K. 42 (2004) 143 de Kok, T.G., see Zoryk-Schalla, A.J. 42 (2004) 75 Dean, D.L., see Albrecht, C.C. 42 (2005) 865 Dehning, B., V.J. Richardson and T. Stratopoulos, Information technology investments and firm value 42 (2005) 989 Deng, X., W.J. Doll, A.R. Hendrickson and J.A. Scazzero, A multi-group analysis of structural invariance: an illustration using the technology acceptance model 42 (2005) 745 Doll, W.J., see Deng, X. 42 (2005) 745 Duan, Y., J.S. Edwards and M.X. Xu, Web-based expert systems: benefits and challenges 42 (2005) 799 Edwards, J.S., see Duan, Y. 42 (2005) 799 Edwards, J.S., see Shaw, D. 42 (2005) 977 Eklund, T., see Magnusson, C. 42 (2005) 561 Fadlalla, A., An experimental investigation of the impact of aggregation on the performance of data mining with logistic regres- sion 42 (2005) 695 Fang, Y., see Neufeld, D.J. 42 (2005) 1037 Fransoo, J.C., see Zoryk-Schalla, A.J. 42 (2004) 75 Ganesh, J., see Moitra, D. 42 (2005) 921 Geyer, D., see Barthélemy, J. 42 (2005) 533 Gholami, R., see Lee, S.-Y.T. 42 (2005) 1009 Elsevier B.V. doi: 10.1016/S0378-7206(05 )O0086-8 Author index to Volume 42 Goode, S., Something for nothing: management rejection of open source software in Australia’s top firms 42 (2005) 669 Grandon, E.E. and J.M. Pearson, Electronic commerce adoption: an empirical study of small and medium US businesses 42 (2004) 197 Grover, V. and A.H. Segars, An empirical evaluation of stages of strategic information systems planning: patterns of process design and effectiveness 42 (2005) 761 Guo, R.-S., see Su, Y.-H. 42 (2005) 329 Guynes, C.S., see Peak, D. 42 (2005) 619 Guynes, C.S., see Peak, D. 42 (2005) 635 Ha, I., see Yu, J. 42 (2005) 965 Hansen, J.V., see Albrecht, C.C. 42 (2005) 865 Haseman, W.D., D.L. Nazareth and S. Paul, Implementation of a group decision support system utilizing collective memory 42 (2005) 591 Hendrickson, A.R., see Deng, X. 42 (2005) 745 Hernandez, S., see Rincon, G. 42 (2005) 1051 Hicks, C., see McGovern, T. 42 (2004) 243 Hu, J., see Liu, J. 42 (2005) 441 Huang, M.-H., Web performance scale 42 (2005) 841 Hwang, J.-J., see Shao, M.-H. 42 (2005) 607 Imamoglu, S.Z., see Akgiin, A.E. 42 (2005) 1105 Irani, Z., see Love, P.E.D. 42 (2004) 227 Irani, Z., see Love, P.E.D. 42 (2005) 947 Kalmanovitch, C., see Skok, W. 42 (2005) 731 Kang, I., see Lee, K.C. 42 (2005) 1149 Kang, I.W., see Lee, K.C. 42 (2005) 469 Kang, I.W., see Lee, S. 42 (2005) 425 Karakostas, B., D. Kardaras and E. Papathanassiou, The state of CRM adoption by the financial services in the UK: an empiri- cal investigation 42 (2005) 853 Kardaras, D., see Karakostas, B. 42 (2005) 853 Kearns, G.S., An electronic commerce strategic typology: insights from case studies 42 (2005) 1023 Keil, M., see Wallace, L. 42 (2004) 115 Keskin, H., see Akgiin, A.E. 42 (2005) 1105 Khan, M.R., see Motiwalla, L. 42 (2005) 651 Kim, J.S., see Park, J.-Y. 42 (2005) 261 Kim, K.K. and N.S. Umanath, Information transfer in B2B procurement: an empirical analysis and measurement 42 (2005) 813 Ko, M., see Osei-Bryson, K.-M. 42 (2004) l Kreie, J., see Leonard, L.N.K. 42 (2004) 143 Kroon, V., see Peak, D. 42 (2005) 619 Kroon, V., see Peak, D. 42 (2005) 635 Kunnathur, A.S., see Shi, Z. 42 (2005) 901 Lai, V.S. and H. Li, Technology acceptance model for internet banking: an invariance analysis 42 (2005) 373 Lai, V.S., see Chang, M.K. 42 (2005) 543 Lee, K., see Lee, S. 42 (2005) 425 Lee, K.C., S. Lee and I.W. Kang, KMPI: measuring knowledge management performance 42 (2005) 469 Lee, K.C., S. Lee and I. Kang, Erratum to “KMPI: Measuring knowledge management performance” [Information & Management 42 (2005) 469-482] 42 (2005) 1149 Lee, M.K.O., C.M.K. Cheung and Z. Chen, Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 42 (2005) 1095 Lee, S. and G.G. Lim, The impact of partnership attributes on EDI implementation success 42 (2005) 503 Lee, S., K. Lee and I.W. Kang, Efficiency analysis of controls in EDI applications 42 (2005) 425 , S., see Lee, K.C. 42 (2005) 469 , S., see Lee, K.C. 42 (2005) 1149 , S.-Y.T., R. Gholami and T.Y. Tong, Time series analysis in the assessment of ICT impact at the aggregate level — lessons and implications for the new economy 42 (2005) 1009 Lee, Z.-Y., see Yu, H.-C. 42 (2005) 517 Leonard, L.N.K., T.P. Cronan and J. Kreie, What influences IT ethical behavior intentions—planned behavior, reasoned action, perceived importance, or individual characteristics? 42 (2004) 143 Li, H., see Lai, V.S. 42 (2005) 373 Licker, P.S., see Molla, A. 42 (2005) 877 Lim, G.G., see Lee, S. 42 (2005) 503 Lim, K.H., M.J. O’Connor and W.E. Remus, The impact of presentation media on decision making: does multimedia improve the effectiveness of feedback? 42 (2005) 305 Lim, V.K.G. and T.S.H. Teo, Prevalence, perceived seriousness, justification and regulation of cyberloafing in Singapore. An exploratory study 42 (2005) 1081 1152 Author index to Volume 42 Lin, C., see Love, P.E.D. 42 (2005) 947 Lin, C.S., S. Wu and R.J. Tsai, Integrating perceived playfulness into expectation-confirmation model for web portal context 42 (2005) 683 Liu, C., J.T. Marchewka, J. Lu and C.-S. Yu, Beyond concern: a privacy—trust-behavioral intention model of electronic commerce 42 (2004) 127 Liu, C., J.T. Marchewka, J. Lu and C.-S. Yu, Beyond concern—a privacy-trust-behavioral intention model of electronic commerce 42 (2005) 289 Liu, D.-R. and Y.-Y. Shih, Integrating AHP and data mining for product recommendation based on customer lifetime value 42 (2005) 387 Liu, J., S. Zhang and J. Hu, A case study of an inter-enterprise workflow-supported supply chain management system 42 (2005) 441 Liu, L. and Q. Ma, The impact of service level on the acceptance of application service oriented medical records 42 (2005) 1121 Love, P.E.D. and Z. Irani, An exploratory study of information technology evaluation and benefits management practices of SMEs in the construction industry 42 (2004) 227 Love, P.E.D., Z. Irani, C. Standing, C. Lin and J.M. Burn, The enigma of evaluation: benefits, costs and risks of IT in Australian small—medium-sized enterprises 42 (2005) 947 Lu, J., see Liu, C. 42 (2004) 127 Lu, J., see Liu, C. 42 (2005) 289 Lundgren, H., see Walczuch, R. 42 (2004) 159 Lynn, G.S., see Akgiin, A.E. 42 (2005) 1105 Ma, J., see Turban, E. 42 (2004) 31 Ma, Q., J.M. Pearson and S. Tadisina, An exploratory study into factors of service quality for application service providers 42 (2005) 1067 Ma, Q., see Liu, L. 42 (2005) 1121 Magnusson, C., A. Arppe, T. Eklund, B. Back, H. Vanharanta and A. Visa, The language of quarterly reports as an indicator of change in the company’s financial status 42 (2005) 561 Marchewka, J.T., see Liu, C. 42 (2004) 127 Marchewka, J.T., see Liu, C. 42 (2005) 289 Masrom, M., see Zain, M. 42 (2005) 829 Massa, S. and S. Testa, Data warehouse-in-practice: exploring the function of expectations in organizational outcomes 42 (2005) 709 McGovern, T. and C. Hicks, How political processes shaped the IT adopted by a small make-to-order company: a case study in the insulated wire and cable industry 42 (2004) 243 Moitra, D. and J. Ganesh, Web services and flexible business processes: towards the adaptive enterprise 42 (2005) 921 Molla, A. and P.S. Licker, eCommerce adoption in developing countries: a model and instrument 42 (2005) 877 Motiwalla, L., M.R. Khan and S. Xu, An intra- and inter-industry analysis of e-business effectiveness 42 (2005) 651 Nakayama, M. and N.G. Sutcliffe, Exploratory analysis on the halo effect of strategic goals on IOS effectiveness evaluation 42 (2005) 275 Nazareth, D.L., see Haseman, W.D. 42 (2005) 591 Neufeld, D.J. and Y. Fang, Individual, social and situational determinants of telecommuter productivity 42 (2005) 1037 O’Connor, M.J., see Lim, K.H. 42 (2005) 305 Okoli, C. and $.D. Pawlowski, The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications 42 (2004) 15 Osei-Bryson, K.-M. and M. Ko, Exploring the relationship between information technology investments and firm performance using regression splines analysis 42 (2004) l Oz, E., Information technology productivity: in search of a definite observation 42 (2005) Palvia, P.C., see Akmanligil, M. 42 (2004) 45 Papathanassiou, E., see Karakostas, B. 42 (2005) 853 Park, J.-Y. and J.S. Kim, The impact of IS sourcing type on service quality and maintenance efforts 42 (2005) 261 Paul, S., see Haseman, W.D. 42 (2005) 591 Pawlowski, S.D., see Okoli, C. 42 (2004) 15 Peacock, E. and M. Tanniru, Activity-based justification of IT investments 42 (2005) 415 Peak, D., C.S. Guynes and V. Kroon, Information technology Alignment Planning—a case study 42 (2005) 619 Peak, D., C.S. Guynes and V. Kroon, Information Technology Alignment Planning—a case study 42 (2005) 635 Pearson, J.M., see Grandon, E.E. 42 (2004) 197 Pearson, J.M., see Ma, Q. 42 (2005) 1067 Peffers, K. and T. Tuunanen, Planning for IS applications: a practical, information theoretical method and case study in mobile financial services 42 (2005) 483 Pendharkar, P.C., An exploratory study of object-oriented software component size determinants and the application of regression tree forecasting models 42 (2004) 61 Perez, M., see Rincon, G. 42 (2005) 1051 Prasad, S. and J. Tata, Publication patterns concerning the role of teams/groups in the information systems literature from 1990 to 1999 42 (2005) 1137 Ragu-Nathan, T.S., see Shi, Z. 42 (2005) 901 Rai, A., see Wallace, L. 42 (2004) 115 Ranganathan, C., see Teo, T.S.H. 42 (2004) 89 Remus, W.E., see Lim, K.H. 42 (2005) 305 Author index to Volume 42 1153 Rho, J., see Yu, J. 42 (2005) 965 Richardson, V.J., see Dehning, B. 42 (2005) 989 Rincon, G., M. Alvarez, M. Perez and S. Hernandez, A discrete-event simulation and continuous software evaluation on a systemic quality model: An oil industry case 42 (2005) 1051 Rose, R.C., see Zain, M. 42 (2005) 829 Saadé, R. and B. Bahli, The impact of cognitive absorption on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in on-line learning: an extension of the technology acceptance model 42 (2005) 317 Scazzero, J.A., see Deng, X. 42 (2005) 745 Segars, A.H., see Grover, V. 42 (2005) 761 Shang, R.-A., Y.-C. Chen and L. Shen, Extrinsic versus intrinsic motivations for consumers to shop on-line 42 (2005) 401 Shao, M.-H., J.-J. Hwang and S. Wu, A transactional-cycle approach to evidence management for dispute resolution 42 (2005) 607 Shaw, D. and J.S. Edwards, Building user commitment to implementing a knowledge management strategy 42 (2005) 977 Shen, L., see Shang, R.-A. 42 (2005) 401 Shi, Z., A.S. Kunnathur and T.S. Ragu-Nathan, IS outsourcing management competence dimensions: instrument development and relationship exploration 42 (2005) 901 Shih, Y.-Y., see Liu, D.-R. 42 (2005) 387 Shin, M., A framework for evaluating economics of knowledge management systems 42 (2004) 179 Shu, W. and P.A. Strassmann, Does information technology provide banks with profit? 42 (2005) 781 Skok, W. and C. Kalmanovitch, Evaluating the role and effectiveness of an intranet in facilitating knowledge management: a case study at Surrey County Council 42 (2005) 731 Standing, C., see Love, P.E.D. 42 (2005) 947 Strassmann, P.A., see Shu, W. 42 (2005) 781 Stratopoulos, T., see Dehning, B. 42 (2005) 989 Styliadis, A.D. and M.Gr. Vassilakopoulos, A spatio-temporal geometry-based model for digital documentation of historical living systems 42 (2005) 349 Su, Y.-H., R.-S. Guo and S.-C. Chang, Virtual fab: an enabling framework and dynamic manufacturing service provision mechanism 42 (2005) 329 Sutcliffe, N.G., see Nakayama, M. 42 (2005) 275 Tadisina, S., see Ma, Q. 42 (2005) 1067 Tanniru, M., see Peacock, E. 42 (2005) 415 Tata, J., see Prasad, S. 42 (2005) 1137 Teo, T.S.H. and C. Ranganathan, Adopters and non-adopters of business-to-business electronic commerce in Singapore 42 (2004) 89 Teo, T.S.H., see Lim, V.K.G. 42 (2005) 1081 Testa, S., see Massa, S. 42 (2005) 709 Tong, T.Y., see Lee, S.-Y.T. 42 (2005) 1009 Tsai, R.J., see Lin, C.S. 42 (2005) 683 Turban, E., D. Zhou and J. Ma, A group decision support approach to evaluating journals 42 (2004) 31 Tuunanen, T., see Peffers, K. 42 (2005) 483 Umanath, N.S., see Kim, K.K. 42 (2005) 813 van den Hooff, B., Electronic coordination and collective action: use and effects of electronic calendaring and scheduling 42 (2004) 103 Vanharanta, H., see Magnusson, C. 42 (2005) 561 Vassilakopoulos, M.Gr., see Styliadis, A.D. 42 (2005) 349 Visa, A., see Magnusson, C. 42 (2005) 561 Wakefield, R.L., Identifying knowledge agents in a KM strategy: the use of the structural influence index 42 (2005) 935 Walczuch, R. and H. Lundgren, Psychological antecedents of institution-based consumer trust in e-retailing 42 (2004) 159 Wallace, L., M. Keil and A. Rai, Understanding software project risk: a cluster analysis 42 (2004) 115 Wang, S.-C., see Wu, J.-H. 42 (2005) 719 Wu, J.-H. and S.-C. Wang, What drives mobile commerce?. An empirical evaluation of the revised technology acceptance model 42 (2005) 719 Wu, S., see Lin, C.S. 42 (2005) 683 Wu, S., see Shao, M.-H. 42 (2005) 607 Xu, M.X., see Duan, Y. 42 (2005) Xu, S., see Motiwalla, L. 42 (2005) Yang, Z., S. Cai, Z. Zhou and N. Zhou, Development and validation of an instrument to measure user perceived service quality of information presenting Web portals 42 (2005) Yen, D.C., see Chen, K. 42 (2004) Yu, C.-S., see Liu, C. 42 (2004) Yu, C.-S., see Liu, C. 42 (2005) Yu, H.-C., Z.-Y. Lee and S.-C. Chang, Using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach to evaluate alternative licensing mechanisms 42 (2005) § 1154 Author index to Volume 42 Yu, J., I. Ha, M. Choi and J. Rho, Extending the TAM for a t-commerce 42 (2005) Zain, M., R.C. Rose, I. Abdullah and M. Masrom, The relationship between information technology acceptance and organiza- tional agility in Malaysia 42 (2005) Zhang, S., see Liu, J. 42 (2005) Zhou, D., see Turban, E. 42 (2004) Zhou, N., see Yang, Z. 42 (2005) Zhou, Z., see Yang, Z. 42 (2005) Zoryk-Schalla, A.J., J.C. Fransoo and T.G. de Kok, Modeling the planning process in advanced planning systems 42 (2004) Information & Management 42 (2005) 1155-1158 www.elsevier.com/locatedsw Subject index to Volume 42 Accountability of evidence, 607 Collective memory, 591 Activity-based costing, 415 Collocational networks, 561 Adoption barriers, 669 e-Commerce adoption, 197, 877 Advanced planning systems, 75 e-Commerce, 401 Adverse behavior, 361 t-commerce, 965 Agency theory, 901 Communities of implementation, 977 Agent, 441 Competitive advantage, 989 Aggregation, 695 Computer-mediated communication, 361 Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), 387 Conditional independence, 1121 Antecedents to trust, 159 Confirmatory factor analysis, 745 Application service provider (ASP), 1067 Connectionistic, 731 Application service providers, 1121 Construction, 227 Area under the ROC curve, 695 Consumer trust, 159 assessment, 1051 Contextual factors, 45 Association rule mining, 387 Continuous operations, 1051 Auction, 517 Control theory, 305 Australia, 227, 947 Coordination, 103 Autopoietic, 731 Corporate performance, 651 Corporate planning, 619, 635 B2B e-commerce, 865 Cost, 719 B2B hubs, 865 Critical success chains, 483 B2B, 89 Critical success factors, 483, 619, 635 B2C, 401 CRM, 853 Banking, 781 Customer lifetime value, 387 Beauty contest with fixed fee, 517 Cyberloafing, 1081 Beauty contest, 517 Behavioral intention, 127, 289 Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 425 Beliefs and attitudes, 1037 Data mining, 1, 61, 561, 695 Benchmarking, 947 Data warehouse, 695, 709 Benefits and challenges, 799 Decision making, 305 Boundary objects, 709 Decision support systems, 305 Bullying, 361 Delphi method, 15, 483 e-Business, 853 Design of Internet-based learning systems, 1095 E-business, 89 Developing countries, 877 Business processes, 921 Digital documentation, 349 Business units, 619, 635 Dimensions of service quality, 1067 Business-to-business e-commerce, 89 Discrete-event, 1051 Discriminant analysis, 1037 Cable industry, 243 Distributed (virtual) GDSS, 31 Case study, 483 DJIA, 695 Causal discovery, 1121 DSS, 31, 261, 1137 Chain of evidence, 607 Dynamic manufacturing service provision mechanism Classification and regression tree, 61 (DMSPM), 329 Cluster analysis, 115 Clustering, 387 Economic growth, 1009 Cognitive absorption, 317 Economic perspectives, 179 Cognitivistic, 731 EDI controls, 425 Collaborative filtering, 387 EDI implementation, 425 Collective action, 103 EDI performance, 425 Elsevier B.V. doi: 10.1016/S0378-7206(05 )00087-X 1156 Subject index to Volume 42 EDI, 425, 503, 813, 865 Information systems, 361 Effectiveness evaluation, 275 Information technology, 243, 781, 789, 989 Electronic calendaring and scheduling, 103 Information theory, 483 Electronic commerce alignment, 1023 Innovation diffusion theory, 719 Electronic commerce or electronic business impact, 651 Insourced system, 261 Electronic commerce planning, 1023 Institution-based trust, 159 Electronic commerce strategy, 1023 Interactivity, 217 Electronic commerce, 15, 89, 127, 289, 441, 543, 575 Internet banking, 373 Electronic data interchange (EDI), 275 Internet, 317, 799, 1081 Electronic information transfer, 813 Internet-based information systems acceptance, 1095 Electronic integration, 813 Internet-based learning medium, 1095 Electronic markets, 865 Interoperability, 441 Electronic medical records, 1121 Inter-organizational process, 901 E-mail, 361 Interorganizational systems (IOS), 275 Empirical research, 901 Inter-organizational systems, 813 Empirical study, 761 Intranet, 731 Enabling framework, 329 Intrinsic motivation, 1095 Epistemologies, 731 Invariance analysis, 373 E-retailing, 159 IS outsourcing management competence, 901 Ethical behavior, 143 IS success, 45 Ethics, 143 IT acceptance and adoption, 317 ETHICS, 483 IT acceptance, 829 Evaluation, 227, 731 IT adoption, 829 Event studies, 989 IT Alignment Planning, 619, 635 Expectation-confirmation theory, 683 IT benefits and costs, 227 Expert systems, 415, 799 IT ethics, 143 Extrinsic motivation, 1095 IT evaluation, 947 IT investment, 415, 651 Factor analysis, 469 IT investments, 1, 989 Factorial invariance, 745 IT justification, 415 Feedback, 305 IT paradox, 789 Financial impact, 651 Financial services, 853 Journal evaluation, 31 Flexibility, 921 Justification, 1081 Flow theory, 401 Flow, 841 KMPI, 469 Focus groups, 483 Knowledge agents, 935 Forecasting, 61 Knowledge based systems, 799 France, 533 Knowledge circulation process, 469 Fuzzy set, 31 Knowledge management performance, 469 Fuzzy, 517 Knowledge management strategy, 977 Knowledge management systems, 179, 935 Germany, 533 Knowledge management, 731, 901, 935 3D geometry, 349 Knowledge network, 1105 Global information technology IS development strategies, 45 Knowledge sharing systems, 591 Goals, 619, 635 Knowledge transfer, 935 Group decision making, 15, 31 Knowledge-sharing, 179, 935 Group decision support systems, 591 Group memory, 591 License, 517 Group workshops, 977 Logistic function, 469 Logistic regression, 695 Halo effects, 275 Loose coupling, 921 Hedonic, 841 Home environment, 965 Main thing, 619, 635 Human/computer interaction, 305 Maintenance efforts, 261 Make-to-order, 243 Implementation, 503, 75 Malaysia, 829 Information and communication technology acceptance, 103 Manufacturing service, 329 Information and communication technology effects, 103 Market value, 989 Information and communication technology (ICT), 1009 Marketing, 387 Information presenting Web portal, 575 Means-end chain, 455 Information security, 607 Media synchronicity, 483 Information sharing, 813 MIS management, 533 Information systems planning, 483 Mobile commerce, 719 Information systems research, 1137 Model assessment, 695 Subject index to Volume 42 Model performance, 695 Reasoned action, 143 Modeling, 75 Reciprocal communication, 217 Morphogenesis temporal modeling, 349 Recommendation, 387 Multi-attribute decisions, 591 Regression splines, | Multi-criteria decision making, 517 Requirements determination, 75, 483 Multimedia instruction, 305 Requirements elicitation, 483 Multimedia, 305 Requirements engineering, 483 Multiple criteria decision-making, 483 Research design, 15 Multiple methods, 561 Research methodology, 1137 Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), | Residual income, 989 Resource-matching theory, 305 New product development, 1105 ROC, 695 Non-repudiation services, 607 SADT, 483 Objective evaluation, 31 Sales force automation, 415 Object-oriented technology, 329 Satisfaction, 683 Oil industry, 1051 Scale development, 575 Online consumer behavior, 543 Scope, 115 Online learning, 317 Self-organising maps, 561 On-line payment, 607 Service quality, 261 Online shopping, 543 Simulation, 1051 Online trust, 543 Singapore, 89 Open source software, 669 SMEs, 197, 227, 243, 947 Order commitment service (OCS), 329 Software engineering, 61 Organizational adaptation, 921 Software project risk, 115 Organizational agility, 829 Software size, 61 Organizational memory, 591 Software-quality, 1051 Outsourced system, 261 Solow’s Residual, 1009 Outsourcing, 115, 533 Spatial and temporal analysis, 349 Standards, 865 Panel data, 781 Strategic goal accomplishments, 275 Partnership attributes, 503 Strategic information systems planning, 761 Perceived ease-of-use, 745 Strategic information systems, 1023 Perceived enjoyment, 965, 1095 Strategic planning, 15 Perceived eReadiness, 877 Strategic value of e-commerce, 197 Perceived importance, 143 Structural equation models, 829 Perceived playfulness, 683 Structural influence index, 935 Perceived risk, 719 Structural invariance, 745 Perceived service level, 1121 Subjective evaluation, 31 Perceived usefulness, 745, 1095 Supply chain management, 813 Perceptions, 317 Supply chain, 441 Perceptual orientations, 455 System requirements, 455 Performance, 503 System type, 261 PERM, 877 Systems analysis, 483 Personal Web usage, 1081 Planned behavior, 143 TAM, 317 Planning effectiveness, 761 Teaching Company Programme, 243 Planning maturity, 761 Team learning, 1105 Planning stages, 761 Technology acceptance model (TAM), 965 Playfulness, 217 Technology acceptance model, 373, 401, 455, 719, 745, 841, Political processes, 243 1095, 1121 Potential users, 965 Technology adapters, 865 Power user, 709 Technology adoption, 543 Prediction, 695 Technology, 731 Predictive modeling, 695 Technology-in-practice, 709 Privacy, 127, 289 Telecommuting, 1037 Problem structuring methods, 977 Tender, 517 e-Procurement, 865 TETRAD, 1121 Procurement, 865 Third-generation, 517 Productivity paradox, 1, 1009 Time series, 1009 Productivity, 1, 781, 789, 1037 Topic areas, 1137 Project management, 115 TPS, 261 Psychological determinants, 159 TQM, 483 Transaction costs, 901 Quarterly reports, 561 Transactive memory system, 1105 1158 Subject index to Volume 42 Trust, 127, 289, 965 Web performance, 841 Web portal service quality, 575 User commitment, 977 Web portal, 683 Utilitarian, 841 Web Services, 865 Web services, 921 Value transfers, 607 Web site design, 575 Virtual fab (VF), 329 Web site quality, 575 Virtual organization, 1037 Web, 127, 289 Visualization and management of historical living systems, 349 Web-based survey, 1067 Vividness effect, 305 Web-based, 799 Workflow management, 441 Web design quality, 217 World Wide Web (WWW), 217

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