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Preview Index to the Book In the Cause of Progress, A Book by: Robert K. Mortensen

\@ llllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllll/1111111111111~111111111111111 ----- 3 9 0 7 5 0 0 6 54 8 6 7 8 II ndex_ T_o_Th.e B_o_ok _ £:) In The Cause of Progress A Book by: Robert K. Mortensen Index Compiled by Lucille Donaldson · 'fittfe 6y fittft from 6eginning to etuf' ''poco a po'f' initio tul-infinen" xxx. viii. 1972 THE GENEALOGY CLUB OF ALBUQUERQUE 423 Central Avenue, Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87102 © 1998, All Rights Reserved REFERENCE 978.905 MORTENSEN index MortensenJ Robert K. In the cause of progress: a history of the New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association An Index to the book N f. IN THE CAUSE OF PROGRES U\1\,~ By: Robert K. Mortensen This book is a history of the New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association that was written by Mr. Mortensen, but published without an index. This is a full surname index of those names appearing in this book, together with some of their indicated occupations and/or titles. cQ £' ..ll cQ ~ Lll ..D CJ Lucille Donaldson CJ Index Compiler - Lll ('- Cl tr Ilene Jones, President, Genealogy Club of Albuquerque Howard W. Henry, Project Coordinator Eldon W. Pierce, Technical Director Genealogy Club of Albuquerque 423 Cer:1tral Avenue. Northeast ·Albuquerque; .New Mexico 87102 © 1998 All Rights Reserved A ALEMAN, Miguel- Medico Pres. 97 ALLERTON, S. W. 58 ANDERSON, Senator 36,41,42,47 ANDERSON, Clinton- Secty of Agri. 93, 94, 96, 98 ANDERSON, Sen. Clinton 41,47, 104,105 ANDERSON, Clinton P. 31, 32, 34, 87 ANDRUS, Cecil 75 ARMOUR, J. Ogden 59,60 ARMOUR, P. D. 56 ARMOUR, Philip D. 56 ARNETT, C. N. 22, 23 ARWOOD, John C. 2 ASPINALL, Wayne N. 87 ATCHLEY, B. B. 38 B BABBITT, Gov. Bruce 88 BAIRD, Jim 107 BAKER, Mary 61 BARKER, S. Omar 48 BARNES, George W. 23 BARNES, Will C. 100 BARUCH, Bernard M. 29 BEGROW, Jack 47 BETT, Charles 33 BENSON, Secy. Ezra 37, 45,46, 80 BENSON, Ezra Taft 98 BIBO, Arthur 104, 105 BIDEGAIN, Phillip 4,6, 125,127 BIVINS, William 108 BLACK, Dr. Robert 45 BLACK, W. L. 100 BLAND, Schuyler 20, 21 BOND, Frank 75 BORLAND, William 61 BOSTICK, Vernon 79, 80 BOTTS, Judge C. M. 85 BRANNAN- Secty of Agri 79, 97 BRANNAN, Charles F. 34, 35 BROWN, Gov. Edmund, Jr. 88 BROWN, Jack 47 2 BROWNFIELD, A D. 28, 37, 39, 47, 74, 83, 86, 90, 103, 105, 109, 123 BURNSIDE, W. E. 9 BURSUM, Holm 0. 107 BURSUM, Holm Olaf 48, 82 BUTZ, Secy. Earl 51, 52 c CAIN, Stanley A 75 CAIN, Von 109 CALDWELL, Floyd 107 CALKINS, Super. 78 CALKINS, Hugh G. 9 CAMACHO, Manuel Avila- Mex. Pres. 93 CAMARGO, Dr. Fernando 96 CAMERON, Ralph 82 CARPENTER, F. R. 85 CARPENTER, Farrington R. 83 CASON, Cale 47 CARSON, Christopher "Kit" 48 CARTER, Pres. 54 CASAUS, Jesse 2 CHAMBERS, Marshall 19 CHAPMAN, Secy. Oscar L. 107 CHASE 57 CHAVEZ, Sen. Dennis 27,45, 79,85 CHILCOTE, F. H. 46 CHISUM, John S. 47 CHRISTMAS, Mrs. Ace 48 CHRISTMAS, B. A 23, 33 CLARK, Merle 71 CLAYTON, President 28, 29, 32, 105 CLAYTON, Jerry 109 CLAYTON, Louise Jo. 91 CLAYTON, Tom 123 COLLINS, Charles E. 17 COLTON 82 COLVER, William B. 62 COMPTON, Karl T. 29 CONANT, Dr. James B. 29 COOLIDGE, President 22 CORBETT, Dr. Roger B. 108 COREY, Lewis 65 3 CORTINES, Adolfo Ruiz- Mex. Pres. 98 COSTIGAN, Senator 23 COTTER, William 51 COX, A B. 106, 109 CRILE, Dr. A D. 72 CUDAHY, Michael 59 CULBERSON, Sherwood 49, 86, 108, 109, 123 CULBERSON, Victor 9, 13, 18,20,47,61,82, 90,122 CULBERSON, President 39 CULBERSON, Mrs. Victor 18 CULBERTSON, W. 0. 47, 109, 124, 127 CURETON, George H. 32, 109 CUTTING, Sen. Bronson 23 D DALI, Salvador 52 DARLING, Candy 52 DAUGHERTY, Fred 109 DAVENPORT, Bill 2 DAVENPORT, Mrs. Ed. 48 DAVID, President 50 DAVIS, Chester C. 24 DAVIS, J. Les 124 DAVIS, Pres. Les 50, 109, 127 DEMPSEY, Gov. 74 DEMPSEY, John J. 29, 83, 104 DIXON, Joseph M. 82 DOAK, J. L. 109 DOBIE, J. Frank 73, 75 DONAVAN, June Foray 51, 52 DOUGLAS, Justice William 0. 88 DRIGGERS, W. I. "Buster" 39,49, 50,124,126 DUTTON, Walt 79 E EAVES,Hamp 55 EIDSON, Fern 48 EISENHOWER, President 36,37,44-46,48,49 ELLIS, George 101, 109 ELLIS, George F. 36, 37,45, 100,101 ELSER, W. L. 24 ENGLE, Clair 108 ESTES , President 83 EVANS, G. W. 35, 109, 123 4 EVANS, Joe M. 23 EVANS, John 82 EVANS, LeeS. 20,22,24,25,28, 33,69, 100,109,123 EVANS, Mrs. Reuben 48 EVERHART, Mahlon T., Jr. 108 F FARIS, Glenn W. 47 FARRINGTON, R. L. 38 FERNANDEZ, Rep. Antonio M. 85 FISHER, Walter L. 61 FLINT, A. F. (Frank) 109 FLORES, Oscar 96, 97 FORD, President 53, 76 FORD, Henry 57 FOREHAND, Pres. Roy 33, 123 FORTAS, Abe 104 FRANKS, W. C. 9 \• G GARFIELD, James R. 82 GAYLORD, Edward K. 48 GERRY, Elbridge 88 GILILLAND, Dick 107 GILLENWATERS, Col. T. R. 40,41 GLENN, Calvin 4, 9, 122 GODFREY, President 34 GODFREY, George A. 109, 123 GOODNIGHT, Charles 47, 99 GORDON, Clarence 98 GRAHAM, Curtis C. 108 GRANGER, Walter 80, 81 GRAVES, Walter L. 80 GRAY, A. E. 73 GRAY, Gordon - Secty of Army 107 GRISSOM, Glen 38 H HAMMOND, G. H. 56 HAMMOND, LeeR. 109 HAND, L. J. 10 HANNA, Walter 80 5 HANNERS, La Verne 8 HARRINGTON, Mrs. Albert (Tommie) 48 HARRINGTON, Tommie 48 HARRISON, Pres. Benjamin 77 HARVEY, Phil 3,6, 54,87, 108,124,127 HASKELL, Senator 87 HATCH, Sen. Carl 27, 85, 105, 106 HATCH, Carl A 107 HATCH, Orrin 88 HATHAWAY and Swift 56 HATTON, John H. 100 HAYES, President 101 HAYWARD, President 29, 30, 33 HAYWARD, E. G. 33, 123 HENEY, Francis J. 61 HENING, H. B. 90, 91 HENING, Horace H. 38,91,94,106 HERINGA, Pres. Ed 37, 38,43,123 HERNANDEZ, B. C. 11 HICKS, John H. 18, 19 HICKS, Mrs. John 18, 19 HILTON, Conrad 47 HINKLE, Clarence E. 86, 87 HINKLE, James Fielding 48 HINKLE, Rolla 70 HODGE, Hugh 12, 13, 16, 19, 90, 122 HOOKER, Horace 9 HOOVER, Pres. Herbert 22,23,25,82,84, 86, 87,92 HOPE, Clifford 35 HORTON, Bettie 32, 33 HOUGHTON, Ted 15 HOUSTON - Secty of Agri 77 HUBBELL, James 75 HULL, Cordell- Secty of State 26 HUNING, Jack 108 HUNT, Bill 91' 125 I ICKES, Secretary 83, 85, 103, 105 J JACKSON, Senator 87 JACKSON, Pres. Con W. 32, 33, 123 JACOBSEN, Dr. Gifford 2 6 JAMES, Dale 52 JARDINE, Secretary 73 JARROTT, Dick 107 JASTRO, H. A. 63 JASTRO, Henry A. 61 JENSEN, Parley 91 JOHNSON, Harry H. 96, 97 JOKABUS 57 JONES, Sen. A. A. 18, 82 JONES, Bob 5, 125 JONES, Col. Charles J. 99 K KEENEY family 101 KELEHER, W. A. 47 KELLER, W. J. 48 KENDRICK, Sen. John B. 24,62 KENT, Dr. H. L. 24 KENYON, Sen. William 62 KING, Gov. Bruce 70, 88 KING, Mackenzie 26 KING, Mrs. Troy 48 KINGAN, Thomas D. 56 KIPP, Rex 49 KLINE, Alan 43 KNELL, Andrew 99 KNOX, Prof. John 109 KNOX, John H. 101 KOGER, Marvin 101 KOONTZ, Jasper 109 KRICK, Irving P. 40 L LaFOLLETTE, Senator 23 LAMBERT, Linda 37, 109 LAMB, S. W. 25-27 LANE, Joe J. 22, 100 LANE, Louis H. 75 LONGMUIR, Irving 39,40 LANTOW, Prof. J. L. 100 LEAVITT, Scott 73 LEE, Charlie T. 109, 124, 125, 127 LEE, Floyd 11,47, 83,86,105 LEE, Floyd W. 20,27,90,109 7 LEE, 0. M. 23 LEE, Oliver M. 123 LEOPOLD, A. Starker 75 LIGHT, Frank 23 LILLEY, Roy 43 LITTRELL, Bill 109 LIVINGSTON, Colin H. 61 LOPEZ, John H. 95 LOPEZ, Mae Rose 91 LORIMER, George H. 82 LOVE, Oscar 47 LUCERO, Abel 80 LUNA, Solomon 48 LUSK, J. A. 69 Me McARDLE, Richard E. 79 McAULIFFE, T. F. 69 McBRIDE, Roy T. 76 McCARRAN, Sen. Pat 67,68, 83,103 McCLURE, Jake 47 McDATE, Judge Noel 36 McDONALD, Gov. William C. 9 McGRATH, Capt. H. J. 67 McMATH, J. M. 90 McMILLAN, Bill 50 McNARY- HAUGEN 22 McWHORTER, B. M. 9 M MABRY, Gov. Thomas 94 MacALEESE, Greg 2, 70 MacARTHUR, Gen. Douglas 28 MARQUEZ, Maria Teresa 2 MARTINEZ, Joe L. -Atty. Gen. 106 MAXWELL, Lucian B. 48 MEANS, "Jupe" 44,45 MECHEM, Governor 38,43,45 MERCHANT, Lon 33, 93 MERCHANT, W. H. 21,69 METCALF, Senator 87 MILES, Governor 28 MILES, John E. 85 MILLER, J. W. 10, 11 8 MITCHELL, Albert 99 MITCHELL, Albert J. 124, 127 MITCHELL, Albert K. 18,20,22,27,28, 39,40,43,47,48, 50, 69, 86, 94, 100, 109, 123 MITCHELL, T. E. 13,23, 37, 90,122 MITCHELL, Thomas Edward 48, 99 MOLLIN, F. E. 36,68 MORGAN, J.P. 59,60 MORGAN, Murray E. 86 MORLEY, Ray 9, 12, 14-16, 18, 61, 71, 90, 122 MORRIS, Edward 59 MORRIS, Nelson 56 MORTENSEN, Robert K. 2, 3, 8 MOSSMAN, B. C. 82, 83 MOSSMAN, Burton C. 48, 90, 101 MOULTON, E. L. 29, 30 MURPHY, John T. 11 MURRAY, W. D. 15 N NAYLOR, W. A 10 NEAFUS, J. C. 109 NEAL, Philip E. 101 NEALE 101 NEBLETT, Judge Colin 105 NEUMANN, E. K. -Atty. Gen. 73 NICHOLS, Dr. Robert 38 NIXON, President 51, 52, 75 NIXON, Richard 54 NORBECK, Peter 73 NOWLIN, Mrs. Phil 48 0 OBREGON, Alvaro- Mex. Pres. 14 O'DONEL 13 O'DONEL, C. M. 17,21,60, 64,68,82, 90,122 O'DONEL, Charles M. 48 O'MAHONEY, Sen. Joseph C. 27, 80, 81 OREL, B. A 66 ORNDORFF, Will 124 9

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