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Index to Reviews, Symposia Volumes and Monographs in Organic Chemistry. For the Period 1940–1960 PDF

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Preview Index to Reviews, Symposia Volumes and Monographs in Organic Chemistry. For the Period 1940–1960

I N D EX TO R E V I E W S, S Y M P O S IA V O L U M ES A ND M O N O G R A P HS IN O R G A N IC C H E M I S T RY For the Period 1940-1960 Compiled and Edited by N O R M AN K H A R A S CH and W A L T ER W O LF University of Southern California Los Angeles 7, California and ELAINE C. P. HARRISON Technical Editor Los Angeles, California P E R G A M ON P R E SS NEW YORK · OXFORD · LONDON · PARIS · LOS ANGELES 1962 P E R G A M ON P R E SS I N C. 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N.Y. P E R G A M ON P R E SS L T D. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 and 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.I. P E R G A M ON P R E SS S.A.R.L. 24 rue des Ιcoles , ParisV^ P E R G A M ON P R E SS G.M.B.H. Kaiserstrasse 75, Frankfurt am Main Copyright © 1962 Pergamon Press Inc. Library of Congress Card No. 61-18796 Printed in U.S.A. by Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, Mich. F O R E W O RD WHILE PREPARING A RESUME OF MONOGRAPHS, REVIEWS AND SYMPOSIA LECTURES FOR A VOLUME ON ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUNDS, 1 I HAD OCCASION TO JOT DOWN REFERENCES TO HUNDREDS OF OTHER SUMMARY WORKS WHICH I WANTED TO "PIN DOWN" FOR LATER USE. THIS GROUP OF REFERENCES, TOGETHER WITH AN EARLIER ONE, WAS THEN COMBINED WITH A MUCH MORE THOROUGH LIST, PREPARED IN COLLABORATION WITH ELAINE C. P. HARRISON, AND DISTRIBUTED, IN 1960, AS A PRIVATE EDITION TO FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES. THE FAVORABLE RESPONSE TO THE PRE­ LIMINARY EDITION OF THIS INDEX LED US TO THE NEXT STEP, AND THE PRESENT, MORE COMPLETE VERSION THUS RESULTED, GREATLY AIDED BY SUPPORT OF OUR PUBLISHER, MR. ROBERT MAXWELL OF PERGAMON PRESS, AND THE ASSISTANCE OF MY RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, DR. WALTER WOLF. OUR MANUSCRIPT COPY OF THIS INDEX HAS PROVED QUITE USEFUL TO US AND TO OUR STUDENTS, SUGGESTING THAT IT WILL ALSO BE A VALUABLE DESK-AID TO THOUSANDS OF OTHER RESEARCH WORKERS, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. WE ALSO HOPE THAT IT WILL ASSIST EDITORS AND AUTHORS TO SELECT SPECIFIC AREAS WHICH REQUIRE CRITICAL REVIEW. WE HAVE ADOPTED THE PLAN OF LISTINGS BY SYMPOSIA VOLUME OR JOURNAL, BACKED UP BY THE TOTAL SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEXES. IN THIS WAY THE USER CAN READILY LOCATE A PARTICULAR ARTICLE THROUGH THE AUTHOR INDEX OR THE SUBJECT INDEX; OR SHOULD HE RECALL THAT AN ARTICLE APPEARED IN A PARTICULAR SOURCE, THE CHRONOLOGICAL LISTING IN THAT SOURCE CAN BE SCANNED QUICKLY. AS SHOWN BY THE TITLE, WE HAVE NOT LISTED REFERENCES EARIIER THAN 1940, BUT AN EXCEPTION WAS MADE WITH CHEMICAL REVIEWS, FOR WHICH ALL ORGANIC REVIEWS THEREIN PUBLISHED ARE INCLUDED. WHILE WE STRESS THE FEATURE OF TIME-SAVING AS A PRIME ONE WHICH MAY JUSTIFY THIS INDEX, WE SUGGEST THAT EQUALLY IMPORTANT, PERHAPS, THE INDEX GIVES A CONVENIENT OVERVIEW OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTS DURING THIS VERY PROLIFIC PERIOD OF THE GROWTH OF OUR SCIENCE. FREQUENTLY, SEVERAL ARTICLES ON THE SAME OR SIMILAR SUBJECT APPEAR, HENCE THE HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE CAN BE SENSED BY RAPID EVALUATION OF THE REVIEWS SELECTED. WHILE THE MOST RECENT REVIEWS WILL BE THE ONES OF FIRST INTEREST, WE HAVE PURPOSELY NOT ELIMINATED THE EARLIER ONES FROM THE PRESENT EDITION. THIS IS BECAUSE WE BELIEVE THAT THEY SHOULD BE EQUALLY-EASILY AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION, ON THE ONE HAND, AND ALSO BECAUSE THEY MAY CONTAIN IDEAS AND DISCUSSIONS WHICH ARE NOT EMPHASIZED BY LATER AUTHORS, BUT WHICH MAY PROVE SIGNIFICANT. THUS, WE HOPE THAT THIS INDEX WILL BE AN EFFECTIVE INVITATION AND AID TO THOSE WHO WOULD BROWSE AND COGITATE, FOR IT WOULD THEN NOT ONLY BE A SOURCE OF REFERENCE, BUT A CATALYST FOR BEGETTING NEW RESEARCH IDEAS AS WELL. OUR SELECTIONS ARE LIMITED TO PAPERS PUBLISHED IN FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH. OF COURSE, VALUABLE REVIEW ARTICLES, SYMPOSIA AND MONOGRAPHS APPEAR IN MANY OTHER LANGUAGES; BUT UMITATIONS OF SPACE AND OF OUR OWN EFFORTS MADE THE ABOVE RESTRICTION NECESSARY. WITH A VIEW TO POSSIBLE REVISION, HOWEVER, (WHICH WE ANTICIPATE) WE WOULD TRULY WELCOME CITATIONS TO THOSE OUTSTANDING REVIEWS OR MONOGRAPHS IN OTHER LANGUAGES WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE GENERALLY OVERLOOKED. WE BELIEVE THAT THE INDEX HAS A HIGH DEGREE OF ACCURACY, SINCE, WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS, EVERY ARTICLE AND BOOK WAS ACTUALLY SEEN IN THE ORIGINAL BY ONE OF US PRIOR TO INCLUSION. FOR EACH OF THE APPROXIMATELY SEVEN THOUSAND REFERENCES GIVEN, WE HAVE INCLUDED THE FULL REFERENCE SOURCE AND THE ACTUAL PAGE LISTINGS. IN THE CASE OF MULTIPLE AUTHORSHIP, HOWEVER, ONLY THE FIRST THREE AUTHORS (AS APPEARED IN THE ARTICLE) WERE GENERALLY INCLUDED IN THE INDEX LISTINGS. NEVERTHELESS WE HAVE TRIED TO INCLUDE THE NAME OF all AUTHORS IN THE AUTHOR INDEX, WITH CROSS-REFERENCES TO THE FIRST-CITED AUTHOR. A LIST OF ADDRESSES OF PUBLISHERS HAS ALSO BEEN INCLUDED IN THE APPENDIX. Ill ^Organic Sulfur Compounds, Volume 1, edited by N. Kharasch, Pergamon Press (1961). ^Bibliography of Chemical Reviews, edited by the staff of Chemical Abstracts; published by the American Chemical Society. Volumes 1 and 2 cover 1958 and 1959, respectively. The idea for this Index was conceived and the work was in full progress when we learned of the parallel effort for the years 1958-onward by the staff of Chemical Abstracts.2 We believe that our Index will fit in well with the ones prepared by the Abstracts staff, and that it will provide, for organic chemistry, a useful key to the earlier literature. For those who are interested specifically in organic chemistry and its closely allied fields, and because of differences in emphasis and arrangement, the present Index may also have additional justification. Besides the question of selection, the subject index is necessarily and equally the critical feature of this Index. We have tried to make this fully comprehensive and adequately cross-indexed. The inclu­ sion of extensive listings under Reactions, Rearrangements, Alkaloids, Hydrocarbons, etc. are indicative of the depth of the subject index. We will, however, appreciate notations concerning errors or omissions, either in the subject or author indexes and, of course, in the text. A convenient list of the published monographs for 1940-1960, dealing with organic chemistry, should prove valuable. While the list included in this Index is already fairly extensive, we recognize that many borderline books on physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and biochemistry — as well as some textbooks, could be justifiably included. On the whole, we have listed all research monographs which are classified in the 547-file of the Library of Congress, and tried to add, selectively, such other titles as may be of general interest to organic chemists. Admittedly, this list is still quite incomplete, and once again, further suggestions will be welcomed. In connection with the list of monographs, we acknowledge, particularly, the kind assistance of Mr. Herman Henkle of the John Crerar Library in Chicago, who made available to us a photostatic record of the total 547-file of this famous and complete library. Several other persons have helped this project and we wish to acknowledge their assistance. We thank Professors C. M. Buess, T. L. Geissman, R. L. Shriner, R. A. Raphael, J. A. Berson and E. W. Wamhoff, and Drs. George S. Schmid and Leon Goodman, among others, for their interest and specific suggestions. Mrs. E. Dolbee, librarian, and Professor W. G. McMillan, of the University of California at Los Angeles, assisted us by arranging library facilities for Mrs. Harrison, which made much of the work on the first edition most convenient and pleasant. Mr. Laszlo Tokes kindly gave us partial assistance in preparing the subject index and the Pergamon staff cooperated fully in making all publi­ cation arrangements. We are particularly indebted also to Elenora Kharasch, Gladys Wolf and Irene Campbell, whose able and cheerful assistance with the library work and in checking of references and typing of the manuscript were of greatest value. It is intended to keep this Index up to date by issuing an annual volume. Since the one covering the year 1961 is already in preparation, we will appreciate suggestions from users of the present work. Norman Kharasch with Los Angeles, California Walter Wolf and January, 1962 Elaine C. P. Harrison IV International Series of Monographs on ORGANIC CHEMISTRY General Editors: and D. H. R. BARTON, F.R.S., W. VON E. DOERING VOLUME 1 VISTAS IN FREE-RADICAL CHEMISTRY Edited by W. Waters, A. F.R.S. VOLUME 2 BORON FLUORIDE and Its Compounds as Catalysts in Organic Chemistry by A. v. Topchiev, S. V. Zavgorodnii and Y a. M. Paushkin Translated from the Russian by J.T. Greaves VOLUME 3 SYNTHETIC ANALGESICS Part 1. Diphenylpropylamines by P. A. J. Janssen VOLUME 4 HOMOLYTIC AROMATIC SUBSTITUTION by G. H. Williams VOLUME 5 APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY by L. M. Jackman SMALL RING COMPOUNDS by E. Vogel MOLECULAR ENERGETICS by T. Heilbronner and J. D. Dunitz ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUNDS Volume 1 Edited by Norman Kharasch ADVANCES IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND INSTRUMENTATION This is an annual collection of review articles in English, edited by C.N. Reilley and published by Inter science Publishers, Inc., New York. Title Author Reference Tetraphenylboron (TPB) as an analytical reagent H. Flaschka i, 1-117 (I960) and A. J. Barnard New ideas in organic microanalysis. Part I. W. Schöniger 1, 199-240 (I960) C-H, O, N, halogens, S, and other elements Ε. Η. Swift 1, 293-345 (I960) The analytical chemistry of thioacetamide and F. C. Anson R. F. Goddu 1, 347-424 (I960) Near infra-red spectrophotometry ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH This is an annual collection of review articles, in English. Edited by J. P. Greenstein and A. Haddow, and published by Academic Press, New York. In 1957, 1959 and I960 no volumes appeared. Volxime 6 is scheduled for 1961. Electronic configuration and carcinogenesis C.A. Coulson L, 2-56 (1953) Carcinogenic aminoazo dyes J. A. Miller and i 340-396 (1953) E. C. Miller Chemistry of cytotoxic alkylating agents W. C. J. Ross 1, 397-450 (1953) Reactions of carcinogens with mac rom olecules P. Alexander 2^ 2-71 (1954) Chemical constitution and carcinogenic activity; G.M. Badger 1, 73-128 (1954) Electronic structure and carcinogenic activity; A. Pullman 1, 117-169 (1955) aromatic molecules. New developments and B. Pullman Relation between carcinogenic activity and the A. Lacassagne 4, 316-369 91956) physical and chemical properties of N.P.Buu-Hoi' angular benzacridines R. Daudel and F. Zajdela Chemistry , carcinogenicity and metabolism of E.K. Weisburger 5, 333-431 (1958) 2-fluorenamine and related compounds and J.H. Weisburger ADVANCES IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND INSTRUMENTATION This is an annual collection of review articles in English, edited by C.N. Reilley and published by Inter science Publishers, Inc., New York. Title Author Reference Tetraphenylboron (TPB) as an analytical reagent H. Flaschka i, 1-117 (I960) and A. J. Barnard New ideas in organic microanalysis. Part I. W. Schöniger 1, 199-240 (I960) C-H, O, N, halogens, S, and other elements Ε. Η. Swift 1, 293-345 (I960) The analytical chemistry of thioacetamide and F. C. Anson R. F. Goddu 1, 347-424 (I960) Near infra-red spectrophotometry ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH This is an annual collection of review articles, in English. Edited by J. P. Greenstein and A. Haddow, and published by Academic Press, New York. In 1957, 1959 and I960 no volumes appeared. Volxime 6 is scheduled for 1961. Electronic configuration and carcinogenesis C.A. Coulson L, 2-56 (1953) Carcinogenic aminoazo dyes J. A. Miller and i 340-396 (1953) E. C. Miller Chemistry of cytotoxic alkylating agents W. C. J. Ross 1, 397-450 (1953) Reactions of carcinogens with mac rom olecules P. Alexander 2^ 2-71 (1954) Chemical constitution and carcinogenic activity; G.M. Badger 1, 73-128 (1954) Electronic structure and carcinogenic activity; A. Pullman 1, 117-169 (1955) aromatic molecules. New developments and B. Pullman Relation between carcinogenic activity and the A. Lacassagne 4, 316-369 91956) physical and chemical properties of N.P.Buu-Hoi' angular benzacridines R. Daudel and F. Zajdela Chemistry , carcinogenicity and metabolism of E.K. Weisburger 5, 333-431 (1958) 2-fluorenamine and related compounds and J.H. Weisburger ADVANCES IN CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY An annual collection of review articles, in English. Volumes 1 to 4 were edited by W.W. Pigman and M.L. Wolfrom; volumes 5 to 7 by C S. Hudson, M.L. WoLfrom and S.M, Cantor and volume 8 by C.S. Hudson and M.L. Wolf rom. The present editors are M.L. Wolf rom and R.S. Tips on (from volume 9 onwards). Published by Academic Press, New York. Title Author Reference Fischer Cyanohydrin Synthesis and the Configurations C.S. Hudson 1 -36 (1945) of Higher-Carbon Sugars and Alcohols Altrose Group of Substances N.K. Richtmyer Ij 37 -76 (1945) Carbohydrate Orthoesters E. Pacsu 1, 77 -127 (1945) Thio- and Seleno-Sugars A.L. Raymond 1, 129 -145 (1945) The carbohydrate components of the Cardiac Glycosides R.C. Elderfield i. 147 -192 (1945) The chemistry of the nucleic acids R.S. Tipson i, 193 -245 (1945) The fractionation of starch T.J. Schach i. 247 -277 (1945) Preparation and properties of starch esters R.L. Whistler Ij 279 -307 (1945) Cellulose esters of organic acids C.R. Fordyce i, 309 -327 (1945·) Melezitose and turanose C.S. Hudson Zj 1 -36 (1946) Chemistry of anhydro sugars S. Peat Zj 37 -77 (1946) Analogs of ascorbic acid F. Smith ILJ 79 -106 (1946) Synthesis of hexitols and pentitols from unsaturated R. Lespieau 2, 107 -118 (1946) polyhydric alcohols Chemistry of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins M. Stacey 161 -201 (1946) Bacterial polysaccharides T.H. Evans and 203 -233 (1946) H. Hibbert Chemistry of pectic materials E.L. Hirst and 2, 235 -251 (1946) J.K.N. Jones Polyfructosans and difructose cuihydrides E.J. McDonald 2, 253 -277 (1946) Cellulose ethers of industrial significance J.F. Haskins 2, 279 -294 (1946) Historical aspects of Emil Fischer's fundsunnental C.S. Hudson 3j 1 -22 (1948) conventions for writing stereo-formulas in a plane Structure and reactivity of the hydrazone and osazone E.G. V. Percival 3j 23 -44 (1948) derivatives of the sugars Chemistry and configuration of the cyclitols H.G. Fletcher 1, 45 -77 (1948) Jr. Trityl ethers of carbohydrates B. Helferich 1, 79 -111 (1948) Glutose and the unfermentable reducing substances L. Sattler 3, 113 -128 (1948) in cane molasses Halogen oxidation of simple carbohydrates, excluding J.W. Green 3j 129 -184 (1948) the action of periodic acid Molecular constitution of cellulose J. Compton 3j 185 -228 (1948) Polysaccharides of mycobacterium tuberculosis M. Stacey and 3j 311 -336 (1948) P.W. Kent Chemistry of streptomycin R.U. Lemie\ix 3, 337 -384 (1948) and M.L. Wolfrom Structure and configuration of sucrose I. Levi and 4, 1 -35 (1949) C.B. Pur ves Blood group polysaccharides H.G. Bray and 4, 37 -55 (1949) M. Stacey Apiose cuid the glycosides of the parsley plant C.S. Hudson 4, 57 -74 (1949) ADVANCES IN CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY (Contd.) Biochemical reductions at the expense of sugars C. Neuberg 4, 75-117 (1949) Acylated nitriles of aldonic acids and their V. Deulofeu 4, 119-151 (1949) degradation Wood saccharification E.E. Harris 4^ 153-188 (1949) Use of boric acid for the determination of the J. Boeseken 4, 189-210 (1949) configuration of carbohydrates The hexitols and some of their derivatives R. Lohmar and 4, 211-241 (1949) R.M. Goepp Jr. Plant gums and mucilages J.K.N. Jones 4j 243-291 (1949) and F. Smith Applications in the carbohydrate field of reductive H.G. Fletcher 5, 1-28 (1950) desuKurization by Raney nickel Jr. and N.K. Richtmyer Enzymatic synthesis of sucrose and other W.Z. Hassid 5, 29-48 (1950) disaccharides and M. Doudoroff Relative crystallinity of celluloses R.F. Nickerson 5, 103-126 (1950) Methyl ethers of D-glucose E.J. Bourne 5, 145-190 (1950) and S. Peat Anhydrides of the Pentitols and hexitols L.F. Wiggins 5, 191-228 (1950) Xylan R.L. Whistler 5, 269-290 (1950) Methyl ethers of D-galactose D.J. Bell 11-25 (1951) Synthesis of oligosaccharides W. L. Evans 27-81 (1951) D.D. Reynolds and E.A. Talley Formation of fur an compo\inds from hexoses F.H. Newth 6, 83-106 (1951) Cuprammonium-glycoside complexes R.E. Reeves 6, 107-134 (1951) Chemistry of ribose R.W. Jeanloz _6 . 135-174 (1951) and H.G. Fletcher Jr. 2-(Aldo-polyhydroxyalkyl)benz imidazoles N.K. Richtmyer 6, 175-203 (1951) Aconitic acid, a by-product in the manufacture R.E. Miller and Gj 231-249 (1951) of sugar S.M. Cantor Friedel-Crafts cuid grignard processes in the W.A. Bonner 6, 251-289 (1951) carbohydrate series Nitromethane and 2-nitroethanol syntheses J.C. Sowden 6, 291-318 (1951) Methyl ethers of the aldopentoses and of Rhatmnose R.A. Laidlaw χ, 1-36 (1952) and fucose and E.G.V. Percival 1, 6"Anhydrohexofuranoses, a new class of hexosans R.J. Dimler 7, 37-52 (1952) Fructose and its derivatives C P. Barry and X, 53-98 (1952) J. Honeyman Psicose, sorbose and tagatose J.V. Karabinos T, 99-136 (1952) Acetáis and ketals of the tetritols, pentitols and S.A. Barker X, 137-207 (1952) hexitols and E.J. Bourne Glycals B. HeHerich 7^ 209-245 (1952) Chemistry of the 2-amino-sugars (2-amino-2- A.B. Foster X, 247-288 (1952) deoxy-sugars) and M. Stacey Size and shape of some polysaccharide molecules C.T. Greenwood Tj 289-332 (1952) Relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups of J.M. Sugihara 8, 1-44 (1953) carbohydrates W.G. Over end 8 45-105 (1953) Chemistry of the 2-desoxy"sugars and M. Stacey R.S. Tipson 8, 107-215 (1953) Sulfonic esters of carbohydrates ADVANCES IN CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY (Contd.) Methyl ethers of D-mannose G.O. Aspinall 8, 217-230 (1953) Chemical synthesis of D-glucuronic acid C.L. Mehl- 231-249 (1953) tretter D-glucuronic acid in metabolism H.G. Bray 251-275 (1953) The substituted-sucrose structure of melezitose E.J. Hehre 277-290 (1953) Seaweed polysaccharides T. Mori 316-350 (1953) Some implications in carbohydrate ch*emistry of R.U. Lemieux 1-57 (1954) theories relating to the mechanisms of replacement reactions Alkali-sensitive glycosides C.E. Ballon 59-95 (1954) 2-Hydroxyglycals M.G. Blair 97-129 (1954) Methyl ethers of hexuronic acids G. O. Aspinall % 131-148 (1954) Raffinose family of oligosaccharides D. French 149-184 (1954) Conjugates of D-glucuronic acid of animal origin R.S. Teague 186-246 (1954) Color and turbidity of sugar products R.W. Liggett 247-284 (1954) and V. R. Deitz C ar b oxym e thy Ic e llulo s e J.V. Karabinos % 285-302 (1954) and M. Hindert Paper chromatography of carbohydrates and related G.N. Kowkabany 2J 303-353 (1954) compounds Stereochemistry of cyclic derivatives of carbohydrates J. A. Mills 10, 1-53 ( 1955) Column chromatography of sugars and their W.W. Binkley 10. 55-94 (1955) derivatives Gly cosy lamines G.P. Ellis and 10> 95-168 (1955) J. Honeyman The Amadori rearrangement J.E. Hodge 10, 169-205 (1955) Glycosyl halides and their derivatives L.J. Haynes 10, 207-256 (1955) and F.H. Newth Methyl ethers of the aldopentoses and of rhamnose G.G. Maher 10. 257-272 (1955) and fucose Methyl ethers of D-galactose G.G. Maher 10, 273-282 (1955) Polysaccharides associated with wooé cellulose W.J. Polglase 10. 283-333 (1955) Chemistry of heparin A.B. Foster 10. 335-368 (1955) and A.J. Huggard Periodate oxidations of carbohydrates J.M. Bobbitt 11. 1-41 (1956) The OSones S. Bayne and 11. 43-96 (1956) J. A. Fewster Reactions of monosaccharides with beta-ketonic F. Garcia 11. 97-143 (1956) esters and related substances Gonzalez Kojic acid A. Beelik 145-183 (1956) Nucleic acids G.R. Barker 11, 285-333 (1956) Infrared spectra of carbohydrates W.B. Neeley 12, 13-33 (1957) Saccharinic acids J.C. Sowden 12. 35-79 (1957) Zone electrophoresis of carbohydratéfe A.B. Foster 12. 81-115 (1957) Sugar nitrates J. Honeyman 12, 117-135 (1957) and J. W.W. Morgan Benzyl ethers of sugars C M. McCloskey 12, 137-156 (1957) Methyl and phenyl glycosides of the common sugars J. Conchie 12, 157-187 (1957) G.A. Levvy and C. A. Marsh The Schardinger dextrins D. French 12, 189-260 (1957)

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