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Inertial-Acoustic Oscillations of Black-Hole Accretion Discs with Large-Scale Poloidal Magnetic Fields PDF

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Preview Inertial-Acoustic Oscillations of Black-Hole Accretion Discs with Large-Scale Poloidal Magnetic Fields

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2015) Printed10April2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Inertial-Acoustic Oscillations of Black-Hole Accretion Discs with Large-Scale Poloidal Magnetic Fields Cong Yu1,2,3⋆, and Dong Lai2 5 1 1 YunnanObservatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650011, China 0 2 Department of Astronomy, Cornell University,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 2 3 KeyLaboratory for the Structure and Evolution of Celestial Objects,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650011, China r p A 10April2015 9 ABSTRACT ] E We study the effect of large-scale magnetic fields on the non-axisymmetric inertial- H acoustic modes (also called p-modes) trapped in the innermost regions of accretion discs around black holes (BHs). These global modes could provide an explanation . h for the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) observed in BH X-ray p binaries. There may be observational evidence for the presence of such large-scale - magnetic fields in the disks since episodic jets are observedin the same spectral state o when HFQPOs are detected. We find that a large-scale poloidal magnetic field can r t enhance the corotational instability and increase the growth rate of the purely hy- s a drodynamic overstable p-modes. In addition, we show that the frequencies of these [ overstable p-modes could be further reduced by such magnetic fields, making them agree better with observations. 2 v Keywords: accretion,accretiondiscs-hydrodynamics-waves-blackhole-magnetic 7 field 2 7 5 0 . 1 INTRODUCTION tionsoffiniteaccretiontori(Rezzollaetal.2003;Blaesetal. 1 2006).AlargeclassofmodelsarebasedonBHdiscoseismol- 0 Black-hole(BH)X-raybinariesexhibitawiderangeofvari- ogy, in which HFQPOs are identified as global oscillations 5 abilities (e.g. van der Klis 2006; Remillard & McClintock 1 modes of the inner accretion discs (see Kato 2001, Ortega- 2006; Yu & Zhang 2013) Of particular interest is the High- : Rodriguez et al. 2008 and Lai et al. 2013 for reviews). v FrequencyQuasi-PeriodicOscillations(HFQPOs;Remillard i & McClintock 2006; Belloni et al. 2012; Belloni & Stella In this paper, we study the effect of large-scale mag- X 2014). They have frequencies (several tens to a few hun- netic fields on non-axisymmetric (m > 0) p-modes [also ar dreds Hz) comparable to the orbital frequency at the In- calledinertial-acousticmodes;seeKato(2001)andWagoner nermostStableCircularOrbit(ISCO)aroundtheBH(with (2008) for reviews] trapped in the innermost region of the massM 10M⊙)andthusprovideauniqueprobetostudy accretion discaroundaBH.Lai&Tsang(2009) andTsang ∼ accretion flows near BHs and the effects of strong gravity. & Lai (2009b) showed that these modes, which consist of TheseHFQPOsareonlyobservedintheintermediatespec- nearlyhorizontaloscillations withnoverticalstructure,can tralstateofBHX-raybinaries,whenthesystemtransitions grow in amplitude due to wave absorption at the corota- between the low/hard state (with the X-ray emission dom- tionresonance(wherethewavepatternspeedω/mmatches inated by power-law hard photons) and the thermal state the disc rotation rate Ω). This overstability requires that (withtheemissiondominatedbythermaldiskphotons).In- the disc vortensity, ζ κ2/(2ΩΣ), where κ is the radial ≡ terestingly,itisduringtheintermediatestatewhenepisodic epicyclic frequency and Σ is the surface density (see Horak jetsareobservedfromtheBHX-raybinaries(e.g.Fenderet &Lai2013 forthefullgeneralrelativisticversionofvorten- al.2004).Currently,thephysicaloriginofHFQPOsremains sity), have a positive gradient at the corotation radius r c elusive, and a number of ideas and models have been sug- (Tsang & Lai 2008; see also Narayan et al. 1987). General gestedorexplored,includingtheorbitalmotionofhotspots relativity (GR) plays an important role: For a Newtonian in the disc (Stella et al. 1999; Schnittman & Bertschinger disc, with Ω = κ r−3/2 and a relatively flat Σ(r) profile, ∝ 2004;Wellonsetal.2014),nonlinearresonances(Abramow- dζ/dr < 0, so corotational wave absorption leads to mode icz & Kluzniak 2001; Abramowicz et al. 2007), and oscilla- damping; with GR, however, κ is non-monotonic in the in- nerdisc(e.g.,foraSchwarzschildBH,κreachesamaximum at r = 8GM/c2 and goes to zero at risco = 6GM/c2), thus ⋆ Email:[email protected] p-modes with frequencies such that dζ/dr > 0 at rc are (cid:13)c 2015RAS 2 C. Yu and D. Lai overstable. Linear calculations based on pseudo-Newtonian growth of the p-modes is primarily due to in-disc motion, potential (Lai & Tsang 2009; Tsang & Lai 2009b) and on it is adequate to consider 2D disc dynamics. Similar setup fullGR(Horak&Lai2013)showthatthemodefrequencies haspreviously been considered byvariousauthors in differ- approximatelyagree withtheobservedHFQPOfrequencies ent contexts (e.g. Spruit et al. 1995; Tagger & Pallet 1999; (with the BH mass and spin as constrained/measured by Lizano et al. 2010). observations), although for rapidly rotating BHs, the linear Our paper is organized as follows. In 2, the basic disc § modefrequenciesaresomewhattoolarge(Horak&Lai2013; equationswithlarge-scalemagneticfieldsarederived.In 3, § seebelow).Nonlinearsimulationsshowthattheseoverstable we present the results of p-modes in thin magnetized discs. modescangrowtothelargeamplitudesandmaintainglobal In 4,weconsidertheeffectsoffinitediscthickness.andwe § coherenceandwell-definedfrequencies(Fu&Lai2013).The concludein 5. § modegrowthandsaturationcanalsobeenhancedbyturbu- lent viscosity (Miranda, Horak & Lai 2015). Overall, these hydrodynamicalstudiesshowthatnon-axisymmetricdiscp- 2 BASIC EQUATIONS modes is a promising candidate to explain HFQPOs in BH We consider a geometrically thin disc and adopt cylin- X-raybinaries,althougharobustdiagnosticsremainsoutof drical coordinate system (r,φ,z). We use the the pseudo- reach dueto thecomplexity of thereal systems. Newtonian potential of Paczynski& Wiita (1980) MagneticfieldsarelikelypresentinBHaccretiondiscs. They may be created as a result of the nonlinear devel- GM Φ= , (1) opment of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI; Bal- −r rs − bus& Hawley 1998). Large-scale poloidal fields may be ad- where r = 2GM/c2 is the Schwarzschild radius. For this vected inward with the accretion flow, building up signif- s potential, the free particle (Keplerian) orbital frequency is icant strength in the inner disc (e.g., Lubow et al. 1994; Lovelace et al. 2009; Guilet & Ogilvie 2012,2013; Cao & GM 1 Spruit 2013). Such large-scale fields can lead to production ΩK = r r r , (2) of jets/outflows from accretion discs through the magneto- r − s and theradial epicyclic frequency κ is given by centrifugalmechanism(e.g.,Blandford&Payne1982).Mag- neticfieldsthreadingtheBHcanalsoleadtorelativisticjets r 3r fromtherotatingBHs(McKinneyetal.2012).Asnotedbe- κ=ΩK r− rs. (3) fore, in BH X-raybinaries, episodicjets areobserved in the r − s Theinnermoststablecircularorbit(ISCO),definedbyκ2 = intermediate state, and this is the same state during which HFQPOsaredetected.Thissuggeststhattoproperlystudy 0, is located at risco =3rs. The epicyclic frequency reaches the BH disc oscillation modes, it is necessary to include apeakat rmax =(2+√3)rs.Notethat theGReffect plays an essential role in the corotational instability of p modes. the effect of large-scale magnetic fields. In our model, the In Newtonian theory, κ = Ω r−3/2, so dζ/dr <−0 if the discandcorona (coupled byalarge-scale poloidal magnetic ∝ surface density Σ is constant; with GR, dζ/dr > 0 for r < field) oscillate together. We suggest that in the intermedi- ate state, large-scale magnetic fields are created (perhaps rmax. When large-scale magnetic fields thread the thin con- episodically;cf.Yuanetal.2009).Thiswouldallowthepro- ductingdisc,theheight-integratedmasscontinuityequation ductionofepisodicjetsandthediskoscillations tomanifest and momentum equation read as HFQPOs in hard X-rays as observed (Remillard & Mc- Clintock2006;Bellonietal.2012).Taggerandcollaborators ∂Σ (Tagger & Pellat 1999; Varniere & Tagger 2002; Tagger & ∂t +∇⊥·(Σu)=0, (4) Varniere 2006) have developed a similar picture of disc os- du 1 1 cillations, which they termed accretion-ejection instablity, dt =−Σ∇⊥P + 4πΣBz[B]+−+g, (5) althoughtheyfocusedontheMHDformofRossbywavein- where ⊥ is 2D operator acting on the disc plane, Σ, stabilityin thedisc(seeLovelaceetal.1999; Yu&Li2009; ∇ P and u are the surface density, height-integrated pres- Yu & Lai 2013). We note that coherent toroidal magnetic sureandheight-averaged velocity,respectively,g= g(r)rˆ, fieldsinthedisctendtosuppressthecorotationalinstability with g = GM/(r r )2, is the gravitational accele−ration, s (Fu & Lai 2011). We will focus on poloidal field configura- [B]+ B(z=H)−B(z= H)(with H thehalf-thickness tions in thispaper. oft−he≡disc),andw−ehaveuse−d[B2]+ =0.Theeffectoffinite − Recent study by Horak & Lai (2013) provides a full disc thicknesswill be considered in Section 4. GR corotation instability criterion for disc p-modes. Their The unperturbed velocity of an equilibrium disc is full GR results of the mode frequencies are qualitatively in u = (0,rΩ,0) (in cylindrical coordinates), with the angu- agreementwiththepseudo-Newtonianresults(Lai&Tsang lar velocity given by 2009), but indicate that the theoretical frequencies are too 1 dP dΦ B highcompared toobservations.Thediscrepancyismostse- Ω2r= + z B+, (6) vereforrapidlyspinningBHs(suchasGRS1905+105). We − −Σ dr − dr 2πΣ r show in this paper that including large-scale poloidal fields where B+ =B (z=H)= B−. The unperturbeddisc has in thedisc may resolve thisdiscrepency. B+ = 0r. Noterthat B is−nonrzero only outside the discs, φ r In our model, we consider fluid perturbations that which has different signs above and below the disc. Inside have no vertical structure inside the disc (i.e., the vertical the disk, B is zero (so that the differential rotation of the r wavenumber k = 0). Thus we do not include MRI, which disc would not lead to generation of B inside the disc). z φ generally involves perturbations with finite k . Since the It should be mentioned that the field configuration z (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Inertial-acoustic Oscillations of Black-Hole Accretion Discs 3 adoptedinthispaperishighlyidealized.Amagneto- of (15) is centrifugal discwind or jet, if present, willcertainly α involve Bφ in the background state. For simplicity, δΦM(r)= δBz(r′) 2 bm1/2(α) dr′, (16) weassumethatthemagneticfieldoutsidethediscto Z h i be a potential field. The disc surface density is assumed where α=r′/r, and theLaplace coefficient is definedby to have a power law form Σ r−p, where p is the density ∝ 2 π cosmφ index. We also try various behavior of the surface bm(α)= dφ, (17) s π (α2+ǫ2+1 2αcosφ)s density and the magnetic field, in which the profile Z0 0 − of Bz/Σ can be increasing, decreasing, or constant. with ǫ0 the softening parameter (of order the disc aspect We find that the results are qualitatively similar. ratioH/r).Theperturbedradialmagneticfieldattheupper Without loss of generality, we fix p = 1 throughout disc surface is this paper. d Thedynamicsofthedisciscoupledwiththelargescale δB+ = δΦ r −dr M poloidalmagneticfieldoutsidethedisc,i.e.,thediscmagne- tosphere.Wenowconsidersmall-amplitudeperturbationsof = δB (r′) α bm (α)+αdbm1/2(α) dr′, (18) the disc. We assume that all perturbed quantities have the z 2r 1/2 dα Z (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:20) (cid:21) dimepuetnhdalenwcaeveexnpu(mimbeφr−anidωtω),iswthheerecommp=lex1,f2r,e·q·u·eniscyt.hTehaezn- and theazimuthal field is δBφ+ =−(im/r)δΦM. In our numerical calculations, we use ξ and δh as the r thelinearized fluid perturbation equations become basic variables. The perturbation equations are −iω˜ δΣ=−∇⊥·(Σ δu), (7) dξr = 2mΩ + 1 + dlnΣ ξ −iω˜ δur−2Ω δuφ =−∂∂r δh+ 2BπzΣ δBr+ dr −(cid:18)1rω˜ m2r dr (cid:19)m2r B +Br+δ Bz , (8) − c2 − r2ω˜2 δh+ r2ω˜22πzΣ δΦM, (19) 2π Σ (cid:18) s (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) d B+ 2mΩ iω˜ δu + κ2 δu = im δh+ Bz δB+, (9) drδh= ω˜2−κ2+ 2πrΣD1 ξr+ rω˜ δh − φ 2Ω r − r 2πΣ φ (cid:18) (cid:19) B dδΦ 2mΩ B where ω˜ = ω−mΩ is the wave frequency in the rotating − 2πzΣ drM + rω˜ 2πzΣ δΦM. (20) frame of the fluid, and δh = δP/Σ is the enthalpy pertur- To obtain global trapped modes, wave reflection must bation (we assume barotropic discs). Themagnetic field in- duction equation in the disc reads occur at theinner disc boundaryrin. To focus on theeffect of corotational instability, we adopt a simple inner bound- iω˜ δBz = ⊥ (Bz δu). (10) arycondition, i.e., theradial velocity perturbationvanishes − −∇ · at the inner boundary, δu = 0. This implies a reflect- Combining Eqs. (7) and (10), we have r ing inner disc edge, for example due to the pres- B d B enceofamagnetospherearoundtheblackhole(e.g., δ z = ξ z , (11) Σ − rdr Σ Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Ruzmaikin 1974, 1976; Igu- (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) menshchev et al. 2003; Rothstein & Lovelace 2008; where ξ = δu /( iω˜) is the Lagrangian displacement. r r − McKinney et al. 2012; see Tsang & Lai 2009a and Equation (11) can also be derived from (d/dt)(B /Σ) = 0. z Fu & Lai 2012 for more detailed treatment of the In terms of ξ and δh, themagnetic field perturbation is r magnetosphere-disc interface oscillations). As we are δBz =D1ξr+D2δh, (12) interested in the self-excited modes in the inner region of thedisc,weimplementtheradiativeouterboundarycondi- with tionssuchthatwavespropagateawayfromthedisc(e.g.,Yu d Σ B & Li 2009). Theordinary equations(19) and (20), together D1 =Bzdr lnB , D2 = c2z, (13) with the two boundary conditions at the inner and outer (cid:18) z(cid:19) s disk edge, form an eigenvalue problem. Since the eigenfre- where c is the disc sound speed. s quency ω is in general complex, equations (19)-(20) are a To determine δB+ and δB+, we assume that the mag- r φ pair of first-order differential equations with complex coef- netic field outside thedisc is a potential field (see Spruit et ficients which are functions of r. We solve these equations al. 1995; Tagger & Pallet 1999). This is equivalent to as- usingtherelaxationmethod(Pressetal.1992),replacingthe suming that the Alfven speed above and below the disc is ODEsbyfinite-differenceequationsonameshofpointscov- sufficientlyhighthatcurrentsaredissipatedrapidly(onthe ering the domain of interest (typically risco <r <2.5risco). disc dynamical timescale). Define the “magnetic potential” According to Eqs. (12), (16) and (18), both the magnetic δΦ outside the disc via M potentialanditsderivativecanbeexpressedintermsofthe δB= sign(z) δΦM. (14) linearcombinationofξr andδh.Fornumericalconvenience, − ∇ we calculate the terms in the square bracket in Eqs. (16) Then δΦM satisfies the Poisson equation (Tagger & Pallet and(18)andstorethemforlateruse.Notethattheseterms 1999) are computed only once and can be used repetitively. The 2δΦ = 2δB δ(z), (15) wave equations (19) and (20) can be cast in a matrix form M z ∇ − that only deals with the variables dξ and dh. Standard r whereδ(z)istheDiracdeltafunction.Theintegralsolution relaxation scheme can be applied to the resulting matrix. (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 4 C. Yu and D. Lai 1 0.25 0.9 e at 0.2 w/o B+ 00..78 β = 560 wth r0.15 with Brr+ β = 0.8 o o Ωisc0.6 β = 0.4 gr 0.1 Ω/ 0.5 0.05 0.4 100 101β 102 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.1 )00.65 1 1.5 2 2.5 K r/risco Ω 0.6 + w/o B m 0.55 r FBizg.uWreith1.thReoitnactrioeansecuorfvmeafogrnedtiiffcesrternetssv,atlhueeaonfgβulawrhveenloBcir+ty=is ω/(r0.04.55 with Br+ reduced. 0.4 0.35 We use uniform grid points in our calculations. The grid 100 101β 102 point number is typically chosen to be 350. The relaxation method requires an initial trial solution that is improved by the Newton Raphson scheme. After iterations the ini- Figure 2. The growth rate (in units of ΩK0 = Ωisco) (upper − panel) and the real frequency (lower panel) of the m = 2 p- tial trial solution converges to the eigenfunction of the the modeasafunctionoftheplasmaβparameterforthindiscs[with two-point boundaryeigenvalue problem. the corresponding vertical magnetic field strength Bz given by Eq. (22)]. The blue dashed line is the case of Br+ = 0, and the redsolidlineBr+=Bz. 3 RESULTS FOR THIN DISCS For our numerical calculations, we adopt the disc sound 3 speed c = 0.1(rΩ ). The magnitude of B is specified by s K z thedimensionless ratio 2.5 B β = 560 Bˆ = z , (21) z (Σ0Ω20r0)1/2 2 β = 3.4 wherethesubscript“0”impliesthatthequantitiesevaluated β = 0.6 at r = risco. The corresponding plasma β parameter in the ux1.5 disc at r=risco is Fl 1 β0 = 8πBρz2c2s(cid:12)r=risco = 4πrH0 0Bˆz−02, (22) 0.5 (cid:12) where we have used H (cid:12)= c /Ω c /Ω. The magnetic (cid:12) s K s ≃ field is chosen such the plasma β is equal to β0 at r = 0 risco throughoutthedisc.NotethatmagneticfieldBz inthe disc varies approximately as Bz ∝ r−1−p/2, where p is the −0.51 1.5 2 2.5 surfacedensitypowerlawindex.Wesolvefortheequilibrium r/r rotation profile using Eq. (6). Note that when B+ = 0, isco r the rotation profile of the disc is unaffected by Bz. Figure 4. The angular momentum flux associated with the p- When Br+ = Bz, the equilibrium rotation profile of modeindiscwithBˆr+=0.Thebluedottedlineisfortheweakly the disc is changed from the nonmagnetic disc. In magnetized disc (β ∼ 600), and the red dashed line and black Fig. 1 we show the rotation curve in the case of solid line are for more strongly magnetized disc (β = 3.4 and B+ =B for different value of β. We clearly see the 0.6). In all cases, the eigenfunction is normalized so that the r z reduction in the angular velocity of the equilibrium maximum velocity perturbation, δur, equals unity. The higher disc due to the outward B B+ stress on the disc. angularmomentumfluxforthemorestronglymagnetizedcaseis z r consistentwiththelargermodegrowthrate.Theverticallines The upper panel of Figure 2 shows the growth rate of denote the corotation resonances, which are located at the p-modes for different magnetic field strengths. When B+ = 0, we see that with the increase of magnetic field, rc=1.19,1.21,1.26, respectively. r thep-modegrowthratevariesinanon-monotonicway.The growth rate first increases and then decreases. At β 0.5, ∼ (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Inertial-acoustic Oscillations of Black-Hole Accretion Discs 5 1 0.5 r u 0 δ −0.5 −1 1.5 1 0.5 φ u 0 δ −0.5 −1 −1.5 1 1.5 2 21.5 1.5 2 2.5 r/r r/r isco isco Figure 3. Eigenfunctions of the m = 2 the p-modes trapped in the inner most region in the disc. The left panels show the weakly magnetized case (β ∼ 600); the difference with the nonmagnetic case is essentially indistinguishable. The right panels have β ∼ 0.6 (strongly magnetized). The top panels show δur (the dotted lineis forthe real part, the dashed linethe imaginarypart, and the solid linetheabsolutevalue), andthebottom panels showδuφ.The corotation resonances are marked by the vertical lines, which are located at rc=1.19,1.26, respectively. the growth rate is enhanced by a factor of 3 compared to tion. The net positive (outward) angular momentum flux the B = 0 value. When B+ = B , the overall behav- F(r) around the corotation indicates the growth of the p- z r z ior of the growth rate is similar to the case of B+ = 0, modes. Higher angular momentum fluxes imply higher in- r but the maximum growth rate is about 30% higher than stability growth rates (see Fig. 4). disc with B+ = 0. The mode frequencies are shown in the r lower panel in Fig. 2. For the disc with B+ = 0, the mode r frequency decreases monotonically from ωr 0.7mΩK0 to ≃ ωr 0.6mΩK0 with the increase of magnetic field. For disc 4 EFFECTS OF FINITE DISC THICKNESS wit≃h B+ = B , the frequency can be reduced by a factor r z 4.1 Model Equations about 2, changing from ωr 0.7mΩK0 to ωr 0.35mΩK0. ≃ ≃ Figure 3 gives some examples of the m = 2 eigenfunc- Whenfinitethicknessofthediscisconsidered,an“internal” tions of p-modes trapped in the innermost region of the magneticforceterm shouldbeaddedtotheright-handside disc.Theleftpanelsshowthecasewithveryweakmagnetic of Eq. (5): fields, and the the right panels show the magnetized case with Bˆ+ = Bˆ = 0.78. The amplitudes of the eigenfunc- 1 B2 1 r z f = dz ⊥ + (B ⊥)B . (24) tions are normalized so that the maximum absolute value Σ −∇ 8π 4π ·∇ Z (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) of the radial velocity perturbation δu equals unity (this | r| Obviously,toincludethe3Deffectrigorously wouldrequire maximum occurs at r r0). ≃ examiningtheverticalstratificationofthedensityandmag- To understand the origin of the enhanced p-mode netic field inside the disc – this is beyond the scope of this growth rate for magnetized discs, we show in Fig. 4 the paper. Here we consider a simple model where the internal angular momentum flux associated with the eigenmode for density of the disc is assumed to be independent of z, so the weakly magnetized disc (plasma β 600) and for the ∼ that more strongly magnetized discs (plasma β = 3.4 and 0.6). TheangularmomentumfluxF(r)acrossacylinderofradius Σ=2ρH, P =2pH. (25) r is given by (e.g., Goldreich & Tremaine 1979) Then the internalmagnetic force simplifies to 2π F(r)= r2 Σδurδuφdφ =πΣr2ℜ δurδu∗φ (23) 1 B2 (cid:28) Z0 (cid:29) f = ⊥ +(B ⊥)B . (26) (cid:0) (cid:1) 4πρ −∇ 2 ·∇ where designates time average and the superscript de- (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) hi ∗ notes complex conjugate. Note that waves carry negative Weassumethatonlyverticalmagneticfieldexistsinsidethe (positive) angular momentum inside (outside) the corota- unperturbeddisc.Theequilibriumrotational profileisthen (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 6 C. Yu and D. Lai determined by 0.16 e0.14 −Ω2r=−Σ1 ddPr −g+ 2BπzΣBr+− 2BπzΣ HddBrz . (27) h rat0.01.21 w w/oith B Br++ (cid:18) (cid:19) wt0.08 r Toderivethemodifiedperturbationequationsincludingδf, o r0.06 g it is convenientto definea newperturbation variable δΠin 0.04 place of δh: 0.02 δP B δB δρ B δB 10−1 100 1β01 102 103 δΠ + z z =c2 + z z. (28) ≡ Σ 4πρ s ρ 4πρ 0.7 Aftersomealgebra,thefinaldiscperturbationequationscan bewritten in thefollowing form: )K00.6 Ω 0.5 w/o B+ ddξrr =− 2rmω˜Ω + 1r + dldnrΣ +D4 ξr ω/(mr00..34 with Brr+ (cid:18) (cid:19) m2 m2 B 0.2 + r2ω˜2 −D5 δΠ+ r2ω˜22πzΣδΦM, (29) 10−1 100 1β01 102 103 (cid:18) (cid:19) d B+ drδΠ= ω˜2−κ2+ 2πrΣD3+D6 ξr Figure 5.Growth rate(inunits of ΩK0 =Ωisco)andfrequency (cid:18) (cid:19) of the unstable m = 2 p-mode as a function of the plasma β 2mΩ dlnρ + +D7 δΠ parameterfordiscswithfinitethickness. Thebluedashedlineis (cid:18) rω˜ − dr (cid:19) forthe casewithBr+ =0,whiletheredsolidlineforthecaseof +2mΩ Bz δΦ Bz dδΦM, (30) Br+=Bz. rω˜ 2πΣ M − 2πΣ dr where D3 =D1, and explain HFQPOs in X-ray binaries, particularly for high- c2 d Σ B2 D4 = c2s−+ac2adr(cid:18)lnBz(cid:19), c2a = 4πzρ, (31) sppoilnoisdoaulrmceasg(nseutcihcafiselGdRisSin19cl0u5d+e1d0,5t)h.isWdhisecnretphaenlacyrgcea-sncablee 1 resolved since the reduction in oscillation frequency makes D5 = c2+c2, (32) the theoretical p-mode prediction more consistent with the s a D6 = 1d(p+ 81πBz2) D4, (33) obserIvneaddvdaitluioens,.wefindthatthefirsteffect,i.e.,thechange "ρ dr # of the equilibrium disc rotation profile induced by the D7 = 1d(p+ 81πBz2) D5. (34) dinisstkabfiinlitiyt.eTthoimckankeestsh,ipslapyosinatmminoorrercolleeairnlyt,hweediascrtpifi-mciaoldlye "ρ dr # discard the last term on the right hand side of Equation (27). We find that results are very close to those with this 4.2 Results term included (thedetailed results are not shown in Fig. 5, since they are very close tothe curvesin Fig. 5). Finitediscthicknesshastwo-foldeffectsonthep-modecoro- tation instability : thefirst is thechange in theequilibrium rotationprofileandthesecondisthedirecteffectofδf.With these two effects included, we calculate the eigenmodes of 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION the disc using the same method as in Section 3. The re- sults are shown in Figure 5. The red solid line shows the Inthispaperwehavecarried outlinearanalysisofp-modes casewithB+ =B andthebluedashedlineshowsthecase inBHaccretiondiscsthreadedbylarge-scalemagneticfields. r z with B+ = 0. We find that for the parameter considered Thesemodesreside intheinnermost region inthedisc,can r (c = 0.1rΩ , or H/r = 0.1), the p-mode growth rate is become overstable driven by corotational instability, and s K decreased compared to the H/r 0 limit. More specifi- may be responsible for the observed high-frequency quasi- → cally, themaximum growth rate is about 25% 30% lower. periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) in BH X-ray binaries. Our − However for sufficiently strongly-magnetized disc (plasma resultsshowthatthelarge-scale magneticfieldcanincrease β 0.4),especiallyfordiscwithradialmagneticfieldinthe the mode growth rates significantly (by a factor of a few ∼ magnetosphere, the oscillation frequency of the overstable for plasma β 1 in the disc). It can also reduce the mode ∼ modecanbereducedfurther,changingfromωr 0.7mΩK0 frequencies, bringing the theoretical values into agreement ≃ to ωr 0.2mΩK0, which is reduced by about of factor 3 with theobserved HFQPO frequencies. ≃ compared to thepurehydrodynamicmode. It is important to note that since episodic jets are ob- AsnotedinSection 1,fullGRcalculations ofhydrody- served in the intermediate state of BH X-ray binaries when namicdiscp-modesshowthat,foraccretiondiscsaroundex- HFQPOs are detected, a proper treatment of large-scale tremeKerrBHs, theoscillation frequency isclose tomΩK0 magnetic fields is crucial for understanding the disc-jet- (Horak & Lai 2013). However, observations reveal that the QPO connections in accreting BH systems (e.g. Fender et frequencies of HFQPOs are usually smaller than this value al.2004).Althoughourtreatmentofthediscmagneticfields by a factor of 2-3. This discrepancy indicates that pure hy- issomewhatidealized(e.g.,toroidalfields,verticalstratifica- drodynamic disc p-modes without magnetic field can not tionandMRIturbulencearenotincluded),itdemonstrates (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 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