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IndiaTOv4A.pdf 1 6/18/13 1:48 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K T N E M S TI R E V D A Periodical Friday, June 28, 2013 Vol. XLIII No. 39 www.rediff.com (Nasdaq: REDF) $1 To subscribe PERIODICAL 1-877-INDIA-ABROAD (1-877-463-4222) www.indiaabroad.com/subscribe $1 Friday, June 28, 2013Vol. XLIII No.39 www.rediff.com (Nasdaq: REDF) International Weekly Newspaper Chicago/Dallas Los Angeles NY/NJ/CT New York Amrit Singh PUBLISHER’S SPECIAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE Deepika Kurup SPECIAL AWARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT Marshall Bouton FRIEND OF INDIA AWARD Natwar Gandhi AWARD FOR LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Nithin Tumma SPECIAL AWARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT Rahul Nagvekar SPECIAL AWARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT Raj Chetty AAmmii BBeerraa RRaajj SShhaahh GES FACE OF THE FUTURE AWARD MA GETTY I IINNDDIIAA AABBRROOAADD PPEERRSSOONN IINNDDIIAA AABBRROOAADD PPEERRSSOONN Romesh Wadhwani CA/ C USA OOFF TTHHEE YYEEAARR 22001122 OOFF TTHHEE YYEEAARR 22001122 AWARD FOR LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT B RY R D LA Sambhu Banik N A OAD AWARD FOR LIFETIME SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY R B A NDIA Snigdha Nandipati HI/I D AN SPECIAL AWARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT G H S RE S: PA Valarie Kaur H RAP G GOPAL RAJU AWARD FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE O OT H P SPONSORED BY HOSPITALITY EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT M2 India Abroad June, 2013 Give the gift of financial protection. We can help you develop a financial protection strategy that helps you protect what matters most to you. Visit us at newyorklifeindia.com New York Life Insurance Company 51 Madison Ave New York NY 10010 Toll Free 1-877-NYL-ASIA © 2013, All Rights Reserved V C 8 7 6 2 9 4 V D/ F/ / M E O E M3 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 FROM THE EDITORS For creating legislative history; for inspiring future generations, and for starting a fresh conversation in democracy. PARESH GANDHI Ami Bera created history when he became only the third US Congressman in the history of the Indian-American immigrant experience last year. India To make a difference Abroad Person Of The Year A merish ‘Ami’ Beracreated his- US Congressman Ami Bera, the tory when he became only the India Abroad Person of the Year for Political Achievement 2012, third United States Congress- 2012 man in the history of the in eloquent conversation with Aziz Haniffa. Indian-American immigrant experience last November, and 1CELEB0RATING only the second Indian-Amer- speaks about how serving in the House of Has it fully sunk in that you are a US lawmak- ican Democrat in more than 50 years after Representatives inspires the next generation to er — that you’ve created history? Dalip Singh Saund. believe that they can accomplish anything. Every day, when I walk to work, I walk past The good doctor, a second-generation Ameri- the Capitol Building and appreciate the honor can, born and raised in California, is also the It’s nearing six months since you were sworn YEARS first Indian-American physician to be elected to in as the US Representative representing Congress. California’s 7th District and I know you hit the PAGE M4 (cid:74) In this interview with India Abroad, Dr Bera ground running. SPONSORED BY HOSPITALITY EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR India Abroad Person Of The Year 2012 1CELEB0RATING The International Weekly Newspaper founded in 1970. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation M4 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 YEARS INDIA ABROAD (ISSN 0046 8932) is published every Friday by India Abroad Publications, Inc. 42 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10004. Annual subscription in United States: $32. India $32 INTERNATIONAL: By Regular Mail: South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Australia & Middle East: $90. By Airmail: South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Australia & Middle East: $210 Periodical postage paid, New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: INDIA ABROAD, 42 Broadway 18th floor, New York, NY 10004 Copyright (c) 2006, India Abroad Publications, Inc. Ajit Balakrishnan Chairman and Publisher Nikhil Lakshman Editor-in-Chief Rajeev Bhambri Chief Operating Officer-US Media THE EDITORIAL TEAM NEW YORK Aziz Haniffa, Editor Arthur J Pais, Editor, Features Suman Guha Mozumder, Associate Managing Editor George Joseph, P Rajendran, Deputy Managing Editors Paresh Gandhi, Chief Photographer Ritu Jha, Special Correspondent Parimal Mehta, System Manager Production:Dharmesh Chotalia, Production Supervisor. Harish Kathrani David Richter, Production Controller, Editorial CONTACT EDITORIAL Call: 212-929-1727 Fax: 212-727-9730 E-mail: [email protected] MUMBAI Vaihayasi Pande Daniel, Editorial Director, Features RA Dominic Xavier, Creative Head BE Uttam Ghosh, Joint Creative Head MI MSSauonmnjaaitlyi B SShaaarwtktaaarnc, htN,a Seryawati,ss AhE sdBsiootdocarisa,t eC rMeaantiavgei nDgir eEcdtiotorsr RTESY: A Rukmani Sah-Mehta, Assistant Editor OU Shailaja Nand Mishra, Senior Production Coordinator CFormer President Bill Clinton, right, endorses Ami Bera during his campaign last year. THE BUSINESS TEAM In Bera’s words to India Abroad then, it was ‘a big deal.’ INDIA ABROAD DISPLAY ADVERTISING CONTACT THE DISPLAY ADVERTISING TEAM PERSON OF THE YEAR Toll free: 1-866-702-1950 To make a Fax: 212-627-9503 E-mail:[email protected] Geeta Singh Sales Executive SWATI DANDEKAR Jitender Sharma Associate Sales Manager difference Then Iowa Congresswoman India Abroad Person of the Year 2002 CLASSIFIEDS WANT TO INSERT A CLASSIFIED/MATRIMONIAL AD? Call: 1-800-822-3532 SONAL SHAH Fax: 212-691-0873 E-mail: [email protected] Co-founder, Indicorps Shahnaz Sheikh Classified Manager India Abroad Person of the Year 2003 Sujatha JillaClassified Assistant Manager American physician to be elected to Jim GallentineClassified Representative (cid:73) PAGEM3 Congress. How much of a sense of MOHINI BHARDWAJ CIRCULATION responsibility do you feel not just to CONTACT THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Captain, US Olympics Gymnastic Team Call: 212-645-2369 the younger generation as a role & Olympic Silver Medalist Fax: 212-627-9503 E-mail: [email protected] to represent our country — to repre- model, but also to the Indian- India Abroad Person of the Year 2004 Subscription toll free number: 1-877-INDIA-ABROAD (1-877-463-4222) sent America. American physicians community Anjali S ManiamAssociate Vice President, Marketing & Special Events Balagopal Rajagopal, Database Administrator There is still a sense of excitement because they are in a lot of ways the BOBBY JINDAL Suresh Babu in the Indian-American community, most respected brand in the Indian- Then United States Congressman THE INDIA BUSINESS TEAM particularly the next generation. American community? India Abroad Person of the Year 2005 Nikita Pai, Deputy Chief Manager. Call: 91-22-24449144, extension 320 I believe that my getting elected First off, as a physician, I have a REDIFF.COM EDITORIAL TEAM and my serving in the House of deep sense of responsibility to my INDRA NOOYI Saisuresh Sivaswamy, Senior Editorial Director. Sheela Bhatt, Senior Editorial Representatives inspires that gener- patients — young and old — and Director, News Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo Ivan Crasto, Editorial Director, Sports ation to believe that they can do any- making sure that as we go for India Abroad Person of the Year 2006 Shobha Warrier, Associate Editorial Director thing that they set their minds to. health-care reform, we don’t lose Prithviraj Hegde, Editor, News,Nandita Malik, Editor, Business Savera R Someshwar, Archana Masih, Syed Firdaus Ashraf, Managing Editors That is an incredible honor — to sight that this is about taking care of MIRA NAIR Rajesh Karkera, Joint Creative Head be in a position to inspire that gen- our patients. A Ganesh Nadar, Indrani Roy Mitra, Seema Pant, Ronjita Kulkarni, Swarupa Dutt, Filmmaker Associate Managing Editors eration. As an Indian-American physician, India Abroad Person of the Year 2007 Prasanna D Zore, Vikash Nanjappa, Deputy Managing Editors Are there moments when you we are 8 percent of all physicians Rupali S Nimkar, Senior Assistant Managing Editor Onkar Singh, Sanaya Dalal, Assistant Managing Editors reflect — when you sit back and the and surgeons in this country, so it’s a N V Reuben, Senior Art Director FAREED ZAKARIA Uday Kuckian, Art Director reality hits you that ‘I am here in large community. Then Editor, Newsweek International & Puja Banta, Chief Features Editor Congress, seated here, going to the Certainly, I talk to that community Vipin Vijayan, Sanchari Bhattacharya, Chief News Editors host, Fareed Zakaria GPS Harish Kotian, Deputy Sports Editor well of the House, making state- as well. India Abroad Person of the Year 2008 Patcy Nair, Bikash Mohapatra, Chief Features Editors ments, asking questions at hear- It is a community that has made Abhishek Mande, Senior Associate Editor Rajorshi Sanyal, Deputy News Editor ings’? great strides in America and it’s an VENKATRAMAN RAMAKRISHNAN Gauri Ghadi, Senior Assistant Editor Are their times when — while not opportunity for us to give back. Sonil Dedhia, Principal Correspondent Nobel Laureate Mahipal Soni, Director, Operations(Editorial) necessarily overwhelming — there is As a role model for the next gener- India Abroad Person of the Year 2009 Aslam Hunani, Joint Director, Operations(Editorial) a sense of awe? ation, there too, I am sure there is Ashish Narsale, Associate Director, Operations(Editorial) Rajesh Alva, Manager, Operations(Editorial) There is always a sense of awe that sense of responsibility. NIKKI HALEY Manisha Deshpande, Senior Visuals Coordinator because I am serving our country — Absolutely. Anant Salvi, Visuals Coordinator Governor, South Carolina America — at the highest level and Raised with traditional Indian- India Abroad Person of the Year 2010 India Abroad Publications, Inc A subsidiary of Rediff.com India Ltd. it’s that sense of honor, understand- American and American values of ing the privilege and responsibility always building for the next genera- Ajit Balakrishnan PREET BHARARA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer that I have. US Attorney for the Southern District And yes, it’s a wonderful opportu- EDITORIAL & CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS of New York 42 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10004 nity. (But) I would not describe it as India Abroad Person of the Year 2011 MAIN OFFICE: overwhelming. Call: 646-432-6000 PAGEM5 (cid:74) Fax: 212-627-9503 You are also the first Indian- Web site: http://ia.rediff.com/index.html India Abroad Person Of The Year 2012 1CELEB0RATING M5 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 YEARS COURTESY: AMI BERA’S OFFICE Friends and family surround Ami Bera is he is sworn into office in January. There is, he says, always a sense of awe and honor in being able to serve the country. To make a difference (cid:73) PAGEM4 tion, making sure that we raise our children and grand- children with more opportunities than we had. These are not just Indian-American values, those are his- What makes this country strong is this fabric of different It’s exciting when I am speaking to that next generation. torical American values as well that this country has always ethnicities, different cultures, coming together in the melt- You can see that excitement in their eyes, that ‘Hey, if he built on. ing pot that is the United States of America. can go to Congress, maybe I can.’ So, when I talk about that, those are values that are That’s historically what has always propelled us forward. And, if in some ways, we can inspire the next generation deeply ingrained in me — building for the future, building The Indian-American community is part of that fabric to run for office, we would have accomplished a lot. for the next generation, giving people opportunity. and part of the strength of the United States of America. At almost every Indian-American event you talk of how Why is it that you are very strong in expressing this sense We have a lot to offer — we’ve done well in health care, you are buttonholed by reporters and asked how you won as of pride and not at all apologetic? we’ve done well in academia, we’ve done well in business an Indian-American candidate, and if you found that a I know of other elected Indian Americans — who will rem- and technology and this benefits the United States of major hurdle in your Congressional campaign and you ain unnamed, some who ran for Congress — who were diffi- America. always respond by saying that you won because you were dent about their ethnicity. Why would I run away from the tremendous value that Indian American. Of course, a part of this could be attributed to the handlers the Indian-American community brings to the broader What do you really mean by that? who did not want to show up their candidates’ ethnicity. American community? What I mean by that is, I ran as an Indian American — You have no qualms about talking about being Indian Am- Is it because ethnicity today is no more a factor in some as a son of parents who immigrated here from India — and erican, even though your constituents are a mix of all races ways that perhaps it was a few years ago? it’s the values that our parents raised us with, the values of and the mainstream. a strong sense of family, the values of working hard, the val- Is it because ethnicity has evolved so much so that it’s no ues of making sure you’ve built a solid foundation of edu- longer a big deal? cation, the values of sacrificing for the next generation to I have to run on who I am, and I am not going to run away PAGEM6 (cid:74) make sure your children are better off than you. from who I am, what my values are. SPONSORED BY HOSPITALITY EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR India Abroad Person Of The Year 2012 1CELEB0RATING M6 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 YEARS To make a difference (cid:73) PAGEM5 Again, I have to run on who I am and what my values are, and I am not going to run away from that. ence. The Indian-American community is And it’s in my nature to want to not a large portion of our district and so make a difference. when I talk about my values, talk about Now as a member of Congress and who I am, I am talking to the broader being totally involved in all of its American community. Those are deliberations that often get down and American values. So, there’s no reason dirty, do you have any regret? to run away from them. Any sense of frustration because Your wife is African American, so in there is always this reality check some ways you are like (California because for all the idealism to make a Attorney General) Kamala Devi Harris difference and set priorities on one’s — you’ve got this African-American agenda, to work with a Republican connection and you are also Indian majority in the House in a bi-partisan American — and in a sense you also manner and reach compromises is speak to the interests of the African- hardly a walk in the park? American community, in terms of the No regrets. As I said, everyday civil rights struggle. when I walk past the Capitol Could you speak about that, and how Building, I understand the tremen- much of an influence and support your dous honor I’ve been given to serve wife Janine has been? the United States of America at the None of us does anything by our- highest level. selves. We do have challenges and as any- While my parents and my family set body who’s spent time here in the foundation, it has really been this Washington, DC, there is a lot of dys- partnership with Janine — in May we function going on. But I am an opti- were married 22 years — where you mist. have a life partner that makes you bet- I believe American democracy is a PARESH GANDHI ter. Hopefully, she’d say the same thing very stable brand of democracy and AmiBera, left, with wife Janine, right, at the Indiaspora Ball this year. He says, “I am not going to run away from who I about me. will help us move forward. am, what my values are.” My mom talks to her more than she The American public has expressed talks to me. Sometimes she’ll pick up its desire to see the people that they the phone and call Janine, who is also a physician. and ask dent in Gujarat, was very active in India’s independence are electing work together, not as Democrats versus her questions. And I’ll say, ‘Mom, I am a doctor too, how movement. Republicans, but as leaders finding those areas of common come you are not asking me?’ When we were growing up, one thing what we did as a ground, those areas of compromise, and moving forward Janine has a very close relationship with my parents. family was we watched Walter Cronkite every night… doing the country’s work. By your marriage to her, you have a much broader, deeper, We would eat dinner together and watch the evening But not to belabor the point, but in terms of a sense of real- perspective — the fact that you have African-American rela- news and talk about what was happening in the world. ity, and of the challenges that you speak about, an example tives, that you’ve been part and parcel of that community So, I was raised with this deep sense of wanting to be of this was when you were making your debut with your first too. involved in the community and public office was one way to amendment to freeze Congressional salaries in sequestra- Again, it’s that melting pot of America. It allows me to do that. tion. This attempt was shot down; you couldn’t even get to step into many different communities. Certainly getting the When I made the decision to go to medical school, it was first base in the Rules Committee. Perhaps even a lot of Indian-American cultural background, getting the African- because that clearly was another way to give back to the Democrats were wondering, ‘What the heck was Ami think- American cultural background, and then just the broader community and have an impact. ing?’ American cultural background, that’s what makes this What was the turning point that made you determinedly With our first amendment, we actually got a lot of praise country remarkable — it’s this melting pot and this fabric decide that you were going to run for Congress? from the leadership because they saw how strategic we that is woven together. Was there something that triggered you to do it? were. When you first decided to run for Congress, what did I’ve had the privilege of being able to serve in many The first bill that we co-sponsored, The No Budget, No Janine say? capacities — as chief medical officer for Sacramento Pay legislation, we did with two Republicans and myself Was it ‘What the heck are you talking about? What the County, as Medical Director for the Mercy Hospital System, and another senior Democrat. heck are you thinking? You are a physician!’? as an Associate Dean within the University of California. When we introduced that bill, the Republican leadership A lot of that… there was certainly some head-scratching… I truly think now is the time where we can’t dance around saw how powerful and important an issue it was, and they but as with everything, we talked about it, we sat and dis- making decisions. came back from their conference and introduced it them- cussed what impact it would have. We have to have the courage to engage in some of the dif- selves. Once she saw that I was determined to go out there and ficult conversations that we have to have to start moving Here was Speaker (John) Boehner using the same lan- explore running, she was on board 100 percent. the country forward — to start building for the next gener- guage that I used, about the importance of passing a budg- I believe you had the political bug in you from your college ation. days. So, I found myself saying, I could stand on the sidelines We grew up in a very political household. and complain about what I wasn’t seeing in Congress, or I PAGEM8 (cid:74) My father, as a high school student and then college stu- could find the courage to step in and try to make a differ- SPONSORED BY HOSPITALITY EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR M7 India Abroad June, 2013 India Abroad Person Of The Year 2012 1CELEB0RATING M8 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 YEARS To make a difference (cid:73) PAGEM6 et. It was a testimony to what we intro- duced. That piece of legislation — the Republican version — passed the House, it passed the Senate, and got signed into law. And I was directly responsible for that — for the fact that for the first time in several years, the Senate is going to produce a budget. You are a freshman member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and also the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, which has jurisdiction over matters pertain- ing to South Asia. How did it come about? Did you actively lobby to become a member of this Committee? Issues of trade are very important to us, and as much as I would like to be on the Ways and Means Committee — no fresh- men are on that Committee — we worked towards getting on Ways and Means. But Foreign Affairs is very important, and the partnership between the United States and Asia and the United States and India is very important. As you’ve heard me say, it’s a very impor- tant economic partner to us and a very important strategic partner. Through the Committee of Foreign Affairs, with chairman (Ed) Royce (California Republican), chairman (Steve) Chabot (Ohio Republican, who heads the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs), we do look to build that strategic partnership. As a fellow Californian, Chairman Royce see the issues of the relationship in a non- partisan way. Most of the issues we talk about on the COURTESY:FACEBOOK.COM/REPAMIBERA Foreign Affairs Committee are really non- Ami Bera, right, in Afghanistan as part of the bipartisan Foreign Affairs Committee trip this Memorial Day weekend. partisan issues — they are issues of protect- ing the United States and then bouncing some of America’s agenda with its allies. tance and so forth of working through our Congressional ue the trilateral conversation between the United States, Both at the full Committee and in the Subcommittee, office and have been very supportive in giving us a leader- India and Afghanistan. you’ve been quite pointed in your questioning of how the ship role. That’s an area that we’d also like to continue to stay US-India Strategic Partnership can be further fostered and I would come back to you that we recognize the impor- engaged with and again, India has a vital role in stabilizing cemented, and also in terms of India’s role in Afghanistan, tance of a US-India, US-Asia trading relationship. South Asia. post the 2014 withdrawal of US and NATO troops from that Certainly, there are areas where we are making a lot of So, it’s building on some of the conversations that are country. progress, there are other areas where strategically we’d like already taking place and again, using my position as an You’ve also brought up India’s role regionally and globally to open up some of India’s markets in a way that helps our Indian-American Congressman to elevate some of those with administration and other expert witnesses. goods and services, helps us create more jobs here in the conversations, to elevate some of those trade discussions, to Why have you been so laser focused on these particular United States as well as in my home state of California. elevate some of those strategic discussions. issues? Those conversations will be ongoing and there’s a recog- Chairman Royce has been extremely supportive, Let me start with two things. nition that given who I am and given my background and Congressman (Joe) Crowley (New York Democrat) as the The leadership in the House of Representatives recog- coming as a Californian, we can take a leadership role co-chair of the India Caucus has been extremely support- nizes the important asset that they have in having an there. ive. Indian-American Congressman. That has given us a lot of As I’ve questioned the witnesses, the United States has The folks at the State Department, those within the think entrée to take a leadership role here in the US-India con- made tremendous investments in Afghanistan and so, as versation and the US-India relationship. we start to draw down, we don’t want to lose those gains. I would say the same thing with the administration and We’d like to see a stable Afghanistan and India does have PAGEM9 (cid:74) through the State Department they recognize our impor- a critical role as we start to move toward 2014 and contin- SPONSORED BY HOSPITALITY EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR

PAGE M28. Raj Shah, who was unable to attend the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in New Delhi in 2011, is accorded the Pravasi We have 600 employees in Russia. We know, for example, in Poland there have been reports of M100 INDIA ABROAD, JUNE 2013 the burning shadows of 9/11.
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