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In(cid:29)ation and Preheating in Supergravity with MSSM Flat Dire tions Anna Kami«ska and Paweª Pa hoªek Institute of Theoreti al Physi s, Fa ulty of Physi s, University of Warsaw, Ho»a 69, Warsaw, Poland 9 0 0 Abstra t 2 Motivated by a re ent dis ussion about the role of (cid:29)at dire tions, a typi al feature of n supersymmetri models, in the pro essof parti le produ tionin the earlyuniversea onsis- a tent model of in(cid:29)ation and preheating in supergravity with MSSM (cid:28)elds has been built. It J is based on a model proposed by M. Kawasaki, M. Yamagu hi and T. Yanagida. In the in- 5 (cid:29)ationarystage,the(cid:29)atdire tionsa quirelargeva uumexpe tationvalues(VEVs) without ] spoiling the ba kgroundof slow-roll,high-s alein(cid:29)ation onsistent with the latest WMAP5 h observationaldata.Inthestageofparti leprodu tion,naturallyfollowingin(cid:29)ation,therole p - of (cid:29)at dire tion large VEVs depends strongly on e(cid:27)e ts onne ted with the supergravity p framework and non-renormalizable terms in the superpotential, whi h have been negle ted e so far in the literature. Su h e(cid:27)e ts turn out to be very important, hanging the previous h [ pi ture of preheating in the presen e of large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs by allowing for e(cid:30) ient preheating from the in(cid:29)aton. 1 v 8 7 4 1 Introdu tion 0 . 1 In(cid:29)ation was introdu ed asa natural and simple way of solving the problems of lassi al osmol- 0 ogy - the initial onditions problem (or the (cid:29)atness and horizon problems) and the explanation 9 of the origin of primordial density (cid:29)u tuations [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8℄. The easiest way to obtain 0 : in(cid:29)ationisbyintrodu ing asingles alarin(cid:29)aton(cid:28)eldwithaslowlyevolvingva uumexpe tation v i value [2, 3℄. In order to obtain a proper period of Big Bang Nu leosynthesis however, one has to X end in(cid:29)ation by parti le produ tion. The pro ess of reheating must onne t the in(cid:29)aton se tor r a to the observable se tor [9, 10, 11℄. Inordertoproperlydes ribein(cid:29)ationandparti leprodu tion onehasto onsidertheunderlying theory of parti les and intera tions. Supersymmetry is one of the most promising extensions of the Standard Model (SM) [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17℄, and it has triggered a sear h for supersymmet- ri models of in(cid:29)ation and reheating. One of the typi al features of supersymmetri extensions of the SM is the presen e of (cid:29)at dire tions [18℄ - dire tions in (cid:28)eld spa e, along whi h the s alar potential identi ally vanishes in the limit of unbroken global supersymmetry. Due to large quan- tum (cid:29)u tuations or the lassi al evolution of (cid:28)elds during in(cid:29)ation (cid:29)at dire tions an easily a quire large VEVs [19, 20℄. Therefore, there is a natural question about the role of su h large VEVs in the pro ess of parti le produ tion. It was postulated in ref. [21℄, that large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs in(cid:29)uen e the pro ess of parti le pro- du tion by blo king preheating from the in(cid:29)aton - the phase of rapid, non-perturbative in(cid:29)aton de ay. In ref. [21℄ a simple toy model was proposed V Aϕ2χ2+Bmϕχ2+Cα2χ2, ⊃ (1) 1 ϕ α χ where is the in(cid:29)aton (cid:28)eld, parameterizes the (cid:29)at dire tion and represents the in(cid:29)aton de ay produ ts (in this model a dire tion in Higgs (cid:28)elds has been onsidered). Then, after mode χ k de omposition of the (cid:28)eld , the energy of the mode with momentum is given by: ω2 = k2+2A ϕ 2+2Bm ϕ +2C α 2. k h i h i h i (2) χ ω k k In general, non-adiabati produ tion of parti les is e(cid:30) ient only when hanges non- adiabati ally ω˙ τ > 1 preheating, | | ≡ (cid:12)ω2(cid:12) ↔ (3) (cid:12) (cid:12) τ (cid:12) (cid:12) ω (cid:12) (cid:12) k where the adiabati ity parameter is introdu ed. During lassi al preheating is dominated by the in(cid:29)aton VEV and hanges non-adiabati ally due to in(cid:29)aton os illations. In the presen e ω k of (cid:29)at dire tions however, ould be dominated by the large VEV of the (cid:29)at dire tion. If this VEV hangesveryslowlyin omparisonwiththeevolutionofthein(cid:29)atonVEV,non-perturbative χ produ tion of parti les is e(cid:27)e tively blo ked. However, as was pointed out in ref. [22℄, blo king of preheating from the in(cid:29)aton does not o ur when non-perturbative produ tion of parti les from the (cid:29)at dire tion itself is possible. Then the initially large VEV of the (cid:29)at dire tion de reases rapidly, unblo king preheating from the in(cid:29)aton. In ref. [22℄ a method was introdu ed of al ulating the amount of parti les produ ed non-perturbatively from the (cid:29)at dire tion, due to non-adiabati hanges of the mass matrix eigenve tors and eigenvalues related to quantum (cid:29)u tuations around the (cid:29)at dire tion. This led to a dis ussion (see refs [23, 24, 25, 26℄) about whether non-perturbative de ay of (cid:29)at dire tions andpreheatingfromthein(cid:29)atonispossible.Thedis ussionwasbasedonsomegeneralproperties of (cid:29)at dire tions in a global supersymmetry framework. It did not onsider any spe i(cid:28) model of in(cid:29)ation and did not propose any model of a quiring large VEVs by (cid:29)at dire tions. Therefore it was di(cid:30) ult to study the whole issue and determine how the large VEVs of (cid:29)at dire tions develop and evolve, and how they impa t the pro ess of in(cid:29)ation and parti le produ tion. The goal of our work is to onstru t a onsistent model of in(cid:29)ation and parti le produ tion in a realisti supersymmetri extension of the Standard Model, and onsider in this spe i(cid:28) model the behavior of MSSM (cid:29)at dire tions. Therefore a realisti haoti in(cid:29)ation model with two representative (cid:29)at dire tions is onstru ted. In order to be able to predi t the evolution of (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs it was de ided to study the produ tion of large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs by lassi al evolution during in(cid:29)ation, and therefore a potential for the (cid:29)at dire tion is required. Followingrefs[19,20℄weadoptthesupergravityframeworkwithanon-minimalKählerpotential, whi h results in a potential for the (cid:29)at dire tion with a time-evolving minimum at large VEVs during in(cid:29)ation. It alsoenables usto al ulate the previouslynegle ted in(cid:29)uen e of supergravity orre tionsfor(cid:29)atdire tionevolutionduringin(cid:29)atonos illations.Wealso onsidertheimpa tof existen e of non-renormalizable terms, whi h has also been negle ted so far. We (cid:28)nd that these e(cid:27)e ts strongly in(cid:29)uen e the pro ess of parti le produ tion by introdu ing e(cid:30) ient hannels of non-perturbative parti le produ tion both from the (cid:29)at dire tion and the in(cid:29)aton. As a result the originally large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs are diminished, preheating from the in(cid:29)aton is allowed and the energy density of the Universe is dominated by the in(cid:29)aton de ay produ ts. 2 Building the model The model onsidered in this paper, after negle ting all (cid:28)elds ex ept for the in(cid:29)aton, redu es V = m2ϕ2/2 to the simplest haoti in(cid:29)ation model with the in(cid:29)aton potential . This property together within(cid:29)aton domination provides appropriate slow-roll in(cid:29)ation andavalueofspe tral index whi h is in agreement with the WMAP5 data [27℄. Obtaining su h a property in a model whi h is based on supergravity is not straightforward due to ompli ated supergravitational F- η terms. A solution to this problem (the so alled -problem) was proposed by [28℄ and is used in 2 Φ this paper. A ording to the solution, ex ept for the hiral in(cid:29)aton super(cid:28)eld and the MSSM X super(cid:28)elds, the model ontains one additional hiral super(cid:28)eld . Further onsideration is restri ted to s alar (cid:28)elds and the same symbol is used to denote both the hiral super(cid:28)eld and its omplex s alar omponent. The following de omposition in real (cid:28)elds is used Φ = (η+iϕ)/√2, (4) X = xeiβ. (5) ϕ The (cid:28)eld plays the role of the in(cid:29)aton. K We follow [28℄ in onstru ting the Kähler Potential and take 1 K (Φ+Φ )2+XX . ∗ ∗ ⊃ 2 (6) The formula (6) for the Kähler potential was obtained by [28℄ as follows. The (cid:28)rst step was to α introdu e a Nambu-Goldstone-like shift symmetry of the in(cid:29)aton Φ Φ+iCM, → (7) C where is a dimensionless real parameter. A Kähler potential whi h is invariant under this U(1) Z R 2 symmetry and the additional × symmetry must have the general form [28℄ K(Φ,Φ ,X,X ) = K[(Φ+Φ )2,XX ]. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (8) The formula (6) is just the lowest order term in the general expansion of the formula (8). It an be easily seen that a theory with an exa t Nambu-Goldstone-like shift symmetry has no ϕ potential for the in(cid:29)aton . Therefore this symmetry has to be broken, but not in the Kähler η potentialinordertoavoidthe -problem.Following [28℄,weintrodu eashiftsymmetrybreaking W term in the superpotential W mXΦ. ⊃ (9) m ϕ It gives mass to the in(cid:29)aton . H H u d There are two MSSM-(cid:29)at dire tions onsidered in this paper: a dire tion in Higgs (cid:28)elds u d d i j k i j k (only D-(cid:29)at) and a dire tion in squark (cid:28)elds, where indexes , and are some family k = j χ H H u d indexes ( 6 ). Let be the omplex s alar (cid:28)eld that parametrize the dire tion 1 χ 1 0 H = , H = . d u √2(cid:18) 0 (cid:19) √2 (cid:18) χ (cid:19) (10) α u d d i j k Let be the omplex s alar (cid:28)eld whi h parametrizes the dire tion 1 uβ = dγ = dδ = α. i j k √3 (11) β = γ = δ = β u d d i j k In equation (11) 6 6 6 are (cid:28)xed olor indexes. The omponents of (cid:28)elds , and χ with other olor indexes are equal to zero. It is onvenient to de ompose the omplex (cid:28)elds α and into real (cid:28)elds in the following way χ =ceiκ, (12) α= ρeiσ. (13) The full Kähler potential is 1 K = (Φ+Φ )2+XX +K +K , ∗ ∗ MSSM NM 2 (14) 3 K K MSSM NM where is a standard minimal Kähler potential and is a non-minimal part of the form K = a XX NM M2 ∗· Pl (H+H +H+H +u+u +d+d +d+d ). (15) · u u d d i i j j k k M a Pl Here is the Plan k mass and is a dimensionless parameter. The existen e of ouplings like K NM is guaranteed in the presen e of Yukawa ouplings, sin e they are ne essary ounterterms K NM for operators generated by loop diagrams [19, 29, 30℄. Terms in ause the existen e of M Pl minima in the s alar potential for both (cid:29)at dire tions, whi h are of the order of . Therefore M Pl (cid:29)at dire tions an naturally aquire large VEVs of the order of by falling into these minima. For the superpotential we take W = mXΦ+2hXH H +W +W . u d MSSM NR · (16) 2hXH H u d The term · is one of only two possible renormalizable ouplings between the (cid:28)eld X 2hXH L ′ u and MSUGRA (cid:28)elds. The se ond one is · . These two ouplings annot oexist in the model unless R-parity is broken. We assume that the in(cid:29)aton does not ouple to MSSM (cid:28)elds in the Kähler potential and in the superpotential to avoid strong deviations from the W MSSM slow-roll in(cid:29)ation regime with in(cid:29)aton domination. The term is the standard MSSM superpotential, given by W = µH H +λlmH Q u +λlmH Q d . MSSM u· d u u· l m d d· l m (17) W NR The last term is a non-renormalizable part of the superpotential and it has the following form λ 3√3λ W = χ (H H )2+ α (u d d ν ). NR u d i j k R MPl · MPl (18) λ λ ν χ α R Here and are dimensionless onstants and is a right-handed neutrino of any given W NR generation. Two non-renormalizable terms ontained in are the only terms of 4th order in the (cid:28)elds, whi h may be relevant for the evolution of VEVs of the two hosen (cid:29)at dire tions. 3√3λ (u u d ν )/M ′α i j k R Pl The term gives no ontribution to the s alar potential, unless one ad- ditionally onsiders VEVs of some other (cid:29)at dire tions. W NR Terms in modify minima for (cid:29)at dire tions, whi h are shifted away from zero in the s alar K M NM Pl potential due totermsin .Theminima areno longer loseto when oupling onstants λ λ χ α and are su(cid:30) iently large. Moreover, they evolve in time during in(cid:29)ation until they rea h their (cid:28)nal position at zero at the end of the in(cid:29)aton os illations. The soft SUSY-breaking terms in the s alar potential have negligible e(cid:27)e ts on our results. Our initial onditions are set for the time whi h orresponds to about 100 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation, sin e only this period is essential for preheating. Initial values for the real (cid:28)elds ϕ η x ρ c ϕ , , , and do not require (cid:28)ne tuning. For the in(cid:29)aton (cid:28)eld the only ondition whi h ϕ > M 0 Pl needs to be satis(cid:28)ed is . It ensures that the number of e-folds is greater than 75, whi h is needed for in(cid:29)ation to solve the horizon problem and the (cid:29)atness problem [8℄. We took the ϕ = 4M 0 Pl initial value to onsider only the last 100 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation. Fields η x ρ c M Pl , , and should be initially smaellxepr(thKan) be ause they are present in Kähler potential, espe ially in the exponential fa tor MP2l in the F-terms. Therefore initially large values of η x ρ c any of those (cid:28)elds should de rease rapidly and the VEVs of the (cid:28)elds , , and should stay η on(cid:28)ned naturally below the Plan k s ale during in(cid:29)ation. In parti ular the VEV of (cid:28)eld falls to zero very qui kly and, as we have he ked numeri ally, does not have any noti able in(cid:29)uen e η = 0 0 on the evolution of other (cid:28)elds. Therefore in our (cid:28)nal al ulations we simply put . The x evolution of the (cid:28)eld has also almost no in(cid:29)uen e on the evolution of other (cid:28)elds, so we set x = 0.01M ρ c 0 Pl for it a quite arbitrary initial value . Fields and whi h are absolute values for 4 α χ omplex (cid:29)at dire tion (cid:28)elds and are initially taken to be of the order of the Hubble param- H eter , whi h is also the order of initial quantum (cid:29)u tuations for those (cid:28)elds during in(cid:29)ation. H 8πm2ϕ2/6M2 In the slow-roll regime with in(cid:29)aton domination, we have 0 ≈ q 0 Pl. After setting m = 10 6M − Pl as in the simplest model of slow-roll in(cid:29)ation onsistent with WMAP data we H 8 10 6M ρ = c = 10 5M 0 − Pl 0 0 − Pl get ≈ · . Therefore we take . 3 Classi al evolution of (cid:28)elds In order to study the pro ess of a quiring large VEVs by (cid:29)at dire tions one has to onsider the lassi alevolution of(cid:28)eldsduringin(cid:29)ation. A lassi aldes riptionispossibledueto theslow-roll hara ter of the evolution. At the end of in(cid:29)ation, ex itations around VEVs of the (cid:28)elds will be onsidered in order to determine the impa t of large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs on the pro ess of parti le produ tion. The lassi al evolution is determined by the equations of motion derived from the supergravity Lagrangian on e the initial onditions have been set. The in(cid:29)aton equation of motion has the simple form ϕ¨+3Hϕ˙ +V, = 0. ϕ (19) During in(cid:29)aton domination the main ontribution to the s alar potential V is of the form 1/2 m2ϕ2 , whi h provides a standard haoti in(cid:29)ation ba kground. Due to the shift symme- ϕ eK try the Kähler potential does not depend on , and so the supergravity oe(cid:30) ient does not η ontain the in(cid:29)aton (cid:28)eld. This solves the -problem and allows for high-s ale in(cid:29)ation. Sin e only the last 80-100 e-folds of in(cid:29)ation have any observable onsequen es for the evolution of the Universe, the initial value of the in(cid:29)aton VEV was hosen in a way that allows the study H H u d of this period of in(cid:29)ation. Due to the absen e of any oupling of the in(cid:29)aton with the udd and dire tions in the Kähler potential (be ause of the shift symmetry) the evolution of the in(cid:29)aton is largely independent of the evolution of the (cid:29)at dire tions. Be ause of this property udd H H u d the pro ess of a quiring large VEVs by or dire tions will not spoil in(cid:29)ation. udd The equations of motion for X, and Higgs (cid:28)elds are more ompli ated due to the non- minimal form of the Kähler potential for these (cid:28)elds. One an expe t however that the (cid:28)eld VEVs will evolve toward a minimum of the s alar potential. The s alar potential in supergravity is ompli ated as well. However one an observe that all the (cid:28)eld VEVs ex ept for the in(cid:29)aton eK VEV are naturaly on(cid:28)ned below the Plan k s ale due to the fa tor in the s alar potential. This fa tor be omes dominant in the s alar potential at the Plan k s ale. Therefore the s alar exp(field2) potential for all (cid:28)elds ex ept the in(cid:29)aton rises steeply at the Plan k s ale as . As a x, ρ, c resultone anexpe t tobelessthanunity andexpand thes alarpotential inthese(cid:28)elds. X = xeiβ For (cid:28)eld the s alar potential has a minimum at zero. The term quadrati in (cid:28)eld x is given by the following approximate expression (assuming in(cid:29)aton domination and negle ting omplex (cid:28)elds phases) m2ϕ2 V x2 m2+ f(a)ρ2+f(a)c2+O ρ2c2, ρ3, c3 , ⊃ (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (20) (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) M = 1 f(a) a > 0 x Pl where for simpli ity we have set and is positive for . The evolution of is eK naturally on(cid:28)ned to low VEVs due to the supergravity term whi h exponentially steepens the potential for (cid:28)eld x at the Plan k s ale. The evolution of all other (cid:28)elds of the model is x independent of the hoi e of initial onditions for and on the evolution of this (cid:28)eld. The only X role of (cid:28)eld in the model is providing appropriate s alar potential for the in(cid:29)aton and both (cid:29)at dire tions. In the global MSSM without orre tions oming from supergravity or non-renormalizable terms 5 α = ρeiσ the s alar potential is independent of the (cid:29)at dire tion . Adding the orre tions men- α tionedabove reatesapotentialforthe(cid:29)atdire tion.Atermquadrati in inthes alarpotential is reated by supergravity e(cid:27)e ts and is sensitive to any non-minimal ouplings in the Kähler potential. Inthemodel presentedinthispaper thequadrati termmentioned abovetakesduring in(cid:29)aton domination (negle ting the omplex (cid:28)elds phases) the following approximate form m2ϕ2 V ρ2 1 a+f(a)c2+f(a)x2+O x2c2, x3, c3 . ⊃ 2 − (21) (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) a In the equation above the parameter des ribes the in(cid:29)uen e of the non-minimal oupling in the Kähler potential. In supergravity with a minimal Kähler potential the s alar potential has a global minimum at zero for the (cid:29)at dire tion. In this ase a quiring large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs due to lassi al evolution is impossible. The non-minimal oupling enables us to shift a > 1 the minimum toward larger VEVs by an appropriate hoi e of . Then the oe(cid:30) ient of ρ x, c < 1 the term quadrati in in the s alar potential be omes negative for . For the purpose a = 5 of numeri al al ulations we set . The exa t lo ation of the minimum is determined by ρ higher-order terms in , whi h ome from both supergravity and non-renormalizable terms. M eK Pl Supergravity alone stabilizes the minimum around due to the oe(cid:30) ient . The presen e λ α ofanon-renormalizable terms aledby shiftsthisminimum toward lower VEVs, hanging the predi ted (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs at the end of in(cid:29)ation toward lower values. In order to study the λ α e(cid:27)e t of large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs on the pro ess of parti le produ tion the value of should not ex eed unity. Supergravity orre tions and non-renormalizable terms have a similar e(cid:27)e t on the potential for H H λ λ u d χ α the dire tion. The interplay between and determines the di(cid:27)eren es between the H H udd u d evolution of the two (cid:29)at dire tions ( and ) under onsideration. We study two spe i(cid:28) s enarios λ λ udd H H α χ u d 1. If ≪ then the dire tion VEV be omes large and the dire tion VEV drops to zero during in(cid:29)ation, whi h orresponds to the s enario des ribed in ref. [21℄ in the limitof globalsupersymmetrywithout non-renormalizable terms.This asewill enable us to study the predi tions of ref. [21℄ in a spe i(cid:28) s enario and determine the impa t of supergravity orre tions and non-renormalizable terms, whi h has not been onsidered so far. λ λ α χ 2. If ∼ then both dire tions an a quire large VEVs during in(cid:29)ation and the impa t of non-zeroVEVsofthein(cid:29)aton lassi alde ayprodu tsonthepro essofparti leprodu tion and blo king of preheating by (cid:29)at dire tion large VEVs an be studied. 10 4 1M − Pl By"large VEV"wemeanava uumexpe tationvalueoftheorder − ,whi hislargein H 10 7M − Pl omparison with the Hubble parameter ∼ at the beginning of in(cid:29)aton os illations. uud H H λ u d α Sin e the a quired value of the or dire tion VEV is determined by the value of λ λ λ χ α χ and respe tfully, in order to reate large VEVs of those dire tions during in(cid:29)ation and λ should not ex eed unity. For the purpose of numeri al al ulations two sets of -parameters are onsidered λ = 10 7 λ = 1 α − χ 1. and λ = 1 λ = 1 α χ 2. and . In order to he k if lassi al evolution an lead to large (cid:29)at dire tion VEVs during in(cid:29)ation we have hosen small initial VEVs for both dire tions, whi h orrespond to the average size of δα, δc H quantum (cid:29)u tuations typi al for the onsidered period of in(cid:29)ation ( ∼ ). In order to obtain numeri al predi tions in spe i(cid:28) s enarios one has still to (cid:28)x two free parameters. The 6 m 10 6 − hoi e of the in(cid:29)aton mass ∼ is natural be ause it implies a spe tral index of energy density (cid:29)u tuations onsistent with WMAP observations. Following the arguments of ref. [31℄ h h 10 5 − we hoose the in(cid:29)aton oupling parameter to be small and of the order ∼ . The lassi al evolution of (cid:28)elds obtained numeri ally in the two s enarios mentioned above is η presented below. It turns out that in both ases the evolution of (cid:28)eld is irrelevant - the VEV η of the (cid:28)eld de reases rapidly to zero and does not in(cid:29)uen e the further evolution of the other η = 0 (cid:28)elds. Hen eforth we simplify our al ulations by setting . λ = 10 7 λ = 1 α − χ 3.1 and Preliminary numeri al al ulations show that in this ase some of remaining 7 real VEVs (after η = 0 setting ) an be also negle ted. First of all the s alar potential does not depend on the σ phase and any initial velo ity of this phase will fall to zero due to the Hubble fri tion term. udd ρ Therefore the (cid:29)at dire tion an be e(cid:27)e tively des ribed by only its absolute value . The c VEV of the (cid:28)eld , the absolute value of Higgs (cid:29)at dire tion, after an initial in rease, falls to β κ zero quite rapidly. Thereafter the s alar potential eases to depend on and . ϕ x c ρ Hen eforth we present more a urate al ulations only for 4 real (cid:28)elds: , , and . All three phases have been set to zero. In this s enario the (cid:28)nal 100 e-folds of in(cid:29)ation are studied. The in(cid:29)aton VEV evolves a ording to standard haoti in(cid:29)ation. It smoothly de reases during x in(cid:29)ation and starts to os illate after its end, as an be seen in (cid:28)gures (1) and (2). The (cid:28)eld j 4 j 3 0.006 0.004 2 0.002 Mt 1 6.´107 8.´107 1.´108 1.2´108 1.4´108 -0.002 e -0.004 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -0.006 ϕ Figure1:Evolutionofthein(cid:29)aton(cid:28)eld dur- ing in(cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are ex- Figure2:In(cid:29)atonos illationsattheendofin- pressed in Plan k masses and time on hori- (cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are expressed zontal axes is expressed in the approximate in Plan k masses and time on horizontal axes number of e-folds of in(cid:29)ation. is expressed in Plan k times. ϕ behavesalmostidenti ally tothein(cid:29)aton(cid:28)eld .Themaindi(cid:27)eren eisthattheVEVofthe(cid:28)eld x is mu h smaller than the VEV of the in(cid:29)aton. This is illustrated in (cid:28)gures (3) and (4). The c VEV of the (cid:28)eld initially rises due to the in(cid:29)uen e of the non-minimal Kähler oupling whi h shifts the minimum of the s alar potential for this dire tion away from zero. After the initial rise this VEV starts de reasing and drops to zero rapidly during the (cid:28)rst 35 e-folds of in(cid:29)ation. λ λ = 1 χ χ This e(cid:27)e t is shown in (cid:28)gure (5) and is aused by the relatively large value of ( ) with λ udd α respe t to ,whi h favorsthe reation oflarge dire tion VEV.Due to theYukawa oupling udd H H udd u d between and dire tions a large dire tion VEV indu es an e(cid:27)e tive mass for the H H H H u d u d dire tion. This e(cid:27)e t shifts the minimum of the s alar potential for the dire tion H H u d to zero leading to the rapid de rease of the VEV during in(cid:29)ation. ρ The VEV of the (cid:28)eld rises during in(cid:29)ation to a value whi h is lose to Plan k mass due to the λ α small value of (Fig. (6)). At the end of in(cid:29)ation it starts to slowly de rease, as illustrated in Fig. (7). The evolution of the spe tral index in the ru ial period 60-50 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation an be al ulated in the slow-roll regime and is shown in (cid:28)gure (8). The value of the 7 x 0.010 x 0.00001 0.008 0.006 5.´10-6 0.004 Mt 6.´107 8.´107 1.´108 1.2´108 1.4´108 0.002 -5.´10-6 e 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -0.00001 x Figure 3: Evolution of the (cid:28)eld during in- x (cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are expressed Figure 4: Os illations of the (cid:28)eld at the in Plan k masses and time on horizontal axes end of in(cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are is expressed in the approximate number of e- expressed in Plan k masses and time on hor- folds of in(cid:29)ation. izontal axes is expressed in Plan k times. c 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 e 10 20 30 40 c Figure 5: Evolution of the (cid:28)eld during during in(cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are expressed in Plan k masses and time on horizontal axes is expressed in the approximate number of e-folds of in(cid:29)ation. Ρ Ρ 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 e 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Mt 6.´107 8.´107 1.´108 1.2´108 1.4´108 ρ Figure 6: Evolution of the (cid:28)eld during in- ρ (cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are expressed Figure 7: Evolution of the (cid:28)eld at the end in Plan k masses and time on horizontal axes of in(cid:29)ation. Values on verti al axes are ex- is expressed in the approximate number of e- pressed in Plan k masses and time on hori- folds of in(cid:29)ation. zontal axes is expressed in Plan k times. spe tral index 50 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation is in agreement with the value derived from 8 0,98 0,97 n S 0,96 0,95 1#106 3#106 5#106 7#106 1#107 t n S Figure 8: Evolution of the spe tral index between 100 and 40 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation. Bla k lines marks the time of 50 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation and orresponding value of the spe tral index. Time on horizontal axes is expressed in Plan k times. n = 0.960+0.014 the WMAP5 data s −0.013 [27℄. λ = 1 λ = 1 α χ 3.2 and The in(cid:29)aton VEV evolves a ording to standard haoti in(cid:29)ation as in the previous ase. Its evolution in ludes the slow-roll period whi h naturally ends with in(cid:29)aton os illations. Due to X χ thedependen e ofthe s alarpotential onthephasesof (cid:28)elds and ,both of these(cid:28)eldsevolve X non-trivially in the omplex plane. The evolution of the absolute value of (cid:28)eld is similar to the previous s enario and mimi s the behavior of the in(cid:29)aton. Figure (9) shows the evolution X λ λ α χ of (cid:28)eld in the omplex plane. Sin e ∼ now the absolute values of (cid:28)elds orresponding ImX 0.00006 0.00004 0.00002 ReX -0.00005 0.00005 0.00010 0.00015 -0.00002 X Figure 9: Evolution of (cid:28)eld on the omplex plane during in(cid:29)aton os illations. to both (cid:29)at dire tions evolve similarly. Numeri al al ulations show that the absolute values of 10 3M − Pl both (cid:28)elds grow during in(cid:29)ation, a hieving a maximum of the order of and then start to de rease at the end of in(cid:29)ation due to the time-evolution of the minimum of their potentials. χ Be ause of the dynami s of the phase of (cid:28)eld the e(cid:27)e tive mass of the (cid:28)eld is slightly di(cid:27)erent α χ to that of the(cid:28)eld . As aresult (cid:28)eld beginsos illating earlier. Figures(10) and (11)show the χ χ evolution of the absolute value of , while (cid:28)gure (12) shows the evolution of in the omplex udd plane. The evolution of the (cid:29)at dire tion is e(cid:27)e tively one-dimensional be ause the s alar potential does not depend on the phase of this (cid:28)eld and the Hubble fri tion qui kly suppresses 9 c c 0.0012 0.0020 0.0010 0.0015 0.0008 0.0010 0.0006 0.0004 0.0005 0.0002 e 20 40 60 80 100 120 Mt 3.´107 3.5´107 4.´107 Figure 10: Evolution of the absolute value of theHiggs(cid:28)elddire tion duringin(cid:29)ation. Val- Figure 11: Evolution of the absolute value of ues on verti al axes are expressed in Plan k the Higgs (cid:28)eld dire tion during in(cid:29)aton os il- masses and time on horizontal axes is ex- lations. Values on verti al axes are expressed pressed in the approximate number of e-folds in Plan k masses and time on horizontal axes of in(cid:29)ation. is expressed in Plan k times. ImΧ 0.0008 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 ReΧ -0.0004 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 -0.0002 -0.0004 Figure 12: Evolution of theHiggs (cid:28)eld dire tion inthe omplex plane during in(cid:29)aton os illations α any initial phase dynami s. Figures (13) and (14) show the evolution of the absolute value of . Using the numeri ally found evolution the Hubble parameter and slow-roll parameters an be al ulated. They ful(cid:28)ll the slow-roll onditions. One an then obtain the spe tral index in the slow-roll approximation. The spe tral index evaluated at the time of about 50-60 e-folds before the end of in(cid:29)ation is onsistent with the value of the spe tral index derived from the WMAP5 observational data [27℄. 4 Ex itations around VEVs In this hapter we introdu e ex itations around all MSUGRA (cid:28)elds, whi h are related to the (cid:29)at dire tions under onsideration. By "related" we mean that either they have large VEVs, 10

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