INDIAN BREAD MAKING TOOLS- CONSUMER EVALUATION AND DESIGN MODIFICATION P. RAJYA LAKSHMI B.Sc. (Home Science) MASTER OF SCIENCE (HOME SCIENCE) 2012 INDIAN BREAD MAKING TOOLS – CONSUMER EVALUATION AND DESIGN MODIFICATION BY P. RAJYA LAKSHMI B.Sc. (Home Science) THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE ACHARYA N.G.RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE FACULTY OF HOME SCIENCE CHAIRPERSON: Dr. D. RATNA KUMARI DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT & CONSUMER SCIENCES COLLEGE OF HOME SCIENCE SAIFABAD, HYDERABAD – 500 004 ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 2012 i CERTIFICATE Ms. P. RAJYA LAKSHMI has satisfactorily prosecuted the course of research and that thesis entitled “INDIAN BREAD MAKING TOOLS – CONSUMER EVALUATION AND DESIGN MODIFICATION” submitted is the result of original research work and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation to the examination. I also certify that neither the thesis nor its part thereof has been previously submitted by her for a degree of any University. Place: Hyderabad Dr. (Mrs.) D. RATNA KUMARI Chairperson Date: ii CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “INDIAN BREAD MAKING TOOLS – CONSUMER EVALUATION AND DESIGN MODIFICATION” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ‘Master of Science in Home Science’ of the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad is a record of the bonafide original research work carried out by Ms. P. RAJYA LAKSHMI under our guidance and supervision. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The published part and all assistance received during the course of the investigations have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. Thesis approved by the Student Advisory Committee Chairperson : Dr. (Mrs.) D. RATNA KUMARI Associate Professor RMCS Department College of Home Science (Signature) Hyderabad - 500 004 Member : Dr. (Mrs.) V. VIJAYA LAKSHMI Associate Professor RMCS Department College of Home Science (Signature) Hyderabad - 500 004 Member : Dr. (Mrs.) NASREEN BANU Associate Professor HDFS Department College of Home Science (Signature) Hyderabad - 500 004 Date of final viva-voce: iii DECLARATION I, Ms. P. RAJYA LAKSHMI, hereby declare that the thesis entitled “INDIAN BREAD MAKING TOOLS – CONSUMER EVALUATTION AND DESIGN MODIFICATION” submitted to Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University for the degree of Master of Science in Home Science is the result of original research work done by me. I also declare that no material contained in the thesis has been published earlier in any manner. Place : Hyderabad (P. RAJYA LAKSHMI) Date : I. D. No. HHM/2010-016 iv Acknowledgements Conducting research is such an uphill task, which requires extensive guidance arduous work and magnificent support of so many people, without which it is very difficult to complete the research work, that sometimes thanks seems to be such a small word, which cannot convey the feeling of heart. First and foremost I am indebted to “Almighty God” without whose grace no effort can succeed. I express my deep gratitude to my major advisor, Dr. (Mrs.) D. Ratna Kumari, Associate Professor, Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad, for her guidance and inspiration offered right from the initiation of the work to the ship shaping of the manuscript. The present work bears at every stage the impression of her wise counsel and concrete suggestions, careful and constructive criticism, constant encouragement and meticulous attention at all stages of the research work. . It was a great pleasure for me to conduct this thesis under her supervision. Her overly enthusiasm and integral view on research and a task for providing ‘Only high-quality work and not less’ has made a deep impression on me. My profound thanks are extended to Dr. (Mrs.) V. Vijaya Lakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad, for her untiring interest and encouragement, useful suggestions and timely help extended in the preparation of this thesis. My heartfelt thanks are due to Dr. (Mrs.) Nasreen Banu, Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Home Science, Hyderabad for the advice and help given during my research work. v I am extremely grateful to Dr. (Mrs.) A. Mrunalini, University Head of Department, Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad., Dr. (Mrs.) MahaLakshmi V. Reddy, Professor, Head of Department, Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad., Dr. (Mrs.) T. Neeraja, Professor, Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad and Dr. (Mrs) P. Radha Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Home Science, Hyderabad., for their co-operation in helping me in carrying out the research work. I am proud to have family, well supported in all aspects and it is a pleasure to express my reverence to my parents for all their love and guidance Mr. P. Nagendra Raju and Mrs. P. Naga Lakshmi for their blessings, moral support, constant encouragement and dedicated efforts to educate me to this level. From the innermost corner of my heart I express my un-boundful, gratitude and owe a deep sense of honour to my husband Mr. N. Raju, for encouragement, moral support, unlimited affection and untiring patience which helped tremendously in carrying out my research work. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends Swetha K, Sireesha M, Shirin E, Neelima Kiran, Esther D and Sharada. B for their constant encouragement, good co- operation and help rendered during the study and making it memorable one. Lastly I want to thank one and all who helped me in completion of this work. (P. RAJYA LAKSHMI) vi LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter No. Title Page No. I. INTRODUCTION 1-6 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 7-70 III. MATERIAL AND METHODS 71-89 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 90-156 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 157-164 LITERATURE CITED 165-176 APPENDICES 177-183 vii LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter No. Title Page No. I INTRODUCTION – 1-6 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE – 7-70 2.1 Indian breads-an introduction 2.2 Ergonomics of hand tools 2.3 Methodologies for evaluation of hand tools 2.4 Design consideration for Indian bread making tools III MATERIALS AND METHODS – 71-89 3.1 Research design 3.2 Selection of study area 3.3 Sample selection 3.4 Data collection 3.5 Data analysis 3.6 Design of prototype and analysis IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - 90-156 4.1 Market survey 4.2 Profile of the respondents 4.3 Use of Indian bread making tools 4.4 Design details of the tools used 4.5 Ergonomic evaluation of the existing tools 4.6 Prototype design 4.7 Ergonomic evaluation of designed, improved and developed tools 4.8 Correlation between existing and improved tools V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS – 157-164 LITERATURE CITED – 165-176 APPENDICES - 177-183 viii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page. no. 3.1 Physical features of selected rolling pins for ergonomic 87 evaluation 3.1 Physical features of selected rolling boards for ergonomic 87 evaluation 4.1 Different rolling pins available in the market 92 4.2 Different rolling boards available in the market 94 4.3 Profile of the respondents 97 4.4 Cooking pattern and frequency of help in meal preparation 98 4.5 Frequency of use of Indian bread making tools 101 4.6 Years of usage of tools 101 4.7 Duration of use of Indian bread making tools per use 102 (quantity of chapattis=8) 4.8 Materials and brands of rolling pin and rolling board used 103 4.9 Comfort while using bread making tools 106 4.10 Factors considered while purchasing tools 107 4.11 Posture adapted while using the tools 107 4.12 Problems faced while using the tools in standing/sitting 108 posture 4.13 Problems faced while using the tools in squatting posture 109 4.14 Suggestions for the improvement in design of tools 110 4.15 Dimensions of identified rolling pins 112 4.16 Dimensions of identified rolling boards 115 4.17 Average anthropometric measurements of the respondents 116 4.18 Palm Index (%) N=6 117 4.19 Heart rate (b.min-1) and energy expenditure (kilojoules) 124 4.20 Design flaws and modifications 126 4.21 Dimensions of improved rolling pins 139 4.22 Dimensions of improved rolling boards 139 4.23 Palm Index (%) N=2 140 ix