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Influence of topography on cumulative pollen flow of fourwing saltbush PDF

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document archived Historic, Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 4 7 / United States Influence of Topography Department of Agriculture on Cumulative Pollen Flow Forest Service Intermountain Research Station of Fourwing Saltbush Research Note o INT-413 ( 5 June 1993 D. Carl Freeman E. Durant McArthur Stewart C. Sanderson Arthur R. Tiedemann — pollen dispersal. This report provides data on pollen Abstract The influence ofenvironmental heterogeneity on cumulative pollen flow is examined usingfourwingsalt- movement. It is a companion to Freeman and others bush (Atriplexcanescens) growing on steep slopes and on (1993). That paper includes other fitness measures alluvium at the base ofthe slope as a model system. Both and describes the study more completely. the gender ofthe pollen donor (male orhermaphrodite) and the topographyinfluence pollen dispersal. Additionally, the METHODS efficiency ofpollen dispersal (the number ofpollen grains dispersed to a given distance per unit ofplant volume) is Fourwing saltbush {Atriplex canescens) is an anemo- enhanced when plants grow on slopes. Plants become less philous(wmd-pollinated) evergreen chenopod shrubof efficient at dispersing pollen as they become larger. the desert region ofWestern North America (Blauer andothers 1976; Freeman andMcArthur 1989; Wagner Keywords:Atriplex canescens, gender, adaptation, and Aldon 1978). Populations offourwing saltbush fitness, pollination, wind, hermaphroditism, occur on steep, dry slopes and on the deeper, moister, sex differences more fertile alluvium at the base ofthe slopes (Dunford 1984; Hall and Clements 1923; Stutz and Sanderson 1979). Populations offourwing saltbush are subdioe- Pollen dispersal has received considerable atten- cious, containing staminate (male) and pistillate tion for insect-pollinated plants. Far less is known (female) individuals, as well as individuals with a mix- about the dispersal ofpollen from wind-pollinated ture ofstaminate and pistillate flowers. The majority plants. Faegri andVan der Pijl (1971) as well as other ofplants containing a mixture ofstaminate and pis- researchers have noted that pollen ofwind-pollinated tillate flowers may also produce perfect flowers, flow- species may travel long distances. The relative num- ers with stamens and a pistil (Freeman and McArthur bers ofpollen grains at various distances from individ- 1989). Since these individuals are not strictly mon- ual plants has received little attention. Thus, we know oecious, they will be referred to as hermaphrodites. little about potential gene flow inwmd-pollinated spe- The relative proportion ofstaminate and pistillate cies. Nor do we understand whether wmd-pollinated flowers produced by these individuals varies with plants become increasingly fit as they become larger. time and may change in response to stress (Barrow Because wind-pollinated plants tend to dominate 1987; Freeman and McArthur 1989; McArthur 1977; arid environments with uneven topography, we de- McArthur and Freeman 1982; McArthur and others cided to investigate the influence oftopography on 1992; Pendleton and others 1992; Stutz and others 1975). STUDY SITE D. Carl Freeman is professor, Department ofBiological Sci- ences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; E. DurantMcArthur The study site was in Kingston Canyon, Piute is principal research geneticist and Project Leader, and StewartC. County, UT. It included the steep canyon slopes of Sanderson is research geneticist, both at the Intermountain Re- the main and side canyons (slope sites) as well as the search Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, located at the Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Provo, UT;ArthurR. alluvium at the base ofthe slopes (alluvial sites) (fig. 1, Tiedemann is principal range scientist, PacificNorthwestResearch see Freeman and others [1993] for physical and bio- Station, ForestService, La Grande, OR. logical characteristics ofthe sites). separatelyusing an analysis ofcovariance with dis- tance as the covariate. Orthogonal contrasts and t tests compared the effects ofslope and alluvium. Regression analysis was used to measure the effect ofincreasing plant size on pollen (Norusis 1988; Zar 1984). Since plants growing on the slope are in a harsher environment than those growing onthe moister, more fertile alluvium, plants on the slope will always be smaller than mature plants on the alluvium. Since they are smaller, they should disperse fewer pollen grains (Freeman and others, 1993). We also examined the pollen flow corrected for the size ofthe plant. The size correction was made by computing the volume ofthe donor plant and dividing the number ofpollen grains dispersed to a given distance bythe volume of the dispersing plant. Plant volume was computed twice, first by treating the plant as a sphere, and then by treating it as a cylinder. For these calcula- tions, we used halfthe crown diameter as the radius. We averaged the two estimates, since the shape of fourwing saltbush is between a cylinder and a sphere. RESULTS In figures 2 through 5 we plotted the mean number ofpollen grains dispersed to a given distance in a given direction for males and hermaphrodites growing on the slope versus those on the alluvium. The data pre- sented are summed over all four collection dates, and represent the total number ofpollen grains/mm2 of the pollen trap's surface area. — Males disperse significantly more pollen than her- Figure 1 Kingston Canyon study site: maphrodites (F = 28.13, P < 0.001). Plants grow- (A) steep canyon slope; (B) alluvium. 1720 ing on the alluvium disperse more pollen than plants Fourwing saltbush grows on both sites. on the slope (F = 28.00, P < 0.001). Topographic 1720 position influenced pollen dispersal by males and her- maphrodites differently. The relative decline in pol- len dispersal from the alluvium to the slope was much Pollen dispersal was measured along the four car- greater for hermaphrodites (F = 7.67, P < 0.01). 112Q dinal axes. Twenty-four pollen donors (six males and Hermaphrodites on the slope dispersed the fewest six hermaphrodites on the slope, and six males and number ofpollen grains, particularly along the north- six hermaphrodites on the alluvium) were randomly south axis, the direction ofprevailing winds. chosen for this study. Competing pollen donors with- Males on the alluvium disperse significantly more m in 100 were removed. Since mature males offour- pollen than males on the slope (table 1). Males grow- wing saltbush produce more than 1 x 107 anthers per ing on the alluvium dispersed significantly more pol- plant (McArthur and others 1992), emasculating com- len than hermaphrodites on the alluvium. Hermaph- peting pollen donors was untenable. Pollen traps rodites on the alluvium dispersed significantly more (microscope slides coated with petroleumjelly fixed pollen than hermaphrodites on the slope. Since statis- m on sticks 0.7 high) were placed at 3-m intervals for tical analysis allows only three orthogonal contrasts, m 30 per axis per plant studied. Pollen traps were in we cannot directly test whether or not males on the placebefore anthesis (blooming). They were changed slope disperse more pollen than hermaphrodites on weekly during the 4-week flowering period. The the slope. However, since males on the slope dispersed number ofdispersed pollen grains was estimated by more pollen than hermaphrodites on the alluvium, counting the number ofpollen grains in 10 (1-mm2) and since hermaphrodites on the alluvium dispersed fields ofview using a compound microscope. Pollen significantly more pollen than those on the slope, it dispersal along each ofthe cardinal axes was analyzed seems safe to conclude that hermaphrodites on the 2 Male on the slope Hermaphrodite on the slope tco c o ' e c « a O 6 a a o o lo. 5 k© 6 J2 E E z3 4 = 4 CD Z 3 Z 3 o o Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Male on the alluvium CcO Hermaphrodite on the alluvium O o2 7 c c o a> % 6 1 6 a Q. ° 6 I 5 a aa> E zI 4 3 4 c0) z 3 o z Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 2 Dispersal of pollen to the north. Male on the slope CcO Hermaphrodite on the slope 5 CO o 7 O c CD 5 6 a Q. ! 6 Si CD ACD E E z3 4 £CD ~ 3 O i Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Male on the alluvium Hermaphrodite on the alluvium c 2 7 O o c c 1CD 6 5O 6 0. a. <*— ° 5 ° 5 k. CD nCD x> E E z3 4 4 = 3 o z Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 3 Dispersal of pollen to the east. 3 Male on the slope c Hermaphrodite on theslope s O 7i (3 c £ O 6 O 6 0. 0. O 5 2 i< z o *- J -S 3 «O*- z -I 2 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Maleon the alluvium Hermaphrodite on the alluvium c o 6i Q. i_ 5 « E 4- 3 4 ~ 3 r 3 o Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 4 Dispersal of pollen to the south. Male on the slope Hermaphrodite on the slope c c O O c c =<D 6 s o a. Q. a E i< z o 0) S r 3 3 o o z -J 2 2 . ... , Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance cCO Male on the alluvium c Hermaphrodite on the alluvium 2 7 o O c c 5 6 O a Q. ! s O o .O i 4 E3 « Z e r 3 o Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 5 Dispersal of pollen to the west. 4 — Table 1 Values for /for orthogonal contrasts of pollen dispersal for fourwing saltbush males and hermaphrodites Direction of pollen dispersal Pollen volume contrasts1 AM SM AM AH AH SH vs. vs. vs. North 2.75*2 7.27* 2.05* East 2.10* 9.52* 4.56* South 3.27* 9.09* 2.73* West 3.45* .02 2.46* Pollen grains per unit of plant volume contrasts1 SM AM AM AH AH SH vs. vs. vs. North 22.89* 5.87* 4.69* East 18.48* 3.37* 4.41* South 22.61* 6.02* 5.02* West 24.79* 5.89* 5.97* 1AM = males on the alluvium, SM = males on the slope, AH = hermaphrodites on the alluvium, and SH = hermaphrodites on the slope. In each contrastthe class with the highestvalue is listedfirst. 2* = P< 0.05, based on /test, 216 degrees offreedom. slope disperse significantly less pollen than males significantly CP = 0.05) positive. The other five cases on the slope. were not significant. In four ofthe five nonsignificant These data were not corrected for the size ofthe cases, the correlation was negative. In the case of donor plant, however. Such a correction dramatically pollen dispersing to the north for hermaphrodites on alters the results. For each direction, males on the the alluvium and on the slope, the probabilities were slope dispersed the most pollen grains per unit ofplant 0.10, approaching statistical significance. volume (figs. 6 to 10). Males on the slope dispersed A plant's surface area-to-volume ratio probably significantly more pollen per unit ofplant volume than affects the efficiency ofpollen dispersal. While the did males on the alluvium (table 1). Males on the al- production ofpollen is likely related to plant volume, luvium dispersed significantly more pollen per unit of the release ofpollen depends upon the surface area plant volume than hermaphrodites on the alluvium. in contact with the wind. We regressed the number Hermaphrodites on the slope dispersed significantly ofdispersed pollen grains per unit ofplant volume fewer grains per unit ofplant volume than hermaph- against the plant's surface area-to-volume ratio. Not rodites on the alluvium. We conclude that males on surprisingly, we found that the correlation was sig- the slope disperse significantly more pollen per unit of nificantly (P < 0.05) positive for nine ofthe 10 cases plant volume than do hermaphrodites on the slope. in which there was a significant (P < 0.05) negative Ifplants became more efficient at dispersing pollen correlation between the number ofdispersed pollen as they grew, then we would expect a positive corre- grains and plant volume. Surface area was negatively lation between the number ofdispersed pollen grains correlated with dispersed pollen in one case (that of per unit ofplant volume and the volume ofthe plant. pollen dispersing to the south for males on the allu- A negative correlation would be expected ifplants be- vium) and nonsignificant in five cases (table 2). came less efficient at dispersing pollen as they grew. We regressed the number ofdispersedpollen grains per DISCUSSION unit ofplant volume on both thevolume ofthe donor plant and the pollen trap's distance from the donor It has been suggested that differences in the utiliza- plant (see fig. 10 for an example). The distance term tion ofcommon resources by males and females are was forced to enter the regression equation before the due to differences in the costs and mechanics ofrepro- volume term, deliberately underestimating the influ- duction (Charnov and Dawson 1989; Freeman and ence ofvolume. In 10 ofthe 16 possible cases, the cor- McArthur 1982; Freeman and others 1976; Freeman relation between the number ofdispersed pollen grains and Vitale 1985; Meagher 1980). We have shown and plant volume was significantly (P < 0.05) nega- that the dispersal ofpollen can be influenced by the — tive (table 2). In one case males on the alluvium size, topographic position, and gender ofthe plant. — dispersing pollen to the north the correlation was Topographic position also significantly affects the 5 ^ o Male on the slope E Hermaphrodite on the slope 3 O -6- > -6 C cs c 2 o a •9: a -9 eo & 2 5 , Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance a Male on the alluvium E Hermaphrodite on the alluvium 3 -6- -6 ! c o a o « 09 S a M a o -11- Z-11 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 6 Pollen grains/unit plant volume dispersed to the north. a « E Male on the slope E Hermaphrodite on the slope 3 o o > -6- > c « o s. a. -9 O "9 « 09 00 5 O 11 Z-11 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Male on the alluvium a Hermaphrodite on the alluvium E 3 >o -6 >o •6: c e a a CL c o O o oo. oD. -9 o a 09 0) e «a QW. 09 Q — r O 11 3 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 7 Pollen grains/unit plant volume dispersed to the east. 6 Male on the slope aE> Hermaphrodite on the slope 3 O > e CO c © o a -18- o•-18 O <o i— «s. Q - 12 -12 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Male on the alluvium Hermaphrodite on the alluvium o > -6 a a. o Q. -18 •O-10 « 0) ka_ Q. to 5 o 12 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 8 Pollen grains/unit plant volume dispersed to the south. o Male on the slope E Hermaphrodite on the slope 3 O > -B c S Q. c « o o. u -18- -ie e 0) » a _« o o 12 12 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance Male on thealluvium (9 Hermaphrodite on thealluvium E 3 O -a > -B c (0 c a o a -18 „-ie a two 8. to a o -12 Natural Log (LN) of Distance Natural Log (LN) of Distance — Figure 9 Pollen grains/unit plant volume dispersed to the west. 7 — Table 2 The influence of increasing size on pollen dis- persal and fruit production considered for both volume and surface-to-volume ratio Volume Surface/volume R P R P Partial Partial Males on the alluvium North 0.222 0.05 0.237 0.05 East -.442 .001 .322 .005 South .011 NS1 -.135 NS West -.121 NS 2 2 ( ) ( ) les on the slope North -.456 .0001 .609 .001 East -.210 .05 .203 NS South -.231 .05 .401 .001 West -.457 .001 .371 .001 Hermaphrodites on the alluvium North -.282 NS .228 NS East -.375 .01 .555 .001 South -.338 .05 .359 .025 West -.431 .025 .238 NS Hermaphrodites on the slope North -.273 NS .170 NS East -.444 .001 .660 .0001 South -.442 .005 .376 .01 West -.074 NS .518 .0006 'NS = not significant at the P< 0.05 level. 2Fwas insufficientforcomputation. males on the slope were found to be considerably more efficient at dispersing pollen than males growing onthe alluvium (figs. 6 to 9). Our data show that the number ofpollen grains dis- persed per unit ofplant volume actually declines as the size ofthe donor plant increases (table 2 and fig. 10). Pollen dispersed per unit volume is positively corre- lated with the plant's surface-to-volume ratio, but neg- atively correlated with its volume. Since males on the slope are smaller than those on the alluvium, they dis- perse pollen more efficiently. Windspeeds are prob- ably higher on the slope, enhancing dispersal. The data presented here, together with that ofFreeman and others (1993), demonstrate differential reproduc- — tive fitness among the female (pistillate), male Figure 10 Dispersed pollen grains per (staminate), and hermaphroditic (monoecious) gen- unit plant volume as a function of distance ders offourwing saltbush. These data provide empiri- (meters) and plant volume (liters). Data cal support for maintenance ofthe trioecious breed- are for slope hermaphrodites. ing system offourwing saltbush. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS efficiency with which plants disperse pollen. Males growing on the alluvium disperse significantly more This researchwas supported, in part, by National Sci- pollenthan males on the slope (figs. 2 to 5). But ence FoundationGrant DEB 81-1010(to D. Carl Freeman when we divided the number ofpollen grains dis- and E. Durant McArthur) and by Pittman-Robertson K persed a given distance by the size ofthe donor plant, Wildlife Habitat Project W-82-R. We thank B. and 8

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