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Indian Government - Drone Ecosystem Policy Roadmap 2018 PDF

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Preview Indian Government - Drone Ecosystem Policy Roadmap 2018

we Ne EXECUTIVE SUMMARY with effect from Ducember 1, 2018, 4 basic framework for regulations has been established. The focus now has been on aciressing challenging frontier issues such as Beyond Visual Line of Sight "BVLOS" & Autonamous Operations Ministry of Coal Avlation has constituted a taskforce on the recommendation for CAR 240 under the chairmanship of Hone MiusterofSlateforCivl Aviation Pursuanttoresporsiblitieshandedovertothesub cammittee ton Regulations and Felicy, we take the opportunity o present a draft policy nate pn CAR 20 alongwith aurrecommendations A: the launch af the BigalShyPltfnn under Ci Avion Regulations CARY 1.0 tthe outset we wish tohighlightthatCAR 20 may either beintroducedas an amendmenttath= ‘eustng CAN 1.0 oF may also be Introduced as separate sel of Civil Aviation Kequiternenls notwithstanding thecondlttansleiidown under CAR 1.0. In this drone eensysternroasimap, we vecorarnend key principles that should quide the dafting ‘ofthe CAR... Qurhasic tenetisthat no operation should beallowed aver cilian airspace unless manufacturers meet cestain standards, and operators prove safety of afl stakcholders In designated test zones, Further, ever ater such dumanstrations, operations ane only allowed in ‘wulldafined BroneCorridors.The regime of No Permission, No Take-aM{((NPNT"willcantinue in ‘his CAR2.0, to provide sacuity rom unauthorized kas, For piivacy, werequire manutacturers to adhere toa privacy by design standard, eliminating risks ot huture privacy harmsby operators. ‘Gueyall the CAR 2.0 onables imovation without significantly compromising safety, security or privacy. Recommendations forthe purpose of (AR2.Omayinelude: (@ BVLOS Operations: Expansion of operational airspace for UAS operating beyond the visvallineofsightandabovethecurrantlimitof 00 fe [by Autanomous Operations: Use of algorithms for plating may be permitted, but only if adequate safety, security and privacy principles ate demonstrated in the design of operations {c] Drone Corridor: A segregated altspace defined by the appropriate authorities In consultation with thearspace designars to keep commercial UAS operations out ofthe om segregutedairspacein whieh manned aircraftsoperate {@) Aleworthiness: New principles uf sir worthiness car bu introduced to inelude safety by design socurityby design and privacy by design (@ UASTrafhieManagement: 4 UAS Traffic Management should be respunsible for ‘nanaging LAs induced wai, especially in the Drone Condor DigitalSky Service Providers: DSPs may engage in presiding enabled services to the LUAS Operiors,DigitalSky Platform, eelevant law enforcement authorities and‘or any. otherstakeholders. {@) Pilot Training: lnpioved and advance pilot taining methods should be introduced to nigettheprofessienalrequrementsunder CARZO. th) Dronaports: Designatedareas dedicated toaciitatetake-offand lancingofthe URS, (i) Paylosd / Cargo: Commercial UAS operations al foster various new firs ofa felght capabites. {) Makeinindia: 100% FO in UAS and RPAS based commercial ivitavation services would providea boostsntharnakeintndlaintativein hisindustry w Insurance: Considering the increased exposure due to camimercial operetions it becomes mmportant for URS operators to have a prolessional ability insurance to cover thacost eflegalfees and damages anardedagainstsueh operators |. PREAMBLE ‘The Unmanned Aira System ("US") market in India is projected ta touch US$ 286 milion by 2021, while the global market is likely touch USS 21.47 bilion.1 In ardar to tap inka the ‘opportunites in this space, India must requlatly guide technology standards and uparade its polity ramewurkaccordingly In CAR 1.0,» base framework for equating drunu wa ail aut IL specie’ calagarication of drones nto classes based.on weight. a cick indicator of potential for harm, Further. a minienum set of manufacturing guidelines were introduced to introduce elements of safety, security and prvacy protection Significant amongst these was the intraducton of the No Permission, So fakeatf (NNT? regime far al-enfarcament. NPNT requires all manufacturers to implement ‘ummware & hardware changes that only lew fights 2s authorized by OCA to physically kas off That i, 0 drone will be able to My without fest specifying to the DGCA its intended fight envelope, ime of light and pilotcuedentlas Further. multiple restrictions on aperalions ware instituted to lit potent har. CAR 1.Donly llonedtegistered. NPNT-complant drones tobe issued a Unique Mentification Number 'UIN', Drones with valid UINs may be petted to ly up taramaximum ceiling of 120 m (400.8 pick as required for every operation, and the diene cauld only aperate within line at sight af the piloL. Operations am moving plalformsor wohicles was alsenetperaitted The protessof registration, seeking authorizatiun and co-rdinalivn with government agencies takes place on the Digtalshyplatorm, Forthe ease af wet operator, airpacus inthe country are pre-categorized ae No ly zones Red), some operations permitted (Amber) andall operations permitted (Greens, The DigitalSky platform provides paperless corwenience for requesting all permissions, and automates sculng af permissions a Green zones, sigaficantlyspecdinguip the process. Ihis prondes transparency and accountability for both regulators and operatars Digitalsky and Dynamic Zaning azo allowed ragulatarstorespond quickly ta sucurity and safety reeds by being able to limit permissions in areas wheve they may be sudden security, safety or privacy challenges. The proposed! CAR 20 looks to expand the scape of operaluns to include autonomous flying, should seek lo Uuvalop a sound segulatory famawork by introducing Ihe highest standards of safety security ainenrthiness, peratianal approval, maintenance an licensing far commercial andlautoromous use ofYASand furtherenablethe operations beyonelvisuallineof sight CAR 20 should encourage development of intrastucture istich a5 UAS Traffic Management {CUDe"y system, Orane Condor and Droneparts) necessary for expansion and penetration of aS tasedcoramercialservicus,silloul vompromisinngon safely andsecurity. Consequently ar evolving intastucture would alse increase jub upportunitias and simultaneously incentvise lomesticas well asarelgn technology advancementsandinvestmentsinthissp3ce, g CAR2.0 should aso considerthediustionin which theautonomous AS technology ought tobe developed and the ethical framework to be mcorporated in the operational and functional ‘design of such autonomousUAS,fpermitted Thisaspectiserucia, asst shspesthetschnological fucurectthe indian society Considering inca's varied topographic and demographic profil, its wnt tant thatthe policy {Governing cammercialuse of UAS and Autenomaus UAS remains conscious and sensitive tothe actors unique indian context. This would not onlyhelpin eoctive implementatlon ofCAR 20, but aso help promote an wiranmens coniducwe for social and economic development ef the sountry. 2VISION To fosler Innovation in the UAS market by enabling commercial Use of UAS including autonomous UAS and expending ts aperabilty Beyand visual tine ofsight. Further toreaize the ‘emendaus patenlal of the Indian UAS market in the ferm of economic growth, public and societal welfareand job ceation;and position Indla asa global kwderinthis space. 3, MISSION fa) Tosncurehighand unitorn levelofsafetyfor WAS operations. {hy Tofesterinnovation enttepreneurshipand com peitionand buldinfrastructure capabilites, 16) Toattractteehnelogy advancements and investment, both domestic and foreign. Id) Toprovide lterativesolutions to crticalandhigh-rsk problems. 4 OBJECTIVES {a Cnabling the Digital Sky fremewencko dedicate dynamically soyregated airspace, specially forcommetcialuseof UAS and BVLOS operations. tb Enabling autonomous operations without compramising safety, secuslty or privacy of citaens {el Enabling digital and online regulatory system with reabtime authentication, sett: enforcement andrea-tmetraceaity opabiltes. {eh tnabling use of UAS for commercial activities which ane not expiltly prokibived by the ccancarnedauthoriny g (e) Enabling research and development supporting technological innovations In the UAS. Industryandlresearchinstiutions. (Enabling advanced inftastiuctureandgoverance capabilites, fg) Adopting ahuman-centig risk-based anclcapabilty-basedl regulatory rameworkforall IAS, operations conducted inthe Dronecoror. (h) Enabling foreign investments anclluvel playing fielder domasticandintemationa layers ‘Enhancing ease of doingbusiness through digitized procedures ande-governance 0. IMPLEMENTATION CCAR Duasthevesultot a consultativepracess, ancl laid down the foundation for UASeperations ‘nina. The govemmentand the Industry evolving and iterating to come up with better, more relevant policies to keep the Indtan market competitwe. Therefor to enable CAR 2.0 t0 be the regulation forthe future of URS industry in India it must he cquipped lo tackle challenges that \erenotenuisinned atthe sage oF CAR 0. Successfulimplementation of CAR2.0 for commercial usageof UAS, for operationsbeyond visual Tine of sight and for operation of autonomous UAS, Isa factor of several combinations including safe and secure airspace for UAS, advance infrastructure to manage the UAS trathc lecentvalization oF DigitalSky Platform and allow aces to Ligitalsky Service Prowtders( DSP") for effective management, flexibility to adopt ever-changing technology. formulating an ethical framework or autonomous UAVsancl innovation of new conceptsto su the varied topographic anddemographic prafle finds Appropriate authorities should be made responsible for licensing aad authorizing UTMs, DSPs and other similar infrastructure service providers ta operate in the Digitale. n this gard, we ‘emphasize the need foraDrone Ditectorate within the Dikectorate General of hil vation The bbrone Dwactorate may suenecessary guidelines. which may heupdatedfasteyasthenerdsata nascentdeane ndusty differ ftom thoseof the mature Chl Aviation Ialusty.Simisly theres 3 needforaMember, DigitslSky an analogue ef Member, Aur Nowgatian Service, bul specializing in airspace issues arising fram usage af UAS.The Member, DigitalSky may be given responsibilly for maintain existing DigtalSky Platform, and upgrading it to meet the technological demands for operations beyond visual fine of sight aneloperation of autonomous UAS. be 8 A 6. DRONE CORRIDOR 1. CAM 1.0 allows UAS operations ta be carried out wn hoth segregated and unsegresated alspace of upto 400 albovethe graundlevel ppres.120:eters}andtwithin the visual ine of sight subjectto coneltionsprescribad thercin However, for expansion and penetration LUas-based commercial services andl to enhance he capabilities of UNS iti important that the operational airspace for UAS is expanded to allow beyond visual ine of sight and above thecurent imitaf4don. operationsin segregated aispacecortidors. ii. Till such time the UAS for cammmercial use are not certified ws safe to y slongside manned aincrat, they should be kept anay trem airspace in which manned aircrafts operate ‘Alternatively. Brane Corridor. an airspace segregated fom fight paths of manned aera (with adequate safety bute} should be provided for URS operations. The Corridors can be defined by the Member, DigitsiSky in conuulation with the Drone Directorate to Include the segregated arspace inwhich UAS may operate without the need to communicate with the AirTraficcoutroher ii, ll Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations may only be camed out in designated Drone CCoridors.suchthats (4) TheUASis cetiied assirworthyto ly nthatparticularDrone Corio, ad {bl -The UASis being lovenforthesame purposeas was specied inthe spectfication.and fe, The VAS isnt carrying any unauthonzed payload that are notincidental to the purpose ‘afthe operation and {dh TheUAS may only take-nfframa designated draneport qualified lohanele operations of ‘that UASHype and te) TheUAS may only tand in adesignated droneport qualified te handle operations of that LUAS type. eaceptin the cate ofemergencylanding, orasmay be commandeered by the appropriate authorities under bimodal contol iv. Further while designing the Coridars following factors maybe taken Intoconsideration: 9 Limiting human presence te, there i imited recognized human presence within the corridor during thaperiod of aperaions (b) Nohigh valveassetsthatareineldental tothe expected purpose ofopetation: {eight ofthe fight operations an the has of airand ground sks (considering colision avoidance wrthothers UAS, persons, mannedrcrafts and eticalavrastrcturel: (dl Connectivity withthe UASandUTH: {el Senstive onescan be carmarkedwhere Ryingwould be completely prohibited "No Fly ons I AIRWORTHINESS Relevant standards for eertifcatlons of aarworthiness foe UAS eperations have been preseriued under CAR 1.0, Howave, lig undeniable that BVLOS operatians helghtens the ralabitny concerns relating to operator contr systeras, control data inks and onboard porverwhil also resulting in a moltifol increase in the petential fr injury andar darnagera ‘thre party people/stuctures duetothe bility ly at atiuclesgreatthan 4008. ji, Therefore, che regulatory requirements uf airworthiness should be Independent of ‘operational sk environment assuring the highest sk Thus, inallya common high-risk envronment acioss the county for Yeasons of risk management about airworthiness regulations would befeasble. Ti, Additionally the certification tak for innovative, diverse and new roleste be undertaken by the UAS can he subjected to additlonal airworthiness requitements depending on the speclicnatureralerenveonment ofthe UASoperstion, ii, Thats airworthiness certifeations would be issued to & manufacture for every "UAS type” and manufacturers must attest that every subsequently praduced UAS coraalies with the standarstwascertied for \._ TheDrone Directorate may prescribea maximum lifecycle for weeh deons-Lype and perators rmustapnly torve-certifcationat theendofthelifecycleafthedrone VL. Whilegranting analnvorthinesscertifestion tos manufacturecthefalloningguidingsesign principles maybe considered a) Safety by Design: Every UAS should be designed, manufactured. remanufactured, refurbished or rebuilt with safe design and manufacturing considerations as cuvently prescribad under CAR 1.0 Further depending entherrelevantlnfurmtlon necessaryto ensure safe and proper operating procedures, additional standards for certification may bel down by the conceanestauthoxity, bb) Security by Design: The UAS and the embedded software should be designed to implement end-to-end sacurity by ensuring cantinuous menitoring, racking, tomper proofing, trusted hardware design, sense and avoid capabiities and standardized ‘emergency responses, ©) Privacy Design: Privacy principles musthaembeddedinte thefunctionaldesignofthe LUAS.Byintuodlucing technicalmeasuesthatenahleprivacyasthedefaultsetting “Thflloning cements may beconsideredasportofan aworthinessanpvovat 2)_Salety elated aspects of arcraftperfonnanceéfightcharstersics. 1) Designund production ofareratstrucurefineliding launchandvecovety load ©) Dasignand production ofmechanicalhydraulcfpneuatie systems 1 Designand productunofairftpopuionsystn Froit

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