UUnniivveerrssiittii TTuunnkkuu AAbbdduull RRaahhmmaann Faculty of Engineering and Science Industrial Training Report Guidelines 2 Revision History Rev Date by Changes -- Industrial Training Report Guidelines 3 Table of Content Revision History ........................................................................................................................ 2 Table of Content ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Contents of Industrial Training Report ...................................................................... 5 2.1 Front Cover (Title Page) .................................................................................. 5 2.2 Declaration......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Acknowledgements (Optional) ......................................................................... 5 2.4 Abstract .............................................................................................................. 6 2.5 Table of Contents .............................................................................................. 6 2.6 References .......................................................................................................... 6 2.7 List of Appendices ............................................................................................. 6 2.8 Daily Records .................................................................................................... 6 2.9 Text (Body of the Industrial Training Report) .............................................. 7 2.10 Tables in the Text .............................................................................................. 7 2.11 Figures in the Text ............................................................................................ 7 3.0 Body of Industrial Training Report ............................................................................ 8 3.1 Introduction/Learning Outcome ..................................................................... 8 3.2 Detail of Working Experience.......................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Description of Tasks ............................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Application of Theory and Soft Skills ................................................... 8 3.3 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 8 4.0 Acknowledgement of Sources ...................................................................................... 9 4.1 Citation in the Text (if applicable) .................................................................. 9 4.2 Reference Page ................................................................................................ 12 5.0 Format of Industrial Training Report ...................................................................... 16 5.1 Industrial Training Report Specifications .................................................... 16 5.2 Page Formatting .............................................................................................. 17 5.3 Page Numbering .............................................................................................. 19 5.4 Writing Styles for Date, Numbers and Units ............................................... 20 Industrial Training Report Guidelines 4 Appendix A Format of Front Cover ............................................................................... 23 Appendix B Format of Declaration ................................................................................ 24 Appendix C Format of Acknowledgements Page .......................................................... 25 Appendix D Format of Abstract Page ............................................................................ 26 Appendix E Format of Table of Content Page .............................................................. 27 Appendix F Format of List of Tables / Figures / Appendices ...................................... 28 Appendix G Format of List of Symbols / Abbreviations .............................................. 29 Appendix H Format of Body Text .................................................................................. 30 Appendix I Daily Records .............................................................................................. 31 Industrial Training Report Guidelines 5 1.0 Introduction Industrial training report in this manual refers to a documented report of the training and experience undergone by a student in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a bachelor degree. This handbook will outline the report format for the Industrial Training report. These rules must be adhered strictly. 2.0 Contents of Industrial Training Report The Industrial Training Report should contain the items as suggested below and is to be presented in the manner and order listed. Details and specimens are shown in appendices. Students are advised to download the Microsoft Word template of the Industrial Training Report from the Industrial Training website and use the template to prepare the report. 2.1 Front Cover (Title Page) The front cover (title page) must contain information listed in the following order:- (cid:1) Industrial Training Report (all in capital letters) (cid:1) Student’s full name (all in capital letters) (cid:1) Degree (in title case) (cid:1) Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (in title case) (cid:1) Month and Year of submission (in title case) Refer to sample in Appendix A. 2.2 Declaration Students are to declare that the information contained in the Industrial Training Report is correct during the training period. This declaration page must be signed by the student. The declaration page is to follow the format and contents as shown in Appendix B. 2.3 Acknowledgements (Optional) The student may acknowledge the assistance of various individuals or organisations during his/her training. The length of the acknowledgement should not exceed one page. Refer to sample in Appendix C. Industrial Training Report Guidelines 6 2.4 Abstract The abstract should be brief, written in one paragraph, not less than 250 words and not more than 500 words. It is to be written in the past tense. The abstract description should include the organisation and department with which the student was attached to, the assigned tasks/projects/duties/responsibilities, the achievements and results, and the learning experience gained during the training period. Refer to sample in Appendix D. 2.5 Table of Contents This page should list all sections, chapters and sub-headings with their respective page numbers as reflected in the body of the Industrial Training Report. The table of contents needs to be a good guide as to what are contained in the Industrial Training Report. Refer to sample in Appendix E. 2.6 References References are detailed descriptions of resources from which information or ideas were obtained in preparing the Industrial Training Report. The details of every references cited in the text, published or unpublished, must be listed alphabetically. If more than one published materials by the same author are cited, these materials should be listed chronologically. Reference page must be written according to the styles as described in Section 4.2. 2.7 List of Appendices This page should list all the appendices found in the end of the Industrial Training Report together with their page numbers. Student need to include their weekly report/log book in the appendices. These include tables, charts, graphics, computer programme listings and etc, which are too lengthy and inconvenient to be included in the text itself. All appendices should be titled and numbered alphabetically, e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B and so on. 2.8 Daily Records Students are required to record their daily task in a log book. Students may summarise all the assigned tasks of each day and record in the Daily records if there is achievement (the part of the task you have completed) on the particular day. Student should include vital information pertaining to the development of the necessary skill sets, e.g. programming skills, analysis skills, writing skills, etc. In summary, Daily Records sheet records a daily tasks assigned and experiences, observations, knowledge gained throughout your industrial training period. Industrial Training Report Guidelines 7 It is important to note that student needs to printout the Daily Records sheet for each week for their supervisor perusal. (i.e. your supervisor must sign the Daily Records sheet). Daily Records can be handwritten or typed. Refer to sample in Appendix I (for engineering students). 2.9 Text (Body of the Industrial Training Report) An Industrial Training Report must be divided into chapters. A title must be given to each chapter which reflects its content. A new chapter must begin on a new page. A chapter must be further divided into different sections with appropriate titles numbered accordingly. The body of the Industrial Training Report must be written in paragraphs. Each paragraph describes an issue or a subject. There must be continuity or logical flow between paragraphs. Long paragraphs should be avoided. The text should contain the following:- (cid:1) Introduction/Learning Outcomes (cid:1) Details of The Working Experience (cid:1) Conclusions Refer to Section 3.0 for the details on each of the topics above. Attention should be paid to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and clarity of style. 2.10 Tables in the Text Data can be presented in the form of tables. All tables should be word-processed into the Industrial Training Report. It is not acceptable to insert photocopies of tables into the body of the report. 2.11 Figures in the Text Illustrations such as diagrams, photographs, drawings, graphs, charts and maps are referred as figures. All figures must be clear and of high quality. Photographs should be digitally embedded in the text unless absolutely impossible. Industrial Training Report Guidelines 8 3.0 Body of Industrial Training Report The body of the Industrial Training Report should contain at least the following chapters. It must clearly demonstrate the students’ learning process and achievements of the desired Programmes Outcomes. 3.1 Introduction/Learning Outcome In general, this chapter starts with a general introduction of the organisation or company background during their training period. The organisation chart must be included in this report. Next, it outlines the learning outcomes of industrial training and describes briefly the job description or task setting during the training and the working experience in engineering design, site work, project management etc. Among others, the following details must be included: • Name & address of company • Name & position of industrial supervisor • Start date & completion date of training 3.2 Detail of Working Experience This chapter starts with a detail description of the working experience during the training period. This includes the type of project(s) that the student has involved in during the training period. 3.2.1 Description of Tasks This section begins with the assigned tasks and the settings during training. 3.2.2 Applications of Theory and Soft Skills This section covers the applications of technical knowledge and soft skills for each assigned task. This includes challenges and difficulties encountered by the student. Next, the student needs to explain the solution(s) or action(s) taken to cope with the challenges and difficulties. It is important to highlight the results and contributions to the company. The attainments of the desired Program Outcomes must be demonstrated in the contents of the report. 3.3 Conclusion This chapter summarises the working experience identifying the student’s strength and weaknesses during training, and describes how the industrial attachment has helped his/her personal growth, development, and preparation or expectation for future professional work. The student also needs to give a summary of the project(s) involved in, include a project Industrial Training Report Guidelines 9 description and his/her role(s) in each particular project. These conclusion needs to relate back to the learning outcomes of industrial training. 4.0 Acknowledgement of Sources As a matter of intellectual honesty and to avoid plagiarism, students must acknowledge where ideas, information or arguments come from by citing references. The purpose of the citation is to acknowledge the work of others and to demonstrate the student’s ability to apply ideas, information or codes of standards to solve problems. Using the works of others can be presented in the forms of quotation, paraphrase or simply mentioning or stating the knowledge from the source. Internet information should only be treated as secondary or supporting reference. The format for citing sources in the Industrial Training Report follows the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The following sections give some common samples of referencing. For complete and thorough information on the APA style, the Publication Manual of the APA is available in Red-Spot collections at all UTAR libraries. The call number of the manual is BF76.7.P83 2001. 4.1 Citation in the Text (if applicable) The APA style specifies the use of a parenthetical reference system (abbreviated source information in parentheses) in the text of the paper tied to an alphabetical References list (located at the end of the body text) which contains full source and publication information for the cited sources. Table 4.1: APA Style In-Text Citations Type of Source Format One Work by Follow the author-year method. Mention only the year even when the One Author reference includes month or date. Example: (cid:1) Walker (2000) compared reaction times … (cid:1) In a study of reaction times (Walker, 2000) … One Work by Always cite both names every time the reference occurs in text. Use Two Authors the word "and" between the authors’ names within the text and use "&" in the parentheses. Example: (cid:1) Serlin and Lapsley (1985) discovered the problems … (cid:1) A survey on the problems in … (Serlin & Lapsley, 1985) One Work by 3 The first reference to an article includes all authors. Subsequent to 5 Authors citations include only the surname of the principal author followed by “et al.” and the year if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph. (“et al.” means “and others”) Industrial Training Report Guidelines 10 Type of Source Format One Work by 3 Example: to 5 Authors (cid:1) Skinner, Sun, and Liu (2005) did a survey on … (first citation in (cont.) text) (cid:1) A recent survey found that ... (Skinner, Sun, & Liu, 2005) (cid:1) Skinner et al. (2005) found … (subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter) (cid:1) The survey also found that ... (Skinner et al., 2005) (cid:1) Skinner et al. also found … (omit year from subsequent citations after first citation within a paragraph) One Work by 6 Cite only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” and the Authors or more year. Example: (cid:1) Martin et al. (2001) studied the use of … Multiple If an author has multiple publications, use a comma to separate the Publications, years of publication in chronological order (oldest to most recent). Same Author If the publications occur in the same year, it is recommended using suffixes a, b, c, etc. (note that corresponding letters should be used in the reference list, and these references should be ordered alphabetically by title). Example: (cid:1) Recent studies have found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b). (cid:1) Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) has conducted studies that have discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism Multiple Follow the rules for one author above, and use a semicolon to Publications, separate articles. Citation should first be in alphabetical order of the Different author, then chronological. Authors Example: (cid:1) Recent studies found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Alford, 1995; Pauling, 2004, 2005; Sirkis, 2003) Groups as If group author is readily identified by its abbreviation, one may Authors abbreviate the name in the second and subsequent citations. Example: (cid:1) American Psychological Association [APA] (2003) ... (first citation) (cid:1) ... (APA, 2003) (subsequent citation) Industrial Training Report Guidelines