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Inductive Learning Algorithms for Complex Systems Modeling Hema R, Madala Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Clarkson University Potsdam, New York G, Ivakhnenko Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Institute of Cybernetics Kiev, Ukraine CRC Press Boca Raton Ann Arbor London Tokyo Madala, Hema Rao. Inductive learning algorithms for complex systems modeling / Hema Rao Madala and Alexey G. Ivakhnenko. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8493-4438-7 1. System analysis. 2. Algorithms. 3. Machine learning. I. Ivakhnenko, Aleksei Grigo'evich. II. Title. T57.6.M313 1993 93-24174 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Direct all inquiries to CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida © 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. No claim to original U. S. Government works International Standard Book Number 0-8493-4438-7 Library of Congress Card Number 93-24174 Printed in the United States of America 1234567890 Printed on acid-free paper Preface One can see the development of automatic control theory from single-cycled to the mul- ticycled systems and to the development of feedback control systems that have brainlike network structures (Stafford Beer). The pattern recognition theory has a history of about fifty years—beginning with single-layered classificators, it developed into multi-layered neural networks and from there to connectionist networks. Analogical developments can be seen in the cognitive system theory starting with the simple classifications of the single-layered perceptrons and further extended to the system of perceptrons with the feedback links. The next step is the stage of "neuronets." One of the great open frontiers in the study of systems science, cybernetics, and engineer- ing is the understanding of the complex nonlinear phenomena which arise naturally in the world we live in. Historically, most achievements were based on the deductive approach. But with the advent of significant theoretical breakthroughs, layered inductive networks, and associated modern high-speed digital computing facilities, we have witnessed progress in understanding more realistic and complicated underlying nonlinear systems. Recollect, for example, the story of Rosenblatt's perceptron theory. Until recently, the absence of good mathematical description with the demonstration by Minsky and Papert (1969) that only linear descrimination could be represented by two-layered perceptron, led to a waning of interest in multilayered networks. Still Rosenblatt's terminology has not been recovered; for example, we say "hidden units" instead of Rosenblatt's "association units" and so on. Moving in the direction of unification we consider the inductive learning technique called Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), the theory originated from the theory of perceptron and is based on the principle of self-organization. It was developed to solve the problems of pattern recognition, modeling, and predictions of the random processes. The new algorithms that are based on the inductive approach are very similar to the processes in our brain. Scientists who took part in the development have accepted "this science" as a unification of pattern recognition theory, cybernetics, informatics, systems science, and various other fields. Inspite of this, "this science" is quickly developing, and everybody feels comfortable in using "this science" for complex problem-solving. This means that this new scientific venture unifies the theories of pattern recognition and automatic control into one metascience. Applications include the studies on environmental systems, economical systems, agricultural systems, and time-series evaluations. The combined Control Systems (CCS) group of the Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev (Ukraine) has been a pioneering leader in many of these developments. Contributions to the field have come from many research areas of different disciplines. This indicates a healthy breadth and depth of interest in the field and a vigor in associated research. Developments could be more effective if we become more attentive to one another. iv PREFACE Since 1968 layered networks have been used in inductive learning al- gorithms, particularly in the training mode. The algebraic and the finite-difference type of polynomial equations which are linear in coefficients and nonlinear in parameters are used for the process predictions. In the network, many arbitrary links of connection-weights are obtained, several partial equations are generated, and the links are selected by our choice. The approach was originally suggested by Frank Rosenblatt to choose the coefficients of the first layer of links in a random way. The polynomials of a discrete type of Volterra series (finite-difference and algebraic forms) are used in the inductive approach for several purposes: the estimation of coefficients by the least-squares method using explicit or implicit patterns of data. When the eigenvalues of characteristic equation are too small, this method leads to very biased estimates and the quality of predictions is decreased. This problem is avoided with the developments of objective systems analysis and cluster analysis. polynomial equations are used for the investigation of selection character- istic by using the consistency (Shannon's displacement) criterion of minimum according to Shannon's second-limit theorem (analogical law is known in communication theory). The structure of optimal model is simplified when the noise dispersion in the data is increased. When Shannon's displacement is present, selection of two-dimensional model structures is used. When the displacement is absent, the selection of two one-dimensional model struc- tures are the optimal set of variables, then the optimal structure of the model are found. The use of objective criteria in canonical form simplifies this procedure further. use of polynomial equations are organized "by groups" in the selection proce- dure to get a smooth characteristic with single minimum. Selection "by groups" allows one to apply the simple stopping rule "by minimum" or "by the left corner rule." In multilevel algorithms, for example, each group includes a model candidate of similar structure of an equal number of members; and equations are used to prove the convergence of iteration processes in multi- layered algorithms. The convergence exists for some criteria in a mean-square sense called internal convergence; for others it is called external convergence. In the latter case, there is a necessity for certain means. This book covers almost last twenty years of basic concepts to the recent developments in inductive learning algorithms conducted by the CCS group. Chapter 1 is concerned with the basic approach of induction and the principle of self- organization. We also describe the selection criteria and general features of the algorithms. Chapter 2 considers various inductive learning algorithms: multilayer, single-layered combinatorial, multi-layered aspects of combinatorial, multi-layered with propagating resid- uals, harmonical algorithms, and some new algorithms like correlational and partial descriptions. We also describe the scope of long-range quantitative predictions and levels of dialogue language generalization with subjective versus multilevel objective anal- ysis. Chapter 3 covers noise immunity of algorithms in analogy with the information theory. We also describe various selection criteria, their classification and analysis, the aspects of the asymptotic properties of external criteria, and the convergence of algorithms. Chapter 4 concentrates on the description of physical fields and their representation in the finite-difference schemes, as these important in complex systems modeling. We also explain the model formulations of cyclic processes. Chapter 5 coverage is on how unsupervised learning or clustering might be carried with the inductive type of learning technique. The development of new algorithms objective computerized clustering (OCC) is presented in detail. Chapter 6 takes up some of the applications related to complex systems modeling such as weather modeling, ecological, economical, agricultural system studies, and modeling of solar activity. The main emphasis of the chapter is on how to use specific inductive learning algorithms in a practical situation. Chapter 7 addresses application of inductive learning networks in comparison with the artificial neural networks that work on the basis of averaged output error. The least mean- square (LMS) algorithm (adaline), backpropagation, and self-organization boolean-logic techniques are considered. Various simulation results are presented. One notes that the backpropagation technique which is encouraged by many scientists, is only one of several possible ways to solve the systems of equations to estimate the connection coefficients of a feed-forward network. Chapter 8 presents the computational aspects of basic inductive learning algorithms. Although an interactive software package for inductive learning algorithms which includes multilayer and combinatorial algorithms was recently released as a commercial package (see Soviet Journal of Automation and Information Sciences N6, 1991), the basic source of these algorithms along with the harmonical algorithm are given in chapter 8. The book should be useful to scientists and engineers who have experience in the scientific aspects of information processing and who wish to be introduced to the field of inductive learning algorithms for complex systems modeling and predictions, clustering, and neural- net computing, especially these applications. This book should be of interest to researchers in environmental sciences, macro-economi- cal studies, system sciences, and cybernetics in behavioural and biological sciences because it shows how existing knowledge in several interrelated computer science areas intermesh to provide a base for practice and further progress in matters germane to their research. This book can serve as a text for senior undergraduate or for students in their first year of a graduate course on complex systems modeling. It approaches the matter of information processing with a broad perspective, so the student should learn to understand and follow important developments in several research areas that affect the advanced dynamical systems modeling. Finally, this book can also be used by applied statisticians and computer scientists who are seeking new approaches. The scope of these algorithms is quite wide. There is a wide perspective in which to use these algorithms; for example, multilayered theory of statistical decisions (particularly in case of short-data samples) and algorithm of rebinarization (continued values recovery of input data). The "neuronet," that is realized as a set of more developed component- perceptrons in the near future, will be similar to the House of Commons, in which decisions are accepted by the voting procedure. Such voting networks solve problems related to pattern recognition, clustering, and automatic control. There are other ideas of binary features applied in the application of "neuronets," especially when every neuron unit is realized by two-layered Rosenblatt's perceptron. The authors hope that these new ideas will be accepted as tools of investigation and practical use - the start of which took place twenty years ago for original multilayered al- gorithms. We invite readers to join us in beginning "this science" which has fascinating perspectives. H. R. Madala and A. G. Ivakhnenko Acknowledgments We take this opportunity to express our thanks to many people who have, in various ways, helped us to attain our objective of preparing this manuscript. Going back into the mists of history, we thank colleagues, graduate students, and co- workers at the Combined Control Systems Division of the Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev (Ukraine). Particularly, one of the authors (HM) started working on these algorithms in 1977 for his doctoral studies under the Government of India fellowship program. He is thankful to Dr. V.S. Stepashko for his guidance in the program. Along the way, he received important understanding and encouragement from a large group of people. They include Drs. B.A. Akishin, V.I. Cheberkus, D. Havel, M.A. Ivakhnenko, N.A. Ivakhnenko, Yu.V. Koppa, Yu.V. Kostenko, P.I. Kovalchuk, S.F. Kozubovskiy, G.I. Krotov, P.Yu. Peka, S.A. Petukhova, B.K. Svetalskiy, V.N. Vysotskiy, N.I. Yunusov and Yu.P. Yurachkovskiy. He is grateful for those enjoyable and strengthening interactions. We also want to express our gratitude and affection to Prof. A.S. Fokas, and high regard for a small group of people who worked closely with us in preparing the manuscript. Particularly, our heartfelt thanks go to Cindy Smith and Frank Michielsen who mastered the TeX package. We appreciate the help we received from the staff of the library and computing services of the Educational Resources Center, Clarkson University. We thank other colleagues and graduate students at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Clarkson University for their interest in this endeavor. We are grateful for the help we received from CRC Press, particularly, Dr. Wayne Yuhasz, Executive Editor. We also would like to acknowledge the people who reviewed the drafts of the book - in particular, Prof. N. Bourbakis, Prof. S.J. Farlow and Dr. H. Rice - and also Dr. I. Havel for fruitful discussions during the manuscript preparation. We thank our families. Without their patience and encouragement, this book would not have come to this form. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 SYSTEMS AND CYBERNETICS 1 1.1 Definitions 2 1.2 Model and simulation 4 1.3 Concept of black box 5 2 SELF-ORGANIZATION MODELING 6 2.1 Neural approach 6 2.2 Inductive approach 7 3 INDUCTIVE LEARNING METHODS 9 3.1 Principal shortcoming in model development 10 3.2 Principle of self-organization 11 3.3 Basic technique 11 3.4 Selection criteria or objective functions 12 3.5 Heuristics used in problem-solving 17 2 Inductive Learning Algorithms 27 1 SELF-ORGANIZATION METHOD 27 1.1 Basic iterative algorithm 28 2 NETWORK STRUCTURES 30 2.1 Multilayer algorithm 30 2.2 Combinatorial algorithm 32 2.3 Recursive scheme for faster combinatorial sorting 35 2.4 Multilayered structures using combinatorial setup 38 2.5 Selectional-combinatorial multilayer algorithm 38 2.6 Multilayer algorithm with propagating residuals (front propagation algorithm) 41 2.7 Harmonic Algorithm 42 2.8 New algorithms 44 3 LONG-TERM QUANTITATIVE PREDICTIONS 51 3.1 Autocorrelation functions 51 3.2 Correlation interval as a measure of predictability 53 3.3 Principal characteristics for predictions 60 4 DIALOGUE LANGUAGE GENERALIZATION 63 4.1 Regular (subjective) system analysis 64 4.2 Multilevel (objective) analysis 65 4.3 Multilevel algorithm 65 3 Noise Immunity and Convergence 75 1 ANALOGY WITH INFORMATION THEORY 75 1.1 Basic concepts of information and self-organization theories . . . . 77 1.2 Shannon's second theorem 79 1.3 Law of conservation of redundancy 81 1.4 Model complexity versus transmission band 82 2 CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF CRITERIA 83 2.1 Accuracy criteria 84 2.2 Consistent criteria 85 2.3 Combined criteria 86 2.4 Correlational criteria 86 2.5 Relationships among the criteria 87 3 IMPROVEMENT OF NOISE IMMUNITY 89 3.1 Minimum-bias criterion as a special case 90 3.2 Single and multicriterion analysis 93 4 ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF CRITERIA 98 4.1 Noise immunity of modeling on a finite sample 99 4.2 Asymptotic properties of the external criteria 102 4.3 Calculation of locus of the minima 105 5 BALANCE CRITERION OF PREDICTIONS 108 5.1 Noise immunity of the balance criterion Ill 6 CONVERGENCE OF ALGORITHMS 118 6.1 Canonical formulation 118 6.2 Internal convergence 120 4 Physical Fields and Modeling 125 1 FINITE-DIFFERENCE PATTERN SCHEMES 126 1.1 Ecosystem modeling 128 2 COMPARATIVE STUDIES 133 2.1 Double sorting 135 2.2 Example - pollution studies 137 3 CYCLIC PROCESSES 143 3.1 Model formulations 146 3.2 Realization of prediction balance 151 3.3 Example - Modeling of tea crop productions 153 3.4 Example - Modeling of maximum applicable frequency (MAP) . . 159 5 Clusterization and Recognition 165 1 SELF-ORGANIZATION MODELING AND CLUSTERING 165 2 METHODS OF SELF-ORGANIZATION CLUSTERING 177 2.1 Objective clustering - case of unsupervised learning 178 2.2 Objective clustering - case of supervised learning 180 2.3 Unimodality - "criterion-clustering complexity" 188 3 OBJECTIVE COMPUTER CLUSTERING ALGORITHM 194 4 LEVELS OF DISCRETIZATION AND BALANCE CRITERION 202 5 FORECASTING METHODS OF ANALOGUES 207 5.1 Group analogues for process forecasting 211 5.2 Group analogues for event forecasting 217 6 Applications 223 1 FIELD OF APPLICATION 225 2 WEATHER MODELING 227 2.1 Prediction balance with time- and space-averaging 227 2.2 Finite difference schemes 230 2.3 Two fundamental inductive algorithms 233 2.4 Problem of long-range forecasting 234 2.5 Improving the limit of predictability 235 2.6 Alternate approaches to weather modeling 238 3 ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM STUDIES 247 3.1 Example - ecosystem modeling 248 3.2 Example - ecosystem modeling using rank correlations 253 4 MODELING OF ECONOMICAL SYSTEM 256 4.1 Examples - modeling of British and US economies 257 5 AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM STUDIES 270 5.1 Winter wheat modeling using partial summation functions 272 6 MODELING OF SOLAR ACTIVITY 279 7 Inductive and Deductive Networks 285 1 SELF-ORGANIZATION MECHANISM IN THE NETWORKS 285 1.1 Some concepts, definitions, and tools 287 2 NETWORK TECHNIQUES 291 2.1 Inductive technique 291 2.2 Adaline 292 2.3 Back Propogation 293 2.4 Self-organization boolean logic 295 3 GENERALIZATION 296 3.1 Bounded with transformations 297 3.2 Bounded with objective functions 298 4 COMPARISON AND SIMULATION RESULTS 300 8 Basic Algorithms and Program Listings 311 1 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF MULTILAYERED ALGORITHM .. 311 1.1 Program listing 313 1.2 Sample output 323 2 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF COMBINATORIAL ALGORITHM . . 326 2.1 Program listing 327 2.2 Sample outputs 336 3 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF HARMONICAL ALGORITHM . . . . 339 3.1 Program listing 341 3.2 Sample output 353 Epilogue 357 Bibliography 359 Index 365

It's a collection of fifty years of research in the area of inductive computer-aided algorithms, machine learning and advanced neural networks. The practical examples given in the book are superb. We have used the same concept in our data mining and pattern recognition works. The scripts given in th
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