Digest These Tips to Reduce Your Risk PICK YOUR PATHWAY The survival rate for colon and rectal cancer has been increasing While colorectal cancer over the past several decades, but it is still a serious disease. cannot be prevented, Every year, colorectal cancer is the #2 cause of cancer deaths there are choices you can for men and women combined. make that may help lower your risk, including: BY THE NUMBERS 1 22 in Getting in Filling your plate lifetime risk for MEN to regular sweat with fruits and develop colorectal cancer sessions veggies 1 24 in Keeping red Pumping up lifetime risk for WOMEN to develop colorectal cancer meat to a the calcium minimum supplementation 101,420 44,180 Laying off Kicking excess alcohol cigarettes consumption to the curb new cases of new cases of COLON CANCER in 2019 RECTAL CANCER in 2019 1% SCREENING SAVES LIVES It takes 10 to 15 years for abnormal cells that grow into polyps to turn cancerous. That is why screening rate at which deaths from is so effective. The polyps can be removed colorectal cancer are before they have a chance to cause increasing per year among problems. Plus, when colorectal cancer is people younger than 55 detected early, there is a much better chance of treating it. Start getting screened at age 45.