ARRANGEMENTINVOLVING PETROMINERALESLTD. -and- PACIFICRUBIALESENERGYCORP. -and- 1774501ALBERTALTD. NOTICEOFSPECIALMEETINGOFSHAREHOLDERS NOTICEOFORIGINATINGAPPLICATION INFORMATIONCIRCULAROFPETROMINERALESLTD. These materials are important and require immediate attention as they require Shareholders (as defined herein) to make important decisions. If as a Shareholder you are in doubt as to how to make such decisions, please contact your financial, legal, tax or other professional advisors. The Board of Directors (as defined herein) unanimously recommends that Shareholders vote FOR the Arrangement and the other matters to be considered at theMeeting (asdefined herein). If youhaveanyquestions or need assistancecompleting your proxy, please contact Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc. toll free in North America at 1-888-518-6812 or call October29,2013 Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange, the TSX Venture Exchange nor any securities regulatory authority has in any way passed upon the merits of the plan of arrangement described in this Information Circular (as defined herein). TABLEOFCONTENTS Page LETTERTOSHAREHOLDERS..................................................................................................................................i NOTICEOFSPECIALMEETINGOFSHAREHOLDERS........................................................................................iii NOTICEOFORIGINATINGAPPLICATION..............................................................................................................v INFORMATIONCIRCULAR.......................................................................................................................................1 INFORMATIONFORU.S.SHAREHOLDERS...........................................................................................................1 FORWARD-LOOKINGSTATEMENTS......................................................................................................................3 SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................................6 GLOSSARYOFTERMS..........................................................................................................................................13 REPORTINGCURRENCIESANDACCOUNTINGPRINCIPLES...........................................................................18 EXCHANGERATES.................................................................................................................................................18 CONVERSIONS.......................................................................................................................................................18 THEARRANGEMENT..............................................................................................................................................19 MATTERSRELATEDTOTHEARRANGEMENT...................................................................................................25 THEARRANGEMENTAGREEMENT......................................................................................................................31 CANADIANSECURITIESLAWSMATTERS...........................................................................................................37 UNITEDSTATESSECURITIESLAWSMATTERS.................................................................................................39 CERTAINCANADIANFEDERALINCOMETAXCONSIDERATIONS...................................................................40 CERTAINUNITEDSTATESFEDERALINCOMETAXCONSIDERATIONS..........................................................47 CERTAINCOLOMBIANINCOMETAXCONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................54 TAXCONSIDERATIONSINOTHERJURISDICTIONS..........................................................................................56 INFORMATIONCONCERNINGPETROMINERALES............................................................................................57 INFORMATIONCONCERNINGPACIFICRUBIALES.............................................................................................57 INFORMATIONCONCERNINGRESOURCECO....................................................................................................57 DISSENTINGSHAREHOLDERRIGHTS.................................................................................................................57 RISKFACTORS.......................................................................................................................................................59 RESOURCECOOPTIONPLAN...............................................................................................................................60 INFORMATIONCONCERNINGTHEMEETING.....................................................................................................64 INDEBTEDNESSOFDIRECTORSANDSENIOROFFICERS...............................................................................68 INTERESTOFINFORMEDPERSONSINMATERIALTRANSACTIONS..............................................................68 LEGALMATTERS....................................................................................................................................................68 OTHERMATTERS...................................................................................................................................................68 ADDITIONALINFORMATION..................................................................................................................................68 AUDITORS...............................................................................................................................................................68 APPROVALOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORS......................................................................................................69 APPENDIXA-ARRANGEMENTRESOLUTION..................................................................................................A-1 APPENDIXB-INTERIMORDER..........................................................................................................................B-1 APPENDIXC-ARRANGEMENTAGREEMENT...................................................................................................C-1 APPENDIXD-PLANOFARRANGEMENT..........................................................................................................D-1 APPENDIXE-FAIRNESSOPINIONOFTDSECURITIESINC...........................................................................E-1 APPENDIXF-INFORMATIONCONCERNINGPETROMINERALES..................................................................F-1 APPENDIXG-INFORMATIONCONCERNINGRESOURCECO........................................................................F-1 APPENDIXH-SECTION191OFTHEABCA......................................................................................................H-1 APPENDIXI–RESOURCECOOPTIONPLAN.....................................................................................................I-1 LETTERTOSHAREHOLDERS October29,2013 DearShareholders: TheboardofdirectorsofPetromineralesLtd.(the“BoardofDirectors”or“Board”)invitesyoutoattendaspecial meeting (together with any and all adjournments and postponements thereof, the “Meeting”) of holders (“Shareholders”)ofcommonshares(“Shares”)ofPetromineralesLtd.(“Petrominerales”)tobeheldat9:00a.m. (Calgary time) on November27, 2013 in the Royal Room at The Metropolitan Conference Centre, 333 – 4 AvenueS.W.,Calgary,Alberta. Atthe Meeting,theShareholders willbeaskedtoconsider and,if deemedadvisable,topass aspecialresolution approving a statutory arrangement (the“Arrangement”) pursuant to Section193 of the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) whereby Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. (“Pacific Rubiales”) will acquire all of the issued and outstanding Shares. Under the Arrangement, each Shareholder (other than a dissenting Shareholder) will: (i) receive one common share (“ResourceCo Share”) of 1774501 Alberta Ltd. (“ResourceCo”), as a distribution from Petrominerales, with respect to each Share held; and (ii) then transfer each Share held to Pacific Rubiales inexchangefor$11.00incash. ResourceCo is a newly formed company that currently is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Petrominerales. Prior to theclosingoftheArrangement,approximately$100millionincash(subjecttoadjustment,includingadjustmentto approximately$91millionintheeventPetrominerales concludesthepurchaseofcertaininterests inBrazilforthe benefit of ResourceCo) and all of Petrominerales’ assets in Brazil will be transferred, directly or indirectly, to ResourceCo. The cash to be transferred to ResourceCo is in addition to budgeted capital and operating expendituresofPetromineralesrespectingtheassetstobetransferredfortheperiodpriortothecompletionofthe Arrangement of approximately US$18 million. ResourceCo will provide Shareholders with the opportunity to participate directly in a growth-oriented exploration company to be led by certain members of the current Petrominerales management team. Petrominerales believes the creation of ResourceCo provides a platform to unlock the exploration potential of certain assets and undeveloped lands in the Recôncavo, Tucano, Camamu- Almada and Sergipe-Alagoas basins of Brazil. Petrominerales also believes that ResourceCo will begin with a number of strengths as a result of a proven management team with a demonstrated track record of building shareholdervalueinSouthAmerica. ResourceCo has applied to list the ResourceCo Shares on the facilities of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”). Such listing will be subject to ResourceCo fulfilling all of the minimum listing requirements of the TSXV. There can be no assurance that the ResourceCo Shares will be listed and listing is not a condition to the completion of the Arrangement. If listing approval is obtained prior to the effective time of the Arrangement (and there can be no assurance that listing approval will be obtained by such time or at all), trading in the ResourceCo Shares is expectedtocommenceconcurrentlywiththedelistingoftheSharesfromtheTorontoStockExchange. The Board of Directors has received an opinion (the“Fairness Opinion”) from TD Securities Inc. dated September 29, 2013 to the effect that, as at the date of such opinion and subject to the assumptions, limitations and qualifications contained therein, the consideration to be received by the Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangementis fair,from afinancialpointof view,tosuchholders. Acopyof the Fairness Opinionis includedas AppendixEtotheInformationCircular(asdefinedherein)andweurgeyoutoreaditinitsentirety. After consulting with its financial and legal advisors, and after consideration of, among other things, the Fairness Opinion, the Board has unanimously determined that the Arrangement is fair to Shareholders, fromafinancialpointofview,andthattheArrangementisinthebestinterestsofPetrominerales. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS THAT SHAREHOLDERS VOTE FOR THE ARRANGEMENTRESOLUTION. -ii- To be effective, the Arrangement must be approved by a resolution passed at the Meeting by not less than 662/3% of thevotes validlycast. Eachof thedirectors andexecutiveofficers ofPetrominerales, whocollectively own or exercise control or direction over approximately 3.92%of the outstanding Shares, have entered into support agreements with Pacific Rubiales agreeing, among other things, to support and vote their Shares in favouroftheArrangement. AttheMeeting,Shareholderswillalsobeaskedtoconsider,andifdeemedadvisable,passanordinaryresolution approving a stock option plan for ResourceCo to be effective upon the completion of the Arrangement. The completion of the Arrangement is not conditional upon the approval of the resolution respecting the stock option planforResourceCo. It is important that your Shares be represented at the Meeting. Whether or not you are able to attend, we urge you to complete the enclosed form of proxy (on yellow paper) and return it by mail or courier to Computershare TrustCompanyofCanadaintheenclosedpostageprepaidenvelopeorbyhanddeliverytoComputershareTrust Company of Canada, Attention: Proxy Dept., 8th Floor, 100 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1, not later than 48hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays in Alberta) prior to the commencement of the Meeting. Proxies may also be voted by telephone or through the Internet in accordance with the instructions providedontheform ofproxy.Thetimelimitforthedepositof proxiesmaybe waivedbytheChair of theMeetinginhisdiscretion,withoutnotice. Included with this letter, in addition to the form of proxy, is a notice of the Meeting and an information circular (the“InformationCircular”). TheInformationCircularcontainsadetaileddescriptionoftheArrangement,aswell as detailed information concerning Petrominerales and ResourceCo. You should consider carefully all of the information in the Information Circular. If you require assistance, consult your financial, legal, tax or other professionaladvisors. Also enclosed with this letter is a letter of transmittal (on blue paper) containing complete instructions on how registered Shareholders may exchange their Shares. Registered Shareholders will not actually receive the cash and ResourceCo Shares to which they are entitled under the Arrangement until the Arrangement is completed and they have returned their properly completed documents, including the letter of transmittal and share certificatesfortheirShares. If you are a holder of Shares and have any questions or require more information with regard to voting your Shares, please contact Petrominerales’ proxy solicitation agent, Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc.,by: (i) toll-freetelephonein North America at 1(888) 518-6812,orcollect call at (416) 867-2272; or(ii) [email protected]. OnbehalfofPetrominerales,IwouldliketothankallShareholdersfortheirongoingsupportaswepreparetotake partinthisimportanttransactionforPetrominerales. Yoursverytruly, (signed)“CoreyC.Ruttan” PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer -iii- NOTICEOFSPECIALMEETINGOFSHAREHOLDERS PETROMINERALESLTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to an order (the“Interim Order”) of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta (the“Court”) dated October 29, 2013, a special meeting (together with any and all adjournments and postponements thereof, the“Meeting”) of the holders (the“Shareholders”) of common shares (“Shares”) of Petrominerales Ltd. (“Petrominerales”) will be held at 9:00a.m. (Calgary time) on November 27, 2013 in the Royal Room at The Metropolitan Conference Centre, 333 – 4 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta for the following purposes: 1. to consider and, if deemed advisable, to pass, with or without variation, a special resolution (the“Arrangement Resolution”), the full text of which is set forth in AppendixA to the accompanying information circular of Petrominerales (the“Information Circular”), to approve an arrangement (the“Arrangement”) under Section193 of the Business Corporations Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.B-9 (the“ABCA”) involving Petrominerales, Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp., 1774501 Alberta Ltd. (“ResourceCo”)andtheShareholders;and 2. to consider and, if deemed advisable, to pass an ordinary resolution approving a stock option plan for ResourceCo;and 3. to transact such other business, including amendments to the foregoing, as may properly come before theMeeting. The board of directors of Petrominerales (the “Board” or “Board of Directors”) has set the close of business on October 28, 2013 as the record date for determining Shareholders who are entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting. Only Shareholders whose names have been entered in the register of Shareholders at the closeofbusinessonthatdateareentitledtoreceivenoticeof,andtovoteat,theMeeting. The Arrangement is described in the Information Circular, which forms part of this Notice. The full text of the ArrangementResolutionissetoutinAppendixAtotheInformationCircular. Pursuant to the Interim Order, registered Shareholders have the right to dissent with respect to the Arrangement Resolutionand,iftheArrangementbecomeseffective,tobepaidthefairvalueoftheirSharesinaccordancewith theprovisionsofSection191oftheABCA,asmodifiedbytheInterimOrder. AregisteredShareholderwishingto exerciseitsrighttodissentwithrespecttotheArrangementmustsendtoPetromineralesawrittenobjectiontothe ArrangementResolutionandsuchwrittenobjectionmustbereceivedbyPetromineralesc/oitscounselMcCarthy Tétrault LLP, 3300, 421 –7th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4K9, Attention: Mark Franko, by 5:00p.m. (Calgary time) on November 25, 2013 (or such other date that is two business days immediately preceding the date of the Meeting, as it may be adjourned or postponed from time to time). A Shareholder’s right to dissent is described in more detail in the Information Circular (see“Dissenting Shareholder Rights”) and a copy of the Interim Order and the text of Section191 of the ABCA are set forth in AppendixB and AppendixH, respectively, totheInformationCircular. Failure to strictly comply with the requirements set forth in Section191 of the ABCA, as modified by the InterimOrder,mayresultinthelossofanyrighttodissent. PersonswhoarebeneficialownersofShares registered in the name of a broker, custodian, nominee or other intermediarywho wish to dissent should be aware that only the registered holders of Shares are entitled to dissent. Accordingly, a beneficial owner of Shares desiring to exercise this right must make arrangements for the Shares beneficially owned by such Shareholder to be registered in the Shareholder’s name prior to the time the written objection to the Arrangement Resolution is required to be received by Petrominerales or, alternatively, make arrangementsfor theregistered holderof such Sharesto dissent on theShareholder’sbehalf. It is stronglysuggested that anyShareholder wishing to dissent seekindependent legal advice, asthe failure to complystrictlywith the provisions of the ABCA, as modified bythe Interim Order, mayprejudice such Shareholder’srighttodissent. Shareholderswhohavevotedinfavourofthe ArrangementResolution,in personorbyproxy,shallnotbeaccordedtherighttodissent. -iv- THEBOARDOFDIRECTORSUNANIMOUSLYRECOMMENDSTHATPETROMINERALES SHAREHOLDERSVOTEFORTHEARRANGEMENTRESOLUTION Whether or not you intend to attend the Meeting, you are requested to complete, sign, date and return the enclosed form of proxy either by mail or courier to Computershare Trust Company of Canada in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope or by hand delivery to Computershare Trust Company of Canada, Attention: Proxy Dept., 8thFloor, 100 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1, no later than 48hours (excluding Saturdays, SundaysandstatutoryholidaysinAlberta)priortothecommencementoftheMeeting. Proxiesmayalsobevoted bytelephone or through the Internet in accordance with the instructions provided on the form of proxy. The time limit for the deposit of proxies may be waived or extended by the Chair of the Meeting in his discretion, without notice. Registered Shareholders are also requested to complete, sign, date and return by mail, hand or courier the enclosed form of letter of transmittal, together with the certificate(s) representing your Shares, to the depositary for the Arrangement, Equity Financial Trust Company, 200 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto,Ontario,M5H4H1,Attention:CorporateActions. If you are a Shareholder and have any questions or require more information with regard to voting your Shares, please contact Petrominerales’ proxy solicitation agent, Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc., by: (i) toll-free telephone in North America at 1 (888) 518-6812, or collect call at (416) 867-2272; or (ii) email at [email protected]. DATEDatCalgary,Alberta,this29thdayofOctober,2013. BYORDEROFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOF PETROMINERALESLTD. (signed)“CoreyC.Ruttan” PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer -v- INTHECOURTOFQUEEN’SBENCHOFALBERTA JUDICIALDISTRICTOFCALGARY INTHEMATTEROFSECTION193OFTHEBUSINESSCORPORATIONSACT, R.S.A.2000,c.B-9ASAMENDED ANDINTHEMATTEROFAPROPOSEDARRANGEMENTINVOLVING PETROMINERALESLTD.,PACIFICRUBIALESENERGYCORP.,1774501ALBERTALTD. AND THESHAREHOLDERSOFPETROMINERALESLTD. NOTICEOFORIGINATINGAPPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application (the“Application”) has been filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Calgary (the“Court”) on behalf of Petrominerales Ltd. (“Petrominerales”) with respect to a proposed arrangement (the“Arrangement”) under Section193 of the Business Corporations Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.B-9, as amended (the“ABCA”), involving Petrominerales, Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. (“Pacific Rubiales”), 1774501 Alberta Ltd. (“ResourceCo”) and holders of common shares of Petrominerales (“Shareholders”) (collectively, the“Arrangement Parties”), which Arrangement is described in greater detail in the information circular of Petrominerales dated October29, 2013 accompanying this Notice of Originating Application. AtthehearingoftheApplication,Petromineralesintendstoseek: (a) anOrderapprovingtheArrangementpursuanttotheprovisionsofSection193oftheABCA; (b) adeclarationthatthetermsandconditionsoftheArrangementarefairandreasonable,bothprocedurally andsubstantively,totheShareholdersandanyotheraffectedparties; (c) adeclarationthattheArrangementwill,uponthefilingoftheArticlesofArrangement,becomeeffectivein accordancewithitstermsandwillbebindingoneachofthepartiesonandaftertheEffectiveDate;and (d) such other and further orders, declarations and directions as the Court may deem reasonable and necessary. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Court has been advised that its order approving the Arrangement, if granted, will constitute the basis for an exemption from the registration requirements of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, as provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof, with respect to the securities to be issuedpursuanttotheArrangement. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the said Application was directed to be heard before a Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Calgary Courts Centre, 601-5thStreet S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P5P7, on the 27th of November, 2013 at 1:30p.m. (Calgary time) or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. Any ShareholderoranyotherinterestedpartydesiringtosupportoropposetheApplication,mayappearatthetimeof thehearing in person or bycounsel for that purpose. Any Shareholderor anyotherinterested partydesiring to appear at the hearing is required to file with theCourt of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Calgary, and serve upon Petrominerales on or before 9:00a.m. (Calgary time) on November22, 2013, a noticeofintentiontoappear,includinganaddressforserviceintheProvinceofAlbertatogetherwithany evidenceormaterialswhicharetobepresentedtotheCourt. ServiceonPetromineralesistobeeffectedby deliverytothesolicitorsforPetromineralesattheaddressbelow. IfanyShareholderoranyotherinterestedparty does not attend, either in person or by counsel, at that time, the Court may approve the Arrangement as presented,ormayapprove itsubjecttosuchterms andconditions as theCourtshalldeem fit,withoutanyfurther notice. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that no further notice of the Application will be given by Petrominerales and that in the event the hearing of the Application is adjourned, only those persons who have appeared before the CourtforthehearingoftheApplicationshallbeservedwithnoticeoftheadjourneddate. -vi- AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Court, by Order dated October29, 2013 (the“Interim Order”), has given directions as to the calling and holding of the meeting of Shareholders for the purpose of such holders votinguponthespecialresolutiontoapprovetheArrangementandcertainother business,allasmoreparticularly describedintheInformationCircular,andhasdirectedthatregisteredShareholdersshallhavetherighttodissent with respect to the Arrangement in accordance with the provisions of Section191 of the ABCA, as amended by theInterimOrder. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of the said Application and other documents in the proceedings will be furnished to any Shareholder or other interested party requesting the same by the undermentioned solicitorsforPetromineralesuponwrittenrequestdeliveredtosuchsolicitorsasfollows: McCarthyTétraultLLP Suite3300,421–7thAvenueS.W. Calgary,Alberta T2P4K9 Attention: DouglasYoshida DATEDattheCityofCalgary,intheProvinceofAlberta,this29thdayofOctober,2013. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PETROMINERALESLTD. (signed)“CoreyC.Ruttan” PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer INFORMATIONCIRCULAR Introduction This Information Circular is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by and on behalf of the management of Petrominerales for use at the Meeting. No person has been authorized to give any information or make any representation in connection with the Arrangement or any other matters to be considered at the Meeting other than those contained in this Information Circular and, if given or made, anysuchinformationorrepresentationmustnotberelieduponashavingbeenauthorized. All summaries of, and references to, the Arrangement in this Information Circular are qualified in their entirety by referencetothecompletetextofthePlanofArrangement,acopyof whichisattachedtothisInformationCircular asAppendixD. YouareurgedtocarefullyreadthefulltextofthePlanofArrangement. AllcapitalizedtermsusedinthisInformationCircularbutnototherwisedefinedhereinhavethemeaningssetforth under “Glossary of Terms”. Information contained in this Information Circular is given as at October29, 2013 unless otherwise specifically stated. In this Information Circular, dollar amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified by indicating that amounts are in U.S. dollars (US$) or Colombian pesos (COL$). ThisInformationCirculardoesnotconstituteanoffertosell,orasolicitationofanoffertopurchase,thesecurities to be issued under or in connection with the Arrangement, or the solicitation of a proxy, in any jurisdiction, to or from any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer, solicitation of an offer or proxy solicitation in such jurisdiction. Neither the delivery of this Information Circular nor any distribution of the securities to be issued under or in connection with the Arrangement will, under any circumstances, create any implication or be treated as a representation that there has been no change in the information set forth herein since the date of this InformationCircular. The information concerning Pacific Rubiales contained in this Information Circular has been provided by Pacific Rubiales. Although Petrominerales has no knowledge that any statement contained herein taken from, or based on, such information is untrue or incomplete, Petrominerales assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or for any failure by Pacific Rubiales to disclose events which may have occurred or may affect the significanceoraccuracyofanysuchinformation,butwhichareunknowntoPetrominerales. THE SECURITIES TO BE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE ARRANGEMENT HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED BY ANY CANADIAN SECURITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY NOR HAS ANY CANADIAN SECURITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY PASSED UPON THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THIS INFORMATIONCIRCULAR. ANYREPRESENTATIONTOTHECONTRARYISACRIMINALOFFENCE. INFORMATIONFORU.S.SHAREHOLDERS The issuance and distribution of the ResourceCo Shares to Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement has not been and will not be registered under the U.S.Securities Act or the securities laws of any state of the United States, and such securities will be issued and distributed in reliance upon the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act provided by Section3(a)(10) thereof, on the basis of the approval of the Court, and similar exemptions under applicable state securities laws. Section3(a)(10) of the U.S.Securities Act exempts the issuance of anysecurities issued in exchange for one or more bonafide outstanding securities from the general requirement of registration where the terms and conditions of the issuance and exchange of such securities have been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction that is expressly authorized by law to grant such approval, after a hearing upon the fairness of the terms and conditions of such issuance and exchange at whichallpersonstowhomitisproposedtoissuethesecuritieshavetherighttoappearandreceivetimelynotice thereof. The Court is authorized to conduct a hearing at which the fairness of the terms and conditions of the Arrangement will be considered. The Court issued the Interim Order on October 29, 2013 and, subject to the approval of the Arrangement by the Shareholders, a hearing on the Arrangement will be held on November27, 2013 at 1:30p.m. (Calgary Time) at the Calgary Courts Centre, 601-5thStreet S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. All Shareholders are entitled to appear and be heard at this hearing. The Final Order will constitute the basis for the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act provided by Section3(a)(10) thereof with respect to the ResourceCo Shares to be issued and distributed to Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement. Prior to the hearing on the Final Order, the Court will be informed of this effect of the Final Order. See“TheArrangement-CourtApproval”. -2- This solicitation of proxies is not subject to the requirements of Section14(a) of the U.S.Exchange Act. Accordingly, the solicitation and transactions contemplated in this Information Circular are made in the United States for securities of a Canadian issuer in accordance with Canadian corporate laws and Securities Laws, and this Information Circular has been prepared in accordance with disclosure requirements applicable in Canada. Shareholders in the United States should be aware that such requirements are different from those of the United States applicable to registration statements under the U.S.Securities Act and proxy statements under the U.S.ExchangeAct. All audited and unaudited financial statements and other financial information included or incorporated by reference in this Information Circular have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and are subject to Canadian auditing and auditor independence standards, which differ from generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“U.S.GAAP”) and United States auditing and auditor independence standards, respectively, in certain material respects. Consequently, such financial statements and other financial information are not comparable in all respects to financial statements and other financial information prepared in accordance with U.S.GAAP and that are subject to United States auditing and auditor independence standards. Likewise, pro formainformationconcerningtheassetsofResourceCohasbeenpreparedinaccordancewithIFRSandmaynot becomparableinallrespectstosimilarinformationforUnitedStatescompanies. Additionally, oil and gas reserve estimates and other oil and gas information contained or incorporated by reference in this Information Circular has been prepared in accordance with Canadian disclosure standards, whichmaynotbecomparableinallrespectstoUnitedStatesdisclosurestandards. Shareholders should be aware that the acquisition of the ResourceCo Shares pursuant to the Arrangement described herein may have tax consequences in Canada, the United States and Colombia. See “Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Considerations”, “Certain United States Federal Income Tax Considerations” and "Certain Colombian Income Tax Considerations". Shareholders that are residents or citizens of Canada, the United States or Colombia should consult their own tax advisors with respect totheirownparticularcircumstances. The enforcement by investors of civil liabilities under U.S.Securities Laws may be affected adversely by the fact that Petrominerales, Pacific Rubiales and ResourceCo are incorporated under the laws of Canada, that the majority of their officers and directors are, or will be, residents of countries other than the United States, that certainexpertsnamedinthisInformationCircularareresidentsofcountriesotherthantheUnitedStates,andthat all or substantial portions of the assets of Petrominerales, Pacific Rubiales, ResourceCo and such other persons are,or willbe, locatedoutside the United States. As aresult, it maybedifficult or impossiblefor Shareholders in the United States to effectservice of process within the United States upon Petrominerales, Pacific Rubiales and ResourceCo and their directors and officers, or to realize against them, upon judgments of courts of the United States predicated upon civil liabilities under the federal securities laws of the United States or “bluesky” laws of any state within the United States. In addition, Shareholders in the United States should not assume that the courts of Canada: (i)would enforce judgments of United States courts obtained in actions against such persons predicateduponcivilliabilitiesunderthefederalsecuritieslawsoftheUnitedStatesor“bluesky”lawsofanystate within the United States; or (ii)would enforce, in original actions, liabilities against such persons predicated upon civil liabilities under the federal securities laws of the United States or “bluesky” laws of any state within the UnitedStates. The ResourceCo Shares issuable to Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement will be freely transferable under U.S.federalsecuritieslaws,exceptbypersons whoare“affiliates”(assuchterm isdefinedinRule405underthe U.S.SecuritiesAct)ofResourceCoaftertheEffectiveTimeorwere“affiliates”ofResourceCowithin90daysprior to the Effective Time. Persons who may be deemed to be “affiliates” of an issuer include individuals or entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with, the issuer, whether through the ownership of voting securities, bycontract, or otherwise, and generallyinclude executive officers and directors of the issuer as well as principal shareholders of the issuer. Any resale of such ResourceCo Shares by such an affiliate (or former affiliate) may be subject to the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act, absent an exemption therefrom. See“UnitedStatesSecuritiesLawMatters”. THE SECURITIES ISSUABLE PURSUANT TO THE ARRANGEMENT HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OR THE SECURITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF ANY STATE OF THE UNITED STATES, NOR HAS THE UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OR ANY SUCH STATE REGULATORY