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Inertial Confinement Fusion [annual rpt 1988-89] PDF

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Preview Inertial Confinement Fusion [annual rpt 1988-89]

UCRL- LA-/dSg_d- _2/_' Distribution Category UC-712 MS Date September 1993 1988/89 ICF Program Annual Report Lawrence Livermore MASIER National Laboratory DtSTI::IIII_TtONOf':Tiq_#DOOUM_4T lib__D Ii Preface This report documents the major activities and accomplishments of the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Program, apart of the Laser Programs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), during the 1988-89 calendar years. Prior to 1988, ICF documentation was included in the Laser Programs Annual Report, which was last published in 1987. Beginning in 1991, anew reporting structure was established: the ICFQuarterly Reports and the ICF Annual Report. The ICFQuarterly and Annual Reports began documenting activities by fiscal year rather than calendar year, for ease in tracking progress against project plans and budgets (which are based on the fiscal calendar). Because the fiscal year 1991 Annual Report was a new publication, it covered both calendar year 1990 and fiscal year 1991--the period from January 1,1990 to September 30, 1991. This 1988-89 ICF Annual Report is organized into seven sections, beginning with an executive summary overview and followed by six additional sections that describe accomplishments within the major research and development areas of ICF: Target Physics, Nova Experiments, Nova Laser Science and Technology, Target Science and Technology, Advanced Drivers, and ICF Applications. D. L. Correll Acknowledgments As in previous years, scientists, engineers, technicians and other staff members continued to provide incredible effort in support of the LLNL ICF program. Not surprisingly, their aid and cooperation in completing this 1988-89 Annual Report have been invaluable. We are especially grateful to those who wrote and contributed to the articles; their efforts are the backbone of this document. Members of the Laboratory's Technical Information Department shaped the raw material into a final product. Editors Jason Carpenter, Pete Murphy, Joy Perez and Leslie Wilder, with proofreading assistance from AI Miguel, tackled the task of polishing the articles, fitting them together, and pushing the whole package to completion. For the excellent artwork we thank the production staff: Chuck Chapman, Galen Hazelhofer, C. Sue Lawrence, Kim M. Lanto, Daniel Moore, and Don Ryder. Ron Natali saw the document through the printing process. Many of ICF's secretarial staff contributed, as well. Those who played a principal role were Gloria Baker, Carol Molkenbuhr, and Nanci Strange. Special thanks go to Pamela D. Dickinson, who not only added to the artwork but also provided the layout and managed the data throughout the project's history. We sincerely thank all those people above, as well as the many unnamed, for making possible the 1988-89 ICF Program Annual Report. D. L.Correll _ova Experiments 5 8i: :i:iq:!$i:!:i:::::!:i:i%:$i::i: i!:ii.ili!!:ii:!::i!i:ii!i!ii:i!{iiiiili!:!iii!ii!i!}ii!:i:!iii!ii!:!!iii}iiii!i:i!ii!i:i!iii!:i!!il .:.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii_iii.i..i.i._i.i.ii.ii.ii.__..i'.. i:i_:i:i:i:i:i:i:: .i:i: :;::::::::-:;:::::::::::::::::::;:Q::::::::::::::::;:::; !i_i!iliiiiiiiiii_!iliiiiiii ilNiii!i!..i.!.ii!iiglii:i!!i!i iii_iiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiii i!_!i!ili;!iiiiiiii_!:i_ii:i:-_. i iiiiiiiiiiiii i ii !ilNiiiiiiiil;_iiiiiiiiii iii_!iiii.i..!.!.i.ii.!i.i.i!._.i.iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiii !ii_i_iii!i?i!_?i?!!_il)i!?i?:_?ii_i!i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii.._.)i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ij!iiiiiii :[:_i:i:!:iSi:i:!:?:i:?:i:!:!:i:i:_:!:i:!:! iii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?iiiiiiiiii!iiiii_ :_ i!i_tg!!ii!iiiiii!ili!iliiii:!ii!iiii!iiii ii!_!iii!i!iiiiiii!!ii!ii!ii!i!i!iiii!i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii?iiiii!i!iiiii!iii!iiiiiiiii!i?iiiiiiiiiiiii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:iiil!iii!iii!i!iiiii!i!i_ilil!ii!ili!iii!i]i iiiiii!!i!si?iiiiii!ii:iiiiii!ii!iii?!i!!!ii?? iiiiiii!ii!iiii_!i;iiiiiill :.::.:::c::.:::-:::.:::.:::-:::,:::.:::.:::.:;:.;:.:::.:::,:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:;:.:::.::: :i:i:i:i:ii:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:!:i:!:!:i:i:i iiiiiiii!iilziiiiiii!i?iiiiiiiiii!i?iiiiiiii_ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiii!ii!ii!ii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii!iii i;iiiiiiliiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iliiiii ii_!ili!i!i!i!i!!!iiiiiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiii:ii! iii!i21i!iiiiii!iiii!i!i;il;)iiiil;i;ii!!!iill i:!:i:i:[:i:i:i2:i:i:i:5.5:!:[:i:!.i-i-i.i.?. ii!i!?2iii:?iSii2[iiiii!Si!Si!iSiiiii?i!?!i7 ii;iiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiii!iiii!iii!_iiiiiii!iil _ii!:i!ii!ii!!Z!ii_i!!_i!i_!_!!i_iii_i_i Overview ........ i iii i 1. ICF Program Overview The continuing mission of the Inertial target preheat, and hydrodynamic stability Confinement Fusion (ICF) program is to develop required for ignition and gain. The LLNL Nova the science and technology base necessary to laser facility is the primary U.S. facility determine the technical feasibility of achieving devoted to the study of the indirect (or significant fusion energy yields in the hohlraum) drive approach to inertial fusion. In laboratory, to identify applications utilizing this concept, energy from a laboratory driver is that capability, and to develop the most converted by the hohlraum walls to radiation promising of these applications. This mission that is used to implode and heat the fusion fuel has required developments in the fields of high inside of an inertial fusion capsule that is energy density physics and high peak-power/ centered within the hohlraum. We continue to energy laser science and technology, and use Nova to study inertial confinement fusion, supporting technologies, laser-plasma interaction physics, weapons Our near-term goal is to apply ICF physics, and laser science. technology and facilities to provide a better The major research and development areas of understanding of nuclear weapons physics issues, our ICF program fall in the following categories: A longer-term goal is to explore the feasibility Target Physics, Nova Experiments, Nova Laser of ICFas a clean and inexhaustible source for Science and Technology, Target Science and commercial electric power production. The Technology, Advanced Drivers, ICF potential defense applications of ICF physics Applications, and Halite/Centurion. and technology include studying basic atomic Our Target Physics advances included physics and hydrodynamics, extending significant code development: the new DIMPLE capabilities to simulate the effects of nuclear code calculates the evolution of small-amplitude weapons on hardware that must function in a perturbations from spherically symmetric flow; nuclear environment, developing instrumentation the LASNEX code helped us investigate and techniques that can be applied to full-scale holographic interferograms; and a new package nuclear tests, and exploring the basic principles in LASNEX can calculate electron heat of advanced weapons concepts, conduction. In atomic physics, we developed a The primary scientific requirement for new "atom-in-jellium" condensed-matter model. realizing the full defense and energy X-Division's laboratory x-ray laser (LXRL) applications of ICF is the achievement of net research included new table-top LXRL design fusion gain (fusion energy produced/driver approaches, study of large-laser-pumped LXRL energy required). The ICF Program has made systematics, calculation of LXRL-source substantial progress in ICF target physics and coherence for holography, and new escape- laser science and technology. In each of these probability methods for planar and cylindrical areas, progress required the development of geometries. In addition, we investigated heavy- experimental techniques and computational ion particle accelerators as drivers for inertial modeling. Our recent experiments and modeling fusion power production. We also made advances are focused on the physics necessary to validate in the theory and design of targets, in target the basic concept of fusion ignition and gain in fabrication and materials science, in laser and the laboratory, optics research, and in diagnostics. With the The Nova laser is the latest in a series of benefit of experiments at higher drive energies, ever more powerful laser facilities at LLNL. and using the sophisticated temporal pulse Nova's principal objective is to demonstrate that shaping capability of Nova and the advances in laser-driven hohlraums (hollow chambers that diagnostic capability, future work will refine trap electromagnetic radiation) meet the target designs. conditions of beam/target coupling efficiency, Our Nova Experiments have covered much beam irradiation symmetry, beam pulse shaping, ground. We have learned that a correlation can 1-1 Overview i exist between second-harmonic emission and high-density/temperature materials, density perturbations from an underdense high-acceleration instabilities, laser driver plasma; that plasma densities and temperatures characterization, and diagnostic development. at late time depend on initial target geometry; To achieve this, the program's work includes and that harmonic light images can be fabrication and production, development, significantly refracted. We incorporated characterization, and material research. SIMPLE, a one-dimensional, three-fluid, local The Advanced Drivers Program has two thermodynamic equilibrium, hydrodynamics objectives: upgrade Nora's performance code for small computers, into our computational capabilities, and develop future drivers for the studies. Other work in hydrodynamics promises 1CF Program. The Precision Nova Project aims to improved computational models. And in 1989, improve target irradiation through better energy the LLNL laboratory x-ray laser team produced and power balance, pointing accuracy, and amplified spontaneous emission (i.e. lasing) at diagnostics. The beam "smoothing" project looks 4.48 nm in nickel-like tantalum. This is a to develop large aperture phase plates for significant step toward the achievement of an spatial incoherence and broadband, x-ray laser source for holographic microscopy of multifrequency laser oscillators for temporal living biological cells. In diagnostics, we incoherence. In pursuit of the second objective, we developed a multichannel W61ter x-ray focused on two laser concepts, "Loki" and microscope for time and space resolved high "Athena." Although we decided to discontinue resolution x-ray images of laser fusion work on Loki, we nevertheless invented in its experiments; a thick aperture design for neutron support a new laser material, chromium doped penumbral imaging that achieves at least 10-_m lithium calcium aluminum fluoride (LiCaF). resolution over a 150-1J.m field of view without Most of our work went toward Athena, with an significant first-order distortion; and the objective to meet all technical requirements for MOSFET/NLTL avalanche diode pulser, an the Laboratory Microfusion Facility. Our alternative picosecond high voltage pulser for activities, aimed at making Athena less new gated x-ray camera structures and ultra-fast expensive than previous Nd:glass laser systems, transient digitizer topologies, included improvements in system efficiency and Supporting the Nova experiments are the increases in energy storage density and laser- Nova Operations and Laser Science groups, induced damage thresholds. In addition, the whose accomplishments in 1988 and 1989 were Advanced Drivers Program completed other many. Installation of platinum-free glass and research in optical materials and laser design fused silica lenses brought Nova to its full and performance. operational potential. We have evaluated Investigating ICF applications, we made system damage, crystal conversion efficiency, substantial progress in the development of and beam uniformity, making changes tobeam concepts and technologies for the next higher apodizers, amplifier configurations, beam energy laser facility for ICF. The ICF fill-factors and pinhole sizes. We began or Applications group revised both the HYLIFE-I continued upgrades and maintenance in streak and CASCADE power plant designs, including cameras, flashlamps and oscillator capability, the development of a vacuum system for both Nova continues to operate 12 hours a day, with concepts. Monday set aside as a maintenance day. During In a program called Halite/Centurion, a portion 1989, we fired 584 high-power shots to provide ofenergy from a nuclear device in underground the drive source for 675 experiments. The explosions at the Nevada Test Site was used to energies provided by the laser (at a wavelength implode inertial fusion capsules. Halite is the of 1.06 Bin) ranged from <1.0 kJto >120 kJ. Pulse name of the program under the leadership of durations varied from 10ps to several LLNL; a similar program named Centurion was nanoseconds. Temporal pulse shapes included guided by Los Alamos National Laboratory. square, Gaussian, and specially shaped pulses Because the ability to fully study and designed to improve target performance, understand the performance of ICF capsules in Our Target Science and Technology Program the laboratory has been limited by the energy provides targets for fusion experiments, x-ray and power that can be provided with presently lasers, and laser matter-plasma interaction available lasers, _he Halite/Centurion program studies, as well as experimental activities in extended the renge of inertial fusion research. As 1-2 I Overview -- Ill ni lil i II described in a Department of Energy (DOE) Inertial Fusion fact sheet, "the combination of data obtained from laboratory experiments and the Halite/Centurion program has enabled the DOE's Inertial Fusion Program to progress at a faster rate than anticipated. Many issues related to its scientific feasibility have been firmly established. As a result, DOE has begun preliminary planning to determine whether a new facility is feasible and affordable. The new facility under study, called the Laboratory Microfusion Facility (LMF), would be capable of achieving fusion routinely and generating one billion joules (1000 MJ) of energy, the energy equivalent to one quarter ton of TNT. The DOE Inertial Fusion Program Office is currently proceeding with studies aimed at defining the cost basis and performance of the LMF." While Nova has insufficient energy to achieve ignition and gain, we believe that detailed and quantitative experiments in future Nova hohlraum and capsule physics, coupled with the experimental results achieved with Halite/Centurion, will provide a sufficient data base to confidently predict ignition and gain performance within the laboratory. 1-3 i!iii_!i!iii!iii!!_:i!iiiiiiiiiii:i,!i!i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iii ii!i_!iii!iii!iIii"_!i_ii_ili _iiiii__!_i;iOi!!!iii_ii_i:!i_ii''ii_'"iii_!i!_iiii__!ili_i!ii!!iii!_ )ii i!i)I iiiii iiiii_!iiii_iliiiii_i_i iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiii_i_iiii_ ii!ii_!i!iii!i!i!!_iiii!!iii_ iii_iiiiiii_i i!iiii!iliiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiii_iliiiiiiiiiiiiii_ ]i]][:il]iiili]i]lii_i]__:i]!i ii!!ii!iiiiiii!i!iiiiii!!iiiii!_ii!!!ii_iiiiiiii!_ii !_iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iii!i_il)ii!ii_ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.::::::::::::):i:::i:::i:::}i:i: i::.:i:i.i,_:.i:i::.i:i.::i.:.i:i.!:i.:!.i-!.Z:.i:i:!:i.i::..!.!:!..:i.::?:.::iZ?i!i?i:.ii)!i! ..,........ .... i!!i!i!iiiiii!'.i.i.!.!iii!i!iiiiii_iiiiiii!iiii_)iiii ii!iiii!;i;iiiiiiii_iii!iiiii_iiiili!i!ii!_iii_ii!ii !iiii!!iiii!iiii!ii!iii!iii:iii!i:!_!_i!!ii)_;:_iii Target Physics ii i iiii nlml, liB i iBm li Contents 2. Target Physics ................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2. Implosion and Ignition Physics ........................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2.2. LASNEX Simulations of the Classical and Laser-Driven Rayleigh-Taylor Instability ................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2.3. Stability and Mix in Spherical Geometry ............................................................................... 2-1 2.2.4. Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtm_,er-Meshkov Instabilities and Mixing in Stratified Spherical Shells ................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2.5. Raylei_h-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov Instabilities in Multilayer fluids with Surface Tension ........................................................................................... 2-2 2.3. Code Development and Atomic Physics ........................................................................................... 2-2 2.3.1 A Linear Perturbation Code, DIMPLE ..................................................................................... 2-2 2.3.2. A Fokker-Planck Treatment of Suprathermal Electron Heat Conduction .................................................................................................................................. 2-5 2.3.3. Cylindrical Escape Probabilities for X-Ray Laser Modeling ............................................................................................. .................................................. 2-6 2.3.4. Holographic Interferograms from LASNEX Simulations .................................................... 2-6 2.3.5. Test Problems for Radiative Transfer Codes ......................................................................... 2-7 2.3.6. Atomic Vibrations in a Self-Consistent Field Atom-in- Jellium Model of Condensed Matter (Fig. 2-7) ................................................................................ 2-7 2.3.7. Modeling Doppler Broadening in Raman Propagation ....................................................... 2-8 2.3.8. Efficient, High-Order Solution Technique for the Liouville Equation ................................................................................................................................................. 2-8 2.3.9. Liouville Equation in the Presence of Non-Colinear Light Beams ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.3.10. Generation of Harmonic Radiation During Electron Scattering from a Piecewise Constant Potential in an Intense Electromagnetic Field .......................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.3.11. Electron Scattering Assisted by an Intense Electromagnetic Field--Exact Solution of a Simplified Model ..................................................... 2-8 2.4. Progress in Plasma Physics .................................................................................................................. 2-9 2.4.1. Overview of Plasma Physics Research ................................................................................... 2-9 2.5. X-Ray Laser Design .............................................................................................................................. 2-12 2.5.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2-12 2.5.2. Plasma Physics Issues in Laborato_ X-Ray Lasers .............................................................. 2-12 2.5.3. Sensitivi_ of Recombination X-Ray Laser Gain Predictions to Atomic Physics ............................................................................................................ 2-12 2.5.4 Studies of High-Z Exploding Foils Irradiated by Combined Long (2 ns) and Short (10 ps) Pulses of 10_Light ............................................................................. 2-13 2.5.5. Scaling Laws for Femtosecond Laser-Plasma Interactions .................................................. 2-13 2.5.6. Study of Soft X-Ray Amplification in aLaser-Produced Strontium Plasma ................................................................................................................................. 2-13 2.5.7. Collisional Excitation X-Ray Laser Experiments in Plasmas Produced by 0.53-mm and 0.35-mm Laser Light ............................................................................ 2-13 2.5.8. Hydrogen-like Magnesium X-Ray Laser Design ................................................................... 2-14 2.5.9. New Calculations for Ni-Like Soft X-Ray Lasers Optimization for W(43.1._) ............................................................................................................... 2-14 2.5.10. Modal Analysis of X-Ray Laser Coherence .......................................................................... 2-15 2.5.11. The Development of Coherent X-Ray Lasers for X-Ray Holography ........................................................................................................................................... 2-15 2.5.12. Apl_lication of Escape Probability to Line Transfer in Laser-Proauced Plasmas ..................................................................................................................... 2-16 2.5.13. The Calculation of Line Transfer in Expanding Media ...................................................... 2-16 2-i

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