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India's Constitution of 1949 with Amendments through 2014 PDF

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PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 constituteproject.org India's Constitution of 1949 with Amendments through 2014 This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on constituteproject.org. constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 Table of contents Preamble ..............................................................................9 PART I. THE UNION AND ITS TERRITORY ..............................................9 1. Name and territory of the Union ..........................................................9 2. Admission or establishment of new States ..................................................9 2A. Sikkim to be associated with the Union ...................................................9 3. Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing States ............ 9 4. Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the Fourth Schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters ....................................... 10 PART II. CITIZENSHIP ................................................................ 10 5. Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution .......................................10 6. Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan .................10 7. Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan .........................................11 8. Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India ..................... 11 9. Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens ..................... 11 10. Continuance of the rights of citizenship ..................................................11 11. Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law .......................................11 PART III. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS ....................................................12 General ..............................................................................12 Right to Equality .......................................................................12 Right to Freedom ...................................................................... 13 Right against Exploitation ................................................................15 Right to Freedom of Religion ..............................................................15 Cultural and Educational Rights ...........................................................16 Saving of Certain Laws ..................................................................17 Right to Constitutional Remedies ..........................................................18 PART IV. DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY ..................................19 36. De�nition ......................................................................... 19 37. Application of the principles contained in this Part ......................................... 20 38. State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people ....................... 20 39. Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State ......................................20 39A. Equal justice and free legal aid ........................................................20 40. Organisation of village panchayats ..................................................... 20 41. Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases ...........................20 42. Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief ......................... 21 43. Living wage, etc., for workers ..........................................................21 43A. Participation of workers in management of industries .....................................21 43B. Promotion of co-operative societies ................................................... 21 44. Uniform civil code for the citizens .......................................................21 45. Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years ............21 46. Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections ....................................................................... 21 47. Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health21 48. Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry ......................................... 22 48A. Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wild life ........... 22 49. Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance ....................... 22 50. Separation of judiciary from executive ...................................................22 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 2 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 51. Promotion of international peace and security ............................................ 22 PART IVA. FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES .................................................. 22 51A. Fundamental duties ................................................................22 PART V. THE UNION ..................................................................23 CHAPTER I. THE EXECUTIVE ............................................................23 CHAPTER II. PARLIAMENT ..............................................................29 CHAPTER III. LEGISLATIVE POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT ....................................42 CHAPTER IV. THE UNION JUDICIARY .....................................................42 CHAPTER V. COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL OF INDIA .............................49 PART VI. THE STATES .................................................................50 CHAPTER I. GENERAL ..................................................................51 CHAPTER II. THE EXECUTIVE ........................................................... 51 CHAPTER III. THE STATE LEGISLATURE ...................................................54 CHAPTER IV. LEGISLATIVE POWER OF THE GOVERNOR .....................................67 CHAPTER V. THE HIGH COURTS IN THE STATES ........................................... 68 CHAPTER VI. SUBORDINATE COURTS .................................................... 73 PART VII. The States in Part B of the First Schedule .....................................74 PART VIII. THE UNION TERRITORIES .................................................74 239. Administration of Union territories .................................................... 74 239A. Creation of local Legislatures or Council of Ministers or both for certain Union territories ........74 239AA. Special provisions with respect to Delhi ..............................................75 239AB. Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery ................................. 76 239B. Power of administrator to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature ................76 240. Power of President to make regulations for certain Union territories ......................... 77 241. High Courts for Union territories ......................................................77 242. Coorg ........................................................................... 78 PART IX. THE PANCHAYATS ..........................................................78 243. De�nitions ....................................................................... 78 243A. Gram Sabha .....................................................................78 243B. Constitution of Panchayats .........................................................78 243C. Composition of Panchayats .........................................................78 243D. Reservation of seats .............................................................. 79 243E. Duration of Panchayats etc .........................................................80 243F. Disquali�cations for membership .....................................................80 243G. Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayat ..................................... 80 243H. Powers to impose taxes by, and Funds of, the Panchayats ................................ 81 243I. Constitution of Finance Commission to review �nancial position ............................ 81 243J. Audit of accounts of Panchayats ..................................................... 81 243K. Elections to the Panchayats ........................................................ 82 243L. Application to Union territories ...................................................... 82 243M. Part not to apply to certain areas ....................................................82 243N. Continuance of existing laws and Panchayats .......................................... 83 243O. Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters .......................................83 PART IXA. THE MUNICIPALITIES ..................................................... 83 243P. De�nitions .......................................................................83 243Q. Constitution of Municipalities .......................................................83 243R. Composition of Municipalities ....................................................... 84 243S. Constitution and composition of Wards Committees, etc ..................................84 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 3 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 243T. Reservation of seats ...............................................................85 243U. Duration of Municipalities, etc .......................................................85 243V. Disquali�cations for membership .................................................... 85 243W. Powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities, etc ...............................86 243X. Power to impose taxes by, and Funds of, the Municipalities ................................86 243ZE. Committee for Metropolitan planning ................................................87 243ZF. Continuance of existing laws and Municipalities ........................................87 243ZG. Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters ......................................88 Part IXB. The Co-Operative Societies ..................................................88 243ZH. De�nitions .....................................................................88 243ZI. Incorporation of co-operative societies ............................................... 88 243ZJ. Number and term of members of board and its of�ce bearers .............................89 243ZK. Election of members of board ......................................................89 243ZL. Supersession and suspension of board and interim management .......................... 89 243ZM. Audit of accounts of co-operative societies ...........................................90 243ZN. Convening of general body meetings ................................................90 243ZO. Right of a member to get information ................................................90 243ZP. Returns ........................................................................91 243ZQ. Offences and penalties ........................................................... 91 243ZR. Application to multi-State co-operative societies .......................................91 243ZS. Application to Union territories .....................................................91 243ZT. Continuance of existing laws .......................................................92 PART X. THE SCHEDULED AND TRIBAL AREAS .......................................92 244. Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas ...................................... 92 244A. Formation of an autonomous State comprising certain tribal areas in Assam and creation of local Legislature or Council of Ministers or both therefor ........................................... 92 PART XI. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE UNION AND THE STATES ....................... 93 CHAPTER I. LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS .................................................... 93 CHAPTER II. ADMINISTRATIVE RELATIONS ................................................95 PART XII. FINANCE, PROPERTY, CONTRACTS AND SUITS ............................ 97 CHAPTER I. FINANCE ..................................................................97 CHAPTER II. BORROWING .............................................................105 CHAPTER III. PROPERTY, CONTRACTS, RIGHTS, LIABILITIES, OBLIGATIONS AND SUITS .........105 CHAPTER IV. RIGHT TO PROPERTY ..................................................... 107 PART XIII. TRADE, COMMERCE AND INTERCOURSE WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF INDIA .............................................................................. 108 301. Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse .......................................... 108 302. Power of Parliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse .............. 108 303. Restrictions on the legislative powers of the Union and of the States with regard to trade and commerce ...........................................................................108 304. Restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse among States ............................108 305. Saving of existing laws and laws providing for State monopolies ............................108 306. Power of certain States in Part B of the First Schedule to impose restrictions on trade and commerce ...........................................................................109 307. Appointment of authority for carrying out the purposes of articles 301 to 304 ................ 109 PART XIV. SERVICES UNDER THE UNION AND THE STATES ......................... 109 CHAPTER I. SERVICES ................................................................ 109 CHAPTER II. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS ............................................ 111 PART XIVA. TRIBUNALS .............................................................115 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 4 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 323B. Tribunals for other matters ........................................................115 PART XV. ELECTIONS ............................................................... 116 324. Superintendence, direction and control of elections to be vested in an Election Commission ......116 325. No person to be ineligible for inclusion in, or to claim to be included in a special, electoral roll on grounds of religion, race, caste or sex ..................................................... 117 326. Elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assemblies of States to be on the basis of adult suffrage ...................................................................... 117 327. Power of Parliament to make provision with respect to elections to Legislatures .............. 117 328. Power of Legislature of a State to make provision with respect to elections to such Legislature ...118 329. Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters ....................................... 118 329A. Special provision as to elections to Parliament in the case of Prime Minister and Speaker ...... 118 PART XVI. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO CERTAIN CLASSES ..................118 330. Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the House of the People ..... 118 331. Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the House of the People ................... 119 332. Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assemblies of the States ...........................................................................119 333. Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States ...... 120 334. Reservation of seats and special representation to cease after seventy years .................120 335. Claims of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to services and posts ......................120 336. Special provision for Anglo-Indian community in certain services ........................... 120 337. Special provision with respect to educational grants for the bene�t of Anglo-Indian community ...121 338. National Commission for Scheduled Castes ............................................ 121 338A. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes ............................................122 339. Control of the Union over the administration of Scheduled Areas and the welfare of Scheduled Tribes .............................................................................. 123 340. Appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions of backward classes .............. 123 341. Scheduled Castes .................................................................123 342. Scheduled Tribes ................................................................. 124 PART XVII. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ...................................................124 CHAPTER I. LANGUAGE OF THE UNION ................................................. 124 CHAPTER II. REGIONAL LANGUAGES ................................................... 125 CHAPTER III. LANGUAGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, HIGH COURTS, ETC ..................... 125 CHAPTER IV. SPECIAL DIRECTIVES ..................................................... 126 PART XVIII. EMERGENCY PROVISIONS .............................................127 352. Proclamation of Emergency .........................................................127 353. Effect of Proclamation of Emergency ................................................. 128 354. Application of provisions relating to distribution of revenues while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation ..........................................................................129 355. Duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance ....... 129 356. Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in States ...........................129 357. Exercise of legislative powers under Proclamation issued under article 356 .................. 130 358. Suspension of provisions of article 19 during emergencies .................................131 359. Suspension of the enforcement of the rights conferred by Part III during emergencies .......... 131 359A. Application of this Part to the State of Punjab ......................................... 132 360. Provisions as to �nancial emergency ..................................................132 PART XIX. MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................133 361. Protection of President and Governors and Rajpramukhs ................................. 133 361A. Protection of publication of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislatures ................133 361B. Disquali�cation for appointment on remunerative political post ........................... 134 362. Rights and privileges of Rulers of Indian States ..........................................134 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 5 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 363. Bar to interference by courts in disputes arising out of certain treaties, agreements, etc ........ 134 363A. Recognition granted to Rulers of Indian States to cease and Privy purses to be abolished .......134 364. Special provisions as to major ports and aerodromes .....................................135 365. Effect of failure to comply with, or to give effect to, directions given by the Union ..............135 366. De�nitions ...................................................................... 135 367. Interpretation ....................................................................138 PART XX. AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION ...................................138 368. Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and procedure therefor ..................... 138 PART XXI. TEMPORARY, TRANSITIONAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS ...............139 369. Temporary power to Parliament to make laws with respect to certain matters in the State List as if they were matters in the Concurrent List .................................................139 370. Temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir ......................139 371. Special provision with respect to the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat .....................140 371A. Special provision with respect to the State of Nagaland ................................. 140 371B. Special provision with respect to the State of Assam ....................................142 371C. Special provision with respect to the State of Manipur .................................. 142 371D. Special provisions with respect to the State of Andhra Pradesh ...........................143 371E. Establishment of Central University in Andhra Pradesh ................................. 145 371F. Special provisions with respect to the State of Sikkim ................................... 145 371G. Special provision with respect to the State of Mizoram ..................................146 371H. Special provision with respect to the State of Arunachal Pradesh ..........................147 371I. Special provision with respect to the State of Goa ...................................... 147 371J. Special provisions with respect to State of Karnataka ................................... 147 372. Continuance in force of existing laws and their adaptation ................................ 148 372A. Power of the President to adapt laws ................................................148 373. Power of President to make order in respect of persons under preventive detention in certain cases ...............................................................................149 374. Provisions as to Judges of the Federal Court and proceedings pending in the Federal Court or before His Majesty in Council ............................................................149 375. Courts, authorities and of�cers to continue to function subject to the provisions of the Constitution149 376. Provisions as to Judges of High Courts ................................................150 377. Provisions as to Comptroller and Auditor-General of India ................................ 150 378. Provisions as to Public Service Commissions ........................................... 150 378A. Special provisions as to duration of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly .................. 150 379-391. Rep. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 29 and Sch ................ 151 392. Power of the President to remove dif�culties ...........................................151 PART XXII. SHORT TITLE, COMMENCEMENT, AUTHORITATIVE TEXT IN HINDI AND REPEALS ............................................................................151 393. Short title .......................................................................151 394. Commencement ..................................................................151 394A. Authoritative text in the Hindi language ............................................. 151 395. Repeals .........................................................................152 FIRST SCHEDULE. (Articles 1 and 4) ..................................................152 I. THE STATES ....................................................................... 152 II. THE UNION TERRITORIES ........................................................... 155 SECOND SCHEDULE. (Articles 59(3), 65(3), 75(6), 97, 125, 148(3), 158(3), 164(5), 186 and 221) ............................................................................ 155 PART A. PROVISIONS AS TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE GOVERNORS OF STATES ...............155 PART B ............................................................................. 156 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 6 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 PART C. PROVISIONS AS TO THE SPEAKER AND THE DEPUTY SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE AND THE CHAIRMAN AND THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL OF STATES AND THE SPEAKER AND THE DEPUTY SPEAKER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND THE CHAIRMAN AND THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF A STATE ........ 156 PART D. PROVISIONS AS TO THE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT AND OF THE HIGH COURTS .156 PART E. PROVISIONS AS TO THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL OF INDIA ...........158 THIRD SCHEDULE. Forms of Oaths or Af�rmations (Articles 75(4), 99, 124(6), 148(2), 164(3), 188 and 219) ................................................................ 158 I. Form of oath of of�ce for a Minister for the Union .......................................... 159 II. Form of oath of secrecy for a Minister for the Union ........................................159 A. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by a candidate for election to Parliament ................ 159 B. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by a member of Parliament ........................... 159 IV. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by the Judges of the Supreme Court and the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India ................................................................159 V. Form of oath of of�ce for a Minister for a State ............................................159 VI. Form of oath of secrecy for a Minister for a State ......................................... 160 A. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by a candidate for election to the Legislature of a State .....160 B. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by a member of the Legislature of a State ................160 VIII. Form of oath or af�rmation to be made by the Judges of a High Court ....................... 160 FOURTH SCHEDULE. Allocation of Seats in the Council of States (Articles 4(1) and 80(2)) ...............................................................................160 FIFTH SCHEDULE. Provisions as to the Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes (Article 244 (1)) ................................................ 161 PART A. GENERAL ....................................................................161 PART B. ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL OF SCHEDULED AREAS AND SCHEDULED TRIBES ... 162 PART C. SCHEDULED AREAS ...........................................................163 PART D. AMENDMENT OF THE SCHEDULE ...............................................163 SIXTH SCHEDULE. Provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram (Articles 244 (2) and 275 (1)) .................163 1. Autonomous districts and autonomous regions ............................................163 2. Constitution of District Councils and Regional Councils ..................................... 164 3. Powers of the District Councils and Regional Councils to make laws ...........................165 4. Administration of justice in autonomous districts and autonomous regions ......................165 5. Conferment of powers under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, on the Regional and District Councils and on certain courts and of�cers for the trial of certain suits, cases and offences ............................................................... 167 6. Powers of the District Council to establish primary schools, etc ...............................167 7. District and Regional Funds ........................................................... 167 8. Powers to assess and collect land revenue and to impose taxes .............................. 168 9. Licences or leases for the purpose of prospecting for, or extraction of, minerals .................. 168 10. Power of District Council to make regulations for the control of moneylending and trading by non- tribals .............................................................................. 168 11. Publication of laws, rules and regulations made under the Schedule .......................... 169 12. Application of Acts of Parliament and of the Legislature of the State of Assam to autonomous districts and autonomous regions in the state of Assam .......................................169 12A. Application of Acts of Parliament and of the Legislature of the State of Meghalaya to autonomous districts and autonomous regions in the State of Meghalaya ...................................169 12AA. Application of Acts of Parliament and of the Legislature of the State of Tripura to the autonomous district and autonomous regions in the State of Tripura .............................170 12B. Application of Acts of Parliament and of the Legislature of the State of Mizoram to autonomous districts and autonomous regions in the State of Mizoram .....................................170 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 7 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 14. Appointment of Commission to inquire into and report on the administration of autonomous districts and autonomous regions ........................................................ 171 15. Annulment or suspension of acts and resolutions of District and Regional Councils .............. 171 16. Dissolution of a District or a Regional Council ............................................172 17. Exclusion of areas from autonomous districts in forming constituencies in such districts ..........172 18. omitted by s. 71(i) and Eighth Sch., ibid. (w.e.f. 21-1-1972) .................................172 19. Transitional provisions ..............................................................173 20. Tribal areas .......................................................................173 20A. Dissolution of the Mizo District Council ............................................... 174 20B. Autonomous regions in the Union territory of Mizoram to be autonomous districts and transitory provisions consequent thereto ...........................................................174 20C. Interpretation ................................................................... 175 21. Amendment of the Schedule ......................................................... 175 SEVENTH SCHEDULE. (Article 246) ..................................................176 List I. Union List ...................................................................... 176 List II. State List ...................................................................... 179 List III. Concurrent List .................................................................181 EIGHTH SCHEDULE. Languages (Articles 344(1) and 351) ............................ 182 NINTH SCHEDULE. (Article 31B) .................................................... 183 Explanation ..........................................................................190 TENTH SCHEDULE. Provisions as to disquali�cation on ground of defection (Articles 102(2) and 191(2)) .................................................................. 190 1. Interpretation ......................................................................190 2. Disquali�cation on ground of defection .................................................. 191 3. Disquali�cation on ground of defection not to apply in case of split ............................ 192 4. Disquali�cation on ground of defection not to apply in case of merger ..........................192 5. Exemption .........................................................................192 6. Decision on questions as to disquali�cation on ground of defection ............................ 192 7. Bar of jurisdiction of courts ............................................................193 8. Rules .............................................................................193 ELEVENTH SCHEDULE. (Article 243G) ...............................................193 TWELFTH SCHEDULE. (Article 243W) ............................................... 194 India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 8 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 Motives for writing constitution Preamble Source of constitutional authority Preamble Type of government envisioned WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Separation of church and state SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; Freedom of opinion/thought/conscience LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Reference to fraternity/solidarity FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Human dignity Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION. PART I. THE UNION AND ITS TERRITORY 1. Name and territory of the Union 1. India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States. 2. The States and the territories thereof shall be as speci�ed in the First Schedule. 3. The territory of India shall comprise- a. the territories of the States; b. the Union territories speci�ed in the First Schedule; and c. such other territories as may be acquired. Colonies Accession of territory 2. Admission or establishment of new States Parliament may by law admit into the Union, or establish, new States on such terms and conditions as it thinks �t. 2A. Sikkim to be associated with the Union Rep. by the Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1975, s. 5(w.e.f. 26-4-1975). 3. Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing States Parliament may by law- a. form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States or parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State; b. increase the area of any State; c. diminish the area of any State; d. alter the boundaries of any State; e. alter the name of any State: India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 9 constituteproject.org PDF generated: 29 Apr 2022, 14:36 Provided that no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced in either House of Parliament except on the recommendation of the President and unless, where the proposal contained in the Bill affects the area, boundaries or name of any of the States, the Bill has been referred by the President to the Legislature of that State for expressing its views thereon within such period as may be speci�ed in the reference or within such further period as the President may allow and the period so speci�ed or allowed has expired. Explanation I In this article, in clauses (a) to (e), "State" includes a Union territory, but in the proviso, "State" does not include a Union territory. Explanation II The power conferred on Parliament by clause (a) includes the power to form a new State or Union territory by uniting a part of any State or Union territory to any other State or Union territory. 4. Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the Fourth Schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters 1. Any law referred to in article 2 or article 3 shall contain such provisions for the amendment of the First Schedule and the Fourth Schedule as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of the law and may also contain such supplemental, incidental and consequential provisions (including provisions as to representation in Parliament and in the Legislature or Legislatures of the State or States affected by such law) as Parliament may deem necessary. 2. No such law as aforesaid shall be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of article 368. PART II. CITIZENSHIP Requirements for birthright citizenship 5. Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution At the commencement of this Constitution, every person who has his domicile in the territory of India and- a. who was born in the territory of India; or b. either of whose parents was born in the territory of India; or c. who has been ordinarily resident in the territory of India for not less than �ve years immediately preceding such commencement, shall be a citizen of India. Requirements for birthright citizenship 6. Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan Notwithstanding anything in article 5, a person who has migrated to the territory of India from the territory now included in Pakistan shall be deemed to be a citizen of India at the commencement of this Constitution if- a. he or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was born in India as de�ned in the Government of India Act, 1935 (as originally enacted); and India 1949 (rev. 2014) Page 10

Discharge of the functions of the Governor in certain contingencies Power of Governor to grant pardons, etc., and to suspend, remit or commute
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